Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2013 Edition
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Research progress of the physical and chemical treatment of dye wastewater[Full-Text ] Li Si, Yang Wei, Cao Chenglong, Wang Yanbo, Yang ShuangchunWith the development of the dye industry, in our country dye-wastewater has become main industrial wastewater. The wastewater increased year by year, which is causing increasingly serious environmental problems. In this paper research progress of the physical and chemical treatment technology of dye wastewater was reviewed such as ozone oxidation, microwave induced catalytic technology, electrochemical oxidation, photo-catalytic oxidation, membrane separation technology and adsorption, and technical advantages and disadvantages of various methods was pointed out.
Modified Space Vector Switching for Three Level NPC Converter Based Unity Power Factor Conditioner in Grid Connected WECS[Full-Text ] Naik. R. L and Jangamshetti. S. HThis paper presents a Modified Space Vector Switching for three level NPC converter. A simplified switching strategy is developed by exploiting the redundant states of switching vectors available in three level space vectors. The proposed switching strategy is tested using the DSP TMS320F2812. It is observed that, the complexity of proposed switching strategy reduces to that of two level and has better harmonic performance as compared to conventional space vector PWM. Further, the developed switching strategy is used in voltage oriented controller to control grid connected three level NPC converter for variable speed WECS. Symmetrical optimum approach in designing of regulators for DC voltage and current control loops are proposed for voltage oriented control. The performance of controller is verified for constant and step change in wind speeds through simulation in MATLAB/SIMULINK. It is observed from simulation results that, the controller simultaneously regulates DC link voltage, maintains power factor at unity and overcomes the problem of voltage imbalance that exists between the capacitors of three level NPC converter connected to grid.
Review of renewable energy Prospect in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Dr.Md. Kamrul Alam Khan, Shuva Paul, Md. Rashed Azad, Md. Anisur RahmanFrom the very beginning of the civilization human searches for power and energy. Power and energy is the driving factor for all living being. So, endless supply of power and energy is one of the most desirable things in life. But the existing power and energy sources are limited in reservation. That is why there is probability of acute scarcity of power in near future. To solve this power crisis we must move to renewable energy sources. This paper aims to analyze the prospect of different renewable energy sources available in Bangladesh.
Eradication of Artifacts within ECG Signal by means of IIR Filter[Full-Text ] Govind Sharan Yadav, Anjali Kumari Gupta, Varsha Pathak The Electrocardiogram (ECG) belongs to a family of multicomponent non-stationary signals. These non-stationary components are observed even when the ECG signal of a perfectly healthy person is taken. One of the main problems with ECG is the extraction of required cardiac components by rejecting the background noise caused by power line interference, external electromagnetic fields, random body movements and respiration. Different types of digital filters are used to separate the signal of interest from entire frequency range of the signal. This paper deals with the denoising and filtering of the raw ECG signal and the data set is taken from MIT-BIH arrhythmia database.
Survey and Proposed Methodology for Qos Improvment in MANET[Full-Text ] Ankita sharma, Astt. Prof. Sumit vashisthaMobile ad-hoc network is dynamic nature because each node moves freely in the network. In such a situation network performance is very important, due to complicated situations such as node/link interference and traffic load, quality of service support in multi-hop multi-rate ad hoc networks remains a challenging issue. Furthermore, when mobility is present, because of frequent route change, it is even more difficult to maintain high level performance for existing real-time flows that may not tolerate serious performance degradation. In this paper we provide survey about various issue involving in QoS effect in the network with routing protocol and various performance metrics, so we analyze the performance of the network and increase the performance of the MANET.
Smart drip irrigation system using sensor networks[Full-Text ] E.Soorya, M.Tejashree, P.SuganyaA semi-automated irrigation system was developed in order to facilitate continuous and efficient irrigation under water and labour scarcity conditions. Due to reliability, robustness and limited resources, resistive sensors were chosen. A field with okra crops was prepared and divided into two equal areas. One half was non-automated drip irrigated and other area was drip irrigated and sensor operated. The volumetric data of water utilised and crop yield were collected and the results showed that the water consumption is reduced in the automated field as compared to the manually irrigated field.
Studies on the Nanofluids Applications: due to their Amazing Properties[Full-Text ] S.R.Chitra, Dr.S.SendhilnathanThe focus of the present work concerns the applications due to the properties, especially thermal properties of suspensions of nanoparticles in fluids. They commonly referred to as nanofluids. In another explanation, nanofluids are nanoscale colloidal suspensions containing consendensed nanomaterials. They are two-phase systems with one phase (solid phase) in another (liquid phase).Nanofluids are suspensions of nanoparticles in fluids. They show substantial augmentation of their properties at modest nanoparticle concentrations. They have also shown many interesting properties, and the distinctive features offer unprecedented potential for many applications. Most of the publications on nanofluids are about understanding their behavior so that they can be utilized where straight enhancement of nanofluids is paramount as in many industrial applications, nuclear reactors, transportation, electronics as well as biomedicine and food. My paper focuses on presenting the wide range of its applications that involve nanofluids, prominence to their improved properties that are controllable and the specific characteristics that these nanofluids possess that make them suitable for such applications. The properties like heat transfer, thermal properties and so on, will be used in many applications of nanofluids, has also been reported.
