Volume 13, Issue 10, October 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
Publication for Volume 13, Issue 10, October 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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Reed beds for Sewage Treatment of Small and Medium Size Colonies [PDF] Dhruv Jaitly, SN TirthakerDisposal of untreated sewage into natural water bodies is a major cause of water pollution in developing countries like India. Sophisticated technology based conventional wastewater treatment schemes are costly, requires large amounts of energy, close supervision and skilled manpower. Treatment of sewage using activated sludge process is more costly for small communities generating less volume of wastewater. Constructed wetland systems have emerged as on-site low cost wastewater treatment, which can be adopted by small communities, institutions such as hospitals, schools and project colonies-townships. Constructed wetland systems are efficient in both processing ability and energy requirements. These artificial wetlands require a near zero energy to treat local effluent with no negative side effects. The process is free of both chemicals and odour, provides habitat for wildlife, and increases the diversity and aesthetics of site. The treated sewage can be used for gardening, arboriculture and even discharged in the environment. Constructed wetland systems can be very useful for developing countries like India because of it’s cost effectiveness, simple construction and maintenance requirements. This paper discusses aspects of design, construction and operation of constructed wetlands.
Self-sustainability of Karnataka's renewable energy: A review [PDF] Shamant R. DesaiIndia is amongst the top countries when it comes to taking action on climate change mitigation.
One such action is increasing the renewable energy generation. India is not yet completely self-sustainable in this sector. For the country to become totally self-sustainable in renewable energy
sector, states in India also need to be self-sustainable on their own. On studying the factors
affecting the energy sector in India, it is observed that states of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and
Gujarat are top performers in renewable energy generation. This article mainly focuses on self-sustainability of Karnataka in the renewable energy sector. Karnataka depends mostly on
imported coal for energy. But coal creates a gap of 9.4GW of energy between self-sustainability
and dependency. There are many renewable energy resources in Karnataka state. The
development of solar and wind energy sectors is essential for the state to move forward in self-sustainability. This article includes a comparative analysis between Karnataka and the other two
states viz. Tamil Nadu and Gujarat. This article reveals that Tamil Nadu is more effective in
wind energy and Gujarat leads in solar energy harvesting as compared to Karnataka. As possible
solutions, the article recommends that Karnataka could focus on installing Parabolic Dish
technology to harvest solar energy in a better way and policy making, fund raising on wind
energy sector. This would help the state in harnessing wind & solar energy to full potential. The
co-benefit of self-sustainability in renewable energy sector for Karnataka is, it generates 26,000
& 833,000 job opportunities in wind and solar energy sectors respectively.
Possession as an institute of the Civil Law [PDF] Besiana Xhaferi BeqiriAbstract- Even though from a legal point of view, subjective real rights are a form of possession (possession) of the thing, recognized by the objective real law, theoretically, a distinction is made between the terms subjective real right, possession and holder. The difference is that the holders of subjective real rights (property and other real rights) exercise legal power by exercising the powers that make up its content (possession, use, disposal). If the holder of the subjective real right performs these attributes, it means that they also have the de facto power of the thing, ie the possession. In the RNM, the institute of Possession is stipulated in the Law on Property and other real rights, which also stipulates the acquisition, protection and termination of the possession. In this paper, various aspects of the possession were elaborated, such as the notion, types of possession, protection, acquisition of the possession etc
Through the research, the historical importance of the possession and the position of possession in the modern legal orders, I came to a conclusion that Possession is one of the central institutions of the Civil Law, especially in the countries where the Pandekt law is accepted.
The Design and Fabrication of a Hydraulic-Powered Automated Can Crushing Machine [PDF] Olayinka Ramonu, Ibrahim AdiyelojaThis study focuses on the design and fabrication of a hydraulic-powered can crushing machine. The study aims to reduce the volume of aluminum cans by a great percent to create more space for cans to be transported to the recycling site. The primary objective of the machine is to save space so that more cans can be transported to the recycling site, to aid recycling. The crushing machine is designed to crush approximately 29 aluminum cans in one round. The Automatic Can Crusher comprises four integral parts namely: the frame, the hydraulic press, the crushing chamber, and the hopper. The frame is a rectangular rigid structure fabricated to give support to the machine, the frame was made of a 3mm thick angle iron, the crushing chamber comprises of a cylinder through which the piston travels and a rigid metal plate which the cans will be crushed against. The fabricated crushing machine was able to crush aluminum cans four times smaller than their actual size and allows the reuse of the crushed cans in various ways.