Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2013 Edition
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Effect of Carrier frequency on THD in Closed Loop Control of 5-Level Multi-level Inverter fed 3 phase Induction Motor Drive[Full-Text ] M.V.Subramanyam, S.Mani. Kuchibhatla, P.V.N. PrasadThe main aim of this paper is to analyze the response of five level diode clamped Multilevel Inverter fed three phase Induction Motor drive with closed loop control. The Carrier frequency is varied to analyze its effect on current and voltage in terms of Total Harmonic Distortion. The closed loop control has two loops, inner current loop and outer speed loop .The controller used is PI Controller in both loops .The modulation Technique used is Sinusoidal Pulse Width modulation control (SPWM). The circuit is simulated using MATLAB/SIMULINK
Research progress in biological treatment technology of oily sludge[Full-Text ] Luhua Shao, Lingyun Cai, Tie Guo,Li xia Zhou,Guobin Liu, Shuangchun YangOily sludge is a mixture of the water, the oil and the mud, from oil exploration, transportation, refining process. In this paper, the research status and development of oil sludge biological treatment technology were introduced, including composting method, bioreactor mathod, bioaugmentation process, biological land tillage method, phytoremediation, and so on. All these methods were compared, before the future research suggestion were presented.
Stochastic Petri Net Modeling of Biosynthesis of Tetracycline[Full-Text ] Neena Shrivastava, Reena Dwivedi, Divya Sharma, Goshali Dwivedi, Dr. R PrasadSystem biology is a rapidly developing discipline which utilizes mathematical and computer science techniques to analyze and interpret biological models. In this paper we use Petri nets to model and validate the biosynthesis of tetracycline pathways as described in KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) representation. The biosynthesis pathway of tetracycline is transformed into Petri net model and the resulting network has been validated employing p-invariance and t-invariance properties of Petri net. The Stoichiometric matrix generated in the Petri net modeling has been used to compute the change of state of the system after every reaction and time evolution of the reaction has been simulated using Gillespie's exact stochastic simulation algorithm. The plots generated during simulation explain the nature of reaction satisfactorily.
Noise Cancellation by Linear Adaptive Filter based on efficient RLS Lattice Algorithm[Full-Text ] Kumar Shashi Kant, Amit PrakashThis RLS Lattice algorithm is developed by using vector space treatment with the introduction of the Forgetting Factor such that it offers fast convergence and good error performance in the presence of noise. A linear Adaptive filter using this algorithm is developed which is having advantage that we can directly add the next stage to the existing filter without changing the previous filter coefficients to obtain the higher order filter. An audio signal with Gauss white noise is simulated in noise cancellation system on the MATLAB platform. This algorithm has very less computational complexity since it does not include any inverse matrix calculation and is highly efficient. The experimental results demonstrate the importance of using the newly updated iterations for the sensitivity of the noise estimation algorithm performance by using the forgetting factor in the algorithm.
Multimode Automatic Image Inpainting[Full-Text ] Shyni ShajahanImage Inpainting is the art of filling in missing data in an image. The purpose of inpainting is to rebuild missing regions in a visually conceivable manner so that it seems reasonable to the human eye. There have been several methods proposed for the same. In this paper, an algorithm that improves and extends a previously proposed algorithm and provides faster inpainting. Using this method, one can inpaint large regions (e.g. remove an object etc.) as well as recuperate small portions (e.g. restore a photograph by removing crashes etc.). The inpainting is based on the exemplar based method. The basic idea behind this method is to find areas from the image and replace the lost data with it. This technique can be used in renovating old photographs. It can also eliminat eoverlaid script like dates, subtitles etc.; or entire objects from the image like microphones or wires to produce special effects and obtained good quality results quickly using this method.
Case study on smart wearable sensors and systems with application in rehabilitation[Full-Text ] R.SoniyapriyadarshiniAnalysis using wearable sensors is an inexpensive, convenient, and efficient manner of providing useful information for multiple health-related applications. As a clinical tool applied in the rehabilitation and diagnosis of medical conditions and sport activities, gait analysis using wearable sensors shows great prospects. The paper reviews available wearable sensors and ambulatory gait analysis methods based on the various wearable sensors. After an introduction of the gait phases, the principles and features of wearable sensors used in gait analysis are provided. The case study on wearable sensors and systems summarize recent developments in the field of wearable sensors and systems that are relevant to the field of rehabilitation. The growing body of work focused on the application of wearable technology to monitor older adults and subjects with chronic conditions in the home and community settings justifies the emphasis clinical applications of wearable technology currently undergoing assessment rather than describing the development of new wearable sensors and systems. A short description of key enabling technologies (i.e. sensor technology, communication technology, and data analysis techniques) that have allowed researchers to implement wearable systems is followed by a detailed description of major areas of application of wearable technology. Applications described here include those that focus on health and wellness, safety, home rehabilitation, assessment of treatment efficacy, and early detection of disorders. The integration of wearable and ambient sensors is discussed in the context of achieving home monitoring of older adults and subjects with chronic conditions.
Survey on Various Techniques for Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Jahnvi S. KapadiaCloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. W ith its ability to provide users dynamically scalable, shared resources over the Internet and avoid large upfront fixed costs, cloud computing h as recently emerged as a promising hosting platform that performs an intelligent usage of a collection of services, applications, information and infrastructure comprised of pools of computer, network, information and storage resources. However along with these advantage s, storing a large amount of data including critical information on the cloud motivates highly skilled hackers thus creating a need for the security to be considered as one of the top issues while considering Cloud Computing. This survey paper aims to analyze various data storage security methods.
Near Field Communication for an Interactive World[Full-Text ] Rohith Sane, Siva Subramanyam.S, Dayakar.MThis paper explains about the Near Field Communication Technology .Near Field Communication (NFC) is wireless communication technology to communicate with other NFC enabled devices with just one touch. In smartphones NFC created sensational things such as less time complexity for connection between the NFC enabled devices and data transfer rate is so high. NFC is just like Bluetooth and works better than that. In smartphone market NFC is like hot cake in present mobility field. It works within the range of 20cm or less. This paper gives the best option for the users who like to use wireless technology with NFC tags. The main advantage of this technology is, NFC enabled devices can work even when the devices is in switch off mode. NFC poster is one of the posters which provides the users with the elicit feature like interacting with the NFC tags which are hidden behind the poster and the count of tags may depend on the type of poster we are using. This experience will enable the user that he/she is living in an interactive world.
Structural, Electrical & Dielectrical properties of ZnCaTiO3[Full-Text ] K.S.R.Chandrasekhar Rao, M.Maddaiah,N.Ramakrishnaiah and T.Subba RaoZinc calcium titanate pellets were prepared by solid state reaction method and studied its structural, electrical and dielectrical properties. ZnCaTiO3 Pellets of 2.37mm size were prepared at an annealing temperature of 900?C under pressures of 12 tons for the analysis. The density was determined as 4.608 at room temperature 36?C with Xylene relative comparison. The Lattice parameters a=b=c=9.215A?.The sample has a rhombohedral in space group R-3 (148) at room temperature. The Particle size was determined as 0.74µm from the XRD of the sample. The grain size of the particle was found to be 0.25µm by the SEM Profile of the pellets. The Seebeck coefficient (S) values are determined at 350K,450K and 550K are 706µV/K, 556µV/K, and 560 µV/K and Charge carrier densities were 4.44E15, 1.27E15 and 1.59E15 respectively. The Activation energies are calculated as 1.44, 1.03 and 1.92 eV at 350K, 550K and 750K respectively. The dielectric constant (K) investigated and calculated for 10KHz, 1MHz and 10MHz are 11.2, 5.6 and 14.4 and dielectric losses (tan?) 0.433, 0.953 and 0.520 at 450K.These parameters are suitable for the construction of resonators, filters and other key components in microwave communications.
Trips And The Impact On Plant Variety Protection In India[Full-Text ] Mrs. Archana KPlant variety protection relates to intellectual property rights over plant varieties which guarantee rights-holders exclusive commercial rights for a specific period of time. Article 27 (3)(b) of the TRIPS Agreement, compulsorily mandates that every member-state of the WTO must introduce such protection through domestic legislation by certain set time frames. These rights are one form of IPR being aggressively imposed on developing countries and laws relating to plant variety protection are threatening as industrial patents on biodiversity. From a legal perspective, the protection of plant varieties in India remains an issue which is far from settled even though the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act was adopted in 2001 in compliance with the TRIPS Agreement.
Utilization Of Red Soil Bentonite Mixes As Clay Liner Materials[Full-Text ] Prof. P.V.V.Satyanarayana, Harshitha.A. , Sowmya PriyankaLarge quantities of Red soils are locally available in and around Vishakhapatnam are coarse grained soils. To meet the requirements of a good liner material like clayey soils, improvement of such soils are needed to function as a liner material. Stabilization is one such method with additives, here bentonite was chosen as an additive and various geotechnical test programme has conducted on Bentonite - Red soil mixes. From the test results it is identified that 15% dosage of Bentonite satisfies the hydraulic conductivity and other functions as a liner material.
