Volume 4, Issue 9, September 2013 Edition
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Need of on field-Seismic Re-evaluation Studies for Existing Nuclear Power Plants[Full-Text ] Muhammad Waqas Sherani, NaseerAhmed, Muhammad AshfaqSolutions for Sudden release of energy in subsurface through fault movement have become worldwide challenge for policy makers, decision makers, technical personnel and public. In order to ensure the stability of the site of nuclear power plants, detail site studies are performed to ensure its safety against external hazards specially earthquakes. Lot of guidance and studies are available internationally to conduct detailed site studies for a proposed site, however, to ensure seismic safety of existing NPPs there is need to conduct on field re-evaluation studies so that seismic safety of existing NPPs could be ensured. Currently nuclear safety is controlled by strict regulatory requirements, proven technologies, quality assurance, international codes and standards, implementing defense in depth strategy and international and national experience feedback. Usually siting of NPPs is preliminarily based on deterministic studies supplemented with other site specific, local and regional studies. Recent accidents at Fukushima have shown that there is a need to think for multiple scenarios through continuous on field seismic re-evaluation and probabilistic studies from time to time. On filed seismic re-evaluation studies if conducted in an iterative way is assumed very useful in reducing geohazards specially earthquakes which has been ignored in past. This paper will focus on importance of on field seismic re-evaluation study and its advantages in reducing effects of geohazards specially earthquakes for existing nuclear power industry.
Six Decades of Flowshop Scheduling Research[Full-Text ] Neelam Tyagi, R.G.Varshney and A.B.ChandramouliIn the field of scheduling, the flowshop problems have been thoroughly studied over the last six decades. In this paper we propose a concise overview of flowshop scheduling techniques evolved during this period. We surveyed the exact, heuristics and metaheuristics methods for solving various flowshop scheduling problems. As a result various optimization techniques, solution procedures are available to solve a variety of problems. We also present a brief glimpse of the evolution of flowshop scheduling problems and possible approaches for their solutions. This paper also concludes with some fruitful directions for the future research.
Kinetic Energy Recovery System from the flow of exhaust in buildings and industries[Full-Text ] Aditya Patnaik, Gourav Modi, Harsh AgarwalWind energy is capable of meeting a fraction of energy needs around the globe. Wind Energy is harnessed by means of windmills that make use of natural resources. Contrary to this, our system makes use of wind originating due to manmade sources to generate energy. KERS or Kinetic Energy recovery system converts the lost fraction of energy in the form of heat/wind to useful energy. Based on the high speed possessed by the exhaust air flow in industries and buildings, a wind turbine can be put in place to extract the energy.
Subjectivity detection and Semantic orientation based Methods for Sentiment Analysis[Full-Text ] Sandhya Khanna, Savita ShiwaniSentiment Analysis research deals with the extraction of the opinion expressed by people about specific topic from the text review documents. Sentiment analysis research has increased tremendously in recent time. Main challenge with movie review analysis is that real facts and discussion of plot are mixed in the sentiment expressing sentences in the review. In this paper, two methods are investigated to eliminate the objective sentences for better classification results of movie review analysis. In addition, performance of unigrams and rule based phrases are investigated for sentiment analysis. All the experiments are performed on the benchmark dataset i.e. Cornell’s movie review dataset. Experimental results show that Subjectivity detection i.e. elimination of objective sentences improves the performance of sentiment analysis and phrases performs better than unigrams for sentiment analysis.
Designing Of An Electrical Submersible Pump[Full-Text ] Saurabh KumarThe Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) system is considered as an effective and economical means of lifting large volumes of fluids from great depths, under a variety of well conditions. Over the years, the ESP companies, in conjunction with the major oil companies, have gained considerable experience in producing high viscosity fluids, gassy wells, high temperature wells, etc. With this experience and improved technology, wells that were once considered non-feasible for submersible's are now are being pumped economically. This paper is focused on the basic designing principles of an electrical submersible pump in conditions like High Water Cut, Gassy Wells, and High Viscosity.
Green Energy Home[Full-Text ] Dr.V.Vanitha, M.Abhinaya, M.Kalaivani, P.Chandhana, K.VandhanaRenewable Energy technologies like solar, biomass, hydro, etc are deployed both in rural and urban areas to curb the growing gap between the demand and supply of power, which is due to increase in the per capita energy consumption and importantly, the much hyped climate change concerns. The paper aims in the design of wind- solar hybrid system for three different scales of houses which are low, medium and high scale houses, sited at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham in Ettimadai. First the energy audit is conducted in these houses with normal appliances. Then after replacing with energy efficient appliances, the energy consumed by these three different types of houses are obtained. Depending on the energy consumption of each type, different capacities of solar and wind electric generators with battery rating are suggested for different cases. This work also includes the design of the controller unit. Simulation of controller is done which controls the whole hybrid system, the main purpose of which is to ensure continuous availability of electricity.
Enhancement and Edge Extraction of Satellite Images[Full-Text ] Remya.K.R, Aiswarya RajSatellite images have become a very important part in many fields of research. In most of the cases, the satellite images are corrupted by the presence of noise .In the proposed method we are enhancing the contrast of satellite image for extracting edge details. Lot of information is available even in a small area of a satellite image .Hence it is very important that the image can be enhanced to the best possible extent to get maximum detail out of the available satellite image for research applications. Edge detection is another key parameter in the Satellite Imaging. The Edges represent significant intensity variation with in an object. The changes in edges of satellite images represent the Geographical changes. Hence proper Edge detection in satellite images is of paramount importance. Proposed Method consists of two parts. In the first part, the contrast of the image is enhanced by log average luminance analysis and intensity transformation with ant colony optimisation. In the second part, the edge detail of the enhanced image is extracted. Proposed technique is tested on different satellite images. Experimental results shows that edges are preserved better in the case of proposed contrast enhancement technique compared to other conventional methods of enhancement.
Prospects and Challenges for CCS Technology Deployment in India[Full-Text ] Dr.S.Anand Giri, Dr.Nidhi TiwariSustainable empowerment through advancement of technology and science in the field of carbon capture and storage (CCS), presently considered as one of the most promising approaches to mitigate global warming at short and medium term. Deployment of CCS technology could potentially allow developing countries to gradually shift away from fossil fuels for energy and industrial needs, as an interim measure, it could allow time for other alternative low-carbon technologies to be developed and deployed, permitting fossil fuels to be gradually phased out. This strategy could assist developing countries to transition to a low-carbon economy in the next 15-50 years. While CCS is potentially attractive to some developing countries, there has been limited development of demonstration projects in Africa, Asia, or Latin America due mainly to their high cost in the absence of expected profits or significant carbon financing. The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates the total cost for a new average-sized coal-fired power plant that captures up to 90 percent of its CO2 emissions to be US$1 billion over 10 years. Existing financing for CCS is grossly insufficient to enable demonstration projects in developing countries. The IEA CCS Roadmap proposes 50 CCS projects in developing countries in the next 10 to 20 years. As well as reducing the developing world’s greenhouse gas emissions, accelerating CCS demonstration efforts can also improve technologies, increase efficiency, reduce uncertainty and risk, and initiate learning-by-doing at a lower cost than would be possible in the developing countries.
