Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2013 Edition
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Genetic Correlation And Heritabilities Of Performance Traits Among Three Pig Genotypes[Full-Text ] Morenikeji OB. Chineke CA. Adu OA. and Aro SO.Fifty four pigs (twenty five Duroc, twenty one Large white and eight crosses of Duroc and Large white (Hybrid)) were used to describe the performance traits of pigs. The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic correlation among the linear body measurements of three pig genotypes and the heritabilities of body weight at different ages. The pigs were averagely 30 kg of body weight and 70 days of age at the beginning of the study. Records for body weight (BW), body length (BL), trunk length(TRL), height at withers(HW), chest girth(CG), tail length(TL), shoulder to tail length(STL) were used for the analysis. The estimate of genetic parameters showed that heritabilities were low for individual weights at 21, 35 and 56 days of the experiment ranging from 0.087 to 0.132. The correlation of body weight and linear measurements in the study were positive. The chest girth (CG) and height at withers (HW) had the highest and strongest relationship (r=0.83, 0.82 respectively) with body weight among other linear measurements.
Harmonic Analysis of Sunspot Numbers[Full-Text ] Iwok, Iberedem Aniefiok This work modeled the sunspot numbers using harmonic analysis. A period of 10.8 years identified by Iwok (2011) was used in building the model. It was observed that the fitted sinusoid accounted for 71.7% of the variance of the observed time series . The fitted model was also found to be adequate and can be used for predicting the future of sunspot numbers.
Thermal Study Of The Non Newtonian << SOLID - LIQUID >> Suspensions Based On Carboxymethylcellulose In The Flow Of A Horizontal Duct[Full-Text ] Benoit Fanou Z. Fagla*, Michel Gradeck**, Christophe BARAVIAN**, Michel LebouchéOn this paper we present the results of an experimental study of heat and hydrodynamical treatment of Non Newtonian solid-liquid suspensions in a horizontal pipe. Aseptic and organoleptic quality of these products depends primarily on the continuous heating in food industry. The presence of particles in the solution containing Carboxymethylcellulose (C.M.C.) changes the rheology of the carrier fluid. Heat sterilization, continuous way of food fluid loaded in spherical hard particles of large dimensions (diameter D "4.4 mm and aspect d / D "0.13) without denaturation of the carrier fluid is a major problem for industry and researchers. It is necessary to provide answers to these concerns; the present non isothermal study was conducted from measurements of temperature at the wall. It is also made with the velocity field measurements to demonstrate the influence of hard spherical particles on the heat.
Developing ILAB Architecture For Nigerian Polytechnics[Full-Text ] E.I Igweonu, Eguzo C.V, and B.J RobertIlabs as developed in (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) MIT, has been in use in different universities across the globe. The potential presented by this high-tech development is a viable tool for better comprehension of engineering technique. This articles verifies the viability of implementing iLab architecture in polytechnic framework and hence recommend the adoption of ilabs in the Nigeria polytechnic since presently they need little adjustment to meet up with the requirement of establishing an ilab.
The significance of the visual-figurative art in the development of children's upbringing and creativity[Full-Text ] Lulzime LekaDrawing (painting) represents one of the earliest and perhaps most important tool of communication in different contexts of time and culture. The process of learning through artistic content is an interdisciplinary activity which through the figurative expression dirtectly impacts development of cognitive skills, articulated through the authentic self-reflective activity of the student. In the modern world it is increasingly discussed about the importance of the higher involvement of visual -figurative arts in the new educative concepts.
The Use of Pre-lecture Assignments and Students' Cognitive Development in Mathematics at Secondary Level[Full-Text ] Khurshid Alam , Khalid H ChannaThe aim behind this study was to investigate the impact of pre-lecture on students' cognitive development in mathematics at secondary level. For this purpose twenty pre-lectures were prepared from grade 9th level mathematics textbook keeping in view the Gagne (1965) hierarchies, Blooms' Taxonomy (1956) and Johnstone et al (1994) information processing model. The whole sample (n=98) consisted of boys (n=43) and girls (n=56). The whole sample divided into with (n= 53) and without pre-lecture (n=45) groups. Before implementing research plan an attitude questionnaire was administered on the sample and by employing chi-square test no significant difference was found between the attitude of the sample with and without pre-lecture. To find out the effectiveness of pre-lectures and to in-depth the students concepts twenty post-tests were prepared keeping in view Blooms' taxonomy. The subjects of this study consisted of two secondary schools in Cantt/ Garrison setup Peshawar Pakistan. The data collection was continued through out the whole academic session 2011-12. The data analysis was made by using t-test at 5% level of significance. The results revealed as whole the students with pre-lecture performed significantly better than the students without pre-lecture. The findings outlined as pre-lecture helped in cognitive development of the students in mathematics.