An Advanced Way of Controlling and Monitoring Train Parameters Using Multi-channel Sensor Technology[Full-Text ] V.Sujith Sai KrishnaThe main objective of this proposal is to automate control and communication systems of the train using Multi-channel Sensor Technology. This method will overcome the difficulties faced by the existing methods such as detecting cracks at rails, monitoring distance between rails, compartments monitoring, fire and smoke monitoring, fire and smoke monitoring in compartments and controlling of motors, transformers, pantograph etc, by manual operations. As Wireless Sensor Node (WSN) and high energy laser based ultrasonic approach are available in the recent techniques, Train Automation (TA) can be resourcefully done for managing train parameters and monitoring any abnormal conditions in real-time without delays and accidents. To speed up the operations, all received data will be quickly processed by Multi-channel sensors with help of Multi-core Embedded Software. From the point of view of energy efficient, train automation is an interesting approach to the challenges of traffic fluidity control, energy efficient driving, regenerative braking and managing power consumption in electric devices in train.To reduce human errors and get the fast response.
Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicle- Indian Transport Sector Perspective [Full-Text ] Vaibhav Aaradhi, Ketaki GaidhaniThe major problem facing the Indian transportation and power sector is the increasing prices of the fossil fuels. The increasing fuel prices have a direct impact upon the Indian economy. As fossil fuels prices climbs higher, the search for alternative modes of transportation is needed. Pluggable hybrids are proving to be a complete new way to store and consume mass amounts of energy from the Indian power grid. This paper focuses on the importance of use of pluggable hybrids in India and infrastructure requirements for the same. This paper shall also discuss the challenges for implementation of pluggable hybrids in India. The paper shall help to provide an insight upon an effective launch in the Indian subcontinent.
Analysis of Identical Parallel System with Failure followed by Inspection Policy using Discrete Distribution[Full-Text ] Jasdev Bhatti, Ashok K Chitkara, Mohit KakkarIn this paper two identical operative parallel units are analyzed probabilistically using regenerative point techniques. A single repair facility is available for repair of failed unit after being followed by inspection policy.The distribution of failure; inspection and repair time are taken as discrete distribution. Various important measures of system reliability like mean time to system failure (MTSF), steady state availability, profit function and busy period of repairman and inspection are obtained. The profit function and MTSF has been verified by plotting graphs.
Study on Thermal Properties of Liquid Crystal Ternary Mixtures[Full-Text ] Rita A.Gharde, Jyoti R. Amare, Santosh A. ManiWe studied the mixtures of Cholesteric Liquid crystal at various concentrations. Thermotropic liquid crystal occurs at definite phase transition temperature. In this paper we used the mixtures of Cholesteryl pelargonate, Cholesteryl Chloride and Cholesteryl oleate. In our mixture, new Phase Transition temperature and mesophases have been detected. Characterisations were carried out on Polarising Microscopic Study (PMS), Fabry perot scattering studies (FPSS). Fabry perot scattering studies is a multiple beam instrument capable of extremely high resolution designed which yields bright fringes on a wide dark background. The diameters of the ring were measured at the various temperatures. Temperatures measured by remote sensing IR thermometer. It is observed the Phase transition which occur at a known temperature were shifted the transition range, with increase in the concentration. This Phase transition temperature (PTTs) will confirm by PMS study. Also we are finding the absorption and transmission peaks by Fourier Transform Infra-red Spectroscopy (FTIR) method. By Fourier Transform Infra-red Spectroscopy the compound shows structural changes in mixtures due to addition of Cholesteryl Chloride. It is used in display application such as LCD monitor with colour Variation and so many others.
Fingerprint based locking system[Full-Text ] Ajinkya KawaleFingerprint recognition technology allows access to only those whose fingerprints that are pre stored in the memory. Stored fingerprints are retained even in the event of complete power failure or battery drain. These eliminates the need for keeping track of keys or remembering a combination password, or PIN. It can only be opened when an authorized user is present, since there are no keys or combinations to be copied or stolen, or locks that can be picked. The fingerprint based lock therefore provides a wonderful solution to conventionally encountered inconveniences. This report focuses on the use of fingerprints to unlock locks, as opposed to the established method of using keys.
'Education for ICT' to 'ICT for Education' A Case Study of North East African Schools[Full-Text ] Dr.Mungamuru Nirmala, Teklay Tesfazghi, Sreedhar Appalabatla, Kaliyaperumal KarthikeyanIt has been established that information is a key factor for any development process. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have increasingly become indispensable tools for development over the past few decades. Positive effects of ICTs have continually been noted in business, production, education, politics, governance, culture and other aspects of human life. In higher education, ICTs have great influence in teaching, learning, research and other scholarly and professional activities through improved communication and access to information. This review synthesizes the literature on uses of information and communications technology (ICT) in primary and secondary schools in North East Africa. It focuses on the role of ICT in improving the quality of learning and teaching in schools with reference to technologies appropriate for this context, and on the supporting and constraining factors. Key stakeholders and agents of change in ICT integration are identified, including national policymakers, school leaders and academics. The impact of prominent past and current international and local initiatives to use ICT in widening access and participation, and in improving quality of teaching and learning in schools is assessed. Pedagogical, social, logistical and technical issues arising as we move on to characterize local needs and the facilitating factors and constraints on technology use, in this developing context are explored. Teacher factors influencing classroom ICT use, impacts of teacher training and continuing professional development and teacher beliefs about ICT and cultures of teaching are focused. A review of implications for further development of educational uses of ICT is done and some suggestions for future research and professional development initiatives are suggested.
Smart Sensors and Wireless Technology for Scrutinizing Civil Infrastructure[Full-Text ] Jyoti Singh, Gargi Gupta, Niharika, Amit Kumar, Vandana Tomar and Pavan KumarAs the human civilization is growing day by day, the nations are making huge investments in infrastructure and its provision or service ability. Now a days, it becomes very important to monitor the conditions or serviceability of these civil infrastructure in time due to everyday abrasion caused by nature calamities, physical or chemical actions. For this purpose structural health monitoring has been taken into consideration for endowment of information about the situation of civil structures, but estimation of the structural condition or state is quite a challenging task. While the research & work on structural health monitoring is still going on, a smart sensor offers new opportunities for structural health monitoring. To realize structural health monitoring, employing smart sensor system needs to be designed considering both the characteristic of smart sensor & the structure to be monitored. This paper present an idea about smart sensor, their generation and how these to be employed and controlled in the structural health monitoring.
Air Pollution Measuring System with Mobile Sensor Arrays[Full-Text ] Aruljothi.R Environmental air pollution has significant influence on the concentration of constituents in the atmosphere leading to effects like global warming and acid rains. To avoid such adverse imbalances in the nature, an air pollution measuring system is utmost important. The traditional air quality monitoring system, controlled by the Pollution Control Department, is extremely expensive. Analytical measuring equipment is costly, time and power consuming, and can seldom be used for air quality reporting in real time. Wireless Sensor Networks are a new and very challenging research field for embedded system design automation, as their design must enforce stringent constraints in terms of power and cost. This paper attempts to develop an effective solution for pollution measuring using wireless sensor networks (WSN).The gas sensors are integrated with the ARM controller and location tracer GPS in User terminal. Other parameters like temperature are also sensed along with gas pollutant to enable data analysis through data aggregation techniques. Experimentation carried out using the developed air pollution measuring system under different physical conditions show that the system collects reliable source of fine-grain pollution data along with location of mobile vehicle. The system collects pollution data using mobile hardware modules, transmits the data regularly using GSM MODEM to a back-end server, and integrates the data to generate a pollution frame with geographical location and send to handheld devices of the user.
Mapping of groundwater vulnerability zones to pollution in various hydrogeological environments of Côte d'Ivoire by DRASTIC method[Full-Text ] Kan Jean Kouame, Jean Patrice Jourda , Mahaman Bachir Saley, Serges Kouakou Deh, Abenan Tawa Anani and Jean BiemiThis study is a synthesis of the work realized by the Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis Applied to Hydrogeology Laboratory (LATASAH) of the Félix Houphouët-Boigny University of Cocody-Abidjan, concerning the degree of groundwater vulnerability in Côte d'Ivoire. The aimed objective is to elaborate protection tools of groundwater against pollution in various hydrogeological environments. This study uses DRASTIC method. It was realized in Abidjan District (sedimentary environment) and in Korhogo department (crystalline environment). The integration and the overlay of the hydrogeological factors, by running the functionalities of the GIS ArcView, allowed calculating DRASTIC index. A classification of these vulnerabilities index leads to the maps of groundwater vulnerability to pollution. It emerges from the map of Abidjan vulnerability that the degrees of vulnerability are concentrated between moderate and high (88.37%) with 47.33% for the moderate class and 41.04% for the highest. In Korhogo department, the vulnerability map is also dominated by moderate and high vulnerability classes (88%) with 64% for the moderate class and 24% for the highest. These two vulnerability maps were validated by an overlapping of the highest vulnerabilities zones to the zones of high values of nitrate.
Research progress in glycerin fatty acid ester emulsifier[Full-Text ] BAO Chengwei, An Shulin, Wang Wenli, WANG Fei, YANG Shuangchun, PAN YiEmulsifier is a stabilizing agent of the emulsion and a kind of surfactant. Food industry commonly uses emulsifier glycerol fatty acid esters of monoglycerides. This paper introduces the characteristics of three glycerin fatty acid ester emulsifier function, synthesis methods and application situation. Moreover, based on these details, some suggestions of the future development are indicated.
