Volume 4, Issue 9, September 2013 Edition
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Effect of capacitor on the variable power quality placement in distribution networks in one single instance in the city of Kerman[Full-Text ] Mahdi Mozaffari Legha, Ardalan Zargar Raeiszadeh, Ali Khajehzadeh, Sajad RazaniBecause of growing trend of privatization of power industry, losses and reducing it, has become one important priority in the distribution network. Appropriate Capacitor form is one of the main ways to reduce losses. In this article the effects of capacitor was analysis for the effects of compensate reactive power, voltage profile, power factor, harmonic current, current profile before and after capacitor placement Mark at Substation 20kv Zafar in Kerman city in a two-day period before and after setting capacitor and a week before and after capacitor placement, Review results involved with the recovery rate of the network parameters with suitable installation of the capacitor, which will dramatically improve.
Quantify the Loss Reduction with Optimization of Capacitor Placement Using ABC Algorithm- A CASE STUDY[Full-Text ] Mahdi Mozaffari Legha, Mahdi Nazari Zadeh, Farzaneh Ostovar, Ardalan Zargar RaeiszadehIncreasing application of capacitor banks on distribution networks is the direct impact of development of technology and the energy disasters that the world is encountering. To obtain these goals the resources capacity and the installation place are of a crucial importance. Line loss reduction is one of the major benefits of capacitor, amongst many others, when incorporated in the power distribution system. The quantum of the line loss reduction should be exactly known to assess the effectiveness of the distributed generation. In this paper, a new method is proposed to find the optimal and simultaneous place and capacity of these resources to reduce losses, improve voltage profile too the total loss of a practical distribution system is calculated with and without capacitor placement and an index, quantifying the total line loss reduction is proposed. To demonstrate the validity of the proposed algorithm, computer simulations are carried out on actual power network of Kerman Province, Iran and the simulation results are presented and discussed.
Statistical methods for identifying differentially Expressed genes in microarray data[Full-Text ] Bindu Punathumparambath, Sebastian George, Kannan V. M.Microarray is a recently developed functional genomic technology that has powerful applications in a wide array of biological research areas, including the medical sciences, agriculture, biotechnology and environmental studies. One of the important problems in the analysis of microarray data is the identification of differentially expressed genes. Commonly used approaches for identifying differentially expressed genes are fold change,standard t-test, significance analysis of microarrays (SAM) and regularized t-test (Cyber-T). In the present study the generalized p-value method is used to test the differential expression of individual genes. We used the environmental microarray data set to test the proposed method and compared with existing methods considering univariate testing problem for each gene. Numerical results confirmed the superiority of the procedure based on the generalized p-value technique to identify genes with a low level of false discovery rate.
Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration in Low-Cost FPGAs[Full-Text ] K.Bhuvaneswari,V.Srinivasa RaoField Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) market is growing rapidly with various applications in different industries. There is a new concept evolving in FPGA industry called dynamic partial reconfiguration (DPR) with has a greater exposure in different applications. Partial reconfiguration is nothing but reconfiguring the selected areas of an FPGA after its initial configuration at runtime. In this paper we reconfi-gure some specific region of the FPGA with a new functionality at runtime while the remaining areas remain static during this time. The com-plexities during the runtime can be simplified by a tool called PLANAHEAD which was introduced by Xilinx that is able to implement run time reconfigurable systems for all VIRTEX FPGAs. This results in low computational cost and low power FPGAs, PLANAHEAD is the first graphical environment for partial reconfiguration. In this context partial reconfiguration gives the flexibility for reducing the board space ( effective utilization of resources), change a design in the field and also reduces the power consumption.
The unscented Kalman Filter for the Estimation the States of The Boiler-Turbin Model[Full-Text ] Halimeh Noormohamadi, Masoud SuresrafilIn many cases interesting dynamic are not linear by nature, so the traditional Kalman filter cannot be applied in estimating the state of such a system. In these kinds of systems, both the dynamics and the measurement processes can be nonlinear, or only one of them. In this paper, an extension to the traditional Kalman filter will be described, which can be applied for estimating nonlinear dynamic systems, that is called Unscented Kalman filter (UKF) based on the unscented transformation of the joint distribution. Then this method is used for the estimation of the states of the Boiler-Turbin Model. Simulation results show the effectiveness of this method.
Pharmacological Study of Shogran Valley Flora, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Ume Ummara, Tasveer Zahra Bokhari, Adeela Altaf, Uzma Younis, Altaf Ahmed DastiThe present work was planned to explore the pharmacological aspects of Shogran Valley Flora. From study area only fifty plants were selected to observe their pharmacological values. From the results it is cleared that the plants from study area have more medicinal applications in skin, diuretic, expectorant, digestive, anti-inflammatory and respiratory disorders. Abies pindrow, Achillea millefolium, Cedrus deodara, Stellaria media, Trigonella foenum-graecum and Urtica dioica plants have more therapeutic application for treatment of variety of ailments.
Vision Technique for Smart Vehicle Using Ant Colony Algorithm[Full-Text ] Sarika Sharma, Preeti GuptaThis study presents a new image processing vehicle detection algorithm for smart vehicle vision system. All the edges there in the camera window are detected using multi-thresholding concept to overcome the problem of over-segmentation; so that no vehicle is left behind even if its intensity is very much similar with the background or of low intensity. Ant Colony Optimization technique considering the intensity and area of sub-region, is used in order to merge internal edges with in the area of interest (AOI) and get the segmented vehicle image in the current frame. The non-area of interest (NAOI) region from the image frame is removed and the vehicles are counted using block wise counting analysis. The average accuracy rate comes out to be 98.73%.
