Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2013 Edition
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Safe Geo Graphic Location Privacy Scheme in the VANETs - Survey Methods and Its Limitation[Full-Text ] Mr. S.A. Khandelwal, Dr. P. M. JawandhiyaVehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are expected to enable a plethora of communication-based automotive applications including diverse in-vehicle infotainment applications and road safety services. Even though vehicles are organized mostly in an ad hoc manner in the network topology, directly applying the existing communication approaches designed for traditional mobile ad hoc networks to large-scale VANET with fast-moving vehicles can be ineffective and inefficient. To achieve success in a vehicular environment, VANET-specific communication solutions are imperative. Via inter-vehicle communications, drivers can be informed of crucial traffic information such as treacherous road conditions and accident sites by communicating with each other and/or with the roadside infrastructure. With better knowledge of traffic conditions, it is plausible that the problem of accidents can be alleviated. However, most of VANET researches focus on message transmission. Vehicle is extremely personal device; therefore, personal information, so-called privacy has to be protected. In proposed work in which analyze identity and location privacy threatening factors, problems, and solutions based on network model. The network model's transparency design goal and protect vehicle's real identity even revealing the vehicle's location. The result of this work could guide a way to design a privacy preserve solution and present a trend of existing solutions.
Formation Characterization and Identification of Potential Hydrocarbon Zone for Titas Gas Field, Bangladesh Using Wireline Log Data[Full-Text ] Md. Mehedi Hasan, Farhana Akter and Pulok Kanti DebFormation characterization is the progression of describing both physical and chemical properties of rocks and fluids they contain with the exploitation of available log data or core data. Petroleum formation is generally heterogeneous in nature. This heterogeneity is captured with different reservoir properties. To identify different properties of Titas Gas Field (well #16), various log data such as Gamma ray log, SP log, Calipar log, Density log, Neutron log, Sonic log, Deep induction resistivity log, Medium induction resistivity log, Spherically focused log etc. from well #16 are used. This paper focuses on different approaches to find diverse properties such as porosity (F), formation water resistivity (Rwf), water saturation (Sw), formation temperature (Tf) and finally the more effective zone for gas production. There are four sand zones (pointed out as B, D, F and H), four shale zones (indicated as A, C, E and G) and four sand mixed with shale zones (specify as I, J, K and L) within depth 2800m - 3557m. The formation temperature gradient (also called Geothermal gradient) was 0.00735o F/m and temperature at depth 3535m was 110o F. The difference between the true resistivity (Rt), resistivity of the invaded zone (Ri) and resistivity of the flushed zone (Rxo) nearly similar for sand zones but formation water resistivity was very low for zone H (3036m - 3186m). The average porosity (combining sonic porosity, neutron porosity and density porosity) of zones B, D, F and H were 25.57%, 26.20%, 23.93% and 20.63% respectively which are responsible for having a potential gas reserve. Considering all the parameters it may conclude that zone H (3036m - 3186m) is more effective zone of gas production.
Contrast and Brightness Enhancement for Low Medical X-Ray Images[Full-Text ] Faisel G. Mohammed, Huda M. Rada, Sega G. MohammedImage enhancement techniques have been widely used in many fields, especially in medical scope, where the subjective quality of images is important for human interpretation (diagnosis). Denoising and contrast enhancement are important factors in any subjective evaluation of image quality. In the recent research work some techniques have been used to enhance medical images in the spatial domain using spatial filter (like, Sobel, Laplacian, and Smoothing). In additional, some logical and arithmetic operators have been used (like, AND, sum, subtract).A Hybrid strategy for image enhancement by combining spatial enhancement with power-law transforms function has been implemented. The effectiveness of this technique was evaluated using tested low medical x-ray images. The assistance criteria such as MAE (mean absolute error), and human visual was tested. The final results show that the suggested method is over tested images.