Comparative study of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) cultivation by physical and chemical method of sterilization using two different substrates[Full-Text ] Caral Dinesh R, Vinay P, Manasa P, Vinothkumar D and Ramesh Babu N GMushroom is a crop which is cultivated in many countries using different agricultural wastes. Oyster mushroom can be cultivated by using two types of substrates such as sawdust, straw. It can be used in both physical and chemical sterilization. The physical method of sterilization on the substrate straw yields a product average of 416g (w/v) whereas the substrate sawdust yields a product average of 360g (w/v). In chemical sterilization method, the substrate straw yields a product average of 371g (w/v) whereas in the substrate sawdust yields a product average of 310g (w/v).
Cascade Control System for Two Axes Gimbal System with Mass Unbalance[Full-Text ] Maher Abdo, Ali Reza Toloei, Ahmad Reza Vali, and Mohammad Reza ArvanThe application of inertial stabilization system is to stabilize the sensor’s line of sight toward a target by isolating the sensor from the disturbances induced by the operating environment. The aim of this paper is to present two axes gimbal system. The equations of gimbals motion are derived using Lagrange equation considering the base angular motion and mass unbalance. The stabilization loop is constructed by identifying its components, then the traditional and cascade loops are defined. The overall control system is built using the cross coupling unit and simulated in MATLAB for the traditional and cascade control loops. A comparison study is carried out to investigate the gimbal system performance under different operational conditions. The simulation results prove the efficiency of the proposed cascade control which offers a better response than the traditional one, and improves further the transient and the steady-state response.
Development of an Automatic Electric Egg Incubator[Full-Text ] Adegbulugbe T. A., Atere A. O., Fasanmi O. G.An electric powered incubator using a forced draft principle was developed using the available local materials and it was tested with hatchable hen egg. The aim was to produce a low cost incubator and increase the production of day old chicks for small and medium scale poultry farmers. The incubator has the hatching capacity of 540 eggs. Factors that were considered during the performance evaluation of the incubator were humidity, 55% and temperature, 37oC during the first 18 days and was maintained at 37.5oC till hatching. Turning of eggs was achieved with the use of tilting trays mechanism using an electric gear motor (0.5 h p).The trays were lifted through an angle of 40o either side of horizontal at every hour and lasted for four minutes. 420 clean, healthy, well developed and matured hatchable eggs were used to test the incubator. The result of the test revealed the following average values- fertile eggs 387, infertile eggs 29 hatched eggs 325 and hatchability of 84.06%.
Sinusoidal Variation in Biogas Production from Anaerobic Reactors Operating under Diurnally Cyclic Environmental Temperature[Full-Text ] E.A. EchieguAn earlier study conducted by the author had shown that biogas production from anaerobic reactors operated under a diurnally cyclic temperature environment follows a cyclic pattern. In this study, data generated in the said previous study was subjected to spectral analysis to determine whether biogas production under such an environment can be described by a Fourier function. Results showed that gas production from a healthy digester follows a sinusoidal pattern with a dominant frequency which lies at about 1.22 x 10-5 Hz corresponding to a period of 24 hours. Where the operating conditions (loading rate, pH, etc) are not favourable, the production follows a sinusoidal pattern which may be embedded in some harmonics and noise.
Holographic Infra Red Air Traffic Control[Full-Text ] Robin Johny K., Poorvika EThe current method used by Air Traffic Control (ATC) officers for managing the aircraft traffic, is the use of 2D Radar technology to scan the details of the whereabouts of an aircraft within a stipulated radius of an airport that causes accidents due to human errors. By our new method of HIATC, 3 dimensional holographic projectors are used to provide a clear cut view of the air traffic within a particular radius of any airport thereby allowing the ATC ,an easier and a much less-risky job operation. The usual way an ATC operates is by giving instructions to the pilot of all aircrafts landing and taking-off in that particular airport by looking the 2-D radar image of various locations of aircraft. In 2-D world only four degrees of motion are defined (left, right, forward and backward). But in 3-D world six degrees of motion are possible (left, right, forward, backward, above and below).The ATC officers can easily identify the altitude of aircrafts from ground with the help of this 3-D projection. By implementing this technique we can reduce the “holding time” of aircrafts and we can also achieve required separation between aircrafts.
Variation of OPC-Rice Husk Ash Composites Strength with Mix Proportion[Full-Text ] L. O. Ettu, F. C. Njoku, J. I. Arimanwa, K. C. Nwachukwu, and H. E. OparaThis work investigated the variation of strength of OPC-RHA cement composites with mix proportion. 168 concrete cubes of 150mm x 150mm x 150mm were produced with OPC and RHA using percentage OPC replacement with RHA of 0%, 10%, 15%, and 20%, and seven water: blended cement: sand: granite mix proportions of 0.6:1:1.5:3, 0.6:1:2:3, 0.6:1:2:4, 0.7:1:2.5:4, 0.7:1:2.5:5, 0.7:1:3:5, and 0.7:1:3:6. 168 sandcrete cubes and 168 soilcrete cubes were also produced using the same percentage replacements and water: blended cement: sand (or laterite for soilcrete) mix proportions 0.6:1:4, 0.6:1:5, 0.6:1:6, 0.7:1:7, 0.7:1:8, 0.7:1:9, and 0.7:1:10. Three concrete, sandcrete, and soilcrete cubes for each percentage OPC replacement with RHA and mix proportion were crushed to obtain their compressive strengths at 28 and 50 days of curing. It was found that for all percentage replacements of OPC with RHA at 28 and 50 days of curing, at a given water/cement ratio, the compressive strengths increased with leanness of mix up to some level of leanness after which the strength reduced. Concrete compressive strength values for 20% RHA at 50 days of curing rose from 21.00N/mm2 for 0.7:1:2.5:4 mix, to 21.50N/mm2 for 0.7:1:2.5:5, to 22.60N/mm2 for 0.7:1:3:5, and decreased to 22.00N/mm2 for 0.7:1:3:6. These results suggest that the leanest mix proportions that would still allow for good compaction should be used in making OPC-RHA cement composites for optimum compressive strength and cost.
Cross Phase Modulation: Good or Threat to Optical Fiber Communication System[Full-Text ] Kanis Fatima, Ismot Tasmary Salsabil and Md. Rayhanus SakibCross Phase Modulation is often regarded as being threat for optical communication systems. This Paper shows the effect of Cross Phase Modulation, a type of non-linearity found in optical fibers. We will compare the impact of Q-factor, BER and Timing Jitter due to Cross Phase Modulation (XPM) for the fiber. We will also focus on its useful application related to optical switching, pulse compression and pulse retiming.
