Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2013 Edition
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Design of an Ultrasonic Distance Meter[Full-Text ] Md. Shamsul Arefin, Tajrian MollickThere are several ways to measure distance without contact. One way is to use ultrasonic waves at 40 kHz for distance measurement. Ultrasonic transducers measure the amount of time taken for a pulse of sound to travel to a particular surface and return as the reflected echo. This circuit calculates the distance based on the speed of sound at 25°C ambient temperature and shows it on LCD display. Using it, we can measure distance up to 2.5 meters. In this circuit, a 40 kHz transducer is used for measurement in the air medium. In this project, we excite the ultrasonic transmitter unit with a 40 kHz pulse burst and expect an echo from the object whose distance we want to measure. It travels to the object in the air and the echo signal is picked up by another ultrasonic transducer unit (receiver), also a 40 kHz pre-tuned unit.
Generation of Space Vector PWM Using Microcontroller Atmega 16[Full-Text ] SlametThis paper describes the use of a microcontroller atmega 16 to generate the space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) signals. The main feature of the research is the simplicity of the hardware and easy to digitally programmed. Testing and analyzing system is done at no load condition with varying carrier frequency, amplitude, and sinusoidal frequency. Varying carrier frequency is done by utilizing software with code vision AVR tools, while the amplitude and the sinusoidal frequency are varied by using potentiometers as analog input data. Based on the results of testing and analyzing, it is shown that the SVPWM signals could be implemented with microcontroller Atmega 16 at carrier frequency 490 Hz and THD at sinusoidal frequency of 25Hz, 50Hz, and 100Hz is about 13.85%, 23.89%, and 17.43%..
Stability analysis on plain journal bearing with effect of surface roughness[Full-Text ] S.Udaya Bhaskar, Mohammed Manzoor Hussain, Md. Yousuf AliThe effect of surface roughness has a major role in steady state and dynamic characteristics of hydrodynamic journal bearings. To evaluate the surface roughness effect on bearing surface, it is necessary to concentrate upon the surface roughness profiles. Flow factor method is used in the analysis to evaluate the roughness terms and the finite difference method is used to find the pressure distribution over the bearing surface. The steady state characteristics are with transverse, isotropic and longitudinal surface pattern are compered with the bearing having smooth surface profile. The results showed a considerable effect on steady state and dynamic characteristics of the journal bearing system.
Automatic wrapper adaptation system[Full-Text ] A. A. Tekale, S. S. NandgaonkarExtracting precise information from Web sites is a useful task to obtain structured data from unstructured or semi structured data. This data is useful in further intelligent processing. Wrappers are the common information extraction systems which will transform largely unstructured information to structured data. Method in this paper is meant for extracting Web data. Some of the existing techniques require manually preparing training data and some does not require manual intervention. Wrapper generated for one site cannot be directly applied to new site even if the domain is same. Some methods only extract those data attributes which are specified in wrapper but, unseen Web pages may have additional attributes which needs to be identified. Automatically adapting the information extraction knowledge to a new unseen site, at the same time, discovering previously unseen attributes is the challenging task. Proposed system learns information extraction knowledge for new web site is automatically. New attributes will be discovered as well.
ESD Detection Circuit controlling to using ESD Clamp Circuit with adjustable holding voltage and PMOS-Based Power[Full-Text ] Hushein.R, Balaji.S, Venkatesan.PA new power-rail ESD clamp circuit designed with PMOS as main ESD clamp device has been proposed and verified in a 65nm 1.2V CMOS process. The new proposed design with adjustable holding voltage controlled by the ESD detection circuit has better immunity against mis-trigger or transient-induced latch-on event. The layout area and the standby leakage current of this new proposed design are much superior to that of traditional RC-based power-rail ESD clamp circuit with NMOS as main ESD clamp device.
Anesthesia Drugs in the Medieval Muslim Era[Full-Text ] Dr. Ali Muhammad BhatPain is difficult to measure in humans because it has an emotional or psychological as well as a physical component. Some people express extreme discomfort from relatively small injuries, while others show little or no pain even after suffering severe injury. The signals that warn the body tissue damage are transmitted through the nervous system. In this system, the basic unit is the nerve cell or neuron. Each nerve cell meets other nerve cells at certain points on the axons and dendrites, forming a dense network of interconnected nerve fibers that transmit sensory information about touch, pressure, or warmth, as well as pain. Sensory information is transmitted from the different parts of the body to the brain via spinal cord. To overcome pain different types of drugs were used from the very earlier period to restrict the nerve signals for some time in order to provide relief to the patient. At present highly modified drugs are prescribed to ease pain whether at the time of surgery or feeling any kind of pain in the body. In order to highlight the significance of medieval medicine prescribed to ease pain and save human beings from side effects, this topic has great significance in the contemporary era.
