Volume 4, Issue 9, September 2013 Edition
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Present a New Hybrid Algorithm Scheduling Flexible Manufacturing System Consideration Cost Maintenance[Full-Text ] Ali Asghar Rahmani Hosseinabadi, Amir Javadpour, Ali Shokouhi RostamiFlexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS), are generally included a group of machines that will do various tasks on different parts, an operation can be processed on different machines and all things are controlled by a computer system. This flexibility may increase the intensity of the solution space and schedule FMS will be complicated. Also? since in the real world, the production does not always correspond to a predetermined schedule and may be unexpected events occur that cause schedule outages are expected, concepts such as dynamic scheduling of manufacturing systems and considering the uncertainty in question has special importance. Scheduling problem of FMS is a difficult optimization problems and the timing of these systems is to reduce the time to do things. In recent years, many algorithms have been proposed to solve this problem, this algorithms will be based on evolutionary techniques - In this paper a new algorithm for "Petri net" gravitational force when combined with the name (GELS-PT) for scheduling FMS is presented that the issue will be kept in mind. Experimental results have shown that the proposed algorithm is about "51.91" percent of the algorithm "GADG" and "60.72" percent of the algorithm "PN-GA" has been improved.
Falciparum Malaria Parasitaemia Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinics in a Guinea-Savannah Zone, Southwestern Ebonyi State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Njoku Ivoke, Obinna N. Ivoke, Nelson C. Okereke, Joseph E. EyoA hospital-based, cross-sectional study of Plasmodium falciparium infection among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in three communities of Ebonyi State, Nigeria was conducted between July 2008 and February 2009. Nine hundred and thirty two (932) women, aged = 18 years were offered pretest counseling and screening, 702 were eligible, out of which 660 were selected using random number. Informed consents were collected and their blood screened for malaria parasite. Obstetric and socioeconomic data of participants were colleted using structured questionnaire. Mean age of participants was 24.9 ± 3.1 years; mean number of previous pregnancies 3.2 ± 2.3 per woman. Only P. falciparum trophozoites and gametocytes were identified. Altogether, 65.6% of the subjects had P. falciparum; parasitaemia was highest (67.1%) in 18 - 25 years aged women and lowest (64.0%) in 26 - 34 years aged women. Prevalence was not affected by age or marital status (p<0.05) but was significantly associated with level of education and socioeconomic status (p>0.05). Falciparum malaria prevalence decreased with increasing gravidity and was highest in the primigravidae (68.1%): followed by secundigravidae (66.7%) and multiparous (61.6%) women of = 7 pregnancies. Highest falciparum malaria parasitaemia was recorded in second trimester (79.3%) of pregnancy. Mean parasite densities did not show any statistically significant difference between trimesters. Inter-community parasitaemia did not vary significantly (p>0.05) between Onicha (71.2%) and Okposi (62.7%). Prevalence of malaria is high in pregnant women in Southwestern Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Primigravidae and secundigravidae were most susceptible to falciparum malaria. It is therefore urgent to design an effective programme of public health education and malaria prophylaxis for this high risk population.
Implementation of REED MULLER CODE in MatLab[Full-Text ] Khem Kumar Nagar, Kanchan Sharma, Shivangi TyagiIn communication error is the most affected part. The receiver receives the original signal with error signal. When the system knows how much error has come with the original signal than an error will remove. So much research has been done in error correction and detection of incoming signals. So in this paper examines the family of codes known as Reed-Muller codes. The code is developed by hardened code and give the brief introduction of the codes and their history before diving in and examining how they are used in practice in Matlab. Design some representation of generator matrices for these codes with the help of Hadamard code, and then discuss the encoding process.
A Practical Approach to Available Bandwidth Estimation Techniques (ABETs) for an Efficient Telemedicine Content Transport Network[Full-Text ] Daniel Sinkonde Kayange, Ramadhani Sinde, Anael Sam, Elisha Oketch OcholaThe ability to measure end-to-end Available Bandwidth (unused capacity) in the network path is useful for route selection in overlay networks, QoS verification, network management, traffic engineering and real-time resource provisioning, control flow and congestion, construction of overlay - routing infrastructure, topology building in peer to peer networks, and call admission control, dynamic encoding rate modification in streaming applications, capacity planning, intelligent routing systems, and design of transport layer protocols. This paper investigates at applying a practical approach techniques for a measurement of Available Bandwidth (AB) in the congestion control for the transmission of an efficient telemedicine content transport network by using an important ABETs tool such as IGI and PTR. This paper discusses measurement and simulation results of wired and wireless networks for the unused capacity in the network. The results can assist an organization or country in estimating the network bandwidth requirements depending on the ability of exchange multimedia data of an organization or country. The logistics could cater implementation of low cost telemedicine applications. The telemedicine systems could include wireless and wired medical interface and communication infrastructure. A simulation has been done to investigate the network quality of service.
