Volume 13, Issue 10, October 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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The Role of Hypothalamic Neuropeptides in Neurogenesis and Neuritogenesis as potential Target on Cancer, and Metabolic disorders Treatment and Prevention (Part two) [PDF] Dr. Zelalem Kiros BitsueNeurogenesis occurs in the adult brain in a constitutive manner under physiological circumstances within two regions: the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus and the sub-ventricular zone of the lateral ventricles.
Deficiencies in Hierarchical Structures: Moving Towards Flatter Ontologies. [PDF] P. Pranav DuttaThis topic is being taken up to analyze the effects of Flat structures in organizations for fastening and smoothening out decision making processes. One of the main areas covered in the study is to examine the existing organization structure and analyze scope of innovation there and previously found and implemented innovation. This comprehensive study of Flat’s governance, structure, philosophies, ideologies and functioning gives us an insight into more evolved methods of governance. The paper is also trying to understand the shortcomings in the present system of hierarchical model of governance and is also giving its views on flatter methods of governance.
ISOLATION, CHARACTERIZATION AND ENCAPSULATION OF LACTOBACILLIUS SPP. TO BE USED AS PROBIOTICS [PDF] Radhika Lahamage, Krushi Hingurao*, Nafisa PatelProbiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are useful for human health, especially human digestive system. The viability of probiotics is affected by many factors such as pH, water activity, storage conditions and processing during their storage. The objective of the present work was to isolate different lactic acid bacteria from milk and curd samples which may act as putative probiotics. 9 isolates were obtained from different samples by direct isolation method. The isolates were characterized with respect to their morphological and physiological features. It was found that the isolates L2, L3, L8 and L9 showed higher acid and bile salt tolerance as compared to others. Further, antimicrobial activity of the isolates L8 and L9 showed higher antimicrobial activity as compared to others. Hence, the isolates L8 and L9 were selected to act as putative probiotics useful for human. In order to enhance the life of probiotic bacterial cells, they were encapsulated by forming beads. This encapsulation technique for protection of bacterial cells resulted in enhanced viability of L8 and L9. The beads formulated thus enhanced the survival of bacterial cells count of 11.73 log cfu /g and 11.42 log cfu /g for L8 and L9 respectively. Henceforth, the isolate L8 showed higher yogurt production as compared to L9. Further, encapsulation of isolate L8 led to enhancement in the yoghurt production. Hence, encapsulation is an important technique for improving the shelf life of probiotic bacteria which can be useful in production of flavored yogurt.
Measurement of Radiation of Refuse Dumpsites in Some Selected Areas of Kaduna Metropolis, Kaduna, Nigeria [PDF] Nasiru Musa, Larit BitrusThis work examines the levels of radiation emanated from the refuse dumpsites in some selected areas in Kaduna states, Nigeria. A total of five dumpsites were investigated out of which three met the minimum required radiation dose for both radiation workers and non radiation workers. Radiation measurement was carried out with the IM-3000 meter placed at 1.80m high above the ground with varying distances. The average level of radiation for sites, Sabon Tasha, Tudun Wada, Kawo, Hayin DanMani and Kakuri are 0.231rem/yr, 0.149rem/yr, 0.179rem/yr, 0.163rem/yr and 0.232 rem/yr respectively
An Evidence-driven Research to the Transgressions of Geneva Conventions by the Communist Party of China Led Autocratic Regime [PDF] Yang I. PachankisThe â€second-generation indigenization†hypothesis of Huntington’s phenomenological observations on totalitarianism in Cold War regime collapse subtly portrayed the realpolitik interest groups’ political influences with autocracy disbandment processes. The research puts democratization as the premise and globalization as purpose for the analysis. With the regionalism purposes & approaches to multilateralism by People’s Republic of China (PRC), the end of democratization is leveraged against the procedural means with power politics. Between quantitative autocratic controls and realpolitik local-regional interest groups, the connotation of democratization in liberal inter- national globalization has either been used for militant purposes or pushed the landscape of regime collapse into realpolitik local groups and autocratic controls in the process of globalization. With the industrial interests of realpolitik local groups, autocratic regionalism becomes of the â€best interest scenario†for the realpolitik local groups. However, the diminishing autonomy & freedom of the territorial population in turn derogated the real economy that wielded the prisoners’ dilemma between autocracy and totalitarianism in a negative sum game deterioration cycle. In the democratization process of the dictatorial regime, â€second-generation indigenization†is thus mapped to the sectarian interests respondent to dictatorial propaganda generation, other than a natural phenomenon out of autonomy and freedom premises in decision theory. The article recaps the coup d’état between Xi Jinping and Bo Xilai before Xi took the autocratic power, and analyzes the human rights situation in the obstacle of democratization.
