Volume 13, Issue 10, October 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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BUCKET BRIGADE ATTACK USING ARP SPOOFING [PDF] Harshit Rastogi, Dr. Krishnaraj N, Aravinth MDNS spoofing is a method for altering DNS requests made by clients such that the IP address returned in the query is whatever the attacker desires. A Man-in-the-Middle attack should also be conducted for the DNS spoofing attack to be successful, and this can be done through ARP spoofing. A cyber related attack which is known as a "man-in-the-middle" (MITM) assault demands the perpetrator secretly interrupt and relay communication between two parties who trust they are talking with one another directly. The action
of poisoning Domain Name Service - DNS server entries to lead a targeted user to a malicious website under the charge of the attacker is called DNS cache poisoning. This paper basically focuses on understanding the previous papers to understand about the attack that can be done through various techniques. By doing this research we will be able to do a depth analysis of DNS spoofing attack along with the
Man-in-the-Middle Attack. Further this paper continues with the expected outcome along with the conclusion that is required for the attacks.
Perspective on QA to QE Transformation [PDF] Saritha BasireddyWe need to meet the high demand of delivering sustainable and high-quality products in quick time across the domains and industries. Traditional QA (Quality Assurance) methods were taking its own time and facing delays in delivery due to the defects found in much later stages in SDLC cycle. Sometimes, this may lead to redesigning the product and it results in high cost and delays in finishing the product. We can re-solve these issues in real-time by transforming from reactive quality assurance approach to productive quality engineering approach.
IoT based Smart Water Quality Monitoring and Temperature Controlling System [PDF] Ibrar Ahmad, Attia ShahzadiInternet of things (IoT) plays a significant role towards automation. In this 21st century every system is moving towards automation using IoT (Internet of Things) to provide ease and comfort in daily life activities. Water is the basic necessity for all living organisms. It is key to the sustenance of life. Fresh water makes up for about 2.5% of the total amount of water on the planet but because of pollution and it requires treatment to make it useable and suitable for drinking. To resolve this issue, we proposed a system for water quality assessment. The proposed system checks several parameters of water condition using different sensors. The collected data is sent to a database which can be accessed through a browser. User gets notified if there are any irregularities in the obtained information so that the user can make an informed decision and contaminated or impure water is avoided.
Mental Health Challenges – An African Perspective [PDF] AMEZE OKEUDOGrowing up in West Africa in the 1970s was not a walk in the park. From the time you were born, life’s challenges come at you and sometimes throw you off the curves. What are simple solutions in developed countries become huge problems for us. Clean water for example would not flow from taps in our kitchens like we saw in movies. We would have to walk long distances to fetch water and fill drums from a public tap. We would repeat this cycle day after day. I grew up in a middle class family as my parents were educated with good paying jobs. And so when my father could afford it he built his own house and drilled his own water borehole in the compound so we could have good or rather portable water supply at home, there really were no affordable medium of testing if the water was actually portable but we fetched from our taps, drank it and got used to the water. So one can conclude “it served its meansâ€.
Economy and growth [PDF] Prasenjit Jana , Basudeb JanaLet U be the class of upper income group of a country, M be the class of middle income group of a country, and L be the class of lower income group of a country. 1)Now the growth of the country can happen by giving money from U class to L class by giving jobs to the L class, when M class act as government job holders. 2)The other way of growth is by money transferring from U to M to L class as a chain. 3)The next way is that the U class will give more tax and the government will give constant help to the L class. The important thing is sometimes the government gives extra money to the L class without much work. That causes a new situation where the people of the L class do wrong things, and their idle brain can upset the country. This can also be seen in many underdeveloped countries I think. This is an abstract strategy of economic growth by the government
Role of Super Absorbent Polymer as an Internal Curing Catalyst: An Experimental Assement based on Strength and Durability Properties of Concrete [PDF] Mohammad Ali, Mirza Md Tasnim MukarramStrength and durability properties of concrete play a very crucial role in the present era of insfrastructural development. In the modern construction field, the study of concrete and its strength properties has become a major subject of study. Super Absorbent Polymer (SAP) is a polymer that plays a crucial role in construction industry as it can be used as an internal curing agent to eliminate cracks in concrete.SAP is examined for many characteristics of strength. Thus, it eliminates the requirement for external curing. This paper investigates how SAP affects the strength and qualities of concrete. Variable proportions of 0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4%, and 0.5% are used in this experiment to cast test specimens. Additionally, durability testing such as water permeability and fast chloride penetration tests are performed. In this study we attempted to illustrate the different types of performance depicted by concretes in which SAP has been used in different percentages. The obtained results are satisfactory and can be used for future development of integrating SAP in concrete for augmenting the strength and quality of concrete.