Coverage and Capacity Enhancement in CDMA systems using Antenna array Over in Ricean Fading Channels[Full-Text ] Eng.: Hassan Elesawy, Dr: Abdalmonem Fouda, Dr: W. Swelam, Prof. Dr. Ismail Mohamed HafezOne of the most promising techniques for increasing capacity in CDMA system is through the use of antenna array. There are a lot of different ways to calculate capacity of CDMA system. Some of them are quite simple and has an explicit form. The paper introduces to the capacity and coverage in asynchronous Code Division Multiple Access CDMA 2000 based system. Different channel scenario is applied; for the AWGN we use 1 and 4 element antenna arrays to calculate the capacity against coverage assuming different path losses. While as for Ricean fading environment we use 1,4,9 and 16 - antenna elements to drive an expression for the signal to Interference plus Noise ratio (SINR) as a function of the number of users (K), number of antennas (Na) and signal to noise ratio levels (SNR). The analytical results will be verified by means of MATHCAD softwear package.
Internet Applications Security Testing: Manual VS Automatic Approach[Full-Text ] Md. Shafiul Alam Chowdhury, Md. Emrul Hasan, Md. Shahadot HossainOver the last few years there has been a significant increase in the use of Web Applications that deal with private information like social security numbers, account numbers, address, credit card numbers and passwords. Due to this increase, malicious hackers are making these web applications their target of attacks. Two approaches are used by different organizations to evaluate the security of their web applications. Some organizations use automated tools for finding vulnerabilities in their web applications while others do it manually by security professionals. In this case study a comprehensive research has been carried out to investigate the results of both manual and automated approaches used for evaluation of web application security. The advantages and disadvantages of each approach are discussed and an attempt is made to suggest the best solution. Our suggested best solution combines the automated tools with the expertise of security professionals. Further we evaluate our suggested solution by developing a state of the art tool as a part of this study. The tool is named "Proxy Security Evaluation Tool" and the results obtained from the tool has been presented and analyzed. Conclusion and suggestions for future studies are also presented at the end.
A Novel Approach for Single Gene Selection Using Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction[Full-Text ] E.N.Sathishkumar, K.Thangavel, T.ChandrasekharWe extend the standard rough set-based approach to deal with huge amounts of numeric attributes versus small amount of available objects. Here, a novel approach of clustering along with dimensionality reduction; Hybrid Fuzzy C Means-Quick Reduct (FCMQR) algorithm is proposed for single gene selection. Gene selection is a process to select genes which are more informative. It is one of the important steps in knowledge discovery. The problem is that all genes are not important in gene expression data. Some of the genes may be redundant, and others may be irrelevant and noisy. In this study, the entire dataset is divided in proper grouping of similar genes by applying Fuzzy C Means (FCM) algorithm. A high class discriminated genes has been selected based on their degree of dependence by applying Quick Reduct algorithm based on Rough Set Theory to all the resultant clusters. Average Correlation Value (ACV) is calculated for the high class discriminated genes. The clusters which have the ACV value a s 1 is determined as significant clusters, whose classification accuracy will be equal or high when comparing to the accuracy of the entire dataset. The proposed algorithm is evaluated using WEKA classifiers and compared. Finally, experimental results related to the leukemia cancer data confirm that our approach is quite promising, though it surely requires further research.
Performance evaluation of a diesel engine fueled with waste cooking oil methyl ester[Full-Text ] Tushar R. Mohod, Rahul S.Tadse, Iftekhar A. Pathan.In this investigation, waste cooking oil methyl ester (WCOME) was prepared by transesterification using potassium hydroxide (KOH) as catalyst and was used in four stroke, single cylinder variable compression ratio type diesel engine. Tests were carried out at a rated speed of 1500 rpm at different loads. Straight vegetable oils pose operational and durability problems when subjected to long term usages in diesel engines. These problems are attributed to high viscosity, low volatility and polyunsaturated character of vegetable oils. The process of transesterification is found to be an effective method of reducing vegetable oil viscosity and eliminating operational and durability problems. The important properties of waste cooking oil methyl ester (WCOME) are compared with diesel fuel. The engine performance was analyzed with different blends of biodiesel and was compared with mineral diesel. It was concluded that the lower blends of biodiesel increased the break thermal efficiency and reduced the fuel consumption. The exhaust gas temperature increased with increasing biodiesel concentration. The results proved that the use of biodiesel (produced from waste cooking oil) in compression ignition engine is a viable alternative to diesel.
