Volume 13, Issue 10, October 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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Green Synthesis of Zinc oxide nanoparticles for the sustainable treatment of Vrishabhavathi valley [PDF] Shreya N M, Shrinidhi R S, Rajeswari MWater is known for its quality to sustain life; this has been explored and used for its unique abilities. Due to the growth of population and the improvement in the standard of living pollution has increased drastically to sustain growth and development. Due to this there has been unscientific use of the resources, one of the important resources that have been subjected to higher scales of pollution is water. The unscientific use of water has increased the pollution in the water bodies and caused an environmental imbalance. The research aims to provide a sustainable method to reduce the coliforms, chemical oxygen demand, heavy metals, and biochemical oxygen demand present in the wastewater and help to recycle wastewater for human consumption and activities.
Effect of the Main Parameters on the Properties of Geopolymer Concrete [PDF] Mahmoud AlAzab, Mohamed Ragab, Mohamed Kohail, Mona Abdel-WahabIn recent years, geopolymers have received considerable attention because of their environmental benefits. Geopolymer concrete (GPC) utilizes solid industrial aluminosilicate-based waste materials, such as fly ash, rice husk ash, silica fume, or ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) to produce a low-cost and environmentally friendly material as an alternative to Portland cement. Heat cured GPCs have been studied extensively to establish their properties and it has been found that they are capable of achieving comparable and in some cases better properties than ordinary Portland cement concrete. However, very few attempts to assess the properties of ambient-cured GPC are reported in the literature. This research aims to investigate the fresh and hardened properties of ambient cured GGBFS-Fly ash based geopolymer concrete. Nine mixes (designed by Taguchi method) were carried out with variables GGBFS to fly ash ratio, binder content, sodium silicate (SS) to sodium hydroxide (SH) ratio, and activator molarity. Slump test was conducted to investigate the fresh properties while compressive strength test, splitting test, and flexure test were conducted to investigate the hardened properties. The experimental results revealed that using GGBFS as 100% of binder content could increase the mechanical properties at the expense of workability which can be improved using fly ash as ratio of binder content.
TRANSPORT PHENOMENA OF CROSSFLOW OVER CIRCULAR CYLINDER WITH SECONDARY JET [PDF] M. Yaman, M. ABO EL-NASR, W. AboelsoudEnhancement of the convective heat transfer on air side is a challenging problem due to the poor thermal characteristics of air as well as the high thermal resistance caused by the boundary layer. There are many ways to enhance thermal convection like using extended surface and porous media. An innovative method to improve the convective heat transfer of cross air flow over a circular cylinder by the application of secondary air jet is introduced in this study to suppress the boundary layer and thus reduce thermal resistance. A two-dimensional numerical model is developed which consists of a hollow circular cylinder made of copper, with a 5 cm outside diameter and 1 cm inside diameter. The cylinder is in the middle of an air channel 2 m long. A heat flux of 6.6 W/cm2 is applied on the inner boundary of the cylinder. A secondary air jet was applied, from a 5 mm slit on the upper wall of the air channel, with different angles (theta) of 25 to 155 degrees. The position of the air jet also varied from above the stagnation point to other positions downstream (S). This distance of the applied jet relative to the diameter of the cylinder (S/D) varied from 0 to 1.2. The height of the air channel relative to the diameter of the cylinder (H/D) was changed from 2 to 8. At constant H/D, the total mass flow rate is kept constant in both cases, with and without the jet having the same channel height. After validation, a comparison between the average Nusselt number in all cases and the case where there is no air jet was carried out. Results show that there is an enhancement of the average heat transfer coefficient of up to six times the case with no jet.
