Volume 4, Issue 9, September 2013 Edition
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Analysis of the accumulation of chromium in vegetables in effluent affected and non-affected soil: A Case Study[Full-Text ] Rashedul Hasan, Sobur Ahmed, Chandan Chakraborty, Md Mazaharul Huq, Taslima Tabassum, Ramon Rana, Sohel Rana.Leather and Leather products rank the 4th in earning foreign exchange for Bangladesh. Statistics prepared by Export Promotion Bureau of Bangladesh for the Financial Year 2011-12, the leather sector grew by 17.5 percent and earned $765 million in revenue. The department of environment (DOE) has categorized the industry as ‘red’ meaning it is one of the worst polluting industries in Bangladesh.Of the 220 registered tanneries in Bangladesh 90% are located on 25 hectors of land in Hazaribag in south-west corner of the Dhaka city. Most of the tannery factories are non -mechanized and semi mechanized and uses old and polluting leather processing methods. High percentage of chromium discharge through the waste liquor. Which is affected the soil of surroundings of hazaribag. Moreover it also affected the low land near river Buriganga.For this reason we try to find out the accumulation of chromium in vegetables in effluent affected and non-affected soil.
Comparitive Analysis for Reduction of Exhaust Emissions for Two Stroke and Four Stroke Spark Ignition Engine with Improved Design for Implementation[Full-Text ] Mukesh Thakur, Dr. N.K. SaikhedkarTo control the exhaust emissions from two stroke and four stroke spark ignition, copper nano-particles coated on copper sieve as catalytic converter, AVL-422 gas analyzer was used for measurement and comparision for CO and unburnt hydrocarbon in the exhaust of the engine at various speeds and loads. In the present work, an improved design having reduced diameter at inlet, outlet and increased inclination angle is proposed. The new design is more suitable for implementation along with improved performance and efficiency in reducing the exhaust emissions from two stroke and four stroke spark ignition engine. The comparative analysis of exhaust emissions from two stroke and four stroke engine before and after the application of nano particles is also performed to get an overall assessment of the improvements achieved due to coating nanoparticles. This research opens a new gateway to achieve clean and green environment by reducing pollution from two stroke and four stroke vehicles.
A Comprehensive Study of Genetic Algorithm for the Flowshop Scheduling Problem[Full-Text ] Neelam Tyagi, R.G.Varshney and A.B.ChandramouliIn this paper, we introduced the methodology, operator’s and concepts of a Genetic Algorithm. We described a Genetic Algorithm based heuristic for solving the flowshop scheduling problems. Flow-shop scheduling problem (FSSP) deals with the scheduling of a set of jobs that visit a set of machines in the same order. Heuristics play a major role for solving NP -hard combinatorial optimization problems. This paper describes a Genetic Algorithm based heuristic to makespan minimization on flowshop scheduling. We compared our heuristic with the NEH (Nawaz, Enscore, Ham) algorithm which is the most popular heuristic in the literature. The computational experience shows that the Genetic Algorithm approach provides competitive results for flowshop scheduling problems.
Emotion Detection Using Neural Network for Images[Full-Text ] Prof. Snehal P. Gaikwad, Dr. Leena R. RaghaIn recent developments, emotions/feelings play a major roll in understanding human psychological behaviour. There are applications which carry the tasks based on emotion detection. All human beings, pets, and even trees have emotion. Facial expression (FE) is a result of one or more motions or position of muscles beneath the skin of the face and is a primary means of coveying social information between humans. Eyes, eyebrows, nose, and mouth are often viewed as important features of FE. We propose to detect FE (emotion) from still pictures of the human face. Face image is processed by extacting fudicial points using geometrical method. Gabor filter is applied around the points to extract the features. We also extracted features by Local Binary Pattern (LBP) from the whole image. This combination of featues is applied to Principle Component Analysis (PCA) to reduce dimensionality and finally normalized features are given to Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) classifier to detect one emotion out of seven possible emotions considered in our experiments. As features are extracted around the fuducial points to extract strong features.We expect that, emotions like angry, disgust, fear, happy, neutral, sad, surprise can be detected.