Reconfigurable Fault Tolerant Network on Chip (FT-NoC) For Aerospace Applications Using FPGA[Full-Text ] Dr. V.Parthasarathy, D.Satyaraj, A.KarthikeyanThe reliability of the software chip is the essential factor in VLSI design since the chip can be implanted in any embedded circuit varies from simple adder to crucial satellite device. A novel architecture of VLSI chip testing design is proposed and unlike from normal BIST structure this structure ensures the safety of entire aircraft by monitoring the flow of signals around aircraft and controlling various part of the system for better security. The main theme is to tolerate the hardware faults in the processor core of the NoC system functional units and implementation of an application specific configuration topology for the aircraft control system. The proposed NoC system benefits higher reliability, parallelism in wire speed, reconfigurability hardware for real time data processing, and also lowering power consumption. A method of Nios Processor controlled aircraft safety is ensured as a new proposal. Nios processor design has the unique advantage of high accuracy and flexibility over reconfigurable Network on chip applications.
Design Of Cooling Tower[Full-Text ] B Bhavani Sai, I Swathi, K S L Prasanna, K Srinivasa RaoThis paper presents detailed methodology of a Induced draft cooling tower of counter flow type in which its efficiency, effectiveness, characteristics are calculated. The technical data has been taken from a mechanical draft cooling tower. Cooling towers are heat removal devices used to transfer process waste heat to the atmosphere. Cooling towers make use of evaporation whereby some of the water is evaporated into a moving air stream and subsequently discharged into the atmosphere. As a result, the remainder of the water is cooled down significantly.
An Adaptive Web Service based Loosely Coupled Distributed Computing architecture for solving Data Intensive Applications[Full-Text ] Hemalatha Thangaraj, G. Athisha This paper focuses on Web Service based loosely coupled Distributed Computing Environment for Single Program Multiple Data and Multiple Program Multiple Data (SPMD, MPMD) type of applications in network. The Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) is formed by utilizing the underutilized Local Area Network (LAN) workstations in a Campus Network. The DCE is used to solve large problems. In this paper we propose a comprehensive approach to estimate the load of a workstation in order to decide whether the workstation can be a part of DCE to solve computational intensive and data intensive applications. The proposed work is implemented and two different applications are tested.
Enhanced Secured Delegation Based Authentication Protocol for Communication Systems Using Quantum Key Distribution[Full-Text ] Prudhviraj Pallam, K.PalanivelThis article provides an up-to-date survey of secure delegation authentication protocol. Portable devices play a major role in our daily routine life. For portable communication Systems authentication is needed to provide data security and user privacy. A secure delegation based authentication protocol is used to provide authentication, Ellipctical curve cryptography is used for authentication in portable communication systems.It will restricts Denail Of service attacks.Reduces computational cost while authenticating a communication session. User Unlink ability is achievied.In this paper we propose a protocol with the help of quantum cryptography using quantum key distribution mechanism for detecting eavesdropping by the third party.
Performance Evaluation of WINNER-II Channel Model for Long Term Evolution (LTE)[Full-Text ] M.S. Hossain, R. Adhikary, N Yesmin The Third Generation Partnership Program's Long-term Evolution (3GPP LTE) group is developing a new standard for mobile broad-band access that will meet the throughput and coverage requirements beyond third generation cellular technology. The key goals for this evolution are increased data rate, improved spectrum efficiency, improved coverage. To evaluate and ensure the overall performance of LTE technology proper channel model which is WINNER II have been actively studied and considered in the standardization process of next-generation mobile broadband communication system.. This paper focuses the WINNER II channel modeling & evaluates the performance of this model in LTE network. As an outcome, the simulation results from the simulator show that WINNER II technologies can effectively perform better.
