Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2013 Edition
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Analytical Approach for Assessment of Fatigue Life of Steel Girders of Bridge[Full-Text ] Dr.A.VijayabaskarAssessment of residual fatigue life of Steel bridges is done in case of major bridges referred by Zonal Railways. Conventionally, such assessment requires gauging & instrumentation on the important and critical members of the bridge and fatigue testing of steel samples drawn from the bridge. A review of fatigue provisions of British Standard has shown that BS-5400 takes into account a factor for design life. This factor is dependent on type of loading and the traffic volume being carried on the bridge. The MBG loading of Indian Railways is found matching with RU loading given in British Standard. Therefore, the parameters given in BS-5400 for RU loading were considered applicable to analyze the fatigue life of steel girders on Indian Railways. The paper describes the simplified approach of British Standard and analyses the life of the existing girders. The results are compared with those obtained after instrumentation and testing of the bridge. The fatigue life estimated by using the simplified approach of BS: 5400 is found on higher side as compared to the estimation based on actual testing where concentration factors at joints have been assumed on conservative side in absence of actual measurements. Therefore, the simplified approach of BS-5400 Part-10 can be satisfactorily adopted for quick assessment of fatigue life of steel girders on Indian Railways.
Software Architectural Tool Validation for Ob-ject-Oriented Testing using with the facilitate Quality Attributes- a Case Study of Snaker Game Project[Full-Text ] Lalji Prasad, Sarita Singh BhadauriaIn this research work investigate quality of software architecture testing tool (our architecture testing) model [34] with the help of snaker game project , first draw a architecture of testing method snaker game project based on their attrib-ute nature and shows their relationship, then identify object oriented characteristic (property) for snaker game pro-ject at class level architecture, next phase will be quantify testing (based on different software metrics) on each com-ponents (class) and after testing we apply different statistical data analysis for validation of our research work and quantify relationship through different software metrics and conclude quality with the help of statistical tool.
The Use of Pre-lecture Assignments and Students' Cognitive Development in Mathematics at Secondary Level[Full-Text ] Khurshid Alam, Khalid H ChannaThe aim behind this study was to investigate the impact of pre-lecture on students' cognitive development in mathematics at secondary level. For this purpose twenty pre-lectures were prepared from grade 9th level mathematics textbook keeping in view the Gagne (1965) hierarchies, Blooms' Taxonomy (1956) and Johnstone et al (1994) information processing model. The whole sample (n=98) consisted of boys (n=43) and girls (n=56). The whole sample divided into with (n= 53) and without pre-lecture (n=45) groups. Before implementing research plan an attitude questionnaire was administered on the sample and by employing chi-square test no significant difference was found between the attitude of the sample with and without pre-lecture. To find out the effectiveness of pre-lectures and to in-depth the students concepts twenty post-tests were prepared keeping in view Blooms' taxonomy. The subjects of this study consisted of two secondary schools in Cantt/ Garrison setup Peshawar Pakistan. The data collection was continued through out the whole academic session 2011-12. The data analysis was made by using t-test at 5% level of significance. The results revealed as whole the students with pre-lecture performed significantly better than the students without pre-lecture. The findings outlined as pre-lecture helped in cognitive development of the students in mathematics.
Mobile Cloud Computing: Security Challenges for Threats Reduction[Full-Text ] Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh, Raheleh Rezaei, Isa MalekiNowadays, with the remarkable advances in information technology, mobile cloud computing with the security challenges ?and with factors privacy and trust is faced.? MCC, in cloud computing technology for mobile devices is important. In MCC technology considering the hardware limitations of the device such as mobile phones, tablets and smart phones can be connected to a cloud environment and the opportunities that this environment provided benefit. To provide secure and reliable services in cloud computing environment is one of the most important issues in this technology. MCC is emerging as a new phenomenon in the world of information technology and business is considered highly, so that the promise to deliver and provide a wide range of advantages to their followed. In this paper, we study mobile technology and MCC security challenges facing this technology have discussed. And with respect to services provided in cloud environment, we propose a new MCC to provide security.
Review and Evaluation of Performance Measures in the Mobile Operating Systems[Full-Text ] Farhad Soleimanian Gharehchopogh, Farzaneh Abbaspour, Maryam Tanabi, Isa MalekiNowadays, in the world of technology and communication, with the technology development and mobile devices enter the public acceptability of users across the world are faced, lack of consideration of security, performance and speed of Mobile Operating Systems(MOSs), practically on operating system limits the influence. MOS is an operating system for mobile devices and smart phones that is and responsible for controlling such devices. The operating system can directly affect the security, performance, speed, software capabilities support and affect the quality of work of mobile devices. In this paper, we review MOSs and to introduce and compared in terms of the MOSs, security, performance and speed are described.
