AIEAIE'2013 - Advancement & Innovations in Electric technology & Allied science in Engineering
Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2013 Edition
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IJSER Volume 4, Issue 5 - Pages
Modeling And Designing Of High Efficiency And Low Thd Pv System[Full-Text ] J.PAVALAM,R.RAMESH KUMAR, Mrs.K.Umadevi The proposed system develops a high efficiency and low THD of PV generation system. The high step-up converter and PWM inverters have been introduced to make the PV generation more flexible. To improve the efficiency in converter the parallel operation of low voltage PV arrays and to decouple and simplify the control design of PWM inverter, the high step-up converter is introduced. In order to maintain the sinusoidal output voltage with low THD and less variation under various output loads, an adaptive total sliding mode control system is used. For capturing the max irradiation and increasing the generation efficiency, an active sun tracking scheme without light sensors is also introduced
Multilevel Current Waveform Generation for Renewable Power System[Full-Text ] Shanmugathai.KIn this paper we are using a new circuit configuration of single phase multilevel Current Source Inverter (CSI). With this new topology, we can generate the multilevel current waveform from a single DC (Direct Current) power source. A basic H-bridge CSI working as a main inverter generates a multilevel current waveform in cooperation with inductor cells connected in parallel as auxiliary circuits. In order to control the intermediate level of the multilevel output current waveform a controller is needed. Three level shifted multicarrier based sinusoidal PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) techniques are used in the controller and found the best technique to this new configuration. A five level Pulse Width Modulation inverter configuration, with chopper based DC current source is simulated using Matlab simulation software.
Halftone Visual Cryptography & Watermarking[Full-Text ] R.Charanya, T. VijayanIn this Paper, a method of Information hiding & Piracy protection in Image processing is discussed. Visual cryptography & Digital watermarking helps in enables Information hiding, copyright & piracy protection. Here, a technique involving halftone visual cryptography along with watermarking is proposed to achieve visual cryptography via half toning. Digital watermarking is then performed to this halftone image. This ensures that the merits of both visual cryptography and watermarking are achieved. For visual cryptography, binary images are used for content protection. Here the image is spilt into shares which are randomly transmitted and then by means of visual decoding of information shares which are transmitted. From this process meaningful information is obtained. Watermarking is an information hiding technique. The image or watermark is embed in the already obtained halftone image. Half-toning is done using the dithering algorithm.
Multi Level PWM Switched Voltage Source Inverter[Full-Text ] R.Kavin and M.Ranjith kumarA Multilevel switched voltage source inverter is designed. It consists of three single-phase inverter modules and each module is composed of a switched voltage source and inverter switches. The major advantage is that the peak value of the phase output voltage is twice as high as that of the conventional neutral-point-clamped PWM inverter. Thus, the proposed inverter is suitable for applications with low voltage sources such as batteries, fuel cells, or solar cells. Furthermore, three-level output waveforms of the inverter can be achieved without the switch voltage unbalance problem. Since the average neutral point potential of the inverter is zero, a common ground between the input stage and the output stage is possible. Therefore, it can be applied to a transformer less power conditioning system. The SVS inverter is verified by a PSIM simulation.
A Novel Approach For Verifying Integrity Of Dynamic Data Storage In Cloud Environment[Full-Text ] S.NIKETHINA B.TECH ITCloud computing refers to the use and access of multiple server-based computational resources via a digital network (WAN, Internet connection using the World Wide Web, etc.). Cloud users may access the server resources using a computer or other device. In cloud computing, applications are provided and managed by the cloud server and data is also stored remotely in the cloud configuration. Users do not download and install applications on their own device or computer; all processing and storage is maintained by the cloud server. Security is the major problem in Cloud as its open to many users. This work studies the problem of ensuring the integrity of dynamic data storage in Cloud Computing. In order to maintain the integrity of data in cloud public audit ability is provided to the network. This can be done by third party auditor (TPA) on behalf of the cloud client to verify the integrity of the dynamic data stored in the cloud. This eliminates the interference of Client to check their intactness which is important in achieving economies of scale for Cloud Computing. The forms of data operation such as block modification, insertion, and deletion is also a significant in the cloud function which is done here. The security problems of direct extensions with dynamic data updates is detected. In particular, to achieve efficient data dynamics, the existing proof of storage models is improved by manipulating the classic Merkle Hash Tree construction for block tag authentication. To support efficient handling of multiple auditing tasks and to further explore the technique of bilinear aggregate signature the result is extended, where TPA can perform multiple auditing tasks simultaneously.
Lowcost Mobile Robot using Neural Networks in Obstacle Detection[Full-Text ] Nagarani R, Nithyavathy N and Dr.Parameshwaran RThis paper describes the neural network based obstacle avoidance robot using low cost IR sensor arrays. IR sensors output are arranged in "0" and "1" combination. It constructs 256 input patterns. An intelligent controller like Neural Network is used to train the input pattern. Multilayer feed-forward back propagation algorithm is implemented. The Neural net is trained offline by using MATLAB coding. The trained pattern is interfaced with LabVIEW software. LabVIEW is a sophisticated tool for developing and running a real time application. This graphical user interface commands the robot to turn an angle where there is no obstacle. The sensor inputs and robot turning movements are controlled by using PIC 16F877A microcontroller.
Speed Control of DC Motor Using Cascaded H-bridge Multilevel Inverter[Full-Text ] R.K ARVIND SHRIRAM, A.L KUMARAPPANA hybrid cascaded multilevel inverter for interfacing with renewable energy resources is developed. The objective of this research is to propose an alternative topology of hybrid cascaded multilevel inverter applications. The modified PWMtechnique is also developed to reduce switching losses. Also, theproposed topology can reduce the number of required power switches compared to a traditional cascaded multilevel inverter.PSIM (PowerSim) and Simulink/MATLAB are used to simulate the circuit operation and control signal. The 3-kW prototype isdeveloped. The reduced switching losses of the proposed multilevel inverter are also discussed. The results show that this alternative topology can be applied for high power applications.
Remote-Controllable and Energy- Saving Room Architecture with Security System Based on Zigbee Communication[Full-Text ] M.BHARATHI, V.RENU, U.TAMILSELVIOur paper proposes remote controllable and energy-saving room architecture with security system to make the room easily controllable with single remote based on zigbee communication. Here we use PIC (16F877A) microcontroller to reduce circuit complexity and it requires less power. Energy saving can be achieved by using sensors like Passive Infrared sensor, light dependent resistor sensor, level sensor, temperature sensor, power monitoring circuit to trip off the home appliance which draws more power than the normal power consumption. To enhance security vibration sensor is used.
Enhanced Accident Prevention System In Underground Colleries Using LabView[Full-Text ] Sowmiya T, Santhoshkumar C, Sam Jasper P, Sureshkumar BIn the present scenario major mine disaster takes place through explosion and fire. The proposed system comprises of a Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) sensor, a driver circuit & a Blower connected to the LabVIEW where the concentration of methane gas present in underground coal mine can be monitored, controlled and the signal is generated by LabVIEW. When the methane gas concentration reaches (5-15%), the Blower pumps the atmospheric air into the underground coal mine field, inorder to dilute the methane gas. Incase of Blower failure, a proximity sensor which is present at the Blower detects & indicates the fault to LabVIEW. LabVIEW is programmed in such a way that automatic switching is made to a standby Blower and the information is sent to the mechanical and electrical department by means of audio information. Incase of unpredictable failure in the Blower the information is also sent to the rescue team in order to alert them, meanwhile when the methane concentration reaches a particular level the alert rescue signal is sent to rescue team, to safeguard the miners. As the explosion takes place due to increase in methane concentration during this critical situation, the emergency signal is sent to the fire and police department through GSM network using LabVIEW. Apart from these safety measures, incase of any personal health problem for the miners working underground, a health trigger is provided inside the mine, when the trigger is pressed incase of emergency condition the information is sent to the first aid and rescue team via LabVIEW to the speakers.