Empirical Analysis On Doppler Tolerant Radar Codes[Full-Text ] Syed Sufiyan Ahmed Rafiuddin,Vinay Kumar BhangdiaPulse compression has been used to improve radar resolution. Pulse compression combines the advantage of high energy of a long pulse with the high resolution of a short pulse. The ambiguity function ? (t, f) of a radar signal is a two-dimensional correlation function in terms of delay (t- time shift) and doppler (?- frequency shift). The binary codes like barker code and conventional polyphase pulse compression codes including frank code, p1, p2, p3 and p4 code suffer severe signal loss in performance under doppler environment. Since p2 and p4 codes have the similar Doppler tolerance performance as p1 and p3 codes respectively , we omit these two codes and modulate the transmitted pulse using only frank, p1, p3 and HFM (hyperbolic frequency modulation) polyphase codes . HFM is polyphase pulse compression codes which are conceptually derived from the step appropriation of the face curve of the hyperbolic modulated chirp signal.This paper analysis the radar codes mentioned above for various values of delay and Doppler for better Doppler resolution.
Detection of DNA Polymorphism, Genetic Diversity and Genotype Identification by using Microsatellites in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)[Full-Text ] Aurangzeb Rao, and Syed Dilnawaz Ahmad GerdeziBy means of DNA fingerprinting techniques characterization of germplasm provides a utensil for specific germplasm identification and a quantitative estimate of genetic diversity. In this study, 36 wheat microsatellites (SSR) were used with 30 elite wheat varieties to scrutinize their service (1) in estimating genetic diversity (2) in the identifying genotypes and (3) in detecting DNA polymorphism, among wheat genotypes. The 30 elite varieties of Wheat used in this study originated in Pakistan and has been cultivating since long. A total of 155 alleles were detected at 36 loci using the above microsatellite primer pairs, all the primers amplified 1 locus each. Of the 36 primers amplifying 36 loci, 17 primers and their corresponding 18 loci were assigned to 13 different chromosomes (6 chromosomes of the A genome, 5 chromosomes of the B genome and 2 chromosomes of the D genome). The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 16, with an average of 4.3 alleles per locus. The value of average polymorphic information content (PIC) for these markers was estimated to be 0.55. The dendrogram delineated the above genotypes into two major clusters (I and II), each with two sub clusters (Ia, Ib and IIa, IIb). Using a set of only 12 primer pairs, we were able to distinguish a maximum of 26 of the above 30 wheat genotypes. The weight of total grains per plant was trailed in RCBD design test and it is found that there is great difference among the varieties and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of microsatellite markers.
Aero Mechanics in Ancient Aircraft[Full-Text ] A.B Sibi VargheseResearch of ancient air craft PUSHPAKA VIMANA is my dream. The views about ancient aircraft struck my mind when I read about SETHU SAMUTHIRA project of India. SETHU SAMUTHIRA project is posing a great challenge to India, not only India but to the whole world. Though there are advanced technologies in India we still do not understand the complicated techniques used by our ancestors .so I decided to understand the technology used in the vimana .which was developed before B.C, by reading many Sanskrit books of RAMAYANAM.I got a proof that they used mercury as fuel for the aircraft, and the surprising fact that was revealed was they used gravity neutralization method, but the steps of constructing aircraft were not in the text books. After some calculations I assumed this theory. As years have gone by our country lost many text and details related to the techniques they used in those periods
Novel GP Operator for GP Classification[Full-Text ] Venkatadri M, Hanumat G Sastry, Dr. Lokanatha C ReddyGenetic Programming (GP) is one of the most promising Evolutionary Programming techniques for Data Classification. Despite GP is more expedient for Classification, still it suffers from certain drawbacks due to the lack of efficient GP Operators. Hence, this paper presents the various identified issues of the existing GP Operators and proposes the desirable characteristics for the new GP Operator for efficient Data Classification.