Identification of Fake SMS generated using Android Applications in Android Devices[Full-Text ] Aditya Mahajan, Laxmikant Gudipaty, Dr. M. S. DahiyaMobile phone forensic experts frequently come across forensic verification of SMS messages during investigations. The experts have to verify with the reports that whether the SMS messages or a particular SMS is present or not in the mobile phone. But mobile phones with Android OS (2.2.x Froyo, 2.3.x Ginger Bread and 4.0.x Ice-cream Sandwich) have the vulnerability of generating self-modified fake SMS from any fake Number, Name, text and time-Stamp. These Fake SMS can be Incoming as well as outgoing Fake SMS. So, if the SMS evidence is present on a mobile phone talking particularly about mobile phones with Android operating system versions 2.0.x , 2.3.x or 4.0.x , then a further forensic examination is must required to verify that whether the SMS present in the mobile phone is self-generated or self-modified fake SMS or not. This SMISHING vulnerability was reported to Google in November 2011.Therefore, with the objective to list-out the parameters which can forensically ascertain that the Incoming SMS in question is fake SMS or not, some examinations were conducted. In this paper, we have presented a way to identify those application based self-modified and self-generated Incoming SMS which can be faked in mobile phones with Android OS (versions 2.2.x Froyo, 2.3.x Ginger Bread and 4.0.x Ice-Cream Sandwich).
On the estimation of variance components in Gage R&R studies using Ranges & ANOVA[Full-Text ] B. Ramesh, K.V.S. SarmaThis paper discusses various methods of estimating the variance components in a measurement system and makes a comparison of the method of ranges with that of Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). We have developed Excel templates to perform calculations and it is shown that the ratios of variance components to the total variance, add up to unity in the case of ANOVA and in the modified range method. The procedures are numerically illustrated. The effect of changes in the process mean and standard deviation on the vital ratios is studied by simulation.
Representation, Normalization and Dimensionality of a Particle Wave Function for an Arbitrary One-Dimensional Potential[Full-Text ] A. Zh. Khachatrian, Al. G. Aleksanyan, N. A. AleksanyanThe problem of determining of the normalization constant of a wave function describing an arbitrary type of an infinite motion for a one-dimensional potential is discussed. It is shown that for the cases of the momentum or the quasi-wave number representations the normalization constant does not depend on the representation parameter. In contrast to these cases for the energy representation the normalization constant depends on the energy state value. It is proved, that regardless of the representation choice and the form of a one-dimensional potential the normalization constant of a wave function for an arbitrary infinite motion coincides with the value of the normalization constant of the free motion. The connection between the normalization condition of the wave function and the magnitudes of the amplitudes determining the asymptotic behavior of the wave function is also established.
Study on synthesis of methyl oleate catalyzed by ceric ammonium sulfate[Full-Text ] Xu Long, Li Jian, Yang Lina, Dong Jiali, Sun YumengUsing oleic acid and methanol as the reactants and ammonium ceric sulfate as the catalyst, the synthesis of methyl oleate was studied. The influence of reaction conditions on esterification was investigated by orthogonal experimental design. The results showed that the conversion of 86.3% was attained under the optimum reaction condition as follows: reaction temperature 75?, reaction time 4h, the molar ratio of methanol to oleic acid is 1.6, and the amount of catalyst is 6%(wt), it should be noted that the catalyst can be reused for 5 times without obvious loss of its activity.
An Effort to Developing the Knowledge Base In Data Mining by Factor Analysis and Soft Computing Methodology[Full-Text ] Dharmpal Singh, J. Paul Choudhury, Mallika DeHuge amounts of data are collected nowadays from different application domains is not feasible to analyze all these data manually. Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) is the nontrivial process of identifying valid, novel, potentially useful, and ultimately understandable patterns in data. With the help of data mining process, it is possible to looking for unknown relationships and patterns and extracting useful information volumes of data in data warehouse. Mining means to abstract the information or mode which is implicit, unknown and valuable in large database or data warehouse. Now a day, association rules mining from large databases is an active research field of data mining motivated by many application areas. Mining association rules (knowledge) is to searching out all exiting valuable relationship of items from the given database with the statistics principle. However, there are some problems in the strong association rules mining based on support-confidence framework. Firstly, there are a great number of redundant association rules generated, then it is difficult for user to find the interesting ones in them; secondly, the correlation between attributes of given application areas is ignored. Therefore, a new measure criterion, which is factor analysis, should be introduced to association rules mining, and the more important aspect is the use of factor analysis to reduce the amount of rules and then relate the data with the help different type of soft computing methodology to find the hidden pattern in the database.
A Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis model to evaluate the Tunisian banks efficiency[Full-Text ] Houssine TligData Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is widely applied in evaluating the efficiency of banks with crisp inputs and outputs. However, in real-world problems inputs and outputs are often imprecise and vague. In this paper, we develop first a method based on arithmetic operations to solve fuzzy data envelopment analysis models (FDEA). The method transforms the FDEA model into linear programming problem which gives crisp efficiency scores. Then we propose a methodology to evaluate the performance of commercial Tunisian banks in terms of several financial and non-financial data. FDEA is used to calculate the efficiency score of each bank. The results show that, in a competitive environment, non-financial inputs and outputs should be taken into account in order to obtain credible and realistic efficiency scores.
A Comparative Thermal-hydraulic Study on Nano-fluids as a Coolant in Research Nuclear Reactors[Full-Text ] Adel Alyan FahmyNanofluids, which are engineered suspensions of nanoparticles in a solvent such as water, have been found to show enhanced coolant properties which is a useful characteristic in nuclear reactors. This study attempt to provide data when using nanofluids in nuclear reactors cooling. Distilled water and AL2O3 -water based nano-fluids with different volume fraction (2% ,4% ,6%) were used as coolant in 22 (MW) research reactor. The effect of nanoparticles on centerline fuel, clad and coolant temperatures were investigated when distilled water were used. The results compared with AL2O3 -water based nanofluids with 2% ,4% and 6% volume fraction for hot and average channels. It was observed that AL2O3 -water based enhanced the heat transfer coefficient compared to distilled water, hence the clad temperatures reduced at the same operating conditions of the reactor.
Qualitative - Quantitative Analysis of Tire Industry of Iran by Using Fuzzy DEMATEL and Systemic Method Until 1404[Full-Text ] Amir Mehdiabadi, Shahram Amirabdollahian, Abolfazl Rohani, Noshin Mazidabadi FarahaniThe aim of present research is to consider tire industry in 20 years planning. On this basis, the research method in two arenas of quality and quantity has been analyzed. In the quantity arena, attention has been paid on studying documentary of this industry and overlook at 20 years planning of the country fill 1404. In quantity arena by analyzing the result of studying documentary and by using Delphi technic and experts ideas and prioritizing variables with ANP technic, first, research conceptual model in form of dynamical modeling drawn and some questions as coupled comparing prepared in order to test the model distributed among 10 experts of tire industry of country and the results were analyzed by using Fuzzy DEMATEL .The results show that the most important effective factors on demanding tires in view of tire experts are tire consumption rate, real tire inventory of country, importing tire and vehicles and these factors are part of effective parameters on demanding tires.
Performance Evaluation of Microwave Transistor Amplifiers[Full-Text ] Animesh Kopekar, Atul Dhakate, Bhavna KohachadeMicrowave transistors are useful as small-signal amplifiers to 6 GHz and power amplifiers to 4 GHz. Nearly all microwave transistors are of the silicon planar type. Power transistors uses three types of geometries- interdigitated, overlay, and mesh-while small-signal transistors use interdigitated only. The general theory of the frequency response of transistors is reviewed, including active and inactive elements. A condensed description of the design and processing steps for a silicon microwave transistor is given. A final section deals with the types of high-frequency measurements used in the design and analysis of transistors. The characterization of active microwave devices and design of the wide-band microwave ampli?ers are among major interests in communication engineering. Especially in designing microwave ampli?ers, many sophisticated numerical methods are utilized to optimize system performance. Generally, the optimization is focused on the transducer power gain (GT) over the frequency band of operation without controlling the other performance criteria such as the noise (F), the input voltage-standing wave ratio (VSWR, Vi), and the output VSWR (Vo). It should also be mentioned that the optimization process of the performance is highly nonlinear in terms of the descriptive parameters of the system. Certainly, within the optimization process, one can easily embed the desired performance goals without knowing the physical limits and/or compromise relations among F, Vi, and GT appropriately. Unfortunately, this process often fails to attain the desired goals. However, the complete performance characterization of a microwave transistor overcomes all the above-mentioned handicaps. In this work the upper (GT max) and lower (GT min) gain bounds are easily obtained for the chosen noise F, Fmin and Vi pairs point by point in the operation domain of the transistor. Furthermore, one can have all the interrelations among the performance.
