Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2013 Edition
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Finite Element Analysis of Endodontically Treated Teeth with Simulated Variable Bone Level Restored with Two Types of Prefabricated Posts[Full-Text ] Hoda Elazhary, Eman Anwar, Ahmed El Ragy, and Amany RamadanThe present study was carried out to compare between Ti post and Glass fiber reinforced composite post on stress distribution in endodontically treated maxillary central incisors with variable bone support. Computational 3-D FEA method was used to determine the stresses created in specimens. For both tested posts with decreased simulated bone support concentration of tension stresses increased in root, post and bone but decreased in core and crown. For both post types stresses are more concentrated apically but with less stress values created in case of the tested fiber post thus decreasing the risk for root fracture.
Energy Management As A Way Out Of Nigeria's Energy Poverty [Full-Text ] Ajeigbe, O. A, Adeleke A.D, Ibraheem T B, Olasusi K.A, Essien E.VThe effective and efficient use of energy resources remain a key factor to the industrialization of any country for its developmental purposes. With a population of over 140 million and a meager generation capacity of 3,800MW, Nigeria still expend 79% of its energy on the residential sector while just 12% is used by the industrial sector which actually is the sector driving the economy. With Government's focus turning towards economic transformation, there is need for re-appraisal of the country's energy sector, with focus on the management of its abundant, yet untapped, energy resources so as to move the country towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal (MDG). This paper examines Nigeria's energy poverty vis-ŕ-vis its industrial development drive, and concludes that for Nigeria to achieve its vision 20:2020 it must incorporate the culture of energy management, by instituting ECE policies, as it not only provides the necessary energy needed to achieve it, but it will also save cost of energy both on the part of the government and citizenry.
Comparison of DSDV and AODV Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-hoc Network using NS2[Full-Text ] Teressa LongjamDestination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) routing protocol and Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol are two routing protocols mainly designed for Mobile Ad-hoc networks (MANET). DSDV is a proactive routing protocol and AODV is a reactive routing protocol. The main purpose of this paper is to discuss about these two routing protocols and to show a comparative analysis of them in terms of their performance metrics that are Packet Delivery Ratio, Throughput and Routing Overhead by using NS2. The comparison is done by varying the number of connections and keeping the number of node constant.
Evaluation Of Groundwater In Uromi, Edo State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Ezomo F. O., Biose O., and Ajieh M. U.This study is aimed at evaluating the quality of groundwater from Hand Dug Well (HDW) in Uromi, Esan North East local Government Area, Edo State, Nigeria. Uromi lies north-east of Esan, located on longitude 3° 24' E and latitude 6° 27' N. It is covered with land area of about 2987.52 square kilometres. Groundwater samples were collected from HDWs and subjected to physical and chemical analysis. The results were compared with WHO standards. Analysis of results showed evidences of pollution from both physical and chemical sources. These manifested in the low levels of pH (5.25) and high levels of nitrite (4.44mg/L). It was established that the wells nearer to agricultural farms were more polluted due to incessant use of inorganic fertilizer for crop cultivation than those farther away.
Design of Human Facial Feature Recognition System[Full-Text ] Prakash Mallick, Ashish AnkurAugmenting human computer interaction with automated analysis and synthesis of facial expressions is the goal towards which much research effort has been devoted to in the last few years. Facial feature recognition is one of the important aspects of natural human-machine interfaces; it has great applications such as in behavioral science, security systems and in clinical practice. Although humans recognize facial expressions virtually without effort or delay, reliable expression recognition by machine is still a challenging task. The face expression recognition problem is challenging because different individuals display the same expression differently. In this project we are trying to design a facial feature recognition system in real time using the concepts of Haar classifiers, contour concepts, template matching and studying some models related to it. We have tried to first extract face region from the video using above mentioned approach and had tried to extract some facial features and locate their position in the image.