The Effects Of Antiretroviral Drugs On Cd4 Cells In Hiv Positive Patients Attending Nakuru General Hospital, Kenya[Full-Text ] Jane N.Mugwe; Michael M.Gicheru; Zipporah Ng'ang'aThe Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the etiologic agent for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). AIDS represents a global health crisis that threatens to overwhelm even the best health care delivery systems. The virus predominantly infects CD4 cells, which play an important role in the immune system. Infection with HIV results in a progressive destruction of the CD4 lymphocytes, and subsequent development of HIV related opportunistic infections. The destruction of the T- cells is due mainly to active viral replication. A specific immune response to HIV occurs in HIV infected patients during primary infection and the strength of the primary immune response may be predictive of subsequent viral load in the body. CD4 T cell count and is part of the laboratory data, which give guidelines on commencement, and subsequent monitoring of chemotherapy. The collapse of the immune system in AIDS reflects the central role of CD4 T cells in both humoral and cell mediated responses and in the regulation of both responses. The primary goal of antiretroviral therapy is optimal and durable suppression of viral load, preservation and / or restoration of immunologic function, improvement of life and reduction of HIV related morbidity and mortality. An important aspect of antiretroviral treatment is accurate determination of when to commence and stop chemotherapy. CD4 T cell counts are essential for managing therapy and it is evident that these two important parameters vary from region to region. The objective of the study was to monitor and assess the immunological responses of HIV-infected individuals with administration of Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) and more importantly the effect of chemotherapy was assessed. The study was conducted between January and June, 2006, on people who were voluntarily attending Voluntary Counseling and Testing centre in Nakuru General Hospital after getting consent from the hospital's administration. A cross sectional study design that involved selecting subjects and obtaining information was used to sample the study group and a total of 80 patients, 12 males and 68 females participated in the study. Screening for HIV was performed by parallel testing using Determine and UniGold HIV1/2 test kits. On testing HIV positive, the patients were referred to the Centre for Comprehensive Care, Nakuru, where CD4 counts were determined using BD FACScount prior to commencement of Antiretroviral regimens. Immunologic responses to therapy were determined by measuring CD4 counts at two weeks interval on commencement of ARVs and monthly for three subsequent months thereafter in all eighty patients, the highest CD4 count detected at the baseline was 220 cells/mm3 of blood and the lowest was 8 cells/mm3 of blood. The patients were categorized into three groups: those with less than 100 cells/mm3 of blood, those with between 100-200 T cells/mm3 of blood and those with more than 200 T cells/mm3 of blood. The overall mean CD4 T cell counts before commencement of chemotherapy was 126 and after fourteen weeks of chemotherapy the mean CD4 count increased to 278. Patients had varied responses to chemotherapy. Increases in CD4 counts was observed as early as two weeks after initiating chemotherapy, an indication that patients were responding to ARVs and achieving an improvement in immunologic functions. Response to chemotherapy between the categories over the entire fourteen weeks were compared by regression analyses. Patients with 100-200 cells/mm3 were found to have significantly better response (P<0.01; t = 19.7332) than the patients with less than 100 cells/mm3 and patients with more than 200cells/mm3 of blood. Antiretroviral therapy was found to have effects on CD4 counts hence CD4 counts are predictive of the benefits of chemotherapy. Data generated will be useful in improvement of HIV management strategies.
In silico study of novel Dihydropyrimidines against Anti Cancer, Anti Tuberculosis, Anti HIV and Anti Malarial activity[Full-Text ] Krishna B. Mehta, Rajesh K. Patel Hitendra S. JoshiOur efforts were focused on the introduction of chemical diversity in the molecular frame work in order to evaluating pharmacologically interesting compounds of widely different composition. Virtual screening of the chemical compounds includes filtration of the toxic compounds and docking of the compounds for anti HIV, anti tubercular, anti cancer and anti malarial study. By virtual screening we would be able to find two lead molecules ligand ID 77 (N,4-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-6-(propan-2-yl)-2-thioxo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidine-5-carboxa-mide) and 87 (N,5-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-7-(propan-2-yl)-2,3-dihydro-5H-[1,3]thiazolo[3,2a]pyrimidine-6-carboxamide). Both the ligands showed broad activity against anti-HIV, anti-tuberculosis, anti-malaria and anti-cancer receptors 1IKV, 1QS4, 1G3U, 1ZXL and 2QQJ respectively.