Cookies - Invading Our Privacy for Marketing, Advertising and Security Issues[Full-Text ] Sowmyan JegatheesanPrivacy has been a major concern for everybody over the internet. Governments across the globe have given their views on how the internet space can be managed effectively so that there is some control on the flow of confidential information and privacy to users and as well as to data is achieved. Taking advantage of the lack of one unified body that could govern the online space with its strict and stringent rules certain websites use the text files called cookies in collecting data from users and using them for marketing them in advertisements networks and third party websites with the help of JavaScript and flash technologies. Even before many of us think what is happening around us in the online usage we are being invaded by the cookies and are targeted with their specific information that could tempt us to buy a product or service to which we were longing for in the recent past. Though it may be argued it's a kind of marketing strategy to give the customer what he wants but it can no way be something like the user is just being targeted because he has already shown interest in something and he should be disturbed until he gets hold of something. It's purely a security breach as most of the websites don't ask permission for the usage of cookies and setting them into the user's browser and the most important thing is no privacy statement is issued that the information is used for targeted marketing. This analysis paper has views from different sources, an example of such an activity that is a potential security breach and various other information of what these sites do to use the deadly cookies for commercial tricks.
Prediction Based Object Recovery Using Bayesian Iterative Estimation[Full-Text ] S.Pavalarajan, A.Vincent Antony KumarThere have been many researches carried out on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) in recent years because of its wide applications. Object tracking is one of the most common requirements in WSN applications. Object tracking is mainly used to track certain objects in its detection area and to report their location to the application users via base station, periodically. Prediction based tracking schemes has been followed here to achieve reductions in energy dissipation from the sensor nodes. Efficient detection and location estimation of the missing object are significant requirements of an Object Tracking in WSN. In this paper, the research is concerned with the problem of coordinate calculation of sensor nodes and objects to recover the missing objects in location estimation process, regardless of the specific estimation methods. In order to achieve significant reductions in energy dissipation, we propose Atomic Multilatertion, Collaborative Location Estimation and also we propose Iterative Bayesian Estimation Method to minimize location errors. The simulation results show that Bayesian estimation achieves good performance and it outperforms atomic multilatertion and collaborative location estimation in terms of energy efficiency and location errors.
Eco-tourism Of Sundarban In Gangetic Delta[Full-Text ] Biplab Das, Dr.Aditya BandyopadhyayEco-tourism is extraordinary that in a country as beautiful in Sundarban, tourism has not yet been targeted as a way to make money for a nation that is desperate need of funds. Tourism, or more accurately 'eco-tourism', could be a way of exploiting the Sundarbans to create funds for its preservation. According to Mr. Aminul Islam, an environmental specialist at UNDP, "if proper ecotourism is promoted in the Sundarbans, then conservation will come naturally." It is important to first understand what eco-tourism is. Eco-tourism can be defined as "responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people. Cultural landscapes are areas of exceptional beauty, containing superlative natural phenomena and are of ecological importance. At present cultural landscapes and wetlands are the most spectacular global issues for economic growth and balancing of ecosystems. The Sundarbans has an outstanding universal value where the cultural landscape was shared by the indigenous pastoral society over thousand years ago and it is still visible. The site is representing significant ongoing ecological and biological processes in the evolution and development of mangrove ecosystems and communities of plants and animals.
Horizontal Heat exchanger based SK 14 Parabolic solar cooker for off-place cooking[Full-Text ] V.V.S. Murty and Anuradha GuptaBox type and Parabolic Solar Cooker (PSC) became more popular for the cooking at low and high temperatures. Parabolic concentrator type Solar Cooker has a wide range of applications for making chapattis, baking of food material and for distillation due to its unique property of producing a practically higher temperature of nearly 300°C. But cooking with PSC is inconvenient to the user due to its high amount of glare. The main objective of the present study is to design and use a Horizontal Heat Transfer Fluid (HTF) column as heat exchanger unit and to evaluate the thermal performance of a horizontal cylindrical heat exchanger unit assisted PSC. Experiments were conducted for cooking of food on a normal day. Results show that horizontal cylindrical heat exchanger unit can be used for off-place cooking. Optimization of the system design parameters is under investigation.
Evaluating temperature and precipitation variability over Gujarat, India from 1957-2007[Full-Text ] Aparna Rathore* and Yogesh T JasraiThe anthropogenic activities like industrialization, power production, deforestation, land use changes have all resulted into emissions of excess amounts of the greenhouse gases mainly carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), water vapour which have disturbed the normal energy balance of the Earth resulting into Enhanced greenhouse effect. This has caused the global mean temperature to rise by about 0.7°C and it is predicted that it will increase by 2-5°C by the year 2100. The rainfall has become more variable and the extreme events like cyclones, tsunamis, droughts, floods, heat and cold waves etc have also increased. All such climatic variability has a direct or indirect impact on the ecosystem involving plants, animals and humans. Climate change is likely to impact all the natural ecosystems as well as socio-economic systems. Climatic variability in terms of changes in temperature and precipitation pattern and their extremity pose a threat to the ecosystem and its services and therefore should be analysed in the past and present scenario to predict the future climate. In this paper past 50 years data of all IMD observatories in Gujarat state of India as obtained from IMD, Pune has been analyzed. The moving averages of maximum temperature during summer season and minimum temperature during winter season have been analysed and a significant increasing trend has been observed. The mean maximum temperature has been found to increase by 0.1°C and the mean maximum temperature has increased by 0.4°C over the past 50 years. Similarly the rainfall has also registered an increase in the past 50 years.
Kiran Effect: The Practical case[Full-Text ] Kiran Sreedhar R The article is an extension of the work published in the International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research under the name "KIRAN EFFECT" in February 2013 issue. The article "KIRAN EFFECT" was an ideal case while this article presents before the world a practical case of "Kiran Effect". "Alternate versions of reality" is what this article deals with. It explains a phenomenon by which alternate versions of reality can be experienced. ". It is obtained by taking a third frame of reference inside the second frame such that there is no relative motion between the first and the third frame. This article like "Kiran Effect" acts as a bridge between Relativity and Quantum physics.
Effect Of Mixing Water Temperature And Oil Concentration On The Rheological Properties Of Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata) Slurry.[Full-Text ] Ekwu, F.C. Okorie, P. A. and Iheukwumere, L. N.Cowpea (vigna unguiculata) flour was mixed with potable water at 70, 80 and 90 0C and 24, 28 and 28 ml of soybean oil to form a dispersion of 10% (w/v). The rheological properties of the slurry were studied using digital display viscometer (model NDJ-8S) at constant time interval with increasing shear rate of 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 S-1. The flow of the dispersions was characterized by pseudoplastic behaviour (0.317
Design and simulation of an Off-Grid Wind-Solar-Diesel Hybrid Power System in Kutubdia, Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Sham Datto*, Md. Harun Or Roshid, Asma-Ul-Husna, Mafin Muntasir RahmanThis paper presents the Design and simulation of an off-grid wind-solar-diesel hybrid power system in kutubdia, Bangladesh. Wind and solar energies are the alternative energy sources that can be used to supplement the conventional energy sources particularly in Bangladesh. Homer simulation software is used to analyze the wind-solar-diesel hybrid system, local wind speed and solar radiation in kutubdia and estimated electric load in kutubdia is used. Per unit cost of energy and environmental effects like Carbon emission, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides are also analyzed.
Miniaturized Planar Inverted F Antenna for Tri-Band Bio-Telemetry Communications[Full-Text ] M. Krishna Kumar, S. Rajkumar, J. Joe PaulA tri-band miniaturized Planar Inverted F Antenna (PIFA) design for bio-telemetry communications is investigated in this work. This smaller antenna effectively covers the three bands namely the Medical Implant Communications Service (MICS) band, the Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) band and a third band which is devoted to make the implanted device to work as and when required. The operating frequency ranges of the three bands are chosen as 402 MHz (MICS band), 2.45 GHz (ISM band) and 433 MHz (third band). Inorder to achieve size reduction of the antenna meandered configuration, high dielectric constant, grooving slots and layer stacking methods are being used. It is shown that the antenna has compact size of 25.4 mm (10 mm by 10 mm) on a whole. Experimental results shows that a bandwidth of 5 MHz is obtained when the antenna operates in the MICS band, when the antenna proposed operates in ISM band it obtained 100 MHz bandwidth and it showed 18 MHz bandwidth while operating in the third band (433 MHz). It is found that the efficiency of the PIFA proposed at each bands are 71.33%, 81.61% and 73.7% respectively.
Comparison analysis between IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n[Full-Text ] Puja Sharma, R.K.Chaurasiya, Anuj Saxena802.11 refers to a family of specifications developed by the IEEE for wireless LAN technology. IEEE accepted the specification for 802.11 in 1997. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) has become popular in the home due to ease of installation, and the increasing popularity of laptop computers. WLAN is based on IEEE 802.11 standard and is also known as Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) [1]. The task groups within the 802.11 working group have produced few extensions to the original specifications. The products of these extensions are named after the task group and the original specification for example, 802.11b is an extension developed by the task group b. The most popular extensions of 802.11 specifications are 802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g and 802.11n. This article represents the major differences between various 802.11 standards, their operation, interoperability, and deployment constraints.
Output ripple analysis of solar powered PWM Z-Source DC-DC converter[Full-Text ] Ms.LAKSHMI.K.S , Mr.K.SEKARMaximum power point trackers (MPPTs) play a crucial role in photovoltaic (PV) system. They increase the efficiency of the solar photovoltaic system by increasing the output power. MPPT algorithms are vital in photovoltaic systems because these arrays have a non linear voltage-current characteristic with a unique point where the power produced is maximum. The power output from the solar panel mainly depends upon various factors like solar irradiance, temperature and so on. To harvest the maximum power output from the solar panel, it is necessary to operate the photovoltaic (PV) system at the maximum power point (MPP).This paper presents the Matlab/Simulink arrangement of perturb& observe (P&O),a classification of MPPT algorithm which is responsible for driving the dc-dc boost converter to track maximum power point (MPP).This paper also presents the theoretical analysis of z-source converter which helps to overcome the disadvantages of traditional current and voltage source converters.