Appraisal of Occupational Health and Safety Practices in Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) PLC Abuja Distribution Zone[Full-Text ] Saba, T.M., *Dr. Atsumbe, B.N.,* Otor, A.F., **Dr. Tsado, J.This study was designed specifically to determine the adequacy of the safety equipment and devices, the compliance of occupational health and safety standards and the possible ways of promoting occupational health and safety in Abuja distribution Zone, Nigeria,. The three research questions and one hypothesis were formulated and tested at .05 level of significance. The research designed used for this study was the survey method as it involved the use of questionnaires to elicit opinions from respondents. The study was conducted in Abuja distribution Zone, Nigeria, purposeful sampled techniques was used. 85 technicians and 35 supervisors/engineers and 15 Managers were randomly sample from these stations. The designed questionnaires were administered to the respondents and had 100% returned rate. Four point scales was used. The data collected for this study was analyzed using mean, standard deviation and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The findings emerged from the study among others are inadequate of some safety equipment and devices like Automatic Smoke Detectors, Muffs/Plugs and safety nets and No employee is permitted to work on power equipment alone and not only approved safety belts and straps are worn by linemen. Based on these findings it was recommended among others that the management should provide adequate and relevant safety equipment and devices, ensure strict compliance with OHS standards and establish of OHS department in every station and business unit.
Kinematic Design of a Variable Pitch Fan Actuator Mechanism for IC Engine[Full-Text ] Prof. E. N. Aitavade, Prof. H. V. Shete, Mr. Mali P. R., Mr.Patil N .T., Mr. Tagare V. S.In water cooled engines presently fix blade fan is used in radiator cooling .The drawback of present system is that when engine runs under high load sufficient cooling is not achieved which results in hydraulic over heating may damage the engine or lead to fire hazard. Also when engine is under loaded the fix blade fan over cools the engine and results in loss of power .This work aims to design and manufacture a control system to make use of variable pitch fan. In today's economic scenario such a system plays very important role. There is much money invested in heavy duty equipment. The proposed work will offer total control of the air movement through the radiator with variable pitch reversible radiator fan. This system will solve the problems of overheating and over cooling in water cooled engines used for forestry, pulp and paper industry, mining, construction industries, earthmovers and extreme climatic conditions. The control system will automatically adjust the blade pitch to maintain optimum temperature. There are broad fields of application of this system in automobiles to increase cooling efficiency. Also variables pitch fan is efficient at different speeds which result due to load change. This is important when fan absorbs more power as in case of mine ventilation fans. In this paper various alternatives for the variable pitch fan mechanism are discussed followed by the convergence to the final mechanism. The Catia V5 models of the mechanisms are prepared and feasibility is discussed.
Classification of Information Technology in Education[Full-Text ] Tetyana TarnavskaThe purpose of information society is creating of a hybrid integrated intelligence of all civilization able to anticipate and manage the development of mankind. The educational system in such a society should also be anticipatory. Transition from conservative to anticipatory training and education should be based on the preliminary formation of the information space with the wide use of information technologies in education. The success of creation of the global information society strongly depends on the readiness of the educational system to implement the reforms necessary for the specialists' adaptation to the knowledge-based activity in the short time. As subject teachers are usually not experts in Computer Sciences, classification of Information Technology will help them navigate this complex and rapidly developing world which has become an integral part of modern education. The article is just a small part of the research in the field the use of IT in education and their classification.
An Effective Image Retrieval Technique Based on salient features of image[Full-Text ] Ms.K.Prasanthi, Prof.T.RamashriIn content-based image retrieval (CBIR), color and texture are the most intuitive image features and it is widely used. But the current color feature can describe the semantics of the whole image effectively, but does not reflect characteristics of the color salience objects in an image. For the purpose of giving paper proposes a new color feature description model is proposed at first. This model integrates the intensity, the color contrast and self-saliency, sparsity and centricity saliency to describe human color visual perception of the image. Then, the new color feature descriptor is calculated by weighting the significant bit-plane histograms with color perception map. Finally, similarity measure is presented for the new color feature. Then for more efficient retrieval again the retrieved images are then compared for texture .Now because of the texture of salience retrieved image more accurate images can be retrieved. Experiment results show that the proposed color feature and texture feature is more accurate and efficient in retrieving images with user-interested color objects. Here a typical query can be a region of interest provided by the user, such as outlining patch in satellite image. Compared with the other retrieval methods, the proposed technique improves the retrieval accuracy effectively.
