Volume 4, Issue 9, September 2013 Edition
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Comparative Analysis of the Existing and Modified Techniques for Solving Second Order Response Surface Design Problems[Full-Text ] Stephen Sebastian Akpan, John Usen and Thomas Adidaumbe UgbeComparative analysis of the existing and the modified techniques for solving second- order response surface design problems is considered in this paper. The new technique proffers a better solution procedure with regards to the exploration of near-optimal factors settings as well as the location of the optimum as compared to the “gambling nature” of the already existing method which explores the optimal region with little or no guarantee of precision. Numerical illustration using a second order response surface design problem confirms this assertion.
Design & Simulation of 12volt Hybrid Electric Power System Interface to Grid System[Full-Text ] N.Sambasiva RaoThis paper describes the renewable based combined design of a solar tracking Photo- Voltaic (PV) array system and Wind Hybrid Electric Power System (HEPS) interface to Grid System. In this paper the combined generation of electricity improved the power quality of the system. Generally in low radiation PV array system inverter gives the lower voltage then the rated voltage which affects the power quality. So, in this paper we are considering the combined generation of electricity by wind and solar energy taking into account all radiation, temperature, wing speed and variation of the load demand during the day. The paper presents the design and analysis PV/Wind Hybrid Electric Power System in MATLAB. The evaluation of the method has been done based on experimental system at NRI Institute of Technology, and an economic analysis is made on this system cost effectiveness.
Jacobian integral and Stability of the equilibrium position of the centre of mass of an extensible cable connected satellites system in the elliptic orbit[Full-Text ] Vijay Kumar, Nikky KumariDuring the motion of a cable connected satellites system, at least one equilibrium point exists when perturbative forces like Air-resistance, solar pressure, shadow of the earth due to solar pressure, magnetic force and oblateness of the earth act simultaneously. We have obtained two equilibrium points in case of perturbative forces like shadow of the earth due to solar pressure and oblateness of the earth acting together on the motion of two extensible cable-connected satellites. Liapunov’s theorem has been used to examine the stability of the equilibrium points
Bayesian Procedure In Phenological Study Using Non- Informativeprior Under Constant Time Series Model[Full-Text ] Vijay Kumar PandeyThe identification of changes in observational data relating to human induced climate change remains a topic of paramount importance. In particular, scientifically sound and rigorous methods for detecting changes are urgently needed. Here we will develop a Bayesian procedure in phenological study using non-informative prior under constant time series model.
Ureteric Catheterizations In Urological Procedures, A Modified Methodolgy[Full-Text ] Dr.Anil K.SahniINTRODUCTION : Ureteric Catheterization Is Extensively Used In Various Urological Procedures:(I)Open Classical Surgical Procedures:Open Stone Surgery(OSS) Etc.(II)PCNL, Per-Cutaneous Nephrostomy(III) ESWL: In Large Stone Size, High Density Cases, To Avoid Stein-A- Strasse (IV) Lap. Uretero-Lithotomy, Endoscopy:Retro-Grade PyeloGraphy(RGP), Uretero-RenoScopy (+-) Lithoclast Etc.(V) Drainage Procedures-External/ Internal, Ureteric Sampling, Inf. Localization.
Optimal Location of Unified Power Flow Contrller Considering Power Flow and Transient Stability[Full-Text ] Naseer M. Yasin, Dr. Mustafa M. Al-EedanyUnified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is a well known device for effectively regulating the active and reactive power flow in a power system. In this paper, the UPFC linearized power flow equations are incorporated into Newton-Raphson algorithm in a MATLAB written program to determine the optimal location of UPFC using Genetic Algorithm, considering control of active and reactive power flow, and the transient stability of a five bus IEEE test systems. A comparison of the results obtained for the base case without UPFC and with it, is made to investigate the effectiveness of the device.
