Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2013 Edition
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Intelligent Question answering System[Full-Text ] V.S.Babanne, Dr.S.T.Patil, D.J.JoshiIn this paper, we have proposed a rule based Automated Question- Answering system which aims at delivering concise information that contains answers to user questions. The context would be the domain specific systems. This technique is the solution to the problem of unlimited or irrelevant data which is bombarded on the user as a result of his query on any search engine. Given a question, our system would identify those portions of the knowledge base that are relevant to the question minimizing the search space and providing exact expected answers to the user.
The Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of Indolethiacarbamide derivatives[Full-Text ] Archana Sharma and Dr.M.K.PathakIndoles and their derivatives are found to possess pronounced biological activates compounds in which the Indole ring is fused with other heterocyclic ring have also been found to possess remarkable biological properties. Many such derivatives are known in literature containing various, heterocyclic compounds fused with Indole. In recent review synthesis and antimicrobial activity of hetero-cyclic analogues of the Indolthiacarbamide are described. The Indole-thiacarbamide ring represents an important pharmacophore in drug, notable clinical examples. Keeping on view, the importance of Indole and its derivatives. A good number of these compounds are found to be biologically active.
A Novel Physical Security in Wavelength Division Multiplexing Passive Optical Network (WDM-PON) Using Broadband Light Source[Full-Text ] Naveen Gupta, Divya Dhawan, Piyush JainIn this paper we proposed the physical layer security scheme in WDM-PON. Simulated result of eavesdropping attempt in WDM-PON is presented. This physical security enhancement is accomplished through inclusion of Broadband Light Source in OLT to create a TDM signal in which each data frame is transmitted at unique wavelength. Simulation tools verify that implementation of enhance security technique can be successfully employed in PON.
Specific face detection from large number of stored faces[Full-Text ] Md. Imran Hossain, Md. Kislu Noman, Md. Mojahidul Islam, Md. MursalinFace recognition is grabbing more attention in the area of network information access. Areas such as network security and content retrieval benefit from face recognition technology. As one of the most successful applications of image analysis and understanding, face recognition has recently received significant attention, especially during the past several years. We have implemented a computational model to identify the face of an unknown person by applying eigenfaces. A static and dynamic input of face is taken from the file and process it with the help of MATLAB tools and show the recognize result. The goal is to implement the system (model) for a particular face and distinguish it from a large number of stored faces with some real-time variations as well. The Eigenface approach uses Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm for the recognition of the images. It gives us efficient way to find the lower dimensional space.
Study the Stochastic Perception of Refractive Index Variability of Ionosphere[Full-Text ] Syed Nazeer Alam and Muhammad Ayub Khan Yousufzai It is said that ionosphere plays a vital role on electromagnetic waves (3 to 30 MHz) transmitted from ground station and after striking ionosphere reaching receiving station. Reflection and refraction of waves from ionosphere is dependent upon incident angle of transmitted wave, altitude from which it is returned, season, temporal variations due to solar radiations, sunspots and geomagnetic field deviation. In this communication the F_2 layer data recorded at Pakistan Space & Upper Atmosphere Rsearch Commission (SUPARCO) Islamabad Ionosphere Station (SIIS) for the year 2005 has been considered. These data have been used to compute refractive index for hourly observed ordinary wave frequency in the range of (3.04 to 8.29 MHz). The geographic position of SIIS is latitude 33.75 °N and longitude 72.87 °E. To get insight parametric relationship, exploratory data analysis has been performed. The estimation of parametric variability is modeled using standard technique; data distribution, trend, regression and stochastic analysis. This study helps us in predicting and forcasting sky wave propagation for this region.
A Novel Technique for Relevant Content Extraction from Blog Pages[Full-Text ] Rosy Madaan, A. K. Sharma, Ashutosh DixitThe research that has been carried out on blogs focused on blog posts only, ignoring the title of the blog page and the comments contained in the comments section. Also, in summarization only a set of representative sentences are extracted resulting in Text summarization. Some analysis has been done and it has been found that the blog post contains the content that is likely to be related to the topic of the blog post. Also, the comments section is very important. The proposed system of summarization makes use of both the title and the comments contained in the comments section of the blog page. Also, the comments are validated, so to ignore those comments which are written casually and are not important for consideration. The system has been implemented and evaluated experimentally. The system has shown promising results.