Chromosome Segmentation Using K-Means Clustering[Full-Text ] Soumya.D.S, Arya.V Multiplex or multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (M-FISH) is a recently developed cytogenetic labeling technique which can be used to find out the chromosomal abnormalities for cancer and genetic disorders. To detect the chromosomal abnormalities, an improved adaptive fuzzy c means clustering algorithm (IAFCM) was developed and applied to the segmentation and classification of M-Fish images. IAFCM method gives considerable classification accuracy among the existing methods such as FCM and AFCM. In this paper another algorithm k- means clustering is introduced, which runs faster than the IAFCM algorithm. Also a filter can be incorporated with this k- means clustering for denoising. Fuzzy C-Means Clustering is a soft version of K-means, where each data point has a fuzzy degree of belonging to each cluster.
REVIEW OF GAS FLARING ACTIVITIES IN NIGER DELTA AREA OF NIGERIA[Full-Text ] OSANG, J. E1AOBI, E. O2A.B.EWONA, I. O3A. UDOIMUK A. B4A,B. NWACHUKWU N.C5A.A review of Gas flaring activities in Niger Delta Area of Nigeria was carefully studied for period of 24 years. Result of the study suggest that while the people of the Niger Delta region may have benefited from oil and gas exploration, the adverse economic, environmental health, social urbanization impacts of the operations out weight the benefits. Oil and gas exploration and exploitation is one of the major reasons the atmosphere, land and sea as well as life’s and plant therein are clearly being disturb. The data for the area (70,000Km2) and population were collected from National population commission (NPC 2006) that of temperature records from 1989-20012 (Niger Delta Region) were collected from Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NIMET) data for gas production, utilization total flares, export and domestic consumption in barrels were collected from petroleum corporation (NNPC).
ANALYSES OF RADIATION AND RAINFALL PATTERN IN KANO STATE-NORTHERN NIGERIA (1978-2007)[Full-Text ] OSANG, J. E1A., Ewona, I. O2A., OBI, E. O3A,B., Udoimuk, A. B4A,B., Kamgba, F. A5AAnalyses of radiation and rainfall pattern was designed to study the relationship between rainfall and radiation in Kano {latitude 120N and longitude 80E}. Generally, man’s comfortability depends mostly on the weather condition which largely depends on radiation from the sun and rainfall .Over the years, different kinds of radiation are considered. Global radiation also known as gunn-bellani radiation (short-wave<3 up) describes solar radiation hitting a horizontal area on earth. Gunn-bellani radiations and rainfall measurement data January 1978-December 2007) Spanning a period of 30 years were supplied by the Nigerian methodological service NIMET Lagos, Nigeria. The data obtained were in daily values from which the future assumptions were made. Base on these data, Descriptive and trend analysis was employed. The result shows that; April, may, june, July, August ,September and October recorded a significant value of rainfall. Which shows that August reveals too much rainfall (table 1, fig.1). Fig.5 and fig.6 represent the line graph of radiation (ml) Gunn-bellani of (January to June and July to December) respectively which the trend line indicates y=0.075x+20.28 and y=0.004x+16.13 and the coefficient of determination is R2=0.33 and R2 =0.007 respectively. From the results, the inhabitants of kano state in Nigerian will experience an extremely harsh weather which is caused by a continues gunn-bellani radiation, cloud, dust, altitude and less rainfall.
An Extension of the Degree of Approximation by Jackson type Operators[Full-Text ] Huzoor H. Khan, Vishnu Narayan Mishra, Idrees A. KhanIn this paper, we obtain the degree of approximation of functions belonging to class using the Jackson type operators of the n-Fourier series . Here we extend the results of Huzoor H. Khan [1], Schurer, P. [4], Siddiqi, Mohammadzadeh [5], and Yoshimitsu H [7] et al.
Towards Guinea worm Eradication in Savelugu-Nanton District, Ghana: A Spatio-Temporal Approach[Full-Text ] Laari P.B., Kpienta B.A. and Aabeyir RDracunculiasis, or Guinea Worm Disease (GWD) is a disease of the poor, debilitating many in the most remote and disadvantaged communities in Sub-Saharan Africa, where access to potable water is limited and health care and education are either inadequate or lacking. About 75 per cent of reported guinea worm cases come from the Northern Region with Tolon-Kumbungu and Savelugu-Nanton Districts topping the list and pushing Ghana to second position in the world after Sudan. Inverse Distance Weighted approach was used to create disease risk maps to highlight the disease prevalence in space and time from 2005-2010 using Geographic Information Systems. Spatial autocorrelation analysis using Morans Index and point count statistics from the point maps was used to identify the spatial patterns as well as the trends in the disease prevalence. Two hundred and six (206) respondents were purposively selected from the low and high risk areas to ascertain their knowledge of the disease and its prevention. The risk surface and point maps produced showed that the Diare/Kadia zone was the most endemic area for the period 2005-2010. It also showed the reduction of the disease from 2008-2010 from 33% to 1%. Knowledge of the disease in the area is high and the programme mostly implemented in the communities is the provision of water filters. The maps highlighted the hot spot areas of the disease from the year 2005 to 2010. It showed a varied pattern of disease occurrence and considerable reduction from 2008-2010 due to improved safe water sources, education and effective eradication activities. The study also revealed a high awareness of the disease as of 2012 which strengthen the effort to curb the resurgence of the disease. Vigilant surveillance is still required until no Guinea worms remain anywhere in the district and Ghana at large.
Characteristics and outcome of sepsis - A perspective from a tertiary care hospital in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Shahla Siddiqui, Bushra Jamil, Nosheen Nasir, Najeeha Talat, Fouzia A Khan, Philipe Frossard and Rabia HussainSepsis accounts for a high rate of mortality with significant impact on health care across the world. Our objective was to determine clinical determinants of outcome of sepsis in a tertiary care setting.
Switched Capacitor Filter[Full-Text ] Kumod Kumar Gupta, Geeta SainiA Switched Capacitor circuit is an electronic circuit element used for discrete time signal processing. It works by moving charges into and out of capacitors when switches are opened and closed. Usually, nonoverlapping signals are used to control the switches, so that not all switches are closed simultaneously. Filters implemented with these elements are termed switched capacitor filters. Unlike analog filters, which must be constructed with resistors, capacitors (and sometimes inductors) whose values are accurately known switched capacitor filters depend only on the ratios between capacitances. This makes them much more suitable for use with in integrated circuits, where accurately specified resistors and capacitors are not economical to construct.