Implementation Of Smart Grids In Substation[Full-Text ] S.Benisha, Vijay Anand, Vijay Kumar Mirdha, Abhishek KumarSubstations play a major role in distributing power to the end users. In case of shortage of current production from the source area (Thermal station), Substations are unable to supply the required power to the end users, which results in severe voltage drops. To avoid this we have designed a project in which Substations will be equipped with Hybrid Power (Windmill + Solar Panel). The Battery will be completely charged with the help of this hybrid power. In case of any voltage drop in substations it will be automatically detected and informed to the Substation Head's mobile phone. Substation Head can automatically turn on the hybrid power by initiating an emergency call from his mobile, which will turn on the hybrid power , so that the voltage drop will be normalized within seconds. The necessary enabling wireless Technologies, Various mechanisms and algorithms for the optimal demand management in smart grids using these wireless technologies are also reviewed.
Analysis of Advance Motion Detection for Visual Surveillance System by Adaptive Background[Full-Text ] Suryakant Kaiwart, Anil Kumar MishraDetection of motion is the first essential process in the extraction of information in moving objects and makes use of stabilization in functional areas, such as tracking, classification, recognition, and so on. In this paper, we propose an approach to motion detection for the automatic visual surveillance system. Our method achieves complete detection of moving objects by involving three significant proposed modules: a background modeling module, a trigger module and an object extraction module. For our proposed first module, a unique two-phase background matching procedure is performed using rapid matching followed by accurate matching in order to produce optimum background pixels for the background model. Next, our proposed trigger module eliminates the unnecessary examination of the entire background region, allowing the subsequent third module to only process blocks containing moving objects. Finally, we get a moving object with subtracted background.
Cell Search and Uplink Synchronization in LTE[Full-Text ] Buvaneswaran R, Srikanth SIn LTE User Equipment (UE) must be able to do cell search, initial synchronization and random access procedure for downlink and uplink access. To perform cell search, and initial synchronization, two synchronization signals, Primary Synchronization Signal (PSS) and Secondary Synchronization Signal (SSS), are periodically transmitted from the base station in the LTE system. Using these two signals and making use of the properties of Zadoff-Chu (ZC) and Pseudo-Noise (PN) sequence, the mobile unit will determine on which of the available cell sites it should lock into and it acquires time and frequency synchronization. After UE will do random access procedure using Physical Random Access Channel (PRACH). An appropriate design of PRACH preamble is essential to provide frequent enough random access opportunities and an accurate UE synchronization estimation to adapt to different cell ranges and network conditions without using unnecessary resources. This paper presents the complete LTE access procedure and more about PRACH implementation and detection. Then the performance of the PRACH synchronization procedure under different parameter settings is compared in a typical scenario of LTE.
A Secured Cost Effective Multi-Cloud Storage in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Prof.V.N.Dhawas,Pranali Juikar,Neha Patekar,Neha Lendghar,Sushant VartakThe term "Cloud" is analogical to "Internet".Cloud computing is Internet based computing where virtual shared servers provide software,infrastructure,platform,devices and other resources and hosting to customers on a pay-as-you-use basis.Cloud data storage redefines the security issues targeted on customer's outsourced data.From a customer's point of view relying upon a solo Service Provider for his outsourced data is not very promising.In addition,providing better privacy as well as ensuring data availability,can be achieve by dividing the user's data block into data pieces and distributing them among the available Service Providers in such a way that no less than a threshold number of Service Providers can take part in successful retrieval of the whole data block.In this paper,we propose a secured cost-effectivemulti-cloud storage(SCMCS)model in cloud computing which holds an economical distribution of data among the available Service Providers in the market,to provide customers with data availability as well as secure storage.
Sweep generation for FMCW radar applications.[Full-Text ] Benita Russel, Prof.Savitha Bhosale.Especially for the long distance Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave(FMCW) radar applications, the non linear frequency sweep due to the Voltage Controlled Oscillators (VCO) results in range resolution degradation. Open loop control solutions like Voltage Pre-Distortion method are not adequate for the applications like FMCW Radar Altimeter because of the noisy and non-stationary structure of the system due to the environmental conditions. In these situations closed loop control systems like Phase Lock Loop (PLL) provide more sufficient results. In this research; a PLL structure is implemented on an Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) by a Direct Digital Synthesizer(DDS) as the Reference Signal Generator, an improved Phase Frequency Detector as Phase Detector and Kalman Filter as the Loop Filter. For design verification and analysis, FPGA -In the Loop (FIL) simulations are generated by the use of Math works Simulink.
Mechanical And Thermal Behavior of Novolac Reinforced With Nano - Hydroxy Apatite[Full-Text ] N.Pugazhenthi, D.Mohanraj, D.Shivalingappa, K.Sivakumar, K.SureshIn this report, a novolac polymer matrix was synthesized and melt blended with nano-hydroxyapatite in order to quantify their effect on thermal and mechanical behaviour of the resulting polymer composites. In this, complete preparation of nanocomposite were discussed. Here novolac resins are epoxidised through the phenolic hydroxyl groups by treatment with epichlorohydrin. Nanocomposites were mixed with hexamethylenetetramine (HMTA) which was used as curing agent. The composites were shaped through compression moulding machine according to the ASTM std. The morphological characters were found through the synthesized powder using SEM and XRD analysis. Thermal stability was characterized using TGA. The mechanical properties like tensile strength, hardness were discussed for the composite.
Application of Wavelet Transform to measure the voltage sag in Power line[Full-Text ] Azaz Beg, S.DebdasIn this work, a new voltage sag detection method based on wavelet transform is developed. Voltage sag detection algorithms, so far have proved their efficiency and computational ability .Using several techniques take long computational times for disturbance detection. Due to increasing power quality standards new high performance disturbance detection algorithms are necessary to obtain high power quality standards. For this purpose the wavelet technique is used for detecting starting and ending points of voltage sags by energy coefficient. This technique is very useful and important to know the disturbance zone of the voltage, so that we can monitor the voltage sags occurs in the particular area with there begining and ending points. The developed voltage sag detection algorithm is implemented with a high speed MATLAB results shows that the new approach provides very accurate and satisfactory voltage sag detection.
Li-Fi (Light fidelity)-LED Based Alternative[Full-Text ] N.Navyatha, T.M.Prathyusha, V.Roja, M.MounikaWith the vast growing gadgets, their usage and their developments led to the advancement in the Wi-Fi which provides a technology so called Li-Fi.Li-Fi is a technology that makes use of LED light which helps in the transmission of data much more faster and flexible than data that can be transmitted through Wi-Fi.Light reaches nearly everywhere so communication can also go along with light freely. Light Fidelity is a branch of optical wireless communication which is an emerging technology. By using visible light as transmission medium, Li-Fi provides wireless indoor communication. The bit rate achieved by Li-Fi cannot be achieved by Wi-Fi.. Dr herald Haas ,the professor of mobile communications at the university of Edinburgh school of engineering ,first time publically displayed the proof of Light Fidelity(Li-Fi) ,a method of Visible Light communication(VLC). Li-Fi is the transfer of data through light by taking fiber out of fiber optics and sending data through LED light.
Color Image Denoising Using Clustering[Full-Text ] Dharshini.S, Sivaranjani.SImage processing is any form of signal processing for which the input is an image, such as a photograph or video frame; the output of image processing may be either an image or a set of characteristics or parameters related to the image. Image denoising refers to the recovery of a digital image that has been contaminated by additive white Gaussian noise. In Existing a patch-based Wiener filter that exploits patch redundancy for image denoising. It uses both geometrically and photo metrically similar patches to estimate the different filter parameters. And these parameters can be accurately estimated directly from the input noisy image. So the grayscale denoising method can be applied to denoising the color images through such transformations. However such color-space conversions corrupt the noise characteristics. In this proposed system denoising in the RGB color space is performed using K-Means clustering technique. A locally optimal Wiener-filter-based method and have extended it to take advantage of patch redundancy to improve the denoising performance.
Efficient algorithm for Brain Tumor Segmentation with minimal user interaction[Full-Text ] R.Umarani, T.VijayanandhManual segmentation of brain tumor by doctors is a time consuming task. Therefore, several automatic segmentation algorithms have been developed. Major problem in brain tumor segmentation is to detect the presence of tumors in MR images of the brain and to segment the abnormal pixels from normal pixels. In this paper, the objective is to provide a quick and efficient algorithm for segmentation of solid brain tumors with minimal user interaction to help clinicians and researchers in radiosurgery planning and assessment of the response to the radiotherapy. For this purpose, Cellular Automata(CA) algorithm is presented to effort the initial seed selection and Region of interest(ROI). First, Shortest path problem is solved by combining graph based approach with cellular Automata approach for segmentation. CA algorithm consists of local transition rules which has to be altered in order to find the absolute solution for shortest path problem. For handling the heterogeneous tumor types, a spatially-varying parameter is used and to provide smoothness, a level-set surface is applied over the tumor probability map obtained from CA Transition states. Further, Necrotic region is distinguished from enhanced tumor content with the help of re-examined CA algorithm which can be performed by proper selection of transition rule. Performance comparison is carried out by a measure called Dice Overlap with respect to its sensitivity, robustness and efficiency.