Biodiesel Synthesis and Analysis: A Technical Review[Full-Text ] L. Saravanakumar, R. Dwarakesh, G. Premkumar, B.R.Ramesh Bapu, B.Durga PrasadDue to the increased use of fossil fuels in recent years, its availability is decreasing day by day. Further, the environment is greatly affected by the emissions produced by these fuels. Thus many countries are in search of an alternative fuel which should be economical and less polluting. Biodiesel is one of the solutions that match this requirement. It is prepared from vegetable oil or animal fat by number of processes like esterification, Trans esterification processes. Biodiesel can also be extracted from different oils like Jatropha curcas, soybean oil, palm oil etc. This paper gives the review of how biodiesel is prepared from these oils by considering various process parameters like methanol to oil ratio, operating temperatures, concentration of NaOH or KOH and its results. It also gives the overview of how it is economical and less polluting than fossil fuels. Its use in automobiles, modifications required, its performance and its difficulties are also discussed.
3D FACE DETECTION AND RECOGNITION[Full-Text ] Abhishek Chauhan, Shivangi Srivastava, Anamika Singh, Aman SinghalThis paper presents real time face detection and recognition system and also an efficient technique to train the database. The algorithm used is of stereo-face detection in video sequences. A stereo face is a face of man presented by the set of images obtained from different points of views such data can be used for face of man presented by the set of images obtained from different points of views. Such data can be used for structure estimation. Our algorithm is based on computationally effective method of face detection in mono image. Information about face position is then combined using sparse stereo matching algorithm. Sparse means that stereo correspondence is estimated not for all scene points but only the point of interests. This allows obtaining the low computational cost of algorithm Then we used the ANN(Artificial Neural Network) to train the database and get the information out of that detected face and recognize it. And for effective database storage we need holographic data storage technique to store our database.
News Event Extraction Using 5W1H Approach & Its Analysis[Full-Text ] Smriti Sharma, Rajesh Kumar, Pawan Bhadana, Sumita GuptaTo relieve "News Information Overload", a novel approach of 5W1H is easiest & best suitable. In this paper, we describe 5W1H (who, what, whom, when, where, how) event semantic elements extraction along with its analysis with some existing systems. Here we are also presenting a more descriptive view of 5W1H approach.
To Study Maximum Power Point Tracking In Photovoltaic Cells[Full-Text ] Arpit Pandey, S.DevdasThe modeling of PV (photovoltaic) systems is very crucial for embedded power system applications and maximum power point tracking. This paper presents a PV array model using Matlab/Simulink with the assistance of SimPowerSystem toolbox. The PV cell is considered as the main building block for simulating and monitoring the PV array performance. The PV model has been developed and used as Simulink subsystems where the effect of solar insolation and PV array temperature on commercial PV modules have been studied throughout the simulated I-V and P-V output characteristics. The proposed model facilitates simulating the dynamic performance of PV-based power systems. The effect of different partial shading patterns of PV arrays under different configurations has been studied.
Resistive Touch Screen Controller Implementation on ARM7 CPU[Full-Text ] Padma Prasada, Sukesh Rao MToday, many fields are adopting touch screens or touch panels for applications with human/machinery or human/computer interfaces. ARM Microcontrollers are hot selling chips in the present embedded market, this paper presents the concepts and methods for the interfacing of Resistive Touch-Screen panel with host ARM7 CPU. Software programming algorithm and their implementation are also portrayed. The implementation methods give special consideration to analog power-down strategies, efficient analog to digital conversion and optimize the touch sensor algorithm. We begin by looking at the theory of operation of a resistive touch screen. Techniques are presented for improving accuracy and minimizing errors; the operation of the Pen Interrupt is explored. The designed system is capable to determine the Touch position in terms of X-Y coordinate values. In this approach LPC2103 microcontroller from Philips Semiconductor Pvt Ltd, based on ARM7TDMI-S core is used as host controller. The ARM7TDMIS CPU features 8 A/D channels, 32 general purpose I/O and several power saving modes. Using Cross ware Embedded development Studio, the entire software programming is done in C-language.
Efficient Indexing Techniques On Data Warehouse[Full-Text ] Bhosale P., Bidkar N, Hirave T., Kanase P., Magar MRecently, data warehouse system is becoming more and more important for decision-makers. Most of the queries against a large data warehouse are complex and iterative. The ability to answer these queries efficiently is a critical issue in the data warehouse environment. If the right index structures are built on columns, the performance of queries, especially ad hoc queries will be greatly enhanced. In this paper, we provide an evaluation of indexing techniques being studied/used in both academic research and industrial applications.