Medication Alert – an Android Application [PDF] Fahamin, Ratul Ali, and Ismot Ara LipiThis is an android application software that alerts users with an automatic alarming system for medication and dosages. Most of the time patients cannot remember the exact time when they need to take the medicine. This app will alert patients about the time of medication, description of medicine, before-after meals, and so on. The alarm can be set with different types of pictures with the name of the medicines to overcome any kind of difficulty in reading. To develop this project, an incremental development strategy is followed to support customer requirements. Android Studio IDE, Java, and XML tools will be used for the implementation of the project. The system focuses on easy navigation and a good user interface. Many systems have been developed where new hardware and data storage is required but, in our work, we have made an attempt to develop a system that is economical, time-saving, and supports medication adherence.
To assess the lack of awareness and knowledge of Diabetic Retinopathy among Diabetes Mellitus. Also to know the importance of eye examination annually and to know the barriers for eye screening among patients with Diabetes Mellitus.
Materials and Methods:
Design - Cross sectional study. 139 subjects participated in the study, 63 (45%) were males and 76 (55%) were females, mean age was 56.7 years ± 9.49. A convenient non – probability sampling was done to select subjects for the study. A validated questionnaire were administered to assess the knowledge and lack of awareness of Diabetic Retinopathy among patients with Diabetes Mellitus.
A total of 139 subjects participated in the study. 82% of the study participant were on oral medication for treatment of Diabetes Mellitus and 15.8% of participant were on insulin and 2.2% were without any kind of treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. 76.3% are aware on regular treatment methods for Diabetes Mellitus, 18% are not aware on treatment methods, There were no treatment methods followed in 5.8% of the subjects. Awareness of annually eye examination is found in 58.3% and 41.7% were unaware. Awareness on Diabetes Mellitus that can lead to blindness was found in 18% of the study participants and not known was found in 55.4%. Majority of treatment for Diabetic Retinopathy had poor knowledge about DR 90.6%. Around 89.2% of participants had lack of awareness was the biggest barrier for an eye screening.
There is need for more awareness of Diabetic Retinopathy that leads to blindness in patients with Diabetes Mellitus which can directly reduce the barrier of lack of awareness for annually eye screening.
Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of Low Energy Beam Line in 2MV Pelletron Accelerator [PDF] Mahnoor FarhatThe 2 MV 6SDH-2 tandem pelletron accelerator installed at CASP, GC University Lahore has evolved over the past years from acceptance tests to an extremely reliable and convenient research tool in the field of particle accelerator physics, hav-ing capability of providing variety of ion beams from few keV to several MeV in energy. Many electrostatic and magnetic devices are employed to steer an ion beam in an accelerator system all the way from ion source to experimental setup. Mathematical modeling and optimization of low energy beamline has been done for this accelerator. Several ion optics and steering devices are provided in the pre-acceleration beamline for ion beam manipulation and in order to optimize the overall beam transmission. As the quality of the beam from the accelerator depends upon the design of these electrostatic and magnetic devices, optimum settings are derived by manually adjusting voltages and currents provided to low energy beam-line components. From these calibrations and optimization measurements, calculations has been done for mass analysis magnets, steering and focusing components and the results has been represented. From the results, it has been found that there exists a complex relationship between the effects of different voltages and currents in order to tune the desired output current and beam profile at the end-stations. Details of experiments and data analysis are presented.
