Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2013 Edition
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Comparing the Methods Used to Detect the Signs[Full-Text ] Sina Layazali, Yaser Ahangari Nanehkaran, Sajjad Bagheri Baba AhmadiToday in the world of technology many applications have been introduced to detect the particular objects from captured images for different goals. One of these programs that need contribution of software and hardware together, is road sign detection that has ability to recognize the road signs automatically in traffic scene images. In this article our main goal is to compare methods that are used in this field such as neural network or other classification techniques which have being improved and to present the advantages and disadvantages of the methods. This comparing comprises the three following steps: road sign detection, classification and GUI. GUI performs as a bond between users and the algorithm, which can detect the signs. In fact GUI makes a proper situation for user to work with the system. Moreover, the actual imaging processing comprises color space transforming and color thresholding that is used to determine the presentation of the road signs unerringly.
Performance Evaluation of Hybrid MIMO-OFDM System using Matlab Simulink with Real Time Image Input[Full-Text ] Archana Ogale, Shubhangi Chaudhary and Anil J PatilMultiple Transmit and receive antenna are now popularly used to form multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) channels to increase the capacity as well as to reduce the Bit Error Rate (BER). This paper describes the performance of Hybrid MIMO-OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) models, which are developed & analyzed in Matlab Simulink. In this study 2x2 STBC-OFDM and 2x2 SM-OFDM system models are designed.. The performance of both systems is measured with respect to BER and Throughput results & the applications of this system is also demonstrated using 64 QAM modulations by processing real time image as an input. The results indicate that for low to medium SNR, STBC-OFDM system outperforms SM-OFDM system whereas for high SNR the SM-OFDM system can provide double throughput than the STBC-OFDM system.
Numerical Simulation of the Lid Driven Cavity Flow with Inclined walls[Full-Text ] Ojo Anthony O., Oluwaleye Iyiola O., Oyewola Miracle O.Numerical experiments on 1-sided and 2-sided lid driven cavity with aspect ratio = 1 and with inclined wall were performed. The Vorticity-Stream Function approach and the Finite Element Method (FEM) available through COMSOL, are first compared and the results are analysed for the model CFD driven cavity case which has no analytical solution. The results obtained from the FEM are also compared with findings from established Lattice Boltzmann Models (LBM) available in literature for similar test cases and the results are seen to be in good agreement. The study using FEM was extended to a cavity with inclined walls and it was found that the primary eddy in a cavity significantly changes and is located in the vicinity of the mid plane of the x-coordinate and above the mid plane of the y-coordinate. Its location is dependent on the particular wall that is inclined, the inclination angle and the Reynolds number (Re). The Bottom Left eddies in a cavity where the lid moves in the direction away from the inclined wall, are suppressed with increasing Reynolds numbers and inclination angles, while the Bottom Right eddies generally grows. A merger of these two eddies is seen to occur at Re = 400 and θf = 11.31° in a cavity where the lid moves in the direction of the inclined wall; as both grow with increase in Re and θf. The Top Left eddies, typical of flows in a cavity at higher Reynolds number of 2000 were not captured, owing to the unstable solution that results when Re > 600 for the cavity with inclined walls, where θa and θf > 0. But these solutions are significantly affected in a cavity with an inclined right wall and is apparent from the diverging results that emerge at Re = 600 and θf= 8.53°. A highly refined mesh in the domain is required to be able to adequately visualize the pair of counter rotating eddies that develop at the sharp and inclined corners at higher Re.
Correlation Analysis: The Bootstrap Approach[Full-Text ] Ikpotokin O. and Edokpa I. W.For a general class of problems, the bootstrap method of resampling is one of the possible methods of constructing tests of significance. The sampling distribution of a test statistic for an experiment compiled by the bootstrap approach requires no reference to the population distribution and therefore no requirement that it should conform to a mathematically definable frequency distribution. Algorithms for the bootstrap distribution of correlation coefficients are presented and implemented. As an illustrative example, a critical value for Pearson's product moment correlation coefficients and Spearman's rank correlation coefficients are produced for a given set of data.
An Implementation of Embedded Multi Parameter Monitoring System for Biomedical Engineering[Full-Text ] S.Deepika, V.SaravananIn hospitals, the patients in ICU need a constant monitoring of their temperature, respiration and heart rate. This paper is a working model which incorporates sensors to measure patient's physiological parameters namely temperature, respiration rate, ECG, heart rate and evoked potential with the sensors interfaced to computer. Monitoring and control of all the specified parameters are done using particular sensor for each parameter. These sensors are sensitive to infrared rays, which are not harmful to human body. As, all the signals of the patients are interfaced to the computer the patient condition can be analyzed by doctors in any part of the hospital wherever they are. Thus, it reduces doctor's work load and also gives more accurate results. Whenever there is an abnormality felt by the patient, this system will give an alarm signal, by which the doctor rushes to the patient. This paper also incorporates some special features like online videography i.e. the doctor in charge of the patient can diagnose the patient from his cabin. All the results and diagnosis of the patient are stored in a secondary storage tool or in the computer itself as database for future reference. The results are represented in the desired forms as graphs, wave forms, statistics, picture etc., using graphics.
A Review on Temperature Compensated pH Monitoring and Control System for Process Industries[Full-Text ] Ashutosh Gautam, S. chatterji, and Amod KumarpH is a unit of measure, which describes the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a solution and is very important parameters for several process industries like pharmaceutical industry, paper industry etc. This paper describes the importance and application of pH monitoring system. Also, challenges present in the conventional techniques are discussed and the need of a new modern pH monitoring system is presented in this article. We also propose a novel modern technique for the monitoring and control of pH in the industries.
Nonlinear dynamic of periodically cardaic pacemaker[Full-Text ] Muhammad Usman GulIn this paper, a additional modified version of the classical van der pol oscillator (abbrivated as VdPO) is proposed and introducing the forced modified VdPO oscillator also known as self-excited oscillator. The resulting self-excited oscillator is analyzing in frequency and time domain, using phase portrait, spectrum analysis and bifurcation diagrams.
Robust Coefficients of Determination: A Measure of Goodness of Fit[Full-Text ] Md.Siraj-Ud-DoulahVarious statistical methods, the R-square, modified R-square and adjusted R-square are the classical estimators for a wide range of commonly using measures of goodness of fit. They are however unreliable in presence of outliers. This paper proposes a new approach to robust modification of the coefficients of determination (RR-square). In this paper, I briefly review some of the more fundamental advantages and disadvantages with conventional as well as propose measure by utilizing a real data sets as well as Monte Carlo simulation. The proposed statistic is relatively good power than the classical measures for different sample sizes.