Biology and biometry of Carcelia illota Curran (Diptera: Tachinidae) a larval pupal parasitoid on Helicoverpa armigra Hubner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).[Full-Text ] S.V.Chaudhari Biology and biometry of Carcelia illota Curran, a larval pupal parasitoid on Helicoverpa armigera Hubner was studied. Size of egg, larvae, puparia and adults was measured. The length and width of cephalic skeleton, posterior spiracles of all three instars were measured. Duration of different life stages recorded. Size of macrotype eggs 0.65 mm 1x0.22 mm w. The newly hatched microscopic first instar larva was 0.517 mm in length and 0.11 mm width. The third instar larvae emerged from host body measured 9.413 mm in length and 2.788 mm in width. Body size, cephalic skeleton and posterior spiracles increased in length and width as larva grown. Total larval and pupal duration each recorded was about 11-12 days at 25±1°C. The body size of male and female recorded was 9.7 x 3.8 mm and 9.25 x 3.25 mm, respectively. The longevity in adults 2 to 30 days with an average of 12 days was recorded. Premating period, duration of mating, preoviposition period, oviposition period, total times for adult emergence were also recorded.
Power Quality Improvement In Grid Interconnection of Renewable Energy Sources Using Four Leg Inverter[Full-Text ] S.Josephin Mary, J.Chelladurai, Sharon.D.RonaldRenewable energy resources (RES) are being increasingly connected in distribution systems utilizing power electronic converters. This paper presents a novel control strategy for achieving maximum benefits from these grid-interfacing inverters when installed in 3-phase 4-wire distribution systems. The inverter is controlled to perform as a multi-function device by incorporating active power filter functionality. The inverter can thus be utilized as: 1) power converter to inject power generated from RES to the grid, and 2) shunt APF to compensate current unbalance, load current harmonics, load reactive power demand and load neutral current. All of these functions may be accomplished either individually or simultaneously. With such a control, the combination of grid-interfacing inverter and the 3-phase 4-wire linear/non-linear unbalanced load at point of common coupling appears as balanced linear load to the grid. This new control concept is demonstrated with extensive MATLAB/Simulink simulation studies.
A Result Analysis of Modified Hybrid Port Knocking (MHPK) with Strong Authentication[Full-Text ] Ms. Priyanka Sahu, Ms. Megha Singh, Prof. Deepak kulhareIt is sometimes desirable to allow access to open ports on a firewall only to authorized external users and present closed ports to all others. We examine ways to construct an authentication service to achieve this goal, and then examine one such method, Modified Hybrid port knocking. Implementations by presenting a novel port knocking architecture that provides strong authentication while addressing the weaknesses of existing port knocking systems. This paper are developing and evaluating the performance of a new proposed modified hybrid port knocking (MHPK) technique with proposed encryption/decryption technique. Prime concerned of the proposed work is to prevent different -different type of port attack and fulfill the entire security requirement for network. Proposed technique is the combination of four concepts, these are port knocking (PK), Symmetric key encryption/decryption, steganography and mutual authentication. In conclusion, port knocking deserves future consideration and can be a valuable layer in defense-in-depth. The performance evaluation and analysis of the proposed technique is calculating by measuring of the some parameter like security, portability, and average authentication time, which is showing the superiority of the proposed technique as compare existing technique.
Effect Of Additive Soils On Some Geotechnical Properties Of Gypseous Soil[Full-Text ] Lamyaa Najah, Prof. Dr. Fauziah Ahmad, Prof. Dr.Md Azlin Md Said, Dr. Adnan jayedThe Gypseous soil disturbed in Iraq and many countries of the world. There many problems can be occurred to the structures that built on, so the properties of this type of soils must study and improve it. This research deals with the effect of adding soils on some geotechnical properties of gypseous soil. The investigation includes evaluation of properties such as compaction, consistency limits and strength of the gypseous soil after mixing with soils: (SM) and (ML) namely 5%, 10% ,15%,50%,85%,90% and 95% by weight of the dry gypseous soil. The results obtained show that the maximum dry density ( ?d ) increase at 85% of (SM) mixing with gypseous soil while for (ML) soil no significant change on it. It was also observed that mixing two types of soils with gypseous soil, reduce plasticity index. On the other hand, added (SM) soil increase the cohesion ( c ) of gypseous soil and for soil (ML) added to gypseouse soil the height value for cohesion is obtained at 85%
Investigations on IEEE 802.21 based Media Independent Handoff Algorithm for Access Network Selection between WiFi and WiMAX[Full-Text ] Sahana Bhosale, Rohin DaruwalaThe design goal of Fourth Generation (4G) networks is to offer seamless connectivity across existing wired and wireless access technologies under the ''Anywhere, Anytime'' paradigm. Emerging IEEE 802.21 supports optimization of vertical handoffs amongst heterogeneous access networks under the umbrella of 4G. This paper investigates the IEEE 802.21 based Media Independent Handoff MIH algorithm (handover1) for the access selection in an integrated WiFi and WiMAX networks. Further, the paper proposes an innovative MIH algorithm (handover2) which improves QoS metrics such as latency and packet loss by using layer 2 triggers. 802.21 add-on modules (developed by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)) have been successfully integrated in 2.29 version of network simulator (ns) for investigating and analyzing the performance of the MIH algorithms.