Study on Treatment Methods of Phenol in industrial Wastewater[Full-Text ] Li Si, Kong Ruixue, Sun Lin, Li Sifan, Yang ShuangchunIndustrial wastewater is a kind of wastewater that generate in the industrial production process. The wastewater from refining and coal carbonization contains high concentration of phenols pollutants. In this paper, study on phenol treatment methods in industrial wastewater were mainly reviewed and compared including advanced oxidation processes, biological fluid bed method, drop phenol bacteria method, light catalytic drop phenol method, peroxidase method, extraction method and biological tower method, and so on. In addition, suggestions were put forward for treatment methods of phenol in industrial wastewater.
Respecting of Patient's Rights in Aspect of Doctor-Patient Communication in Surgery Wards[Full-Text ] Anna Rosiek, Krzysztof LeksowskiThe goal of this paper is to evaluate respect of patient's right factors - both subjective and objective - influence the satisfaction with hospitalization of patients undergoing laparoscopy as a method to cure cholelithiasis. Materials and Methods: The research was conducted on six health care units in Poland. These units were divided into two groups: Group I: 3 hospitals with the number of beds above 400, and Group II: 3 hospitals with the number of beds below 400. The research included 180 patients: 30 from each hospital. The research was conducted using the Servqual method. The research results were analyzed statistically. Results: The results indicate that the factors pertaining to the patient's right - especially those related to personnel's competences and their communication with patients have a very significant influence on patient's satisfaction with his/her stay at a hospital ward. Fulfilling patient's needs in ethical aspect of therapy: the patient's right, communication with patients increases patient's comfort and, as a consequence, translates into satisfaction with the hospitalization. In both groups of hospitals, the surgical wards do not fulfill patient's expectations entirely and there is a need for improvement in this area. In hospital practice, communication with patients is one of the aspects that should be improved.
Challenges and perceptions towards use of social media in higher education in Zimbabwe: a learners' perspective[Full-Text ] Zanamwe NgonidzasheMany instructors and students in higher education are using social media and research has shown that social media is useful in education. However, little is known about the challenges posed to students who use social media in education. Furthermore, very few studies have explored the learners' perceptions towards use of social media in higher education in the context of a developing nation like Zimbabwe. This research therefore explored the challenges and perceptions towards use of social media in Zimbabwe. The study followed a descriptive research design wherein a questionnaire was used as the main research tool. Data was gathered from 124 university students from 5 universities in Zimbabwe. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS. An analysis of the results seems to suggest that the main challenges being faced by students in higher education as regards use of social media are security, unproductive behaviour/wastes time, misuse of tools during instructional time and antisocial behaviour in that order. These challenges are ranked according to effect each has on the learner and security has topped this list of challenges. It was also found out that the students in higher education have a favorable perception towards use of social media in higher education.
A Quantum Theory Of Riemann's Rotors[Full-Text ] Luiz Carlos Costa NetoThe angular momentum, angular velocity, Kelvin circulation, and vortex velocity vectors of a quantum Riemann rotor are proven to be either (1) aligned with a principal axis or (2) lie in a principal plane of the inertia ellipsoid. In the second case, the ratios of the components of the Kelvin circulation to the corresponding components of the angular momentum, and the ratios of the components of the angular velocity to those of the vortex velocity are analytic functions of the axes lengths.