A Review on Image Steganography[Full-Text ] Savita, Mamta Juneja Steganography is a form of information hiding. Today there is a very large demand of applications which require data to be transmitted in a safe and secure manner. Steganography is one of the methods used for the hidden exchange of information and it can be defined as the study of invisible communication that does not attract attention from eavesdroppers and attackers. The main requirements of any steganography system are undetectability, robustness and capacity to hide data. This paper includes the important steganography methods and the main focus is on the review of steganography in digital images. Terms used in the paper are M message, C cover image, Z stego image, Em embedded message, Ex extracted message.
Optical and Electrical Properties of Vaccum Deposited (p)Bi2S3/(n)Bi2O3 Thin Film Heterojunction[Full-Text ] T. Kachari, G. Wary and A. RahmanThin film (p)Bi2S3/(n)Bi2O3 heterojunctions (Nd=3.001x1014cm3; Na=6.688x1015 cm3) have been prepared by vacuum evaporation technique. The junctions exhibited rectifying I-V characteristics and low photovoltaic effect. Different junction-parameters such as ideality factors, built in potential, short-circuit current, open circuit voltage etc. were determined from I-V characteristics of the heterojunction. Temperature variation ideality factors have been found to decrease with the increase of temperature in (308-330)K range. Proper doping, annealing and hydrogenation are necessary to reduce the series resistance so as to achieve high carrier efficiency. More works are being carried out in this direction.
Performance of Heuristic Algorithms in minimizing BER for Robust Turbo Codes[Full-Text ] Suman Kshirsagar & E.NagabhooshanamThe third component introduced in conventional turbo codes in recent days is effective in improving the performance of the code. But under noisy environments the parameters such as permeability and permittivity rates are static and hence their adapatability to noisy environment is poor. To overcome the aforesaid drawback A3D-TC was proposed in our previous paper[29].In our present paper a comparison has been made between two heuristic algorithms viz.,Genetic algorithm and Simulated annealing algorithm. The parameters are made adaptive by generating a knowledge source using both Genetic algorithm and Simulating Annealing algorithm. The source output is fed to the feed forward neural network. The bit error rate at decoding section is tried to minimize in an effective way by the third component parameters generated from the neural network. Under various noisy environments, the experimental results compare the performance of A3D-TC using both Genetic algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm.
Automated Retinal Vessel Segmentation Using Morphological Operation And Threshold[Full-Text ] B.Sindhu, J.B.JeevaAssessment of retinal vessel is an important factor for the many medical disorders. The retinal vessel analysis can be done by first extracting the retinal images from the background. The changes in the retinal vessels due to the pathologies can be easily identified by segmenting the retinal vessels. In this paper we describe the automatic methods for retinal vessel segmentation. Segmentation of retinal vessels is done to identify the early diagnosis of the disease like diabetic retinopathy, hypertensive retinopathy and arteriosclerosis. In this the blood vessel is segmented using morphological operation with the disc shaped structuring element is used. This method is applied on the publicly available DRIVE database.
Performance Evaluation of Ad-hoc Routing Protocols[Full-Text ] M. M. Chandane, S. G. Bhirud, S.V. BondeA wireless ad hoc network is a decentralized wireless network. The network is ad hoc because it does not rely on a preexisting infrastructure, such as routers in wired networks or access points in managed (infrastructure) wireless networks. Instead, each node participates in routing by forwarding data for other nodes, and so the determination of which nodes forward data is made dynamically based on the network connectivity. Routing protocols plays the important role for the resource requirement for routing. Mobility and scalability has become the crucial parameters for today's ad-hoc network.Objective of this paper is to study various ad-hoc routing protocols and evaluate their performance in terms of scalability and mobility using various performance metrics such as packet loss, throughput, and jitter so as to decide the usability of these protocols. The protocols under comparison are Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector Protocol (AODV), Destination Sequence Distance Vector Protocol (DSDV) and Dynamic Source Routing Protocol (DSR). Result shows that AODV performas better than the other two protocols with varying number of nodes and mobility.