Design and Implementation of Fuzzy Controller on Embedded Computer for Water Level Control[Full-Text ] Jyothish Kumar S.YThe paper deals with one of frequently encountered tasks in process industry - water level control. Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control is often used for this purpose. Since control parameters of PID controller are fixed and tank system is inherently nonlinear, PID controller should not be used on wider level range. Therefore, this paper analyzes the effectiveness of water level control using fuzzy controller. The fuzzy controller is implemented based on mathematical model of tank and using MATLAB. The controller is implemented on embedded computer (PC). Arduino board is used as an acquisition board for collecting ultrasound sensor data from tank system and as a PWM signal generator for water pump control.
A novel dead time elimination method for single phase four level voltage source inverter[Full-Text ] C.Enia Prabulal, B.Sridharamariappan, M.S.SivagamasundariDead time is a short delay introduced between the gating signals of the upper and lower switches in an inverter leg to prevent the short circuit of dc link. Such dead time results in a change in f undamental voltage and also causes low frequency distortion. In this paper , a novel method for the elimination of dead time in four level voltage source inverter is proposed and implemented. This method reduces the low frequency distortion and results in a steady fundamental voltage.. The performance has been analyzed by the PSPICE Simulation. The output shows better performance results.
Harmonic Optimization of Cascade Multilevel Inverter with Unequal DC Sources[Full-Text ] M.Periasamy, G.Chandran, G.P.AarthiMultilevel inverter have been attracting increasing interest recently due to the increased power rating, improving harmonic performance, and reduced electromagnetic inference (EMI) emission. A voltage source inverter is commonly used to supply a variable frequency variable voltage to a three phase induction motor in a variable speed application. The output voltage contains harmonics the different type of harmonics elimination methods are available. But all the methods have some limitations. This project deals with how to reduce the particular harmonics in the output voltage of inverter. The concept of the harmonic stepped waveform technique for the multilevel inverter is to be presented. By applying this concept, selected harmonic can be eliminated, and the output voltage THD can be improved. A procedure to achieve the appropriate switching angle is to be proposed. The proposed project is to be simulated by using MATLAB and the results are to be compared with experimental setup. The AT mega Microcontroller is to be used for generating required pulses to the cascaded multilevel inverter.
High-Power Transformer-Less Wind Energy Conversion System with three phase Cascaded Multilevel Inverter[Full-Text ] C.MALLIKA DEVI, R.NAGARAJANIn this paper mainly focused on the design and implementation of new topology in a three phase five level Cascaded Multilevel Inverter.Theobjective of this paper is to increase output voltage with a low number of switches and sources at the output without adding any complexity to the power circuit. In this paper, Phase Shifted pulse width modulation techniques are proposed, which can minimize the total harmonic distortion and enhances the output voltages from proposed work of five level output with reduced switches. It is justified that the new topology can be recommended to three phase five level Cascaded H-bridge inverter for better performance in comparison with conventional method. The simulation is done by MATLAB/SIMULINK software.
A Novel Bi-Directional Isolated Power Flow Dc-Dc Converter for Hybrid System[Full-Text ] R. Karthikeyan, A.Santhosh kumar and D.DeenadayalanIn Electrical power systems in future uninterruptible power supplies or electrical vehicles may employ hybrid energy sources, such as fuel cells and super capacitors. It will be necessary to efficiently draw the energy from these two sources as well as recharge the energy storage elements by the dc bus. In this paper, a bidirectional isolated dc-dc converter controlled by phase-shift angle and duty cycle for the fuel-cell hybrid energy system is analyzed and designed. The proposed topology minimizes the number of switches and their associated gate driver components by using two high-frequency transformers that combine a half-bridge circuit and a full-bridge circuit together on the primary side. The voltage doubler circuit is employed on the secondary side. The current-fed input can limit the input current ripple that is favorable for fuel cells This paper describes the operation principle of the proposed converter, the ZVS conditions, and the quasi-optimal design in depth. The fuel input voltage is given to the boost converter, where it is stepped up the voltage fed to the coupled transformer and one more half bridge construct connected with series with dc load to obtain 600-V tested to verify the effectiveness of the presented converter can be simulated by using MATLAB/SIMULINK. It can be used for high power applications.
Harmonic Analysis of Superconducting Fault Current Limiters (SFCL)[Full-Text ] Mohana.U.MWith increasing population and power consumption, new power generation units should connect to the network that they will lead to increase level of network short circuit. Considering the increasing level of short circuit, new circuit breakers should be replaced by higher capacity. But this solution imposes exorbitant costs to the power system operator and practically it is not economical. Another way to deal with increasing level of network short circuit is limiting the fault current. Fault Current Limiter (FCL) is a very effective option for solving this problem, but before installing it in the power system its harmonic effects should be investigated and if necessary, the solutions to reduce harmonic should be studied. The harmonic effects of a new generation of solid-state fault current limiters that can also interrupt the fault current. Then the proposed structure is being compared in terms of harmonic effects with the Superconducting Fault Current Limiter structure (SFCL). It is shown based on IEEE519 standard, that Fault Current Limiting and Interrupting Device (FCLID) structure has less harmonic effects than SFCL structure and doesn't require filtering. For a simple three phase system with DC reactor type SFCL, harmonic analysis has been done. The 3-phase DC reactor type SFCL requires the coupling transformer to be inserted into the power grid. There are two basic transformer configurations (Y or delta connections) of 6-pulse operation, which are most commonly used for the 3-phase DC reactor type SFCL. FCLID model is designed for both single phase and three phase systems and implemented. The Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) value is measured for both the models and the model which gives the less THD value is declared to have better harmonic reduction capacity than SFCL.
An on-line distributed power quality monitoring system based on internet and labVIEW[Full-Text ] Preethi Loganayaki.V, Keerthiga.S.,Sundar Raj.SPoor power qualities affect functioning of utilities, different industrial units, productions, and customer services another system performance and operating costs. There is an ever increasing need for power quality monitoring systems due to the growing number of sources of disturbances in AC power systems. Monitoring of power quality is essential to maintain proper functioning of utilities, customer services and equipments. Online power quality monitoring system is the development of the Internet as a vehicle for the use of electronic information and communication technologies to provide and support power quality monitoring when distance separates the different sites and data centre. Current power quality monitoring applications are usually developed for remote power quality inspecting and analyzing. It is possible for engineers to diagnose the faults and evaluate power quality at the data centre via Internet. On other hand, we also carried out the monitoring of power quality with the help of virtual instrument using labVIEW software.