Barriers to education and new steps to make education effective in National Education Policy 2020 [PDF] Prof.B.L.Jain There are some factors in the development of present education, which even an educated person appears like a person without education.
The Impact of Robots on Industry [PDF] Dr. Ribdi AlsaediAbstract
Robots are growing and impacting the way society, economy and the world are organized. Areas with the lowest income, usually rural regions, are more vulnerable to the progress of automation. The permanent loss of jobs will be softened by new jobs that will be created and demand new skills from people. Automaton is likely to increase economic growth and boost productivity but it will also increase inequality among the globe and drastically change it.
Assessment of relationship between following covid appropriate behavior and getting infected with covid-19 in undergraduate students of B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad who were on duty for covid management. [PDF] Janushee ModiCOVID-19 caused by the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) is an acute respiratory illness. WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic in March 2020. [1]
Like several parts of the world, India experienced major surge of covid_19 cases and deaths. Since the middle of march 2021, the second wave has stated, and on April 09,2021 the highest number of cases (144829) has been identified in India. The major states affected were Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and west Bengal. [2]
In order to prevent people from getting infected with covid-19, covid appropriate behavior was widely published like greet without physical contact, maintain physical distance, wear reusable mask cover or mask, avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth, maintain respiratory hygiene, wash hands frequently and thoroughly, do not chew tobacco, khaini or spit in public places, regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, avoid unnecessary travel, do not discriminate against anyone, discourage crowd- encourage safety, do not circulate social media posts which carry unverified or negative information, seek information on COVID-19 from credible sources, call national Toll-free helpline 1075 or State helpline numbers for any queries and seek psychosocial support for any stress or anxiety.[1]
The struggle to provide acute health coverage to the unprecedented amount of diseased, put healthcare workers (HCWs) to the limit. Several hospitals reported a shortage of medical personnel, forcing authorities to call upon medical students to assist.
Many undergraduate students from B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad were posted to help as Covid Sahayak in Rapid antigen testing and sanjeevani duty. Out of which, some students got infected with covid-19. This study was done to find relation between following covid appropriate behavior and getting infected with covid.
Review on 3D Food Printing: A New Era of Food Preparation [PDF] Tanny Das Paul3D Food Printing is an innovative step in food preparation that promises to revolutionize food formulation and manufacturing processes. Preparing foods with sensory attributes from various ingredients and additives has always been a requirement. Three-dimensional (3D) Food Printing combines 3D printing and digital gastronomy to revolutionize food manufacturing by allowing for customized shape, color, flavor, texture, and even nutrition. Binder-jetting, selective laser sintering, inkjet printing, and extrusion-based printing comprise a 3D Food Printing technique. Food materials such as chocolate and dough are used to create designed shapes layer by layer. The purpose of this research is to analyze and summaries published articles and papers on 3D Food Printing and its impact on food processing, as well as to provide critical insight into the future direction of its development.
Venturi Injector Performance with Variation of Primary Mass Flowrate to Entrainment Ratio Value [PDF] KhaeromanThis paper discusses the testing of 3 finished venturi injector products. The purpose of this paper is to assess the effect of bypass valve opening variations on the primary flow rate on the primary mass flow rate, secondary mass flow rate and also the entrainment ratio value. The venturi injectors studied were made of PVC and plastic pipes with varying dimensions. The Venturi ejector is tested with a homemade device. In this study using 2 variables. Fixed variable volume or fluid mass flow in primary flow is 10 liters. Variable venturi injectors with diameters of 1, 3/4 , and 1 inch. Another variable used is the position of the bypass valve which is made with 5 different positions. The bypass valve variation on the primary flow inlet venturi injector affects the entrainment ratio value. The highest entrainment ratios of the 1, 3/4, and 1/2 diameter venturi ejectors were 0.1770, 0.1370, and 0.2530 respectively at the 25% bypass valve position. The best entrainment ratio is owned by a venturi injector with a smaller diameter. The size of the diameter of the venturi injector used greatly affects the value of the entrainment ratio and its suitability with the main motive fluid pressure.