Outer interval solution of linear systems with parametric interval data[Full-Text ] El-Owny, Hassan Badry Mohamed A.This paper addresses the problem of solving linear systems of equations whose coefficients are depend affine-linearly on parameters varying within prescribed intervals. Such systems, are encountered in many practical problems, e.g in electrical engineering and mechanical systems. A C-XSC(C- for eXtended Scientific Computing) implementation of a symmetric single step method for computing an outer enclosure for the solution set is proposed in this paper. Numerical examples illustrating the applicability of the proposed.
VLSI Implementation of Medical Image Fusion Using Haar Transform[Full-Text ] P. Phanindra, J. Chinna Babu, V. Usha ShreeNow-a-days, almost all areas of medical diagnosis are impacted by the digital image processing. When an image is processed for visual interpretation, the human eye is the judge of how well a particular method works. Clinical application demanding Radiotherapy plan, for instance, often benefits from the complementary information in images of different modalities. For medical diagnosis, Computed Tomography (CT) provides the best information on denser tissue with less distortion. Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) provides better information on soft tissue with more distortion. With more available multimodality medical images in clinical applications, the idea of combining images from different modalities become very important and medical image fusion has emerged as a new promising research field. The experiments show that the method could extract useful information from source images to fused images so that clear images are obtained. In this paper, a hardware implementation of a image fusion system is proposed. Here MATLAB is used to convert images into pixel-format files and to observe simulation results. To implement this paper XPS & VB are needed. In XPS, first select hardware & software components then by adding source and header files & converting into bit streams and download into FPGA, to obtain fused image.
ANALYTICAL DESCRIPTION OF PNEUMATIC SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Karan DuttThis paper mainly talks about PNEUMATICS’ working and components. The main emphasis is given on its various components’ functioning and working. Pneumatics is a section of technology that deals with the study and application of pressurized gas to produce mechanical motion. Pneumatic systems are used extensively in industry, and factories are commonly plumbed with compressed air or compressed inert gases. This is because a centrally located and electrically powered compressor that powers cylinders and other pneumatic devices through solenoid valves can often provide motive power in a cheaper, safer, more flexible, and more reliable way than a large number of electric motors and actuators. This paper also talks briefly about the ELECTROPNEUMATIC system and all the components and the symbols associated with it.
Intrusion Detection Using Combination of Various Kernels Based Support Vector Machine[Full-Text ] Md.Al Mehedi Hasan, Mohammed Nasser, Biprodip Pal, Shamim Ahmad.The success of any Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a complicated problem due to its nonlinearity and the quantitative or qualitative network traffic data stream with many features.
Calibrating Road User Cost Model in HDM-4 for Conditions Prevailing in India - A Case Study[Full-Text ] Aswathy Das A, Dr. Bino I Koshy, Jeena PradeepEngineering economic analysis applies economic concepts and methods to engineering problems to support decisions on a best course of action. Economic analysis provides a way of comparing the economic gains expected from an investment with the cost of that investment; providing an objective understanding of value to be expected for cost incurred. The Highway Development and Management Model (HDM-4) system is seen as the international standard decision support tool for road management. This article focuses on the Road User Cost Modelling in HDM-4 and validation of the model using Road User Costs Knowledge System (RUCKS).
AUGMENTED REALITY[Full-Text ] M.Sowmya sree, S.Durga, P.Sindhusha This paper aims to provide design on augmented reality (AR) based system to encourage user participation. Augmented reality is a technology that merges visual perception of real world environments and objects with virtual, computer-generated content. Augmented reality is changing the way we view the world. Picture ourself walking or driving down the street. This history of augmented reality can be traced to work done at MIT in the late 1960s.In the ensuing decades, a growing cadre of researchers in university, medical, industrial and military settings built upon the early breakthroughs. Diverse applications of augmented reality followed, and today we are witnessing a dazzling array of innovations across a wide spectrum of industries and disciplines. Augmentation is conventionally in real time and in semantic context with environmental elements, such as sports scores on TV during a match. Augmented reality brings virtual reality into the real world and in process enhances what we can do in real-world scenarios. With the help of advanced AR technology (e.g. adding computer vision and object recognition) the information about the surrounding real world of the user becomes interactive and digitally manipulable.
A Distnict Multipulse - Multilevel Converter for Especial Applications[Full-Text ] Dr. K. Ravi Chandrudu, K. Anusha, P. Yohan Babu, G.V. Prasanna AnjaneyuluThis paper analyses the structure of an 12-pulse 7 level voltage source converter (VSC), assembled by combining one twelve-pulse VSC, in conjunction with an asymmetric single-phase seven-level converter plus an injection transformer. The device performance, proven on a lab prototype, allows verifying the harmonic content of the resultant voltage signal. The exhibited low THD, permits the system to be used in especial applications or as basement of FACTS devices. The three-phase digital PLL used to detect the phase of the fundamental voltage synchronizes the firing signals in all switches within a sample cycle. With this arrangement, the VSC output's total harmonic distortion in voltages is reduced, allowing it to be used in especial applications or as the basement of flexible A.C. transmission systems (FACTS) devices. The proposed strategy allows savings in the number of employed switches. Simulations and experimental results are provided to show the proposal appropriateness.
Content Based Image Retrieval with Wavelet and Gabor Transform mixing based on modulation factor[Full-Text ] Anjana Tiwari, Mr. Jigyasu DubeyContent-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR), also known as query by image content (QBIC) .Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) system helps users to retrieve relevant images based on their contents .Content based Image retrieval is one of the most exciting and fastest growing research areas. This paper proposes a new content based image retrieval system with wavelet and gabor transform mixing based on modulating factor. It controls the mixing of color and texture effect for retrieval.This method applies a weighted combination of color and texture to the wavelet transform based on spatial-color and second order statistics.The experiments show that the Gabor filters provide promising results and improves the effectiveness of image retrieval.