Exploring Potential of indoor ir optical wireless communication for 4th generation hetrogeneous networks[Full-Text ] Shuchita ChaudharyInfrared communications were mainly studied during 1960's as an alternative for mobile radio communications. But, no real system for indoor coverage using infrared links was seriously considered. Recently, infrared has gained ground with operators seeking to cover area that require high bit rate services such as the office areas. Serious work on indoor optical wireless systems started during early 90's. At present it is a very rapidly developing research are and there is huge interest and commitment in this area by major communication industries due to its enormous commercial applications. In order to correctly and reticently deploy a communication system, the system designer must have a sound knowledge of the channel. This can be done through experimentation and modeling with methods that are accurate enough for all significant channel characteristics. This thesis deals mainly with the study of measurement and modeling in indoor diffused optical wireless systems. In this paper, we explain the experimental characterization of indoor infrared channels that use intensity modulation with direct detection. The measurement set up consists of an optical transmitter with an infrared LASER and an optical receiver with a Avalanche photodiode. The frequency response is plotted for different receiver locations without changing the transmitter location. From this we compute the channel's frequency response. The measurement was to prove the practical feasibility of a high bandwidth system for next generation networks or 4G networks.
A Survey on Security Threats and Vulnerabilities In Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] W.Sharon Inbarani, C.Kumar Charlie Paul, W.Andrew Jerome JeevakumarCloud computing is a distributed computing paradigm capable of providing agile IT services to individual users and organizations. Cloud computing is a technology which will facilitate companies or organizations to host their services without worrying about IT infrastructure and other supporting services. Cloud computing providers can build large data centers at low cost due to their expertise in organizing and provisioning computational resources. Cloud security has emerged as arguably the most significant barrier to faster and more widespread adoption of cloud computing. Indeed, cloud computing suffers from threats and vulnerabilities which hinders the users from trusting it. In this paper, we explore the vulnerabilities and threats of cloud storage one of the domains of cloud computing that affects the different cloud service model.
Detecting Online Social Network Chat Measurement, Analysis And Automated Classification[Full-Text ] C. Sheeba Jaya Priya, K.KarthikaTweets are publicly visible by default, but senders can restrict message delivery to just their followers. Users can tweet via the Twitter website, compatible external applications (such as for smartphones), or by Short Message Service (SMS) available in certain countries. While the service is free, accessing it through SMS may incur phone service provider fees.The popularity and open structure of Twitter have attracted a large number of automated programs, known as bots, which appear to be a double-edged sword to Twitter. Legitimate bots generate a large amount of benign tweets delivering news and updating feeds, while malicious bots spread spam or malicious contents. More broadly, the full term "cybernetic organism" is used to describe larger networks of communication and control. For example, cities, networks of roads, networks of software, corporations, markets, governments, and the collection of these things together. Chatterbots are used in automated online assistants by organizations as a way of interacting with consumers and users of services. This can avail for enterprises to reduce their operating and training cost. To assist human users in identifying who they are interacting with, this paper focuses on the classification of human, bot, and cyborg accounts on Twitter.The entropy component uses tweeting interval as a measure of behavior complexity, and detects the periodic and regular timing that is an indicator of automation.The spam detection component uses tweet content to check whether text patterns contain spam or not3.The account properties component employs useful account properties, such as tweeting device makeup, URL ration, to detect deviations from normal.The decision maker is based on Random Forest, and it uses the combination of the features generated by the above three components to categorize an unknown user as human, bot, or cyborg.
Improving the Efficiency of Web Usage Mining Using K-Apriori and FP-Growth Algorithm[Full-Text ] Mrs.R.Kousalya, Ms.K.Suguna, Dr.V. SaravananWeb mining is used to discover the information from the World Wide Web and their usage patterns. Web usage mining is the one of the type of web mining which allows for the collection of Web access information for Web pages. The binary data is transformed into real data by using wiener transformation algorithm. Using k-means algorithm the transformed data are clustered based on the similarities. Then the K-Apriori algorithm is used for data preprocessing to find the frequent patterns. In this paper we proposed the FP-Growth Algorithm on web log files to extract the most frequent pattern.
A Survey On Mobile Databases And Query Processing In Mobile Databases[Full-Text ] Arpita Mishra, S. P. SinghMobile computing is increasingly becoming more and more popular as people need information even on the move in this rapid changing information world. Mobile Computing is an environment where user is mobile and can change its place while communicating. A mobile database is a database that can be connected to by a mobile computing device over a mobile network. The effects of mobility on query processing require that algorithms employed must be capable of managing frequent loss and appearance of mobile device in the network, and that overhead should be minimized during periods of low connectivity. This paper describes mobile databases and query processing in mobile databases.