Message Security And Intergrity Maintainence Using Fuzzy Logic And Secret Sharing[Full-Text ] Anurag Mohapatra,Madhabananda sahoo, Ashis Kumar MishraSending information from one point to another is called data communication. Today the security is the main issue in data communication. Encryption can provide a fine solution for it. The encryption algorithm is the mathematical procedure for performing encryption on data. A key is used to cipher a message and to decipher it back to the original message. The implementation of these algorithms can be very intricate. After conducting a research on currently using encryption algorithms, we have identified that all these algorithms only concern about security.With the fast evolution of digital data exchange, security information becomes much important in data storage and transmission. Due to the increasing use of long route data transmission in industrial process, it is essential to protect the confidential data from unauthorized access. In this paper, we analyze the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), and we add some modification so as to provide enhanced security along with maintaining data integrity. Here we use Fuzzy Logic along with Secret Sharing Concept so as to provide finer and enhanced way of security and data integrity maintenance.
Reliability Analysis Of Two Dissimilar Parallel Unit Oil Delivering System With Preventive Maintenance And Correlated Life Time[Full-Text ] Mohit Kakkar,Ashok Chitkara,Jasdev BhattiIn this paper we study a two dissimilar parallel unit oil delivering system with preventive maintenance of both units with one repairman under the assumption that each unit is as good as new after the preventive maintenance and repair. System will fail when both the units fails totally. Failure and Repair times of each unit are assumed to be correlated. Using regenerative point technique various reliability characteristics are obtained which are useful to system designers and industrial managers. MTSF and the profit functions are studied graphically
PAPR Reduction Based on Precoding Techniques with Companding in OFDM Systems[Full-Text ] Jaspreet Virdi ,Asst.Professor Surjeet KumarOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a technique which is used in modern wireless communication systems because of high data rate and high frequency spectral efficiency. The high Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) of the transmitted signals is an important problem in any OFDM system. The high peaks decrease the high power amplifier (HPA) efficiency in OFDM transmitter and hence overall performance of the system. In this paper, we review and analysis some pre-coding techniques, called Zadoff-Chu Transform (ZCT) and Walash-Hadamard transform (WHT) with the µ-law companding to reduce the PAPR of the OFDM signals. Simulation results show that this technique have better PAPR gain than conventional OFDM.
e-Governance in Higher Education: A Case Study of IGNOU, New Delhi[Full-Text ] Harshita Bhatnagar,Dr R S P SinghIn the year 2015, IGNOU will complete three decades of its successful existence in providing higher education in India to students for whom education was a distant dream because of lack of resources such as nearby colleges/ universities, high cost of higher education, unavailability of books and resources, unavailability of teachers and so on.To achieve this commendable feat, over the years IGNOU has evolved its administrative and governance systems. This university is the best example of distance education in South Asia region. It is in fact the largest Open University in the world currently enrolling more than 4 million students in 43 countries offering 490 certificate, diploma, degree and doctoral programmes, with a strength of nearly 420 faculty members and academic staff at the headquarters and regional centres.This case study presents the e-governance systems already in use at IGNOU for delivering various student support services online. IGNOU not only offers many services to students online but also uses many software applications for increasing the efficiency of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system. Somesystems are worth mentioning such as Online admission form submission,online examination form submission, online admission/ registration/ assignment for partner Institutions, online student grievance redressalhandling and response, Web-enabled Student Registration & Records Management System, ODL soft, NODLINET/e-resources, IGNOU Wiki, ERP system for administration of staff and so on.This paper traces the adoption and improvement brought about by e-governance in IGNOU over the last 27 years. Methodology used has been a combination of interviews with Faculty and Staff members of Computer division(CD),Student Registeration Division (SRD),Student Evaluation Division (SED),Regional Service division(RSD),Staff Training and research Institute of distance education(STRIDE),Student Service Centre(SSC), Planning and development division(P&DD), Academic coordination division (ACD) and Finance Division(F&D) of IGNOUand going through several published papers and books on IGNOU model of education.Further, the emphasis of the study is to find what other areas can be brought under the e-governance system in higher education institutes(HEIs).
High-Speed 64-Bit Binary Comparator using Three Different Logic Styles[Full-Text ] Anjuli (Student Member IEEE), Satyajit AnandHigh-speed 64-bit binary comparator using three different logic styles is proposed in this brief. Comparison is most basic arithmetic operation that determines if one number is greater than, equal to, or less than the other number. Comparator is most fundamental component that performs comparison operation. This brief presents comparison of modified and existing 64-bit binary comparator designs concentrating on delay. Means some modifications have been done in existing 64-bit binary comparator design to improve the speed of the circuit. Comparison between modified and existing 64-bit binary comparator designs is calculated by simulation that is performed at 90nm technology in Tanner EDA Tool.
Optimizing a 3G Cellular Wireless Network using Forward Error Correction[Full-Text ] Etebong B. Isong & Dr. U.F.EzeThis paper presents Forward Error Control as a technique for controlling errors in packet transmission to guarantee maximum throughput in a 3G cellular wireless network. Packet Error Probability model without Forward Error Control (FEC) depicts the probability of error rate for the existing system. Then the Packet Error Probabilities (PEP) for both systems, that is (with and without Forward Error Control) are simulated and their performance compared.The effect of Signal-to-Interference and Noise Ratio (SINR) on the throughput at fixed channel capacity intervals and the effect of throughput on fixed SINR are also simulated. The results are simulated and shown using the Matlab.
Effect of Ramp-Cavity Injector in Supersonic Combustion[Full-Text ] R. Mohamed Arif, S. SangeethaA computational analysis has been carried out in a Scramjet engine combustor with the multiple ramp-cavity injectors which will enhance the fuel air mixing in a short flow residence time for both cold flow and reacting flows. Inclined injection of hydrogen is used for the combustion analysis. The analysis includes: 1. Study and analysis of multi cavity effect in flame holding enhancement at supersonic flows by cold flow. 2. Reacting flow analysis of multi ramp-cavity injectors with different fuel injection angels in the scramjet combustor. It is observed that the ramp-cavity injector in supersonic combustor helps to lift the fuel away from wall and enhances the mixing and flame holding capabilities in supersonic combustion which was identified by the increment in combustor exit temperature and combustion efficiency. The roles of the cavity, ramp, injection angle, and heat release in determining the flow dynamics are examined systematically. The contour of Temperature and pressure explains the extent of combustion taking place in this case.
Parametric Optimization of Turning Operation using Cryogenically Treated and Un-Treated High Speed Steel Tool[Full-Text ] Lakhwinder Pal Singh, Jagtar SinghHigh-speed steel (HSS) tools are the most commonly used tools in small and medium-scale industry. Cryogenic treatment can be used to enhance the tool life. Studies on cryogenically treated (CT) cutting tools show micro structural changes in the material that can influence the life of the tools significantly. This paper primarily reports performance of CT HSS tools as compared to untreated (UT) HSS tools. The results show that CT HSS tools exhibit better performance based on power consumed by lathe machine in turning operation using CT HSS and UT HSS tools. The microstructure has been found more refined and uniformly distributed after cryogenic treatment of HSS tool. Taguchi L25 orthogonal array was considered for conducting the experimentation and Analysis of variance (ANOVA) used for data analysis. Three parameters such as cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut at different levels were considered in the study. Optimum machining parameters in both the cases (CT HSS and UT HSS tools) are higher cutting speed (75.7 m/min.), higher feed rate (0.35 mm/rev.) and medium depth of cut (0.40 to 0.45 mm). ANOVA results shows that in case of CT HSS tool, feed rate is the most significant parameter followed by cutting speed and in case of UT HSS tool, cutting speed is the most significant parameter followed by the feed rate. It has been observed based on the comparison of total power consumed by the lathe machine that performance of CT HSS tools is better than that of UT HSS tools.
Green Computing: E-waste management through recycling[Full-Text ] Ayesha Anam, Anjum SyedGreen computing is the study and practice of using computing resources efficiently and eco-friendly. The goals are that is reduce the use of hazardous materials, maximize energy efficiency during the product's lifetime, and promote recyclability or biodegradability of defunct products and factory waste. In recent years, companies in the computer industry have come to realize that going green is in their best interest, both in terms of public relations and reduced costs. This paper presents at several green initiatives currently under way in the computer industry, as well as issues that have been raised regarding these initiatives and presents a study about the green computing and e waste recycling process. Ultimately green computing focuses on ways in reducing overall environmental impact, its main purpose is to find and promote new ways of reducing pollution, discovering alternative technologies, and creating more recyclable products.
Fabrication and study of Jet Impingement Heat Exchanger in a Stirling Refrigerator using CFD[Full-Text ] K Mohan kumar, A Rama Krishna, G Raghavendra, C Raghuveer ReddyRefrigerators operating based on the Stirling cycle are the most efficient heat pumps. They offer the possibility of using some environmentally-friendly working fluids such as water, air, or helium, thus avoiding the environmental damage. Three different fluids were employed as the working fluid. The tested fluids were water and a nanofluid which consisted of dispersed silica particles with a volume fraction of 20 and 40%. The unique heat exchanger with two inlets and a single outlet was implemented on the cold side of the Stirling cooler. On the experimental side, the nozzle diameter size of 4, 6 and 8 mm is taken for comparison. For the sake of repeatability, the experiments were conducted 5 times and the temperature values obtained from each location were averaged among the five tests. The flow cases were simulated using commercial CFD software.