A contingent adaptive echo cancellation method by actualizing different algorithms[Full-Text ] Achintaya Kumar, Kashish YadavAn Echo can be defined as the repetition of a waveform due to the reflection from points through which it propagates. In the process of Communication, it degrades the quality of service. Echo that result from a feedback path set up between the speaker and microphone in a mobile phone are known as Acoustic Echo. Echo that result from an impedance mismatch at telephone exchange hybrids between 2-line & 4-wire line are known as Hybrid Echo. This paper is an attempt at the cancellation of echo and comparison with various types of LMS Algorithms, which has shown positive outcome towards the process of Echo Cancellation using Adaptive Filters.
Content based image indexing based on framelet transform and color[Full-Text ] Mrs Shweta Singh, Mr Anand Rajavat This paper presents a novel content based image retrieval (CBIR) system based on Framelet Transform .The proposed method is shift invariant which captured edge information more accurately than conventional transform domain methods as well as able to handle images of arbitrary size. Current system uses texture as a visual content for feature extraction. First Texture features are obtained by computing the energy, standard deviation and mean on each sub band of the Framelet transform decomposed image. In our method we have applied the color histogram feature that will enhance the current method which uses only the edge information. The results of the proposed methods are compared with conventional methods. We have done the comparison of results of these two methods for image retrieval. Euclidean distance is used as similarity measure in the proposed CBIR system.
Driving Excellence in Quality Management through Information Systems[Full-Text ] Vaijayanti MaitraPowerful systems for collecting data and managing it in large databases are already in place in most large and medium-scale companies. However, the bottleneck of turning this data into success is the difficulty of extracting knowledge about the system from the collected data to generate a profitable product that caters to the needs of the customer. With technology changing at a breakneck pace, it is essential for organizations to work towards an intelligent system that not only strives towards maintaining the quality of a product but also keeps room for up gradation. With more people being aware of the importance of quality, manufacturing organizations continuously face the challenge of effectively managing the quality of their products while optimizing the production process. This project gives an overview of a four layer structure, merging the manufacturing process with Information Technology tools that eventually creates a flexible system integrating all business activities. This project also introduces the key concepts of Enterprise Resource Planning, Data Warehouse and Data Mining, which forms the backbone of the system.
Identification of Signature Predictive of Pathological Situation from Atherosclerosis Plaque Microarray Data[Full-Text ] Amit Dubey, Pramod W RamtekeLarge-scale gene expression analysis provides significance to the differentially expressed genes regulated in disease processes such as Atherosclerosis. Many targeting the promise of medical informatics by developing individualized diagnostic and therapeutic techniques for Atherosclerosis plaque will provide a detailed understanding about the genes and its variants that played an imperative role to this disease vulnerable and progression. A computational approach that accounts for genetic network, incorporates non-transcriptionally regulated genes, and accommodate foreseeing offers many advantages. We performed a comprehensive gene level estimation of performed prediction analysis for early and advanced condition of atherosclerosis plaque among 29 Atherosclerosis patients. Predictive signature profiles could be developed from normal tissues in humans and this is ambiguous and interchangeably sometimes it predicts as Diagnostic signature and in this it, reveals from advanced atherosclerosis plaque condition compares with early one. And after implicative analysis of microarrays to reveal gene ontology analyses and relative gene expression pro?les. Our studies revealed that immune responsive genes is more up regulated in advance atherosclerosis patients as compared to early atherosclerosis patients and these gene expression is the elementary expression signature of disease progression in atherosclerosis plaque formation. Furthermore, we provide vision to the mutual genes interaction network of many clusters of genes associated with Atherosclerosis, revealing an overflow of immune and in?ammatory signaling genes. We present a novel approach to future Pathway circuit designing based on connectivity approach. In doing this, we identify 1151genes of total genes are differentially expressing rest of many genes shows no variation in expression in early and advanced stages of Atherosclerosis that are preprocessing candidates for therapeutic targeting to future relevance. This study also provide signi?cant insights over for systems-based approach to analyzing complex disease and also to evaluate global gene expression patterns in the common iliac arteries of monkeys with a diverse expansion of atherosclerosis vulnerabilities which is the basis of new medical informatics approaches in terms of their further drug development.
Automatic Enhancement of Low Contrast Images using SMRT[Full-Text ] Jaya V L, R GopikakumariContrast enhancement has an important role in Image processing applications as it extracts useful information from an image. Enhancement of low contrast images is usually done in the spatial domain as a preprocessing step, followed by image processing methods in the transform domain. This paper proposes a simple, yet powerful image enhancement technique in transform domain for addressing low contrast and brightness problems in gray-scale and color images. It uses SMRT to automatically change the statistical parameters such as mean & standard deviation by controlling brightness and contrast.
Prioritisation of road corridors for improvement by developing Composite Index[Full-Text ] Dhanya Linaraj, Bino I Koshy, Jeena PradeepPrioritising competing transport infrastructure investment schemes is an essential pre-requisite at all levels of transport decision making. All countries face the basic economic problem of allocating scarce resources among competing uses in a way that maximises the social welfare.Therefore it is very essential to prioritise the projects to ensure that resources are focused appropriately. This paper introduce a Multi Criteria prioritisation model based on novel set of factors like Growth Centers, Road Utilisation, Connectivity, Accessibility, Backwardness and the amount of Commercial Vehicles using the road, to identify the roads to be improved which will result in socio-economic growth of the entire region.The weight of each factors in Composite Index calculation have been formulated using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Further this prioritisation model has been used for prioritising 20 Major District Roads (MDRs) in the state of Kerala, India.