Effects of Body Mass Index on Aerobic Power (VO2max) and Energy Expenditure (EE): A Case of Manual Load Lifting in Agro-Processing[Full-Text ] B.O. Afolabi & O.G. AkanbiThe studies aimed at determine the effect of body mass index (BMI) on aerobic power (VO2max) and energy expenditure (EE) during manual operation in primary agro-processing. Selected physiological and anthropometry properties of voluntary group of thirteen subjects were measured with respect to manual lifting of loads through the vertical distance of 0.92m from ankle level to inlet opening of thresher during threshing operation. The measured properties showed that height and weight ranged from 1.65m to 1.83m and 53g to 78g respectively, the calculated BMI ranged from 18.38kg/m2 to 28.65kg/m2. Heart rate at rest (HRrest) and maximum heart rate (HRmax) were measured with maximum; minimum values of 56beat/min; 89beat/min and 191beat/min; 200beat/min corresponded to mean ± SD of 72.5 ± 11.7 and 195.8 ± 3.0 respectively. The calculated EE and VO2max have minimum; maximum values of 94kj/min; 396kj/min and 32.2ml/min/kg; 52.5ml/min/kg corresponded to mean ± SD of 238.7 ± 92.5 and 41.5 ± 6.9. Results on relational effects showed that increase in EE relate positively to BMI, while increase in VO2max relate negatively to BMI. Also, it was found that heights of the subjects relate directly to lifted loads, while body weights relate inversely to the lifted loads. Regression models that could be used to express the relationship existing between independent variables EE (e) and VO2max (a), and dependent variable BMI (yB) are; yB = 6.2792e + 106.9 (R2 = 0.0361) and yB = - 0.4858 a + 51.689 (R2 = 0.039) respectively. Also, the regression models for relationship that occurred between independent variables height (h) and weight (w) and dependent variable load quantity (yL)are; yL= 0.2465h +164.58 (R2 = 0.091) and yL = -0 .4018w +78.592 (R2 = 0.1389)respectively. Environmental conditions such as relative humidity, air temperature and atmospheric pressure were noted, and has the values of 84.57%, 21.79oC and 765mmHg respectively. The relationship existing between the physiological factors and BMI were found to be adequately expressed by regression equations.
Automatic Mammogram image Breast Region Extraction and Removal of Pectoral Muscle[Full-Text ] R. Subash Chandra Boss, K. Thangavel, D. Arul Pon DanielCurrently Mammography is a most effective imaging modality used by radiologists for the screening of breast cancer. Finding an accurate, robust and efficient breast region segmentation technique still remains a challenging problem in digital mammography. Extraction of the breast profile region and the removal of pectoral muscle are essential pre-processing steps in Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) system for the diagnosis of breast cancer. Primarily it allows the search for abnormalities to be limited to the region of the breast tissue without undue influence from the background of the mammogram. The presence of pectoral muscle in mammograms biases detection procedures, which recommends removing the pectoral muscle during mammogram image pre-processing. The presence of pectoral muscle in mammograms may disturb or influence the detection of breast cancer as the pectoral muscle and mammographic parenchymas appear similar. The goal of breast region extraction is reducing the image size without losing anatomic information, it improve the accuracy of the overall CAD system. The main objective of this study is to propose an automated method to identify the pectoral muscle in Medio-Lateral Oblique (MLO) view mammograms. In this paper, we proposed histogram based 8-neighborhood connected component labelling method for breast region extraction and removal of pectoral muscle. The proposed method is evaluated by using the mean values of accuracy and error. The comparative analysis shows that the proposed method identifies the breast region more accurately.
Analysis of Verilog Modelling and Simulation of Developed 16-bit and 23-bit LFSR Based Data Scrambler and Descrambler for 2.5GT/s, 5GT/s and 8GT/s Data Rate with Minimum Glitch[Full-Text ] Monirul Islam, Rajibul AlamVerilog structured and simulation of data scrambler and descrambler for noise free and secure data communication has been presented here. This paper analyses the data scrambler and descrambler considering 2.5 GT/s, 5 GT/s and 8 GT/s data rate. Transmitted bits have some certain characteristics which have effects on the error rate and the achievable bandwidth. This characteristic includes (1) ratio's of 0's and 1'swithin a data byte and (2) maximum no' of clock periods between bit transitions (i.e. 1 - 0 and vice versa). These characteristics are maintained and developed using an efficient scrambler. Scrambler increase the ability of a receiver performing clock recovery or deriving improved bit synchronization, helps distinguished data bit sequences, allows simple detection of byte and word boundaries. The performance results of the simulation have been found without any delay and are in conformity with theoretical observations.
A Review on Integrated Bluetooth Ultra Wide Band Patch Antenna[Full-Text ] Swapnali Shinde, Prof. R.P. LabadeFederal Communications Commission (FCC) released a bandwidth of 7.5 GHz (3.1GHz to 10.6GHz) for ultra-wide band (UWB) wireless communications. UWB is rapidly advancing as a high data rate wireless communication technology. In conventional wireless communication systems, an antenna also plays a very crucial role in UWB system. In this article Integration of Bluetooth and ultra-wideband operation in a single patch antenna is presented. Dual-band operation covering 2.4 -2.484 GHz (Bluetooth) and 3.1-10.6 GHz (UWB) frequency bands. Furthermore Bluetooth technology transfers data at low power levels while UWB technology transfers data with very high speed. When there are a large number of parameters, it becomes necessary to use optimization techniques in the design of micro strip patch antenna (MSA) to maximize its performance. The present invention relates the parameter optimization of ultra-wideband patch antenna that operate at lower edge frequency and to integrate it with a Bluetooth frequency band such using CAD FEKO software
AugmentedReality on Android Platform[Full-Text ] G.Rajasree, K.Varsha, E.Susmitha, J.Praveena, G.HarikaThis document is a proposal for Augmented reality application on the Android platform. Augmented reality makes the user sees the real world but with the addition of computer generated images which are overlaid on various objects within the real world. They are still aware that they are in the real world which means 3-D virtual objects are integrated into a 3-D real environment in real time .Previously though there are many methods designed for augmented reality it is hard to bring augmented reality application to real life due to the performance constraints of the mobile devices. Now a days due to advancements in the mobile technology and the presence of strong mobile platforms, it is now possible to use the revolutionising augmented reality technology in mobiles especially on android smartphones. This paper discuss the solution of the online trial check by using Augmented reality on Android platform.