Evaluator and Comparator : Document Summary Generation based on Quantitative and Qualitative Metrics for International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research[Full-Text ] Roma V J, M S Bewoor, S H PatilThe increased use of World Wide Web has overloaded the internet with huge amount of information. The information available on the internet is unstructured. To retrieve relevant and significant information manually from the World Wide Web becomes difficult process for the end user. This problem can be resolved by using query specific document summarization. Document summarization is the process of condensing the input document into shorter or abstract version by preserving its original content and semantics of the given document .The various clustering techniques can be used for document summarization. The proposed system will get input as one query and retrieve all the documents relevant to query and on these documents different clustering techniques will be used for summary generation. The quality of summary generated from various clustering techniques will be compared by using various metrics such as Compression Ratio, Retention Ratio, Recall and Precision.
Performance Analysis of Communication System with Convolutional Coding over Fading Channel[Full-Text ] Mamta Arora, Hardeep KaurMultipath fading is a major problem of the wireless communication channel. To eliminate this fading problem and to have reliable communications in wireless channel, channel coding techniques are used. In this paper BER (bit error rate) performance is shown, by the means of Rayleigh and Rician multipath fading channels. Here the convolution encoding is used. The performance of convolution encoded binary phase shift keying (coded BPSK) and viterbi decoding is investigated. The performance of coded signal is better than uncoded signal. In this paper, how much improvement in BER is there when convolution code is employed for Rayleigh and Rician fading channel. Simulation results are shown graphically.
Design Approach for VANET Routing Using Real Time Vehicular Traffic Information[Full-Text ] Avinash Thakur, Manoranjan Kumar, Piyush Khapli, Rajan Kumar Yadav, Saket Mankar and Uma NagarajIn order to meet performance goals, it is widely agreed that Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) must rely heavily on Vehicle to Vehicle communication (V2VC), Vehicle to Infrastructure communication (V2IC) and Infrastructure to Vehicle communication (I2VC). The vehicles are to be taken as node and they are having the sensors and switches. Driver using the keypad can allow access to transmit the data to base station from the node. In the same way driver can press buttons depending on the situation and the message (traffic jam, emergency, accident) is transmitted to others and hence this can help and assist the drivers in the process. The system is required to transmit real time data accurately in the intelligent transportation system. In our approach ZigBee is used as wireless technology which has an important impact on the future development of information technology because of its low cost, low power consumption, automatic network protocol flexibility and convenient applications and by using this, traffic problems can be communicated to all other drives in that vicinity.
Atmospheric Delay Estimation and Modeling for Precise GPS Positioning[Full-Text ] Shaik GowsuddinTo Estimate the Atmospheric delay using Ionospheric delay and Tropospheric delay, and modeling the Atmospheric delay from the Ranging equation to get the accurate Global Positioning System (GPS) positioning for Indian Institute of Science (IISC) site, Bangalore, Karnataka, India which is located at Lat/Long: 13.050/77.570 for 6:00 hour Epoch of 1st August 2012.
Data Hiding Based on Spatial Domain Concept (R, G, B Planes & Gray Images)[Full-Text ] Dosa Naga Sudha, Shamanthula ManojData hiding is the technique of embedding data in an image and retrieval of the data with lossless reconstruction of original im age. In this paper, we present data hiding scheme based on histogram modification.This technique is based on differences of adj-acent pixels for embedding data and has more hiding capacity compared to existing methods.We exploit a binary tree structure to solve the problem of communicating pairs of peak points. Here, a histogram shifting technique is applied in order to prevent overflow and underflow problems of the pixels. Color image is divided into three planes i.e., r, g, b. In each plane data is embedded. Large amount of data is embedded by using this type of algorithm. The performance of the algorithm has been evaluated with hiding capacity (data bits) and peak signal to noise ratio (db) of the reconstruction as the parameters.
Lean, six sigma and lean six sigma Overview[Full-Text ] Ahmed MousaLean is an approach that seeks to improve flow in the value stream and eliminate waste. It's about doing things quickly. Six Sigma uses a powerful framework (DMAIC) and statistical tools to uncover root causes to understand and reduce variation. It's about doing things right (defect free).A combination of both provides an over-arching improvement philosophy that incorporates powerful data-driven tools to solve problems and create rapid transformational improvement at lower cost.
Lean six sigma Model[Full-Text ] Ahmed MousaLean is an approach that seeks to improve flow in the value stream and eliminate waste. It's about doing things quickly. Six Sigma uses a powerful framework (DMAIC) and statistical tools to uncover root causes to understand and reduce variation. It's about doing things right (defect free).A combination of both provides an over-arching improvement philosophy that incorporates powerful data-driven tools to solve problems and create rapid transformational improvement at lower cost.
Analysis of friction factor by employing the ring compression test under different lubricants[Full-Text ] E. Rajesh, M. SivaPrakashThe technology advancement has envisaged going for near net shape of the produces. Also, near net shapes formed are again cold upset for obtaining a final shape of the Product. This work deals with an experimental, theoretical and analytical determination of friction factor 'm' for Solid aluminium Cylinders under different lubricating conditions. The aluminium ring having a standard ratio specified by the Male and Cockcroft (6:3:2) with a dimension of Outer diameter: inner diameter: Height, 42:21:14 is prepared to carry the ring compression test, to determine the friction factor between the interface of the work piece and die. Different lubrication conditions are applied such as zinc stearate, molybdenum disulphide, graphite powder and in dry condition. The friction factor is sensitive to contact between the specimens and die. When the lubricant applied, the aluminium ring dimensions are change. The change in dimension, outer diameter, internal diameter, and reduction in height, using the standard calibration curve available for friction conditions by Male and Cockcroft is used to determine the friction factor of material. Aluminium specimen is applied by the load. Deformations take place, the dimensions of specimen changes. Substituting the initial undeformed geometries and the changes in the dimensions in following equations Give the value of the friction factor.[Ettouney and stelson, 1990: Male and depierre, 1970: avitzur, 1986] the friction factor is determined. When the lubricants are applied on aluminium ring under ring compression test. The load applied to the ring during ring compression test is insensitive to friction condition.
Development of Knowledge Base in Expert System using Dempster's Rule of Combination[Full-Text ] Ihsan Sarita, Sri Hartati and Retantyo WardoyoExpert system has been used in many fields such as medicine, agriculture, forestry, public health, economics etc. Expert system represent the expert to provide advice to the user so that no longer need to meet directly with an expert. Knowledge base is the most important and decisive part in expert system. Errors in the knowledge base would result in an incorrect conclusion. However, due to time and budget constraints, an expert will be difficult to gain knowledge from a variety of sources including research then the information derived from the public can be an important source of knowledge for expert system. In this paper we purpose a model for development of a knowledge base in an expert system by combining expert knowledge and information or evidence from the public (tacit knowledge) that expected an expert system that is always factual. The combination of evidence using Dempster's rule of combination.
Identification of groundwater potential zones using Geoinformatics in upper Bhima basin, Pune, Maharashtra, India[Full-Text ] Shivaji Govind Patil, Dr. Nitin Mahadeo Mohite, Dr. Manoj KhareGroundwater is one of the most precious natural resources on the earth due to which all human activities sustains. All the social and economic progress of any region depends, not merely but mostly, on availability of water. The scarcity of water affects the environmental and developmental activities of a region. Continuous failure of monsoon, increasing water demand and over expoiltation of water leads to depletion of groundwater level. This problem could be sorted out, to certain exent, by identifying groundwater potential zones so as to distribute the water demand load evenly for maximum proper utilization of available water resource in that region.Present study is toposheets, satellite imagery and other collateral data are used for knowledge based ranking from1 to 3 depending on their suitability to hold groundwater and their weightages are calculated. Using overly analysis tool in ArcGIS software, all thematic maps are integrated to produce a composite groundwater potential zones map for the study area. This map was further classified into three categories which represents poor to good groundwater potential zones. The study reveals that valley is the geomorphology feature with good potential for groundwater occurrence alongwith burried Pediplain, followed by Pediplain for moderate potential zone. The structural hills and butte due to high slope and absence of primary porosity lies in the poor potential zones.
Effects of Image Retrieval from Image Database using Linear Kernel and Hellinger Kernel Mapping of SVM[Full-Text ] Swathi Rao GIn this paper basically we have compared the efficiency of image retrieval using the most efficient type of classifiers i.e. Support Vector Machine (SVM) with linear kernel mapping and the Hellinger kernel mapping applied to various classes of images and also varied representation of the corresponding image classes using Matlab R2009a.The results obtained from simulation show that Hellinger kernel mapping yields improved performance as compared to the linear kernel mapping. The database consists of a collection of images of different classes whose feature vectors are calculated using Dense Scale Invariant Feature transform (SIFT) and are quantized to visual words whose frequency is recorded in a histogram for each spatial tile of the image. Then the resultant feature vectors are used to train both the linear kernel and Hellinger kernel for different class of images and varied representation of them. The resulting precision and recall graphs and Average Precision (AP) gives us the performance efficiency of various classes of images with varied representation and the classifier mapping used. It is observed from the graphs and AP values that efficiency of the system is increased with Hellinger kernel given more positive images are contained in the database.