Antimicrobial activity of fruits extracts of the wild jujube "Ziziphus Lotus (L.) Desf. [Full-Text ] Rsaissi.N, EL KAMILI, B. Bencharki, L. Hillali, M. BouhacheIn Morocco, Wild jujube "Ziziphus Lotus (L.) Desf." is a very common fruit shrub in arid and semi-arid region. Fruits of this species are traditionally used for treatment of many diseases. The objective of this study is to evaluate in vitro the biological activity of the extracts of the fruits of this shrub, extracted successively by maceration with different organic solvents of increasing polarity (ether, dichloromethane and methanol), on four Gram negative and four Gram positive bacteria species and four species of filamentous fungi. All extracts showed an activity on different studied bacterial species. At the concentration of 4000 µg/disk, the etheric and methanolic extracts were the most active by inducing growth inhibition diameters between 11 and 20 mm of Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella Typhi, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. At the concentration of 20 mg/ml, these extracts showed an interesting activity on the four fungi species: Fusarium culmorum, Aspegillus ochraceus, Penicillium italicum, Rhizomucor sp. The inhibition rates ranged from 31 to 85% and 17 to 76% at the second and the fifth day of incubation, respectively. Based on chemical analyses, the fruits of wild jujube contain phenols, flavonoids and tannins, which explain their high antimicrobial activity. Indeed, a strong correlation was noted between the concentrations of these components in the fruits extracts and their antimicrobial activity. These results confirm some uses of wild jujube in traditional medicine.
Design and Development of Haptics Solutions for Touch Sensitive Mobile Devices[Full-Text ] Arun Kumar D R, Vinay Hegde, Venkataravana Nayak K, Raghavendra ShivarajuTouchscreens have been invading mobile devices all over the world and they are replacing traditional user interfaces. Since the users are unaware of the mechanical button feedback of touchscreen, which the user can feel while operating the device. The major disadvantage of touch screens are no physical or mechanical feedback when the touchscreen is pressed or an event occurs and even absence of haptics feedback. Haptic technology is the future of touch interface, which allows the user to not only touch the screen but also feel the texture on their fingertips. The proposed project is aimed to generate more delicate haptics sensations on the touch panel, various piezo actuators were incorporated into mobile devices. Piezo actuator generates haptics sensations for various UI (User Interface) tools and touch events triggered. This paper explains about the design and development of haptics solutions for touch sensitive mobile devices at Motorola solutions. This involves MPA 2.0 BigBoard, piezo actuator and DRV8662EVM haptic driver modules.
A survey of virtualization security[Full-Text ] Somayeh Sobati moghadamVirtualization is the most rapidly developing technology in IT industry which is cost saving and east for management to deploy. Beside these benefits there are some dark side witch causes the security concerns. Virtualization is an appropriate platform for many potential threats and vulnerabilities that must be addressed. Virtualization brings significant challenges in security such access control failures, vulnerable networks, loss of controlling. Virtualization security should be managed this potential gaps to reduce cost and complexity, thus identifying these challenges plays the important role. In these paper the most common threats in virtualization is presented. We focus on threats that targeted the virtualization.
Canonical Correlation between Strategic Design Requirements and Performance Measures of Lean and Agile Supply Chains - A Case Study in Small and Medium Enterprises[Full-Text ] D.Venkata Ramana, J.Suresh Kumar, K.Narayana RaoCompanies seeking to survive in the business need to meet the customer demands for variety, time, price and quality. The challenge faced by a supply chain delivering fashion products is to develop a strategy that will improve the match between supply and demand and enable the companies to respond faster to the market. These results in three fundamental supply chain strategies namely, lean strategy; agile strategy; lean and agile (leagile) strategy; A suitable supply chain can be designed once the relationship between strategic design requirements (SDRs) and supply chain performance measures (SPMs) is understood. The aim of this paper, is investigating interactions between SDRs and measures of supply chain performance. To do this after reviewing the literature and identification of SDRs and SPMs, a questionnaire in respect of lean and agile supply chain was developed and distributed to three types of medium and small scale industries, namely (i) apparel manufacturing (ii) automotive spare parts and (iii) electronic components. Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) was used to assess the relations between the SDRs and SPMs. Research findings indicate that that there is the significant and positive relationship between SDRs and SPMs.
Effect of Elevation and Above Ground Biomass (AGB) on Soil Organic Carbon (SOC): A Remote Sensing Based Approach in Chitwan District, Nepal[Full-Text ] Sikdar Mohammad Marnes RaselNow a days the possibility of enhanced carbon storage in soils is of more interest compared to vegetation as it contains more carbon. For this reason, the revised Kyoto protocol includes two new clauses relevant to soil organic carbon sequestration. So, for the countries that have signed the Kyoto protocol, estimation of SOC sequestration is a required strategy. Reliable quantification of carbon held in soil is essential to formulate any kinds of monitoring program. This SOC is dominated by a lot of variables like environmental and soil internal factors as well. This study aims therefore to study the effect of two remotely sensed measured variables on SOC in the subtropical forest of Chitwan, Nepal.
Modified Kerberos Model for Sustaining the Integrity Privacy & Authentication of Critical Data in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Neeraj Kumar, Vibhav Prakash Singh, Himanshu Mishra, Atul BarsaiyanAs the new age of internet, Cloud Computing becoming the most powerful virtual supercomputing where we use the computing and other resources over the internet. So the challenging task for every user who is invoking the services provided by cloud over the internet is security. Security services just like authentication integrity and privacy becomes the main problem while users moving there critical data over internet for invoking the services provided by the cloud. So the main issues are how to maintain the integrity and privacy of those critical data over cloud. Here in this paper we have proposed a modified Kerberos model which will maintain the integrity, privacy & Authentication of the critical data which is transmit over cloud.