Study of Flutter Analysis on Composite Plate Structure[Full-Text ] G.VELMURUGAN, D.VADIVEL, M.SAMBATH KUMARComposite materials provide design flexibility in that fiber placement and orientation can be specified and a variety of material forms and manufacturing processes are available. It is possible, therefore, to "tailor" the structure to a high degree in order to meet specific design requirements in an optimum manner. Flutter is a dangerous phenomenon encountered in flexible structures subjected to aerodynamic forces. This includes aircraft, buildings, telegraph wires, stop signs, and bridges. Flutter occurs as a result of interactions between aerodynamics, stiffness, and inertial forces on a structure. In an aircraft, as the speed of the wind increases, there may be a point at which the structural damping is insufficient to damp out the motions which are increasing due to aerodynamic energy being added to the structure. This vibration can cause structural failure and therefore considering flutter characteristics is an essential part of designing an aircraft. The present project has been devoted to creating modeling and design analysis methodology for use in the tailoring process of aircraft structures. The study of flutter phenomena and aeroelastic tailoring, Consider composite plate wing like structure (chord=250mm, span=400mm) with clamped-free boundary conditions. Make structure modeling and do dynamic analysis; use unidirectional CFRP lamina (T300 properties) to construct the laminates (0/90/90/0), (45/-45/-45/45), (0/90/-45/45/90/0); keep the thickness of the laminates same for all the three cases.Build the aerodynamic model and do the flutter analysis for the three cases considering the flight condition: sea level density, Mach no=0.2
Flexible Manufacturing System Layout Optimization Using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)[Full-Text ] M.Sambathkumar,G.VELMURUGAN, S.P.VENKATESANLayout arrangement is important to achieve high productivity in flexible manufacturing system (FMS). This paper discusses the design of loop layout in FMS. The objective of the loop layout problem is the determination of the ordering of machines around a loop, and to minimize the automated guided vehicle (AGV) movement. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) technique is proposed to optimize the flexible manufacturing system (FMS) layout. In this paper also discusses the AGV movement around the loop layout is considered as bidirectional movement. The clearance between the machines is also considered in the FMS loop layout. Finally the FMS layout is optimized and compared.
Autopilot Design for Navion Aircraft Using Intelligent Controllers[Full-Text ] S.MuraliThe nonlinear mathematical model of autopilot control system for Navion aircraft is built from control surfaces (elevator, aileron and rudder) span change, and the autopilot controller is proposed to track the commanded angle in degree and keep aircraft stable. PID controller is carried out in most of autopilot control systems to be in charge of rotations for pitch, yaw and roll about the three axis x, y and z respectively. This paper says an efficient and fast tuning method based on a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to find the optimal parameters of the PID controller so that the desired system specifications are satisfied. Intelligent autopilot for 3 axis aircraft control system is achieved by applying GA to optimize the varying parameter of PID gains to even, using MATLAB. Thus, the most effective value is fed as an input in the autopilot program for the Navion aircraft.
Lossless Compression With Context And Average Encoding And Decoding And Error Modelling In Video Coding[Full-Text ] Image compression is now essential for applications such as transmission and storage in data bases. In this paper we review and discuss about the image compression, need of compression, its principles, and classes of compression and various algorithm of image compression. With the increase of image resolution in video application, the memory bandwidth is a critical problem in video coding. An embedded compression algorithm is a technique that can compress the frame data when stored in memory. It is possible to reduce memory requirements. In this paper, we propose a lossless embedded compression algorithm in addition to context-based error compensation and average encoding and decoding to reduce the memory bandwidth requirement. Experimental results have shown at least 50% memory bandwidth reduction on average and the data reduction ratio of the proposed algorithm is up to 5% higher than previously proposed lossless embedded compression algorithm.
A Survey on Iris Segmentation using Distantly Acquired Face Images[Full-Text ] Senbhaga SRemote human identi?cation using iris biometrics has high civilian and surveillance applications and its success requires the development of robust segmentation algorithm to automatically extract the iris region. This paper presents a new iris segmentation framework which can robustly segment the iris images acquired using near infrared or visible illumination. The proposed approach exploits multiple higher order local pixel dependencies to robustly classify the eye region pixels into iris or non iris regions. Face and eye detection modules have been incorporated in the uni?ed framework to automatically provide the localized eye region from facial image for iris segmentation. We develop robust post processing operations algorithm to effectively mitigate the noisy pixels caused by the misclassi?cation. Experimental results presented in this paper suggest signi?cant improvement in the average segmentation errors over the previously proposed approaches, i.e., 47.5%, 34.1%, and 32.6% on UBIRIS.v2, FRGC, and CASIA.v4 at-a-distance databases, respectively. The usefulness of the proposed approach is also ascertained from recognition experiments on three different publicly available databases.
Microcontroller-Based Modified SEPIC Converter for Driving Lamp with Power Factor Correction[Full-Text ] S.Yamuna, R.Suguna, B.RamrajA methodological study of electronic ballast for electrode less lamps including design and development issues is presented in this paper. The ballast is intended to feed a 300 W ultra violet lamp at 100 kHz with dimming feature. The proposed topology is composed of a Single-Ended Primary Inductance Converter (SEPIC), used as power factor correction (PFC) stage, integrated with a resonant half-bridge inverter, used as lamp power control (PC) stage. The integration of both stages is proposed in this paper, in order to reduce the number of active switches, as well as to simplify the required driving and control circuitry for this application. The implemented topology attained very high power factor (0.9982), and low line current total harmonic distortion (THD) (1.86%), without using electromagnetic interference (EMI) filter, while the measured efficiency was 90% at nominal lamp power.
Experimental Investigation on an Induction Motor to Work as an Alternator[Full-Text ] Srikanth B.S, Associate Prof. Anguraja R, Pooja Rani KhateiThis paper proposes a new and novel approach to an induction motor to serve as a synchronous motor with a modification. Also provides the different classification, operating principle, explains in detail how one of the classifications can serve the purpose as an alternator. These modifications are experimented and have obtained positive results.
Wireless Power Transmission Via Solar Power Satellite[Full-Text ] M.Muthupriya,B.E(EEE), S.Vinothini, B.E(EEE)In this paper, we present the concept of Solar Power Satellites -The solar cells in the satellite will convert sunlight to electricity, which will changed to radio frequency energy, then beamed to a receiver site on earth and reconverted to electricity by using transmitting and receiving antenna with the technology of wireless power transmission (i.e., transmitting power as microwaves in order to reduce the transmission and distribution losses). This concept is also known as Microwave Power Transmission. The advantages, disadvantages, biological impacts and applications of WPT are also presented.
Artificial Neutral Network Based Load Forecasting and Economic Dispatch with Particle Swarm Optimization.[Full-Text ] K.RAJESH SELVARAJ,S.SUNDARARAJ,T.RAVIThis project is done to forecast the load and Economic Load Dispatch(ELD) by applying ANN for the optimal power system operation with the help heuristic particle swarm optimization . The sizes of the electric power systems are increasing rapidly to meet the energy requirements. A number of power plants are connected in parallel to supply the system load by interconnection of power station. With the development of integrated power system, it becomes necessary to operate the plant units economically. Thus evolves Economic Load Dispatch (ELD) problem. Load forecasting is an important component for power system energy management system. Precise load forecasting helps the electric utility to make unit commitment decisions, reduce spinning reserve capacity and schedule device maintenance plan properly. Besides playing a key role in reducing the generation cost, it is also essential to the reliability of power systems. The system operators use the load forecasting result as a basis of off-line network analysis to determine if the system might be vulnerable. If so, corrective actions should be prepared, such as load shedding, power purchases and bringing peaking units on line. Since in power systems the next days' power generation must be scheduled every day, day ahead short-term load forecasting (STLF) is a necessary daily task for power dispatch. Its accuracy affects the economic operation and reliability of the system greatly. This paper presents aANN based method to forecast tomorrow's load and also economic scheduling for that particular load. The patterns are generated using PSO. Numerical testing shows that this method provides accurate predictions and seems to be fast enough.