Multi-Class EEG Classification for Brain Computer Interface[Full-Text ] Mythra H V, Veenakumari H M, Sanjeev KubakaddiIn this work EEG signals decomposition, reconstruction and classification is achieved for the brain computer interface.EEG signals are most widely used in the medical field to analyse the patient condition, because it contains much information about human task. From several studies it has been suggested that EEG can be used to detect the severity of several diseases such as CJD, Alzheimer's, dementia and schizophrenia, in addition, specific events (known patterns in electrical stimulation) can indicate epileptic seizures. In general, EEG data analysis has been performed to either predict or classify signals. For the decomposition of EEG signals Discrete wavelet transform is observed and for the classification purpose KNN classifier, SVM classifier and LDA are observed. SVM classifier reaches to 100% efficiency.
Manihot Esculentum Peels as Corrosion Inhibitor of Aluminium in 2 M H2SO4[Full-Text ] Sylvester O. Adejo, Joseph A. Gbertyo, John U. Ahile and Tyohemba T. GabrielThe inhibition of aluminium corrosion by the ethanol extract of Manihot esculentum peels in 2 M H2SO4 solution was studied by weight loss method at the temperature range of 303 K to 315 K. It was observed that the percentage inhibition efficiency, IE % and surface coverage, ?, increased with increase in the inhibitor concentration and when temperature was raised. The increase in IE% with rise in temperature suggests that the inhibitor followed chemical adsorption pathway. The highest inhibition efficiency was 43.33 at 315K, a comparatively low value of IE% at the highest studied temperature indicating that desorption processes were higher in the adsorption-desorption equilibrium process. Free energy of adsorption, ?Gads, ranged from -11.63 kJmol-1 to -13.90 kJ/mol-1, indicative of spontaneous adsorption process and these values are supportive of a physical adsorption mechanism, granting a basis for mixed inhibition process. The heats of adsorption values were +11.39 kJmol-1, +11.73 kJmol-1, +7.271kJmol-1, +5.40 kJmol-1, and +3.254 kJmol-1 implying endothermicity. The values of activation energy, Ea ranged from 45.90 kJmol-1 to 52.77 kJmol-1, further supporting that some constituents of the extract were physically absorbed. The mean entropy value of -131.41 Jmol-1suggests that the entire adsorption process might be controlled by the activation complex. More so, the data obtained fitted best to Freundlich, El-Awady and to some extent, Langmuir adsorption isotherms.
FPGA-Based Advanced Traffic Light Controller Simulation[Full-Text ] Parasmani, Shri Gopal ModaniPresent Traffic Light Controller (TLC) is based on microcontroller and microprocessor. These TLC have limitations because it uses the pre-defined hardware, which is functioning according to the program that does not have the flexibility of modification on real time basis. Due to the fixed time intervals of green, orange and red signals the waiting time is more and car uses more fuel. FPGA has many advantages over microcontroller, some of these advantages are; the speed, number of input/output ports and performance which are all very important in TLC design, at the same time ASIC design is more expensive than FPGA. Most of the TLCs implemented on FPGA are simple ones that have been implemented as examples of FSM. This paper concerned with an FPGA design implementation of a low cost 24-hour advanced traffic light controller system that was built as a project of a VLSI design subject using VHDL.