A Pattern comparison for Silence Compression in wave file format[Full-Text ] Deepak Upadhyay, Banwari, Deepanshu SharmaThis paper presents a reliable pattern for silence compression in a wave file format. As audio compression reduces the bit rate required to represent an analog audio signal while maintaining the perceive audio quality. As wave file consist of speech and silence, considering noise as a part of speech. A threshold value is calculated for the silence and a reliable pattern for compression in a hexadecimal view. By using this pattern a comparison of compression ratio is done for different silence pattern in different audio wave files. As, by discarding inaudible data reduces the storage, transmission and compute requirements of handling high quality audio file.
Implementation of a Geographic Information System coupled with Spatial statistical analysis For demography and epidemiology[Full-Text ] El Hadj Hayet, Kerboua Ziari Yasmina, Mejden Kherchi HaniaSpatial statistics and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are widely used in various Domains (demography, social and economic data etc.) and serve as decision-making tool. For this purpose, we tried through this work to join an information system into the statistical data relative to the population in Algeria and epidemic of cutaneous leishmaniasis which takes the most important part in terms of incidences of zoonoses in Algeria, to be able to do a statistical and cartographic analysis for data.
Comparison of BER for BPSK & QAM modulation with Alamouti STBC[Full-Text ] Varun Gangwar, Prof. Dinesh ChandraOn comparing the error performance of various space-time block codes(STBC) for the quasi-static Rayleigh fading channels and with different modulation techniques as BPSK,QAM, it is observed that the slope of BER is steepening as Eb/N0 is increased. It is also observed that a higher-order diversity is obtained with a larger number of transmit antennas, that is, steepening the slope of BER curves as the number of transmit antenna increases. From this it is confirms that all space-time block codes achieve the maximum diversity order of NT. The Space-Time Block Coding (STBC) is a MIMO(Multiple input Multiple output) transmit strategy which exploits transmit diversity and high reliability.
An Analytical study of Space Time Block coding techniques for Wireless Networks[Full-Text ] Praveen Kumar Kaithal, Vivek Richhariya, Vineet RichhariyaIn next generation wireless communication, with increase of internet and multimedia applications, the demand of high data rates services is rapidly growing. Space-time wireless technology with uses multiple antennas and with appropriate signaling and receiving techniques offers a high performance powerful tool . The use of multiple antennas in most future wireless communication systems seems to be inevitable. We are trying to provide solutions to some of the challenges in wireless communication by using multiple antennas .By using appropriate Space Time Coding techniques on multiple antennas we can achieve high performance gains in multipath fading wireless links. This paper covers all works done in area of Space Time Block Coding.
Performance Analysis of interline Power Flow Controllers for IEEE-30 Bus with NR Method[Full-Text ] Indresh Kalbhor, Shreyansh JainOne of the latest generation flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) controllers is Interline power flow controllers (IPFC). In general it is connected in multiple power transmission line of a power system networks. In this paper presents power injection model (PIM) of IPFC. This model is incorporated in Newton-Raphson (NR) Power flow algorithm to study the effect of IPFC parameters I n power flow analysis. A program in a MATLAB has been written in order to extend conventional NR algorithm based on this model.
Fungal decolorization of dye water[Full-Text ] T. Marimuthu, S. Rajendran, M.ManivannanThe Study was under taken to assess the decolourisation potential of selected microbial species (fungal) to an actural textile dyeing industry effluent. All the microbes tested namely Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans . polyporus borealis, Pholiota squarrosa, Omphalotus olearius, Armillarria mellea, Pholiota mellea and Trametes vuillosa (fungal) showed greater potential in decolorizing the synthetic dyes. Microbial degradation of textile effluents were critically analysed and discussed. The outcome of the study contributes in taking microbial dye remediation from laboratory to field conditions.