Effects of application of standard ISO in profitability and revenues of enterprise in Pollog region- Republic of Macedonia[Full-Text ] PhD candidate Argjina Karemani; PhD candidate Rametulla Ferati; PhD Hasim Deari; PhD candidate Adela OsmaniThe quality standard ISO 9001 is a set of international standards which helps management to establish and maintain quality enterprise system. In connection with the benefits of the application of this standard we have numerous empirical papers which are divided into giving conclusions, some papers show that the application of ISO 9001 positively affect sales and profitability of enterprises, while some other empirical studies show the opposite.Based on empirical data we will try to point out how the application of this standard affects the sales and profitability of small and medium enterprises in Pollog region. The methodology used in this paper is independent , the data that we will use in the paper are obtained from the balance sheets of enterprises and the survey of 100 SMEs received as a sample. With the help of regression analysis we will measure the impact of the application of ISO 9001 in revenues and profitability of enterprises.
A New IPFM Based Model For Artifitial Generating Of HRV With Chaotic Input[Full-Text ] Gholamreza Attarodi, Zahra abbasvandi, hamid MohammadBeigi, fateme altafi herisIn this paper we present a developed Integral Pulse Frequency Modulation (IPFM) model for generating such artificial heart rate variability (HRV) signals. The heart rate variability (HRV) signal is a useful and non-invasive tool for the evaluation of cardiovascular system and Autonomic Nervous System. Many researcher tried to model this signal. There are many different approaches for this modelling. One of the most frequently used method is Integral Pulse Frequency Modulator (IPFM) model. In IPFM model there is an input signal which is fed to an integrator and when the output of the integrator reaches to a threshold then we have a pulse. This pulse simulates the R-wave of the ECG signal. The source of ECG is sinoatrial (SA) node. SA node is affected by many factors. The power spectrum of HRV signal is divided into three main bands i.e. VLF, LF and HF. The information in these three bands shows how the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) affects on heart activity. The ratio LF/HF is related to sampatho-vagal balance. The proposed model generates normal HRV.Our model is very similar to real HRV than a normal IPFM. In our previous work we added the random signal to input and now we apply the chaotic signal to the main input, because it has chaotic variations and the output never be as a periodic signal. We used logistic chaotic to this model.
Power Control in Gaussian Frequency- Flat Interference Relay Channels via Game Theory[Full-Text ] Shalini SumanWe address the power control problem in Gaussian frequency-flat interference relay channels using a game-theoretic framework. Due to the competitive nature of the multi-user environment, we model the problem as a strategic non-cooperative game and show that this game always has a unique Nash Equilibrium (NE), for any system profile. Two iterative algorithms, based on simultaneous and asynchronous algorithm. We also prove that the proposed algorithm always converges to the unique NE from an arbitrary starting point. We consider here Gaussian interference relay games (GIRGs), where instead of allocating the power budget across a set of sub-channels, each player aims to decide the optimal power control strategy across a set of hops. We show that the GIRG always possesses a unique NE for a two-player version of the game, irrespective of any channel realization or initial system parameters such as power budgets and noise power. We then conclude that the distributed game-theoretic approach exhibits great potential in the context of interference relay. More importantly, the global optimality in terms of the sum information rate is achieved by the NE, when the interference is relatively low.
Wireless Sensors for Healthcare[Full-Text ] Irfan ShaqiriRecent years the appearance of wireless biomedical sensor networks (WBSNs) in healthcare is very evident. They will cohabit with the in-stalled infrastructure, augmenting data collec-tion and real-time response. Samples of areas in which future medical systems can benefit the most from wireless sensor net-works are in-home assistance, smart nursing homes, and clinical trial and research augmentation. Wearable sensors will allow vast amounts of data to be collected and mined for next-generation clinical trials. Data will be collected and reported automatically, reducing the cost and inconvenience of regular visits to the physician. Also, biosensors are key part of wearable sensors playing important roles in detecting a lot of diseases, which cause death of millions people all over the world. Their key characteristics are given below and has been mentioned some type of biosensors.
Single Image Super Resolution Image Reconstruction with Morphological Regularization Parameters[Full-Text ] Mohanthi Kakarla,M. Sreedhar Reddy,N. Lakshmi NarayanMultiscale morphological operators are studied extensively in the literature for image processing and feature extraction purposes. This paper model a nonlinear regularization method based on multiscale morphology for edge-preserving super resolution (SR) image reconstruction.SR image reconstruction is formulated as a deblurring problem and then the inverse problem is solved using Bregman iterations. The proposed algorithm can suppress inherent noise generated during low-resolution image formation as well as during SR image estimation ef?ciently. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed regularization and reconstruction method for SR image.