Review on Hyper-spectral Imaging System[Full-Text ] Sajjad Bagheri Baba Ahmadi, Yaser Ahangari Nanehkaran, Sina LayazaliToday many optical analysis techniques have been introduced that can for instance be used to obtain information from cultural heritage objects unavailable with conventional color or multi-spectral photography. One of the those optical techniques is Hyper-spectral imaging that its non-destructive and has ability to distinguish and recognize materials, to enhance the visibility of faint or obscured features, to detect signs of degradation and study the effect of environmental conditions on the object . Hyper-spectral imaging, like other spectral imaging, collects and processes information from across the electromagnetic spectrum. Much as the human eye sees visible light in three bands (red, green, and blue), spectral imaging divides the spectrum into many more bands. This technique of dividing images into bands can be extended beyond the visible; in this article, our goal is describe the basic concept, remote sensing, and applications of Hyper-spectral imaging. Moreover, the paper propose the methods used in remotely sensed data.
Design of 64 Bit UCSLA for Low Power VLSI Application[Full-Text ] K. Jancy Beryl, A. BenoThis paper presents area and power efficient carry select adder (CSLA). This uses an uniform sized CSLA (UCSLA) with carry skip adder (CSKA) Cin=1 instead of using Ripple Carry Adder (RCA) with Cin=1. The delay is reduced using CSKA. The achieved area and power of the proposed UCSLA is 1412 µm2 and 0.0456 mW. The delay is decreased to 47.176 ns.
Energy Analysis of Crude Distillation Unit (CDU) of N'DJAMENA Refinery (CHAD) [Full-Text ] Nuhu M., Yusuf A. Z, Souleymane M.A, Sukairaji A., Bilal S., Onukak, I.EThis analysis was successfully developed using design and operational data of crude distillation unit of N'djamena Refinery. The plant data were feed into Aspen Hysys software using commingled crude 1 (20%) light crude from Sedigui oil field and commingled crude 2 (80%) heavy crude from H block oil field as the crude feedstock. The ideal work, lost and shaft work were 2.40E+08, 4.29E+08 and 6.69E+08 Btu/hr respectively. The calculated second law efficiency was 35.8%.
Single Electron Transistor: A Review[Full-Text ] Parikshit SahatiyaThe goal of this paper is to review the physics of Single Electron Transistor (SET) and also the recent trends involve in fabrication of SET. The paper focuses on the application of SET in charge sensing, memories, logic families etc. Paper also briefs about the simulation of SET by TCAD, SIMPLORER, and SIMAN. SET are promising candidate for replacement of conventional CMOS and also following Moore Law. Even if this replacement does not happen, Single electronics will continue to play an important role by shedding light on fundamental size limit on new electronic devices. Moreover, research in this field has generated many novel ideas which may revolutionize Random-access-memories and Digital-data-storage technologies[1].
A Theoretical Research on the Biological Applications of Nanofluids / Ferrofluids due to the Amazing Properties of Nanofluids / Ferrofluids[Full-Text ] S.R.Chitra., Dr.S.SendhilnathanNanofluids are suspensions of nanoparticles in fluids. They show substantial augmentation of their properties at modest nanoparticle concentrations. They have also shown many interesting properties, and the distinctive features offer unprecedented potential for many applications. Most of the publications on nanofluids are about understanding their behavior so that they can be utilized where straight enhancement of nanofluids is paramount as in many industrial applications, nuclear reactors, transportation, electronics as well as biomedicine and food. My paper focuses on presenting the wide range of biological applications that involve nanofluids, prominence to their improved properties that are controllable and the specific characteristics that these nanofluids possess that make them suitable for such applications. Nanofluid as a smart fluid, where the properties like heat transfer, thermal properties and so on, will be used in many biological applications, has also been reported.
An innovative studies and analysis on thermal behavior in nanofluids[Full-Text ] S.R.Chitra., Dr.S.SendhilnathanNanofluids are dilute liquid suspensions of nanoparticulate solids including particles, nanofibers and nanotubes. Such materials were first brought into attention approximately a decade ago when enhanced thermal behavior was observed. A sizable community has now formed, which starts to generate a critical mass in the area. Nanofluids are fluids containing nanosized particles, have superior heat transfer properties, e.g. heat transfer and thermal conductivities. Publications on nanofluids are increasing exponentially in the past few years covering theoretical, experimental and numerical aspects of formulation, characterization, flow behavior and thermal behavior of nanofluids. The focus of the present work concerns that the thermal properties of suspensions of nanoparticles in fluids, commonly referred to as nanofluids. Investigations of their thermal properties have thrown up many findings that are interesting and challenging to describe. The importance of thermal properties is in the context of heat removal from small spaces. It is a technological challenge arising from the need to cool high-speed microelectronic devices, and also , they have been recommended as a promising option for various engineering applications, due to the improvement in the effectiveness of thermal phenomena. The purpose of this paper focuses on the importance of thermal properties, different techniques for measuring the thermal conductivity, thermal phenomena in nanofluids , especially the new application trends for nanofluids in addition to the heat transfer properties of nanofluids. And also this article will be used for researchers on nanofluids.
