Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2013 Edition
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Physico-chemical Assessment of Water Quality of River and the Hydro-biological Study of Algae[Full-Text ] Dalal L.P.*, Kalbende S.P., Nisal R.S.Biological assessment is a useful alternative for assessing the ecological quality of aquatic ecosystems since the biological communities integrate the environmental effects of water chemistry. Algal and water samples were collected from three sites of River Dham (Pavnar, M.S.). viz., Pavnar Ashram (S1), Ghorad (S2) and Morchapur (S3) and analyzed for Water quality variables (physicochemical) parameters. The data was analysed with reference to ISI & WHO standards. It was found that the water is safe for domestic purposes and aquatic life as far as levels of pH, density, surface tension, viscosity, conductance, TDS, alkalinity, DO and chloride concentration. However, the water quality parameters such as total hardness and Ca++ hardness at some stations were beyond the permissible limit. Therefore, it was suggested to remove total hardness and Ca++ hardness to make it fit for consumption. Phytoplanktons encountered in the water body reflect the average ecological conditions and they may be used as indicators of water quality. During the investigation total 53 algal species were encountered and identified.
Alternative Ways To Enhance Performance of Btb Hvdc Systems During Power Disturbances[Full-Text ] Pretty Mary Tom, Anu Punnen This paper proposes two controllers to mitigate the DC link voltage oscillations in HVDC systems during power disturbances. The comprehensive analytical design procedure is represented for both the controllers. The effectiveness of the controllers are verified and evaluated through simulation.
Lead Time Reduction in Order Execution of Horizontal Slurry Pumps Using Lean Concepts for Mining Equipments Manufacturing Company[Full-Text ] Karunesh G and Dr.Chitriki.Thotappa This paper addresses the lead time reduction in order execution of horizontal pumps using lean concepts for mining equipments manufacturing company. The mining equipments manufacturing company, which manufactures many varieties of products like Hydro cyclones, Slurry Isogate valves, Dewatering pumps, Horizontal slurry pumps, Vertical slurry pumps, rubber products, etc. Among these, the goal of this project is concern with lead time reduction in order execution of Horizontal slurry pumps, evaluating the results and implementing the same concepts to achieve lean to all products developed by the company. From the collection of past history sample of data, tracking the lead time for Horizontal pumps shows that, the lead time to manufacturing one pump (one complete order execution) is more than 90 days. This can be reduced by identifying the micro levels activities and separating each micro level of activities into value added or non-valued added activities and its time taken, after this eliminating some of the waste activities, adding improvement (kaizen) for the existing process or combining the activities for the same time in each micro level of activities throughout the order execution process, starting from customer placing a purchase order to product dispatched to the customer. The lean concepts like Kaizen's (continuous improvements), Heijunka (Japanese word- means leveled production), VSM (value stream mapping) to reduce the total lead time.
New Challenges for Density-Based Clustering (NCDBC)[Full-Text ] Archana Tomar, Deepshikha Patel, Nitesh GuptaThis thesis is concerned with Data Mining and clustering: extracting useful insights from large and detailed collections of data. With the increased possibilities in modern society for companies and institutions to gather data cheaply and efficiently, this subject has become of increasing importance. This interest has inspired a rapidly maturing research field with developments both on a theoretical, as well as on a practical level with the availability of a range of commercial tools. Unfortunately, the widespread application of this technology has been limited by an important assumption in mainstream Data Mining approaches. In this thesis, our aim is to advance the state of the art clustering, especially density based clustering by identifying novel challenges for density based clustering and proposing innovative and solid solutions for these challenges. A hierarchical clustering algorithm can be applied to these interesting subspaces in order to compute a Latitude and Longitude of different cities of world using, density based clustering algorithm.
Automatic High Beam Controller for Vehicles[Full-Text ] A.S.M Asaduzzaman, Mohammad Mahmudul Islam, Shuva Paul, Md Farhat Alam, Md Mashuker RahmanThe number of vehicles on our roads is burgeoning day by day. This is turn forced almost all this vehicle manufactures to think about the extra safety instruments and electronic controls to attach with these products for giving the users a safety derived in all road conditions through a mass flow traffic. If asked, one should always mention that the right driving is very cumbersome due to the dazzling light problems and the frequent dipping of headlights by manual means that often causes fatigue to the driver particularly at the time of peak traffic. So naturally to get rid of this perennial problem, an automatic mechanism has to come up to dip the headlamp automatically whenever required. For keeping a motor vehicle under perfect control and reins of the driver, different types of controls and accessories are provided in an automobile around the driver's seat, on the dashboard and at the footboard. Simply, an automatic high beam controller is a unit, which can automatically judge when the headlight beam needs to be lowered, and which dip the headlamp from which beam to a dipped beam. Our work proposes an effective automatic control of the vehicle headlamps based on the detection of head lights and tail lights under night time road conditions. This project is about to control high beam or low beam automatically.