Cuttlefish Algorithm - A Novel Bio-Inspired Optimization Algorithm[Full-Text ] Adel Sabry Eesa, Adnan Mohsin Abdulazeez Brifcani, Zeynep OrmanIn this paper, a new meta-heuristic bio-inspired optimization algorithm, called Cuttlefish Algorithm (CFA) is presented. The algorithm mimics the mechanism of color changing behavior used by the cuttlefish to solve numerical global optimization problems. The patterns and colors seen in cuttlefish are produced by reflected light from different layers of cells including (chromatophores, leucophores and iridophores) stacked together, and it is the combination of certain cells at once that allows cuttlefish to possess such a large array of patterns and colors. The proposed algorithm considers two main processes: reflection and the visibility. The reflection process is proposed to simulate the light reflection mechanism used by these three layers, while the visibility is proposed to simulate the visibility of matching pattern used by the cuttlefish. These two processes are used as a search strategy to find the global optimal solution. Efficiency of this algorithm is also tested with some other popular biology inspired optimization algorithms such as Genetic Algorithms (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Bees Algorithm (BA) that have been previously proposed in the literature. Simulations and obtained results indicate that the proposed CFA is superior to other algorithms.
Design and Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard Security Algorithm using FPGA[Full-Text ] Adnan Mohsin Abdulazeez, Ari Shawkat TahirIn this paper, two architectures have been proposed, one for AES Encryption 128-bit process, and the other for AES Decryption 128-bit pro-cess. Both architectures are based on an iterative structure and modifications such as merging transformation (SubByte and ShiftRow in Encryption process, and Inverse SubByte and Inverse ShiftRow in Decryption process), Look Up tables for decryption, generating keys, and optimization of each clock cycle to incorporate maximum number of operations to improve the throughput and reducing hardware resources. The design has been described by VHDL and simulated by using Xilinx ISE 9.2i.The architectures have been implemented on reconfigurable platforms FPGAs. Accomplishment when implemented on Xilinx_Virtex4 (device xc4vlx80, package 12ff1148) which confirms that the proposed architectures have minimum hardware resource, where only 9% of the chip resources are used for AES Encryption design with realizable operating clock frequency of 382.988MHz, and only 9% of the chip resources are used for AES Decryption design with realizable operating clock frequency of 382.988MHz.
State-of-the-Art: Transformation Invariant Descriptors[Full-Text ] Asha S, Sreeraj MAs the popularity of digital videos increases, a large number illegal videos are being generated and getting published
Design And Construction of A Low-cost Hearing Aid[Full-Text ] Domtau, D.L, Chagok, N.M.D, Akparanta, P.H, Fom, T.P, Mado, S.DA low-cost hearing aid device was designed and constructed to produce an amplified sound for people with hearing loss. A 9V dc was used as the power supply. The condenser microphone was used as input transducer to pick up sound from the environment for conversion to electrical signal, NPN transistor (BC548C) along with three capacitors and five resistors were used as pre-amplifier.to amplify. The integrated circuit (IC) TDA2822M, available in 8-pin mini chip package and specially designed for portable power amplification was used for the amplification function. A 32 ohms ear phone was used as the output transducer to convert the amplified electrical signals back to sound. The computed current gain was 100. Rc was obtained as 3.3?, I_B=0.025A, I_E=2.5A, R_E=1.5?, the impendence Z_0=1.9?.
Soliton Solution to the (3+1)-dimensional Kadomtsev-Petviashvili Equation by the Tanh-Coth Method[Full-Text ] Anwar Jaafar Mohamad Jawad, Ali A. J. AdhamExact travelling wave solutions are obtained to the (3+1)-dimensional Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation and (2+1)-dimensional equation by means of the tanh-coth method. New solitary wave solutions are got. The method is applicable to a large variety of nonlinear partial differential equations.
Socio-Environment and Epidemiological Impact of Indoor Particulate Pollutant (Specially kitchen) and Awareness among Women[Full-Text ] Muhammad Qasim (Environental Sceinces) Aroj BashirAir pollution is a major environmental health problem, affecting developed and developing countries around the world. The main purpose of the present research was to explore the socio-environment condition and impact of kitchen pollution on the health of family member especially both on children and women. Women had to spend most of their time in kitchen. The environment of kitchen affects the health of women if not contained pollutants. The present study aims at investigating the awareness level of indoor pollution among the women. The researcher also tried to find out the impact of biomass stove on female and children health. Common epidemics spread after the biomass fuel in kitchen was also found out. The study was conduct in District Gujrat Village Sabour where biomass fuel is used for the cooking regularly. A sample size of 157 respondents selected through stratified systematic sampling technique Unit of analysis was households of areas. There are 64 % heart diseases and 16% respiratory infection due to indoor pollution.