The effect of critical thinking on enhancing writing among Iranian EFL learners[Full-Text ] DR.Nader Assadi, DR.Hanieh Davatgar, Parinaz JafariThe present study was designed to find out the effect of critical thinking on enhancing writing among Iranian EFL learners. 60 students participated. They wrote a pretest writing, then divided into two Groups (control and experimental), experimental group received treatment about successful critical thinking strategies and Bloom's taxonomy of thinking skills. both groups were given posttest of writing Results revealed that critical thinking instruction had effect on writing performance of participants.
Finding Accessibility and Interaction Vulnerability of Rational Rose Class Design Using Design Metrics[Full-Text ] Soham H. Gandhi, D. R. Anekar, Mahevash A. Shaikh, Ajinkya A. SalunkheThe increasing importance of software measurement has led to the development of new software measures. Many metrics have been proposed related to various constructs like class, coupling, cohesion, inheritance, information hiding and polymorphism. To satisfy security requirements, it is essential to protect our data from unauthorized information disclosure and information alteration. In order to minimize vulnerabilities and achieve target level security, quantification of security is necessary. Unfortunately, quantitative estimation of security in earlier stage of the software development life cycle (SDLC) is largely missing. The design phase of software development provides the foundation for secure software. Reducing vulnerability at this phase minimizes rework in subsequent development phases. Taking security into account from the early stages of a system's development should have a significant impact on decreasing many software vulnerabilities. In order to address this problem, we have developed a methodology which is based on existing research work, which can be able to provide proper prediction of security vulnerabilities with respect to design properties for an object-oriented class design.
Performance Analysis of BPL/PKL Electricity module[Full-Text ] Dr. Md.Kamrul Alam Khan, Shuva Paul, Md. Adibullah, Md.Farhat Alam, Syed Muhammad Sifat, Md. Rashed YousufeBryophyllum Leaves (BPL/PKL) malt or juice is one of the most important topics in the recent world as it can generate electricity. So now a day it is one of the most significant sources of renewable energy in the form of Biomass energy. If the generated electricity from Bryophyllum Leave's malt or juice can be stored in the battery then it can be a useful source for power and energy and can be used in the day to day life. Prosperously the BPL/PKL Electricity module can be used off grid or can be used for on grid connectivity for larger picture. This research paper shows the result of performance testing of BPL/PKL Electricity module and shows some important characteristics of BPL/PKL electricity.
Design and Implementation of Car Anti-Theft system using Microcontroller[Full-Text ] Abu Nayeem Md. Rumel,Md. Jahid Hasan, Md. Rokeb Hasan,Shuva Paul,Md. Rashed Yousufe,Md. AdibullahSecurity problem has been a matter of concern over the years not only in Bangladesh but also throughout the world. Car security is one of the most important issues of them. The main object of this project paper is to ensure the highest security for car or any kind of automobiles. With the invention of new and sophisticated way of stealing every now and then car security has been threatened immensely. This Anti-Theft system is designed with a target is to design a security system with which the owner do not have to bother about the new ways of stealing. The best solution is to control the start of the engine. And designing it with wireless system will increase the flexibly and enable a distant control.
Phase Shifts of Electron-Atom Scattering Using J-Matrix Method for a Class of Short Range Potentials[Full-Text ] Nawzat S. Saadi1, Badal H. EliasThis study deals with the non-relativistic J-matrix method in quantum scattering theory. The method is investigated for a class of short range scattering potentials (Yukawa, Hulthén, and Exponential-Cosine Screened Coulomb), and in two different L2 basis (Laguerre and Gaussian) for elastic electron-atom scattering problem. The results of the scattering phase shifts non-relativistic case for this class of potentials are shown to be reasonable compared to analytical results.