Extraction of Motif Patterns from Protein Sequences Using K-Means with segment pruning methods[Full-Text ] E.Elayaraja, Dr. K.Thangavel, P.AshokBioinformatics is the application of information technology to the management of molecular biological data. Motif finding in protein sequence is one of the most crucial tasks in bioinformatics research. Motifs are identifying as overly recurring sub-patterns in segment of protein sequence biological data. Sequence motifs are verifying by their structural similarities or their functional roles in DNA or protein sequences. The generated sequence segments do not have classes or labels. Hence, unsupervised segment selection technique is adopted to select significant segments. In this work, K-Means clustering algorithm is applied for selecting significant segments. The K-Means clustering algorithm is improved by implementing initial centroids selection technique instead of random centroids selection. All clustering segments are not being important to produce good motif patterns. Therefore Average Distance between Object and Centroid (ADOC) andOutlier Removal Clustering (ORC) methods are applied to select significant segments. The experimental results show that the K-Means with segment pruning methods perform better than the traditional K-Means algorithm by producing a larger number of high-quality of motif patterns.
Rule Based English To Marathi Translation of Assertive Sentence[Full-Text ] ABHAY ADAPANAWAR, ANITA GARJE, PAURNIMA THAKARE, PRAJAKTA GUNDAWAR, PRIYANKA KULKARNIIn proposed system we are dealing with the rule based English to Marathi translation of assertive sentences. This is basically a machine translation. In this system we are going through various processes such as tokenization, part of speech tagging etc. Database of production rules is maintained which plays important role in translation. English to Marathi bilingual dictionary has been formed for the purpose of language translation.
Flow and Sediment Matrix in Mid-Channel Bar Formation[Full-Text ] Mat Salleh. M. Z., Ariffin. JThis paper presents the study on flow and sediment matrix to mid-channel bar formation. Aggradation and degradation contribute to the change in stream bed and stream banks in rivers. Sediment is the byproduct of these two processes. A study was carried out on a laboratory flume with fine grain sand of sizes D50 = 0.8 mm initially spread on the flume bed. Study had observed the initiation for formation of mid-channel bar through the combination of several small bars at location of minimum shear velocity. The formation occurred within the deposition zone. This study provides a basic knowledge on the relationship of flow and sediment to the formation of mid-channel bar.
Performance Analysis And Comparison of One - Dimensional Code For Ocdma System With Modified Prime Seque Nce Codes (MPC)[Full-Text ] AMOD KUMAR PANDEY, Dr. GURJIT KAUR, Ravi KumarCDMA is a "spread spectrum" technology, allowing many users to occupy the same time and frequency allocations in a given band/space. Basic concept of the cdma, allowing several users to transmit message/date simultaneously over the optical fiber communication (OFC) channel by allocating the available bandwidth to each user simultaneously. There are many techniques to provide multiple access but optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) is the best suited for optical communication. CDMA is a multiuser communication scheme through which many users simultaneously share a common channel. The objective of the paper is to analyse the performance of one dimensional code for an optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) with modified prime sequence codes. The designe of the system, implementation and performance analysis of one dimensional code in an optical CDMA.
PAPR Reduction Performance for LTE OFDM Systems with Different Techniques[Full-Text ] Mamdouh Gouda, Khaled Ali Shehata, Mohamed HussienOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is one of the Strong candidate for Transmission of high data rate due to Multicarrier Modulation. One of the challenging Issue of OFDM is its high Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) which cause large number of sub-carriers, that make restrictions for practical applications. This Paper discusses different PAPR Reduction techniques in OFDM. The Selective Mapping, The DFT-spreading technique it is known as the Single Carrier-Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA), which is adopted for uplink transmission in the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) LTE standard and Partial Transmit sequence Technique is used in this paper. .In this paper, we mainly investigate the PAPR reduction performance using PTS, this method is sub-entities of phase rotation scheme. A new algorithm using PTS technique, We also show that a SCFDMA system with Interleaved-FDMA or Localized-FDMA performs better than Orthogonal- FDMA in the uplink direction where transmitter power efficiency is of great importance. This shows better PAPR reduction compared to the existing algorithms is proposed. Results are verified using MATLAB software.
Digitized Authentication For Image Forensics[Full-Text ] D.S.Sellva Manoj, G.SujathaIt is often desirable to determine whether it has been modified in any way from its original recording. The JPEG format affords the engineers to provide many implementations which gives rise to widely varying JPEG headers which provide image authentication. A camera signature that is extracted from an JPEG image which contains the below stated information about the (1) Quantization tables, (2) Huffman codes, (3) thumbnails, and(4) EXIF format. The signature is highly distinct across 1.3 million images spanning 773 different cameras and cell phones. Specifically, 62% of images have a signature that is unique to a single camera, 80% of images have a signature that is shared by three or fewer cameras, and 99% of images have a signature that is unique to a single manufacturer. The signature of Adobe Photoshop is also shown to be unique relative to all 773 cameras.Using these signature we can be able to find whether the Evidence is in original form or it is being modified. The method of Comparing the Hash values are used to provide the integrity of the image. If the Provided Evidence Contains any Secret message , find whether the Message is in original form or its being tampered .
A Technical Survey on DBSCAN Clustering Algorithm[Full-Text ] Nidhi Suthar, Prof. Indr jeet Rajput, Prof. Vinit kumar GuptaData mining refers to the process of retrieving data by discovering novel and relative patterns from large database. Clustering is a distinct phase in data mining that work to provide an established, proven structure from a collection of databases. A good clustering approach should be efficient and detect clusters of arbitrary shapes. Density Based Clustering is a well-known density based clustering algorithm which having advantages for finding out the clusters of different shapes and size from a large amount of data, which containing noise and outliers. In this paper I have discussed integrated Density Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) clustering algorithm that is multiphase clustering algorithms which improves scalability and efficiency of clusters. Different DBSCAN algorithms perform different task to make cluster more dynamic and effective. Several DBSCAN clustering methods and their corresponding algorithms are described below which helps to further analysis.
