Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2013 Edition
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DATA MINING IN DATABASES STORED OVER THE INTERNET[Full-Text ] Benard Mapako, Mike Abia, Cross GombiroData mining is a part of knowledge discovery (KDD). Data mining may be described as the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information - information that can be used to increase revenue, cut costs, or both. Data mining of databases stored over the internet is the application of data mining concepts on databases stored over the internet. It allows users to analyze data from many different dimensions or angles, categorize it, and summarize the relationships identified. Technically, data mining is the process of finding correlations or patterns among dozens of fields in large relational databases. One of the biggest challenges of data mining databases stored over the internet is the heterogeneity of data formats in these databases. Emerging forms of data mining are able to perform multidimensional mining on a wide variety of heterogeneous data sources, to provide solutions to many problems. These emerging forms accommodate data mining of databases stored over the internet. In this paper we examine some of the techniques that can be used to mine data/information from databases stored on the internet. We then, propose a technique for efficient and effective data mining of databases stored over the internet.
Single Network Structure for Stuck-at and Bridging Fault Analysis and Diagnosis of Exclusive-OR Sum of Products Reed-Muller Canonical Circuits[Full-Text ] Geetha V., Devarajan N. and Neelakantan P. N.In this paper, a testable design with good fault identification capability is used for analysis and diagnosis of AND-bridging and double stuck-at faults in Exclusive-OR Sum of Product Reed-Muller canonical circuits, independent of the function for a given number of inputs. Factors of identifiability and distinguishability have been defined and determined. Further, a compact method of representing the circuit outputs has been adopted for ease of tabulation and comparison. Simulations of AND-bridging and Double stuck-at faults for a few random functions have been carried out through MATLAB coding. From the test results, it was found that the fault detection for the set of random functions was more than 90% for most of the functions except few cases, with just n+5 test vectors compared to 2n test vectors required for conventional testing. The location of the fault can also be diagnosed through the output sets.
Study of Developed Cuk Converter for Renewable Energy Sources [Full-Text ] Parastoo Khademi Astaneh, Khalil ValipoorFuel cells are one of today's fastest growing renewable energy technologies that have a great promise for distributed generation and electric vehicle application because of their high efficiency, low environmental impact and scalability. This paper compares developed topologies of Dc-Dc cuk converters for renewable energy sources, like fuel cell. The studied topologies have the advantages of clear conversion processes, high efficiency and high output voltage with a small ripple. Also these topologies have simple structure, and fewer switches compare to a simple cuk converter and other classic Dc-Dc converters used in renewable energy applications. To be precise and real, we use Fuel cell stack and simulate this with Matlab simulink.
The Expression of Social Status on House Form (Case: Bugis-Makassar Modern House)[Full-Text ] Rahmat Hidayat, Lisa Amalia, Maulana Sakti, Muhammad Faqih, Arina Hayati Social status is a place or a person's position within a social group, in relation to other groups within the larger group. Social status can be formed by several things including through the role of the individual, wealth, power and etc. In the Bugis-Makassar society, social status is very powerful, especially in politics and civic life. Social status of the Bugis-Makassar is divided into three groups, namely anakarung or ana'karaeng, to maradeka, and ata. Based on this society's social status is then impact on the house pattern which is symbolized differently. One of identity assertion form at the residence to demonstrate their social status is on the roof. This study is aimed to determine the relationship between the compositions of the roof (timpa laja) on the building facade on the expression of social status in the modern society of Bugis-Makassar. This study used qualitative research methods under the type of case study research. Techniques of data collection are taken through interviews, observation, photography and literature review. The results of this study are the occurrence of differences between each class/caste in the Bugis-Makassar values related to social strata and the need to express it in modern house building facade.