A Review of Ontological-based Pattern Mining Techniques[Full-Text ] Charushila Kadu, Praveen Bhanodia, Pritesh JainIn this paper, we present an overview of existing text mining methodologies. All these methodologies are described more or less on is much more their own. Text mining is a very popular and computationally expensive task. We also explain the fundamentals of text mining. We describe today's approaches for text mining. From the broad variety of efficient algorithms that have been developed we will compare the most important ones. We will systematize the algorithms and analyze their performance based on both their run time performance and theoretical considerations. Their strengths and weaknesses are also investigated. It turns out that the behavior of the algorithms similar as to be expected.
Advanced Communication For Industrial Monitoring And Control System[Full-Text ] Uppala N S Ram Sudheer, Y.Madhavi LathaThe industrial monitoring system using wireless technology is a primeconcern in some industries. There are several approaches to Wireless Network for Industrial Applications nowadays. In this paper, we have tried to increase the security standards by combining new design techniques to wireless industrial monitoring and controlling system. The personal computer based wireless network for industrial application using Zigbee can be adopted at micro and macro Industries. Here Microcontrollers, Temperature Sensor, Gas Sensor, Power and Voltage Sensor, Intruder Sensor, Zero crossing detector, Voltage regulators are used. The whole system is controlled by the Personal Computer through Visual Basics GUI (Graphical User Interface).The GUI is developed based on application by the user. All the processor and controllers are interconnected to personal computer through Zigbee. The Personal Computer will continuously monitor all the Data from remote processing unit and compare with value preloaded process structure. If any error is found the personal computer takes necessary action. The Zigbee connected to the personal computer acts as full function device and is used to send and receive data from other nodes and used to control the speed of DC motor. GSM will be used to send a warning to the author/user.
Performance Evaluation of Nozzle Type Improved Wood Cook Stove[Full-Text ] I. F. Okafor and G.O. UnachukwuThis work highlighted on the health and environmental implications of relying on biomass fuel as the source of domestic fuel for cooking over 3-stone open fires and other inefficiency cook stoves. It also highlighted on the previous efforts to develop improved domestic cook stoves and briefly discussed the methods for evaluating the performance of the cook stoves. It conducted water boiling test to evaluate the performance of the nozzle type cook stove to compare its performance with the 3-stone open fires, which it was designed to replace. The results showed that this stove performed better in terms of thermal efficiency, cooking duration and specific fuel consumption. The tests also showed that its burning rate was 0.40kg/hr and handled fuel more efficiently and economically than the open fire, which the burning rate was 0.89kg/hr. The thermal efficiency of this stove was 34.0%, while that of the open fire was 9.5%. The amount of heat dissipated into the cooking environment by the nozzle stove was calculated to be 12.20kJ which was quite minimal compared to the 3-stone open fire which 82% of the heat energy is dissipated into the cooking environment. The annual thermal energy saving by this stove is estimated to be 53.57TJ, while its emission reduction is 26.42tCO2equivalent per year.
Enhancement Of Resource Pricing And Provisioning Scheme In Commercial Clouds[Full-Text ] D. Poornima, Ms. K.GandhimathiCloud environment provides computational resources and data sources for the remote task execution process. Hardware, software and information are provided in cloud environment. Amazon and Elastic cloud computing (EC2) are the leading commercial cloud resource providers. Pricing schemes are used in commercial clouds. Resources are provided with reference to the time period details using the resource contracts made by the cloud brokers. The resource provider uses the Optimal Cloud Resource Provisioning (OCRP) algorithm for resource optimization. The OCRP algorithm can provision computing resources for being used in multiple provisioning stages. The demand and price uncertainty is considered in OCRP. Deterministic equivalent formulation, sample-average approximation and Benders decomposition models are applied with OCRP. The Optimal Cloud Resource Provisioning (OCRP) model is improved with dynamic pricing model with resource allocation process. The supply / demand criteria are integrated with the OCRP. The pricing scheme is included with penalty and incentive models. Scenario reduction techniques are applied to reduce the number of scenarios.
Ciprofloxacin induced body weight and Serum Biochemical changes in rats and Anti-oxidant vitamin A, C and E as rescue agents[Full-Text ] Dr. K.M.Priyadharshini., Dr.G.VanithakumariCiprofloxacin is a 4 quinolone approved by the food and drug administration (FDA) in 1987 in oral formulation. This drug is indicated for the management of acute uncomplicated cystitis or uncomplicated pyelonephritis caused by E.coli and complicated Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) caused by a variety of pathogens (Schaeffer, 2002). In a series of tests evaluating the safety of ciprofloxacin in children, serum fluoride levels increased after 12 hours in 79% of the children, on day 7 and 24 hour urinary fluoride excretion was higher in 88.9% of children observed (Pradhan, 1995). The emergency of this "Antibiotic resistance" is a result of the over whelming use of antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine. High rates of fluroquinolone resistance have been reported in many countries (Cambau and Goodmann, 1993 and Denis and Moreau, 1993; Coronado et al., 1995; Banerjee et al., 1996). Mutations was correlated with resistance to quinolones (Cambau et al., , 1994; Holf. 1994 and Alangaden et al.,). Since this fluroquinolone is used for prolonged periods it will be worth while to study its effect on serum biochemical changes in order to assess its toxic nature, if any, and the study is an attempt to investigate in detail of total soluble proteins, of Blood Glucose, serum glutamate oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) and Serum GlutamatePyruvic Transaminase (SGPT) also serve the purpose. To find out the level of the drug dosage at which it show its harmful / beneficial effects in the organs, two different doses were selected in accordance with the body weight of the experimental animal. The drug effects to the physiological system were found out by weighing the body weight of the animal. To verify if any rescue agents minimize / maximize the drug effect three excellent antioxidants vitamins, C, and E were given to animals of separate groups. To learn the recovery of the drug effect withdrawal group was maintained for each dose and durations. To observe the difference in drug effect for a short course and a long course, two different experimental periods were charted as short duration (7 days) and long duration (30 days). A control group was maintained to study the difference, variations and level of impact made by the drug in different experimental groups of rat. Ciprofloxacin alone and in co-administration with vitamin supplementations did not cause any marked changes in the body weight of rats at their dose and durational dependent administration. A dose dependent variations in serum biochemical parameters were seen after ciprofloxacin administration. Ciprofloxacin administration, though had no significant effect on the transaminases, protein and glucose in the short duration study it had significant effect when the drug was administered for a long duration.
Cellular Automata:[Full-Text ] Jyoti Chaturvedi, GursaranCellular automaton is the problem solving approach that works on simple rules to give solution in effective way. In this approach a cellular model is built for the problem space, several rules are implemented to predict the state of the system at some time instance. Cellular automata deals with only local information of the system cell and provides an excellent platform to solve complex problems. This paper provides a brief introduction to cellular automata (CA), its basic ingredients and application of CA in cryptography.]
Multi-cluster Object Filtering Using Laplacian Based Markov Random Field[Full-Text ] K.Suseela, Dr.Samson Ravindran, Dr. H. Lilly BeaulahIn image processing, data transformation and representation is an important aspect to be considered. The data transformation and representation is possible only if the clarity of the image is high. Several techniques have been presented earlier to perform high dimensional data representation in image processing. Previous work presented a technique for multi-clustering process to identify and evaluate the higher and lower dimensional values of the clustered objects in the clustered centre to estimate the object similarity of the given image derived from datasets. The downside of the previous work is that the cluster purity is less because of the evaluation of dimensional values. To enhance the efficiency of multi-cluster objects for a given image, in this work, we implement a Laplacian optimized Markov Random Field for aggregation of optimal subspace. At first, a Laplacian filter is used to filter the image by enhancing the edge detection process and smoothing the image without any noise and enhances the linear features of the image. Laplacian filter separates the thin layers of the area and determines the differences of each pixel accurately. Then, Markov random field model is used for image segmentation process after the image has filtered. Using Markov Random Field, the filtered image is segmented based on optimized value. The optimized valued for each cluster is computed based on the average cluster values. Then the object aggregation is done possibly with optimal subspace efficiently. Experimental evaluation is made with bench mark real data set obtained from UCI Repositories to estimate the performance of the proposed multi-cluster object filtering using laplacian optimized Markov Random Filed [MFLOMRF] in terms of Filtering efficiency, effectiveness of cluster, Memory consumption.
On The Double Prior Selection For The Parameter Of Maxwell Distribution[Full-Text ] R.K.RADHA, Dr. P.VEKATESANThe Maxwell distribution plays an important role in physics, chemistry and other allied sciences. This paper provides a comparison of double informative priors which are assumed for an unknown parameter of Maxwell distribution usually, we use one informative prior to incorporate that prior knowledge and ignoring the other information. So to include two different kind of information in the analysis, two different priors have been selected for a single unknown parameter of Maxwell distribution. Here we have assumed generalized uniform-inverted gamma distribution as double priors.