SMS Based Student Services Administartion[Full-Text ] Tejas Mengawade, Mayur MogalUse of Short Message services (SMS) for various applications have increased significantly. There is still one area where these services have not been utilized to the right potential is in the field of academics. Although it has the widest reach of all the technologies in the college campus, it is still very much underutilized in the student services administration. In this paper, assessment of SMS based applications for student services administration is explored and an approach for implementing these applications is proposed. The proposed applications include use of Short Message Services by educational institutes for Information Dissemination, Alert services, and Information On-demand services for students.
Analysis of Adder Using Bist[Full-Text ] Vishwas TanejaEmbedded memories consume an increasing portion of the die area in deep sub- micron Systems On Chip (SOCs). Manufacturing test of embedded memories is an essential step in the SOC production that screens out the defective chips and accelerates the transition from the yield learning phase to the volume production phase of a new manufacturing technology. Built In Self Test (BIST) is establishing itself as an enabling technology that can effectively tackle the SOC test problem. However, unless consciously implemented, its main limitations lie in elevated power dissipation and area overhead, and potential performance penalty and increased testing time, all of which directly influence the cost and quality of manufacturing test. This thesis in- troduces study of different adder and their implementation in BIST and also includes two new embedded memory BIST architectures, whose objective is to reduce the cost of test and increase the test quality to improve product reliability and yield.
Real-Time Static and Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition[Full-Text ] Angel, Neethu.P.SReal-time, static and dynamic hand gesture recognition affords users the ability to interact with computers in more natural and intuitive ways. The gesture can be used to communicate much more information by itself compared to computer mice, joysticks, etc. allowing a greater number of possibilities for computer interaction. The purpose of this work is to design, develop and study a practical framework for real-time gesture recognition that can be used in a variety of human-computer interaction applications. The system include the processes of image acquisition, hand segmentation, hand feature extraction, gesture recognition, etc.
Dosage Limit Determination of Superplasticizing Admixture and Effect Evaluation on Properties of Concrete[Full-Text ] I. B. MuhitSuperplasticizers are commonly known as High Range Water Reducers because it permits low water cement ratio as well as the workability also affected. In very recent decades, superplasticizers creates milestone in the advancement of chemical admixtures for Portland cement concrete. The dramatic effect of superplasticizer (SP) on properties of fresh and hardened concrete has studied and the properties of concrete inspected are compressive strength and slump test. To determine the optimum dosage for the admixture, an experimental investigation conducted and the effect of over dosage of the SP admixture experimented, together with one control mixed. The viscosity of grout and hence the workability of concrete influenced by the dosage of superplasticizer. From dosages of admixture, the difference between concrete mixes comes, which used at amounts 400 ml/100 kg, 600 ml/100 kg, 800 ml/100 kg, 1000 ml/100 kg and 1200 ml/100 kg of cement were prepared. By dosage 1.0% of SP, compressive strength is improved and after 28 days curing it is 57 N/mm2, which is higher than that of control specimen. This paper shows that, the optimum amount of admixture must be 1.0 %. Over dosage of SP found to deteriorate the properties of concrete with indication of lower compressive strength.
Analysis of A,B,C,D constants in a Transmission line[Full-Text ] C.V. Mohan, Dr. H.B..Phaniraju, Dr.Seetharam.KThe Complexity of electric power system to meet industrial requirements and their products are increasing day by day. The reliability and quality of the distribution and so transmission system is also gaining importance[1]. In order to understand the Transmission lines reliability, an analysis is carried out for A,B,C,D constants, sending voltage, sending current and voltage regulation as a function of transmission distance, Keeping the receiving voltage and power constant.