Three Layer Secure (3-LS) Architecture for Online Social Networks[Full-Text ] Mohit Gambhir, Dr. M N Doja, Dr. MoinuddinOnline Social Network (OSN) is a growing platform which enables people to get hold of news, communicate with family and old friends with whom they have lost contact, to promote a business, to invite to an event of friends and to get people to collaborate. OSNs have suffered from numerous issues like OSNs consume so much of time of the students and working professionals let them create their own worlds. The users often suffer from depression and anxiety because of cyber bullying and privacy issues. Malicious users have found a new method by which their activities can achieve the desired objectives. Many of the OSNs have suffered from lawsuits of unauthorized access of information and sharing of the same. This paper proposes a novel 3- Layer Secure architecture for OSN. This architecture deals with unique global id. for accessing various services on online social world . According to the actions performed by the user on the social world, a trust factor of the user is calculated which is its reputation in the online social world
Datamining Techniques used for classification of high resolution remote sensing images[Full-Text ] Bharathi S, P Deepa Shenoy, Venugopal KR, LM PatnaikData mining is a form of knowledge discovery essential for solving problems in a specific domain
Eigenvalue Analysis of Microwave Oven[Full-Text ] Hussnain Haider, Muhammad Faheem Siddique, Syed Haider Abbas, Awais AhmedIn this research, we have used COMSOL Multiphysics to model the Microwave oven. The geometrical model of microwave oven is then used to find the resonant frequency and quality factor along with the plots for each eigenvalue. It was observed that quality factor drops with the increase in the number of hotspots. In addition, the same values and plots are obtained for a microwave with 1 liter of water load.
Evaluation of PNN model in groundwater quality classification in term of WQI[Full-Text ] Asiyeh mousavi rad,Salman sharif azari,Mehdi amian, Parviz haghighatjuIn Iran, groundwater resources are of high importance as one of the most important water supplies for agriculture, domestic, and industrial uses. Agriculture with a contribution of 95 percent and exploitation of more than 80 percent of groundwater resources plays a significant role in quantity and quality of aquifers. In this paper Probability Neural Network (PNN) is used for qualitative classification of groundwater resources in Fars province. The qualitative data of 2000 wells, qanats, and springs in Fars province were used for this study. The results showed that in most parts of the province, groundwater quality is proper. Also, PNN has an applied role in groundwater quality estimation.
Data Driven Decision Making for Patient-Oriented Systems Using Knowledge Engineering[Full-Text ] Nitesh Vyas, Dr. Parashu Ram PalMedical data is one of the most crucial data to be processed for decision making. A slight mistake in deriving the decision from the data may cause death of the patient. Patients inside the hospitals are treated by doctors based on medical data associated with their ailment. Decisions are taken by the doctors based on the knowledge that they have for curing the patients. Level of expertise vary from one doctor to another doctor. Analysis of data and its processing with the inherent knowledge of doctor lead a decision making in which there is an involvement of human being. In this paper a model of automatic decision making based on the data and knowledge engineering has been proposed which may be helpful in development of health care service portal.
Geometrical Nonlinear Analysis Considering Probabilistic Material Nonlinearity[Full-Text ] Iffat SiddiqueThe statistics reflecting the contribution of the material parameters to the total variability of the response parameter are presented by carrying out sensitivity analysis (SA). To accomplish SA a numerical model for the geometrical plus material nonlinear analysis of 2D structural elements is developed. The model employs corotational formulation combined with numerical integration and hence is suitable for many commonly used cross sectional shapes. The accuracy of the proposed algorithm is validated through examples from previous literature. Then material uncertainties are addressed in probabilistic fashion through Monte Carlo simulations.
The Contribution of Creative Accounting on Economic Development[Full-Text ] Ijeoma, N., Aronu, C. O.Accounting process consists of dealing with many matters of judgment and of resolving conflicts between competing approaches to the presentation of the results of financial events and transactions; this flexibility provides opportunities for manipulation, deceit and misrepresentation. This study presented the frame work, short falls and motives for creative accounting in economic development. Descriptive analysis and inferences from existing literature on the effect of creative accounting was used to discuss the negative effects of creative accounting on global development. It was suggested that since the practice of creative accounting is completely deceptive and fraudulent the implementation of measures such as reducing the scope for choice of accounting methods by reducing the number of permitted accounting methods, thus specifying circumstances in which each method should be used. Also, the abuse of judgment can be curbed by drafting rules that minimize the use of judgment and prescribe consistency so that if a company chooses an accounting policy that suits it in one year, it will be forced to use the same method in future circumstances where the result may be less favourable.