An investigation into the challenges of road construction projects in Qatar [PDF] Hamdan Rashid Al-MullaThe study below conducts an investigation into the road construction project in Doha, Qatar, to understand the challenges faced by the project management team in different stages of the road construction project. The study presents a background of the study, leading to the critical discussion of the extant literature review. The study identifies the themes to conduct the primary research collection from the extant literature review that helps with the questionnaire. The primary data is collected from five project managers who worked in different stages of the road construction project, leading to the analysis and conclusion, finally helping with the recommendations.
The Study On The Impact Of Training And Development Of Employees In Private Sector And Public Sector Banks [PDF] Rushikesh KolekarPurpose: This paper attempts to discover and analyse how the departments of public sector banks manage training and development in the organisation with a research report. This effort focuses on the influence of training and development on workers of private and public sector banks.
Design/Methodology: Conducting a survey of diverse employees is the most appropriate way to obtain the information. The study was conducted on a haphazard basis, with the goal of determining the impact of training and development on staff productivity, personal growth, and performance. A questionnaire is used to collect primary data for this purpose, which is filled out by a sample of employees. 100 people were surveyed. Employees were asked statements-based questions to which they responded with a yes or no. They were quizzed on the concept of the glass ceiling and were asked a variety of questions.
1. A failure to discover learners' individual requirements and for learners to take responsibility for their own growth.
2. Trainer-set objectives rather than learner-set objectives
3. Learners' recognition of the need to take responsibility for their own growth is low.
4. Time constraints for preparation and attendance at learning activities
5. A failure to continue learning after an event or course has ended.
Findings: On average, 50.5 percent of employees feel that 2 to 3 training programmes are held per year, but only 5.9 percent believe that more than 5 training programmes are conducted per year, and 30.7 percent believe that 3 to 4 training programmes are conducted per year. 44.6 percent of employees believe the training and development programme was effective, while 6% believe the programme was ineffective, followed by 5.9 percent and 13.9 percent. Ninety-five percent of employees (94.1%) have applied what they learned in training at work, whereas 5.9% have not. 66.3 percent of employees believe that training and development improves employee productivity at work, whereas 8.9 percent believe that training and development has no influence on productivity and the rest are undecided.
Determination of water quality using water quality index of jamrao canal near jhudo, Sindh Pakistan [PDF] BilawalThe current study set out to describe the drinking water quality of Jamrao Canal Jhudo. The densely
populated Pakistan city of Sindh utilizes a lot of water while simultaneously dumping mixed solid waste and
untreated sewage into the Jamrao Canal, directly harming the water quality. The Pir Bodla farm in the village, Jhudo,
and a few other areas in Sindh's Mirpurkhas district are all irrigated by this canal. We collected samples from the
Jamrao canal's three distinct locations by the interval of 15 days and taken the three attempt using a multistage
random sampling technique. Conventional methods were used to describe the water quality. The results were
contrasted with the suggested upper limits for acceptable readings provided by the World Health Organization
While dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, and nitrate samples all remained below the WHO standard limits, total dissolved
solids (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC), chloride (34%), turbidity (40%), and hardness (11%) samples did not. To
stop diseases linked to drinking water from spreading, it is vital to strengthen water quality management measures.
As a result, drinking water from these locations is dangerous.
This study investigated the influence of exercise on functional health and physical fitness of health workers and sport professionals in Lagos State Nigeria. Descriptive research design was used for the study. A total of 340 respondents consisting of 190 health workers and sport professionals were purposively selected for this study. Age range was from 20 to 60 years. A structured questionnaire designed by the investigators was used to collect data for the study. Simple percentages and frequency count were used to the data analysis. The findings showed that majority of the respondents believed that exercise would help the various body systems work effectively and aid digestion, contribute effectively to physical, mental and social wellbeing of an individual, prevent diseases, helped in attaining physical fitness and good health. Many of the health workers agreed that inability to exercise could be due to inaccessibility to facilities and equipment while sport professionals disagreed to this statement.