Fabrication Of An Ac Magnetic Susceptibility Measurement System[Full-Text ] Felipe Voltaire M. Florento, Norberto Alcantara, Gil Nonato C. Santos The fabrication of an AC magnetic susceptibility measurement system for the characterization of superconductors has been developed. Magnetic susceptibility describes the magnetic characteristic of materials, it is a measure of the ease with which certain materials are magnetized when subjected to a magnetic field. The mutual inductance method and the lock-in technique served as the mechanism for the equipment. The setup consists of a primary coil that is driven by a current to generate a magnetic field inside. Two pairs of secondary coils are wound oppositely inside the primary coil to cancel their mutual inductances. The primary coil is wound using a gauge # 36 magnetic wire with 1105 turns and a resistance of 118.43?. The secondary coils were wound with a gauge #40 magnetic wire with 1625 turns and have the resistance of 338.41? and 338.63? respectively. The presence of a superconductor inside the coil will produce a change in the flux at its superconducting state and thus result in a drop in the induced voltage. This voltage is directly proportional to the magnetic susceptibility. To obtain accurate measurements, it was necessary to phase tune the reference signal with the physical setting of the secondary coils at room temperature. This was done through the help of phasor diagrams. The reference signals used were at 400Hz, 5V at 1.2 kHz, 5V, at 800 Hz, in 5V, 3V and 1V. The resultant vector obtained at 400Hz, 5V was 0.003V?15.69° while at 1.2 kHz, 5V was 0.022V?-56.31° and at 800Hz, 5V was 0.012V?-34.99°. This resultant vector was then adjusted by 180° to be located in the second quadrant. The reference signal's phase setting was adjusted to be either perpendicular to resultant vector or parallel to one of the secondary coil's vector depending on the placement of the phasors. A standard sample was used to determine the efficiency of the apparatus. YBCO sample was used to serve as the standard. The results of the test runs had yielded a curve directly proportional to the real and imaginary parts of the magnetic susceptibility when the adjusted phase setting was along the adjusted resultant vector.
Analyzing and Eliminating Artifacts in EEG Signal[Full-Text ] Amarjeet Kaur, Pooja Chaturvedi, Upasana MehtaThe Human Brain is the main control unit of body. It continuously monitors and controls the body activities. It receives the body related information by ionic current flowing inside the neurons of the brain. To detect any variation in the ionic current, resulting by movement of body parts is measured by Electroencephalography (EEG). These body movements tend to introduce a noise type distortion in measured EEG signal, known as artifacts. Artifacts can be introduced even due to movement or blinking of eyes. The electric dipole in human eyes is due to positive cornea and negative retina. Eye movements and blinks causes change in electric dipole. Here we are applying an adaptive method for eliminating artifacts from EEG signal, which is based on Blind Source Separation (BSS) using Independent Component Analysis (ICA). BSS using ICA can be used to effectively detect, separate and remove ocular artifacts, arising by eye movements from heavily contaminated EEG data. For performing this operation, ICA is computed with an unknown mixing vector and corresponding source signal is removed to get original EEG signal.
SARP: Self Acknowledge Routing protocol for Route maintenance in Mobile Ad Hoc Network[Full-Text ] Ravindra Eklarker, Vinayadatt. V. Kohir, V. D. MytriMobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) are characterized by multi hop wireless connectivity, infrastructure less environment and frequently changing topology. Wireless links in MANET are highly error prone and can go down frequently due to mobility of nodes. Most reactive routing protocols do not maintain routing information at the node, on link failure typically a route error message is sent to the source and source initiates another route discovery which creates a lot of routing overhead. We present a Self Acknowledge Routing Protocol (SARP) for route maintenance in mobility, where each intermediate node runs a Self Acknowledge (SA) algorithm to recover the broken link to reach the destination efficiently. Main intends of the protocol is to minimize new route discovery process through route repair and minimize the network overhead. The protocol is implemented over Dynamic Source Routing Protocol (DSR) and the experiment results shows reduction in control overhead and end-to-end delay with an improvement of the packet delivery ratio.
A Unique hybrid cipher mechanism for effective, secure & reliable communication[Full-Text ] Pankaj Rakheja, Saransh Gupta, Ruchika Sachdeva, Radhika kandhariInformation flowing through the network need to be secured and communication needs to be made reliable as most of the transactions carried out are highly confidential .Integrity of information needs to be maintained. Traditional cryptographic mechanisms are now not that reliable. New cryptographic schemes like DNA cryptography, elliptical cryptography, quantum cryptography, biometric cryptography etc are emerging in today's scenario. Biometric cryptography ensures authentication to highest degree. Biometric cryptography technique uses biometric features to encrypt the data, which improves the security of the encrypted data and overcome the shortcomings of the traditional cryptography. This paper proposes a novel biometric cryptographic algorithm based on the most accurate biometric features like iris and fingerprint. It inculcates the benefits of traditional cryptography, biometric authentication and steganography in a single cipher mechanism to make it immune to new advanced attacks on data flowing through media over the globe.