Smart E-governance For Grampanchayat[Full-Text ] POOJA S BHAGAT ,PORNIMA B.NIRANJANEInformation technology has a vital role to play in all transactions that government undertaken. It helps the government cut red tapism, avoid corruption, and reach citizens directly. Such initiatives will help citizens learn about the various policies, process and help the lives that the government offers. This application will help to maintain all daily transactions which take place in Grampanchayat. This paper provides the application for reducing paper work at Grampanchayat and e-services will give the simple servicing. It also encloses the fact of reducing the labor of paper work. Here digital signature will play an important role in deploying such services. In day to day transactions e-Governance has become part of every citizen's governmental transactions and realizing its importance the government of India, also focus is given to deliver the services in a simple manner. The basic aim of intelligent system used in E-Governance can be used to give quick response and delivery of birth or death certificate by the municipal corporation
Hindi Charecter Recognition Using Kohonen Network[Full-Text ] Prof. Sheetal A. Nirve, Dr. U. B. ShindeCharacter Recognition (CR) is the electronic conversion of scanned images or camera captured images of hand written text into machine encoded text. In this project various image pre-processing, neural networks and classification algorithms have been discussed, to design high performance character reorganisation software for Indian Language Hindi based on Devanagari script. In this paper it is discussed that how to generate data for input of neural network, how it will work.
Artificial Neural Network For Packed Column[Full-Text ] Sandeep Palve, Nilesh Kshirsagar, S.M. WalkeThe generalization performances of the Back Propagation Multi-Layer Perceptron (BPMLP) and the Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural networks were compared together by resorting to several sets of experimental data collected from a pilot scale packed absorption column. The experimental data were obtained from an 11 cm diameter packed tower filled with 1.8 m ¼ inch ceramic Rashig rings. The column was used for separation of carbon dioxide from air using various concentrations and flow rates of Di-Ethanol Amine (DEA) and Methyl Di-Ethanol Amine (MDEA) solutions. Two in-house efficient algorithms were employed for optimal training of both neural networks. The simulation results indicated that the RBF networks can perform more adequately than the MLP networks for filtering the noise (measurement errors) and capturing the true underlying trend which is essential for a reliable generalization performance.
Performance Study of Alcohols In An Insulated Four Stroke Di Diesel Engine With Swirl Combustion Chamber[Full-Text ] S.Sunil Kumar Reddy, Dr. V. PandurangaduStringent emission legislation all over the world has led to the search for alternative fuels for I.C. Engines. The major pollutants from a diesel engine are oxides of nitrogen (NOx), smoke and particulate matter. Concentration is very much focused on compression ignition engines because they have been recognized as the most ideal power plants in transportation, industrial and agricultural sectors, due to their high fuel efficiency. But their major disadvantage is the production of exhaust particulates which have to face increasingly stringent regulation. The difficulty in meeting the increasingly stringent limitations on particulate and NOx emissions has stimulated interest in ethanol-fueled compression ignition engines because it is a renewable bio-based resource and it is oxygenated, thereby providing the potential to reduce particulate emissions in compression-ignition engines and ethanol diffusion flames produce virtually no soot. Unfortunately ethanol does not have suitable ignition properties under typical diesel conditions because the temperatures and pressures characteristic of the diesel engines causes a longer ignition delay while using ethanol. Therefore, in order to make use of ethanol in a diesel engine, either a system to improve the ignition quality of ethanol or a system of some ignition aids is necessary. This paper describes the tendency of alcohols to ignite in a heated combustion chamber was made use of to achieve this end. Here a single cylinder 5 H.P diesel engine was used in which the fuel was sprayed at 165 bar due to alcohols lower viscosity and made to ignite in an insulted combustion chamber. Along with that a swirl combustion chamber design was adopted to obtain improvement in performance. This performance was evaluated under both constant speed and variable speed conditions. The effect of water content on alcohol performance and of insulation on diesel performance was studied. All the above investigations are useful and these results are expected to lead to a substantial contribution to the development of an Alcohol diesel engine.
Video Compression And Denoising Using Adaptive Variable Block Size Motion Compensation Algorithm[Full-Text ] T.Venkata Krishna Moorthy, G.Jagadeswara ReddyVariable block-size motion compensation (VBSMC) is the one of the technique for video compress and denoising to select the size of the blocks adaptively. In In previous algorithms ,instead fixed blocks implements, blocks in each frame of video do not need to be fixed it changes according with image size in MPEG-4 Part and H.264/MPEG-4 AVC and using 3D DCT-based filtering technique proposed for highly correlated spatial layers taken from consecutive frames of video. We show the utility of reliable motion estimation to establish temporal correspondence across frames in order to achieve high-quality video denoising. It provides a competitive performance with state-of the-art video denoising and compressing methods both in terms of PSNR, SSIM, increased computational ratio and image quality.
Analysis of Composite Materials Used In Bullet Proof Vests Using Fem Technique[Full-Text ] Puran Singh, Vikas Malik, Priyawart LatherThe project aims at studying various composite materials used in bullet-proof vests and to analyse their effectiveness by using FEM technique. Hence obtained data would be utilised for designing an optimised bullet-proof vest.
A Survey on Security Schemes for Multipath DSR routing[Full-Text ] Dr. Anna Saro Vijendran, J. Viji Gripsy MANET is an infrastructure fewer networks composed of mobile nodes. Link failure due to node mobility increases the necessity of multipath routing in MANET. It improves reliability, robustness and load balancing. There are numerous routing protocols in MANET classified under two major categories, such as Topology based and Position based, on which DSR comes under Topology category that is widely considered as simplest protocol for routing. Multipath technique is used along with most of the routing protocols to overcome route failure drawback of single path. Wireless links in MANET made security an inevitable process. Malicious node tends to compromise the nodes within network to launch attack. This entity could lead to significant vulnerability. The focus of this paper is on surveying various schemes adopted for reducing vulnerability issues in DSR.
Some Methods For Generating Proximties By Relations[Full-Text ] Rodyna A. Hosny, Amira Ishan, Kj. M. Abu AlnajaIn the current paper, a procedure for obtaining clopen topology from a general binary relations R via proximity structures was obtained. A comparison between the properties of approximation with respect to the topologies generated by relation and their corresponding approximation with respect to proximity structures were carried out.