High Potential Centralized Access Point (CAP) In Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] T.Nagaraj, R.Sathish Kumar, C.Surender, Mr T. KarthikeyanThis paper explores the idea of implementing centralized access point in the Wireless Sensor Networks.The information from the sensor nodes are collected by the access points that are transferred to the sink node. In chain based structure model, each sensor in the coverage area sends information to the neighbouring node by forming the chain. The main disadvantage in chain structure network is latency. In order to overcome this latency, we are implementing both chain and cluster by forming groups. Information from each sensor is transferred to the head sensor in the form of chain. Information from the group head sensor is send to the access point which is centralized to all the groups. Access point means a sensor with high potential i.e., high battery. By the way, it receives data from all the group heads. On comparing to the previous models, our approach proposes the minimum latency while transferring information from sensor to the sink node.
On Flow of Energy and Application of Principles to Engines[Full-Text ] Abhinav K. VermaThis paper aims at an attempt to define physical phenomena in terms of energy and the flow of energy within an isolated system. This paper also establishes some basic principles regarding the limiting of energy flow and the changing of state due to the transfer and circulation of energy. Furthermore It has been attempted hereby to appropriately apply the constructed principles to the working of modern day engines in order to increase the efficiency of such engines.
Thermal Effects of Clothing in Saharan Regions[Full-Text ] Olusegun H.D, Adekunle A.S, Ohijeagbon I.O, Orhevba B.The preferred dark coloured apparel worn by the Tuaregs of North Africa and the other desert dwellers of Northern Nigeria instigated this study. Experimenters discover that when dressed in dark apparels, they were more comfortable than when they put on white apparels. The solar radiant energy for the precinct where tests were done was 857.3Wm-2, of which ~ 84% was diffused by dark apparel. White apparel diffused ~ 57% of solar radiation. The total human body heat energy produced was 512.9Wm-2. The dark apparel discharged 378Wm-2 to the surrounding, whereas white apparels discharged 145Wm-2 to the surroundings. The “private climate” domain under the human skin did appear to work better when shielded by a dark cloth rather than a white one, so that there was an overall comfort experienced when dressed in dark apparel in hot environment.
Longitudinal Effects of Exposure to Chronic Aircraft Noise on School Children’s Activities[Full-Text ] Joseph Seabi, Kate Cockcroft, Paul GoldschaggThe aim of this study was to determine whether chronic exposure to aircraft noise impacts negatively on school children’s activities and to explore how they cope with the noise exposure. Given the lack of longitudinal studies investigating long-term effects of exposure to aircraft noise on children’s activities and coping, this study sought to address this gap. A cohort of 732 children in South Africa with a mean age of 11.1 (range = 8-14) participated at baseline measurements in Wave 1 (2009), and 649 (mean age = 12.3; range = 9-15) and 174 (mean age = 13.3; range = 10-16) children were reassessed after the relocation of the airport in Wave 2 (2010) and Wave 3 (2011), respectively. The results revealed that the children who were exposed to aircraft noise were significantly disturbed by aircraft noise in all the waves (2009-2011) than those who attended schools in relatively quieter environments. It was also found that the children who were exposed to aircraft noise continued to use more coping strategies (e.g. covering of ears, tuning out, and waiting for noise to finish) than their counterparts despite the relocation of the airport, thereby suggesting that aircraft noise exposure has long term effects on children’s performance.
Development of Mobile Based Online Weather Monitoring System with Disaster Alert[Full-Text ] Jemilehin A.S. and Obiyemi, O.O.Demonstrated in this paper is the development of a remote monitoring application, which facilitates access to information from an in-situ measurement network. It is a system that can be used to remotely monitor weather variation for proper management of climate related disasters, through the use of an early warning system. This system harnesses the wide network capability of the internet to stream weather information from weather stations to a remote online server via a GSM MODEM, where the information is harvested by the mobile phone applications designed for it. In this system, predefined threshold is set as reference for disaster alerts on the server and the server alert the user via the mobile application. The weather information is analyzed by using decision tree techniques to verify parameter range and any value beyond the set range triggers on alert. This system can be installed in remote areas as the data can be accessed online and it consumes low power.
SEMANTIC RECOMMENDER SYSTEM WITH NATURAL LANGUAGE INTERFACE: MALAYSIAN TOURISM INDUSTRY[Full-Text ] Tirad M. Almalahmeh, Sameem Abdul Kareem, Mansoor A. AbdulgabberTourism economy is one of the fastest growing activities in developed countries. Information and communications technology (ICT) continues to be one of the greatest influences fuelling dramatic changes in reducing uncertainties and perceived risks to enhance the quality of trips by providing renewed web services. Many research findings caution that tourists are often overloaded by relevant and irrelevant information and resources. However, information searching and extraction as well as the interpretation of the information are left to the human user. In this paper we show how the promising integration of Semantic technology, ontology, recommender system and natural language interface can be used for next-generation tourism information systems.
Simple and Enhanced Gain Dielectric Resonator Antenna for Ku band Application[Full-Text ] Archana Sharma, Kavita Khare, S.C.ShrivastavaA simple and compact high gain Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) for Ku band frequency operation is proposed in this paper. Ku band is a microwave band having frequency range 12 to 18 GHz. Proposed DRA is based on the principal of the dual resonance and defected ground structure (DGS) having rectangular slot. DRA design resonates at frequency 15.2 GHz and 18 GHz in Ku band frequency operation. Antenna design offers the minimum return loss of -25 db at 15.2 GHz and -20 db at 18 GHz .This DRA design has simple geometry and shows good directivity that is 10 dbi at 15.2 GHz and 8 dbi at frequency 18 GHz. DRA antenna design also offers high front to back ratio (FBR) of 12.2 db and 7 db at 15.2 GHz and 18 GHz respectively. Proposed antenna design is useful at high directivity application such as satellite communication. Return loss bandwidth achieved is 540 MHz (3 %) for band resonating at 15.2 GHz and 740 MHz (4.2%) for another band resonating at 18 GHz. Simple and compact design with enhanced directivity and FBR is proposed here. DRA is analyzed using Ansoft HFSS based on finite element method.
Chaos Based Signcryption Scheme[Full-Text ] RichaChaos is one type of complex dynamic behaviour generated by determined nonlinear dynamic systems
A Survey of Two-Party Password Authentication Key Exchange[Full-Text ] Namita Raghuwanshi, Prof. Amit SaxenaSecurity in computers is information protection from unauthorized or accidental disclosure while the information is in transmission and while information is in storage. Authentication protocols provide two entities to ensure that the counterparty is the intended one whom he attempts to communicate with over an insecure network. These protocols can be considered from three dimensions: type, efficiency and security. Password Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) protocols facilitate two entities to consent on an ordinary session key based on a pre-shared human memorable password. The most important security goal of these protocols is providing security against password guessing attacks. Recently, In 2010 R. Song [1] proposed advanced smart card based password authentication protocol with such non-tamper resistant smart card based on symmetric key cryptosystem as well as modular exponentiation. R. Song et al method is defenseless to the offline password attack, forward secrecy, insider attack and denial of service attack are cryptanalysis by W B Horng [2]. Here in this paper we will survey on different protocols implemented based on two password authentication and a brief review is given based on different techniques.