Quantum Computing: An Introduction[Full-Text ] Megha Khandelwal and Subho Sankar ChatterjeeQuantum computing is a subject that assembles ideas from classical quantum physics, information theory, and computer science. This paper describes the connection between information theory and quantum mechanics. Explaining their relationship, the review concocts introduction to classical information theory and computer science, including Shannon's theorem, error correcting codes, Turing machines and computational complexity. The principles of quantum mechanics are then outlined, and the EPR experiment described. The EPR-Bell correlations and quantum entanglement in general, form the essential new ingredient which distinguishes quantum from classical information theory, and arguably, quantum from classical physics. Basic Quantum information ideas are described, including key distribution, teleportation, data compression, quantum error correction, the universal quantum computer and quantum algorithms. The common theme of all these ideas is the use of quantum entanglement as a computational resource. Experimental methods for small quantum processors are briefly sketched, concentrating on ion traps, high Q cavities, and NMR. The review concludes with an outline of the main features of quantum information physics, and avenues for future research.
Performance Analysis of Nash and Power Balancing Algorithms for SIR-Based Power Control in CDMA Networks[Full-Text ] Md. Najmul Hossain, Md. Abdur Rahim, Md. Rashedul Islam, Md. Shafiul AzamThis paper incorporates a comprehensive study about the distributed power control algorithm in cellular communication systems. The algorithm requires only interference power estimations and/or signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) estimations form the base station, and converge even in cases where limits on available power render the target SIR unattainable. Power control plays an important role to high demand for wireless communication services shows the need for technology to further increase the capacity of cellular communication systems. The capacity of the system is maximized if the transmitter's power control is controlled so that its signal arrives at base station with minimum required signal-to-interference ratio. Nash equilibrium power provides substantial power savings as compared to the power balancing algorithm, while reducing achieved SIR only slightly. Simulations show that the benefit of the Nash equilibrium power control over the power balancing solution increases as receiver noise power or number of users in the cell increases.
A TQM improvement process model, an implementation case study[Full-Text ] Walid Youssef Montasser, Prof Dr. Abd Alhakim Al ManhawyTotal quality management is a criterion for managing people, tasks and processes to ensure a superior service/product quality which guarantees complete customer satisfaction. It is an aspect of management which solely focuses on quality as its prime success factor; total quality management (TQM) is the set of management processes and systems that create delighted customers through empowered employees, leading to higher revenue and lower cost. TQM is an approach to improving the competitiveness, effectiveness and flexibility of a whole organization. TQM represents a substantial change in organization and management philosophy for most organizations. Simply "deciding to do it" and "understanding it" are not enough to create the management systems that are required to launch and sustain a TQM effort. Insight alone does not produce change. As in any other type of major undertaking, an organization needs plan to improve TQM implementation. The aim of this part of the study was to develop an improvement Plan that is formulated, directed, supported and controlled by the highest levels in the organization. This planning is linked to the processes by which the hotel services are fabricated and delivered, after the completion of the plan implementation stage, and as a future work, the results will be evaluated and used to ensure the validity of the proposed theoretical model through the re-testing of the hypotheses introduced in the first part of this research.
Web Secure Software Lifecycle Model[Full-Text ] D. R. Ingle, Dr. B.B. MeshramThe traditional approach of developing software does not consider security as a prime factor for the development of any software. It is considered as one of the features of the developed system. Since in the recent years number of cyber crimes have increased, there is a need to redesign the software development process and introduce security at each and every phase of software development lifecycle. To induce security at every phase we need to identify the vulnerabilities at each phase. Hence this paper summarizes the survey conducted on vulnerabilities at different phases, the threats and tentative attacks due to the corresponding vulnerabilities. We have also conducted survey on patches available for these threats and hence we have proposed a secure software development lifecycle. We have considered web as the application to identify the vulnerabilities and we have also implemented the security patches on a case study.
Cost Effective Long Reach Hybrid WDM-TDM Passive Optical Network Using Bidirectional EDFA[Full-Text ] Ankit Sharma, Divya DhawanBoth the low cost and high capacity has become an increasingly significant aspect of network design. So this tutorial paper demonstrates a long reach hybrid WDM (wavelength division multiplexing)/TDM (time division multiplexing) PON (Passive optical network) system with dual pumped bidirectional Erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA). This architecture has a total reach of 115Km and EDFA provides a gain of ~23db.
Preventive Maintenance : A Method For Efficient Fleet Operations[Full-Text ] CH. SINDHU, CH.VIJAY, M.MANOJ KUMARThe paper introduces a method for implementing preventive maintenance for efficient fleet operations in an automobile workshop of a renowned transport company. This workshop handles the overhauling and maintenance works of the entire fleet of vehicles of the transport company. The recurrent problems in the workshop are intermittent repairs of engine, gear box, differential, radiators etc. The reason for frequent break downs of the vehicles is imperfect maintenance procedures being followed in the workshop. The main objective of this paper is to introduce a maintenance method which cuts down the maintenance cost thereby yielding benefits to the company. This is achieved by implementing preventive maintenance Viz. scheduling and supervising the work to be completed. By doing so, better quality of work, reduction in breakdowns, improved life of the vehicle parts and better delivery performance of the vehicles can be achieved.