Congestion Aware Technique for multipath Load Balancing in MANET[Full-Text ] Sumit Kothari, Shiv K. Sahu, Amit Sinhal Mobile communication plays a vital role in disaster recovery management during emergency situations. It is helpful in situations where the system has less robust and less flexible infrastructure. Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) are wireless networks comprise of a collection of mobile nodes with no fixed infrastructure. Due to their decentralized, self-configuring and dynamic nature, MANETs offer several advantages and are easy to install. However, the rapid growth in number and multiplicity of real-time network applications has made it imperative to consider the impact of end-to-end delay requirements of traffic on network. The research papers are published to increase the network performance on the network layer. In this paper, we propose a Reliable and Efficient Load balancing Technique based on AODV Protocol in Mobile Ad hoc Networks. In this protocol, a weight function based on route length, traffic load, energy level and freshness of each route is calculated and stored in the route cache. We propose a congestion aware multi-path routing protocol for load balancing in MANET. When the source node wants to forward the data packet to the destination, it uses the reactive route discovery technique where the multiple paths are well-known using multi-path Dijkstra algorithm. In this paper, by merging a multipath routing protocol with load balancing concept .One present a new protocol called CA-AODV. We use NS-2.34 to simulate the scenario. The simulation's result shows the significant performance enhancement of the network for the multipath routing protocol with load balancing. The simulation results illustrate that the proposed load balanced routing protocol improves packet delivery ratio and reduces the delay.
A Comparative Survey on Routing Protocols for Adhoc Wireless Networks[Full-Text ] Shruti B.V, Mrinal SarvagyaThis paper presents a detailed review on routing protocols for adhoc wireless networks. The different types of routing protocol are taken into consideration for the survey as well as comparison, their performance is being analysed. The four types of routing protocols that are broadly classified namely DSDV, DSR, AODV and TORA which are discussed here.
Water Resource Management of Gadga River Basin, Chikhaldhara Region, Amravati District, Maharashtra with Reference to Remote Sensing Analysis[Full-Text ] Khadri, S.F.R and Pradhan G.V.Detailed hydro geological and hydro-geochemical investigations have been carried out for a part of Gadga river basin exposed around the Chikaldhara region, Amravati District, Maharashtra with an aim to understand the hydro-geochemical, geophysical, geological, geomorphologic and environmental control on the groundwater regime of the region. The study area is characterized by the presence of 825 m thick horizontal sequence of lava flows which can be divided into simple and compound units based on their field characters, textual parameters and geomorphic expression. Detailed study of geomorphic features and the analysis of the remotely sensed data through visual interpretation of the Gadga River basin around Chikhaldhara region, Amravati District were carried out to elucidate the role of various morphometric features, geomorphic processes and structural trends in the evolution of the landscape. The results indicate the presence of seven distinctly different geomorphic units which include alluvial plain, bajada zone, moderately dissected plateau, highly dissected plateau, plateau top, structural ridge and denudational hill. Hill slopes exhibit stepped appearance with parallel retreat during pediplanation due to differential erosion of various litho units exposed in the region. The structural, denudational and alluvial landforms, on the basis of land use and land cover have been sub-divided into agriculture land, built up land, wasteland and water bodies. In addition, remote sensing techniques have been effectively utilized in identifying the potential aquifers so as to enable groundwater exploration in the region. The present investigation based on numerous topographical profiles has shown the presence of marked flat terraces at different levels indicating the present state of the cycle of erosion and landform development. The results confirm the hydrogeological and morpho-tectonic conditions, which have also helped in locating suitable aquifers for the water resource development of the region.
JPEG-LS Based Performance Improvement on Biometric Authentication System[Full-Text ] Balakrishnan D.this paper discovers the possibility of using visual cryptography for reporting the confidentiality to biometric templates. In addition, the contribution of this paper includes a methodology to preserve the privacy of a face database by decomposing an input private face image into two independent sheet images such that the private face image can be reconstructed only when both sheets are simultaneously available. The XOR operator is used to join the two noisy images and fully recover the original template. The proposed algorithm selects the host images that are most likely to be companionable with the secret image based on geometry and appearance. Then random permutation algorithm (RAP) is used to encrypt the each share with individual host image. In previous research, the reconstructed image quality is pitiable and pixel size of the each share is high which increase the storage requirements of the sheets. To overcome this problem, we have to propose JPEG-LS lossless compression standard refining the image quality as well as diminish the pixel size. A analogous procedure is used to de-identify fingerprint images and iris codes prior to storing them in a central database.