Relationship of personality and workplace deviance: Role of power distance within organization and role of Cronyism as a mediator [PDF] Benish Shabbir, Xiaodong Qiu, Hassan SiddiqueThis study examines the occurrence of cronyism and shed light on its negative effect on the workplace. Cronyism plays mediating role and power distance plays a moderating role in this study. The targeted population of related study is public and private sector organizations of Pakistan. Primary data were collected from 173 employees of different organizations, such as educational sector, banking sector, development sector, and aviation industry of Pakistan. Power distance moderates the relationship between big five personality traits and cronyism, as well as cronyism also mediates the relationship between personality traits and workplace deviance. Data was analyzed through SPSS, and different analysis, such as correlation, regression, moderation, and mediation analysis were tested. Implications of the study were also discussed.
FREQUENCY OF MODERATE TO SEVERE BIRTH ASPHYXIA OF NEWBORNS AND ITS RISK FACTORS AT TWO MAJOR HOSPITALS OF KOHAT [PDF] LAILA JAMILAsphyxia is defined as lack of oxygen (hypoxia) due to failure of initiation of breathing. A condition during the perinatal period that severely reduces oxygen delivery and leads to acidosis. A lack of oxygen or an excess of carbon dioxide caused by the interruption in breathing, is the result of the failure of the gas exchange organ. Asphyxia continues to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the neonatal period (WHO). 1
FISCAL IMBALANCE AND CONFLICT IN NIGERIA: A WAY FORWORD. [PDF] RIMAMTANUNG ISHAKU NYIPUTEN and ONOYOM, MARGARET ONWANYIIn this study, a unique statistic presented by Hunter in 1974 and 1977 is used to empirically analyze the causes of conflicts in Nigeria. The main causes of disagreements in developing countries, according to the literature, are social service disparities and economic heterogeneity. This study, however, looks at the causes of economic heterogeneity or imbalances across the federal, state, and local governments in Nigeria utilizing data from 2015 to 2020. The state vertical imbalance (SVI) and corresponding vertical imbalance (CVI) methodologies were used to look into the reasons for conflicts in Nigeria. As a result, it can be seen that Nigeria's federal, state, and local governments all have serious fiscal imbalances. In order to solve the issue of vertical fiscal imbalances, which is one of the major causes of violence in Nigeria, the paper recommends that Nigeria create an intergovernmental equalization transfer system.
Sugar and Sucrose metabolism in Soybean (Glycine max) leaves and roots: Impact of Drought and heat stress at different growth stages [PDF] hadia bilal,aeman ziaHigh temperature, water deficiency, and rapid fluctuations in climate damage plant growth, maturation, yield, and seed characteristics in soybean (Glycine max). Drought stress and hightemperature stress are major environmental attributes that restrict plant development; these two issues frequently take place alongside nature. Therefore, the major focus of this overview is to demonstrate the analysis of the effect of these issues in combination and independently in soybean. Drought stress decreases photosynthetic carbon assimilation capacity, contents of glucose, starch, and fructose in seeds during the filling stage also reduce shoot biomass and leaf photosynthetic rate. Drought stress decreased the starch contents but enhanced the quantity of soluble sugar and sucrose in leaves, but all of these contents are increased in the roots. Sucrose transport genes and enzymes are triggered and up-regulated during the early stages of seed development under water stress which can be one of the functional mechanisms for soybean plants to restrict water scarcity issues. Sucrose is involved in responding to many abiotic stresses. These stresses not only affect the current status of the plant’s production but also generated after–effects that’s why the confirmation of adequate water supply is important, especially at the flower blooming and pod forming phase to ensure rich biomass production potential in soybean. When water deficiency is imposed at high temperatures it not only affects the reproductive stage but also seed degradation is worse as compared to it prescribed at the vegetative stage. Elevated heat disturbs the structural and functional vigor of protein storage bodies that collect seed storage proteins, plasmolysis also takes place.