Fuzzy Decision on Transformer Fault Diagnosis using Dissolved Gas Analysis and IEC Ratio Codes[Full-Text ] Nandkumar Wagh, D.M. DeshpandeThis paper emphasizes on the use of fuzzy approach in dealing with the incipient fault conditions of power transformer. DGA (Dissolved Gas in Oil Analysis) cannot provide better fault diagnosis results when multiple faults are involved. The boundary values specified by the ratio methods are of limited concern .Considering the limitations of convergence of the conventional neural networks in the local minima, fuzzy logic may take care of the uncertainties in fault conditions. Fuzzy decision is used to deal with various incipient fault conditions including the normal condition with major faults as per the IEC Ratio codes. The comparative of the fuzzy system, conventional IEC method of fault diagnosis and Roger’s ratio diagnosis of some oil samples of transformer and data from research paper are presented. Rule based fuzzy decision on various faults is made using IEC Ratio codes.
Automatic Waterway Detection Applying K-means Clustering[Full-Text ] Mehnaz TabassumDetection of transportation network from geographical map image is an important task of document analysis and recognition. The extracted segments are applied to different machine vision and embedded system. The task is very complex because of having overlapping objects, intersected lines etc in map. Keeping this in mind, the present thesis paper describes an adaptive method, which has been applied to extract efficient waterway (an important portion of transportation network) that ove overcome the previous limitations. Different from the existent methods, proposed approach is efficient both in segmentation results and further reconstruction. And the experimental results are close to human perceptions; therefore this method provides better and more robust performance than either of the individual methods. We hope this method will find diverse applications in Automatic waterway from geographical map and also image analysis.
Influence of Sinusoidal Grooving On Pressure of Short, Finite, Infinite Slider Bearings[Full-Text ] Chetan Sharma & Dalgobind MahtoIn this article a sinusoidal grooved slider bearing is numerically analysed. A Reynolds equation and finite difference method are used to calculate the pressures of short, infinite, and finite slider bearings. The partial sinusoidal grooves are placed on different locations of slider bearings. The effect of change in speed and viscosity is also investigated in this work. It is observed that partial short grooved bearing shows maximum increment in pressure as compared with infinite and finite bearing. In the case of isothermal analysis the influence of speed and viscosity in percentage is negligible.
Demonstration of Real and Reactive Power Control Using SPWM Full Bridge Inverter for Grid Connected PV System[Full-Text ] Muhammad Hosnee Mobarak, Tanvir Ahmed Majumder, MD Mahmudul HassanWhen a number of generators are connected to bus bar, real power can be varied by changing the speed of the prime mover and reactive power can be varied by changing the excitation of the field. Similarly, when an inverter is connected to grid to supply power, proper process must be introduced to control the real and reactive power flow from the inverter. SPWM (sinusoidal pulse width modulation) can be a solution in this case. The main purpose of this paper is to use a real life SPWM module with a Full Bridge Resonant Inverter to observe the impact of SPWM that is how much real and reactive power can be controlled by this process. The effect of SPWM on sine wave output of inverter will also be observed whether it distorts the sine wave in any case or not. The system consists of an SPWM module, a Full Bridge Resonant Inverter, Impedances, Watt meters, Oscilloscopes etc.
Effect of Dispersion of a solute in Peristaltic flow of a Jeffrey Fluid[Full-Text ] G. Ravi Kiran, G.RadhakrishnamacharyaIn this paper, the dispersion of a solute in the peristaltic flow of a Jeffrey fluid in the presence of both homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical reactions has been discussed. The average effective dispersion co-efficient has been found using Taylor's limiting condition under long wavelength approximation. It is observed that the average dispersion co-efficient increases with amplitude ratio which implies that dispersion is more in the presence of peristalsis. The average dispersion co-efficient increases with Jeffrey parameter ( ) in the cases of both homogeneous and combined homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical reactions. Further, dispersion decreases with homogeneous reaction rate parameter and heterogeneous reaction rate parameter .