World Class Maintenance Practices: A Survey Of Indian Automotive Industries[Full-Text ] Ravi Kumar Goyal and Dr. Kapil MaheshwariThe purpose of this paper is to examine the status of world class maintenance practices in Indian automotive industries and for this, a database of 504 automotive industries was identified and a structured questionnaire was designed. The questionnaire was divided into two sections A and B, to assist data interpretation: The aim of the section A was to build general information of participants and firms-position, experience, type of organization, number of employees, mission and vision of the company, type of maintenance system in the organization, etc. Section B was a structured questionnaire developed based on a five point Likert scale for assessing the level of importance of each element given under the 21 World class maintenance frameworks, identified in the literature search. And the responses of industries were analyzed by descriptive analysis and important index analysis.
Grid Computing-A Next Level Challenge with Big Data[Full-Text ] C.Chandhini, Megana L.PThis paper provides an extensive survey of grid computing, the need for grid computing, Distributed Caching and how distributed caching can be implemented in grid computing in order to solve the problem of big data. Each one of these topics is explained in detail. Information regarding grid security has also been mentioned about. And finally the applications which use grid computing are highlighted. e formatted further at IJSER. Define all symbols used in the abstract. Do not cite references in the abstract. Do not delete the blank line immediately above the abstract; it sets the footnote at the bottom of this column. Don't use all caps for research paper title.
A New Technique For Reducing Routing Overhead In Manet Using Ncpr[Full-Text ] R.Ranjith Kumar B.E.Mobile ad hoc networks consist of a collection of mobile nodes which can be dynamically self-organized into arbitrary topology networks without a fixed infrastructure. Due to large mobility of nodes in mobile ad hoc networks, here exist repeated link breakages which direct to frequent path failures and route discovery. The overhead of a route discovery cannot be neglected. Proposed a new technique for reducing routing overhead in Manet's using Ncpr. In order to efficiently develop the information of nearby coverage, The method NCPR is to determine rebroadcast delay in the rebroadcast order, and get the additional accurate coverage proportion by sensing neighbor coverage information.
Enhancement and Analysis of Heat Transfer Rate in Turbulent Flow through Tubes with Longitudinal Perforated X-Shaped Inserts[Full-Text ] Md. Mizanuzzaman , Nusrat Jahan , Md. Almostasim Mahmud ,Salma Noor JahanA high-performance heat exchanger of a fixed size can give an increased heat transfer rate. The objective of the paper is to study the heat transfer characteristics for forced convection through tube with longitudinal perforated X-shaped inserts. The experimental investigation has been carried out for turbulent flow in a circular tube with perforated x-shaped inserts with perforations of 0.0%, 5.7%, 10.15% and 15.87%. Air velocities, temperatures, tube wall temperatures were collected to analyze the Nusselt numbers, heat transfer coefficients, heat transfer rate, and heat transfer effectiveness for the plain tube as well as for the tube with inserts (both perforated and imperforated). The results indicated that as much as an average 2-4 fold and 1.4-2.9 fold improvement might be obtained in the turbulent flow heat transfer coefficient and the heat transfer effectiveness respectively for the tube with the perforated X-shaped inserts than for the plain tube and tube with X-shaped insert without perforation. With the experimental data, a correlation was also developed for prediction of the heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number in turbulent flow for tubes with X-shaped inserts.
Study and Analysis of Power Aware Transport Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks[Full-Text ] Sapam Rebika Devi, Neha BagoriaTransport layer is the foundation of the internet and it provides end-to-end control. The transmission control protocol (TCP) was de signed to provide reliable end to end delivery of data over unreliable networks. TCP is not suitable in case of ad hoc network. Therefore different transport layer protocols have been developed. These different transport protocols have been classified as TCP over ad hoc networks and exclusively for ad hoc networks. Among these transport protocol ATP found to be more suitable for ad hoc network. But in case of ATP the performance and load of the intermediate node is not considered so there is one problem. To provide power aware and reliable transport protocol as well as to address the intermediate node problem over ATP, PATPAN is designed. In this paper, first study the problem of intermediate node in ATP in association with power consumption. Then modification is done to ATP to overcome this intermediate node problem. Finally comparison is made between ATP and PATPAN in terms of power consumption with the help of NS2 simulator.