Elastic and Electronic Properties and the (B3-B1) Phase Transition of ZnO[Full-Text ] Badal H.EliasBased upon the density functional theory (DFT) within the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) in this paper, the first-principles approach is used to study the electronic band structure, density of state(DOS) and elastic properties of ZnO in the phases of B3 (zincblende) and B1 (rock-salt). Phase transition from B3 to B1 is also predicted from enthalpy-pressure data. The results show that ZnO undergoes a structural phase transition from B3 phase to B1 phase at a pressure around 10.249 GPa.. The calculated result of the ground-state energy, the lattice constant, the bulk modulus, the pressure derivative, the elastic stiffness coefficients (C11, C12, C44) and phase transition of B3 and B1 phases are generally in good agreement with the other theoretical and experimental data.
Sound absorption, Thermal and Mechanical behavior of Polyurethane foam modified with Nano silica, Nano clay and Crumb rubber fillers[Full-Text ] R.Gayathri, R.Vasanthakumari, C.PadmanabhanLot of research is going on in developing materials suitable for absorbing sound and reducing noise. By virtue of their superior vibration damping capability and attractive characteristics such as visco elasticity, simple processing and commercial availability polyurethane foams are extensively applied not only in automotive seats but also in various acoustical parts. However, the sound absorption coefficient of polyurethane foams is high (0.8 - 1.0) in high frequencies ranging from 300 to 10000Hz while it is found to be low (0 to 0.5) at low frequencies (10 to 200 Hz). In this study new polyurethane based porous composites were synthesized by in situ foam rising polymerization of polyol and diisocyanate in the presence of fillers such as nano silica, crumb rubber and nano clay. The effect of these fillers at various concentrations up to 2% was studied on sound absorption characteristics, thermal stability, and mechanical properties. Sound absorption coefficient was determined using standing wave sound impedance tube method. The sound absorption coefficient of filled PU foams is found to be increasing from 0.5 to 0.8 with increasing frequency from 100 to 200 Hz at higher content of the fillers employed. In addition to enhanced sound absorption properties in low frequency region, the composite foams exhibit superior thermal and mechanical properties. Further foam cell structure and size determined by using SEM and its effect on various properties will also be highlighted.
Project of subway station "Yuzhnaya" (south station) in Kharkiv[Full-Text ] Mr. Oleksandr GalychynMany populous housing estates of Kharkov (Ukraine) outside of pedestrian accessibility of subway stations. For study it was decided to choose Rohan housing estate with population of 10 thousand people and usable area 16 m2 per resident with poor pedestrian accessibility of trolleybus and bus stops. In order to resolve transportation and living problems was decided place Southern terminal station there along with renewal of resident area. During the project elaboration in first place was placed station, created subway station construction management plan, designed site construction plan and were proved their efficiency. Second, was design future site plan based on evaluated redevelopment and prohibited areas. Eventually, was proved its rationality, economically and safety based on feasibility indicators and limit state method. In result construction period of platform part of station was reduced to three month than traditional standard value and in a comprehensive way is possible to shorten the construction period of station five and a half months. Moreover, first time was proposed reasonable, economical and safe in operating future site plan of terminal station «Yuzhnaya», where maximum usable area per resident totaled after redevelopment of 21 m2. Data derived in the present study and practical study of innovation at the time of construction and operation of proposed station will attract interest in the following cases: Firstly, at major cities around the world that has developed, subway construction and site plan projects in their suburbs. Secondly, at cities in various parts of the world where subway evolves to suggest their data and solutions of construction process management of station structure subway shallow single vault to include construction plan in the suburbs and site plan with mentioned above prohibited area. Implementation of this project only possible with direct investment of foreign capital, because of 70 million U.S. dollars debt and large costs in renovation and new construction according national standards.