Evaluation of Heavy Metals on Wetland Biodiversity of Oluwa River (Southwest Nigeria) POME Polluted Area[Full-Text ] Akinsorotan, A. MThe evaluation of Mg, Ca, Na, K, Cu, Mn, Fe, Hg, Zn and Pb concentrations in some component of biodiversity {Fish (Oreochromis niloticus);water ; soil sediment and submerge vegetation} from Oluwa River, Ondo State, Nigeria using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) technique is discussed. The river was stratified into four zones. Zone A, (ZA) was point of direct effluent discharge from the Palm Oil factory, zone B was point 50m away from ZA, towards the direction of water flow, zone C was point 100m away from ZA and zone D the control zone, was point 100m upstream from ZA without contact with the effluent. Physico-chemical parameters such as BOD, COD, DO2, Temperature, conductivity and pH were also measured. Biodiversity samplings were carried out once weekly for 4 weeks and samples collected were prepared for analyses/measurements. The analytical samples are irradiated with high energy electrons of 109Cd to produce fluorescent X-rays was produced which passes to the Silicon-lithium detector through Mo target as a source of monochromatic X-rays. The spectrum of energy generated on the detector was processed by a Multi- Channel Analyzer to obtain analytical data. The intensity of the fluorescent X-rays on the detector is proportional to the concentration of the individual element of interest in the sample. This method can identify up to 30 or more elements at the same time. The results showed varying levels of heavy metals in the fishes, Water, Bottom sediment and submerged vegetation (biodiversity). The concentrations of Cr, Mn, Cu, and Ni in the fishes were much higher than WHO and FEPA maximum permissible limits, while the concentrations of Zn and Pb were lower than the standards. Results showed that pH; chemical oxygen demand (COD); biological oxygen demand (BOD); conductivity and temperature (ToC) of POME were critical for the survival of aquatic organisms. Water pH; dissolved oxygen (DO); COD; BOD and ToC were most critical (P<0.05) at ZA and improved along ZC, while there was no effect in ZD. There were positively high correlation between DO/pH; COD/pH; BOD/pH; conductivity/pH; ToC/pH/COD/BOD and conductivity. Negative correlation also existed between COD/DO; BOD/DO; conductivity/DO and ToC/DO. Regression analyses indicated high coefficient of determination R2 between the water parameters and low R2 between DO/ToC which had equation as DO = 72.0-2.45ToC. Biodiversity mineral concentration was excessively high due to POME pollution, indicating possible subtoxic effect. The results suggest that the lake is polluted with Cr, Mn, Cu and Ni and the consumption of fishes of the lake is life threatening to man. This is a confirmation that fish in river Oluwa within the polluted areas must have either migrated out of the zones or died due to POME toxicity.
Histopathological Effects Of Acutely Toxic Levels Of Palm Oil Mill Effluent On Gill And Liver Of Nile Tilapia Fingerlings[Full-Text ] Akinsorotan, A. MThe toxicity of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) was investigated with emphasis on histopathological effects of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) juvenile. Static bioassay was conducted to determine the LC50 of POME to Nile tilapia fingerlings. The fishes were exposed to 0, 5, 25, 50 mg/l of POME. Histopathological examinations were performed on the gills and liver of Nile tilapia fingerlings exposed to POME under standard laboratory condition. 120 live and apparently healthy O. niloticus fingerlings measuring 9.3-10.6cm standard length and weighed between 5.8g and 6.5g were randomly distributed into twelve (40cm x 29cm x 28cm) glass tanks of 60 litres capacity each were filled with 20litres aerated unchlorinated well water at ten fish/tank for the experiment. The toxicant was introduced at different concentrations in duplicate per treatment. The lethal concentration (LC50) value of POME was 9.19mg/l for 96h of exposure. The total mortality occurred in the concentration of 50mg/litre within 24hours of exposure period. Toxic reactions exhibited by the fish include erratic movement, air gulping, loss of reflex, molting, barbell deformation, hemorrhage and excessive mucus secretion in fish exposed to higher concentration of POME. Histopathology of the organs after 96 hr exposure revealed cell proliferation, lamellar fusion, lamellar cell hyperplasia, and epithelial lifting. In the liver, there was vacuolation of hepatocytes and necrosis. The changes in these tissues occur predominantly in the 96 hr exposure. Respiratory stress, erratic swimming and instant death of fish were observed in exposed fish, which varied with the concentration of the toxicant. Histopathological examination of the gills and liver of Nile tilapia fingerlings showed varied degrees of degenerative changes including vacuolation and necrosis which worsened with increasing concentration of the effluent. Observations on the bioassay test indicated hyper exetability and the eagerness of the test fish to jump out of the pollutant. This is a confirmation that fish in river Oluwa where Palm Oil Mill Effluent had been discharged into over decades must have either migrated out of the zones or died due to POME toxicity. POME is highly toxic to Oreochromis niloticus, therefore it's discharged directly into water bodies, near fish farms or in areas close to aquatic bodies should not be encouraged.