Analysis of Doppler Effect on constellation Diagram of 8-PSK Modulation[Full-Text ] Sanjeev Kumar Shah, Vinay Negi, Sandeep Singh, Manish Kumar, Lalit MohanThis paper describes the calculation and simulation results of the Doppler effect on a mobile car with the help of constellation diagram for 8 PSK modulation when the mobile car experienced the Rayleigh fading. Here LMS Linear equalizer is used to optimize the Doppler effect when the mobile Car having speed 30 m/sec and the mobile car is assumed on freeway. The results are taken at three position of mobile car i.e. at an angle of 50, 450 and 850. The calculation and simulation results of the Doppler effect on a mobile car with the help of constellation diagram for 8 PSK modulation is simulated in MATLAB.
Generalized Linear Model for Binary Data with Missing Values: An EM Algorithm Approach[Full-Text ] Nazneen SultanaA procedure is derived for estimating the parameter in case of missing data. The missing data mechanism is considered as missing at random (MAR) and non-ignorable. Here we use EM algorithm for logit link approach in generalized linear model. The logit link approach shows that it can effectively estimate the value of a categorical variable when we have information on the other categorical variables. In this method the variable with missing values is considered as dependent variable. In addition a real data set for low birth weight is presented to illustrate the method proposed.
Measuring Construction Site Safety in Kolkata, India[Full-Text ] Himadri Guha, Partha Pratim BiswasThis paper investigates the safety status in building construction sites in Kolkata, India. The study was based on surveys conducted in construction sites. Despite existence of Indian safety codes and contractual obligations the sites were found to be deficient in enforcing the requirements. A relative importance index was proposed for comparing safety aspects among sites. A cost-benefit analysis based on Monte Carlos' simulation was used for investigating the economic forces that may hinder proper implementation of safety rules.
Sufficient Extent of Software Quality Investment[Full-Text ] Meer Shizan AliDetermining when to stop testing and releasing the product for use is the basic problem faced by many software projects. Though we have risk analysis, which helps to address that what is the sufficient extent of software quality investment by balancing the risk exposure of doing too little with the risk exposure of doing too much. However, people have often found it difficult to quantify the relative probabilities and sizes of loss in order to provide practical approaches for determining a risk-balanced "sweet spot" operating point. Here a quantitative approach is provided based on the COCOMO II cost estimation model and the COQUALMO quality estimation model to help project decision-makers determine that what extent of software quality investment is enough. Also examples of its use under differing value profiles are provided. Further, some representative empirical data and models are used to assess the relative payoff of value-based testing as compared to value-neutral testing.
Effect of Gender, internet browsing, sports activities and medium of instructions on mathematics achievement of class IX students of South-East Bihar (India)[Full-Text ] SHIVENDRA PRATAP SINGH, DR. ALI IMAMThis study examined the effects of gender; time spent on internet browsing, participation in sports activities and medium of instructions on mathematics achievement of class IX students of South-East Bihar. The study consists of 975 male and 969 female students of thirty-six schools of South-East Bihar. The mathematics achievement test and personal background assessment questionnaire were used for data collection. While t-test, F-test followed by Duncan's Mean test were used for statistical analysis. The result showed that male students had better achievement in mathematics than female students. Further the result showed that participation in sports activities enhances the performance in mathematics and English medium students had higher mathematics achievement in comparison to Hindi medium students.
RFID based Cloud Supply Chain Management[Full-Text ] B.Andal Supriya, Ilango DjearamaneRadio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a key enabler for our proposed Cloud based supply chain management service. The problem area introduced here is to experiment and figure out the less expensive passive RFID in the global supply chain process using the latest cloud based software infrastructure. This paper embraces briefly the underlying principle of RFID, introduction about supply chain management process and our proposed solution RFID based cloud based SCM services. The purpose of this wok is to provide clarity on how RFID can be used in supply chain management with modern cloud based platforms by reducing cost overhead to the business. The primary target audiences are actors in the manufacturing, logistics, warehouse and retail industries who are interested in finding cost effective solution for managing their supply chain inventory management system.
Ionic Graph and Its Application in Chemistry[Full-Text ] Azizul Hoque, Nwjwr BasumataryA covalent compound can be represented by molecular graph but this graph is inadequate to represent ionic compound. In this paper we introduce some graphs to furnish a representation of ionic compounds. We also study mathematically about these graphs and establish some results based on their relations and structures.
How Shared Leadership Can be Introduced in a Software Project Team? An Exploratory Study[Full-Text ] Affan Yasin, Atif YasinEstablishing a process of shared governance requires effective management, implementation of a suitable framework, multidisciplinary working, examination of its structure and culture. Shared governance is an ongoing process that requires constant assessment and reassessment so that administration may be responsive to a changing environment.