Rapid Biosynthesis of Nano Gold by Dielectric Heat[Full-Text ] Asra Parveen, Srinath Rao, Prakasham Reddy ShettyThe development of rapid and reliable processes for the synthesis of nanosized materials is of great importance in the field of nanotechnology. Microwave assisted route for the synthesis of nanomaterials has gained importance in the field of synthetic technology, because of its faster, cleaner and cost effectiveness than the other conventional and wet chemical methods for the preparation of metal nanoparticles. The gold nanoparticles were synthesized using Cassia auriculata leaf extract by applying dielectric heat in microwave oven. The nanoparticles were examined using UV-Visible Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared, X-Ray Diffraction and Transmission Electron Microscopy analysis. The formation of nanoparticles by this method is extremely rapid, requires no toxic chemicals and the nanoparticles are stable for several months. In this study we were able to synthesis nanoparticle within 30sec by microwave irradiation.
Antioxidant enzyme activities and potential biochemical indicators improve salt tolerance in four varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) [Full-Text ] Aurangzeb Rao, Syed Dilnawaz Ahmad, Syed Mubashar Sabir, Shahid Iqbal Awan, Asad Hussain Shah, Syed Rizwan Abbas and Atia Masood ChaudhryProline, glycine-betaine (GB) total phenolics, Na+ and K+ contents their ratio and some oxidative stress indices were studied in leaves of bread wheat cultivars namely Sehar-06, Lu-26, (salt-tolerant) and Miraj-08 and Wafaq-01 (salt-sensitive), grown under salinity treatments carried out in five levels (1< dS/m as control, 2, 4, 8, 16 dS/ m) via sodium chloride in order to find out the resistant cultivars of wheat against salt stress. Under high salt potency significant increase for activities of antioxidant enzymes such as ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and guiacol peroxidase (GPX), in salt tolerant varieties. On the other hand, in salt tolerant varieties, activity of (SOD) and (CAT) were not infected. Meanwhile, under salinity condition the activities of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and (GPX) in sensitive cultivar was lower than control and no significant difference were recorded regarding (APX) activity. Salt tolerant varieties had more amounts of K+ content, K+/Na+ ratio and RWC under salt conditions, and sensitive ones showed higher (CHL) and Na+ content at tillering stage.
Flow Statistics Based Detection of Low Rate and High Rate DDoS Attacks[Full-Text ] Neha Tewari, Akash BhardwajDistributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is a rapidly growing problem. DDoS attacks pose a severe security threat to the steady functioning of any network. These attacks degrade or completely disrupt services to legitimate users by eating up communication, computational, and memory resources of the target through sheer volume of useless traffic. The outcome of this fact is that legitimate users are denied service. Based on the volume of traffic used by the attackers, DDoS attacks can be classified as Low Rate attacks and High Rate attacks. Low rate DDoS attacks consume lesser resources for long time in contrast to High Rate DDoS attacks which consume more resources for less time. In this work "Flow Statistics Based Detection of Low Rate and High Rate DDoS Attacks", an Entropy Based Scheme is used for effective detection of both low rate and high rate DDoS attacks. In this scheme, changes in distributional aspects of packet header fields are considered for effective detection. The simulation experiments are done in ns-2 simulator. Also a rigorous study is done on MIT Lincoln Laboratory Data Sets provided for the 1999 DARPA Intrusion Detection off-line evaluation. We detected both low rate degrading and high rate flooding DDoS attacks. In case of low rate degrading attacks, the entropy value increases than the value in case of normal behavior whereas in case of high rate bandwidth disruptive attacks, the value decreases. Also, we observed that there is a shift in the entropy distribution of individual flows in a time window.