There is the need for 3 tiers of the Government to educate the respondents particularly the health workers of the importance of exercise on functional health and physical fitness through mass media; seminars, also provide recreation centers where necessary with adequate equipment and facilities.
KEYWORDS: Exercise, Functional Health, Physical Fitness, Diseases, Good Health
Health Workers, Sport Professionals
Environmental Protection through Behavioural Economics [PDF] Taneesha AroraIn the present age of industrialization, the economy and per capita income have had immense progress, while our environment is facing life-threatening problems such as different kinds of pollution and large amounts of energy consumption leading to scarcity of resources, thereby threatening the development of humankind. Although industrialization and consumption of energy are necessary for human development, the excessive use of resources caused by the psychological biases of people, if reduced can strongly mitigate environmental problems. This paper investigates the relationship between behavioral economics and environmental protection to understand why people don’t always make rational decisions, even if they have the information and tools available to do so. To answer this question, I used thematic analysis to analyze the previously existing qualitative data for secondary research and conducted surveys to collect primary research. Our analysis shows a strong correlation between human psychology and environmental protection. Analysis reveals that 80% of the 700 people opted for the default option when they were at the restaurant. The same study applies to the case of the environment. We conclude that incentivizing consumers using behavioral economics increases eco-friendly choices among people.
Cyberbullying Detection Using Data Mining Techniques: A Survey [PDF] Omar Kamal, Amal Elsayed Aboutabl, Riham Mohamed HaggagAbstract -- Internet users are increasingly using social media websites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram spend a lot more time online with users. Online users can now readily communicate information with one another via computers, mobile devices, etc. Many strategies and procedures have been developed to date to control this problem to overcome it. This essay offers a study of cyberbullying and methods for identifying it. We have reviewed algorithms for cyberbullying detection in both Latin and Arabic languages using data mining techniques, and after comparing the highest accuracy of these classifications we will propose the techniques of Support Vector Machine (SVM), which achieved the highest accuracy among the various techniques applied in the cyberbullying detection in Latin and Arabic language between the techniques.
Quantum Error Correction [PDF] Apoorv Indrajit BelgundiThis paper is a review of Quantum Error Correction. This paper aims to briefly review quantum error correction theory and demonstrate its importance in making usable quantum computers. We illustrate the theory of classical error correction using the repetition code and prove that repetition makes the transmission of bits more viable due to the reduced error probability. This paper includes the basics of quantum error correction theory: quantum three-bit error correction, Shor’s nine-bit error correction and general quantum error correction.
RELATIONSHIP OF CANTHOLIMBAL DISTANCE WITH NECK MOVEMENTS AND FACIAL ASYMMETRY AMONG HEALTHY YOUNG ADULTS. [PDF] Ayesha TabassamObjectives: The primary objective is to measure the relationship between cantholimbal distance with neck movement and with facial asymmetry among healthy young adults.
Methods: This study recruited 30 participants of either sex, age(Male: 22.00±0.63 and Female: 21.41±1.10).Cantholimbal distance, neck range of motion and facial length were measured in both lateral flexion and rotation of head. Cantholimbal distance and facial length was measured by mm scale and neck range of motion was measured by universal goniometer. Correlation of all variable was calculated through SPSS.
Results: In males, facial length shows moderate correlation with cantholimbal distance in cervical rotation, and cervical lateral flexion. However ,cantholimbal distance with cervical rotation and lateral flexion show low correlation. In female, facial length shows moderate correlation with cantholimbal distance in cervical rotation, and cervical lateral flexion. Moreover, cantholimbal distance shows moderate correlation with cervical lateral flexion. Also in female, cantholimbal distance in cervical rotation shows low correlation.
Conclusions: The study concluded that facial length shows moderate correlation with cantholimbal distance in cervical rotation, and cervical lateral flexion. Moreover, cantholimbal distance shows moderate correlation with cervical lateral flexion. Alternatively, cantholimbal distance in cervical rotation shows low correlation.
Key words: Cantholimbal distance; Neck movements; Facial asymmetry; Goniometer