Acute Toxicity And Behavioural Changes On African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus ) Exposed To Dizensate (Glyphosate Herbicide)[Full-Text ] A.M. Akinsorotan, S.A.A. Zelibe & N.F. OleleThe acute toxicity of Dizensate Glyphosate (N-phosphonomethyl glycine) to Clarias gariepinus adult was conducted using static bioassay under laboratory conditions. The four days median lethal concentration (96 hours LC50) was determined as 43.65mg/l. Mean mortality was 0, 17, 33, 50 and 83% in the concentration of 19.2, 28.8, 38.4, 48.0 and 57.6mg/l respectively, while there was no mortality in the control treatment. There were significant differences (P<0.05) on the effect of concentrations on the fish. Fish response to the toxicant include erratic movement, air gulping, loss of reflex, molting, barbell deformation and excessive mucus secretion. Mortality increased with increase in concentration of Dizensate glyphosate and time of exposure. The physicochemical parameters also showed a slight increase as the concentration increased. It could be concluded that Dizensate glyphosate; an aquatic herbicide, has harmful effects on the behavioral, physiology and biochemistry of catfish which in turn affects the growth rate.
Histopathological Effects of Acutely Toxic Levels of Dizensate (glyphosate herbicide) on Gill and Liver of Clarias gariepinus Adult[Full-Text ] A.M. Akinsorotan, S.A.A. Zelibe & N.F. OleleThe toxicity of Dizensate herbicide on the was investigated with emphasis on histopathological effects of African catfish Clarias gariepinus Adult. Static bioassay was conducted to determine the LC50 of Dizensate herbicide to African catfish Adult. The fishes were exposed to 0, 19.2, 28.8, 38.4, 48.0 and 57.6mg/l of Dizensate herbicide. Histopathological examinations were performed on the gill, skin, liver and heart of test organisms exposed to Dizensate glyphosate under standard laboratory condition. 144 live and apparently healthy C. gariepinus Adult measuring 29.3-32.6cm standard length and weighed between 180g and 250g were randomly distributed into twelve (48.2cm x 33cm x 34cm) glass tanks of 80 litres capacity each were filled with 40litres aerated unchlorinated well water at twelve fish/tank for the experiment. The toxicant was introduced at the different concentrations stated above in duplicate per treatment.The lethal concentration (LC50) value of Dizensate herbicide was 43.65mg/l for 96h of exposure. Mean mortality was 0, 17, 33, 50 and 83% in the concentration of 19.2, 28.8, 38.4, 48.0 and 57.6mg/l respectively, while there was no mortality in the control treatment. Toxic reactions exhibited by the fish include erratic movement, air gulping, loss of reflex, molting, barbell deformation, hemorrhage and excessive mucus secretion in fish exposed to higher concentration of Dizensate glyphosate. Histopathology of the organs after 96 hr exposure revealed cell proliferation, lamellar fusion, lamellar cell hyperplasia, and epithelial lifting. In the liver, there was vacuolation of hepatocytes and necrosis. The changes in these tissues occur predominantly in the 96 hr exposure. Respiratory stress, erratic swimming and instant death of fish were observed in exposed fish, which varied with the concentration of the toxicant. Histopathological examination of the gill, skin, liver and heart of C. gariepinus Adult showed varied degrees of degenerative changes including vacuolation and necrosis which worsened with increasing concentration of the toxicant. Observations on the bioassay test indicated hyper exetability and the eagerness of the test fish to jump out of the pollutant. Dizensate glyphosate is highly toxic to C. gariepinus, therefore it's use directly in water bodies, near fish farms or in areas close to aquatic bodies should be moderated and regulated.
Web Usage Mining Using D-Apriori And DFP Algorithm[Full-Text ] Mrs.R.Kousalya, Ms.S.Pradeepa, Dr.V.SaravananWeb Usage Mining is a branch of web mining. The data is assembled has result in awfully large information in web access and it represent in binary form. The data is grouped the neighborhood data by using divisive clustering method. The divisive analysis is one of the types of hierarchical method of clustering, the divisive analysis is used to separate each dataset from the clustered dataset. Here the new algorithm D-Apriori and DFP is proposed to find the frequently accessed webpage from web log database.
Methodological Analysis of Principal Component Analysis Method[Full-Text ] Liton Chandra Paul, Lakshman Saha, Abdulla Al Suman, Md. Najim Uddin MondalPrincipal Components Analysis (PCA) is a practical and standard statistical tool in modern data analysis that has found application in different areas such as face recognition, image compression and neuroscience. It has been called one of the most precious results from applied linear algebra. PCA is a straightforward, non-parametric method for extracting pertinent information from confusing data sets. It presents a roadmap for how to reduce a complex data set to a lower dimension to disclose the hidden, simplified structures that often underlie it. This paper mainly addresses the Methodological Analysis of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Method. PCA is a statistical approach used for reducing the number of variables which is most widely used in face recognition. In PCA, every image in the training set is represented as a linear combination of weighted eigenvectors called eigenfaces. These eigenvectors are obtained from covariance matrix of a training image set. The weights are found out after selecting a set of most relevant Eigenfaces. Recognition is performed by projecting a test image onto the subspace spanned by the eigenfaces and then classification is done by measuring minimum Euclidean distance. In this paper we present a comprehensive discussion of PCA and also simulate it on some data sets using MATLAB.