Security Aspects of Mobile Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Deepak. G, Dr. Pradeep. B. S, Shreyas. SCloud computing is a distributed computing system that offers managed, scalable and secured and high available computation resources and software as a service. Mobile computing is the combination of the heterogeneous domains like Mobile computing, Cloud computing & wireless networks.This paper mainly discusses the literature review on Cloud and the Mobile cloud computing. Here in this paper we analyse existing security challenges and issues involved in the cloud computing and Mobile cloud environment. This paper identifies key issues, which are believed to have long-term significance in cloud computing & mobile cloud security and privacy, based on documented problems and exhibited weaknesses.
4G : A New Level of Connectivity in Mobile Communication[Full-Text ] Abhishek GuptaWith the rapid development of communication networks, it is expected that fourth generation mobile systems will be launched within decades. Fourth generation (4G) mobile systems focus on seamlessly integrating the existing wireless technologies including GSM, wireless LAN, and Bluetooth. This contrasts with third generation (3G), which merely focuses on developing new standards and hardware. 4G systems will support comprehensive and personalized services providing stable system performance and quality service. This paper gives the details about the need for mobile communication and its development in various generations. In addition, the details about the working of 4G mobile communication were given. Finally, it narrates how 4G mobile communication will bring a new level of connectivity and convenece in communication.
Upgrading Properties of Aggregates in Flexible Pavements with e-Control[Full-Text ] Bant Singh, Dr. Srijit BiswasThis paper involves a case study which has been carried out to upgrade the properties of aggregates with the use of e-quality control system in Highway construction. Flaky aggregates have larger surface area which results in higher demand of bitumen content in bituminous mix. Flaky aggregates also break during rolling and decrease the strength of the pavement layer. During the actual execution of work, the grading and size of the aggregates change from the designed one in the job mix formula due to practical reasons. These changes, even when within tolerance limits of the specifications, can upset the properties like workability and cohesiveness of bituminous mixes resulting in substandard quality of work. More compacting effort is required as the percentage of flakiness and elongation indices increases. The different percentage of flaky particles largely effect the properties of aggregates, such as, bulk density, impact value, crushing value, water absorption and angularity number etc. This study involves the solution of a real life problem faced by an engineer during the construction of a highway. In this paper, we present a methodology using e-quality control system how to upgrade the properties of aggregates in flexible pavements so as to get the best workability & strength with optimum use of bitumen content in the mix.
Reducing Wear of Vehicle Surface Caused by Sand Erosion[Full-Text ] Elhabib O. A., Mohamed M. K., AlKattan A. A. and Ali W. Y.The present work discusses the possibility of coating the steel sheets by polyurethane to resist sand abrasion. The abrasion resistance of polyurethane coatings of steel sheets was investigated. The tested coatings were aimed to coat the vehicle surfaces as well as lamp covers to defeat sand erosion during dusty storms. Two types of tests were carried out. The first was air sand erosion, while the second was scratch test to measure the wear resistance of the proposed coating. The testes coatings were heated up to 50° and 75° C then left to cool in the furnace. Based on the experimental results, it was found that for the sand erosion test as the coating thickness increased wear decreased. Annealed polyurethane coatings up to 50 °C showed insignificant effect on wear. Annealed coatings up to 75 °C significantly decreased wear. The results of the scratch test, showed that friction coefficient displayed by 0.26 mm coating significantly increased up to maximum then decreased with increasing load. As received tested coating showed the higher wear, while the annealed coatings displayed lower wear. Friction coefficient decreased down to minimum then increased with increasing coating thickness. The lowest values of friction coefficient were observed for as received coatings. Wear drastically decreased down to minimum then increased with increasing coating thickness. The minimum wear was observed at coating thickness ranging from 0.48 to 0.68 mm. Annealing remarkably decreased wear, where coatings annealed at 75 °C displayed the lowest wear values.
FPGA based electromagnetic tracking system for fast catheter navigation[Full-Text ] Mengfei Li, Tomasz Bien, Georg RoseAn experimental setup of an electromagnetic tracking system (EMTS) has been developed to perform fast catheter navigation for minimally invasive surgery (MIS). The algorithm for the position and orientation (P&O) calculation is implemented in MATLAB while the whole EMTS is programmed and controlled by LabVIEW. The system utilizes a field programmable gate array (FPGA) for signal generation, acquisition and filtering. With the frequency division multiplexing (FDM) and FPGA infinite impulse response (IIR) filter technology, the developed system is able to track P&O of the catheter tip 35 times per second in five degrees of freedom (DOF). A phantom experiment has been performed to evaluate the performance of the EMTS. After calibration, the positional accuracy of the EMTS is 1.4mm inside the region of interest (ROI).