Defining the Structure of Bangla Noun Phrase and Developing Rules for UNL[Full-Text ] A. S. M Mahmudul Hasan, Saria Islam, Dr. Jugal Krishna Das, Golum Farook AhmedThe Universal Networking Language (UNL) deals with the communication across nations of different languages and involves with many different related discipline such as linguistics, epistemology, computer science etc. It helps to overcome the language barrier among people of different nations to solve problems emerging from current globalization. The Universal Networking Language (UNL), a project undertaken under the auspices of the United Nations University (UNU) in Tokyo and for a framework for integration of Bangla language to UNL. The mission of the UNU project is to allow people across nations to access information on the Internet in their own language- a step to help bridge the digital divide. Noun phrase is an important analysis for natural language processing. Some of the example noun phrases and there conversion process and rule has been discussed in this thesis. This research is to demonstrate our pioneering efforts in the field of Bengali (Bangla). Here we define Bangla sentence structure and how the noun phrases are used in Bangla. According to the structure of the noun phrase we have developed some rules. By using these rules we can now convert a complex noun phrase into UNL which was not possible before.
Wireless Telemetry Based Temperature Detection System[Full-Text ] Krishnendu Chowdhuri, Aniruddha Ghosh, Virat Mehta, Joy MitraThe main objective of this project is to build a wireless telemetry system that has the capability to sense the ambient temperature of the source location through a temperature sensor, the corresponding signal from the sensor is then transduced to a suitable form of energy, which is then relayed to the transmitter section. The transmitter at the application zone is set to a certain set point (threshold temperature) which when exceeded sends a signal to the receiver location as a notification of the rising temperature of the source location.
Cell formation problem with alternative process plans and alternative routes considering defect rate[Full-Text ] Hamed Rafiei, Masoud Rabbani, Hossein Dashti, Abtin NourmohammadzadehThis paper presents cell formation (CF) problem in dynamic condition with multiple alternative process plans and a set of alternative routes for each of process plans. Previous models paid attention to just one of the terms of process plans and routes and also they have not reflected the notion of defect rate after operations. Therefore, this paper also addresses defect rate. The proposed model seeks to minimize cell formation costs as well as the costs associated with production, while dynamic conditions, alternative routing, machine capacity limitation, cell size constraints, and outsourcing are also taken into account. The proposed model is solved in small, medium and large sizes to which a hybrid meta-heuristic approach is developed to cope. The developed algorithm consists of Simulated Annealing (SA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to solve the problem in large scale due to high level of computational complexity. In the developed algorithm, the SA algorithm is applied to generate initial solution for the PSO. The comparison between results of exact and meta-heuristic methods for both small and medium scale problems confirms efficiency of the developed hybrid meta-heuristic approach.
Intrusion Detection for Web Application: An Analysis[Full-Text ] N.Sakthipriya, K.PalanivelWeb applications are becoming the dominant way to provide access to online services and also a valuable target for security attacks. As the use of web applications for critical services has increased, the sophistication of attacks against these applications has grown as well. To protect web applications several intrusion detection systems have been proposed. In this paper, several techniques which are meant for detection of web application related attacks and their advantages and disadvantages are presented. Furthermore, the common web application attacks which are vulnerable to the web application are discussed. Finally, this study concludes with an analysis of challenges to overcome for the detection of web application attack that still remain to be resolved.
Enhancing Quality management system[Full-Text ] B.R.Senthil Kumar, M.Thiagarajan, P.Maniiarasan, J.Prasanth, G.Abilesh, D.SrinivasanThis research aims to assess the institutions of higher education based on comprehensive quality standards that have been developed for each member of teaching in higher education institutions. The focus was on scientific performance in the first place and the put a higher rate because it is the main focus of the evaluation of faculty, as well as the efficiency of teaching. Put less proportion of the educational performance and the relationship to the administration because they are linked not many the evaluation, as a teaching and scientific performance. The broader societal benefits of investment in higher education receive less attention, but are fundamental to the well-being of our nation. State governments appropriate billions of dollars per year for public colleges and universities and the federal government provides grants, loans, and work assistance, as well as tax credits and deductions, to help students finance postsecondary education. Nonetheless, awareness of the ways in which we all benefit when educational opportunities increase is limited. It is impossible to evaluate the appropriate level of either private or public investment in higher education without a more concrete sense of the individual and societal benefits, in addition to the costs.
An Overview of Distributed Speech Recognition over WMN[Full-Text ] Jyoti Prakash Vengurlekar, Krupali Suresh Raut, Shital MaliIn this paper we have discussed method of speech recognition over wireless mesh networks. The typical distributed speech recognition system the processing is distributed between the client & server. System that follows ETSI standards performs feature extraction at the client. The features are then compressed and transmitted to the server over dedicated channel where they are decoded and delivered to the speech processing back end which generally uses a statistical modeling method. his new framework of packet switched network (WMN) has an additional advantage of supporting novel applications which need to handle large volumes of speech data over WMNs. For distributed speech processing conventional ETSI is used then WMN is introduced and then router aided distributed speech recognition is proposed.
Routing & Performance Optimization Using LEACH Protocol in WSN[Full-Text ] Nitin D.Alety, Kiran H. Hole, Dinesh B.Parmar, K.R.Akhil, Prof. Soumitra S.DasWireless sensor networks have emerged in the past decade as a result of recent advances in microelectronic system fabrication, wireless communications, integrated circuit technologies, microprocessor hardware and nano-technology, progress in ad- hoc networking routing protocols, distributed signal processing, pervasive computing and embedded systems.. This project is an effort in designing of energy efficient Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) routing protocol. Efficient routing in a sensor network requires that the routing protocol must minimize energy dissipation and maximize network life time. Report discusses LEACH protocol. Therefore, optimal consumption of energy for WSN protocols seems essential.The purpose of this paper is to create a simulation of LEACH protocol using NS2. Here the purpose is to generate some dynamic nodes with random coordinates, and then forming cluster among them using Distance formula. Followed by random cluster head formation transmitting and receiving data to show how LEACH works.
A Survey on Channel Estimation Techniques in MIMO-OFDM Mobile Communication Systems[Full-Text ] R.S.Ganesh, Dr. J.Jaya KumariA Modern wireless broadband system of MIMO-OFDM (multiple input multiple output- orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) is more popularbecause of good data transmission rate and its robustness against multipath fading & good spectral efficiency. This system provides reliable communication & wide coverage. A main challenge to MIMO-OFDM system is retrieval of the channel state information (CSI)accurately and synchronization between the transmitter & receiver. The channel state information is retrived with the help of various f estimation algorithms such as training based, blind and semi blind channel Estimation. This paper describes the basic introduction of OFDM, MIMO-OFDM system and explains the different channel estimation algorithms,optimization techniques and their utilization in MIMO system for 4G wireless mobile communication systems.