Economical Extraction of Globulin protein And milk sugar From Whey[Full-Text ] Hardevsinh P Rana, Sarang Ghadia,Ravi Tank,Dharmesh Tilva, Ruturaj Sakhariya, Vipul SolankiEffective and economical methods of utilizing whey are essential if cheese plants and dairy are to remain competitive with other segments of the food processing industry. The drying of whey is limited by some adverse economic considerations. As large volumes of water would have to be removed, thus requiring Considerable consumption of our diminishing energy resources. So we here are economically extracting globular proteins from whey by isolation process that is utilized in food, pharmaceutical, and health-care products because of their unique functional attributes.
Geoenviromental study on the purpose airport site between Dahab and Nuweiba Gulf of Aqaba Egypt.[Full-Text ] Safei El den M. Metwally , Fares Khader, Ismail s,S, Ismaiel and Sara Salah EL denThe basin of wadi Baraga lies between latitudes 28 44 and 28 73 30 N and longitudes 24 22 30 and34 25 30E (Fig.1).This tectonic plain represent an interesting area, for south Sinai residence and government due to its use as desert camp for the tourists travailing and outdoor activity of the international hotels in three main important costal towns namely, Nweaba,Dahab and Sharm EL Shaikh. Anther major importance to this tectonic plain is as acting the upstream of some wadis ( EL Gaybi,Hadaba, Kenkeshen and Zaghra)which transfer the floods down to strike the main highway which contacts the mentioned costal towns along the Gulf of Aqaba. This integrated study has three main targets;, firstly control the flash flood which dropped from this tectonic plain to strike the very important highway which connects the touristic towns along the Gulf of Aqaba. ; Finally study the groundwater probabilities at Baraga tectonic plain to locate the best sites for drilling wells. To achieve the previous targets, integrated geological ,geophysical and remote sensing measurements where applied and interpreted over the study area Eventually, four out of seven recommended dam sites were suggested for flash flood controls (D4-7) whereas the seven are important for surface water harvesting. Four sites were recommended for drilling wells (W1-4). Final recommendations to perform Geo environmental and geotechnical studies at the outlet of wadi EL Gaybi and Wadi Hadaba
Isolation, indentification and degradation of Biphenol A by Bacillus sp. from effluents of thermal paper industry[Full-Text ] Vijayalakshmi .G, Ramadas .V and H.NellaiahA bacterial strain with a high degrading efficiency towards bisphenol A (BPA), was isolated from thermal-paper industry effluent, and identified as Bacillus sp which was based on the morphological, physiological, and biochemical studies and the identity further confirmed by 16S rRNA analysis. The cells were rod-shaped, gram-negative and motile. Monod Model studies showed that the Bacillus sp degrades BPA in basal salt medium (BSM) and nutrient agar. The maximum specific growth rate (µmax) values (0.538h-1 and 0.556h-1), half-saturation coefficient Ks values (23.91 and 25.72), and R2 values (0.99 and 0.98) were recorded for the bacterial species cultured in BSM medium and nutrient agar.. HPLC chromatograms revealed that 20-mM concentrations of BPA gradually decreased within 9 days of incubation, which was reflected in a corresponding reduction in the peak area from 100% (initial concentration) to 11.33% (final concentration). During BPA degradation by the Bacillus sp, the metabolic intermediates such as, p-hydroxyacetophenone, p-hydroxybenzoic acid and hydroquinone, detected were identified by GC-MS. BPA degradation was studies using wide range of temperatures (25-45o C) and pH conditions (5-11) and optimum degradation was observed at 35o C and at a pH of 8.0. The present study reports on an efficient protocol for degradation of BPA that could be of significance for the bioremediation of BPA effluent polluting the environment.