Validation of External Memory by Using PCITree Software[Full-Text ] Savita S.Biradar, Suma SantoshOver the decades, systems have grown larger with higher channel counts and faster digitization. Due to advancement in technology, there is an urge for managing and processing large amount of data being generated. Currently used communication busses create a multicomputer system but often make tradeoffs in terms of bandwidth or latency capabilities. To overcome and to support enhanced features such as I/O virtualization and processor coprocessor interconnect, third generation I/O interconnect i.e. Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) is employed. Hence the design and development of a PCI Express (PCIe) endpoint block is done using Xilinx virtex-5 FPGA platform in order to communicate with root complex using PCIe protocol. PCIe is utilized for communication between the host and the IO subsystem in multicomputer platforms. PCIe is utilized for communication between the host and the IO subsystem in multicomputer platforms. PCIe endpoint is used for the high speed data transfer of 180 Mbps for each lane. Accessing of the data from computer memory for the PCIe Endpoint block is done by using PCITree software.This work uses Verilog to model different blocks of the integrated endpoint block for PCI Express. The RTL code is simulated, synthesized and implemented using the ISE 12.4 from Xilinx and the Virtex-5 FPGA is targeted for implementation.
Deriving Personalized Concept and Fuzzy Based User Profile from Search Engine Queries[Full-Text ] Rahul Verma,Prof. Kshitij PathakPersonalized search is an important research area that aims to resolve the ambiguity of query terms. Since queries submitted to search engines tend to be short and ambiguous, they are not likely to be able to express the user's precise needs. To alleviate this problem, some search engines suggest terms that are semantically related to the submitted queries so that users can choose from the suggestions the ones that reflect their information needs. First, we develop online techniques that extract concepts from the web-snippets of the search result returned from a query and use the concepts to identify related queries for that query. A new two phase personalized agglomerative clustering algorithm and fuzzy clustering algorithm, which is able to generate personalized query clusters. Experimental results show that our approach has better precision and recall than the existing query clustering methods. So we can find an effective method for search engines to provide query suggestions on semantically related queries in order to help users formulate more effective queries to meet their diversified needs. All above analysis is done on the basis of mathematical calculations.
Comparative Study And Survey Between Intercarrier Interference Reduction Techniques[Full-Text ] Neha Gupta,Prof.Dinesh Kumar Saxena,Gaurav BhandariThis paper considers an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system over frequency selective time-varying fading channels. The frequency offset between transmitter and receiver local oscillator is main drawback of OFDM systems, which causes intercarrier interference (ICI) in the subcarriers of the OFDM system. This ICI degrades the bit error rate (BER) performance of the system. In this paper an ICI self cancellation scheme, new or modify self-ICI cancellation scheme and ICI conjugate cancellation method is compared.
Major Challenges in Spectrum Sensing for OFDM Based Cognetive Radio Systems[Full-Text ] Rachana Khanduri, Dr. Vishal Gupta, Arun Uniyalnow a day the usage of wireless devices has increased to a certain level, which leads to increase the efficiency of spectrum usage. Cognitive radio (CR) is a basic concept which helps to improve the communication capacity and quality on the basis of previous experiences. In this paper, requirements of CR systems are described and OFDM technique is used for CR as a transmission technology. The review study of this paper provides the overview of the challenges that evolves using OFDM in CR system are identified and discussed.
New Multilevel Inverter Topology with Reduced Switching Devices for Hybrid Electric Vehicles[Full-Text ] K.Sudheer Kumar, E.Mohan, CH.Rajesh Kumar, K.Lakshmi GaneshMulti level inverters are used to control electric drive of hybrid electric vehicle(HEV) of high power and they enhances drives performance, as they can generate sinusoidal voltages with only fundamental switching frequency. Hybrid Electric Vehicle is an emerging technology because of the fact that it avoids environmental pollution and increases vehicles fuel efficiency . This paper describes various topologies of HEV and compares the simulation results of electric drive controlled by the cascaded transformer less multi level inverter with the electric drive controlled by the proposed new topology of the multi level inverter with the reduced number of switching devices.simulation is done in MATLAB.
VHDL Implementation of Interval Arithmetic Algorithms for Single Precision Floating Point Numbers[Full-Text ] Sunita.S.Malaj, S.B.Patil, Bhagappa.R.UmaraneThis paper proposes a new approach where the design and implementation of single precision (32bit) Interval Arithmetic Adder/subtractor unit is carried using VHDL for computing interval arithmetic operations & functions suited for hardware implementation. The algorithms are coded in VHDL & validated through extensive simulation .This VHDL code is then synthesized by synopsys tool to generate the gate level net list that can be implemented on the FPGA using Xilinx. This paper shows that interval arithmetic can be efficiently implemented in terms of performance and cost.