Animals and Vehicle Collision Avoidance Using Wireless Sensor Actuator Network[Full-Text ] Prof. Latha Venkatesan, S.Omar Farooq, J.Faisal Imraan, K.Jegan Kumar, J.Naveen KumarThe environmental impact of roads is of increasing international interest and concern. The impacts of roads include habitat loss, habitat fragmentation and habitat degradation that affect wildlife and its habitats both directly and indirectly especially on larger mammals. These animals have large ranges or undertake seasonal movements over large areas of mainly natural or semi-natural habitat. There has been less attention overall to animals in more modified landscapes with a long history of intensive land use and land management. On the positive side, the road is the most beneficial thing for the mankind, without which globalization is very hard to achieve. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are used in various scenarios, including rural and forest environments. Wildlife protection and conservation is a challenge, especially in natural reserves, dangerous locations or hot spots near human environment (i.e., roads, railways, and other civil infrastructures). This project proposes WSN based system for wildlife management in the surrounding area of human passages to establish safe ways for animals to cross transportation infrastructures.
Energy Efficient MAC Protocols For Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey[Full-Text ] Muhammad Noman Riaz, Muhammad Nauman Qureshi and Dr. Athar MahboobWireless sensor networks (WSN) have been used in many important fields such as target detection and tracking, environmental monitoring, industrial process monitoring and tactical systems. As nodes in wireless sensor networks typically operate unattended with a limited power source, energy efficient operations of the nodes are very important. Although energy conservation in communication can be performed at different layers of the TCP/IP protocol suite, energy conservation at MAC layer is found to be the most effective one due to its ability to control the radio directly. Therefore, to ensure a long-lived network of wireless communicating sensors, we are in need of a MAC protocol that is able to improve energy efficiency by maximizing sleep duration, minimizing idle listening and overhearing, and eliminating hidden terminal problem or collision of packets. In this paper, we investigated the available energy-efficient MAC protocols for wireless sensor networks and provide a fair comparison based on certain metrics.
Hybrid Wireless Communication System Based On Arm9 For Coalmine Monitoring[Full-Text ] Pradeep Kumar Gubbala, M.sumanThe most important aspect of the MINER Act is providing reliable communication for miners before and after tragic accidents. Reliable communication has always been a challenge in underground mines due to changing topologies and harsh environment. In addition, disasters disable electricity and communications cables, block tunnels and cause fire. These may damage the communication infrastructure which hampers rescue efforts and endangering lives. Therefore, durable wireless solutions using advanced communication and sensor network technologies have been investigated to provide reliable communications in underground mines. In this paper, it designs a monitoring system for coal mine safety based on Wi-Fi, Zigbee modules with sensors. In this system it consists of two main modules, Wi-Fi and zigbee based device which would cooperate together in order to transport disaster information. This system provides efficient, faster and reliable communication even when disaster occurred. The designed coal mine safety monitoring system based on wireless sensor network, Wi-Fi and zigbee will improve the level of monitoring production safety and reduce accident in the coal mine. ARM9 processor being used in zigbee coordinator and ARM7 used in zigbee end device in order to speed up the processing of data.
Automated Mineral Detection Using Sonar Wave[Full-Text ] Mr.Kaushik Banerjee, Mr.Subhas De, Mr. Rahul Sourav Singh,Mr.Souren JanaSONAR is a sound wave used for navigation and various purposes. Every material have property to absorb sound due to different density. Absorption of sound is used here to detect different mineral. Mineral detection using SONAR will be cheaper compared to other method presently used for exploration of sea surface in search of minerals. Also it will not cause pollution and unnecessary of disruption of aquatic life.
Performance Improvement Using Integration of Association Rule Mining And Classification Techniques[Full-Text ] Dr. V. Vaithiyanathan, K. Rajeswari, Rahul Pitale, Kapil TajaneData mining is an emerging field to find interesting patterns from a large collection of data sets. Classifcation algorithms like neural network, decision trees are used to classify the patterns according to class labels in the input patterns. Association rule mining is used for finding related or more frequent patterns found in a gived data set. This paper integrates both these techniques, namely classification and association. Experiments are carried out on different classification techniques and association techniques using Weka The main aim of this paper is to find accuracy using different classification methods and association rule mining technique. The paper proposes a new methodology of integrating both association rule mining and classification and investigated their performance and compared their results. IRIS data set from University of California, Irvine is used for evaluation purpose.
Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Dr.A.Mahendran, & M.Suresh KumarCloud computing is Internet- ("cloud-") based development and use of computer technology ("computing"). In concept, it is a paradigm shift whereby details are abstracted from the users who no longer need knowledge of, expertise in, or control over the technology infrastructure "in the cloud" that supports them. Cloud computing describes a new supplement, consumption and delivery model for IT services based on Internet, and it typically involves the provision of dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources as a service over the Internet. The term cloud is used as a metaphor for the Internet, based on the cloud drawing used to depict the Internet in computer network diagrams as an abstraction of the underlying infrastructure it represents. Typical cloud computing providers deliver common business applications online which are accessed from a web browser, while the software and data are stored on servers. These applications are broadly divided into the following categories: Software as a Service (SaaS), Utility Computing, Web Services, Platform as a Service (PaaS), Managed Service Providers (MSP), Service Commerce, and Internet Integration. The name cloud computing was inspired by the cloud symbol that is often used to represent the Internet in flow charts and diagrams.
Survey of Load Balancing and Load Sharing through AOMDV Protocol in MANET[Full-Text ] Rakhi SharmaMobile ad hoc networks (MANET) are infrastructure less networks, dynamically formed by an autonomous system of mobile nodes that are connected via wireless links. The routers are free to move randomly and organize themselves arbitrarily; thus, the network's wireless topology may change rapidly and unpredictably MANET has no centralized control for distribution of load properly so Load Balancing becomes one of the most important research areas in the field of MANET. Load Balancing is the process of improving the performance of a network through a redistribution of load among different nodes. If a network is heavily loaded without any load balancing capability, it degrades the performance by causing Congestion, Delay and resource loss in network. A variety of algorithms have recently emerged that meet these requirements and were successfully applied to heavily loaded problems. This survey explores various load balancing protocols for efficient packet transmission and communication in MANETs. In recent years, multi-path routing protocols have attained more attention in mobile ad hoc networks as compared to other routing schemes due to their abilities and efficiency in improving bandwidth of communication, increasing delivery reliability, responding to congestion and heavy traffic.