Assessment Of Level Of Water Pollution Dis-charged From Hazaribagh: A Critical study[Full-Text ] Chandan Chakraborty, Sobur Ahmed, Md Mazaharul Huq, Fatema-Tuj-Zohra, Taslima Tabassum, Ashraf Ali SiddiquiThe study was carried out on the environment pollution level of the Hazaribag discharged point. For this study water samples were collected from three different pollutant discharge sources namely Rayerbazar (near of Hazaribagh), Sicksion (near of Hazaribagh) and Kamrangirchar (near of Hazaribagh). The water quality parameters studied were temperature, dissolved oxygen, PH, chloride, biological oxygen demand, Chemical oxygen demand etc. Air temperature in four sampling stations ranged from 18°C to 30.5°C and that of water from 19°C to 32°C. The dissolved oxygen contents in water samples fluctuated from 1.2 to 2.3 mg/1 with an average of 1.7 mg/1. The lowest value of dissolved oxygen was observed in Ryerbazararea and the second lowest value in Kamrangirchar during the lean flow period (Month of April). The PH value in two sampling stations ranged from 7.35 ± 0.02 to 8.10+ 0.03. The BOD value fluctuated from 600 to 800= mg/1, with an average 690 mg/1 during the study period. The above parameters showed strong seasonal variations being higher during lean flow period (March and April). The canal also showed spatial fluctuations among the sampling stations. Except PH and dissolved oxygen, concentrations of other parameters were higher, in Rayerbazr stations, particularly during lean flow period (March and April). The water quality of canal deteriorates during lean period and improves during monsoon with flow of increased flush water. Some of the water parameters clearly indicate that the river is polluted and this is much pronounced in station A, B and C. The changes in water quality, particularly during lean season, may pose threat to bio diversity. In addition, the Water quality index (WQI) for Water level sources nearly 44 representing bad water which is not acceptable for irrigation and livestock. Other parameters also found to be in satisfactory limit in most of the samples. Finally, the findings of the study may be useful to predict the surface water contamination vulnerability for various sources and take appropriate step to minimize the problem by the concern authority.
A New Modified Embedded Zerotree Wavelet Approach for Image Coding (NMEZW)[Full-Text ] Nizar Mohammed Ameen Ahmed, Adnan Mohsin Abdulazeez BrifcaniIn this paper, a new modification on the well-known Embedded Zerotre Wavelet algorithm (EZW) is proposed.
Assessment of Water Quality Index: A Case Study of River Ramganga at Bareilly U.P. India[Full-Text ] Ravi Kumar Gangwar, Jaspal Singh, A. P. Singh, D. P. SinghRamganga is an important river in Bareilly (U.P). Hence an attempt has been made to study Water Quality Index (WQI) and pollution or changes in the quality of water. Water quality index (WQI) is a useful tool for quick estimation of quality of any water resource. The quality of river water was classified into permissible, slight, moderate and severe on the basis of the pollution strength at three sampling stations of the river for a period of three seasons. Assessment of WQI of River Ramganga includes physico-chemical parameters viz. pH, Biological Oxygen Demand, Dissolved Oxygen, Total Alkalinity, Total Hardness, Total Dissolved Solids, Total Suspended Solids and Chloride that indicate the extent of pollution. The main causes of deterioration in water quality were lack of proper sanitation, unprotected river sites, high anthropogenic activities and direct discharge of industrial effluents.
Minutiae Fingerprint Recognition Using Mahalanobis Distance[Full-Text ] Vipul Aggarwal, GarimaFingerprints are the most popular and studied biometrics features. Their stability and uniqueness make the fingerprint identification system extremely reliable and useful for security applications. A minutiae matching is widely used for fingerprint recognition and can be classified as ridge ending and ridge bifurcation. In this paper we have modified the existing technique for finger print recognition by incorporating Phong (2D) Reflection Model to make the illumination even which leads to effective extraction of minutiae features, Mahalanobis distance which is an improvement over the present Hausdorff distance in pattern recognition and Fast Fourier transformation which further bridges the falsely broken points on the ridges. A performance evaluation has been after integrating the features and the results show that it can significantly improve the performance which in turn can help in further improving the performance of fingerprint recognition system.
Sp-R0 and Sp-R1 Spaces[Full-Text ] Hardi A. ShareefThe purpose of this paper is to introduce two new classes of separation axioms by using the class of Sp-open sets called Sp-R0 and Sp-R1 topological spaces. Also investigate some of their characterization and fundamental properties of them and relationship of them with other separation axioms.
Mixed convection flow for unsteady oscillatory MHD second grade fluid in a porous channel with heat generation [Full-Text ] A. Y. Gital, M. Abdulhameed In this paper, the mixed convection unsteady oscillatory MHD flow of a second grade fluid through a porous channel with heat generation is studied. It is assumed that the walls of the channel are porous so that injection/suction may take place. Using the flow assumptions the basic equations are reduced to ordinary differential equations which are solved analytically by perturbation technique. Flow and heat transfer results for a range of values of the pertinent parameters have been reported.