Security from Threats on Vehicular Adhoc Network[Full-Text ] Niketa AgarwalA vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) is a new type of ad hoc network that is becoming even more popular than the original ad hoc concept. A Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network, or VANET is a technology that uses moving cars as nodes in a network to create a mobile network. VANET turns every participating car into a wireless router or node, allowing cars approximately 100 to 300 metres of each other to connect and, in turn, create a network with a wide range. The structure of a VANET is built on mobile connectivity between car drivers and automobile equipment that informs the drivers about road status or other necessary travel information. The VANET is capable of improving the safety of the roads and reducing traffic congestion. However, VANETs face security issues typical of all networks. For example, some users may try to break into a VANET to use the service without paying for it, or for malicious purposes. In this paper, I discuss the security issues available in the VANET. In addition, I prioritize issues and introduce several families of attacks and threat that have migrated from the original ad hoc networks to VANET. These are serious threats that are capable of crashing the VANET.
An Approach To Describe Methods Of Front End Processing Of Speech Signal[Full-Text ] Varsha Gupta, Mukul PantSpeech is the most natural way of information exchange. It provides an efficient means of man machine communication using speech interfacing. Today signi?cant part of speech recognition research is focused on speaker independent speech recognition problem. Before recognition, speech processing has to be carried out to get feature vectors of the signal. So, front end analysis plays an important role. The reasons are its wide range of applications, and limitations of available techniques of speech recognition. So, in this paper we brie?y discuss the different techniques of front end analysis of speech recognition including feature extraction techniques.
Preparation and characterization of CuS Nanomaterials by solvothermal method[Full-Text ] R.Suja, D.Geetha and P.RameshThe preparation and characterization of pure semi conducting transition metal sulfide (CuS) Nano particles using copper nitrate trihydrate and thiourea via an inexpensive and simplistic route called solvothermal synthesis. The CuS nanomaterial was synthesized at 125 °C for three different calcination time viz., 10, 15 and 20 hrs. The synthesized products were characterized by UV-Vis, FT- IR, XRD and SEM/EDS. The analysis confirmed the copper sulfide nano particles are below 35 nm. The calcination time affecting the CuS size and stability of the particles have also been investigated.
Feasibility Study of the Reliable Power Supply for the Coastal Island through Renewable Energy [Full-Text ] S. M. Mezbahul AminCoastal islands which are far from the main land face acute electrical energy problem, in the coastal areas whose are not directly connected with the main land, it is quite impossible to extend high tension transmission lines. This problem can be solved by the help of proper use of renewable energy. This lacking of electrical energy is the main obstacle of the development of those islands. In this study, I analyze the data of one island in Bangladesh named Sandwip. This island is far from the main land Chittagong. But, this island will play an important role after the Chittagong port extension. In this paper I tried to analyze the prospect of using renewable energy as a solution for the coastal islands. I have collected various data about different forms of renewable energy such as solar PV system, wind-diesel hybrid system, ocean wave energy, biogas and tidal energy and analyze it how far it can contribute to solve the energy problem and give clean energy to the remote island.
Review and Analysis of Cryptography Techniques[Full-Text ] Nitin Jirwan, Ajay Singh, Dr. Sandip VijayToday data communication mainly depends upon digital data communication, where prior requirement is data security, so that data should reach to the intended user. So for providing data security many cryptography techniques are employed, such as symmetric and asymmetric techniques. In this review paper different asymmetric cryptography techniques, such as RSA (Rivest Shamir and Adleman), Diffie-Hellman, DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm), ECC (Elliptic curve cryptography) are analyzed.