Implementing and Testing Performance of Readers-Writers Problems using Aspect Oriented Programming [Full-Text ] Avinash Chandra Pandey, Dr.S.C.Chand, Deep Shikha ShuklaReaders-Writers problem is a classical synchronization problemin the field of computer science.It can easily be implemented using any object oriented language.However, the implementationof object oriented programming often leads code to be tangled between functional codes and synchronization codes, which are easy to lead code scattering and code tangling. Aspect-oriented Programming(AOP)is a programming paradigm which isolates secondary or supporting functions from the main program's business logic.It aims to increase modularity by allowing the separation of cross cutting concerns. All AOP implementations have some cross cutting expressions that encapsulate each concern in one place. With this there is there is minimal or no codes scattering and tangling.This paper aims to resolve concrete aspect and implement the synchronizationof readers-writers problem based on AOP. The execution time of AOPand OOP based solutions are measured which shows that AOP can almost get the same execution time as of object-oriented programming, but with better modularization than OOP.
Energy Efficiency & Conservation: A Recipe For Reducing Global Warming[Full-Text ] Ajeigbe, O. A, Adeleke A.D, Ibraheem T.B, Olasusi K.A, Essien E.VResearch has shown that the earth has twice as much carbon in it than it had two hundred years ago with much of the increment occurring within the last 30 years. This carbon is being generated by human activities chiefly from burning of fossil fuel. With increasing energy demand, the tendency to burn more fossil fuel to meet this demand will only increase, thus this paper looks into the application of energy efficiency in meeting the energy needs without necessarily increasing power generation from fossil fuel thus abating the rapid increase of Green House Gases (GHG) in the atmosphere. It proffers suggestions that government at all level must implement energy efficiency and conservation policies in order to achieve energy efficiency in the energy sector and consequently reducing GHG emission and global warming.
Implications of New Communication Technology: Do New Communication Media Cause the Organization to Change?[Full-Text ] Islam M. AhsanulOrganizational change is an enduring and complicated phenomenon of study. Organizational theorists believe that human behavior entails interaction and interpretation. For example, employees not only react to their environment; they also act upon it. This study explores how computer-mediated communicatin is changing the way people work and states how it is playing a central role in the transformation of organizations.
Software Testing Strategies and Current Issues in Embedded Software Systems[Full-Text ] Sheena Singh, Amandeep Kaur, Kapil Sharma, Saurabh Srivastavasoftware testing is a very important phase for checking the correctness and achieving reliability measures of a product. Once software is completed it is passed through testing process, now days, some life cycle models continuously test the software throughout the development phase. Two major testing techniques are Black-Box and other one White-Box testing. In this paper we compare few pre-existing black box and white box testing process with a new white box testing technique implemented using ant colony optimization algorithm and present some real life examples of software bugs that are found in embedded systems.
A Simple Closed Loop DC Motor Speed Control System On Fpga Platform For Vhdl Beginner[Full-Text ] Prof. Shashank Pujari Students develop interest to understand the theory around a project that fascinates them. The motivation of this paper has been to devise a model for teaching VHDL language to embedded students. The teaching model is based on a practical example of a simple DC Motor control application conducted in the lab session. A series of Lab modules from basic digital logics leading gradually to a closed loop DC motor speed control is presented as lab experiments to maintain the interest of first time learner of VHDL language. The theory of VHDL language construction is covered separately by way of classroom lectures but in conjunction with the Lab practice sessions.
Internet Banking Two Factor Authentication Using Smartphone[Full-Text ] P.Y.Pawar, Sagar Acharya, Apoorva Polawar, Priyashree Baldawa, Sourabh JunghareIn our project security and authentication plays a major role. It can be mainly used in online banking. The mobile phone acts as a security token for authentication. The user login's the online banking account by entering the username and password. For providing more security separate token number is used for performing the banking operation like money withdrawal, checking the balance etc. This token number is generated using the SHA algorithm and XOR operation. The user mobile number, IMEI number, pin number and IMSI number were included to generate the token number. The token number is a six digit random number that were obtained from the included number. The token number is sent to the user mobile. This token number is given for accessing or performing the banking operations. The token number is generated for every interval of time. For more than three times if the user gives any invalid pin number the account is blocked.