Soft Computing Based Tumor and Lymph Node Detection in Thoracic Images[Full-Text ] Tharani.VLung is an important organ in our body which perform its function in both respiratory system and circulatory system. In recent years, Lung cancer is one of the most growing diseases in the world due to smoking. Early detection of Lung cancer leads to cure. But, early detection of Lung tumor through Medical Imaging techniques is not that much simple process. In this tumor detection, lymph nodes which are anatomical part of Human Lung cause false positives. In order to avoid false positives, a fully automatic differentiating method for Lung tumor and diseased lymph node from Computed Tomographic image of thoracic region. The detection and differentiation are performed in three stages, first detect all potential abnormalities in thoracic image, and then abnormalities are differentiated into lung tumor and diseased lymph nodes. Finally the lung tumor abnormalities are classified into Benign and Malignant tumors. These detection and differentiation are performed by Fuzzy logic and Neural Network to reduce false positive rate.
Coastal Erosion in Equatorial Guinea[Full-Text ] Rosendo Nzomo Mico1, Obai KargboEquatorial Guinea is a country in Africa. It lies on Africa's west coast. The country consists of a maninland territory, Rio Muni, which is bordered by Cameroon to the north and Gabon to the east and south, and five small islands: Bioko, Corisco, Annobon, Small Elobey, and Great Elobey.The country's total area is 10,831 square miles (28,051 km2) and has 296 km of coastline which has been having problems with coastal erosion due to various natural as well as human coastal activities. Some of the possible causes of the eroding landscape and coastline synonymous to Equatorial Guinea were highlighted and discussed. Various erosion mitigation measures were raised for the benefit and attention of concerned parties, with the aim of aiding the formation of an Integrated Coastal Zone Management policy for Equatorial Guinea, which would effectively address coastal erosion management, prevention and mitigation.
Image Retrieval Based On DWT and Clustering Algorithm[Full-Text ] Asmita Shirsath, M.J.Chouhan, N.J.UkeContent-based image retrieval has been an interesting subject of many researchers in recent years, and image classification and retrieval is also an important issue in pattern recognition and artificial intelligence. For large and high-dimension image databases, it is obvious that traditional CBIR retrieval method has been unable to meet efficiency. In this paper, in order to improve the retrieval efficiency and retrieval result, we first preprocess the image database using DWT and K-means algorithm and then using hierarchical clustering algorithm we retrieve the images. Currently we have formed initial clusters results by using preprocessing algorithm i.e by using DWT and K-means algorithm.
The Speed Mach 20 Is Quite Impossible In Atmosphere! How To Calculate The Speed Limit When Accelerating An Object In Atmosphere[Full-Text ] Mwizerwa Pierre CelestinThis paper aims to respond to different mysteries which appear in news and blogs around the world about hypersonic flights, Colombia disaster, and hypersonic tests which are going on nowadays. People are really confused and wonder if, when we travel at hypersonic speed, the laws of physics change or if they remain intact. The laws of physics never change. It is we, humans, who have to respect those laws. In this paper, I will try to demonstrate and do all necessary calculations so people may find what is going on.
Enhancing Power System Reliability using Multiple FACTS Devices[Full-Text ] N.Mahiban Lindsay, A.K.ParvathyThis paper discusses various aspects of multiple FACTS devices of control modes and settings and evaluates their impacts on the power system reliability. Two UPFC's are used for the reliability evaluation in a test system. Multiple UPFC's can control various power system parameters, such as bus voltages, reactive power and line flows effectively. The impact of UPFC control modes and settings on the power system reliability has not been addressed sufficiently yet. The various control modes of UPFC and the optimal settings of UPFC with respect to reliability is proposed. The remedial action cost (RAC) can be minimized associated with the reliability index evaluation. The proposed method is applied to the IEEE nine bus system in this paper. The performance of multiple UPFC's also analysed in detail.
Improved Call Blocking Probability Reducing Technique Using Auxiliary Stations[Full-Text ] Mrs.Mahalungkar Seema Pankaj, Prof. Santosh S. SambareIn cellular networks, blocking occurs when a base station has no free channel to allocate to a mobile user, blocking can be new call blocking or handoff call blocking. One of the research challenges for cellular systems is the design of improved call admission control scheme which will reduce call blocking probability and improve the quality of service. By using auxiliary stations we can build such a scheme in future for cellular network which will reduce call blocking probability and can easily improve the quality of service.
The Existence Of Best Proximity Point For A Pair Of Multivalued Mappings[Full-Text ] R.C.Dimri,Pushpendra SemwalIn this paper we establish a theorem on best proximity point for multivalued mappings satisfying the property UC.Our result generalize and extend some of the results of Lin and Yang [5]and others.