Cloud Security Related Threats[Full-Text ] Vaishali Singh, S. K. PandeySuccessful implementation of Cloud Computing architecture requires proper planning and understanding of emerging risks, threats, vulnerabilities and their possible countermeasures. Cloud is transforming the way, computing technology and applications are being designed and delivered but at the same time, these advances have created several new issues whose full impact is still emerging. Security is one of the major issues, which is hampering the growth of Cloud Computing as there is lack of commonly accepted set of standards, policies, processes, and practices. The absence of these aforementioned aspects tends to make the cloud vulnerable to security breaches and thus is an emerging area for study. The goal of this paper is to identify the major security threats and to draw the attention of both decision makers and users to the potential risks of moving data into "the cloud" due to these identified threats.
A Dynamic Programming Approach for Fault Optimized Sequence Generation in Regression Testing[Full-Text ] Monika, Dr.Paramjit SinghDelivered software is required to be modified because of some fault, user requirement or because of some new included feature. In such case, when the code of some software is modified, it is also required to test the software again. But instead of testing the complete software again, only few selected test cases are regenerated. It is desired that there should be an effective approach so that an optimized solution for test sequence generation can be found out with low cost. Several researchers have used different techniques for fault optimized and cost effective test sequence generation and one of them is DYNAMIC PRIORITIZATION technique which is used for scheduling test cases in an order so that their effectiveness can be increased at meeting some performance goal. In the proposed work, a two level prioritization approach is recommended for the selection of the test cases and the sequence. In the first layer, the modified code blocks will be analyzed and the relative interaction with the other modules will be analyzed. Based on the number of interacted modules, the first level of prioritization will be done. After that these selected modules will be re analyzed under the criticality parameter. The criticality will be categorized based on the error or the fault type in a specific module. Based on this criticality some cost will be assigned to these test cases. Finally a dynamic programming approach will be implemented to identify the test sequence so that the cost of the regression testing will be minimized. The presented work will give an optimized solution for the test sequence generation with low cost.
Comparison of different diagnostic techniques for detection of Malaria infection in blood samples collected from Malaria endemic areas of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh[Full-Text ] Jitendra Sharma, Prafulla Dutta, SA Khan, Pritom Chowdhury, Jani Borah & Jagadish MahantaBackground: According to World Health Organization, about 260 million people worldwide are infected with malaria and 1.5-2.7 million patients die annually. It is also a major problem in India. Prompt and accurate diagnosis of malaria is the key to prevent disease morbidity and mortality. Methods: Blood samples were collected from 188 individuals having history of malaria/suspected with malaria during period from August, 2011 to July, 2012 from different block PHC under different malaria endemic area of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. This investigation was conducted to compare the diagnostic performance of five routinely used methods viz, Microscopic slide experiment, ParaHit kit, SD Bioline malaria Antigen test , Advantage Mal Card test kit and Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods (assuming PCR as standard method) for detection of malaria parasite. Results: PCR (gold standard method) results showed that 21.28% of the total cases were positive for Pf, 0.53% positive for Pv and 3.72% for mixed infection. In comparison with PCR, Microscopic slide examination was 81.25% sensitive and 95.83% specific for detection of malaria parasite. The sensitivity and specificity of SD Bioline malaria antigen test was 95.83% and 85.42% respectively whereas Advantage Mal card test for detection of malaria parasitaemia gives 91.67% sensitivity and 85.42% specificity. However, ParaHit kit test exhibited lowest sensitivity (77.08%) and specificity (68.75%) among the five diagnostic methods. Conclusion: From the above mentioned result we conclude that ParaHit--f kit malaria Antigen test appears to be poor sensitive and less specific for detecting malaria parasites. Although PCR cannot be done in field, considering its high degree of sensitivity and specificity, it can be used for further confirmation of malaria.