Manufacturing Throughput Cycle Time Reduction boosts Production rate and Cost advantages of components of Rotorcraft and Aircrafts in Aerospace Industries. [PDF] Sita Ram Sahni, Kamal VagrechaManufacturing throughput cycle time reduction components of Rotorcrafts and Aircrafts is a very much challenging task in Aerospace manufacturing industries. Manufacturing time is influenced by many factors as lay out of machines, type of machines, management of machines utilization, type of machining operations, complex interaction of manufacturing. If different machining time or operations time is reduced, labour time will be reduced and delivery time of assembled product will be reduced. Manufacturing cycle time influences the cost of components and product as whole Rotorcrafts and Aircrafts. The reduction in operations time of long cycle components will effect a reduction in cost and delivery schedule to customers. The time reduction propels the cost reduction and cost reduction enhances the competitive cost advantage in manufacturing of Aerospace components. This research will give a direction to convert activities and operations into cost and reduction way of manufacturing throughput cycle time during all the operations.
Interaction Between Social Media Habits & Mental Health of Students [PDF] Raghav Vaidya, Aashima Malhotra, Sarvjeet HeraldSocial media's effects on users’ mental health have been a topic of discussion since the medium’s advent. Although both the benefits and harms of social media on mental health have been debated extensively, it is generally agreed upon that the younger generation is far more susceptible than the rest, given their higher impressionability. The emergence of COVID-19 saw increased utilization of social media platforms, as people practiced social distancing and self-isolation and generally had more time to themselves. Students developed social media habits that continue to this day and affect their lifestyles. In many instances, they showcased symptoms of depression, anxiety, decreased/delayed sleep, and other related disorders, which are disproportionately underreported, especially in countries such as India, where mental health is given less importance. Hence it becomes imperative to analyze the extent of side effects of social media usage on students to mitigate the risks among students in the era of technology. Borrowed from standardized scales, we create a new survey questionnaire to understand depressive traits and social media habits among students aged 13-24. We identified that primarily, negative thoughts and social media usage during the morning hours leads to depression. Our Machine Learning model implemented for predictive analysis was 91.89% accurate. Further research is required to understand the potential association between social media use and positive outcomes among students.
Ideal Mode Share for Indian Cities [PDF] Nidhishree N KumarIn today’s world, due to rapid urbanization and increase in population, many cities have high urban pressures to withstand. This is impacting on the transportation system which is highly evident in metropolitan cities. It has resulted in high private vehicle dependency and thus, planning for transportation has shifted its focus from people to motors. The solution for this ultimately aims towards increased modal shares of sustainable transport options such as walking, non-motorised transport (NMT) and public transport. The level of transportation service surrounds around the choice of modes of transport by the people of that city, and thus the existing mode shares are taken into consideration for the analysis of the transportation system of the city. However, to begin to think about solutions for the overall problem of traffic congestion, there first needs to be an analysis that must clearly give an idea of how much improvement is needed. To know this, there must be a comparable quantity that the real figures of mode-share can be compared to, to know how bad or well the transportation system is or how much needs to be improved to make the city with good transportation. This quantity is termed as ‘ideal mode share,’ which acts as a benchmark for mode shares of all Indian cities. This paper shows the series of steps involved in the calculation of how we have achieved the figures of ideal mode share. Any city that has its mode share equal to or more that the ideal, has priority for NMT and pedestrians along with public transport in their transport systems, i.e., a good transport system.
IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON THE ECONOMY OF ETHIOPIA AND GOVERNMENT’S RESPONSE [PDF] GIZACHEW ALEKA T/HAIMANOTCOVID-19 is a wide concern issue at present. It is rescuing and killing the lives of thousands of people in the world. Ethiopia is one of the countries in which the COVID-19 challenges significantly manifest in most circumstances since March 2020. This paper was concerned with the impact of Covid-19 on the economy of Ethiopia. The study was carried out by raising two economic indicators as dependent variables, the balance of payment (BOP), and the general price index (GPI), as the pandemic disrupts the circular flow of income and affects the national income and purchasing power of the people by increasing nationwide and worldwide uncertainty restrictions. To analyze the impact, quarterly time series data from 2005/6 to 2019/2020, which is a total of 60 observations were taken. Covid-19 was measured by the WPUI. The analysis was processed through an Auto Regressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) Model with a Bound Test for Co-integration and Error Correction Model (ECM). Other things remaining constant, the findings of the study indicated that COVID-19 has a negative impact on the economy showing a negative impact on both balances of payment and the general price index in the long run. It was recommended that it is better if the government work hard on the health of human resources;the governments is better to have a policy of buffer stock, which is the purchase of reserve commodities to be used in such situations; it is advisable to have adequate management of the distribution of compulsory goods supply in accordance with the consumers demand. Keeping the savings and investment balanced.
Keywords: COVID-19, Economy, Time Series, ARDL Model, Long-run, and Short-run
SOCIAL IMPACT OF IMPLEMENTATION OF INCLUSIVE MANPOWER PROGRAM FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES [PDF] Ikawati, Tateki Yoga Tursilarini, Sri Yuni Murtiwidayanti, A. Nurrochman Hidayatulloh, Trigutomo, Abdullah Ade Suryobuwono, Sita Aniisah Sholihah, Intan OktavianyThe number of workers with disabilities in formal state-owned and private companies continues to increase. Based on data from the Manpower Office in 2019, the number of disabled workers in 2017 was 4,286 people. This amount accounts for 0.90 percent of the total workforce in Indonesia. Meanwhile, in 2018 there was an increase which made the number increase to 4,537 people or, 0.96 percent of the total number of workers in Indonesia. The figure is indeed increasing, but the number of disabled workers has not met the quota target for disabled workers of 2 percent for BUMN/BUMD and the quota of 1 percent for private companies. The provisions regarding the quota for workers with disabilities are regulated in the UU No. 8 Paragraph 53/2016 concerning persons with disabilities.
THE IMPORTANCE OF THE NEUTRALITY OF THE STATE CIVIL APPARATUS AS THE EFFORT TO REALIZE QUALITY ELECTIONS [PDF] Sarjiyati, Anik Tri Haryani, Bambang H SutrisnoThe research was carried out in the districts and cities of the former Madiun Residency, with State Civil Apparatus as informants. This research is qualitative, with data collection techniques using interviews and library research. Data processing and analysis was carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner using an interactive model. The interactive model is an analysis carried out in the form of interaction on three components, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification.
The research findings show that the neutrality of the state civil apparatus in the general election is very important. With the neutrality of the state apparatus in elections, it will be able to build a democratic climate that is healthy and free from political intervention, can be more professional in public services and avoid conflicts of interest in carrying out its functions and duties as state civil servants
Annihilation, Suicides and Suicidal behaviour [PDF] S. Soundarya, P Radhika Ravi, Ravi Ramaswamy and Adhav Ravi BarathwajSelf - asperity, Suicide, annihilations are serious age old yet continuing universal mental health problem that leave long-lasting effects on individuals, families, and communities.
Suicide prevention and care is everyone’s responsibility. Every individual, society and organisations have various roles and vested responsibility to play. Historically, most of the research suicide and studies mental issues have evolved from psychiatry departments. This is because of an evident reason that people with suicidal thoughts and behaviours are hospitalized in psychiatric Superintendence. However, the incumbency and role of psychologists is being at the intervention end and they impersonate simultaneously as counsellors, clinicians, researchers and educators.