A Real time implementation of a GSM based Automated Irrigation Control System using Drip Irrigation Methology[Full-Text ] Veena Divya K, Ayush Akhouri, Chandan Kumar, Raunak Rishabh, Rochak BaglaThe green house based modern agriculture industries are the recent requirement in every part of agriculture in India. In this technology, the humidity and temperature of plants are precisely controlled. Due to the variable atmospheric circumstances these conditions sometimes may vary from place to place in large farmhouse, which makes very difficult to maintain the uniformity at all the places in the farmhouse manually. Therefore we present in this paper, to the best of our knowledge for the first time a GSM based Irrigation Control System, which could give the facilities of maintaining uniform environmental conditions. For this, a software stack called Android is used for mobile devices that include an operating system, middleware and key applications. The Android SDK provides the tools and APIs necessary to begin developing applications on the Android platform using the Java programming language. Mobile phones have almost become an integral part of us serving multiple needs of humans. This application makes use of the GPRS feature of mobile phone as a solution for irrigation control system.
A Visual Confidential Sharing Scheme For Multiple Proficient Systems By Cryptograpy Without Pixel Extension[Full-Text ] B.Sudhanthira Priya, V.Sundhara rajPreserving the privacy of digital biometric data (e.g., face images) stored in a central database has become of paramount importance. This work explores the possibility of using visual cryptography for imparting privacy to biometric data such as fingerprint images, iris codes, and face images. In the case of faces, a private face image is dithered into two host face images (known as sheets) that are stored in two separate database servers such that the private image can be revealed only when both sheets are simultaneously available; at the same time, the individual sheet images do not reveal the identity of the private image. In this paper, we propose a novel VCS scheme that can share two binary secret images on two rectangular share images with no pixel expansion. The experimental results show that the proposed approach not only has no pixel expansion, but also has an excellent recovery quality for the secret images. As our best knowledge, this approach that can share multiple visual secret images without pixel expansion.
Modernized Voting Machine using Finger Print Recognition[Full-Text ] Gomathi.B, Veena priyadarshini.S Nowadays, providing preventive measures is one of the challenging matters in the world. Among the several field, providing preventive measures system for voting are the tedious and expensive one. In order to provide inexpensive solutions to the above, this project will be implemented with 3 security measures namely, finger print scan, magnetic coated stripe scan, and password scan. These scans are used to ensure the security to avoid fake, repeated voting etc. Then these polled votes are stored in local database in each poll booth and then they are connected to the main database by encrypted form in order to avoid any malicious threats. Thus the first aim of avoiding fake and repeated voting has been avoided then to reduce the time of finding the Winning party with majority of votes we make use of this main database, thus the result of polled votes are checked and the winning party can be announced within few hours after the polling.
Novelty Technique for Power factor Improvement by a Single phase Rectifier[Full-Text ] Baby.M, Poorinima.S, Bharani Prakash.T, Sudarsan.SA new technique is implemented to improve the input power factor of a single-phase rectifier followed by an inductive filter. It consists in the employment of a two-quadrant active power filter, based on a conventional bidirectional DC-DC converter, connected to the output side of the diode bridge. This technique allows the extension of this rectifier range operation in the continuous conduction mode. A laboratory prototype was designed and built, with the following specifications: input voltage: 220 VRMS; output voltage: 200 VDC; rated power: 3 kW; switching frequency: 100 kHz. By the experimental results obtained, the system presented a unity power factor and an efficiency of 95% at full load, while the maximum efficiency value was 98% at 2 kW.
Green Energy Innovations - Integration & Adoption[Full-Text ] Ms. Fathima Rifaa .PGreen power refers specifically to electricity generated from a subset of renewable resources, including solar, wind, geothermal, biogas, biomass, and low-impact hydroelectric sources. Green Energy sources produce electricity with an environmental profile superior to conventional power technologies and produce no anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Green Energy is reducing dependence on foreign sources and act as a stimulant for clean-energy companies paving the way for Protecting resources and reducing Global warming. Green Energy leads Innovation to Deployment through Comprehensive approach to innovation, Collaboration withPrivate Indusry.
Microcontroller based Wireless Control for Future DSM networks[Full-Text ] Manash Pratim Boro, K.Bhawin Pattnaik, Akhilesh KumarThe information collected by a smart meter can be implemented in many applications for a smart grid design. One such area of concern is Non Intrusive Load monitoring (NILM) to aid Demand Side Management (DSM) program. In this paper a system is proposed for optimization of energy consumption in future smart grids based on grid integrated near real time communications between a modified version of smart metering unit and the control grid. The communication protocol IEEE 802.15.4. is used for dedicated message exchange. In addition to it, the various shortcomings of the present power management in smart grid are discussed and innovative solutions are suggested.
Rotating Electrical and Mechanical Fault Diagnosis Using Motor Current and Vibration Signals[Full-Text ] M. Maheswari, M. Kiruthika, M. Ramaprabha, S. DhanalakshmiThe Induction motors are mainly used in industrial applications. The unnecessary stopping of the machine will decrease the productivity and it leads to loss. In this paper bearing fault and the rotor fault of the three phase induction motor are detected and are classified by using the soft computing techniques. Application of artificial intelligence tool is inevitable in modern process industry to diagnosis the health of the motor. Here , LABVIEW is used for modeling and MATLAB is used for analyzing. The signal is extracted from the acquired stator current signals and is used in conjunction with machine learning techniques based on ANFIS to classify the motor faults. In addition, this diagnostic method not only classifies the fault but also find the severity of the fault.
Geothermal Power Plant Design using PLC and SCADA[Full-Text ] Aman Soni, Debashis Singh DeoAt any place on the planet, there is a normal temperature of +30?C per km dug into the earth. Therefore, if one digs 20,000 feet the temperature will be about 190?C above the surface temperature. This difference will be enough to produce electricity. However, no useful and economical technology has been developed to extract this large source of energy. In this paper we are proposing a new economical method to harness this energy using PLC. Direct sources function by sending water down a well to be heated by the Earth's warmth. Then a heat pump is used to take the heat from the underground water to the substance that heats the house. Then after the water it is cooled is injected back into the Earth using PLC & SCADA.
Fpga Chip Identificaton Generator Using Digital Clock Manager[Full-Text ] S.Rexlin LeveenaPhysically Unclonable Functions (PUF) are commonly used in applications such as hardware security and property protection. Various PUF implementation techniques are used to translate the chip-specific variations into a unique binary string. It is difficult to maintain the repeatability of FPGA chip ID generation, especially used over a wide range of operating conditions. To overcome this problem, configurable ring oscillator, orthogonal re-initialization scheme to improve repeatability. We propose a Digital Clock Manager (DCM). It is used to generate the digital clock signals.