Salesman Mobile Application (on Android)[Full-Text ] Tanmay Grover, Asheet Makhija, Ankur Goyal , Deepak Kumar SharmaThe rapid development and popularity of smartphones in the consumer market has given an opportunity to software engineers to facilitate business by mobile phone applications .Therefore this paper looks to resolve the challenges faced by sales industry that is examined by developing a “Salesman Application” an android mobile app that provides various hands-on services to a salesman thereby minimizing the reporting time and increasing the efficiency . The app will allow a salesman to manage his appointments with clients , submit immediate orders , generate & print receipt via bluetooth printer , track his/her performance index , maintain a products catalogue, also features different payment modes (cheque , DD, Cash) and maintains client’s history along with the feedback & a picture of the client (by creating phonegap camera plugin) on their android smartphones and tablets .
A robust online motion detection and human identification system for indoor environments[Full-Text ] Ahad Anwer, Tahir Q. SyedRobust and efficient motion detection is one of the challenges in computer vision. It is a key technology to fight against terrorism, crime, public safety and for efficient management of traffic. Similarly significant is object classification, the process to classify moving objects into classes such as human or vehicle. In this paper, we have investigated the appropriateness of different background subtraction methods to overcome the problem of illumination variation and background clutter in an indoor environment. We present a technique for classification based on matching of head and shoulder silhouettes with a template learnt from training videos. The proposed method is found to be robust in both detecting motion in a video and deciding whether it is caused by a person.
Development of Quality Software Using Object Oriented Framework: Reuse Reengineering Concept[Full-Text ] Shikha Singh, Prof. (Dr.) Rajendra Kumar IsaacSoftware Reuse and re-engineering is a complex subject that is highly knowledge-intensive. It is an important way to reduce software cost and to make programmers and designer more efficient.An Object Oriented framework is a set of cooperating classes,both abstract and concrete classes and may be the solution for a family of related problem..This paper proposes the framework technique , Highly Cohesive and Low Coupled Object Oriented (HCLCOO) Framework . This framework provides a generic structure to develop application software .HCLCOO is responsible for performing a specific task.This framework contains abstract class and concrete class ,abstract class contain general structure by simple change it may be used for different application.
Production, Properties and Improvement of Cold-Flow Properties of Karanja Biodiesel Blends[Full-Text ] Rajesh Kumar and Ram PrasadBiodiesel (fatty acid methyl ester) which is derived from triglycerides by transesterification has attracted considerable attention during the past decade as a renewable, biodegradable and nontoxic fuel. Several processes for biodiesel fuel production have been developed, among which transesterification using alkali as catalyst gives high level of conversion of triglycerides to their corresponding methyl ester in a short duration. This process has therefore been widely utilized for biodiesel fuel production in a number of countries. In India, non-edible oils like karanja oil and jatropha oil are available in abundance, which can be converted to biodiesel. In the present studies, biodiesel has been prepared from karanja oil. As the acid values of this oil were more than 3, hence it can be converted to biodiesel by esterification followed by transesterification process. The methyl ester produced by these methods was analyzed to acertain their suitability as diesel fuels. Then the comparison of physicochemical properties of karanja oil, karanja oil methyl ester and biodiesel was done.The various properties of methyl esters are found to be comparable with that of diesel fuel. However it requires further studies for considering the product as a suitable biodiesel. Biodiesel fuel has become more attractive recently because of its environmental benefits and the fact that it is a product made from renewable resources. However the less favorable cold flow properties or the low temperature operability of biodiesel fuel compared to conventional diesel is a major drawback limiting its use. The poor flow properties of biodiesel at cold temperatures are mainly due to biodiesel fuel being composed of long-chain fatty acids with an alcohol molecule attached. If the double bond of unsaturated fatty acids in these long-chain fatty acids could be ruptured selectively, then the cold flow properties of biodiesel fuel would be enhanced by reducing its viscosity.