Positive psychology is the newest faculty that highly focused on strengthening Virtues, character, attitude and behaviours. This cynosure is built and practiced to correlate and complement to extend help to the problem-faced Individuals to rebuild a life of happiness, meaning and purpose—to scale and up heave beyond day to day survival to flourishing.
This paper reviews in brief, the options and effectiveness of holistic psychiatry interventions in addressing self-infliction and suicidal thoughts and behaviour and the impact by the use of the theory and practices prescribed in positive psychology aided by regular psychology counselling.
Climate, Air Pollution and Forest fires : AI based models for Indian case study. [PDF] Dr.Mrs Nupur Giri, Mr. Aashish Ramesh Raheja, Mr. Kartikey Verma, Mr. Ashwin PansareForest fires are a regular phenomenon in India that are often observed during summers (March - May). Severe fires occur in different types of forests, particularly dry deciduous forest, while evergreen, semi-evergreen and montane temperate forests are comparatively less prone. Every year large areas of forests are affected by fires of varying intensity and extent. Important forest resources like the carbon locked in the biomass etc are lost due to forest fires every year, which adversely impact the biodiversity of the planet earth. This project includes an approach on predicting the chances of forest fire in 13 Indian states. Climatic factors such as humidity of the region ,rainfall level ,maximum and minimum temperature to determine the chances of occurrence of forest fire were considered for building the model. The model aims to study the gradual increase of wildfires in Indian districts and its direct impact on the natural vegetation and wildlife residing in the forests. The implementation of dataset collected and analytics obtained gives us a clear picture of the gravity of the situation and the detrimental effect of wildfire on the Ecology.
An Integrative Approach of Utilizing Antipsychotics Supplements Designated for Schizophrenia and Endogenous Firing Rate Differential Equation Models to Induce Synaptic Activity in PINK-1 gene Mutated C. elegans with Parkinson’s Disease [PDF] Rajvi Babaria, Halley Compuesto, Mehak GabaParkinson’s disease is characterized by the irreversible decline of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that regulates the nigrostriatal neuromodulatory system, which results in the rise of dysfunctionalities in motor cortical activity due to a series of kinematic changes. Another neurological disease is schizophrenia, which is associated with serotonergic and dopaminergic deviations, contributing to a multitude of cognitive deficits in conjunction with a dramatic decline of activity in the frontal cortex. Although there is no cure for schizophrenia, antipsychotics are provided for patients to ease the symptoms, in which two predominant supplements include Sarcosine and Tyrosine, amino acids that stimulate the release of vital neurotransmitters, including dopamine. Furthermore, research conducted in the past has suggested that probiotics, gut bacteria, can possibly lead to the enhancement of chemical messengers in the brain, however the research has not been solidified yet. Therefore, an experimentation was conducted that investigated the potential usage of the antipsychotic supplements designated for Schizophrenics for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease in order to elevate the production of dopamine; the experimentation consisted of a C. elegan model wherein the three viable treatment supplements were tested on wildtype and PINK-1 mutated worms to test the effects of antipsychotic supplements meant for Schizophrenics on those suffering with Parkinson’s. Through the utilization of endogenous firing rate differential equations, the findings suggested that though all three supplements were effective, Sarcosine displayed the most promising result due to increased reproduction rates and improved gait movement as well as increased synaptic activity in the PINK-1 mutated C. elegans.