Effect of various parameters on formation of polyurea microcapsules by interfacial polycondensation techniques[Full-Text ] K. T. Jadhav, P. V. Vijay BabuInterfacial polycondensation is one of the effective methods used for the rapid production of polymers at a smaller scale. Interfacial polycondensation has been studied for various applications such as synthesis of polymers, production of thin film composite membrane, micro encapsulation, etc. In these reactions, the reactants are brought together at an interface of two immiscible phases. An Interfacial reaction provides the possibility of fast reactions with production of low molecular weight polymers under ambient conditions. This is animportant technique in the formation of polyurea microcapsules. The formation of aqueous core polyurea microcapsules via interfacial polycondensation of a Toluene Diisocynate (TDI) in organic solvent and Ethylene Diamine (EDA) in water is studied. The formed microcapsules are insoluble in both the phases. Detailed kinetic information has been obtained by using a continuous pH measurement system.The polymer formed is thermoplastic and semi crystalline in nature which having melting point of about 2950C. It is generally assumed that the reaction is second order and rate of reaction is diffusion controlled. The aim of this work was to determine the optimum conditions which are useful for the formation and enhancing properties of microcapsules by optimizing various parameters such as stirring speed, solvent proportion, monomer ratio, surfactant concentration and pH of the aqueous phase. Crystallinity of polyurea microcapsules were studied by X ray Diffraction (XRD) method.
Hydrogen Peroxide and Activated Charcoal Mediated Removal of Chromium from Chrome Electroplating Effluent[Full-Text ] Sujata S. Modhave, Dnyaneshwar R. ShindeAnalysis of untreated chrome electroplating effluent procured from electroplating unit showed that it was acidic in nature (pH=1.51) and it contains Cr(VI) at the concentration 70.74±0.31 ppm. This effluent is used for further experiments. Removal of chromium from effluent was achieved in two steps. In first step Cr(VI) was reduced to Cr(III) by reaction with H2O2 and 0.6 ml 30% H2O2 was found sufficient for complete reduction of Cr(VI) from 1 liter of effluent. Then in second step Cr(III) was removed from effluent by precipitating it as Cr(OH)3 in presence of activated charcoal. In absence of activated charcoal pH at which Cr(III) get precipitated, it has been observed that some quantity of Cr(III) oxidizes to Cr(VI) again. Removal of Cr(III) is governed by pH of solution and at pH 6.5 to 7.0 more than 99.00% of Cr(III) has taken place. By this process chromium removal efficiency was observed more than 99.00%. After bench scale experiment process was tried at pilot scale and designed process was found highly efficient on pilot scale for removal of chromium from electroplating effluent.
Theoretical evaluation of acoustical velocity in binary liquid mixtures of sulphate solutions[Full-Text ] K.Rathina, C.Sentamilselvi, S.Umadevi, H.B.RamalingamThe ultrasonic velocity, density and viscosity have been measured for the binary liquid mixtures of ammonium persulphate as common component with coppersulphate, ferrous ammonium sulphate, zinc sulphate, magnesisum sulphate at various concentrations at 303K.From the acoustical parameters like adiabatic compressibility,impedance which are calculated from ultrasonic velocity and other measured values. the theoretical values of ultrasonic velocity were evaluated using Nomoto’s relation (UNOM), ideal mixing relation (UIMR), impedance relation (UIDR), Jungie’s relation (UJR),. The theoretical and experimental ultrasonic velocities are compared. The validity of the theories is checked on the application of the chi-square test(x2) for goodness of fit and by calculating the average percentage error (APE).An apperecible agreement has been found between experimental and theoretical ultrasonic velocities.
Mobile Phone Controlled Autonomous Robot[Full-Text ] Anup Saha, Amit Saha, MD.Abdur Rahim, Pallab SutradharA robot is controlled by the remote control or it works autonomously. According to task of robot its control method is selected. But some military, industrial and household tasks require the both control methods. This study deals with the mobile phone controlled autonomous robot. Conventionally, wireless-controlled robots use RF circuits, which have the drawbacks of limited working range, limited frequency range and limited control. Use of a mobile phone for robotic control can overcome these limitations. It provides the advantages of robust control, working range as large as the coverage area of the service provider.
A Novel Method for Cryptography[Full-Text ] Gunjan Sahni, Ravindra Gupta, Gajendra SinghIn this paper, we are presenting a modern technique for the encryption and decryption. This review research paper concentrates on the different kinds of encryption techniques that are existing. It is more secure also time efficient. Aim an extensive experimental study of various available encryption techniques. Also focuses on image encryption techniques, information encryption techniques, double encryption and Chaos-based encryption techniques. This study extends to the performance parameters used in encryption processes analyzing on their security issues.
An Experimental Study of The Effect of Process Parameters on The Extrusion Pressure and its Impact on The Die Life[Full-Text ] Akshay Gupta, G.V.Shriyak Reddy, V. Krupa Sagar, V.Amruth Sagar, Sirajuddin Elyas KhanyIn this work an experimental study of the effect of process parameters on the extrusion pressure and its impact on the life of a hollow die having a bearing shape of roman section/Channel is carried out. The aluminium used here is of a grade 6061-O and the die material of high density steel. Upon extrusion of aluminium from the die- variable factors (Temperature, pressure, lubrication, die angle) affecting the life of the die are noted down and a brief analysis is carried out. A relationship is determined between the experimental and the theoretical data.
Automated Segmentation of Lung Regions using Morphological Operators in CT scan[Full-Text ] Sasidhar B, Ramesh Babu D R, Ravi Shankar M, Bhaskar Rao NComputer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) of lung cancer can act as a second opinion to diagnose lung cancer. In CAD, the preprocessing step is to segment lung regions. Segmentation of lung regions plays an important role to speed up the process of detecting and analysis of lung nodules. The proposed method, segments the lung regions which have nodules at the lung borders by using thresholding and morphological operators. The proposed method removes the lung walls and increases the size of the image to visualize small nodules. The proposed algorithm was tested on LIDC (Lung Image Database Consortium) datasets. The results of the proposed algorithm were satisfactory segmenting lung regions with border correction.