Secure Software System for email[Full-Text ] Manumeet Mukund, Rana MajumdarIn today's business world there are just too few hours to get everything done, and, too many tasks that need to be done. When you do take the time for them, you lose opportunity to look at developing your business and keeping it moving ahead. By the end of day, you often wonder where the day went and what you have to show for it. More than ever, you need way to get more out of the time you have, devoting less of your resources to never ending paperwork and record keeping for your business. Freeing up time, and resources, that should be used more productively. Communication to other is an indispensable part of any organization and individual's life. And we all definitely needed a breakthrough from manual ledger entries and more advanced and easy communication.
Ageing Population, Low Birth Rates, Declining Fertility: Impact on Global Business[Full-Text ] Naganathan VenkateshGlobal ageing in developed and developing countries alike will dramatically alter the way that societies and economies work. Population ageing generates many challenges and sparks concerns about the pace of future economic growth, the operation and financial integrity of health care and pension systems, and the well-being of the elderly; from the major study published by the United Nations (UN). Aging is no longer the sole province of more developed countries. Longer life expectancy at birth and lower fertility has sharply increased the proportion of elderly in less developed countries. In most non-OECD countries, declining fertility rates will cause labor-force-to-population ratios to raise as the shrinking share of young people will more than offset the skewing of adults toward the older ages
Monitoring of Unborn Babies Using Bluetooth[Full-Text ] Sangita S. Bhong, S. D. Lokhande In this paper we describe our initial approach to proposed solution for mobile fetal heart rate monitoring and evaluation running on Android platform. Additionally the application on the mobile Android device contains viewer of the signal that enables setting of customary thresholds levels for the analysis rules and gives user full control over the settings of the recording device. Fetal mortality rate is considered a good measure of the quality of health care in a country or a medical facility. If we look at the current scenario, we find that we have focused more on child mortality rate than on fetus mortality. Even it is a same situation in developed country. Our aim is to provide technological solutions to help decrease the fetal mortality rate. Measurement of fetal heart rate and uterine contractions is the prominent source of information about the fetal well-being in the late stages of pregnancy and during the delivery. With the stable increase of systematic costs of western medical systems and with the lack of trained personnel especially in the rural areas, telemedicine solutions are destined for large range of users.
ECG and Driver Monitoring System Based on Wireless Transceiver[Full-Text ] SYED RIZWAN BASHA, Mrs. R.MANOHARIWe go to monitor the health condition of the driver while driving. We using ECG, Vibration sensor, and Eye blink & Force sensor with the help of this sensor we continuously scan his health and through transmitter we can obtain his/her driving condition. ECG is used for to monitor the heart beat rate, as like weather he is drowsy or be active which is detected by the Eye blink sensor. By using Force sensor exactly we can detect either he is drug injected or not .when these parameter is detected & cross the threshold value, then automatically the vehicle will shut down and if accidents occur airbag will be activated. we can hence prevent the major accidents.
Biquad Infinite Impulse Response Filter Using High Efficiency Charge Recovery Logic[Full-Text ] K.Surya, K.Chinnusamy, K.DuraiswamyInfinite Impulse Response (IIR) test-chip that has been designed using a novel charge-recovery logic family, called Enhanced Boost Logic (EBL), to achieve high-speed and low-power operation. EBL achieves increased gate overdrive, resulting in low latency overhead over static CMOS design. The test-chip has been fabricated in a 0.13 m CMOS process with a fully- integrated 3 nH inductor. The biquad filter has the 2nd order filter design in the poles of 2. Optimized for performance and density, fully Paramerized consists of the frequency range is 365-600 MHz. It provides the resonant frequency range is 450 MHz, the test-chip dissipates 40.1 mW with a power 90.6 nW /MHz/Tap/In Bit/Coeff Bit.
An Adaptive Method of Image De-noising based on Discrete Wavelet Transform[Full-Text ] Vikas Gupta, Rajesh Mahle, Ashish ShuklaThis paper presents the Wavelet based Image De-noising. The search for efficient image De-noising methods is still a valid challenge at the crossing of functional analysis and statistics using discrete wavelet transform. De-noising of stationary images corrupted by Gaussian noise using wavelet techniques is very effective because of its ability to capture the energy of a signal in few energy transform values. This paper is an investigation that has been made out on suitability of image de-noising based on in thresholding normal and adaptive technique. De-noising of image is shown in terms of PSNR. Some other way of result evaluation in terms of MSE and visual performance is also shown.
Intelligence Traffic Control Using Near field Communication[Full-Text ] Sandip Tipayle Patil, Ankit Jain, Rahul Murarka, Ashutosh Kautkar.Automotive technologies are gaining ground in road traffic-control systems today. There is a need for safety-critical traffic automation, and traffic engineering makes the dynamic or static analysis and the synthesis of automotive vehicle technologies possible. Taking the case study of manual toll tax collection system, we came to the conclusion that if the system is made completely automatic for collecting toll tax on the toll plazas by using of RFID that will save time, space and money. The goal of engineering is the planning and management of traffic systems.