Knowledge awareness and utilization of probiotics in students of Khawaja Fareed University of Engineering and IT [PDF] Asif Rasool, Momna Kashif, Muhammad Ravish khan, Kinza RazaLive bacteria known as probiotics have health benefits when taken as directed. The total living microorganisms that are colonizing the gastrointestinal tract of living organisms are referred as GI microbiota. They live in our gut and restore normal microbial balance. Probiotics are very advantageous for maintaining good gut health. They are used to treat and prevent certain diseases. Probiotics modulate intestinal microecological balance. Therapeutics that target the GI microbiome include prebiotics, probiotics, para probiotics/ postbiotics, and fermented milk. and they have ability to influence stress resilience and mood in an individual health and disease, they are useful for the treating health diseases so they are of potential interest. Probiotics are available in different forms Probiotics help in treating and preventing many diseases like cardiovascular diseases, mental health disorders, allergies, liver disorders, intestinal ailments, autism, irritable bowel syndrome, gastroenteritis, wound healing, improving oral health. On the other hand, probiotics in some cases caused negative effects on health of students. Purpose of this paper is to study the awareness and knowledge of students on beneficial effects of probiotics. A questionnaire was developed to study the knowledge, awareness and utilization of probiotics among students. Further positive and negative effects of probiotics were studied and observed. Questionnaire was distributed through official WhatsApp groups. Department of Life Sciences, Bio Sciences, Food Sciences and Chemistry participated in this study.
Smart Water Management System for Jal Jeevan Mission [PDF] P A Devaraj,, R Sudarshan,Dr. Ravish. B,, Mr. Chethan Kumar Ms. Bharathi.SThe government of India (GOI) with the motto of supplying piped water to each household has taken up the activity in the Jal Jeevan Mission scheme of RDWS dept under the ministry of Jal Shakti. The module is to supply water from the nearest source to the village /urban hold via an Overhead Tank (OHT). The consumption of each household will be metered, and the charges will be collected from each household (which is nominal). Here an attempt is made to overcome the problem associated with such distribution and how technology can help to overcome the problems is being put forth.
Attack and Anomaly Detection in IoT Sites Using Boosting Based Algorithms [PDF] Sayma AkterAbstract—Detection of attacks and anomalies in Inter-
net of Things (IoT) infrastructure is a growing concern in
the IoT domain. As the use of IoT infrastructure increases
in every domain, threats and attacks in this infrastructure
also grow proportionally. In this paper, three different
boosting-based algorithms are applied to the anomalous
data set and compared with the supervised Random
Forest model in the same data set. The main objective
of this paper is to overcome the problem of overfitting
in case of the Random Forest model application on the
anomalous dataset using three different boosting based
algorithms and achieving the highest accuracy compared
to Random Forest without overfitting. The three boost-
based algorithms used here are Adaboost, GradientBoost,
and XGBoost. The machine learning supervised algorithm
used here for comparison with the boosting algorithms
is Random Forest. The evaluation metrics used in the
performance comparisons are accuracy, precision, recall,
f1 score, and five fold testing mean values. Random
Forest provides greater accuracy but with overfitting
issues for imbalanced datasets. On the other hand, the
system achieves higher training and testing accuracy
for boostig based algorithms than Random Forest. This
experiment shows that the boosting-based algorithms
performs relatively better than Random Forest for dataset
with anomalies without overfitting.
Catamenial Epilepsy: Treatment and occurrence of seizures in different age groups of non-epileptic females due to hormonal disturbance [PDF] Asif Rasool, Muhammad Ali, Mujahid Hussain, Faisal IqbalCatamenial epilepsy is menstrual seizures in an epileptic woman due to some hormonal disorders. Estrogen and progesterone are two reproductive hormones which fluctuates during menstruation and produce convulsant and anti-convulsant effects on an epileptic woman. CE has three categories according to menstrual phases: Premenstrual (C1), Pre-ovulatory (C2), and inadequate luteal phase (C3). Basically, two types of treatments are available: Hormonal treatment and medicinal treatment. Hormonal therapies include progesterone therapies and GnRH analog therapy. In medicinal treatments, there are some anti-convulsant drugs. In our research survey discussed below, some non-epileptic females also feel seizures, during their menstruation. Even they don’t have any epileptic record in their medical history. The actual cause of seizures is the disturbance of hormones during menstruation. Epilepsy is a neuronal disorder so the disturbance of hormones is obvious is epileptic women and they experience the seizures. But non-epileptic women may have disturbance in their hormonal level due to some other factors like hypertension, phobias and diets. Then it will not a catamenial epilepsy, it is simply a hormonal imbalance.