Analysis of Women Computer users affected by a Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) using CETD Matrix[Full-Text ] A. Victor Devadoss, M. Clement Joe AnandThe objective of this paper is to find out the peak age of women computer users affected by a computer vision syndrome (CVS). For this analysis we studied the most common symptoms associated with Computer Vision Syndrome. It has been classified into five factors as Eyestrain, Headaches, Blurred Vision, Dry Eyes, Neck and Shoulder pain. These symptoms are caused by the following factors such as poor lighting, glare on the computer screen, improper viewing distances, poor seating posture, uncorrected vision problems and a combination of all these factors. For the first time, in the year 1998 matrix theory was developed by W.B.Vasantha and V.Indira to study the passenger transportation problem. To study this problem, they divided and defined four types of matrices which are called Initial Raw Data Matrix, Average Time Dependent Data matrix (ATD Matrix), Refined Time Dependent Data matrix (RTD Matrix) and Combined Effect Time Dependent Data Matrix (CETD Matrix). In the year 2003 the same technique was used by W.B. Vasantha to study the migrant labourers who were affected by HIV/AIDS. In 2004 W.B. Vasantha and A. Victor Devadoss used it to study about agriculture labourers. In the year 2012, A. Victor Devadoss and M. Clement Joe Anand used it to study the dimensions of personality of women in Chennai. Now we use this model to study Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) of women computer users in Chennai.
Vehicle Detection and Tracking from Video frame Sequence[Full-Text ] Manisha Chaple, Prof.S.S.PaygudeVideo and image processing has been used for traffic surveillance, analysis and monitoring of traffic conditions in many cities and urban areas. Motion tracking is one of the most active research titles in computer vision field. This paper aims to Detect and track the vehicle from the video frame sequence The vehicle motion is detected and tracked along the frames using Optical Flow Algorithm and Background Subtraction technique. The distance travelled by the vehicle is calculated using the movement of the centroid over the frames. Many proposed motion tracking techniques are based on template matching, blob tracking and contour tracking. A famous motion tracking and estimation technique, optical flow, however, is not being widely used and tested for the practicability on traffic surveillance system. Thus, to analyze the reliability and practicability of it, this research project proposed the idea of implementing optical flow in traffic surveillance system, and will evaluate its performance. The results of tracking using optical flow is proving that optical flow is a great technique to track the motion of moving object, and has great potential to implement it into traffic surveillance system.
Scattering of Water Waves in an Ocean of Finite Depth having a Surface Discontinuity with an Ice-cover on One Half and Free Surface Subject to Surface Tension on the Other[Full-Text ] Subhabrata Gangopadhyay, Uma BasuThe phenomenon of scattering of water waves is examined in presence of discontinuity at the free surface of an ocean of finite depth. The surface discontinuity is thought of as originating due to the presence of a semi-infinite free surface with surface tension on one half and a semi-infinite ice-covered ocean on the other half. Appropriate expressions for Green's functions are set up for the fluid occupied by the free surface with surface tension and for the fluid occupied by the ice-covered ocean. Employing Green's second integral theorem to the above mentioned Green's functions and the potential function the problem is reduced to finding out solutions of a pair of coupled Fredholm integral equation. Analytical expressions of reflection and transmission coefficients are obtained in integral forms.
Dissemination of Domestic Biogas Plants in Bangladesh - Current State, Problems faced and Barriers[Full-Text ] Muhammad Riazul Hamid, Mohammad Nazmul Haque, M.A. Rouf, M.S.IslamThe aim of this research is to evaluate the state of the dissemination drives for biogas plants in Bangladesh. The dissemination drive was initiated by a number of organizations long ago. For the last few years, Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL) established in 1997 is playing the central role for dissemination of biogas plants in concert with other stakeholders. The number of installations per year has risen significantly during the last five years. In this article, current state of success is assessed. As on December 31, 2012 total number of installed plants has reached 65,317. This article also identifies major barriers to dissemination and problems faced by the people. According to a report published by Institute of Fuel Research and Development (IFRD) under Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR) which inspected 429 plants in 29 districts to evaluate the conditions of biogas plants installed by them. Among the installed plants 64.31% were found to be in operation.