Glaciers in Ganges basin: an assessment of their dimensions through inventories[Full-Text ] Nathaniel B. Dkhar and Shresth TayalThe objective of this paper is to analyse the data available in the glacier inventories published by Geological Survey of India and International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development and make a comparative assessment of the distribution and extent of Himalayan glaciers in the Ganges river system of Indian and Nepal Himalaya.Some interesting conclusions for this assessment were that majority of the estimated glacial ice volume towards the Ganges river system was from the Nepal Himalayas. Also, it was found that smaller glaciers have a larger representation than large glaciers in the Ganges basin.
Survey on Design of Quantum Computing Analysis Techniques[Full-Text ] Milan JainAs it is a modern era of science and technology and the humankind is to elaborate their thinking in the field of medicine and different technology sector. Quantum computing is essentially harnessing and exploiting the amazing laws of quantum mechanics to process information. A quantum computer uses quantum bits or qubits. Qubit is a quantum system that encodes the zero and the one into two distinguishable quantum states, qubits behave quantumly. Quantum computing technique is discussed about the phenomena of superposition and entanglement. Superposition is one particle property while entanglement is a characteristic of two or more particles. If use our classical algorithms on a quantum computer, it perform the operation as the way done by classical computer. To show the superiority of quantum it needs to use new algorithms which can exploit the phenomenon of quantum parallelism. In this paper the comparative analysis is discuss according to various quantum parameters.
Study the polymorphism in DNA repair genes (XRCC1) and colorectal adenocarcinoma risk[Full-Text ] Inas M. Masoud, Mohamed M. Mokhtar, Mervat M. Mostafa, and Asmaa A.AzizXRCC1 gene has been extensively investigated both in its function and in its association with cancer risk. The presence of the variant Gln399 allele has been shown to be associated with measurable reduced DNA repair capacity. The present study aimed to study the association between XRCC1 Arg399Gln polymorphism and colorectal cancer risk, and to investigate their role as susceptibility markers for colorectal cancer. Twenty colorectal adenocarninoma patients attended Tanta cancer center during the period from December 2010 to May 2011 were enrolled in this study. Matching group of 20 healthy controls was used for comparison. Subgroup analyses based on age groups, sex, and smoking status were further performed. The overall data failed to indicate significant associations between XRCC1 Arg399Gln polymorphism and colorectal cancer risk (Arg/Arg odds ratio (OR) = 1.27; 95% CI = 0.34- 4.31; Arg/Gln: OR = 1; 95% CI = 0.27- 3.67; Gln/Gln: OR = 0.474; 95% CI = 0.04 - 5.69). In subgroup analyses stratified by age, gender and smoking status similar results were obtained. In conclusion, XRCC1 Arg399Gln polymorphism is not associated with colorectal adenocarinoma and is consistent with the results of a recently published meta-analysis
Artificial Neural Network for Microhardness of Al-Mg Based Alloy with Sn Addition[Full-Text ] R.H. Nada, A.M. Abd El-Khalek, F. Abd El-Salam, M. Y. El-Bakry, D.M. Habashy and E. Abd El-RheimArtificial neural networks (ANNs) have been applied to age-hardening of microhardness measurements, Hv, were obtained for sheets of Al-3wt.% Mg alloy and its tertiary alloys containing Sn from 0 to 2.5 wt.% in the temperature range 443-503 K, applied loads (10-300 g) and dwell times (10 - 40 s). The age-hardening curves showed off leveling and pronounced oscillations indicating instability which, reflecting a competition between the effect of dynamic recovery or sub-structures coarsening and the effect of solute drag and precipitation hardening. Sn addition, increasing of aging temperature, T, load, L, and dwell time, t, caused a decrease in, Hv, due to the decrease of the amount of free Mg available for further precipitation hardening during the aging process. Rprop algorithm and ANNs were employed to obtain a mathematical formula describing the microhardness measurements. The simulated and predicted results showed good agreement with the experimental data. This study showed that the ANN model and Rprop algorithm are capable of accuracy predicting the age-hardening process in the training and testing phases.
Validity of the modified fatigue strength ratio and SWT Parameter for Woven - Roving GFRP under in-phase and out-of-phase combined loading[Full-Text ] M.ElhadaryThe modified fatigue strength ratio (?) and the Smith-Watson-Topper (SWT) parameter have allowed a great reduction in the number of tests required to estimate the effect of mean stress on the fatigue life of some composites for which they were validated. The experimental fatigue tests were conducted on thin-walled tubular specimens woven-roving glass fiber reinforced polyester (GFRP), with 0o, 45o and 90o phase shift between bending and torsional moments for two fiber orientations, ([±45]2 and [0,90]2), at different negative stress ratios, R = - 1, -0.75, -0.5, -0.25, 0. It was found that both parameters are valid for studied case, resulting in a great reduction in time and effort when studying a similar case in future.
A new failure criterion for GFRP composite materials subjected to in-phase and out-of-phase biaxial fatigue loading under different stress ratios[Full-Text ] M.ElhadaryThis studying the fatigue behavior represents one of the most important targets for any new material before being used. This is because; fatigue behavior cannot be predicted and the fatigue failure cannot be expected as in the case of static yielding. The experimental fatigue tests were conducted on thin-walled tubular specimens woven-roving glass fiber reinforced polyester (GFRP), with 0o, 45o and 90o phase shift between bending and torsional moments for two fiber orientations, ([±45]2 and [0,90]2), at different negative stress ratios, R = - 1, -0.75, -0.5, -0.25, 0. A new term was introduced to the Tsai-Hahn criterion to govern the fatigue behavior of the tested specimens, considering the interact effect between the local stresses and taking into account the variations of the values of (R) , the ratio of (A/B), and phase angle (z) . Good agreement between predictions and experimental results was obtained for both in-phase and out-of-phase loadings. The new fatigue model is verified by applying it to different experimental data provided by other researchers. The obtained results by the new fatigue model are in good agreements with the experimental data of E-glass/epoxy of unidirectional plies.