GeomorphologicVigor Monitoring using Smart Wireless Sensor Network[Full-Text ] Abhishek Kumar, Ritesh Kumar, Chandrashekhar KumarMajor Damage to the building is usually caused by the natural calamities. But there are various other factors which can cause damage to the buildings like Erosion, Earthquake, Violence, Fire and Lack of maintenance. But now a days due to minor earth vibrations and its effects minor undetectable defects are caused to a building, which can magnify with passing time. Hence it is necessary to monitor the minute vibrations and the slope of the building surface to avoid the disaster. In this paper we propose a system which addresses this problem by SHM (structural health monitoring) techniques using MEMS based technologies, which are expected to realize huge and dense sensor network for structures are reported. Hereby the help of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Using this technique, monitoring of large structures in civil engineering becomes very efficient including the sensing of temperature, n moisture, strain and other data continuously.
Priority Encoder Based Single Cycle Access Structure for Logic Test[Full-Text ] M. Sakthivel, P. SelvakumarIn single cycle access test structure for logic test eliminates the power consumption problem of conventional shift-based scan chains and reduces the activity during shift and capture cycles. But it had more complicated in instruction like floating point and it need maximum area. So we propose a priority encoder in the single cycle access test structure to speed up the execution process and reduce the peak power consumption problems.
An Electronic Aid for Visually Impaired in Reading Printed Text[Full-Text ] D. Sreenivasan, Dr. S. PoonguzhaliThe visually impaired are the people who can have permanent or temporary loss of vision. Such people cannot see, read or write as the normal human beings. There are several substituting equipments and aid to help them lead a normal life. Similarly to read, Braille notations are being used. These Braille editions are not available for each text book. Thus to help them read the conventional text book, this paper describes a portable electronic reading aid. This electronic reading aid captures the printed text as the image and recognizes the character using the OCR system. The OCR system sends the ASCII representation of the character to the ARDUINO UNO board which correspondingly actuates the Braille display. When the visually impaired person touches the Braille display, they could understand the printed text.
Boiler Drum Level Control by Using Wide Open Control with Three Element Control System[Full-Text ] T. Rajkumar, Mrs.V.M.Ramaa PriyaaThe boiler drum level control with DCS in thermal power station, with some modification is taken as a project work and the paper presentation is given below. Steam generation in the boiler is proportional to the power generation by supplying a required steam flow to the turbine. As the steam flow is proportional to the Power generation, always there will be fluctuations in the drum level. If the drum level goes below the desired lower drum level, there will be a every possibility of starvation of water tubes inside the furnace is expected and the boiler may get damaged and if the water level in the drum raises above the desired upper drum level, there will be a carryover of water particles in the dry steam flowing to the turbine and thus the turbine blade damage is expected. In order to meet out the steam requirement , to safeguard the boiler water tubes and to safe guard the turbine blades the boiler drum water level control plays an important role in thermal power station.
Z - Source Inverter Fed Induction Motor[Full-Text ] Selva santhose kumar R, Poonkodi V, Seethalakshmi M, Yamuna AIn this paper modelling and simulation of control strategy for Z-source inverter is presented. The performance of single-phase induction motor is studied with the control of single phase Z-source inverter using Simple boost controller. This controller senses the motor speed feedback signal and consequently provides the pulse width modulated (PWM) signal that sets the gate voltage of the inverter, which in turn provides the required voltage for the desired speed. The proposed drive system is simulated using MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation results were compared with the experimental results.
Building Management System Using PLC and SCADA[Full-Text ] Suresh Kumar, Jitendra Prasad Rajwar, Abhay Kumar ThakurAutomation in buildings began long before recorded time, with the help of microprocessors. The use of dedicated software for safety and control applications began with the technological advancement in the field of PLC. With the advent of newer technologies, situations have turned around a lot and the need to view the live Process in a system, within a control has become essential. The technological advancements over the last decades have led to the combined use of PLC with SCADA. The controlling unit in building management system automation is a PLC. Every device in an installation is connected to the PLC. When a user wants to interact with a system an operator terminal, which is attached to a cabinet where the PLC is installed, is used. With this solution the user needs to be in front of the cabinet to interact with the system.
Area Efficient Fixed-width Booth Multipliers With High Accuracy[Full-Text ] SUJEETHA.G, AARTHI.CIn this project a single compensation formula of adaptive conditional-probability estimator (ACPE) applied to fixed-width Booth multiplier is proposed. Based on the conditional- probability theory, the ACPE can be easily applied to large length Booth multipliers (such as 32-bit or larger) for achieving a higher accuracy performance. To consider the trade-off between accuracy and area cost, the ACPE provides varying column information w to adjust the accuracy with respect to system requirements.
Solar Tracker with Virtual Instrument Interface[Full-Text ] Amit Kumar Singh, Shreekant MishraSolar energy is by far among the best sources of energy from every perspective. But harvesting solar energy efficiently is not very easy because of the fact that the relative to the earth the sun is moving. The solar panels are mounted they are fixed in some direction, hence they can give maximum output only for the duration when the sun is directly perpendicular to them. This project is an attempt for providing a solution to the above problem. Using this project ths solar panels can be maintained perpendicular to the sun for almost the entire day. For achieving this, the need is to tilt the solar panel in the direction of motion of the sun. For this first the position of the sun is to be sensed then the panel is to be titled in that direction.
A Low Power And Reconfigurable Adaptive Fir Filter In Multipliers[Full-Text ] R.RUBY, M.JAYAKUMARThe explosive growth in mobile computing and portable multimedia applications has increased the demand for low power digital signal processing (DSP) systems. One of the most widely used operations performed in DSP is finite impulse response (FIR) filtering. This project gives an architectural approach to the design of low power reconfigurable finite impulse response (FIR) filter. The approach is well suited when the filter order is fixed and not changed for particular applications, and efficient trade-off between power savings and filter performance can be made using the proposed architecture. Generally, FIR filter has large amplitude variations in input data and coefficients. Considering the amplitude of the filter coefficients and inputs, the proposed FIR filter dynamically changes the filter order. Mathematical analysis on power savings and filter performance degradation and its experimental results show that the proposed approach achieves significant power savings without seriously compromising the filter performance. The power savings is up to 41.9% with minor performance degradation and the area overhead of the proposed scheme is less than 5.3% compared to the Conventional approach.
Advanced LEACH Protocol in Large scale Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Ms.V.MuthuLakshmiAs the use of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has grown enormously in the past few decades, the need of scalable & energy efficient routing and data aggregation protocol for large scale deployments has also risen. LEACH is a hierarchical clustering protocol that provides an elegant solution for such protocols. One deficiency that affects the performance of the protocol is existence of very large and very small clusters in the network at the same time. This leads to the decrease in lifetime of WSNs. In this paper, the proposed and analyzed a new energy efficient clustering protocol (Improved FZ-LEACH) that eliminates the above problem by forming Far-Zone. Far-Zone is a group of sensor nodes which are placed at locations where their energies are less than a threshold. The communication between nodes and Sink is based on the energy consumption and the minimum distance. The communicating nodes only will be in active and the remaining nodes will be in sleep mode, to this sleep scheduling algorithm has been used. The simulation results and analysis show that proposed Improved FZ-LEACH algorithm outperforms LEACH in terms of energy consumption and network lifetime.