Indirect Vector Controlled With Fuzzy Logic of Induction Motor [Full-Text ] S.Mahdab, L.Barazane,M.S.Boucherit,ENP Algiers, Algeria The paper presents a fuzzy logic speed control system based on fuzzy logic approach for an indirect vector controlled induction motor drive for high performance. The analysis, design and simulation of the fuzzy logic controller for indirect vector control induction motor are carried out based on fuzzy set theory. The proposed fuzzy controller is compared with PI controller with no load and various load condition. The result demonstrates the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed fuzzy controller for high performance of induction motor drive system. The complete control system has been developed, analyzed, and validated by simulation study using MATLAB/SIMULINK software.
Design and Development of ZigBee based Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring Air Pollutants [Full-Text ] Y.Narasimha Murthy , V.Sukanya ,C.SarithaThe basic aim of this paper is the design of a low power wireless sensor network and control of inter-node data reception for use in the real time acquisition and communication of air pollutants such as SO2, CO, NO2 and NO etc. The network consists of end devices with sensors, routers that propagate the network over long distances, and a coordinator that communicates with the computer. The design is based on ARM 7 based LPC2378 microcontroller and EZ430RF 2480 ZigBee module to process communicate the data effectively with low power consumption. Also, extensive studies were performed to reduce data packets loss and Priority is given to power consumption and sensing efficiency, which is achieved by incorporating various smart tasking and power management protocols. The main objective is achieved by interfacing various sensors to measure the common air pollutants. The measured data is displayed on the monitor using the graphical user interface (GUI)
An Empirical Approach for Test Case Prioritization[Full-Text ] Himanshi Raperia, Saurabh SrivastavaRegression testing is one of the most critical activities of software development and maintenance. Whenever software is modified, a set of or all the test cases are run and the comparison of new outputs is done with the older one to avoid unwanted changes. If the new output and old output match it implies that the modifications made in one part of the software didn't affect the remaining software. It is impractical to re-execute every test case for a program if changes occur. In this paper an algorithm is proposed to prioritize test cases based on rate of fault detection and impact of fault. The proposed algorithm identifies the severe fault at earlier stage of the testing process and the effectiveness of prioritized test case and comparison of it with unprioritized ones with the help of APFD.
Effective Discovery Of E-mail Spam Using Spot Detection System[Full-Text ] M. A. HemaCompromised machines on the Internet are generally referred to as bots, and the set of bots controlled by a single entity is called a botnet. Botnets have multiple nefarious uses: mounting Distributed denial of service attacks, stealing user passwords and identities, generating click fraud, and sending spam email. Compromised machines are one of the key security threats on the Internet. Given that spamming provides a key economic motivation for attackers to recruiting the large number of compromised machines, and focus on the detection of the compromised machines in a network that are involved in the spamming activities, commonly known as spam zombies. Develop an effective spam zombie detection system named SPOT by monitoring outgoing messages of a network. SPOT is designed based on a powerful statistical tool called Sequential Probability Ratio Test, which has bounded false positive and false negative error rates. The number and the percentage of spam messages originate by spam detection technique.
A survey on Data Mining: Tools, Techniques, Applications, Trends and Issues.[Full-Text ] Vikas Gupta, Prof. DevanandData mining is a process which finds useful patterns from large amount of data. It is a powerful new technology with great potential to help companies focus on the most important information in their data warehouses. It uses machine learning, statistical and visualization techniques to discovery and present knowledge in a form which is easily comprehensible to humans. This review of literature focuses on data mining techniques, trends, issues, tools, crucial concepts and applications. In this paper we have focused a variety of techniques, approaches and different areas of the research which are helpful and marked as the important field of data mining Technologies. This paper imparts more number of applications of the data mining and also focuses on trends in the data mining which will helpful in the further research.
Bandwidth Management in Wireless Mesh Networks[Full-Text ] Y.Vijaya Kumar, A.Basi Reddy, B.Ramakantha Reddy, D.AbhishekhWireless Mesh Networks plays an important role in the future internet and implemented using different type of technologies called 802.11, 802.16 and cellular technologies or the combinations of two or more technologies. These type of networks can be widely used in many applications, because of their faster configuration and less cost. For these networks, bandwidth management is always a challenging and research problem. To solve this problem, we propose a method which consists of Connection Admission Control (CAC) to estimate and reserve the bandwidth. Bandwidth reservation depends on the Average data rate calculated. The data packets can be distributed in the network, based on the calculation and decision we made ahead. That means based on the Avg. data rate & concerned path we have to made some decision control. So in this way, we can manage the bandwidth efficiently.