A Proposed Data Security Algorithm Based on Cipher Feedback Mode and its Simulink Implementation[Full-Text ] Adnan Mohsin Abdulazeez, Farah Shleemon Khamo The issue of security in the process of data transformation is very important so that in this paper we proposed a new two-stage security algorithm which combines cryptography and steganography to increase the secrecy. In the first stage; cryptography stage, the characters of the text (plaintext) are encoded using Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode which uses International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) instead of Data Encryption Standard (DES). In the second stage; steganography stage, the ciphertext is embedded into the cover image using two least significant bits of the middle and high frequency subbands coefficients of the integer to integer lifting wavelet transform of the green and blue components. In this work the proposed algorithm is implemented using MATLB Simulink. Through the software and hardware simulations of the proposed algorithm; the most important properties are improved such as imperceptibility, security, and hiding capacity. Also the results of the software and hardware implementation of the proposed algorithm are approximately similar.
Genetic Programming Design of Locally Weighted GMDH for Wind Power Generation Prediction[Full-Text ] E. E. Elattar, Member, IEEE, and I. TahaThe intermittent nature of the wind creates significant uncertainty in the operation of power systems with increased wind power penetration. Considerable efforts have been made for the accurate prediction of the wind power considered one of the most rapidly growing sources of electricity generation all over the world. This paper proposes a new approach for wind power prediction. The proposed method is derived by integrating the genetic programming (GP) with locally weighted group method of data handling (LWGMDH). In the proposed model, KPCA is used to extract features of the inputs and obtain kernel principal components for constructing the phase space of the multivariate time series of the inputs. The weighting function’s bandwidth which plays a very important role in local modelling is optimized by the weighted distance algorithm Moreover, the GP algorithm is employed to optimize the structure of the GMDH network. Then optimized LWGMDH is employed to solve the wind power prediction problem. The proposed model is evaluated using real world dataset. The results show that the proposed method provides a much better prediction performance in comparison with other models employing the same data.
The Investigation of Differential Effects of Recasts and Prompts on Speaking Performance of Male and Female EFL Learners[Full-Text ] Dr. Karim Nazari Bagha, Dr. Malahat Shabany, Roya GHolizadeThe merits of instruction based on feedback have been widely debated and investigated in language classrooms. Consequently, the last ten years witnessed a steady increase in the number of studies that have examined the effects of corrective feedback on L2 speaking performance. This includes both descriptive and experimental research examining a wide range of variables (e.g., type and amount of feedback, mode of feedback, learner's language proficiency level, instructional context, and attitudes towards feedback). One of the relevant variables in corrective feedback studies which seem to be less operationalized is the differential impact of prompts and recasts on the male and female's accuracy, complexity and fluency aspects of speaking performance of participants. Therefore, the present research aimed to investigate the differential impact of prompts and recasts on speaking performance of male and female EFL learners. To do so, based on proficiency test, 120 participants were selected and randomly divided in six equal homogenous groups namely four experimental (A1=male-recast A2=female-recast B1=male-prompt B2=female-prompt) and two control groups (C1=male C2=female). The experimental groups received recasts and prompts instruction of speaking while the control groups continued traditional speaking instruction without feedback. The statistical and systematic analysis of data, were obtained and the results showed that, there is significant difference between impact of recasts and prompts but there is not any difference between the performance of males and females.
Effect of fillers on the density, rising time, creaming time, ignition time, flame duration and thermal conductivity of flexible polyether foam[Full-Text ] Onuegbu T.U., Ugwu L.E. and Ogunfeyitimi O. This work studied the effects of fillers on the density, rising time, creaming time, ignition time, flame duration and thermal conductivity of flexible polyester foam samples filled with chicken bone, palm kernel shell, foam dust, calcium carbonate and barium sulphate. The results showed that all the filled foams have higher densities than the unfilled foam. Foam sample F2 has the highest density of 21.6kg/m3. The unfilled foam has the lowest density of 20.10kg/m3 , while F1, F3, F4, and F5 have densities of 20.72kg/m3, 20.90kg/m3, 20.51kg/m3 and 20.75kg/m3 respectively.. The fillers also enhanced other properties in the foam sample more than the unfilled foam. Barium sulphate was found to be the best filler from the properties tested.
Using Ant System Optimization Technique for Approximate Solution to Multi-objective Programming Problems[Full-Text ] M. El-sayed Wahed and Amal A. Abou-ElkayerIn this paper we use the ant system optimization metaheuristic to find approximate solution to the Multi-objective Linear Programming Problems (MLPP), the advantageous and disadvantageous of the suggested method also discussed focusing on the parallel computation and real time optimization, it's worth to mention here that the suggested method doesn't require any artificial variables the slack and surplus variables are enough, a test example is given at the end to show how the method works.
Studies on the Failure of Economizer Tubes Involving Acid Dew-Point Corrosion in High Pressure Boilers[Full-Text ] Anees U. Malik, Saleh A. Al-Fozan, M. Mobin and Mohammad Al-Hajri Boiler tube failure is a major cause of concern to plant engineers as it leads to many forced outages of the power plants. The cause of failure may be associated with waterside corrosion, fire side corrosion, overheating, stress rupture, erosion or fatigue. H2SO4 dew-point corrosion or cold end corrosion has been a quite common occurrence in boilers running on fossil fuels, S plays an important role in promoting the attack. The H2SO4 dew-point corrosion sometimes inflicts catastrophic failure resulting in colossal losses in terms of power production.