Karst limestone foundation geotechnical problems, detection and treatment: Case studies from Egypt and Saudi Arabia[Full-Text ] S. AbdeltawabThree selected areas in Egypt and Saudi Arabia have been chosen as pilot sites for studying the karst foundation problems. On a world scale, the dissolution of carbonate rocks creates extensive karst landforms that can be very difficult ground for civil engineering projects. Geologically the observed caves, sinkholes and open fractures at El Minia-Maghagha Plateau (Upper Egypt) are belonging to the Middle Eocene limestone unit of Minia and Samalut Formations. Most of the observed karst caves and sinkholes are structurally controlled by major faults and joints which have NW-SE trend. The engineering classification of this karst foundation bedrock (as per Ford and Williams, 1989) is class K III. The limestone foundation bedrocks at the northwest part of Riyadh city are composed of dolomite Limestone (Sulaiy Formation of Cretaceous age) and highly fractured limestone and evaporite (Arab Formation of Jurassic age). The engineering classification of this karst foundation bedrock is class K IV. The limestone foundation bedrock at the eastern part of Al Ahesa city is composed of fractured limestone (Hofuf Formation of Miocene-Pliocene age). The engineering classification of this karst foundation bedrock is class K IV. Detection of Karst limestone foundation bedrock (caves, sinkholes and open fractures) in the three studied sites has been conducted by using geological and geophysical studies. The geological studies include detailed geological and geomorphological mapping for the three sits .The geophysical studies include 2D Electrical Resistivity imaging survey for northwest part of Riyadh city and GPR-2D Electric Resistivity survey to the eastern part of Al Ahesa City. The geological and geophysical surveys for the studied sites represent good approach and guide for projects foundation design and treatment.
Fundamentals of sustainable development, Authors -Niko Roorda with Peter Blaze Corcoran and Joseph P. Weakland, Routledge , Taylor & Francis Group.[Full-Text ] Author-Sukanchan PalitThe subject of sustainable development is a relevant question in today's world. Natural disasters and immense catastrophes are forerunners towards successful sustainable development. In today's world, fossil energy remains denuded in half a century from now. So the question of renewable energy, environmental sustainability and energy sustainability. This treatise gives immense glimpses of successful and probable sustainable development in various parts of the world. The examples are very much informative and thought-provoking. Problems ranging from water crisis to environmental disasters are elucidated in details at every corners of this research treatise. The vision is clear and promising as it reaches to the larger audience of human race and the stakeholders of environmental and energy sustainability.
Impact of urbanization on rivers of Chennai[Full-Text ] KAVITHA. A.Water has become the fundamental requirement for people across all cultures and regions not just for drinking or cleaning purposes but for ritual or recreation people seek water's edge. While reading the record of civilization the events and developments that have occurred along the world's coasts, rivers, bays, and lakes depicts the involvement and importance of water bodies. It is quite amazing, and interesting to ponder on the numerous characteristics of this single body called 'water'. Water - a solvent, Water - a cleanser, Water - Quencher of thirst, Water - a coolant, Water - a compound from which every organism is created. Most of our activities have had an inseparable impact upon the Rivers. We depend on these water bodies for transportation and commerce, to carry goods, provide food and other substances across nations, and, to carry away our wastes. Centuries of such water treatment have shown their effect most acutely on urban rivers. Many communities in the past began to observe urban waterfront areas as possible assets rather than treating them as valuable resources. This careless attitude amongst people started to wide spread across different places at different times leading to major deterioration and pollution of these resources. Objective: This paper involves in study of urban rivers which was once a natural source for drinking and other activities now because of urbanization it had turned in to a drainage ditch. The focus is more on the reasons for the transformations, their impacts and some design solutions with River Cooum as a case.
Mathematical Modeling: A way of life[Full-Text ] Sayaji Rastum WaykarThe paper will consist of three parts. In part-I, we shall present some background considerations which are necessary as a basis for what follows. We shall try to clarify some basic concepts and notions and we shall collect the most important arguments and related goals in favor of problem solving modeling and applications to other subjects in mathematics instructions. In the main part-II we shall review the present state, recent trends and prospective lines of development, both in empirical or theoretical research and in the practice of mathematics education, concerning applied problem solving, modeling, applications and relations to other subjects. In particular, we shall identify and discuss four major trends; a widened spectrum of arguments, an increased globality, an increased unification and an extended use of computer. In the final Part-III, we shall comment upon some important issues and problems related to our topic.