An Investigation into the impact of the Feature Subset Selection Methods for Classification of Gene Expression Profiles of Microarray Dataset[Full-Text ] J.Jeyachidra, M.PunithavalliIn the field of machine learning and pattern recognition, feature subset selection is an important area, where many approaches have been proposed. In this paper, the authors have chosen six feature selection algorithms and analyzed their performance using only one dataset called colon tumor dataset from the public domain. The authors selected the reduced number of features 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 and calculated their accuracy with respect to the number of features, compared and analyzed with six feature selection algorithms. Hence, the author has advanced a contemporary gene expression data based on machine learning with the help of six feature selection algorithms. The same authors has already published their research work of selecting data with six algorithms. This paper extends their research work further on to performance metrics.
Acceptance Of Mobile Phone In Nigeria For Internet Access Using The Unified Technology Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model[Full-Text ] Oveh Richard Omoefe &Egbokhare FranciscaThe fast advances in the use and penetration of mobile phones in Nigeria has forced various sector of the economy like banks to incorporate them into their operations. There is therefore the need for a research to enrich current knowledge in that direction. Thus the need to use Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology(UTAUT) to access is general acceptance as usage may not mean acceptance. Mobile phone has become indispensable and common palace in Nigeria, with voice services currently dominating, with almost 93 million subscribers in Nigeria. They now contribute immensely to the preparation and communication of information in Nigeria. Today, the use of mobile phones and GSM technologies have been extended beyond sending text messages and making calls/receive to embrace Internet browsing, and other services. Mobile internet provides convenient access to the users for surfing. This paper adapted the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model to determine the level of acceptance of mobile phones for internet access in Nigeria
Voice over Internet Protocol with IP Phones[Full-Text ] Bhagyalaxmi PandiIn future the Internet becomes the critical information infrastructure for both personal and business applications for fast and reliable. A voice over internet protocol is IP based packet-switched networks (i.e. Internet) with public packet switched networks (i.e. EIGRP). The key building block of a VoIP gateway is an IP Phone system that interfaces with the EIGRP, RIP, OSPF and converts analog signals from these protocols to digital signals that can be manipulated by a computer and vice versa. Today’s exterior routing protocol, BGP and PSTN is known to be packet loss in reacting and recovering from network failures. Many techniques have been focused on the performance and security and reducing packet loss. However, those approaches require modifying BGP, SIP or PSTN which makes them impractical in the Internet. So in this paper, we proposed a simple and practical approach to strengthen the working of packet tracer ,no packet loss and security to reach a message and voice call by using interior routing protocols RIP, EIGRP, OSPF. Our experimental result reveals that it can reduce packet loss, cost and security during link failures significantly by using Cisco Packet tracer 5.3.3.
The health impact of E-waste: Addressing the challenge[Full-Text ] Amandeep KaurElectronics waste is currently the large growing waste stream. E- Waste is being discarded in the general waste stream. The paper explores the sources and flow of E-Waste, the risk it poses to the environment and health issues of the workers involved. it is hazardous, complex and expensive to treat in environmentally sound manner and there is a general lack of legislation or enforcement surrounding it. Today most of the E Waste is being discarded in the general waste stream. The paper explores the sources and flow of E-Waste, the risk it poses to the environment and health issues of the workers involved.
Asparagus racemosus leaves extract as corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in acid medium.[Full-Text ] S.ANANTH KUMAR, A.SANKAR, S.RAMESHKUMAR, M.VIJAYANThe effect of addition of Asparagus racemosus on the corrosion of steel in 0.5M H2SO4 acid has been studied by weight loss measurements, potentiodynamic polarization and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) measurements. The inhibition efficiency was found to increase with inhibitors content to attain 51.11% and 91.66% Asparagus racemosus leaves extract and 25ppm TBAB respectively. Data obtained from EIS studies were analyzed to determinate the model inhibition process through appropriate equivalent circuit models. Inhibition efficiency E (%) obtained from the various methods is in good agreement.