Authentication schemes for session password[Full-Text ] Vaishnavi Panchal, Chandan P. PatilThe increase in the usage of automated systems has brought an increase in the amount of personal information in the electronic form; and as a result there is a need for confidentiality. The most common method for authentication is textual passwords. But textual passwords are vulnerable to shoulder surfing, social engineering, dictionary attacks and eves dropping. Most of the graphical passwords are vulnerable to shoulder surfing. To address this problem, text can be combined with colors to generate session passwords for authentication. Session passwords are one time passwords which are used only once and for every login a new session password is generated. The session passwords provide better security as password changes for every session. Therefore, we propose an authentication scheme using text and colors for generating session passwords.
Osmotic Power - Huge Source of Renewable Energy[Full-Text ] Avinash MishraThe need for renewable energy resources has never been bigger then today. A relative unknown, renewable energy resource is osmosis. It's based on the materials striving after equality. The potential resource for the osmotic pairing of fresh water and seawater is estimated at 2.6 TW. Several concepts have been proposed. Obviously, any scheme to desalinate seawater can be operated in reverse. Recent developments in pressure retarded osmosis; vapor compression, reverse dialysis and hydrocratic generation are highlighted. There are different types of osmosis power plant. Both land-based plants and plants anchored to the sea floor. Commercial barriers prevent necessary investment. The power available in salinity gradients will be exploited, but not without substantial investment.
Surface and Sub surface runoff estimation by using RS & GIS-A case study of Srikakulam coastal belt. A.P[Full-Text ] Dr.G.VenkataRao, P.Kalpana, P.V.V.SatyanayanaLand Use/Land Cover has become crucial basis work to carry out the prediction to the dynamical change of the land use prevention to natural disaster, environmental protection, land management and planning. At the same time it provides one of the basic inputs for the production more complex information on other themes (soil erosion, pollutant emission into the air by the vegetation, runoff etc.). This study is a step forward towards having a better planning of environmental policy as well as better Land Use/Land resources management. The study area (Gara Mandal, Srikakulam District) of 70 sq km was selected for investigation. In the Land Use/Land Cover map, several major units such as; Built-up Area, Roads, Hills, Agricultural Lands, Streams, Tanks, Sand Features, Salt pan Areas have been recognized. From the generated areas, the surface runoff volume was calculated by empirical relation and 15 year's rainfall data of the study area. It concluded that the volume of rainfall water infiltrates in to the aquifer is 59.23% and the remaining 40.76% of water is surface runoff.
Cloud Storage Gateway for Industry Data Base[Full-Text ] Rakesh Chandra Verma, Ram Babu, Nirmal Lodhi, Rajesh PandeyIn the present time cloud storage gateway are important to the Industry. These appliances are growing in popularity and with clear indicators that the cloud storage space is growing. Object base storage has lack of standardized cloud storage application programming interfaces (APIs) means customers will have to deploy cloud storage gateways as the protocol translators to avoid the arduous task of rewriting applications to support web service interfaces. The primary use of cloud storage today is for unstructured data, which is the fastest growing and most voluminous content, causing the most administrative pains. Cloud storage is less suitable for structured data, which continues to live on traditional enterprise data storage.
Comparative Study of Two Natural Phenomena Based Optimization Techniques[Full-Text ] Mandeep Kaur Bedi, Sheena SinghOptimization technique is used to obtain the best fit solution. Ant Colony Optimization and Bee Colony Optimization both are the natural inspired phenomena which are based on swarm intelligence. These are the multi agent approaches for solving complex problems and provide optimal results. In this paper, we present the comparison between two optimization techniques or approaches, their basic ideas, advantages, disadvantages and their applications.
Summary of Smart Grid: Benefits and Issues[Full-Text ] Md. Golam Rahman, M. Fahad Bin Ramim Chowdhury, Md. Abdulla Al Mamun, Md. Rakib Hasan, Sayeed MahfuzElectricity has a staggering importance in our daily life and economic development. Efficient transmission and distribution of electricity is a fundamental requirement for every society. Shortfall in power generation due to increased power demand to meet up the industrial requirements is causing several social and economic difficulties. As things stand now, the current grid is struggling to keep up. Smart Grid, an upgrade of current system which is more reliable, efficient, affordable, secured and environment friendly, is the solution of this growing concern. It is believed that Smart Grid will take us towards energy independence and environmentally sustainable economic growth. In this paper some key features of Smart Grid has been discussed. The benefits and potential barriers to create a Smart Grid are alsoexplained.
A Review Report on Approaches to Software Metrics and Process Improvement[Full-Text ] Preety Verma Dhaka, Dr. Amita SharmaSoftware metrics are useful in different phase of the Object-Oriented Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Metrics are used by the software industry to itemize the development, operation and maintenance of software. Application of proper metrics reduces mainternnace costs and efforts. The practice of applying software metrics to a software process and to a software product is a complex task that requires study and restraint, which brings knowledge of the status of the process and / or product of software in regards to the goals to achieve. In this paper, we have presented metrics for Object Oriented Software Systems. They provide a basis for measuring all characteristics. This demand has spurred the provision of a number of new and/or improved approaches to software development, with perhaps the most prominent being object-orientation (OO). In addition, the focus on process improvement has increased the demand for software measures, or metrics with which to manage the process. The needs for such metrics are important while an organization is adopting a new technology for which established practices have yet to be developed. This research addresses these needs through the development and implementation of a suite of metrics for OO design.