Design and Comparison of Low-Power Rail-to-Rail with two stage Operational Amplifier Using 180 nm CMOS technology[Full-Text ] Anand Kumar Singh, Anuradha, Dr. Vijay NathIn this paper a low power, 1.8V, rail to rail CMOS Op-amp using standard 180nm SCNO technology is proposed and realized. A constant transconductance is ensured for the whole common-mode input range and the class AB output stage provides a full voltage swing. Using this scheme, the Op-amp can obtain a gain bandwidth of 17.3-MHz and a DC gain of 83.67 dB according to the output load. The input transistors operate in weak inversion, which have big gm/Id value, so the power consumption is reduced.
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) -PSK (Phase Shift Keying) Key Cracking Using AIRCRACK-NG[Full-Text ] Sheikh Md. Rabiul IslamThe IEEE 802.11i standard formally replaces Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) and the other security features of the original IEEE 802.11 standard. The IEEE 802.1x Port-Based Network Access Control standard is an optional method for authenticating 802.11 wireless clients. In this paper used the Aircrack-ng software for cracking the WPA pre-shared keys (PSK).The experiment with a simple ASCII keys and a complex hexa-decimal keys to check if the keys could be cracked.
Evaluating the effect of acquisition parameters on image quality and acquisition time with SPECT using LEHR collimator[Full-Text ] Issahaku Shirazu, John Humphrey Amuasi, Mary Boadu,Edem Kwabla Sosu, Francis HasfordThe aim is to evaluate the effect of acquisition parameters (matrix size, count density and object collimator distance) on the quality of SPECT images using the Statistical Moment Method. Images were acquired by placing the quadrant-bar phantom on flood field uniformity Phantom filled with a 99m-Tc solution using Low Energy High Resolution (LEHR). The method involved keeping two parameter constant while varying the other one parameters. The experimental results demonstrate that as the matrix size increases from 64x64 to 1024 x 1024 the image quality improved 26.4% in image resolution and the acquisition time increase by 18.63%, hence more image details is observed. Also, image quality is degraded as the distance between the object and the collimator increased. At 80mm object-collimator distance the image quality is worsen by 30.5% from the default setting of 40mm and improves by 46.4% from the default setting when the detector is in contact with the object, however the acquisition time increase by 9.63%. Furthermore, even though count density has a minimal influence on image quality just about 3.39%, the acquisition time increase substantial to about 166.2%. Matrix size of 512x512 produce the best image resolution, taken into account the acquisition time and stability factors in producing an image, hence should be adopted for used and the detector should be as close to the object as possible. However, the count density should be 20 Mcts since the result produced exactly the same image resolution with higher count densities but with shorter acquisition time.
On Fuzzy ?-Boundary and Fuzzy ?-Semi Boundary[Full-Text ] R.Usha Parameswari, K.BageerathiThe aim of this paper is to introduce the concept of fuzzy ?-boundary and fuzzy ?- semi boundary of a fuzzy topological space. Some characterizations are discussed, examples are given and properties are established. MSC 2010: 54A40, 3E72.
Anti angiogenic activity of myricetin through VEGF-A down regulation in zebrafish (danio rerio)in-vivo[Full-Text ] Thamilarashi.A.N, Mangalagowri. A, Gurumoorthi.PMyricetin is a natural flavonol; it possesses anti-oxidative, anti-proliferative, and anti-inflammatory effects. The molecular mechanisms responsible for its anti-angiogenic activity have not yet been elucidated. The anti-angiogenic properties of Myricetin were studied using Zebrafish embryo (Danio rerio) maintained in-vivo. The inhibition of newly synthesized blood vessels was evaluated by RBC- staining method and the Myricetin effect on the activity of VEGF-A was evaluated by RT- PCR analysis. Myricetin in Zebrafish embryos significantly inhibited the formation of new blood vessels in a dose-dependent manner. Myricetin treatment attenuated the blood vessel formation documented through special staining. The inhibition was associated with down-regulation of VEGF-A through Real Time- PCR quantification of mRNA expression followed by the confirmation by Western blotting analysis. The results showed that Myricetin inhibited angiogenesis in the developing Zebrafish embryos through the blocking of newly synthesized blood vessels by down regulated expression of VEGF-A.