The Effect of Risk Profile, Good Corporate Governance, Profitability, And Capital on Firm Value in the Banking Sector [PDF] Muhamad Arzan, Dedy Takdir Syaifuddin, Ummy KalsumThis study aims to determine and analyze: (1) the effect of risk profile on the value of banking firms; (2) The effect of good corporate governance on the value of banking firms; (3) The effect of profitability on the value of banking firms; (4) The effect of capital on the value of banking firms. The sample in this study is the banking sector companies in the BUKU 4 group (Business Category Commercial Banks), which consists of 7 banks, namely Bank Central Asia (BBCA), Bank BRI (BBRI), Bank Mandiri (BMRI), Bank Negara Indonesia 46 (BBNI), Bank Pan Indonesia (PNBN), Bank CIMB Niaga (BNGA), and Bank Danamon (BDMN). The data used in this study is secondary data for the period 2011 to 2020 obtained from The Indonesia Capital Market Institute (TICMI) and the official websites of each bank. The data is then processed and analyzed using the SMART PLS application. The results showed that (1) The risk profile with indicators of NPL (Non-Performing Loan) and LDR (Loan to Deposit Ratio) had a negative and significant effect on firm value. Every decrease in the risk profile variable's value can increase the firm's value. NPL is the strongest indicator in assessing the risk profile. (2) Good Corporate Governance (GCG) with indicators of the composition of the independent Board Of Commissioners has a positive and insignificant effect on firm value This means that the increased value of GCG consistently supports the value of the firm negligibly. (3) Profitability with indicators of ROA (Return on Assets) and ROE (Return on Equity) has a positive and significant effect on firm value. This means that every increase in the value of profitability can encourage an increase in the value of the firms. ROA is one of the indicators that have the best influence in assessing profitability. (4) Capital with the DER (Debt to Equity Ratio) indicator negatively and significantly affects firm value. This means that every decrease in the capital variable can increase the value of the firms.
On-Screen Navigation with Hand Gestures using Computer Vision [PDF] Yashas H MajmudarIn the budding and upcoming field of Artificial Intelligence computer vision is a field that enables computer systems to retrieve useful information from a digital source and perform actions based on it. Hand Gesture recognition is an interactive way to interact with a device. Hand Gesture Recognition is the process of retrieving meaningful data from set of images. This paper describes the research and development of a computer vision-based Hand Gesture - Screen Navigation system that interprets moving hand gestures to switch/scroll between screens of a device. It can be further be implemented as a gesture control system as well as a novel approach for Human Computer Interaction (HCI) to eliminate the need for input devices like touchpad or mouse.
The Impact Of Using Artificial Intelligence (‎ÙAI) In Supply Chain Management On Companies. Literature Review [PDF] ‎ Mohamed Hassouna, Ibrahim El-henawy, and Riham Haggag.‎‎ The survey found that SMEs face a number of difficulties when using IT to manage supply chains, including ‎implementation and maintenance costs, a lack of technical knowledge and skills, etc. According to the study's findings, the ‎impact of AI on supply chain management has been seen in a variety of areas, including greater supply transparency, efficiency, ‎cost savings, and real-time information availability. tracking of items, coordination of efforts, and relationships between internal ‎and external supply chain participants. Additionally, it has streamlined the procedures for transactions across the many services, ‎and it is interconnected so that data travels through the various functions. Many savings have been made thanks to the ‎numerous technologies employed to lower supply chain operation expenses. Additionally, the lead time for orders has decreased. ‎Due to better service delivery quality and quicker supply chain responses, both internal and external customers are pleased with ‎the improved customer services. The outcomes of the primary analysis showed some beneficial effects of the application of AI in ‎supply chain planning, logistics tracking, and product delivery for SMEs. Based on the findings, it is suggested that businesses, ‎particularly SMEs, adopt AI in their supply chain operations to increase productivity, effectiveness, and adaptability .functions ‎that occur between planning and purchasing; logistics and storage.‎
Development of Smart Antenna For Future Generation Wireless Internet Connection [PDF] Dr.Masud Al NoorThe adoption of smart antenna techniques in future wireless systems is expected to have a significant impact on the efficient use of the spectrum, the minimization of the cost of establishing new wireless networks, the optimization of service quality, and realization of transparent operation across multi technology wireless networks. Nevertheless, its success relies on two considerations that have been often overlooked when investigating smart antenna technologies.