IBA Graph Selector Algorithm for Big Data Visualization using Defence Dataset [Full-Text ] Madhu Sudhan S, Chandra JData visualization is a technology generally used for better understanding of the data and relationships by representing the data in the form of graphs. Most of the business intelligence software's are embedded with data visualization tools. Other than business domains, many other domains like army, hospitals etc. are using data visualization. Defence Services is also one of the domains where the visualization techniques can be used. Any updates in the database can be viewed in the form of graphs which may help in decision making at critical situation and war planning. The main aim of the research work is to visualize the dataset efficiently by building a cross platform application, which helps the user in choosing the right graph, using the proposed Input Based Analyzer (IBA) graph selector algorithm.
Wireless Charging of Mobile Phone using Microwaves![Full-Text ] Apurva PatelMobile Phones are part of our life. It is the fastest and the easiest medium of communication. Battery life of mobile phone is always been a problem for manufacturers.People are complaining about their mobile's battery life, that they don't have long battery life and they have to charge their phone several times. In this paper a new idea is shown to charge your mobile phone anywhere you want without connecting its charger. This is done using microwaves. Microwaves are the radio waves which provide communication between two mobile phones. The microwave is sent with the message by the transmitter using antenna at the frequency of 2.45GHz. Here we are using Microwaves as the source of energy to charge the phone. We have to add a sensor, a rectenna circuit and a filer in our mobile phone to do the job.By adding these things we can charge our phone using microwave when we talk. So as we talk more we can charge more!!
Equivalence Between Passive Gravitational Mass And Energy For A Quantum Body[Full-Text ] Luiz Carlos Costa NetoIt is shown that passive gravitational mass operator of a hydrogen atom in the post-Newtonian approximation of the general relativity does not commute with its energy operator, taken in the absence of gravitational _eld. Nevertheless, the equivalence between the expectation values of passive gravitational mass and energy is shown to survive at a macroscopic level for stationary quantum states. Breakdown of the equivalence between passive gravitational mass and energy at a microscopic level for stationary quantum states can be experimentally detected by studying unusual electromagnetic radiation, emitted by the atoms, supported and moved in the Earth gravitational field with constant velocity.
Review on Blood Clotting Action of Nanofiber From Biopolymers[Full-Text ] Senthil Kumar.S and Sivakumar.PHemorrhage is the leading cause of death. Potentially preventable death. Improving our ability to control hemorrhage may represent the next major hurdle in reducing trauma mortality. New techniques and fibers for hemorrhage control are being developed and applied across the continuum trauma care such as hospital or other medical facility.
Control of Radioactivity from Nuclear Industry in India[Full-Text ] Achal Garg, Shivam ChaudharyInterest in harnessing nuclear energy for the service of mankind has been continuously growing since the first atomic reactor was built in late 1950s, but the industry grew in strength with the wave of new build in the 1970s. The management and control of radioactivity from a nuclear industry is an integrated and intricate problem with no single, unique solution. Whereas existing research and experience provide useful guidelines, each situation has to be explored in itself and a good amount of scientific research and engineering judgment put in before a satisfactory solution is found. We cannot eliminate radiation from our environment. We can, however, reduce our risks by controlling, to some extent, our exposure to it. The best procedure for Indian situation is to first make a detailed engineering and economical evaluation and choose the best suitable process for a particular project. All extraneous factors eliminated it might be easier to assess the safety aspect. This paper presents one view of the prospects of using advancements in nuclear industry to control and manage radiation and the issues involved in radiological health and nuclear safety.
Thickness evaluation of asphalt and base layers of some major and minor arterial roads in Kumasi using ground penetrating radar[Full-Text ] Mohammed hadi, Kwasi PrekoThe asphalt and base layer thicknesses of major and minor arterial roads in Kumasi were investigated to determine possible structural defects. Measurements were both done on newly constructed flexible pavements and older ones. The MALA GPR unit was used with the 800 MHz ground-coupled shielded antenna in the common offset mode and the equipment was calibrated to probe up to a depth of 1 m. A longitudinal profile of average length 1.5 km each was taken on ten different flexible pavements, at approximately 1.5 m from the outer edge of the respective pavements. In addition, single sample cores were picked from each study site to calibrate the GPR results. The estimated average asphalt layer thickness range of the major arterial pavements was 110 - 141 mm±19 mm as compared to the designed thickness of 150 mm, with an accuracy of within 4-8% when compared to sample cores from the roads. The average base layer thickness estimated was 155 - 171 mm ±21 mm for the designed value of 200 mm, with 5-7% accuracy from core measurement comparison. Although the estimated layer thicknesses of the newly constructed were within the acceptable range, it was found that the layer thicknesses measured were below the layer thicknesses as specified in the construction details. The minor arterial roads had an average asphalt layer thickness range of 91 - 99 mm ±22 mm, against the designed thickness of 102 mm. Average values of relative dielectric constant of the asphalt layers were estimated in the newly constructed roads and its variation along the roads were used to locate potential low density section of the asphalt layers. Poor layer interfaces were recorded along the roads surveyed mostly in the older ones. Such defects noticed in the older roads were partly attributed to the extensive loading by heavy duty trucks as many industries are located in the area. However, defects in the new roads were apparently due to poor construction practices. The GPR method's fast and non-destructive survey provides a fine alternative to the visual pavement condition evaluation method presently used in Ghana.