Corrections To Fault Secure Of Majority Logic Decoder And Detector For Memoryapplications[Full-Text ] Viji.D, Mr.T.Sathees KumarNowadays, single event upsets (SEUs) altering digital circuits are becoming a bigger concern for memory applications. This paper presents an error-detection method for differenceset cyclic codes with majority logic decoding. Majority logic decodable codes are suitable for memory applications due to their capability to correct a large number of errors. However, they require a large decoding time that impacts memory performance. The proposed fault-detection method significantly reduces memory access time when there is no error in the data read. The technique uses the majority logic decoder itself to detect failures, which makes the area overhead minimal and keeps the extra power consumption low.
An Integrated Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring Gully Pot Drainage, Land Slides and Waste Gas Measurement[Full-Text ] Ms.G.kuppulakshmi, Mrs.J.VaijayanthimalaThe system is about adequate warning on potential blockage incidents to prevent Sewer Failure in Drainage, Obtaining Forewarning Time for Landslides, Development of Waste Gas, Monitor System using Wireless Sensor. A key issue with blockage formation is its intermittent nature so that current inspection technology may not be efficient enough to detect sudden incidents or serious blockage which may have accumulated before the routine check and which may lead to a flooding incident. Likewise, the phenonminalframework for the geographical topologicalevent detection such as landslides and inception of Gas cannot be predicted before occur. By placing the deployment of wireless sensors near the gullies and data gather on lamp post, then the microcontroller on the DAQ board is programmed to wake up from sleep mode to measure the water level, condition every five minutes while keeping the transceiver in the sleep mode. Once it detects a low/high alarm, the transceiver wakes up to sense the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) from the hub as well as from its neighboring sensor's node. This will give the warning signal to the Base station. Then, it compares the RSSI and selects the best route to relay the data back to the data gatherer via the zigbee mesh network. After that, the data gatherer enables the GPRS connection and sends the data to the remote server. Subsequently, the remote user can send an inspector to investigate the event. Similarly, it predicts the land slide and waste gas before occur and send warning information to the base station
A Novel Digital VideoWatermarking Algorithm for Video Authentication.[Full-Text ] A.ANITHA RANI &A.KIRTHIKAThe increasing amount of applications using digital multimedia technologies has accentuated the need to provide copyright protection to multimedia data. This paper reviews one of the data hiding techniques - digital video watermarking. The requirement of secure communication and digital data transfer has potentially increased with the development of multimedia systems . Applications of video watermarking in copy control, broadcast monitoring, finger printing, video authentication, copyright protection etc is immensely rising. Advanced Video Codec (AVC) is becoming an important alternative regarding reduced band width, better image quality in terms of peak-signal-to-noise-ratio (PSNR). H.264/AVC uses different transformation and block sizes than MPEG series, so development of new algorithms is required to integrate semi fragile and robust watermarking techniques for different profiles of H.264/AVC. Moreover one of the target applications of H.264 is videophone and video conferencing. These require criteria that watermarking needs to be performed in real time. The proposed algorithm can achieve semi fragile watermark extraction against H.264 compressed videos.
Triangular Multicarrier SPWM Technique for Nine Level Cascaded Inverter[Full-Text ] A.Mahendran, K.Muthulakshmi, R.NagarajanIn this paper, novel pulse width modulation technique which uses triangular carrier waveform is proposed for nine-level cascaded inverter. In triangular carrier waveform, different techniques such as phase disposition (PD), inverted phase disposition (IPD), phase opposition disposition (POD) and alternative phase opposition disposition (APOD) are implemented. The fundamental output voltage and harmonics obtained in each method are compared with each other. The proposed switching technique enhances the fundamental component of the output voltage and improves total harmonic distortion. The different PWM methodologies adopting the constant switching frequency multicarrier are simulated for a 1KW, 3f inverter using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The effect of switching frequency on the fundamental output voltage and harmonics are also analyzed.
Study and Analysis of Composite Flat Plate[Full-Text ] Prof.R.Arravind, Dr.M.Saravanan, R.Mohamed RijuvanIn the framework of a composite technology, a composite fabrication technique are most widely used in the aerospace and mechanical applications. Based on application of composite material, we can increase the strength of the materials and also weight can be reduced. The composite flat plate made-up of three different layers was designed with help of CATIA v5R20 software and analysis for maximum stress, strain, deformation for tensile and compressive testing condition. The layered flat was fabricated with the G926/M18 and Kelvar-49 composite material. A static test demonstrated was carried out with the application of load, in order to find out the load carrying capacity of the composite flat plate.
Development of Micro Aerial Vehicle using Piezoelectric Fiber Composites[Full-Text ] S.BALASUNDARAMRecently, flapping robots are noticed by many researchers, and many challenges are being made toward the realization of flight motions like insects, birds and so on. The purpose of this work is to develop flapping robots using a new type of piezoelectric material, that is, piezoelectric fiber composites. By using the composites, actuating fibers and sensing fibers can be embedded into a wing as part of the structure and it makes flapping robots with compact and light structure. A prototype of flapping robot capable of flapping and feathering motions has been developed. The design and driving method of the robot as well as experimental results about thrust and lift force are shown in this paper.
High Boost Hybrid Transformer DC-DC Converter for Photovoltaic Module Applications[Full-Text ] K.UmadeviThis paper presents a nonisolated, high boost ratio hy-brid transformer dc-dc converter with applications for low-voltage renewable energy sources. The proposed converter utilizes a hy-brid transformer to transfer the inductive and capacitive energy simultaneously, achieving a high boost ratio with a smaller sized magnetic component. As a result of incorporating the resonant operation mode into the traditional high boost ratio pulsewidth modulation converter, the turn-off loss of the switch is reduced, increasing the efficiency of the converter under all load conditions. The input current ripple and conduction losses are also reduced because of the hybrid linearsinusoidal input current waveforms. The voltage stresses on the active switch and diodes are maintained at a low level and are independent of the changing input voltage over a wide range as a result of the resonant capacitor transfer-ring energy to the output of the converter. The effectiveness of the proposed converter was experimentally verified using a 220-W prototype circuit. Utilizing an input voltage ranging from 20 to 45 V and a load range of 30-220 W, the experimental results show system of efficiencies greater than 96% with a peak efficiency of 97.4% at 35-V input, 160-W output. Due to the high system effi-ciency and the ability to operate with a wide variable input voltage, the proposed converter is an attractive design for alternative low dc voltage energy sources, such as solar photovoltaic modules and fuel cells.
Performance Improved Architecture of Majority Logic Decoder with Difference-Set decoder for High data rate Applications[Full-Text ] C.RajeswariTo prevent soft errors from causing data corruption, memories are commonly protected with Error Correction Codes (ECCs). To minimize the impact of the ECC on memory complexity simple codes are commonly used. For example, Single Error Correction (SEC) codes, like Hamming codes are widely used. Power consumption can be reduced by first checking if the word has errors and then perform the rest of the decoding only when there is errors .Nowadays, single event upsets (SEUs) altering digital circuits are becoming a bigger concern for memory applications. Among the ECC codes that meet the requirements of higher error correction capability and low decoding complexity, cyclic block codes have been identified as good candidates, due to their property of being majority logic (ML) decodable. Majority logic decodable codes are suitable for memory applications due to their capability to correct a large number of errors. However, they require a large decoding time that impacts memory performance. The drawback of ML decoding is that, for a coded word of N-bits, it takes N cycles in the decoding process, posing a big impact on system performance. The proposed fault-detection method significantly reduces memory access time when there is no error in the data read. The technique uses the majority logic decoder itself to detect failures, which makes the area overhead minimal and keeps the extra power consumption low. The initiative of using the ML decoder circuitry as a fault detector so that read operations are accelerated with almost no supplementary hardware cost. The results show that the properties of DSCC-LDPC enable efficient fault detection.