The Uses of Digital Rights Management [PDF] Dr.Masud Al NoorDigital rights management (DRM) is a generic term for access control technologies that can be used by hardware manufacturers, publishers, copyright holders and individuals to impose limitations on the usage of digital content and devices. The term is used to describe any technology that inhibits uses of digital content not desired or intended by the content provider. The term does not generally refer to other forms of copy protection which can be circumvented without modifying the file or device, such as serial numbers or key files. It can also refer to restrictions associated with specific instances of digital works or devices. Digital rights management is used by companies such as Sony, Amazon, Apple Inc., Microsoft, AOL and the BBC.
The use of digital rights management is controversial. Proponents argue it is needed by copyright holders to prevent unauthorized duplication of their work, either to maintain artistic integrity or to ensure continued revenue streams.
ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY OF HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS "LOWSONIA INERMIS AND INDIGOFERA TINCTORIA" [PDF] Pravallika Darru * Dr. S. Uday Bhaskar , Dr. S. Sharmila Bhegum Dr. Knthipriya kondala Lowsonia inermis commonly known as" HENNA" belongs to the family Litheracae. Henna is widely used as herbal medical all over the world since centuries as an antimicrobial agent and is sometimes also applied directly to the affected area for dandruff, eczema, scabies, wounds, infectious diseases and helminthiasis and as herbal hair and skin dye. INDIGO dye is Indigofera tinctoria distinctively blue in color and it's basically an organic compound. It's a synthetic dye. Soxhlet and cold percolate extraction methods were investigated for isolation and biological evaluation of bioactive compounds of henna and indigo. Obtained results showed that soxhlet extraction at higher temperatures, the yield and recovery decreased due to the degradation of the thermos reactant compounds at several temperature conditions. Antibacterial effects of water, methanol extracts of L.inermis leaves and Indigo dye against clinical bacterial cultures were investigated and compared with standard antibiotics of Ciprofloxacin and Ampicillin. The bacterial isolates were treated with L.inermis methanol extracts were more effective than the water extract using standard method of NCCL, 2000.
IN VITRO ANTIBACTERIAL ACTIVITY AND PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING OF LEAF EXTRACTS OF ERYTHRINA SPECIES [PDF] Feleke WorkuThe Present work was conducted to screen the phytochemical constituents present in various extracts of Erythrina leaves. Phytochemical species were investigated for the presence of bioactive compounds. The phytochemical screening was conducted using water, chloroform, petroleum ether ethyl acetate, and methanol extract of the plant. The study for antibacterial activity of leave extract of Erythrina species was conducted against Gram-positive bacteria of Bacillus cereus and Gram Negative of Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aueroginosa, and Klebsiella pneumonia by using the plate agar diffusion method that was employed to assess the antimicrobial activity of the prepared extract. The plant extracts were screened for the presence of alkaloids, glycosides, saponins, phytosterols, triterpenes, phenols, tannins, flavonoids, diterpenes, anthraquinones, coumarin, and Steroidal. This confirmed that Erythrina species leaves were the main sources of secondary metabolites. The extracts showed significant antibacterial activity in all gradient solvents.
Keywords: Erythrina species, Phytochemical, Antibacterial activity, bioactive compounds
Detection of Credit Card Fraud Utilizing Blockchain Technology and Machine Learning [PDF] Atef Zaki Ghalwash 1, Sameh Gamal Khalil Sayed Ahmed 2, Amr Galal Mohamed3Despite the advances made in technology, the rate of cybercrime is rising. It is difficult to get reliable data on bank transactions since there is a lack of synergy across banking and there are privacy issues. However, data-driven technologies such as machine learning cannot function well in operational settings unless they are provided with accurate data. The purpose of this work is to propose a blockchain-based method for constructing a strong machine learning system that can detect fraudulent online transactions. The use of blockchain technology within the framework that has been presented guarantees the privacy of the information. A criterion has been devised for mining the block in the most effective manner. In the last step of the evaluation process, the performance of the blockchain network is evaluated by subjecting it to a range of data loads and escalating levels of difficulty.