Studies in artificial neural networking model[Full-Text ] What does the reader do when he wishes to see in what the precise likeness or difference of two objects lies He transfers his attention as rapidly as possible, backwards and forwards, from one to the other. The rapid alteration of consciousness shakes out, as it were, the points of difference or agreement, which would have slumbered forever unnoticed if the consciousness of the objects compared had occurred at widely distant periods of time. H/hat does the scientific man do when he searches for the reason or law embedded in a phenomenon? He deliberately accumulates all the instances he can find which have any analogy to that phenomenon; and by simultaneously filling his mind with them all, he frequently succeeds in detaching from the collection the peculiarity which he was unable to formulate in the one alone; even though that one had been preceded in his former experience by all those with which he now at once confronts it
Partial discharge in Gas Insulated Substations (GIS): Effects, Mitigation & Analysis[Full-Text ] Vaibhav Aaradhi, Ketaki GaidhaniGas insulated substations (GIS) have made their entry into the Indian power sector and are now operating nationwide with a high degree of reliability. Gas insulated substation (GIS) are mixture of technologies with interfaces between components providing mechanical, dielectric and current carrying functions. An adequate quality assuring testing process therefore has to be developed which will ensure fulfillment of these requirements during the complete GIS life cycle. It is observed that certain defects in GIS systems generate partial discharge activity prior to complete breakdown of the GIS module. Therefore, partial discharge detection is required for dielectric diagnostics in GIS. This phenomenon thus requires a special attention from the GIS manufacturers worldwide. This paper discusses the analysis of the various available techniques for PD detection. Also the various techniques available for the partial discharge detection in GIS like UHF, Acoustic and standard process as per IEC 60270 are discussed. The prescribed procedure for partial discharge monitoring as per IEC 62271-203 is also discussed. A study for the partial discharge analysis techniques and its applications to different production stages Gas Insulated substations (GIS) from initial production to on-site testing has been conducted is also discussed. Finally this paper helps to conclude upon the most effective technique for PD detection considering the different parameters like cost, engineering and design parameters.
4G Technology[Full-Text ] Deepenti H. Deshmukh, Anup W. Burange,Vaishali S. SarodeBased on the study, 4G mobile technology is in a determining and standardization stage. Although 4G wireless technology offers higher data rates and the ability to roam across multiple heterogeneous wireless networks, several issues require further research and development. Since 4G is still in the cloud of the sensible standards creation, ITU and IEEE form several task forces to work on the possible completion for the 4G mobile standards as well. 3GPP LTE is an evolution standard from UMTS and WiMAX is another candidate from IEEE. These technologies have different characteristics and try to meet 4G characteristics to become a leading technology in the future market. Under these circumstances, this paper will present about the current trends and its underlying technologies to implement the 4G mobile technology. This paper also shows some of the possible scenarios that will benefit the 4th generation technology.
A Survey of Wavelet Compression Methods[Full-Text ] G.Arunalatha, S.Sarathraj, K.ManodurgaWavelets provide a powerful and remarkably flexible set of tools for handling fundamental problems in science and engineering, such as audio de-noising, signal compression, object detection and fingerprint compression, image de-noising, image enhancement, image recognition, diagnostic heart trouble and speech recognition, to name a few[1][2]. This paper proposes a comprehensive survey on different Wavelet Transform techniques.
An Early Approach to Identify and Classify Crosscutting Concerns in Aspect-Oriented Requirement Engineering (AORE) for Better Software Modularity[Full-Text ] Waseem Baig, Dr. Muhammad Ahsan Latif, Ahmed Mateen, Tasleem Mustafa and M. Imran HabibIn this era of science and technology, where dependability on computer based systems is increasing, the size of software code is also increasing due to diverse nature of user requirements. Large software systems must have understandable code and impact of change should also be known otherwise it would be quite reasonable to say that software is very complex. The software complexity can be minimized by increasing the modularity either by using Procedural languages or Object-oriented languages but Code-tangling and Code-scattering cannot be avoided entirely by these approaches. Code-tangling and code-scattering would ultimately result in poor-traceability and difficulty in software evolution. Requirement gathering is a key task for any project but for a successful completion of any project common functionality of all the modules should also be known which is called crosscutting concerns. Besides identification of crosscutting concerns, the classification of crosscutting concerns is also very important especially when software modularity is concerned. Without identification and classification of crosscutting concerns, software development process would be devastating and is simply wastage of both time and money. The better identification, classification and separation of crosscutting concerns mean better modularity of the software system thus results in enhanced software quality. Aspect-oriented software engineering is relatively a new software paradigm which actually deals with the crosscutting concerns to avoid code tangling and scattering for better software modularity. The purpose of this paper is to establish a roadmap for identifying and classifying crosscutting concerns for better software modularity to support Aspect-oriented software development approach.