Memory Efficient Architecture For High Speed Fir Filter Using Distributed Arithmetic[Full-Text ] N.V.Sai Rupa, M.Ram Mohan ReddyThis paper presents the realization of memory efficient architecture using Distributed Arithmetic (DA) for implementation of Finite Im-pulse Response (FIR) filter. Here, the multipliers in FIR filter are replaced with multiplier less DA based technique. First, the theory of DA is described. In this technique, pre-computed values of inner product are stored in LUT, which are further added and shifted with number of iterations equal to the precision of input samples. But the exponential growth of LUT with the order of FIR filter, in its basic structure, makes it prohibitive for many applications. An improvement over the basic DA structure is presented in this paper, by the use of partitioning of LUT to the desired length. Architecture of 32 tap FIR filter is presented, with different length of partition of LUT. Design implementation and synthesis result shown the improvement in speed of operation as well as saving in memory, with more number of partitions. The proposed architecture provides an efficient memory-time-power implementation which involves significantly less latency and less area-delay complexity when compared with existing structures for FIR Filter
Neural Networks to identify Tornadic/NonTornadic Circulations based on various radar attributes[Full-Text ] Gurbrinder KaurBased on various attributes of the circulations, it is perceived that not all the circulations are tornadic. There are two types of circulations based on various attributes -Tornadic and nontornadic circulations. The National Severe Storms Laboratory developed two algorithm for detecting circulations in the atmosphere based on the information constructed from Doppler Radar. Mesocyclone Detection Algorithm is developed is designed for detecting larger, storm-scale circulations while Tornado Detection Algorithm is developed for detecting smaller, but more intense circulations. The aim of this paper is to outline the capability of Neural Network to achieve high Probability of Detection (POD) and reduce False Alarm Ratio (FAR) by incorporating different weather parameters.
The Effect of Silicon Particulate on the Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Aluminium Based Bearing Material (Al-6%Sn-0.35-1.40%Si)[Full-Text ] F. O. Kolawole and R. A. MohammedThe effect of different percentage of silicon on the ultimate tensile strength, energy absorbed, hardness and microstructure of aluminium bearing alloy was studied. Pure silicon powder was added to the aluminium bearing alloy (Al - 6%Sn) during casting to obtain different percentages of 0.35, 0.70, 1.05 & 1.40 of silicon for each of the composition. Samples were machined from the aluminium bearing alloy of composition (wt %); Al - 6%Sn (Control), Al - 6%Sn - 0.35%Si, Al - 6%Sn - 0.70%Si, Al - 6%Sn - 1.05%Si, Al - 6%Sn - 1.40%Si. From each composition of the aluminium bearing alloy five samples were machined and subjected to tensile test, impact test and hardness test. All the samples of the aluminium bearing alloy were taken and subjected to thorough metallographic samples preparation processes. The results obtained in this investigation shows that the aluminium bearing alloy with 0.35% Si gave a slight improvement in the ultimate tensile strength, energy absorbed and hardness value, the sample with 0.70% Si gave a great improvement in the ultimate tensile strength, energy absorbed and hardness value, 1.05% Si gave a greater improvement in the ultimate tensile strength, energy absorbed and hardness value, while 1.40% Si gave the highest ultimate tensile strength, absorbed and hardness value. In this work particulate method was used to hardening and strengthening the bearing material.
Optimized Evaluation of Students Performances Using Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text ] E. Sakthivel, K. Senthamarai Kannan and S ArumugamFuzzy Inference System for student academic performance evaluation is based on Fuzzy Logic Techniques (FLT). In this system student performance depends on exam paper results and it is evaluated only as success or failure. The study proposes a new performance evaluation method based on the Fuzzy Logic System (FLS). The study proposes a new evaluation method to find a performance of students results based an FLS and also compared with the Classical Method (CL). Students' performance based on organizing technique at Manonmaniam Sundaranar University in the Department of Statistics was carried out using FLT and it was compared with the CL. Twenty students took part for the statistical course were considered as study samples. Several approaches using FLT have been proposed a practical method for evaluating student academic performance and compared with existing statistical method. In this paper, evaluation of the results showed variations between the CL and FLMs.
Assessment of Changes in Physiological and Biochemical Behaviors in Grey-haired Acacia Tree (Acacia gerrardii)- an Important Plant of Arid Region[Full-Text ] Ankita Varshney, M. Anis, Mubashshir Rasheed, Pervaiz R. Khan and I. M. ArefHigh frequency plantlet regeneration was achieved in cotyledonary nodes of Acacia gerrardii from 15 days old in vitro grown seedlings, cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with benzyladenine (BA), kinetin (Kn) and a- naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) either alone or in combinations. The highest regenerative response was observed on a medium containing 5.0 µM BA and 0.5 µM NAA where 90% of the cultures responded with an average shoot number (9.40 ± 0.70) per explant in 8 wk time. In vitro shootlets were transferred to root induction medium consisting of MS medium supplemented with auxins NAA or indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). Rooting was best in a medium supplemented with 2.0 µM IBA. Rooted plantlets were acclimatized and transferred to the field with 70% survival rate. Increase in chlorophyll (Chl) a, b, carotenoid levels, MDA and proline contents were observed in plantlets acclimatized for 28 days. As the acclimatization continues, an upregulation of the superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and glutathione reductase (GR) enzyme activities were also observed. The results indicate that micropropagated plantlets develop an antioxidant enzyme system after ex vitro transfer, which suggests that the species can cope with the predicted climate change.
Isolation and Characterisation of Antibiotic producing Microbes present in Rhizospheric soil[Full-Text ] Surabhi Arora, Dipika Nandi, Namrata Prasad, Saurabh Rawat, Amit PandeyaDifferent Soil samples of Calotropis procera and Catharanthus roseus were subjected for antibacterial activity of microbes, extraction of secondary metabolites i.e both intracellular and extracellular, and characterisation. Three type of colony were found i.e white, off-white and yellow. Further using Bergers’ manual Macrococcusluteus ,N.sicca were obtained. Secondary metabolites i.e intacellular and extracellular were extracted using solvents chloroform and methanol. Antibiotic sensitivity test was performed against pathogen(E.coli,P.aeroginosa and S.aureus) and the best Zone of inhibition was of culture of Catharanthus roseus i.e 28.5 mm. Different test were performed to characterise the microbes. This was performed in order to isolate microbes that produce antibiotic and then further be used for medicinal purpose.
ENGINEERING PROBLEMS ASSOCIATED WITH THE QUATERNARY EXPANSIVE CLAYS, CASE STUDY FROM SHARORAH REGION, K.S.A.[Full-Text ] A.K. Abd El AalSevere and widespread damage in residential buildings, sidewalks and pavements in various parts of the Sharorah region of Saudi Arabia is caused by the development of heave and swelling pressure in the expansive clay in the region. This paper presents the problems and the geotechnical and physicochemical properties of the tested clay. The swelling potential was determined using various methods. Swell tests were conducted under different loading conditions and following different procedures to quantify the amount of vertical swell and swelling pressure.
PERSONALITY VARIABLES DIFFERENCES OF MALE AND FEMALE PHYSICAL EDUACTION TEACHERS WORKING IN DIFFERENT AREAS OF JAMMU & KASHMIR, INDIA[Full-Text ] Dhanraj Singh Slathia Research Scholar. Research Scholar, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj, (Nagpur University) INDIAPersonality is the science of describing and understanding persons. Clearly, personality is a core area of study for psychology, if not the core. Together with intelligence, the topic of personality constitutes the most significant area of individual difference study.