Radiation And Mhd Flow A Semifinite Moving Vertical Plate With Viscous Dissipation[Full-Text ] Amit Saraswat Rajesh Kumar and R.K.shrivastavaThe objectives of the present study are to investigate the radiation effects on unsteady magneto hydrodynamic flow of a chemically reacting fluid past a semi-infinite vertical plate with viscous dissipation. The method of solution can be applied for small perturbation approximation. Numerical results for the velocity, the temperature and the concentration are shown graphically. The expressions for the skin-friction, Nusselt number and Sherwood number are obtained.
Comparative Analysis of Daubechies wavelets in OWDM with OFDM for DVB-T[Full-Text ] Rama Kanti, Dr. Manish RaiOWDM scheme is shown to be overall quite similar to Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing but with some additional features and improved characteristics, the aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of wavelets on the performance of the OWDM (Orthogonal Wavelet Division Multiplexing) system. This paper is focused on the performance analysis of OFDM with OWDM for DVB-T system and also analysis the performance of two wavelets Daubechies one (db1) and Daubechies two (db2) in OWDM for DVB-T system. This paper provides an analysis of a technique for both designing wavelets and to measures respective performances, called Orthogonal Wavelet Division Multiplex (OWDM), an alternative to OFDM, which uses a Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) instead of using the IFFT to generate the output and has a lower computational complexity with increases flexibility and low multipath propagation loss. The two wavelets of Daubechies family are considered with increasing order to ascertain which wavelet transform is the most suited for use in an AWGN channel and measure the performance in terms of Variance and Signal to noise ratio (SNR)for AWGN channel in comparison with OFDM and illustrates the next level analysis of new system comparing different wavelets.
Square Difference Labeling Of Some Path, Fan and Gear Graphs[Full-Text ] J.ShiamaIn this paper it is proved that some new graphs admit square difference labeling. A function f is called a square difference labeling if there exist a bijection f: V(G)?{0,1,2,...p-1} such that the induced function f*:E(G) ? N given by f*(u v) = |[f(u)]2 - [f(v)]2| for every uv ? E(G) are all distinct. Any graphs which satisfies the Square difference labeling is called the Square difference graph. Here it is investigated that the central graphs of path, square graphs of path, some path related graphs, fan and gear graphs are all square difference graphs.
Behaviour of an Electron inside M87 Black hole[Full-Text ] Rohit GunturiThis paper mainly deals with the properties of electron inside m87 black hole in ergo sphere layer.Amount of Magnetic field inserted by electron inside m87 black hole is found out along with the force of attraction or repulsion between two electrons inside black hole.Electric field of m87 back hole is found out using charged disk concept.Violation of energy conservation when electron is ejected from the black hole is clearly shown.Escape velocity of electron to escape from m87 black hole is also found out.
Valuing Software Quality Analysis[Full-Text ] Meer Shizan AliSoftware quality is the major challenge for all the Software Systems today. The requirements once necessary for Defense Systems are now equally challenging for everyday systems.Such complex projects usually involve a large and heterogeneous group of stakeholders with various quality priorities which are time varying and conflicting making both one size fits all quality metrics and software development driven by such metrics risky to use. This primary goal of this dissertation is to develop a Value based Software Quality Analysis Framework that integrates the development process aiming at achieving the appropriate quality levels for Software Systems and Stakeholder approach into quality attribute definitions, metrics and models.
Life Cycle Analysis of the Processed Food versus the Whole Food-(Potato)[Full-Text ] Venkat Raman GaneshThe following report compares the energy inputs required for the processed food and whole food. The energy values are calculated considering many sectors and obtaining the energy equivalent of the each sector. Total energy is obtained by summing up the energy value of the individual sector. The value obtained is compared to the standard model value of the EIOLCA (d) model. Based on the model and its associated assumptions, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. The processed food consumes 2.3% energy more than natural food production. 2. The major portion of energy consumption is due to electricity and the energy consumption can be reduced by judicial usage of electricity. 3. The study shows the correctness between EIOLCA and analytical model.
Characterized by the PN multilayer thin film for solar cell application[Full-Text ] M. KavithaThe multi layer CdS/ZnS/InS thin films are prepared by using chemical bath deposition technique on glass substrate .Deposition of thin film is relatively concentrated of various reactants in the solution of pH and bath temperature are depending on the growth of multi layer thin film. Characterization studies are carried out by optical, electrical and thermal property and these results are reported.