Fuzzy-GA Optimized Multi-Cloud Multi-Task Scheduler For Cloud Storage And Service Applications[Full-Text ] Suresh Kumar V.S ,Chandra Sekar. A Computing clusters have been one of the most popular platforms for solving Many Task Computing(MTC) problems, especially in the case of loosely coupled tasks. However, building and managing physical clusters exhibits several drawbacks:1)Major investments in hardware, specialized installations, and qualified personal; 2) Long periods of cluster under-utilization; 3)Cluster overloading and insufficient computational resources during peak demand periods. Regarding these limitations, cloud computing technology has been proposed to complement the in-house data-center infrastructure to satisfy peak workloads.In this paper, we explore this scenario to deploy a computing cluster on the top of a multi cloud infrastructure, for solving loosely coupled MTC Application.
On Fractional Derivatives: The Non-integer Order of the Derivative[Full-Text ] Ivee K. GuceIntegration of significant concepts in mathematics makes it possible to extend the concept of the order of a derivative from an integer order to the non-integer order. This study aimed to show in an exhaustive and systematic manner how an integer ordered-derivative of functions monomial x^p (p??), constant functions, exponential function e^ax, and sine and cosine functions of the form sin?bx and cos?bx may be generalized to the positive non-integer order called the fractional derivative. The method used in the study is purely expository and therefore is based on the underlying concepts relevant to the derivative of a function and other topics arising in the process of derivation. The results highlight that in the case of non-integer ordered derivatives, the concept of a zero-derivative for constant functions only apply for integer-ordered derivatives. Additionally, fractional derivative of some monomials x^pmay result to expressions involving complex numbers.
Power System Reliability Analysis Incorporating Distributed Generator[Full-Text ] Adebayo, I.G. , Olaomi, A. A., and Buraimoh, E.O. At the distribution stage, power system is susceptible to collapse and interruption due to weather associated issues and human mistakes. Reinforcing the distribution system with distributed generator (DG) as a supplementary power source guarantees the reliability of electric power supply to customers. This paper addressed the influence and impact of the DG installed as a supplementary or backup generator for the reliability improvement of a distribution circuit which was modeled after a residential distribution network of Government Residential Area (GRA) feeder line, Osogbo, Nigeria. The reliability improvement was evaluated by reliability indices that include SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index), CAIDI (Customer Average Interruption Duration Index), ENS (Energy Not Supplied) and AENS (Average Energy Not Supplied) using MATLAB software package. Hence, the optimum locations for installation of different sizes of DG were determined and the value of placing DGs at various distances from the substation was investigated. When disconnects were applied on the main feeder line, the reliability contribution of DG as a backup generator was maximized and the overall system reliability increased. The reverse of which was the case when disconnects were not applied. The results of the simulations showed significant improvement in the indices due to the incorporation of the disconnects; for instance, SAIDI improved from 10.7765 hours/customer year to 6.724584 hours/customer year, CAIDI from 3.968557 hours/customer interruption to 2.476378 hours/customer interruption and ENS from 48474.64 kWh/year to 30240.64 kWh/year. The scenarios presented enhanced the reliability and resilience of the power grid as observed with the installation of different DG sizes at various distances from the sub-station.