Decolourisation of reactive textile dye effluent by using Bacterial strain[Full-Text ] T. Marimuthu, S. Rajendran,M.ManivannanThe study was investigated the decolorization potentials of certan selected microbial species (bacterial) to an actual textile dyeing industry effluent. All the microbes tested namely (bacterial) Bacillus sp, pseudomonas sp, Acineto bacter, Legionella and Staphylococcus (bacterial) showed greater potential in decolorizing the dye effluent. Bacterial decolorization of textile effluents were critically analysed and discussed. Bioremediation is an option that offers the possibility to destroy harmless various pollutants using natural biological activity.
Multism development of unauthorized cell-phone signal detector for multiple users[Full-Text ] Lawal W. and Ogunti E.OThe use of mobile phones (GSM) by all categories, classes and ages of people has become widespread. While this is laudable, the abuse of this technology has however been on the high side in recent times. People often tend to forget and sometimes deliberately use their phones in unauthorized places such as examination halls, correctional facilities (prisons and cells), religious places (mosques), banking halls, and confidential meetings. The micro- miniaturization of these devices increases the risk to exploit and misuse this technology for diabolical and illegal purposes. For example, cell phones hidden in a meeting room, or on a person, allows a competitor to listen in or record illegally vital protected information. In hospital settings, Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), due to the presence or use of cell phones near sensitive electronic equipment may cause important patient-care equipment to fail to perform properly, putting patients at risk. The use of mobile phones as aids for cheating in examinations has somewhat become a menace in Nigeria. Consequently, a very real need exists today for individuals, businesses, institutions and the government to take measures to detect and identify the unauthorized use of cell-phones within the bounds of any controlled premise. In this work, attempt is made to provide a mechanism to forestall adverse consequences of unauthorized usage of cell phones in public buildings. Multism 11.0 version was used as appropriate CAD tool for the development of a phone signal detector for multiple users. Any cell phone activity such as making or receiving calls, sending or receiving SMS will be detected within the range of 5.8m.
A Band Notched Ultrawideband Antenna[Full-Text ] Prajakta Umbarkar, Prof. R.P.LabadeThis paper presents the design of Microstrip line feed rectangular-cut ultra wideband (UWB) antenna with notchedband characteristic. The antenna has been designed on a FR4 substrate with dielectric constant Er = 4.4, loss tangent (tan d) =0.002 The antenna has been optimized to exhibit UWB characteristics from frequency range 3.1GHz-12 GHz except the notched-band frequency 5.2 GHz to 5.8 GHz. The radiation pattern of this antenna is nearly omni-directional in H-plane and bidirectional in E-plane. The effect of various design parameters on notched characteristics have also been analyzed using CAD Feko 6.1 simulator using MoM[14]. The simulated results are in good agreement with FCC standards showing VSWR <2 throughout the band 3.1GHz to 12GHz, except the notched-band. This antenna can be easily integrated with microwave circuitry and useful for UWB applications.
Anonymization: A Method To Protect Sensitive Data In Cloud[Full-Text ] Asst.Prof.Ms. Apeksha Sakhare, Ms. Swati GanarCloud computing is a model that enables Convenient and Ondemand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources where millions of users share an infrastructure. Privacy and Security are significant obstacle that is preventing the extensive adoption of the public cloud in the Industry. Researchers have developed privacy models such as k-anonymity, l-diversity, t-closeness. However, even though these privacy models are applied, an attacker may still be able to access some confidential data if same sensitive labels are used by a group of nodes. Publishing data about individuals without revealing sensitive information about them is an important problem. Data Anonymization is a method that makes data worthless to anyone except the owner of the data. It is one of the methods for transforming the data that it prevents identification of key information from an unauthorized person. Data can also be anonymized by using techniques such as, Hashing, Hiding, Permutation, Shifting, Truncation, Prefix-preserving, Enumeration, etc. We survey the existing methods of anonymization to protect sensitive information stored in cloud.