Digital Image Watermarking[Full-Text ] Ajinkya Kawale, Shubham GaidhaniEyssentially a watermark is a pattern, image or text that is impressed onto paper, which provides evidence of its authenticity. There are two types of watermarks: visible watermark and invisible watermark. This paper centres upon implementation of watermark in an image. The main consideration for any watermarking scheme is its robustness to various attacks. Watermarking dependency on the original image increases its robustness but at the same time it needs to be ensured that the watermark is imperceptible. In this paper, an invisible watermarking technique (least significant bit) and a visible watermarking technique is implemented. An attack is also implemented on the visible watermarked image by adding a random noise to the watermarked image. The watermarked image is then compressed and decompressed using JPEG compression. Finally noise is removed and the images are separated from the recovered watermarked image.
Comparative Study of Various Image Compression Techniques[Full-Text ] Pravin B. Pokle, Dr. Narendra.G. BawaneThis paper presents comparative study of various image compression techniques to assess the progress made in the field of image compression effects on different images for different applications. The advancement in the computer vision increases the demand of high data transmission speed as well as need of large storage space. Thus the field of Image compression is now essential for such applications where such high volume data is required to transmit and stored. In this paper, we review about the image compression, need of compression, its principles, and types of compression and different algorithms used for image compression.
Time operated solar tracking for optimum power generation[Full-Text ] Asst.Prof.K.Sambasiva rao, P.Harish, V.N.V.Ramana, M.V.S.Krishna tejaThe growth or energy demand in response to industrialization, urbanization and social affluence has led to an extremely un even global distribution of primary energy consumption. The Sun, Wind, Waves and geothermal heat are renewable energy sources that will never run out. They are perpetual or self renewing. The rate of consumption does not exceed rate of renewability. The cost of generating electricity from wind and solar power has decreased by 90% over the past 20 years. Maximizing power output from a solar system is desirable to increase the efficiency of a solar tracing system. To maximize the power output from solar panels, we need to keep the panels aligned with the sun. In this paper, the design of an efficient solar tracking system based on Real Time Clock (RTC) using microcontroller is described. The proposed tracking system is a low cost, high accurate, more efficient with low power consumption.
Plastic Bags Waste Management Using the Knapsack Model, Case Study; Trashy Bags Accra[Full-Text ] Patience Pokuaa GambrahPlastic waste is a big issue in Ghana, but the amount of recycled plastic in Ghana is still low due to the high investment and operating cost. Hence, the rest of plastic waste are burnt, sent to the landfills or left on the streets. In order to be financially viable, recycling companies need to use effective and efficient ways in selecting items to be produced from a lot of items given a fix or limited amount of money to achieve optimal use of the money. The knapsack problem is a problem in combinatorial optimization, which derives its name from the maximization problem of the best choice of essentials that can fit into a bag to be carried on a trip. Given a set of items, each with a weight and a value, determine the number of each item to include in a collection so that the total weight is less than or equal to a given limit with a maximum value. The problem often arises in resource allocation with constraints. The practice of selecting items to be produced from a lot of items to generate the maximum revenue given a fixed amount of money is a clear case of Knapsack Problem. In this study, we shall explore ways of effectively and efficiently selecting items to be produced from a lot of items given a fix or limited amount of money to achieve optimal use of the money in order to maximize revenue in Ghana, using the classical 0-1 knapsack problem with a single constraint. This work will also serve as reference material in the libraries and the internet for students who wish to undertake research into the piled-up problems of items to be made.
The Phenomenological Understanding of Social Life [Full-Text ] Asst. Prof. Kire Sharlamanov,Aleksandar JovanoskiThis article provides an overview of the basic concepts which were developed in the phenomenology. The phenomenology, especially the sociological phenomenology is considered as one of the most important traditions in the 20th century, which in its basis has the deliberation of the contemporary social sciences. By indicating the importance of the concepts of typification, the stock of knowledge and intersubjectivity here an attempt is made for humble reconstruction of the architecture of the conscious experience through which the senses is perceived, which the humans gives to his own acting, thus creating the social reality. The main emphasis in the effort is put on the work of Alfred Schultz and the development of his phenomenological tradition. The phenomenology in this work is also represented as one of the sociological theoretical traditions within the paradigm for social definitions of George Ritzer. The interest for the phenomenology here is also related to the contemporary conditions or it forwards the meta(sociological) interest for this tradition in the deliberation of micro-environments as a frame of sociological analysis.
FPGA Implementation of Hybrid Architecture for Image Compression Optimized for Low Power and High Speed applications[Full-Text ] Mr. Murali Mohan. S, Dr. P. SatyanarayanaWith the advancement in technology, many products in the market use images for control and display. Image compression is one of the primary image processing techniques that are embedded in all electronic products. In this paper, hybrid architecture comprising of DWT and Neural Network is combined together to compress and decompress image. The hybrid algorithm achieves 44% improvement in MSE and operates at 127MHz frequency on FPGA in compression and decompression of images. The software model developed in Matlab environment is validated using various test cases and the HDL model is simulated using XilinxISE/Modelsim. The design is synthesized and implemented on Virtex-5 FPGA and is optimized for area and power performances.
Studies on Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete - A Sustainable Approach[Full-Text ] Vasudev R, Dr. B G VishnuramThere is a growing awareness of the advantages of fibre reinforcement techniques of construction all over the world. Even though concrete possesses several desirable properties, its relative low tensile strength and deformation properties prompted many researchers to work on to improve these properties. One such development of improving or modifying the brittle characteristics of concrete is by supplementing the concrete matrix with fibre reinforcement. Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete has become very popular due to its exceptional mechanical performance compared to the conventional concrete.
Use of Fuzzy Topsis Model For Evaluating Cooling Towers[Full-Text ] Mahdi Naqdi Bahar, Ali Ghaniabadi, Keramat RazmjooPresent paper applies Fuzzy TOPSIS Model for identification of indicators regarding to cooling towers and assigning weight to indicators and prioritizing Cooling Towers distributed questionnaires among 37 expert and specialist in Besat Electricity Production Company in Tehran - Iran.