Model of Multiple Input Boost Converter For Renewable Energy System Using Matlab/Simulink[Full-Text ] L. Chitra, M. Nandhini, M. KarpagamThe Multi input dc-dc boost converter is used for hybridizing alternative energy sources such as photovoltaic(PV),fuel-cell(FC) for generation and battery for storage purpose is designed and simulated with a minimum number of switches and also easy control circuit. The system is applicable for DC loads. Control strategy has been considered to achieve permanent power supply to the load via the photovoltaic/battery or the fuel cell based on the power available from the sun. Supplying the output load, charging or discharging the battery can be made by the PV and the FC power sources individually or simultaneously. Depending on utilization state of the battery, three different power operation modes are defined for the converter either charging or discharging action to be taken place. MATLAB SIMULINK has been used for the simulation work. A sensitivity analysis is conducted with a load level of 100W based on the availability of solar radiation.
Multimedia Based Medical Information System For Management of Chronic Heart Disease In Rural Women[Full-Text ] MRS.SMITA JAIN, ER.ABHISHEK CHOUDHARYChronic diseases are becoming the major and growing Global burden of disease. Multimedia Platform encourages a new way of looking at Medical Information Process and Medical Decision Making. Currently most of the Multimedia history has been with Medical Education and not Medical Decision Making. The future of Multimedia in Medical Information Systems has tremendous potential. To improve the Quality of Life (Q.O.L.) of industrial/operational rural women workers suffering from Chronic Heart Disease, a Multimedia Based Medical Information System for the Management of Chronic Heart Disease (CHD- MMMIS), will be designed and developed with symbiotic approach to achieve the aim of furnishing the query support and information exchange support functions, necessary for retrieving extensive global medical information resources, through appropriate Principal Medical Information Processing Modules, for real life interaction among Medical Professionals, General Practitioners and Internists, Healthcare Workers, Research Communities and Super Specialists, to enable them to make speedy information communication and medical decision management.
A Study on Solar Photovoltaic Conversion[Full-Text ] Dr Md Kamrul Alam Khan, Shuva Paul, Asif Zobayer, Shaikh Sifat HossainRenewable Energy is now a must as an alternative of fossil fuel based energy as the demand for power is increasing day by day and the reservation of fossil fuel is coming towards an end. That is why renewable energy is important. Solar Energy is one of the best important ways to get energy from solar radiation. Solar PV (Photovoltaic)/Solar Thermal is one of the best ways to extract solar energy and convert it to electrical energy. This paper aims to discuss different articles about solar thermal system clearly and discuss the process of solar thermal conversion.
A study on Solar Thermal Conversion[Full-Text ] Dr Md Kamrul Alam Khan, Shuva Paul, Asif Zobayer, Shaikh Sifat HossainAs an alternative of the fossil fuel based energy generation or conventional power generation Solar Power or Solar Energy is one of the most convenient ways as Non Conventional Energy. Solar energy is the most reliable source of energy as it is unlimited and available to extract as our demand.There are two types of solar Energy conversion: Solar Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal. This research paper emphasizes on the detail process of Solar Thermal Conversion.
Legal-property relations of the spouses in the Albanian Customary law[Full-Text ] Emine ZendeliThe Albanian customary law represents the set of unwritten rules, which are set ad hoc by the courts of elders, or assemblies, and aimed at the regulation of social relations in various fields of life. The implementation of these rules (norms), was provided by the force of tradition, patriarchal authority and social awareness of people's self-government bodies.
Study of effect of imbalance in rotor-bearing system due change in radius of gyration[Full-Text ] Pawan Kumar Singh and Rajesh KumarDisk imbalance is a condition in which the center of mass of a rotating disk is not coincident with the center of rotation. Imbalance in a rotor system is unavoidable and it cannot be completely eliminated. Due to some reasons, such as porosity in casting, non-uniform density of material, manufacturing tolerances, and gain or loss of material during the operation, there is imbalance in rotors. In this study effect of radius of gyration of imbalanced mass on rotor-bearing vibration has been made. The imbalance increases with increase in inertia. A LabVIEW based SCXI system with accelerometer as a sensing element has been used in this study. Vibration signals collected from rotating machinery are often very complex which makes them very difficult to interpret in the time domain. Frequency spectrum analysis using Fourier transform and Continuous Wavelet transform has been made for detecting imbalance and its severity.