An approach for verifying Web Service composition using Interface Automata[Full-Text ] Mr.R.Saravanan, Mrs N. Danapaguiame, K.Rajalakshmi, R.Nivetha, M.VedhavizhiWeb services is one of the key technologies for cloud computing. A single web service can offer only limited function to which does not provide efficiency for business application. Thus the composition of different web services provides abundant functions for distributing applications efficiently. A verification algorithm is designed to verify the sequence flow of the composed service. In the existing system, composition and algorithm was used to verify the composition. It fails to determine the reachability of services and the representation of services in automata. Thus in the proposed system, a modified interface automata is used to achieve the composition of services and also a verification algorithm is designed to validate the execution sequence of services.
Energy Analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks using RSA and ECC Encryption Method[Full-Text ] Amanjot KaurWireless Sensor Networks consist of sensor nodes and few powerful control mobile laptops performing activities like routing, data aggregation etc over wireless media. However such kind of environment prone great security threats due to the broadcast nature of the transmission medium. Sensor networks pose unique challenges; traditional security techniques used in traditional networks cannot be applied directly. Therefore this paper investigates cryptography algorithms to showcase energy analysis. The work is implemented over a network created with the help of Java Sun SPOT kit, consisting of sensor node and base station.
Prevalance And Risk Factors Of Anemia Along With Classifiers[Full-Text ] P.Usha, S.Saranya, N.TamilselviHealthcare system becomes very important to develop an automated tool that is capable of identifying relevant healthcare information. This work focuses on retrieval of updated, accurate and relevant information from Medline datasets using Machine learning approach. In this paper we present an analysis of the prediction of survivability rate of health problem patients using data mining techniques. Health problem is the leading cause of death all over the world in the past ten years. Several researchers are using statistical and data mining tools to help health care professionals in the diagnosis of health disease. Recently, researchers have been investigating the effect of hybridizing more than one technique showing enhanced results in the diagnosis of diseases. However, using data mining techniques to identify a suitable treatment for these disease patients has received less attention. This paper identifies gaps in the research on various health disease diagnosis and treatment and proposes a model to systematically close those gaps to discover if applying data mining techniques to the health disease treatment data can provide as reliable performance as that achieved in diagnosing health problem. We have investigated the various anemic issues using data mining techniques.
Communication System Using BPSK Modulation[Full-Text ] Amir Khan, Anuj Kumar Singh, Deepak Kumar Gupta, Dhirendr Kumar VimalWe are living in an era where each of the things is directly related to technology. In past decades methods of transfer of message used to take a lot of time as the technological advancement took place new methods evolved for communication. The methods used were analog and digital methods. Although a significant portion of communication today is analog form, it is being replaced rapidly by digital communication with the next decade most of the communication will become digital, with analog communication playing a minor role. A tremendous technological transformation during the last two decades has provided a potential growth in the area of digital communication and lot of newer applications and technologies are coming up every day due to these reasons. In the present work digital communication system is being used as it provides the capability of information transmission that is both efficient and reliable. Restricting ourselves to the domain of modulation techniques in this article through extensive literature survey in a specific manner enabling to analyze BPSK modulation technique for a particular application. The parameters like symbol error rate , bit error rate are used for analysis. We analyzed the techniques by using modeling and simulating various models by using MATLAB software.
Multistage Compression of Medical Images for Ultra Low Power Device Applications[Full-Text ] D.Venugopal, A.Sivanantha RajaNowadays a large number of various medical images are generated from hospitals and medical centers with sophisticated image acquisition devices. This paper deals about the techniques to decrease the communication bandwidth and to save the transmitting power in the wireless medical devices. Digital image consumes huge memory and thus digital image data compression is necessary in order to solve this problem. In medical applications such as disease diagnostic, the loss of information is unacceptable; hence medical images should be compressed lossless. Wireless medical devices injected into the body are battery operated devices and hence the lifetime of the battery should last for long time. Complexity of the compression algorithm is directly related to the power consumption of the processor and hence there is a need for simple compression algorithms. We proposed 2 simple algorithms which can be combined together or used separately based on the necessity to address this requirement.
Survey: Spline based Interpolation methods For Image Magnification[Full-Text ] Ms. Abhilasha Bhatnagar, Dr.R.RamakishoreMany image interpolation methods have been proposed and used for obtaining high-resolution images. Pixel Interpolation is done at the time of image scaling. It is the process of resizing a digital image that involves a trade-off between efficiency, smoothness and sharpness. When the size of an image is increased, the pixels become increasingly visible, making the image appear soft. Conversely, when an image is reduced it tends to enhance its smoothness and apparent sharpness. The paper tells about different existing methods for image interpolation techniques. Linear interpolation is typically better than the nearest-neighbor system for changing the size of an image, but causes some undesirable softening of details and can still be somewhat jagged. Better scaling methods include bicubic interpolation using B-Splines. The presented methods are briefly described, followed by comparative discussions. This survey provides information about the existing methods and their improvement, assisting also in the designing of new evaluation methods and techniques.