Five Level Inverter With Sarc Boost Converter For Pv Applications[Full-Text ] V.Neviya, B.JayamanikandanThis paper presents a three phase five level photovoltaic inverter topology for a standalone system with a novel pulse width modulation control scheme. In this paper photo voltaic conversion stages, dc-dc conversion and dc-ac conversion both are made efficient compared to conventional methods. The first stage dc-dc conversion is made effective by soft switching boost converter with simple auxiliary resonant circuit, in which a switch, a resonant inductor, a resonant capacitor are added. This soft switching pattern can reduce the switching losses, voltage and current stress of the switching device. More over its very easy to control. The second stage is inverting operation, which is accomplished by inverter. In this paper, the five level inverter is adopted, which offers much less total harmonic distortion and can operate at near unity power factor. Simulation results are presented. In this paper the PV arrays are increased for regulated and increased power production. The output from this inverter is fed into the Grid power supply where the grid operated in two way of receiving the power to the grid and also transmitting the power from the grid circuit. The inverter used here is a Three phase five level inverter. The results and performances are analyzed using the waveforms obtained from the simulation circuit as shown in the figures.
Cyclic life establishment of the compressor disc of a gas turbine engine[Full-Text ] Prof. C. Jaganathan,S.Ambika, Anu Marie Abraham, G.Revathy, M.ShivarahiniGas turbine engines for fighter class aircrafts are having unique characteristics. It is not uncommon that gas turbine engine with deep throttles both during acceleration and deceleration not only consumes life but also deficiencies are manifested out in the form of defects. In this project, the dictum is to carry out a cyclic life analysis of a compressor disc which is already flying along with the fighter class engine fitted on a fighter class aircraft. Since both the geometrical drawing and the boundary conditions of the discs are known, a model is therefore prepared using the modeling software (CATIA). The discretized model is then subjected to analysis using ANSYS software and the maximum stress values and its locations were identified for all the RPM conditions of the engine. Alternating stresses are acquired from Goodman diagram and cyclic life is obtained from S-N diagram. Modal analysis is carried out for bending and umbrella mode and the values are superposed on Campbell diagram, to arrive at the resonances with the engine order. Efforts are also made to simulate defect in the component and the modes are captured to identify the resonance characteristics of the component with defects.
Bloom Energy From Legacy Fuel Cell[Full-Text ] M.Vanitha.,S.saranyaWe have many problems due to produce electricity for during generation and future generation. So we need to produce electric energy in the form of reliable, flexible, less polluting and continuous supply of electric energy from a cheap material. Our paper shows how to produce this kind of electric energy, that Energy is called as 'Bloom energy'. The Bloom Energy is the manufacturer of solid oxide fuel cells. It is the 'heart of every energy server'. Solid oxide fuel cell is defined as the 'distributed generation solution that is clean and reliable and affordable all at the same time'. Reportedly, the solid oxide fuel cells are as efficient as much as doubly efficient as a conventional power plant. "A solid oxide fuel cell is an electrochemical cell that converts a source fuel into an electrical current. It generates electricity inside a cell through reaction between a fuel and an oxidant, triggered in the presence of an electrolyte".The reactants flow into the cell and reaction products flow out of it while the electrolyte remains within it. Each fuel cell, which consists of a metal alloy plate sandwiched between two ceramic layers, generates 25 watts of power. Solid oxide fuel cell made by methane and oxygen. A single fuel cell can power a light bulb, but a one solid oxide fuel cell is producing 2KW electricity. Bloom refers to as "legacy fuel cells." Energy Servers can use a variety of source fuels, including biofuels.
Simulation Of Twin Spool Turbojet Engine[Full-Text ] Prof. C. Jaganathan, S.K.SuwathySimulation of performance of gas turbine engine fitted in fighter class aircraft is tried both for steady and transient operations. Performance of the engine is calculated for the inputs of air and fuel mass flow rates, altitude conditions and throttle positions for sea level and combinations of varying Mach number and altitude conditions. Methodology consists of usage of a series of equations for various modules of engine and all are sequentially evaluated to get the output namely thrust, specific fuel consumption and station values like pressures and temperatures. Dynamic simulation consists of varying the throttle position, when the engine is on ground and obtaining various performance parameters of the engine as outputs. In order to do this a series of equations are developed in order to arrive at the transfer function of the spools of the engine. For estimating the stability of the engine step inputs in the form of fuel flow rate for HP spool and exit area variation for LP spool are tried and found to be as per the expectations.
An efficient electro mechanical coupling of Parallel hybrid system using SCADA[Full-Text ] Harikrishnan, Dhanaselvam JThis paper presents the literature review of vibration characteristics under different operating conditions of Engine, Motor and hydraulic pump. Compared with stable drive cycle of automobile the load of construction machinery changes frequently &drastically. Each component must be adjusted to match the changing load. The Electro mechanical coupling is very important in construction machinery. The existence of motor changes the dynamics of the system compared with the pure engine drive. The control mechanism is based on supervisory control And Data acquisition. This control strategy gives out the control signal of Engine, Motor and hydraulic Pump.
N Efficient Technique For In-order Packet Delivery With Adaptive Routing Algorithms In Networks On Chip[Full-Text ] Mrs. P. Narmatha,Mrs. M. N. Vanitha DeviNetwork-on-chip (NOC) designs are based on a compromise among latency, power dissipation, or energy, and the balance is usually defined at design time. However, setting all parameters, such as buffer size, at design time can cause either excessive power dissipation (originated by router under utilization), or a higher latency. Network-on-chip (NOCs) has emerged as a promising on-chip interconnects for future multi/many-core architectures as NOCs are able to scale communication links with the growing number of cores. I propose a new adaptive routing algorithm for 8-port router Architecture and the new router topology which is used to reduce the network routing time, and it is a suitable alternate to network design and implementation. Network-On-Chip Multi port Router can be modelled using Verilog HDL and simulated using Modelsim software.
Speed Control Of Three Phase Bldc Motor Using Four Switch Inverter[Full-Text ] M.Vignesh kumarIn this paper speed control of three phase bldc motor using four switch inverter is proposed to simplify the structure of the conventional six switch inverter. It is an effective try on reducing cost. A single current sensor control strategy is used. PID controller is used by the outer loop to develop the performance of speed control. The outer speed loop is designed to improve the static and dynamic characteristics of the system by using Microcontroller. A current control technique is developed to minimize commutation torque for the entire speed range and also intelligent schemes have been introduced. The main focus of the controller design is to improve the performance of the speed controller and to reduce the computational load.