Particle Swarm Optimization Based Placement and Routing of Hardware Tasks in 2D Homogeneous FPGAs[Full-Text ] Ms.B.Premalatha, Ms.D.Divya, Ms.N.Abinaiya, Ms.S.MonishaEver increasing demand of flexibility, speed and low power consumption for complex applications such as embedded systems, image processing, video processing, cryptography, etc. initiate the runtime reconfigurable devices as an interesting one in the field of advanced computing systems. Reconfigurable devices such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) consist of limited resources but high performance in their computing and also exhibit high parallelism. Hence, the hardware resources of high density FPGAs should be properly managed and allocated. Various algorithms are developed in various research works by concentrating in reducing task rejection rate and to have less fragmentation. This paper deals with using an heuristic approach for placement and routing of hardware tasks for partially reconfigurable FPGAs and observe the performance.
NIDS using Attack Patterns[Full-Text ] Manoj R. Gaikwad, Sandip A. Patil, Shekhar S. Kausalye, Yogesh S. ModheNow a days Intrusion Detection system becomes important topic because of its capabilities. Intrusion detection becomes a vital part of a systems as it detect various network attacks. Various intrusion detection systems are developed up till now, depending upon their capabilities. This paper proposes the intrusion detection system based on pattern matching and uses the concept of CIDF architecture. The system consists of five modules which are used for capturing, decoding, detecting and taking appropriate action on the packets over network. The main focus is on packet sniffer and its working, various network attacks, their detection using pattern based NIDS and actions taken on infected packets that may be an intrusion.
Cost Analysis of Rainwater Cistern Systems: A Case Study of Ibadan, Nigeria[Full-Text ] O.O. Lade, D.A. Oloke , E. Chinyio and M.A. FullenIn Nigeria, inadequate supply of pipe borne water is a major concern; hence, many homes depend on groundwater for household uses. However, this supplemental effort is inadequate to meet the demand of the increasing population as the water table declines resulting in a low yield especially during the dry season. Ibadan is the most populous city south of the Sahara with water supply problems and flooding concerns. There is also the associate issue of contamination from septic tanks. Thus, an alternative water supply source in the form of roof-collected rainwater stored in tanks is viable to further supplement the domestic water supply system. However, the economic feasibility of rainwater cistern system is an important factor in its acceptance in the scheme of water resources planning and development. Hence, a hydrological analysis was carried out using 30 years rainfall data from two meteorological stations in Ibadan, a Southwestern city in Nigeria. Since a rainwater-harvesting system (RWHS) is site specific, the volume of water to be harvested and stored per person was determined from three different case studies using the mass balance method. An estimate of the construction cost was carried out based on the prevailing cost of materials in the study area. This article concentrates on the cost analysis of a rainwater cistern system; as compared with the cost of water provision through the existing public water supply system (PWSS). The results revealed that the cost incurred on PWSS is quite low compared to the higher cost of installing a RWHS. However, the RWHS meets the demand of users by providing water in adequate quantity and quality and overcome the risk of contamination and contracting water borne diseases through the consumption of ground water in the study area. The cost analysis of a rainwater cistern in the study area suggests that the system is recommendable for Ibadan and other areas without or with inadequate PWSS. The study also reveals that Ibadan has a very good potential for RWH but some issues will need further research in this regard in the attempt to provide a sustainable solution.
Optimization of High Voltage Arc Assist Interrupters[Full-Text ] Himanshu Joshi, Anjani Pandharkar, Ghanashyam PatilThe circuit breaker is one of the most important unit in the electrical power system. The protection, stability and continuity of the system depend on the circuit breaker's ability to switch line, load and exciting currents and to interrupt fault currents. High voltage circuit breakers, have to operate with extremely high reliability in the power system to ensure the economical and reliable power distribution. It is observed over the years that most of the failures in circuit breakers are of mechanical nature. Consequently the development efforts over the last decade has been focused towards thedevelopment of high efficiency interrupters which requires low energy mechanism. The first step towards the high efficiency interrupter is the development of Arc Assist Interrupters. In the conventional Puffer type interrupters of a high voltage SF6 circuit breakers, a considerable amount of mechanical energy is used to compress the gas in order to create a gas flow to remove the arc energy. In arc assist Interrupters, arc energy is used to increase the gas pressure required for interruption. This paper discusses the results of detailed flow field and electric field computations. Effect of nozzle shape and thermal chamber volume on the pressure rise is explained. Also capacitive current interrupting performance is estimated based on electric field and gas flow analysis. This paper helps to conclude simulation study using ga flow calculation program which is very useful to understand the mechanism of pressure generation, and it is also very useful to find the data of the optimum design of the interrupter.