Application of wavelet multiresolution analysis for discrimination of lightning transients and faults on transmission lines[Full-Text ] Dr.K.Ravichandrudu, P.Naga Anusha, Mr.P.Yohan Babu, Mr.G.V.P.AnjaneyuluA novel approach for multiresolution analysis (MRA) based discrimination of lightning transients and faults on transmission lines are proposed in the article. The main contribution of the paper is to evaluate the peak absolute value and summation of 3rd level output of MRA detail signal of current in each phase extracted from the original signals. The test system is carried out for 220kv, 200 km and 400kv, 200 km long line fed from both ends using EMTP. Simulation results are used to examine the effects of fault distance, fault inception angle and fault impedance and hence the proposed method is more effective and robust it is promising in high impedance fault detection.
A Randomized Study of Methotrexate plus Narrowband UVB versus Narrowband UVB Monotherapy in Chronic Plaque Type Psoriasis in a Rural Population.[Full-Text ] Dr. Nupur Maheshwari, Dr. Adarshlata SinghBackground: Psoriasis is a chronic, recurrent, inflammatory papulosquamous disease affecting skin and/or joints. The combination of Methotrexate plus narrowband-UVB phototherapy in psoriasis reduces the cumulative toxicities and UVB-exposures. Aim: To compare the efficacy of Methotrexate (MTx) plus Narrowband UVB (NB-UVB) versus Narrowband UVB monotherapy in chronic plaque type psoriasis. Methods: Total 30 patients with more than 10% body surface area involvement where included out of which 15 patients where in combination group who received MTx 12.5 mg once a week for 8 weeks and NB-UVB sessions thrice weekly (5th week onwards). The other 15 patients received monotherapy i.e. NB-UVB sessions throughout (8 weeks). Results: Out of 30 patients, 26 completed the study. In Group A (MTx plus NB-UVB) 9 out of 15 patients attained PASI 50 at the end of 8 weeks of study. Whereas none of the patients in Group B (NB-UVB monotherapy) attained PASI 50. Conclusion: Methotrexate when combined with Narrowband UVB phototherapy reduces the cumulative toxicities of both the agents and helps to attain a satisfactory clinical response (reduction in PASI Score) in short duration of time when compared with monotherapy in treatment of chronic plaque type psoriasis.
Extractive Spectrophotometric determination of palladium with 3-Hydroxy-2-(2’-thienyl)-4H-chromen-4-one in alkaline medium[Full-Text ] Sonia Nain,N. Agnihotri, Kakkar L.RA rapid, simple, selective and sensitive method for the determination of palladium in trace amounts has been developed, which is based on the reaction of 3-Hydroxy-2-(2’-thienyl)-4H-chromen-4-one with the metal ion in alkaline medium(pH 8.5-9.2). The yellow colored palladium complex formed is quantitatively extracted into chloroform, whose absorbance is measured at 455nm. A large number of cations do not interfere; whereas , amongst anions/complexing agents , only nitrite ,thiourea and Ascorbic acid show interference. It obeys Beer’s law in the range 0.01-0.1 µg. PdmL-1. The molar absorptivity and Sandell’s sensitivity of the system are 3.301x104 Lmol-1 cm-1 and 0.0032µgPdcm-1 respectively. The ratio of metal to ligand in the extracted complex is determined as 1:1.The validity of the method is tested by carrying out analysis of various samples with satisfactory results.
A 2D FEM model to show the variation in particle distribution in a Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs) with random distribution of particles[Full-Text ] K.K.S.MerThe properties of FGMs are being investigated experimentally as well as by the modeling techniques in the recent past. The estimation of local as well as global properties of FGMs with the help of a simple model is still a challenge. A reliable estimation of deformation behavior of FGMs is important to make these materials popular for industrial use. FGMs have also been modeled in the past using the unit cell models, originally developed for the uniform composites. FGMs also have more or less random microstructure at the local scale like uniform composites. Particles are distributed randomly on the local scale. The type of gradation in the particle content is also important in context to FGMs. The global as well as local behavior of FGMs should depend on the type of gradation in FGMs. In this context it is important to suggest a model for FGM which incorporate the variation in particle distribution with random distribution of particles. Functionally Graded Material models with randomly distributed particles containing different amounts of particles have been obtained in the present modeling technique.
A 2-D finite element model to show the effect of shape and orientation of porosity on the mechanical properties of particle reinforced metal matrix composites[Full-Text ] K.K.S.MerThe effect of shape and orientation of porosity on the mechanical properties of particle reinforced metal matrix composites has been studied in the present work. The effect of different shapes of pores on the Young’s modulus of elasticity and yield strength of the metal matrix composites have been studied with the help of a 2D finite element model. It has been established that shape and orientation of porosity dominates the mechanical properties of the composites.
Anomaly Detection Using Hellinger Distance[Full-Text ] Akash Bhosale, Nikhil Chaudhari, Saurabh Dhapre, Shyamal DhuaHellinger Distance is a distance generally used between two probability distributions.This distance is most suited to detect and measure the anisotropic nature of object parameters.Anisotropy in an object comes from the varying nature of its parameter/s in different directions.It is like, if you consider yourself to be present at the absolute centre of any object and you go on measuring the magnitude of a parameter exhibited by that object in all possible directions, then , if the object is Isotropic, on plotting a 2-d representation of your records taking the absolute centre as the origin you will most probably get a Circle. This process in the case of an Anisotropic object would have resulted in a different figure, most likely close to an Ellipse. These Anisotropic parameters residing in any object can easily be measured using Hellinger Distance. It gives us a measure of degree of anisotropy present in the object for that parameter. But, our Aim is not to measure the Hellinger Distance between Parameter variations in an object. Our Aim here is to measure the Anisotropy that results when we measure the same parameter of two objects along the same axis. The results can vary if we would have been able to implement the same process, but taking all the different directional vectors into consideration. By using this distance for Practical purposes it would become very easy to detect dissimilarity even between the most alike objects occuring in Nature. This paper discusses on the various research carried out on Hellinger distance by us along with its comparison with one of the most dominant and frequently used distance i.e. the Euclidean distance.
Differences in Life Satisfaction Among Graduate Students from Online and Traditional Universities[Full-Text ] John C. Hale III, Ph.DGuided by the theories on work-life balance and life satisfaction, the purpose of this research was to understand the effects of autonomy and choice on overall life satisfaction (OLS) of graduate students attending an online university versus attending a traditional brick-and-mortar university. With the academic demands of physically attending courses at a preset time, the obligations of higher education can create an imbalance in a student’s social and familial life. This quantitative study investigated the extent to which graduate students attending a completely online university report a higher overall satisfaction with life compared to similar students attending a traditional brick-and-mortar university. Sixty-five online students and 82 traditional students responded to a demographic survey, along with the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), which were administered via an online survey website. The results were analyzed through the Mann-Whitney U-test in an ex post facto between groups comparison. Students attending a traditional university reported statistically significantly higher SWLS scores than did online students (p = .027). These results support the hypothesis of a significant difference among school types. In an effort to promote positive social change, this study suggests that universities provide more emphasis on fostering a sense of community and group affiliation among their students. Students, educators, and institutions all have a stake in these technological advances. The needs of each must be addressed in order to provide a beneficial learning experience and promote the successful evolution of a multi-billion dollar industry.