Dexmedetomidine -A novel sedative in ICU[Full-Text ] Dr.(Mrs) Jyotsna Satish ParanjpeA new alpha-2 receptor agonist Dexmedetomidine appears to mimic many of the actions of mythical 'ideal' sedative/analgesic agent which has been shown to be safe during weaning from mechanical ventilation. Its value as a post-operative sedative and analgesic is becoming more accepted and evident in critically ill patients. Besides sedation, DEX can be used for treatment of delirium, shivering, drug withdrawal in ICU. It has been extensively used in the perioperative period for attenuation of stress response, pain relief, as an adjuvant to general & regional anaesthesia. It has a strong synergistic effect with other sedatives, opioids and local anesthetics. Other claimed advantages include minimal respiratory depression with cardioprotection, neuroprotection and renoprotection, thus making it useful at various situations including offsite procedures.
Development of Three phase to five phase Transformer using a novel technique [Full-Text ] Sunil Kumar J,Shalini J,Dr.P.G.V.Suresh Kumar, Fikadu WakijiraThere is rapid development in the power system applications in early from the 19th century in many areas like transmission, distribution and power system appliances. In the year 1970 there is rapid development in the sector of machines. In late 1970 the first five phase induction motor drive system was proposed the world. Since there is huge research attempts has been placed to develop the multiphase drive systems. The three-phase supply is available from the grid; there is a need to develop a static phase transformation system to obtain a multiphase supply from the available three phase supply. So this paper suggests a novel transformer connection idea to convert the three phase grid supply to a five phase fixed voltage by maintaining the constant frequency supply. Now days the use of five phase motor dive is ever-increasing in commercial purpose and in future also. To satisfy these there are having solutions first, implementation of six phase transmission. To implement this we have to change the three phase to six phase. This paper proposes the implementation of three phase to five phase transformer has been proposed. The five-phase transmission system can be investigated further as an efficient solution for bulk power transfer. The modeling of the five phase transformer is proposed and it is simulated in the Matlab environment.
Design Of Cmos-based 256 Channel Retinal Stimulator [Full-Text ] J.David Gnanaraj Blessing, D.Jackuline MoniThe design of CMOS based retinal stimulator to replace the defective photo receptors in the eyes of the patients suffering from age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is presented in this work. The unit chip architecture with light controlled stimulation mode of operation is used to avoid the unwanted stimulation current in the retina neuron cell when the environment light intensity is lower than the threshold value of human vision. The light sensor was designed to sense the environment light level and give the control voltage to enable the stimulation current when the illumination light intensity is greater than the threshold light intensity level of human vision. The proposed retinal stimulator circuit is designed in .18? technology using cadence virtuoso analog design environment
Improvement of Input-Side Current of a Single Phase Rectifier with Variable Output Voltage Range using Boost Converter and Investigation of Harmonic Minimization[Full-Text ] Ahmed Al Mansur, Abdullah Al Bashit, A.S.M. Mahfuzur Rahman, Md. Shahinur Alam,Hasina BegumIn order to reduce the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) in a single phase boost rectifier, active switching & passive filters are incorporated in this work. A constant frequency switching is used for active filtering & pulse width modulation is used to regulate the output voltage. A passive LC filter is used in the input side to suppress the unwanted high frequency harmonic components generated by the active switching and output filtering. Using passive filtering the THD could be made less than one percentage, which is a great improvement over the earlier rectifiers that have only Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI) filter. In the earlier types of rectifiers, the THD value was as high as three percentages. The efficiency of the module is also studied. As the output voltage has the nonlinear relation with duty cycle, the efficiency is also nonlinear with output voltage variation. But up to certain range of duty cycle it could be made linear in nature with output voltage. The efficiency versus duty cycle and THD versus duty cycle curve for the proposed rectifier circuit is given for a clear understanding of the model. The conventional Power Factor Correction (PFC) circuit has a fixed output voltage. However, in some applications, a PFC circuit with a wide output voltage range is needed. A single phase power factor correction Boost rectifier circuit with wide output voltage range (150V to 300V) and efficiency more than 95% is developed in this work using passive filter and boost rectifier.