Determination of VOCs Release Behaviour of Smoked Bamboo at Different Temperatures by TD-GC-MS[Full-Text ] Z.F. Zhang, K Huang, X. ZhangIndoor environmental contamination is becoming more and more serious in recent years. But most indoor air pollution comes from wood products inside the building which may emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Therefore, It is necessary to determinate the chemical components of volatile organic compounds in smoked bamboo at different temperatures to assess its environmental performance in order to meet different operating requirements.
Biometric Security Systems and Contemporary Affirmation of State of Art[Full-Text ] P.Srinivas, Dr.P.V.S.SrinivasBiometrics is playing vital role in applications that are centric to tasks such as identification, verification and classification. One distinctive illustration is a biometric verification structure that concludes the user's authorization by validating the biometric traits submitted by the user. The human traits preferred for biometric systems are universally unique and stable for long time. Moreover the biometrics based verification structures are free from hassles such as opting to complex passwords, remembering and protecting them. The human traits used for biometrics based authentication are user specific and available to others for unauthorized usage is impractical. Henceforth it is quite obvious to consider these biometrics based security structures are strong alternative to traditional password based authentication strategies or effective to progress the security standards of the traditional authentication models. Here in this research article we explore the taxonomy and contemporary affirmation of the biometrics under privacy and security concerns in recent literature.
Accelerating Encryption/Decryption Using Gpu's For Aes Algorithm[Full-Text ] Sanjanaashree P, Keerthana STechnology has done a great deal for changing the way we live and do business today. We can see the use of computers from the vegetable shop to large scale businesses. In this fast moving world we need something essential for fast computation. So here comes the Graphics Processing unit for fastest computation through means of its parallel architecture. Along with the popular use of computer, information security has also become one of the problems which need to be solved. Many security issues like the malware authors, information leakage, endangerment and unauthorized exploitation need to be taken into account. To control this, crypto-security is necessary. More Applications started to use Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). However, Since AES on large blocks is computationally intensive and largely byte-parallel. Certain modes of AES are more easily parallelizable and these are ideal candidates for parallelization on GPUs. In this paper, we study the technologies of GPU parallel computing and its optimized design for cryptography. Implementation is done using the CUDA platform. CUDA is a parallel computing platform and programming model created by NVIDIA and implemented by the graphics processing units (GPUs) that they produce. The test proves that our approach can accelerate the speed of AES encryption significantly.
Electrical properties of ZnO additive with (Al2O3) and (TiO2) nano thin films[Full-Text ] Manal Midhat AbdullahIn this work, (ZnO)0.9 thin films additives with (Al2O3)0.05 and (TiO2)0.05 nano particles are prepared on glass substrate under vacuum (10-5mbar) at room temperature using thermal evaporation method. The effect of annealing temperatures (100,150 200) oC on the structural and electrical properties is studied. AFM is studied to have a better idea of the surface morphology,. Also D.C. conductivity of films is studied to determine the activation energies. Hall Effect is studied to determine the type of the current carrier, Hall mobility and other Hall coefficient are regarded too. Also the transmission , the energy gap and optical properties are included .Don't use all caps for research paper title.
FP Tree Algorithm using Hybrid Secure Sum Protocol in Distributed Database[Full-Text ] Jyotirmayee Rautaray, Raghvendra Kumar At the enhancement of new technology and growth of the network the new data is coming and being added to the database at every fraction of seconds. For accessing and storing data a specialized tool is required. An FP Tree mining algorithm increases the environmental growth for accessing the data such as customer changing environments like changing customer preference. For increasing the performance which is more reliable technique used for partitioning of the database. But if the database is partitioned that needs more security as compared to the centralized database. In this paper we mainly address the horizontally partitioned database with the help of hybrid secure sum protocol for privacy purpose.
Digital Hardware Implementation of Artificial Neural Network for Signal Processing[Full-Text ] A.Thilagavathy , K.Vijaya KanthThese Artificial Neural Networks support their processing capabilities in a parallel architecture. It is widely used in pattern recognition, system identification and control problems. Multilayer Perceptron is an artificial neural network with one or more hidden layers. This paper presents the digital implementation of multi layer perceptron neuron network using FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) for image recognition. This network was implemented by using three types of non linear activation function: hardlims, satlins and tansig. A neural network was implemented by using VHDL hardware description Language codes and XC3S250E-PQ 208 Xilinx FPGA device. The results obtained with Xilinx Foundation 9.2i software are presented. The results are analyzed by using device utilization and time delay.