Analytical Investigation of the Performance of Reinforced Concrete Panels with boundary elements Under Quasi-static and Blast Loading [PDF] Osama Elwan, Tarek El Hashimy, Marwan ShedidA brief description of latest modeling techniques adopted to analyze steel reinforced concrete panels under blast loading analysis are summarized, and then a macro-modelling technique utilizing the OpenSees software embedded layered-shell element was utilized and verified against experimental data under both quasi-static loading and blast loading, then the utilized model was used to perform a parametric study of the behavior of reinforced concrete panels under both quasi-static and blast loading to reflect the effect of different boundary elements (BEs) configuration on the performance of those panels, after that, It was found that using boundary elements enhances the performance of reinforced concrete panels under such quasi-static loading nature by increasing the ultimate load capacity dramatically up to about 5 times the load capacity of a panel without boundary element. And this increase in load capacity is accompanied by a lower decrease in the ductility ratio to about half the panel without BEs due to the reduced ultimate displacements while using thick BEs. And then five blast scenarios were applied to control panel and five different panels with BEs, the applied 5 blast scenarios resulted in varying range of damage extent, based on the impulse and time of each wave, with maximum difference of the resulted performance in panel without BEs under the variation of the blast waves, while maintaining smaller differences with the addition of the BEs in the other panels.
Evaluation of The Neuroprotective Activity of 6-AF Mitigates Cd-Induced Oxidative Stress and Neurodegeneration in Mice [PDF] Waqar Ahmad KhanNeurotoxicity brought on by cd has been studied globally. It is thought to be one of the main tissues-inducing target agents since it has a wide variety of negative effects on people. The therapeutic potential of 6-AF to lessen memory impairment, neurodegeneration, and neuroinflammation caused by Cdcl2 was assessed in the current investigation for the first time in adult male albino mice. Our findings show that 6-AF significantly improved behaviour as measured by the Y-maze and Morris Water Maze (MWM), and that this improvement was followed by an inhibition of Phospho C-Jun N Terminal Kinase (p-JNK) and its downstream signaling, including, tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and Poly (ADP-ribose polymerase-1 (PARP-1) (NF-KB), proteins in the mice brain homogenates detected through western blotting. Additionally, NRF-2 proteins were likewise downregulated by 6-AF in adult mice exposed to Cd induced oxidative stress. In conclusion, 6-AF is a strong neuroprotective agent in neuro-degenerative diseases.
Keywords:Cdcl2, Neuro-inflammation,6-AF, Phospho-JNK, NRF-2.
Energy Sector Reforms- Supply Led/Efficiency Led/ Green Energy Led? [PDF] DIVYA SOODThe paper is an analysis of the geographical, social, political, and regulatory setup of the
electricity market transition in India learning from the already existing Joint Ventures and
analysis of the electricity market's status quo and prospective laws and policies. The need for
the paper arises after reading the “Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme: A reforms based
and Results Scheme2†given by the Government dated 30th June 2021 while the parallel
introduction of the private sector in the distribution sector through the franchisee model.
The bigger question that is faced after analyzing the Electricity Act, 2003, the policies issued
under the Act, the Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme, and the Electricity Amendment Bill,
is whether the reforms introducing electricity distribution to private sector investment
are Supply Led or Efficiency Led or Green Energy Led?
DOCUMENTATION OF API TESTING IN SOFTWARE TESTING [PDF] MRS. JYOTHI ESWARI NEngineering disciplines pair design and development stages which check early, intermediate and final product so that bugs and defects can be identified and removed. The product which meets the requirements is validated and verified to build high quality software. Testing is classified into many types if testing, where testing is done repetitively till it meets the software requirements. In API testing, both the application programs should be tested individually and later tested their communication. Testing is a process to know the developed Product meets the expected requirements. In that case, communication between two applications is tested using API testing. It is done both manual and automated testing.