Home Surveillance system using Ultrasonic Sensors[Full-Text ] K.Rajalakshmi, R.ChakrapaniEach ultrasonic sensor module includes a transmitter and a receiver, and the modules are placed in a line direction. Because the ultrasonic transmission will spread at a beam angle, we use multiple ultrasonic receivers to receive the ultrasonic transmission. If any intruder passes through the ultrasonic sensing area, the ultrasonic transmission will be blocked by the human body. As the receivers will not receive any transmission from the ultrasonic transmitter, the system will sense when someone is passing through the surveillance area. We use a Majority Voting Mechanism (MVM) for a group of sensors. If over half the sensors in a sensor group sense a signal blocking, the majority voting program starts the Web camera. The mathematical equation and the sensing experiment show that we improve the system's reliabilities.
Development of Low Duty Cycle Wireless Sensor Network for Efficient Broadcast [Full-Text ] A.Rexi, K.Maheswari, K.ThulasimaniWireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are used in several communication applications such as military surveillance, infrastructure protection and scientific exploration. In that broadcasting is one of the basic services to pass messages in WSNs. Since Sensor nodes are usually battery powered, WSNs need to be operated under low duty mode, in which the sensor node has less active period compared to its sleeping period where broadcasting becomes a challenging issue in such low duty cycle network. This paper deals with efficient broadcast under such low duty cycle mode. The main objective of this paper is to provide efficiency in message broadcasting. In this, first a low duty cycle network model has been developed. Then the problem for broadcasting message is formulated with the help of shortest path problem. Optimal solution for the broadcast problem is computed using the proposed efficient evolutionary algorithm. The performance of this solution is analyzed with the optimal solution computed using dynamic programming algorithm with the best result of minimum time cost and message cost.
A Semantic Search Engine using Semantic Similarity Measure between Words [Full-Text ] M.Karthiga, M.PriyadharsiniMeasuring semantic similarity between words is very useful in information retrieval. Semantic similarity measure is so useful in many applications, and in the proposed work it is used to create a model Semantic Search Engine. The Semantic Search Engine uses in one hand a Technical Database for computer technology and a Semantic Similarity database to retrieve the resultant Web page for the query word. When a query word is given in the user interface the search engine first searches for the word in the technical database if the word is present the respective Webpage is displayed. If the word is not present in the technical database then the query word is searched in the semantic similarity database. If there are any similar words for the query word those words are displayed as recommendations to the user. The user has to select one of the similar words from the recommendation and accordingly the result page is retrieved. The semantic similarity measure between the words is evaluated using both Pearson correlation coefficient and Spearman correlation coefficient. The time taken to retrieve the relevant Webpage in semantic search engine is compared with normal search engine. The Precision and Recall is calculated for semantic search engine and the results are compared with normal search engine.
Enhancing Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Network using Energy Aware - Lazy Scheduling Algorithm[Full-Text ] M.Priyadharsini, M.KarthigaWireless Sensor Networks are an emerging technology with potential application in areas as wide ranging as habitat monitoring and industrial applications. In these applications, sensor nodes use batteries as sole energy source resulting in degradation of energy. Hence, a key issue in wireless sensor network is maximizing network lifetime. A framework to maximize the lifetime of wireless sensor network by using a novel sleep scheduling technique called Virtual Backbone Scheduling (VBS) that enables fine-grained sleep scheduling is proposed. VBS schedules multiple overlapped backbones which work alternatively to prolong network lifetime so that energy consumption is evenly distributed among all the sensor nodes. An approximation algorithms based on Scheduling Transition Graph (STG) is introduced to overcome the scheduling problem of VBS called Maximum Lifetime Backbone Scheduling (MLBS) problem. With the aim of further improving the efficiency and conservative management of energy resources, with automatic ability of foreseeing the task energy starving during run-time an Energy Aware - Lazy Scheduling Algorithm (EA-LSA) is to be proposed.
Tumor Detection In Brain Images Via Distributed Estimation[Full-Text ] Mrs. S.Saraswathi, Mrs. M.KavithaThe aim of this paper is to introduce a scheme for tumor detection and segmentation in medical images. We consider MRI brain image. Automatic segmentation of brain image is done. In abnormality detection, we match vector with the probability distribution obtained from normal data, it is marked as anomalous if it is different. If data is large it is not possible to estimate probability density function. So we take every image as partition. Block wise separation of the image is performed. Here we calculate parameters like eigenvalue, eigenvector, energy, maximum likelihood for each block. The concave likelihood function estimate abnormality for each block based on a distributed estimation algorithm. The likelihood function contains a model and data. Based on the parameters value tumor is detected and tumor is segmented based on expectation maximization algorithm. This kind of method is used for automatic brain pathology segmentation, such as simulated brain infarction and dysplasia, real lesions in diabetes patients. Harlick features which is a statistical parameter can be estimated and the type of tumor can be classified using artificial neural networks.
A Modulo Packet Marking Approach to Protect Cloud Environment against DDoS Attacks[Full-Text ] E.Anitha and Dr.S.MalligaCloud computing uses internet and remote servers for maintaining data and applications. It offers through internet the dynamic virtualized resources, bandwidth and on-demand software's to consumers and promises the distribution of many economical benefits among its adapters. It helps the consumers to reduce the usage of hardware, software license and system maintenance. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) is the system that allows the communications interaction between different web services. SOAP messages are constructed using either HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP) and/or eXtensible Mark-up Language (XML). Cloud computing suffers from major security threat problem by Denial of Service (DoS) attacks which are more difficult to defend. The attackers in Distributed DoS (DDoS) attacks modify the source addresses in the attack packets to hide their identity, and making it difficult to distinguish such packets from those sent by legitimate users. This idea is called IP address spoofing. They are intentionally sent to flood and destroy the communication channel of the cloud service provider. To address the problem of DDoS attacks against cloud web services there is a need to distinguish between the legitimate and illegitimate messages. This can be done by using the rule set based detection, called CLASSIE and modulo marking method is used to avoid the spoofing attack. Reconstruct and Drop method is used to make decision and drop the packets on the victim side. It enables us to improve the reduction of false positive rate and increase the detection and filtering of DDoS attacks.
Hierarchical Load Balancing GridSim Architecture with Fault Tolerance[Full-Text ] D.Nanthiya/ PG Student, P.Keerthika M.E.,/Assistant Professor (Sr.G)Grid computing enables sharing, selection and aggregation of large collection of geographically and organizationally distributed heterogeneous resources for solving large-scale data and compute intensive problems. Resources are dynamic and heterogeneous in nature. So the load of each resource varies with change in configuration of grid and also the occurrence of failure of resources is much greater. Moreover the failure of the resources affects the job execution fatally. This makes load balancing and fault tolerance more important in case of computing grid. This paper introduces an algorithm which balances the load among the resources and also increases the reliability of the grid environment. This algorithm consists of two-phases. In the first phase, the fittest resources are selected based on the expected completion time and fault tolerant factor of the resources. In the second phase, the load balancing algorithm is applied to determine the status of the selected resources and then the jobs are scheduled to the resources if and only if the load is balanced. The proposed algorithm is simulated on GridSim simulator for effective modeling of the grid environment.
Zero Voltage Switching Dc-dc Converter With High Voltage Gain And High Power Application[Full-Text ] Mr. G.RAMACHANDRANThe technique of zero voltage switching in modern power conversion is explored. Several ZVS topologies and applications, limitations of the ZVS technique, and a generalized design procedure are featured. Two design examples are presented: a 50 Watt DC/DC converter, and an off-line 300 Watt multiple output power supply. This topic concludes with a performance comparison of ZVS converters to their square wave counterparts, and a summary of typical applications.