Updates on agro based food processing industry in India[Full-Text ] Bhavana Soni, Mohit Gupta, Hotam Singh Chaudhary, Anita GargFood processing is a large sector that covers activities such as agriculture, horticulture, plantation, animal husbandry and fisheries. Agro based food processing is defined as a set of techno-economic activities, applied to all the products, originating from agricultural farm, aqua cultural sources, livestock and forests for their conservation, handling and value-addition to make them usable as food, feed, fiber, fuel or industrial raw materials. In the food processing various steps included such as backing, drying, fermentation, malting and other packaging techniques but it should be reasonable so that economic cost will not much increase, are discussed. There are many advance techniques also used in this new era that is much effective in the case of production and to maintain hygiene because it is also a big problem in the food processing. Sometimes, pesticide which is used against pest needed dissipation of residue part of pesticide from crops which make it hazardous for human and animal, for this we can use prodrug type substances for pest control. For the specific food processing, we can use the recombinant enzyme which isolate by various methods and used for increasing production. Agro based industries are so much beneficial for our country because it has less investment cost and give beneficial products. We use waste material as a substrate and that waste material give valuable product and help in economy of country, are described.
ETYMOLOGY OF WORD “J”[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema Latha The scientific based research in this article focus that the etymology of English word “J” might be originated from “Prehistoric Tamil”. The first human originated shall be called as “AL-J”. In other words “J” shall be considered as acronym of name called in short. J - Populations shall be considered as species to “AL-J” human origin.
Noise Elimination and Performance Measure for fingerprint using Median Filter[Full-Text ] P.J.Arul Leena Rose and A.MuruganThe aim of this paper is to analyze the low quality fingerprint and enhance it using median filter technique and minutiae detection procedures for fingerprint identification. Different types of noises in the fingerprint images cause greater difficulty for recognizers. As a solution to this problem we employ proven methods for image enhancement. To achieve this first we applied the histogram on 256 grey scale finger print images. Then the histogram-equalized image is obtained. CLAHE with Clip Limit is applied in order to enhance the contrast of small tiles, to eliminate the artificially induced boundaries and to avoid over-saturation of the image specifically in homogeneous areas. Then this image undergoes the binarization process. Further the binarized fingerprint image is filtered with the implementation of the median filtering technique in order to produce the noise free image. The resultant image is further improved by extracting minutiae from fingerprint images. This is one of the most important steps in automatic fingerprint identification and classification. In this paper we employ both median filtering technique and minutiae detection procedures for fingerprint image enhancement. The results are validated by calculating the PSNR value and energy of the enhanced images. The method shows improvement in the minutiae detection process and matching accuracy in terms of energy. The experimental results of PSNR value is very close to the ideal value. In this improved method the energy value is calculated with more accuracy using pixels in the enhanced image.
SOME: An Alternative Environment-friendly Internal Combustion engine fuel[Full-Text ] Tunde Folorunsho Adepoju and Abiodun A. OkunolaIn this work, an Alkalis catalysed transesterification was used to obtain Sorrel Oil Methyl Ester (SOME) from Sorrel Seed oil. The produced SOME had fuel properties which satisfied both ASTME D6751 and EN 1424 standards. The fatty acid profile of the SOME revealed the dominant fatty acids were oleic (58.337%), linoleic (21.194%), palmitic (18.280%), Emission assessment of SOME in an Internal combustion engine revealed 70% decreased in CO, 80% decreased in NO, 97% decreased in mass of oxygen in the blending, 59% increase in power and 45% decreased in SFC, respectively at B40 when compared to pure diesel (AGO). Hence, it can be concluded that B40 (40% SOME + 60% AGO) will provides the best emission reduction in an internal combustion engine.
Statistical Approach to Oils Extraction from Sorrel Seed (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) and Its Quality Characterization[Full-Text ] Tunde Folorunsho Adepoju and Abiodun A. OkunolaThis work focused on optimization of oil extraction from Sorrel oilseeds using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Based on Box-Behnken design, 17 experimental runs were conducted to investigate the effects of extraction time, solvent volume and sample weight, and their reciprocal interactions on the oil yield. A quadratic polynomial was obtained to predict the oil yield and the ANOVA test showed the model to be significant (p < 0.05). A statistical model predicted the maximum seed oil yield to be 18.25% at the optimal condition of sample weight, 22 g, solvent volume, 157 ml and time, 2 h. The optimized condition was validated with the actual oil yield of 17.85%, which was well within the range predicted. The fatty acid profile of the oil revealed is highly unsaturated (74.45%) with linoleic acid the highest (44.39%). The physicochemical analysis of oil suggested the oil could have important food and industrial applications.
The Nyishi Folk and Rituals: A perspective[Full-Text ] Dr. Nabam Nakha HinaThe Arunachal Pradesh is inhabited by several ethnic groups and tribes. Each of them has distinct culture, traditions, faith and belief, customs and customary law, different social and economic pattern. The traditional law is one such institution. The Nyishi tribe is one of tribe in Arunachal Pradesh. Genealogically the Nyishi is descendant of the great ancestor Aabhu Thanyi. They are divided into three major clans namely Dopum, Dodum and Dollu. They inhabit in the districts of Arunachal Pradesh viz Papum Pare, Lower subansiri, Upper Subansiri, Kurung Khumey, East Kamang, West Kameng and some parts of the state of Assam. Nyishi have certain mechanism to regulate them. One such legal institution is called Nyelee (formal gathering of people) to resolve the Yallung (disputes). There are other mechanisms like oaths and ordeals. Dingdung and Sudung enam (boil water ordeal). There are also omen examinations like Peepchenam (boil egg examination) Pachu Kuknam/RuksingKanam (chicken liver examination), Reksing Kanam /keenam (pig liver examination). The rituals play vital role in the Nyishi society. There are several rituals for separate and specific purpose. They follow oral folk transmitted from one generation to another. The paper is an attempt to classify the Nyishi folk and rituals with and its purpose will also be pointed out. There is no distinction between ritual and the customs. There is ritual in every steps of Nyishi life which is like oxygen to living creatures. The rituals of Nyishi may be grouped as follows:(a) Rituals related to creation (b) Rituals related to agricultural (c) Rituals for immediate healing (d) Rituals for treatment and medication (e) Rituals for inflicting opponent (f) Rituals for purification and reconciliation (g) Rituals related to death of human (h) Rituals for omen (i) Ritual related to oath and ordeals) (j) Ritual related to peace, prosperity and for the protection.