EFFECT OF RAINFALL VARIABILITY ON CROPS PRODUCTION IN OYO STATE, NIGERIA (1990-2009)[Full-Text ] Akinniran, T. N. Ezekiel A.A, Ganiyu, M.O, Adeyemo. S.A.This study examines effect of rainfall variability on crops production for the periods of 1990 and 2009 in Oyo State, Nigeria. Secondary data was used for this study, the data on seasonal output of maize, yam, cassava and cowpea and also total annual rainfall for the periods under consideration were collected. These data were analyzed with graphs and mean. The mean values for five years interval (1990-1995, 1996-2000, 2001-2005 and 2006-2010) were 1228.040, 1307.080, 1308.420 and 1258.124(mm) respectively. It indicates that for the past twenty years the effect of climatic variability on the annual rainfall distribution is not obvious because of little gap in the mean values within the interval of five years. Graphical representations of annual output of crops versus annual amount of rainfall distribution show that the output of maize varies significantly with the annual rainfall distribution while the output of yam between1992 and1996 followed the pattern of rainfall distribution but from 1997 to 2009, the outputs of yam do not follow the trend again. Furthermore, there is no observed nexus between the cassava output and the annual rainfall distribution that is, rainfall variability has no effect on the cassava productivity. Finding also reveals that cowpea outputs and annual rainfall are initially commoved along the same trend but later the pattern is no longer moving towards the same direction. Base on this finding, it was found that the low crop yield witnessed from the output of farms produce should not be attributed to rainfall variability alone other factors such as land degradation, low soil fertility, untimely planting, improper selection of cropping system, diseases and pest infestation could also cause damage and low yield of crops on the farm.
Concentrating Solar Power and Its Prospects in India: Technological and Economic Requirements[Full-Text ] V.S.Srinivasan, Dr.S.Sreenivasa RaoConcentrating solar power (CSP) is emerging has a viable alternative to fossil fuels in meeting the ever rising energy requirements of India. In addition to being renewable and environmentally safe CSP plants can produce concentrating solar fuels, thus giving an added advantage over other renewable energy sources. Though photovoltaic cells dominate the solar energy production industry, CSP when combined with thermal energy storage can operate even during sun down periods thus ensuring continuous supply. The major technological requirements for large scale energy generation using CSP’s are abundant annual direct normal irradiation (DNI), a large area for the plant, water supply for the cooling of the plant and an optional storage mechanism. The economical requirements are initial installation costs, maintenance and operation costs. Though at present CSP plants are considered as costlier, considering the increase in conventional fuel prices and the increasing energy demands CSP’s seem essential for self reliant, clean energy.
Efficient Secure Distributor Decision making B2B Model in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] C. Phani Ramesh, Prof. M. PadmavathammaCloud computing is a new concept and it is applied to many industries at present. For instance, there has been a new trend for e-commerce companies to adopt Cloud Computing. Many organizations are attracted by Cloud computing because Cloud can save money and time in IT infrastructure. There is no doubt that this may be the biggest benefit brought by Cloud computing, but Cloud computing also brings many benefits. In this paper, we cleanly focus on Business to Business framework for selecting the best Distributor in a secure manner among the available Distributors in B2B Scenario and doing transactions in a secure manner using cloud technology.
EFFECT OF IR RADIATION ON THE DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF SALICYLIC ACID DOPED POLYBLEND THIN FILMS OF PS AND PMMA.[Full-Text ] Belsare N.G, Vidhale S.GPolystyrene (PS) and polymetyl methacrylate(PM-MA) were prepared by solution polymerization method. The thin films of 1:1 PS-PMMA poly blend system of pure and doped with 1%,3%,5%,7%,9% Salicylic Acid(SA) were prepared by using isothermal evaporation technique .The measurement of AC conductivity ,Dielectric Constant (er) for all above samples have been carried out within the temperature range: 323K-363K and at frequencies in the range of 1kHz-1mHz.The results reveal that the AC Conductivity and Dielectric Constant were strongly affected by the IR radiations. It has been observed that the value of AC Conductivity decreases with the increase in time of exposure to IR radiation. Whereas dielectric constant decreases with increase in the exposure time of IR radiation. The sample was characterized by XRD, SEM and FTIR.
Phytochemical and antibacterial activity of Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. and Artocarpus communis Forst. on Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas fluorescens[Full-Text ] M.Binumol and T.SajithaAntibacterial effect of Artocarpus heterophyllus and Artocarpus communis in leaf and bark were studied against Bacillus subtilis and pseudomonas fluorescens and its effect was then compared with the standard. Phytochemical screening was done by using water and methanol extracts of leaf and bark of both the plants. methanol extracts of A.heterophyllus bark and A.communis leaf and bark extracts showed the best antibacterial activity; and hence they can be further subjected to isolation of the therapeutic antimicrobials and for the further phytochemical and pharmacological studies.
CONTRIBUTION TO THE PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF TILES IN MICRO-CONCRETE MADE LOCALLY WITH THE GUM ARABIC.[Full-Text ] BOZABE R. Karka, TOUKOUROU C. Akanho and HOUNKONNOU M. Norbert The main objective of the present study is the validation of the use of a binder vegetable (gum Arabic) as matrix in the elaboration of the building materials of the semi-structural or structural components in the field of the cover of the works. It makes the synthesis of a set of results obtained on this binder and the structural elements made with this binder. Scientific and technical reference information of practical use will be put in the measure of the tile makers and the inhabitants of the dry and hot zones of the Sahel and Sahara for the production of quality tiles. We want to help these inhabitants to cover easily and at a lower cost their works.