A novel a-haloacid based clay-catalysed expeditious synthesis of pyrazoloimidazole-2-thione-N-nucleosides[Full-Text ] Shalini Jaiswal, I. R. Siddiqui & Subhadra RajputAn expeditious mineral (Montmorillonite K-10 clay) catalysed cyclo-condensation of chloroacetic acid with arylthiourea followed by Knoevenagel condensation with aromatic aldehyde in presence of sodium acetate under solvent-free microwave irradiation yields 3-aryl-5-benzylideno-2-thiohydantoins 4(a-l). Compounds 4 (a-l) with hydrazine hydrate in glacial acetic acid furnishe the intermediate acetyl hydrazone of 4(a-l) which on cycloisomerisation under reaction conditions give 1,8-diaryl-4,8-dihydro-1-acetylpyrazolo[3,4-c]imidazol-2-thiones 5(a-l). On glycosylation with 1,2,3,5-tetra-O-acetyl-ß-D-furanose in presence p-toluene sulfonic acid under microwave irradiation followed by deacetylation with NaOMe / MeOH compounds 5 (a-l) yields, 1,8-diaryl-3(ß-D-ribofuranosyl)-4,8-dihydro-1-acetyl[3,4-c]imidazol-2-thione 6(a-l).
Analysis of Vibrations of Automobile Suspension System Using Full-car Model[Full-Text ] A. Bala Raju and R. VenkatachalamThe suspension system of an automobile helps to support the car body, engine and passengers, and at the same time absorbs shocks received from the ground while vehicle moves on rough roads. The study of vibrations of the suspension system has been a topic of interest to many researchers in the past. Most of them have studied using quarter car model and half car model. These models represent the original system in an approximate way. Very few people have been working on full car model. Most of the literature presents the final results. The equations of motion together with development is missing in the literature, may be because of confidential nature of the work. Hence, in this paper it is aimed at deriving the equations of motion and study the vibrations of the suspension system under different disturbing conditions. The responses obtained are in close agreement with results present in the literature.
Sunspot Number and Severe Thunderstorms of Kolkata,India[Full-Text ] Himadri Chakrabarty and Anustup ChakrabortySevere thunderstorm is a mesoscale atmospheric event. Subsequent relations may be drawn between mesoscale thunderstorms and other terrestrial and extra-terrestrial parameters. In this article, our focus is to establish a possible connection between the average sunspot number and thunderstorm occurrences in Kolkata, North-East India. Pearson’s correlation coefficient method and hypothesis testing techniques have been applied in this research work.. Authenticated data have been collected and statistical operations were performed on them. The results were found to yield a very promising relation between the two variables with a high degree of articulation and accuracy.
The Institutional Peculiarities of Emerging Economies: When Will Family Firms Pollute More?[Full-Text ] Mohammad Abdur Rob DewanRecently scholars have demonstrated that family firms are endowed with many unique resources, one of which is socioemotional wealth. They argue that the presence of socioemotional wealth in family firms has several implications which are reflected through their distinctive behaviors and one of such behaviors is the preservation/protection of local environment. Instead, we suggest that the presence of heterogeneous level of institutional development in which family firms are operating can explain why some family firms are more positive to the preservation of local environment and vice versa. We argue that the tripartite relationship between institutions, economic progress and, social values will determine which set of behaviors firms will demonstrate. By using case approach and applying secondary data from two emerging countries- Bangladesh and India, we found strong support to our hypotheses.
Ban on Child Labor and Encourage to Education:A Counter Hypothesis of James A. Beckers Theory.(A Study on Khulna District, Bangladesh.)[Full-Text ] Md. Sirajul Islam, Md. Esfaqur Rahman, Razia KhatunBan on child labor is a crucial issue as children are engaged in different hazardous works which are likely to have adverse effect on the child?s safety, health and moral development, However ,A ban on Child labor decreases children?s income and increases parental transfer which increases children?s welfare. Furthermore, earlier researchers have argued that ban on child labor has negative impact on fruitfulness and produces uncertain effect on education. But, in developing countries like Bangladesh a ban on child labor has no impact on richness as well as it generates no negative impact on encourage due to ban on child labor. Besides, it is found that if child labor in banned most of the parents are highly agreed to schooling their children by scarifying their as low as possible. Therefore, ban on child labor undoubtedly increases the literacy rate.