Claytronics - A Synthetic Reality[Full-Text ] D.Abhishekh, B.Ramakantha Reddy, Y.Vijaya Kumar, A.Basi Reddy, "Claytronics" is an emerging field of electronics concerning reconfigurable nanoscale robots ('claytronic atoms', or catoms) designed to form much larger scale machines or mechanisms. Also known as "programmable matter", the catoms will be sub-millimeter computers that will eventually have the ability to move around, communicate with each others, change color, and electrostatically connect to other catoms to form different shapes. Claytronics technology is currently being researched by Professor Seth Goldstein and Professor Todd C. Mowry at Carnegie Mellon University, which is where the term was coined. According to Carnegie Mellon's Synthetic Reality Project personnel, claytronics are described as "An ensemble of material that contains sufficient local computation, actuation, storage, energy, sensing, and communication" which can be programmed to form interesting dynamic shapes and configurations.
A greedy approach based algorithm for the vertex cover problem[Full-Text ] Sushil Chandra Dimri, Kamlesh Chandra Purohit, Durgesh PantThe vertex cover problem is NP complete problem; we use approximation algorithms to find near optimal solution of the vertex cover problem. In this paper we are presenting a greedy algorithm for finding a near optimal cover for a given graph G = (V, E).The development of the algorithm is based on greedy approach and the graph is represented in form of its adjacency matrix. The proposed algorithm finds a minimum vertex cover in all known examples of graphs.
Study of Efficient Routing Protocols for VANET[Full-Text ] Vimmi A Gajbhiye, Ratnaprabha W. JasutkarVehicular Ad hoc Networks is a kind of special wireless ad hoc network, which has the characteristics of high node mobility and fast topology changes. VANET provides a distinguished approach for Intelligent Transport System (ITS).The Vehicular Networks can provide wide variety of services, range from safety-related warning systems to improved navigation mechanisms as well as information and entertainment applications. These additional features make the routing and other services more challenging and cause vulnerability in network services. These problems include network architecture, vanet protocols, routing algorithms, as well as security issues. In this paper, we provide a review for the researches related to existing and emerging routing protocols in VANET. This paper discusses the following types of protocols for VANET; Topology Based, Positioned Based, Geo Cast, Broad Cast, Cluster Based Protocols ,Swarm Intelligence based and Delay tolerant based protocols.
Object Tracking Based On Tracking-Learning-Detection[Full-Text ] Rupali S. Chavan, Mr. S.M.PatilIn this paper; we present a novel tracking framework (TLD) approach for long-term tracking of unknown objects in a video stream. The object is defined by its location and extent in a single frame. A novel tracking framework (TLD) that explicitly decomposes the long-term tracking task into tracking, learning and detection. The tracker follows the object from frame to frame. The detector localizes all appearances that have been observed so far and corrects the tracker if necessary. The learning estimates detector's errors and updates it to avoid these errors in the future. A novel learning method (P-N learning) which estimates the errors by a pair of "experts": (i) P-expert estimates missed detections, and (ii) N-expert estimates false alarms. The learning process is modeled as a discrete dynamical system and the conditions under which the learning guarantees improvement are found.
Statistical Survey on Object Detection and tracking Methodologies[Full-Text ] Shilpee A. Dave, Dr. M.S. Nagmode, Aditi JahagirdarObject detection and tracking is the critical task in many computer vision applications such as video surveillance, driver assistance system, person identification, behavior analysis. Object detection and tracking especially for human and vehicle is currently most active research topic. The processing part of video or image includes following stages: background modelling, motion segmentation, classification, tracking, understanding the human behavior, human identification. In this paper, we review current technologies for each stage of the object detection and different algorithms to detect an object. Video surveillance has many other applications like pedestrian detection, abnormal behaviour analysis of the person, person identification, traffic management. There are basically four different techniques for object detection: region based detection, feature based detection, contour based detection and model based detection. Intelligent transport system (ITS) needs very precise approach to implement it. Here in this paper we have explained each technique and also described some authors' implementation result overview.