Tag-based Semantic Website Recommendation for Turkish Language[Full-Text ] Onur YilmazWith the dramatic increase in the number of websites on the internet, tagging has become popular for finding related, personal and important documents. When the potentially increasing internet markets are analyzed, Turkey, in which most of the people use Turkish language on the internet, found to be exponentially increasing. In this paper, a tag-based website recommendation method is presented, where similarity measures are combined with semantic relationships of tags. In order to evaluate the system, an experiment with 25 people from Turkey is undertaken and participants are firstly asked to provide websites and tags in Turkish and then they are asked to evaluate recommended websites.
Space Management In Higher Educational Institutions: The Case of The University of Education,Winneba[Full-Text ] KENNETH ABBANOver the last decade space utilization and management have been subjects of concern to faculties, staff and students of the University of Education, Winneba. The survey carried out at the University of Education, Winneba campus revealed that the problem is a seemingly one due to over utilization of space at certain peak periods. It was also noted that no space management policy was in place. It is therefore recommended among others a space management policy , the restructuring of the space allocation committee and the utilization of the computer tabling feature on the OSIS II to enhance tabling of courses at the departments.
Characterization of a Battery cell fueled by Bryophyllum Pinnatum sap[Full-Text ] Muhammad Riazul Hamid Demand for energy is growing fast worldwide amid depletion in conventional non-renewable resources. Bangladesh being hugely dependent on expensive imported fuel is forced to search for alternative renewable resources such as solar and biomass etc. This paper investigates the potential of the sap of a widely available plant called Bryophyllum pinnatum (life plant) as an electrolyte for use in a battery to generate electricity. The objective is to analyze the cell and optimize its design parameters which will help develop a cost-effective battery. A manually operable mechanical device has been designed and built to squeeze juice from the leaves. The results of the experiment and major parameters affecting the performance of the cell have been discussed in this paper. We identified the major parameters affecting the development of potential difference in a cell between copper and zinc electrodes and short circuit current by varying some parameters of electrodes immersed into the Bryophyllum sap acting as the electrolyte. We observed that the potential difference between the electrodes remains fairly constant but the short circuit current increases proportionally with the increase in the surface area of the electrodes in contact with the sap. The current also increases with the decrease in the gap between the electrodes. Finally a mathematical relationship between the short circuit current and the surface area of the electrodes in contact with the sap has been derived using curve fitting tool of Matlab.
Supervisory Control for Metro Station Using PLC & SCADA[Full-Text ] Rajesh Kr Ahuja, Piyush Rastogi, Abhinesh GuptaThe paper discuss the fact that development of control theory and technology of computer together with communication pushes PLC ahead. It introduces PLC's analyses feature, application in building materials industry, supervisory control and automated metro station, trend for development in future. The PLC is designed for multiple inputs and output arrangements, extended temperature ranges, immunity to electrical noise, and resistance to vibration and impact. PLC play an important role in control field. The paper is directive and protective for PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) technology to remotely operate and monitor large scale on-site systems.
Occupational Stress of Women Workers In Unorganised Sector[Full-Text ] AADYA, U. V. KIRANThe present study was carried out with an objective of studying the occupational history and to compare and analyse the occupational stress among the women workers involved in construction work, chikankari work and sanitary work.
Clinico- Epidemiological Profile of Chikungunya Cases Attending Urban Health Center,Dr.Vaishampayan Memorial Government Medical College Solapur[Full-Text ] Dr. Mrs. Kotnis S.D., Dr. Gokhale R.M,Dr.Mrs. Rayate M.V,Dr.Sathe P.V.It is a longitudinal study. All the cases of acute onset fever with arthritis attending OPD during the study period are included. From 40 pts selected randomly blood samples were sent to 'NIV Pune'. Houses of the pts were visited for other household cases, environmental information. All the cases followed at monthly interval to study duration of all the symptoms. Results- Community study revealed similar sex incidence. The occurrences of cases were high during July �August (69.61%). (91.83%) had involvement of both, large & small joints. Arthritis lasted for 2 months in (59%).Other symptoms were -backache (84.13%), nausea (84%), headache (71.15%), cutaneous rash (7.21%), subcutaneous bleeding(7.21%). 78% pts. consulted private practitioners of them (43%) were admitted. Only (8.33%) were admitted at govt.health posts .Out of 962 population surveyed, (58.11%) had similar disease. Environmental study revealed mosquito breeding places in (94.23%) households.