Application of Biosensor in Tele ECG using Wireless Technology[Full-Text ] Debasmita Hazra, Vallabhaneni ManasaElectrocardiography measures activity of heart by measuring electric potentials over the surface of a tissue. This is accomplished using bio-potential electrode. Bio-potential electrode is a transducer that senses ion distribution on the surface of the tissue; it converts the ion current into electron current. An electrolyte solution/jelly is placed on the side of the electrode that comes into contact with tissue; the other side of the electrode consists of conductive metal attached to a lead wire connected to the modem. A chemical reaction occurs at the interface between the electrolyte and the electrode. Proposed design of Tele ECG is supported with a Bluetooth subsystem which would transfer the obtained ECG output to a cellular device and can be easily sent to expert for medical advice using the MMS service.
Performance Analysis of 1.25 Gbps Downstream transmission of GPON-FTTX[Full-Text ] Debasmita Hazra Vallabhaneni Manasa Prateek SinglaIn this paper, 1.25 Gb/s GPON downstream link is presented. The transmission capability and performance of the proposed downstream physical media (PM) GPON model is implemented, using Optisystem. Design constraints involved in an optical network design such as fiber span analysis, power budget and margin calculations are taken into consideration with worst case. The quality or performance of a digital communication system is specified by its Q value or bit error rate(BER) among other parameters such as receiver sensitivity. The simulated model can support 2, 8 and 15 number of users for classes A, B, and C respectively.
Education As An Integral Part Of Human Capital Formation In India[Full-Text ] Dr .Surya Prakash Tripathi, Dr.Mansi Kukreja, Mr.Kali Charan ModakThis paper assess the contribution of education to increasing individual and aggregate income, as well as the possible feedback of increasing income on the demand for human resources. Individuals differ in both inherited and acquired abilities, but only the latter differ among countries and time periods. Human capital analysis deals with acquired capabilities which are developed through formal and informal education at school and at home, and through training, experience, and mobility in the labor market. The belief that education is an engine of growth rests on the quality and quantity of education in any country. The paper posits that formal education is highly instrumental and even necessary to improve the production capacity of a nation and discusses the rationality behind investment in human capital. Empirical evidences of human capital model were identified and findings reveal that investment in education has positive correlation with economic growth and development. Criteria for the applicability and problems associated with the theory were identified and implications for educational development highlighted. Conclusively, the paper recommends that for education to contribute significantly to economic growth and development, it must be of high quality to meet the skill-demand needs of the economy. It may provide a good guideline for research and a strong base for future manpower planning and human capital formation in India.
Interworking Between Fixed Terminal and Mobile Terminal In Distributed Environment[Full-Text ] Gourav Gupta, Harsh Vardhan SinghIn real life, the vehicle has to be driven to the entrance of parking lot. The driver then draws the vehicle to search an available parking space for parking. The VPMS has to be designed to be smart and easily managed. This paper describes the design and implementation of a distributed system built using Java that supports interworking between fixed terminal and mobile terminal in a distributed environment using RMI and World Wide Web respectively. We identify the requirements of software that supports distributed computing, and we propose a design that meets those requirements. Our primary concern is the identification and implementation of software components that can be composed to develop correct distributed application and to provide services to those components. The application domain for implementation is Vehicle Parking Management System in which fixed terminal are installed at parking site and mobile terminal connects through World Wide Web and both of them are at remote locations.
Petroleum Contaminated Soil Remediation Using Poultry Feaces and Plantain Stem[Full-Text ] M.J. Ayotamuno, O.M. Olatunji and S.T. IkariThe effect of poultry, dropping and plantain stem on the remediation of crude oil contamination soil was studied ex-situ at the same crude oil contamination levels but different ratio of treatment. The basic method employed in the research work is Biostimulation as one of the biomediation method. This research was experimentally designed in 10 replicates of soil samples including the control sample. The soil were contaminated and allowed to infiltrate for 3 days before treatment. The treatment were added to the contaminated soil at different quantities of 250g, 180g, and 100g except the control. The soil were in the same weight of 4000g, respectively, and 250/cm3 (0.25/litres) of crude petroleum oil was used to pollute the soil, except the control. After three days the soil were tilled and watered for aeration of the micro-organism capable of degrading hydrocarbons. After pollution, the soil was sampled and analyzed in the laboratory together with the unpolluted soil so as to know their physiochemical properties before and after pollution. Thereafter, the treatment was applied to the contaminated soil to decompose and form micro-organism that degrades the hydrocarbons. The soil treatments were allowed for one to two months for proper remediation to take place. At the first month of remediation, the soil were sampled and analyzed to know the level of remediation. From the results obtained, it really certified that remediation has occurred in all the treatment reactors, from the overall performance, it really shown that treatment C which is chicken dung, was more effective than any other because of high reduction of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH) value from 17, 284 mg/kg to 1,186 mg/kg at the second (2) months of remediation. The results of this research work suggest that the application of poultry dropping and plantain stem will be environmentally friendly since, it helps microbial utilization of hydro carbons content of the soil and degrade it to less toxic condition.