Stability of the equilibrium point of the centre of mass of an extensible cable connected satellites system in case of circular orbit in three dimensional motions.[Full-Text ] Vijay Kumar, Nikky KumariIn a linear motion of a system of two cable-connected satellites, one stable equilibrium point must exist when perturbative forces like solar pressure, shadow of the earth due to solar pressure, air resistance magnetic force and oblateness of the earth act simultaneously. Actually, we have obtained one stable point of equilibrium in case of perturbative forces like the shadow of the earth due to solar radian pressure and oblateness of the earth act together on the three dimensional motion in case of circular motion of two cable connected satellites. Liapunov’s theorem has been used to examine the stability of the equilibrium point
Analysis on dispersion compensation using Post FBG with EDFA[Full-Text ] Sameer Anand, P K Raghav, Divya Kumar We consider that WDM Optical communication network offers very high potential bandwidth and flexibility in terms of high bit-rate transmission. However, their performance slows down due to some parameter like dispersion, attenuation, scattering and unsynchronized bit pattern. In long haul application, dispersion is the main parameter which needs to be compensated in order to provide high level of reliability of service . Fiber Braggs Grating (FBG) is one of the most widely used element to compensate it. In this article, the simulation model of the WDM based on the Optisystem is presented. The simulation results such as Q factor and BER are given and deeply analyzed. This method also offers very high value of Q-factor, reduced BER and noise in long haul optical communication networks
Some Modal Operators on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Multisets[Full-Text ] A. M. Ibrahim and P. A. EjegwaIn this paper, we extend the idea of modal operators to intuitionistic fuzzy multisets (IFMSs) since it is the extension of intuitionistic fuzzy sets. We defined two modal operators,? and ?, which are analogous to the modal logic operators necessity and possibility on intuitionistic fuzzy multisets A and B. We deduce and prove some theorems based on these operators.
ECONOMICAL ANALYSIS OF MILK AND BILLING WITH ELECTRONIC CARD[Full-Text ] AKASH BHATIA, BABALDEEP SINGHThis system is designed in order to change the lifestyle of milk collection unit. Dairies collect milk from dairy farmer everyday and payments for milk are done according to the rates per litre. This rate depends on various factor like weight, FAT, CLR & SNF of the milk. Our system will measure these parameters and calculate the payment automatically.
Measurement of Radium Content and Radon Exhalation Rates in Building Material Samples using Passive and Active Detecting Techniques[Full-Text ] Zakariya A. Hussein, Mohamad S. Jaafar and Asaad H. IsmailExperimental results concerning the radon concentration and radon exhalation rate from samples of building materials which were collected from the Iraqi Kurdistan using passive and active detecting techniques. the passive techniques, was used (CR-39NTDs) for a period of 2 month in each measurement. In the active techniques, was used (RAD7) for a duration of 24h for each samples. In both techniques, The highest and lowest of radon concentration was found in sand and ceramic tile samples respectively, It depends on the radioactive content of the materials, emanation factor and diffusion coefficient of radon in that material, porosity and density of the material. The radon exhalation rate varies from 115.85 ± 6.38 to 345.86 ± 6.82 (mBq/m2.h) and 14.46 ± 1.84 to 22.32 ± 2.12 (mBq/Kg.h) for different building materials. The exhalation rate is a function of diffusion length, which, in turn, depends on several physical parameters of the material humidity, porosity and geometry
Career Management: An Empirical Study relating to State Bank of India[Full-Text ] Prof. Abhishek AnandThe perception of career management among employees of any organization plays very pivotal role in shaping their career. The Indian financial sector is highly volatile and unpredictable in many terms. Employment stability has become important issue in developing an employee’s career. The responsibility of the employer as well as employee can only facilitate career growth.. The overview of banking sector in India has resulted in recruiting employees at lower level and promoting them to senior level. Stability in job is characterized by long service tenure, good relation with the boss and long term association with the organization. Moreover the satisfaction derived from the job relates to the level of association which the employee has with the organization. This paper attempts to analyze the reasons behind long term association of the employee with one of the reputed PSU banks.
IMPROVEMENT IN SOIL PROPERTIES USING VARIOUS COMBINATIONS OF CEMENT AND SAND FOR HIGHWAY PROJECT[Full-Text ] Brijesh SoniBlack cotton soil is a highly expensive soil and undergoes volume changes with change with change is water content. structures built on expensive soil are often subjected to distress due to high swelling and shrinkage of the soils of foundation etc. are some of the problems commonly encountered construction on these soils. Many attempts have been made to after the properties of black cotton soil.Soil improvement is a process of alteration of any property of soil and the treatment of ground, such that the soil may serve better their intended engineering purpose. Soil stabilization is an alternative term for soil improvement.
Groundwater quality mapping of PTU-1 watershed in Akola district of Maharashtra India using geographic information system techniques[Full-Text ] Khadri, S.F.R Chaitanya Pande and Kanak MoharirSpatial variations in ground water quality of PTU-1 watershed in the Akola district of Maharashtra India have been studied using geographic information system (GIS) technique. GIS, a tool which is used for storing, analyzing and displaying spatial data is also used for investigating ground water quality information. For this study, water samples were collected from 8 of the bore wells and open wells representing the entire watershed area. The water samples were analyzed for physico-chemical parameters like pH, TDS, Na, Fe, Cl and NO3, using standard techniques in the laboratory and compared with the standards. The ground water quality information maps of the entire study area have been prepared using GIS technique for all the above parameters. The results obtained in this study and the spatial database established in GIS will be helpful for monitoring and managing ground water pollution in the study area.