Design of High Performance 32-bit Cryptographic processor[Full-Text ] Manisha.Guduri, V. Jaya RajeshWith rapid increases in communication and network applications, Cryptography has become a crucial issue to ensure the security. In this proposed paper a microcode-based architecture with a novel reconfigurable data path which can perform either prime field operations or binary extension field operations for arbitrary prime numbers, irreducible polynomials and precision. The proposed embedded cryptographic Processor architecture could achieve full cryptography algorithm flexibility, High hardware-utilization and High Performance.In particular ASIC solution generally leads to a higher throughput rate at a lower cost, but it is inflexible. To mitigate the gap between GPP & ASIC realizations, application-specific cryptographic processors have been proposed, each with its own instruction-set architecture, data path design and target applications. Index Terms-Cryptographic-processor, reconfigurable architecture, finite field arithmetic (FFA),modular addition.
An Innovative Methods of Analysis and Applications of Boolean Algebra in Boolean Matrices[Full-Text ] Mrs.J.Evangeline Cicelia, Dr.K.Ramanathan & Dr.K.RangarajanIn this paper, we consider a new approach to Boolean Algebra in Boolean Matrices which entails the new method. Basically Boolean Algebra leads us to solve quadratic equation and cubic equation. After converting the equation into Boolean matrices it gives us the solution alternatively by avoiding tedious calculation and lengthy process. This paper gives a solution with this new approach.
Performance Analysis of MIMO Systems over Rayleigh Channel with antenna selection using Zero Forcing Receivers[Full-Text ] Navjot Kaur and Lavish KansalMultiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) have been employed in present wireless systems to achieve high data rates within the limited radio frequency (RF) spectrum. MIMO systems make use of multiple transmitting antennas and multiple receiving antennas. The performance analysis of MIMO system over Rayleigh fading channel with ZF receiver is presented. It can be improved by making use of spatial diversity which can be employed using multiple transmitters and receivers. The BER is analyzed for M-PSK modulation over Rayleigh Channel and effects of the antenna selection is also presented in the paper using simulated results.
Analyzing the Impact of Process Variations at 32nm or below Process Nodes[Full-Text ] Jaydeep PatelProcess variation is the naturally occurring variation the attributes of transistors (length, widths, oxide thickness) when integrated circuits are fabricated. It becomes particularly important at 32nm or below process nodes as the variation becomes a larger percentage of the full length or width of the device. Thus, the design decisions based on the nominal models may not be correct because the models are either overestimations or underestimations of actual values; hence, the resultant circuits may not be optimal. Thus a number of Statistical Simulation Methodologies can be used to analyzing the impact of process variation on typical classes of circuits. The most common methodologies include (i) Monte Carlo (Full MC) (ii) Design of Experiment (Quasi MC) (iii) Most Probable Point (MPP). The Statistical Simulation techniques provide the greatest flexibility for studying the results of process variations. This allows process and device engineers to make realistic tradeoffs in setting process tolerances. This article analyzes impact of random delay variations on 5-stage CMOS inverter chain.
A Case Study on Management of Municipal and Domestic Waste[Full-Text ] Mayuri RunwalWe hereby present you our work on municipal & domestic waste. It is the project where we aim to control the waste through 100% utilization and to provide new business policy whose benefits are not only money but clean and healthy environment also. Municipal & domestic waste can be controlled by implementing a system where contractors will be appointed ward wise between Public (source) & Government to deal with the waste material. Collected material will be separated into bio-degradable, glass, metal, plastic, paper and cloths. This would be sold to the industries like textiles, plastic, metal and fertilizer as a raw material which in turn would process into new finished materials or products. Thus, a new door of employment opens for the people to earn money for their waste. A case study is also carried out to verify the feasibility of this concept. We have presented waste analysis, cost analysis of Fertilizer, Plastic Industries and small scale Textile developer.
Self diffusion in crystalline silicon and equation of state. Recent results[Full-Text ] Vassiliki Katsika-TsigourakouDuring the last few years detailed atomistic calculations have been reported within the local density approximation and the generalized gradient approximation in density functional theory to classify microscopic mechanisms and obtain the corresponding diffusion c onstant for self-diffusion in crystalline Si. Here, we discuss the interrelation of these results with those independently obtained from a thermodynamical model after considering equation of state that has just been suggested for silicon.