Effects Of Sugarcane Bagasse Fiber Reinforced Concrete With The Replacement Of Cement By Silica Fume [Full-Text ] Dr.k.Mahendran, Sruthi.k.chandranThis study is to investigate the effects of sugarcane bagasse fiber reinforced concrete along with the replacement of cement by silica fume at various proportions (5%, 10%, 15%). This experiment is started by the preparation of sugarcane bagasse fiber having aspect ratio of 0.45. This investigation includes two parts, the first part focuses on the determination of mechanical properties (compressive, split tensile, young's modulus) of fiber reinforced concrete and the second part includes the durability tests like acid resistance, sea water attack resistance. This paper attempt to increase the compressive strength , split tensile strength. And the young's modulus for fiber reinforced concrete with replacement of cement by silica fume has analyzed by NDT method
Impact of Builder's Emotional Intelligence on Site Workers Performance in Nigeria Construction Industry[Full-Text ] Olalekan Mumuni OgunbayoThe study looked into emotional intelligence of builders and how it affects the performance of site workers. The primary objective was to determine the relationship between Builder's emotional intelligence and site workers performance; to confirm the Builder's emotional intelligence attributes and the secondary objective was to confirm the impact of years of experience, educational and professional qualifications on Builder's emotional intelligence. The same sets of questionnaires were given to the Builders and their site workers in which the Builders perspective and the workers perspective of their project supervision were sought. Spearman correlation coefficient was used to determine the relationship between builders' Emotional Intelligence and the performance of site workers, which was positive. Pearson product moment correlation was used to determine the relationship between builders' Emotional Intelligence and their years of experience, academic and professional qualifications, which results were negative. There is a need to recognize emotional intelligence as an important instrument in increasing workers performance on which the overall success of the project depend. However Builders that lack emotional intelligence should challenge themselves by training to become emotionally intelligent.
Fog Computing:Detecting Malicious Attacks in a cloud [Full-Text ] Madhusri.K, Navneet.Y, Harish.CH,4Sandeep.A, Dr.T.V.RaoCloud computing is a new paradigm which enables ubiquitious,on demand network access to a shared pool of configurable resources with minimal management effort.it provides many services like pay per use model and elasticity of resources.There is a need to provide better security in order to get rid of malicious insider attacks.Existing cryptographic data security mechanism such as Encryption has failed in preventing insider data attacks. We propose a different approach in order to avoid insider attacks using decoy information technology.We monitor the user search modeling in the cloud.When unauthorized access is suspected verification is done by providing some security questions and then we launch a false information attack by providing decoy documents.This protects against misuse of real data.This technique prevents malicious attacks and provide high security in cloud environment.
RFID AND GSM synthesis for authenticated ATM transaction[Full-Text ] Deveshree Zawar, Shruti Ranjalkar, Zain-ul-Abedin, .A .MoreThe main objective of this project is to develop an embedded system, which is used for security applications. In this security system we give access to the authorized people through the RFID tags and mobiles using GSM technology. The system is programmable we can change the data of the authorized people in the data base of the embedded system. This paper suggests for a technical innovation which aims at preventing all the financial fraud. Today, we are living in the 21st century. Money and internet have become the primary needs of a human being. The existence of cards mobile/net banking has made our work easy and convenient. Every coin has two sides, and there lies an inertial threat, security. Today, we deal with a transaction in hardly few seconds. It is just that we need the related account information. But there are frauds existing which can hamper an individual's life. Hence, our tech innovation -"RFID & GSM SYNTHESIS FOR AUTHENTICATED ATM TRANSACTION", will prove fruitful to avoid such financial frauds.
A Refined Performance Characterization Of Link Scheduling And Data Security In Wireless Networks[Full-Text ] Sathishkumar.P, Parsuvanathan.J, Samathisvaran.J, vivek.AA foremost challenge in the operation of wireless networks is scheduling the link of data transmission. In broadcast and multiple access channel the data are transmitted simultaneously a single node to multiple and multiple node to single node respectively. In this paper address the problem of link scheduling and reduce the no of transmission by minimizing the average long path. Due to the complication of link scheduler, introduce the multiuser greedy maximum weight algorithm for link scheduling in wireless networks. And also add the hop optimal algorithm for minimizing the average long path. In a given network graph the associated parameter, multiuser local pooling condition is derived for without losing in the transmission process. The main concept of this paper is without packet loss. But in wireless network the packet will be hacked by some hackers. So here apply the encryption algorithm for security purpose. Based on this condition derived additional parameter i.e., local pooling factor for select the path analyzed by the greedy maximum weight algorithm in wireless network graph.
Variation in the Zeros of a Complex Polynomial[Full-Text ] NehaIn this paper we prove some extensions of the classical results concerning Enestrom-Kakeya theorem and related analytic functions. Besides several consequences, our results considerably improve the bounds by relaxing the hypothesis in some cases.
Hybrid Video Encoding for Advanced Video Compression (AVC)[Full-Text ] S.Somnathsundar and K.SathiyaH.264/MPEG-4 AVC is that the latest international video secret writing commonplace. It absolutely was collectively developed by the Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) of the ITU-T and also the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) of ISO/IEC. It uses state of the art secret writing tools and provides increased secret writing potency for a good vary of applications. The rate-distortion performance of recent video compression schemes is that the results of associate interaction between motion illustration techniques, intra-picture prediction techniques, wave secret writing of variations, and wave secret writing of varied, and rested regions. In this, the compression level and quality is magnified by mistreatment best rework of Karhunen-Loeve Transform (KLT) that is associate optimum decorrelator. Then entropy secret writing, style division matrices (QMs) supported the projected bit allocation theme has been used. Hence Results show that the freshly designed QMs perform higher than the default QMs for H.264/AVC secret writing in terms of each peak signal to noise quantitative relation (PSNR) and structural similarity (SSIM).
Studies On Productive Potential Of Chara Vulgaris Growing In Fresh Water Bodies Of Jammu, Jammu And Kashmir[Full-Text ] Priyanka ChalotraIn the present investigation, the productive potential of Chara vulgaris was analysed. The parameters like biomass, chlorophyll content ( Chl a, Chl b and Chl c), proteins and decomposition were considered. The most suitable phase to study productivity was observed to be the vegetative phase, as the plant was highly active and adapting to its habitat, while productivity of plant declined during reproductive phase, as plant was preparing for sexual reproduction and oospores to adjust according to unfavorable conditions of habitat.
Biochemical and thermal analysis of the Performance Efficiency of Two solar stills using salty water[Full-Text ] J. I. Eze, and L. S. NnadiSalty water was used to compare and evaluate the effectiveness of rectangular-shaped solar still and (R) and pyramid-shaped solar still (P) in providing portable water for both industries and home uses. Salty water was procured from Ngene River in Ebonyi state, Nigeria. It was introduced into the solar stills and exposed to solar radiation for 3 days. The salty water and Eva water (control) were analyzed chemically, physically, microbiology and organoleptically. The results showed that the temperature of the environment for the 3 days varied from 27±oC to 29±oC while solar radiation varied from 115w/m2 to 140w/m2. Absorbance of the radiation by the base of the pyramid-shaped still led to higher (p<0.05) temperatures (33oC, 31oC and 30oC respectively for days 1, 2 and 3) compared to the top of the still (29oC, 25oC and 28oC, respectively for days 1, 2 and 3). Similar trend was observed for the rectangular-shaped still. However, the R- still maintained higher temperatures at the base (34OC, 31.5OC and 30.8OC, respectively for day 1,2 and 3) compared to the base of the P- still (33OC, 31OC and 30OC for day 1,2 and 3 respectively).This resulted to higher temperatures of the distilled water from the R still (45.3OC, 47.4OC and 43.2OC respectively for days 1, 2 and 3) compared to P still (41.4OC, 43.5OC and 42.5OC,respectively for days 1,2 and 3). Analysis of water showed that the pH values of water from P (6.19±0.03) and R (6.21±0.00) were significantly (p<0.05) lower than that of Eva water (6.42±0.03) and salty water(7.00±0.00).The chlorine content, alkalinity, total dissolved solids, conductivity, total viable and coliform counts from the P- still did not significantly differ from those of R-still and Eva water but were significantly (p<0.05) lower than those of the salty water. Sensorily, the Eva water (control) was the most acceptable (5.0±0.00) compared to the P still water (2.5±0.85) and R still water (2.0±0.67).
Some Types Of Compactness Via Ideal[Full-Text ] Rodyna A. HosnyIn the present paper, we introduce and study some types of compactness modulo an ideal called I-compact spaces and countably I- compact spaces. These concepts generalize -compactness and -Lindelofness. Several e ects of various types of functions on them are studied.
Water Hyacinth As A Substrate For Plant-microbial Fuel Cell To Clean Water And Produce Electricity In Marshes[Full-Text ] N. Cherly Anto FrezinaThis paper tries to the draw the extent of trouble caused by Water Hyacinth in Tamil Nadu and has proposed a method to curb its menace with the help of a microbial fuel cell. A novel microbial fuelcell has been designed to use Water Hyacinth and to convert its biomass into electricity. The bacterium Enterobactercloacae is used to degrade the complex Chitin into simpler sugars like Glucose and Fructose. This enterobactor also ferments the Sugars into Protons and Electrons releasing Carbon di oxide in the process. This process is carried out in the anode compartment of a microbial fuel cell. The entire setup is arranged in the form of a microbial fuel cell(MFC). The two compartments are separated by a membrane and the electrodes made of Graphite are connected in a circuit. The protons produced as a result of the microbial activity, passes through the membrane towards the Cathode because of its positive charge. Whereas, the electrons enter the circuit and travel to the cathode. In the Catholyte, the H+ ions combine with the electrons to form pure water. The circuit is further extended to an amplifier, which helps to amplify the electrical current which is stored in batteries before connecting to electrical appliances.This idea if implemented can bring about a great solution to the existing problem of Water Hyacinth menace and power scarcity prevalent in Tamil Nadu.