Solution of Second Order Ordinary Differential Equation with Periodic Solutions[Full-Text ] O. M. Akinmoladun, R. A. Ademiluyi, A. A. Abdurasid and D. A. FarindeIn this paper, a discrete Implicit Linear Multistep Method (LMM) of Direct Solution of IVP second order ordinary differential equation with periodic solution was developed at step length k = 3, using trigonometric function as a basis function. The computational burden and computer time wastage involved in the usual reduction of second order problem into system of first order equations are avoided by this method. The development of the method adopts Taylor series expansion techniques and Boundary Locus stability test method. The developed method was found to be accurate, consistent, zero stable, P-stable and convergent. The method was used to solve sample problem on second order ordinary differential equation with periodic solutions and results are quite suitable when compared with other existing methods.
Hall Effects On Hydromagnetic Non-newtonian Convective Flow In A Rotating Channel With Mass Transfer[Full-Text ] S.S.S. Mishra, G.S. Ray, S. Biswal and M. JenaHall effects on combined free and forced convective flow of a viscous-elastic incompressible electrically conducting fluid between the horizontal perfectly conducting plates under the action of a uniform transverse magnetic field applied parallel to the axis of rotation is studied. Exact solution of the governing equation is obtained in closed form. It is observed that Hall current exerts stabilizing influence on the primary flow at the upper plate due to shear stress while at the lower plate Grashof number causes separation on the secondary flow. The rate of heat transfer at both the plates are derived. It is found that the Hall current and rotation exert reverse flow of heat at the upper plate when the numerical value is equal to two as the Grashof number is being referred. Mass transfer is analysed by solving the constitutive equations for concentration.
Philosophy of Dark "CELL" (SOUL)[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema LathaThe universe is believed to have existed around 13.7 billion years ago. The Universe was originated from cloud of STAR DUST", and continuously expanding as per current Model of Big Bang theory. But there is no current theory about what Stardust means?.... What is the chemical composition of Star Dust?
An Analysis of FIR Filter using Particle Swarm Optimization[Full-Text ] Saurabh Kumar, Onkar ChandIn this paper we analysis the FIR filter using PSO. The purpose of the filters is to allow some frequencies to pass unaltered, while completely blocking others. FIR filters are linear phase filters both phase delay and group delays are constant in these filters. When the search space is too large to search exhaustively, population based searches may be a good alternative, however, population based search techniques cannot guarantee you the optimal (best) solution. The simulations of designing FIR have been done and the simulation results show that the method of FIR filter design proposed in this paper is better than the method of genetic algorithm (GA) and immune algorithm (IA) not only in the convergence speed but also in the performance of filter.
Improvement of Active and Reactive Power at the Wind Based Renewable Energy Sources: A case study on ADAMA wind power plant[Full-Text ] Sunil Kumar J, Shalini J, Birtukan Teshome, Milkias Berhanu Tuka, Fikadu WakijiraThe Renewable energy sources like hydro power, solar power, wind energy which has been predictable to be a promising alternative energy supply, can bring new challenge when it is connected to the power grid. The major problems occurring at the wind power plants are, when the wind flow rate is low the out coming of power is low compared to normal condition and problems like voltage stability, Reactive power, and active power variations may occur. To overcome these problems a new emerging devices are implementing at the wind plants. So Flexible ac Transmission Systems (FACTS) device, STATCOM, UPFC is implementing at the wind generating plants to improve the problems which are occurring at wind power plants and to improve the power profile of the system. A case study has been conducted on the wind power generating station, Adama, Ethiopia. And the result has been presented clearly.
High frequency regeneration of plantlets from leaf derived callus cultures of Tylophora indica Burmf. An important medicinal plant[Full-Text ] V. Sadguna, T. N. Swamy, S. Raju, Md. Ghani, V. Suresh and Md. MustafaIn vitro clonal propagation of medicinal plants enables large scale production of therapeutically high value for commercialization. An efficient protocol is developed for the rapid in vitro multiplication of an endangered medicinal plant Tylophora indica (Burm.f) via callus from leaf explants collected from one year old plant. Low concentration of BAP +2, 4-D (1.0mg/l each) favoured green callus induction after 16 days of culture. When the green callus was cultured on MS medium supplemented with 1.0mg/l BAP + 2.0 mg/l L-glutamic acid and 3.5% sucrose, developed shoot buds after 4 weeks. The same cultures were allowed for 2nd passage to develop large number of plantlets after three weeks. Such plantlets were separated and allowed for rooting on half strength MS medium supplemented with 4.0mg/l IBA.