Potential for Biomass Perennial Grass as Alternative to Fuel wood in Niger Delta Region of Nigeria[Full-Text ] Igboanugo A.C., Ajieh M. U. and Eloka-Eboka, A.C.Fuel wood consumption remains a principal contributor to the rate of deforestation in Africa. In general, the level of dependence on wood fuels by African countries ranges between 61% to 86% of the primary energy demand and 74% to 97% of the domestic energy needs. It is estimated that over 92% of the total wood harvested in Africa goes for energy purposes. Nigeria consumes over 50 million metric tonnes of fuel wood annually based on the report of Energy Commission of Nigeria. It was noted that 70% of the population of Nigeria uses biomass fuel wood for cooking. The current pattern of use however, raises concern on both local and global environment coupled with contributions to greenhouse effects. At this rate of deforestation, replenishment through afforestation programmes suffers defeat and is capable of causing desertification in the arid zones and erosion in the Southern areas of the country. In addition, the current situation of subsidy removal on petroleum products in Nigerian poses serious economic challenges especially to none and low income earners. This paper examines the potential for biomass perennial grass utilization as alternative to fuel wood in the Niger Delta region (South-South) of Nigeria. Key parameters adopted for evaluation as performance indicators are environmental sustainability of the perennial grass species and distribution within the study area, land use pattern/availability, biomass resources and utilization. Of considerable importance is the desire to reduce deforestation, loss in biodiversity resources, increase energy security and reduced habitat encroachment as against the United Nations (UN) Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of sustainable environmental development.
Efficient-IBE (Identity based Encryption) based Cloud Data Storage Security Technique for Multi-user Inspection System[Full-Text ] Dr. Setu K. Chaturvedi, Prof.Basant tiwari, Dr. D.K.Swami, Dr. Gulab SinghCloud computing has been envisioned as the next-generation architecture of IT enterprise. In contrast to traditional solutions, where the IT services are under proper physical, logical and personnel controls, cloud computing moves the application software and databases to the large data centers, where the management of the data and services may not be fully trustworthy. This unique attribute, however, poses many new security challenges which have not been well understood. With the development of cloud computing, Data security becomes more and more important in cloud computing. Understanding this trend, the big and giant web based companies like Google Risk coming with opportunity, the problem of data security in Cloud computing become bottleneck of cloud computing. In this paper, we focus on cloud data storage and access security, which has always been an important aspect of quality of service. This paper focuses on information security of cloud computing and data security requirement of cloud services. With the help of efficient Identity Based Encryption (IBE) can be improved the cloud system security. Cloud privacy is maintained with little savings which are available in terms of energy consumption and required channel bandwidth which are also analyzed in this paper.
Rights of Children Affected by Communal Violence in Assam (India)[Full-Text ] Indranee Phookan Borooah and Jerina BegumAssam, a state in North East India, shares borders with the Islamic country of Bangladesh. Intrusion of Bangladeshi citizens into the state is a long standing reality which has often lead to armed conflict between communities comprising of ethnic residents of the state and the illegal migrants. Since there is no way of identifying whether the migrants are bona fide citizens of the country, settled long ago in the state, or illegal migrants who have no legal standing in the country, the conflicts which occur are often labelled as communal violence among the ethnic group involved and “Muslim Minority”.
Daily Noise Dose As An 8-hour Time-weighted Average For Hearing Conservation[Full-Text ] Chagok, N.M.D., Fom, T.P., Domtau, D.L. and Mado, S.D.In this paper, the dose range of 20% to 30000000% was considered corresponding to a time-weighted average range of 63dBA to 124.8dBA. This range represents a typical exposure dosage range in most industries/companies in Jos (Chagok, 2010) and possibly Nigeria and other developing countries. The doses and their corresponding time-weighted averages confirm the 3dBA doubling rate and also support the Equal Energy Hypothesis (EEH).
Optimal Placement of Fuel Cell DG/Solar PV in Distribution System using Particle Swarm Optimization[Full-Text ] Athira Jayavarma, Tibin Joseph, Sasidharan SreedharanDistributed generation (DG) sources are becoming more prominent in distribution systems due to the incremental demands for electrical energy and to reduce the power disruption in the power system network. Due to the installation of DGs in the system, the total power loss can be reduced and voltage profile of the buses can be improved. This paper presents a new methodology to determine the optimal location of fuel cell DG and Solar PV in distributed system. Solar PhotoVoltaics (SPV) are among the fastest growing energy resources in the world. Most of the SPV had been installed in the distribution systems as distributed generation. The proposed algorithm Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) identify the optimal location of fuel cell DG and Solar PV with minimum active power losses. The proposed method is tested on IEEE 14-Bus test model. The results show a considerable reduction in the total power loss in the system and improved voltage profiles of the buses within the frame-work of system operation and security constraints in radial distribution systems.
An Alternative Procedure for Solving Second Order Response Surface Design Problems[Full-Text ] Stephen Sebastian Akpan, John Usen and Thomas Adidaumbe UgbeAn alternative procedure for solving second-order response surface design problems is proposed in this paper. The method involves the fusion of the Newton-Raphson and the Mean-Centre algorithms to obtain a new procedure for the design problem. The application of this new procedure to second-order response surface design problems gives near-optimal solutions within the optimal region with better precision as compared to the other method.