Sentence Similarity based text summarization using clusters[Full-Text ] Mohd. Saif Wajid, Shivam Maurya, Mr. Ramesh VaishyaThe computer is based on natural languageonsummarization andmachine system. It is very difficult for human being manually summarize largeamountoftext. The greatest challenge for text summarization tosummarize convent from numberof textualand semi structured sources, including text , HTML page, portabledocument file . This summarization can be determine from internal and external measure. Our proposed work sentencesimilarity based text summarization using clusters help in finding subjective question and answer on internet .This work provide short units of text that belongsto similarinformation. I proposedmy work on sentence similarity basedcomputation that help to experiment forsimilartext computation. Extractivesummarization textsystemchoosing a subset of similar group from the text . proposal worki used the partof speech , proper noun, verb, pronouns such as he,she, and they etc. Withthehelp of part of speech we find importantsentenceusing statistical method like proper noun and sentencesimilarity system .It based on internet information that that contain picky sentence.
Channel Aware and Energy Efficient On demand Routing Protocols for Route Handoff Technique[Full-Text ] Kalpana.VIn wireless Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs), packet transmission is failed by radio link fluctuations. This paper proposes Channel Aware Adhoc Ondemand Multipath Distance Vector (CA-AOMDV).This can be combined with Max Min Residual Energy multipath protocol (MMRE-AOMDV) .These two protocols are used to select the stable links for path discovery, and applies a preemptive handoff strategy for reliable connections by exploiting channel state information. The main idea of protocol MMRE-AOMDV is to find the minimal nodal residual energy of route in the process. Once a new route with greater nodal residual energy is found, it is selected for forwarding the data packets .And CA-AOMDV can be used to find the stable link with the help of the metric called Non Fading duration Time.
WSN Applications: Traffic monitoring using AMR sensors[Full-Text ] Rashid hussain, Dr.J.L.Sahgal,Anshul Gangwar,Md.RiyajIn today's scenario, the road network is very busy due to increasing traffic day by day.As a result major problems like congestion & safety becomes a major issue.To overcome these problems ,we need some advanced techniques of sensor. Sensor based traffic monitoring has several applications in traffic safety,law enforcement and illegal parking. To monitor road network various sensors are installed . An integrated approach of WSN is used. Some of these sensors are camera based sensor,laser sensor,ultrasonic sensor,AMR sensor etc.
Design And Simulation of WLAN (802.11a) Transmitter[Full-Text ] Mrs. Shobha S. Nikam, Dr. Pradeep B. Mane, Mrs. Vineeta PhilipThe growth of 802.11based wireless LANs provides higher data rates and greater system capacities. Among the IEEE 802.11 standards, the 802.11a standard based on OFDM modulation scheme has been defined for high-speed and large-system-capacity challenges. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) has been selected as the modulation scheme due to its good performance on highly dispersive channels, like the indoor scenarios where these standards will be used. The IEEE802.11a standard supports 6, 9, 12, 18,24,36,48 and 54Mbps data rates. Out of these eight data rates, 6, 12 and 24Mbps are mandatory data rates. In this paper VHDL design of the physical layer of IEEE802.11a standard for 6Mbps data rate is presented. The PHY of IEEE 802.11a is first simulated using MathWorks Simulink and then Implementation aspects of an OFDM modem on Xilinx FPGA are addressed. The system includes simulation of Data Scrambler, convolutional encoder, data Interleaver, BPSK modulator and 64 point IFFT. The design is efficiently synthesized on Virtex xqv600e-6bg432.
Vehicular Traffic Surveillance for Real Time Using Multiple Methodologies [Full-Text ] Ms. Susmita A. Meshram, Prof. A. V. MalviyaDigital image processing is the use of computer algorithms to perform image processing on digital images. As a subcategory or field of digital signal processing, digital image processing has many advantages and applications. One of the applications of digital image processing is for traffic analysis. In literature survey it is found that traffic analysis can be done by Background Subtraction, by non-Drifting Mean-shift using Projective Kalman Filter, using Radar Interferometry. Robust vehicle tracking is essential in traffic monitoring because it is the groundwork to higher level tasks such as traffic control and event detection. The functionality of this technique will be for traffic analysis for real time.
Helminthology and Haematological parameters of S. labiatus, in Shallabugh Wetland &River Sindh[Full-Text ] Ibraq Khurshid and Fayaz AhmadHelminthology and Haematology parameters have been recognised as the important tools for assessing the fish health. Haematological parameters were studied and compared different feeding behaviour of fishes in the two water bodies. Blood parameters such as red blood cell count (RBC) and white blood cells count (WBC), haemoglobin and ESR were estimated from fishes of different trophic level. Statistical analysis revealed that differences in haematological parameters between lotic and lentic fish were significant (P<0.01). The result revealed that haematological RBC/WBC ratio and ESR were significantly correlated at P<0.05 level. The RBC level decreases due to the increase in the helminth infection. WBC and ESR increases due to increase of helminth infection.
Utilization of a Noble Renewable Energy efficaciously and Essentiality Considering the Third World Country[Full-Text ] Nasif Marjan Chowdhury, Subrato BiswasElectricity availability for agrarian society, so long, has been a disparity in context of third world countries as Bangladesh. Realizing this, many organizations along with Bangladesh government are trying to bring renewable energy in a competitive package to meet deficiency. In respect of Bangladesh there is huge possibility to use lot of wastage as renewable energy. The wastage of kitchen, sewage, dead plants and crops, cow dung etc. all these are good sources of Biogas and are available near the grasp of hands a lot. Different types of biogas purification method have been tested with good results. Some are easier to operate, but less effective in purifying biogas. Others require more attention and expense to operate, but produce significantly more purified biogas. As Bangladesh is having a big population the production of wastes are huge, it will be a great asset if this wastes can be utilized to produce biogas. These wastes not only pollute the environment these are the cause of lots of disease and endemics. Also the placements of these wastages are problems. So the process and utilization of these wastes will make the scope of biogas production as renewable energy which can be a cheap source of power generation, moreover it will help to preserve our healthy and beautiful environment situation. This paper based on discussion and analysis of various methods of production and purification to produce refining biogas. This paper also gives a short overview of raw materials available in Bangladesh which is having the highest efficiency to produce biogas.