Bangladesh's Export Potentialities in the Indian Market: An Analysis[Full-Text ] Md.Gaffar Hossain Shah, Suman Mazumder, C.M. Atiqur RhamanThe primary objective of this study is to analyze the impact of increased market access in India on Bangladesh, both within a static production structure and also identifying dynamic gains. The study shows that Bangladesh and India would both gain by opening up their markets to each other. Indian investments in Bangladesh will be very important for the latter to ramp up its exports, including products that would broaden trade complementarily and enhance intra- industry trade, and improve its trade standards and trade-handling capacity. A bilateral Free Trade Agreement would lift Bangladesh's exports to India by 182 percent, and nearly 300 percent if transaction costs were also reduced through improved connectivity. These numbers based on existing arising from a Free Trade Agreement. A Free Trade Agreement would also raise India's exports to Bangladesh. India's provision of duty-free access for all Bangladeshi products (already done) could increase the latter's exports to India by 134 percent. In helping Bangladesh's economy to grow, India would stimulate economic activity in its own eastern and north-eastern states. Challenges exist, however, including non-tariff measures/barriers in countries, excessive bureaucracy, weak trade facilitation, and customs inefficiencies. Trade in education and health care services offers valuable prospects, but also suffers from market access issues. To enable larger gains, Bangladesh-India cooperation should go beyond goods trade and include investment, finance, service trade, trade facilitation, and technology transfer, and be placed within the context of regional cooperation.
FP Tree Algorithm using Hybrid Secure Sum Protocol in Distributed Database[Full-Text ] Jyotirmayee Rautaray, Raghvendra KumarAt the enhancement of new technology and growth of the network the new data is coming and being added to the database at every fraction of seconds. For accessing and storing data a specialized tool is required. An FP Tree mining algorithm increases the environmental growth for accessing the data such as customer changing environments like changing customer preference. For increasing the performance which is more reliable technique used for partitioning of the database. But if the database is partitioned that needs more security as compared to the centralized database. In this paper we mainly address the horizontally partitioned database with the help of hybrid secure sum protocol for privacy purpose.
A Survey on FFT Processors[Full-Text ] T.Angeline, D.Narain PonrajThis paper describes about the Fast Fourier Transform(FFT) processors which play a vital role in Digital Signal Processing, Wireless Communications and Medical electronics. This paper provides a brief review about the different FFT algorithms. First the evolution and various application areas of FFT are explored. Then the different processor architectures are outlined and the algorithm and technique involved in each architecture is explored.
Evaluation of Water Quality Indices for the Drinking water of Engineering Colleges in Kolhapur city[Full-Text ] Y. S. Vatkar, S.V. Kore, V.S. Kore and G.S.KulkarniThe present work is aimed at evaluating the water quality index (WQI) for the drinking water of engineering colleges in Kolhapur city. This has been determined by collecting a monthly for period of one year from Feb 2011 to Jan 2012 of four engineering colleges of Kolhapur city and subjecting the samples to a comprehensive physico-chemical and biological analysis. For calculating the water quality index, nine critical parameters have been considered. The WQI for these fourty eight samples ranged from 66.26 to 98.80 with an average value of 84.14. The analysis reveals that the overall drinking water of the sampling sites, in general, can be considered fit for educational institutions of the student community and sampling sites B are slight to moderate water pollution and their water can be used for drinking purposes only after proper treatment.
Effect of Foliage on Outdoor Prapagation[Full-Text ] Pranjali Raturi, Dr. Vishal GuptaThis paper focused on effect of the foliage or series of trees on wireless communication system. The paper is based on practical works, done for mobile communication and point to point high speed link at different frequency such as microwave and millimeter wave frequency. Review study of this paper include, prediction of foliage loss and shadowing effect induced by tree.
Role of Democratic Decentralisation towards responsiveness in India [Full-Text ] Rajni KumariThis paper concerns with the extent to which democratic decentralisation has helped to make government in India more responsive. It also explores why poor people, who tend to participate more actively in electoral politics than wealthier people and shows that government appears most responsive in states with the highest newspaper circulation. The central functions of government are often performed with exceptional competence - but the delivery of basic services is generally very poor. Democratic decentralisation, through the panchayat system of local government, remains controversial as to its implementation and long-term outcomes, but achievements thus far have been limited.