Volume 13, Issue 8, August 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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Arduino Embedded Accident Prevention System for vehicles during low visibility in extreme weather conditions (dust storms & foggy weather ) in the desert & hilly region [PDF] Arya Ajay GavandeRoad accidents due to poor visibility are always a major reason in hilly & desert regions. Extreme weather condition leads to poor visibility for drivers. Typically heavy dust storms and dense foggy weather are considered extreme weather conditions.
Extreme weather conditions as discussed above are very common in the desert region of Kuwait and the hilly region of India, this causes low visibility and eventually lots of road accidents. The vehicles installed with subjected Arduino embedded system, warn the driver about the vehicles ahead by a buzzer and flashing of the LED light or any vehicle is approaching from the back.
According to Gulf news1 and Arab news2 in Kuwait, 323 people were killed in the year 2021 and 352 in the previous year due to road accidents caused by the dust storm or foggy weather. Likewise, Time of India3 news in India, as per state transport department data almost 1800+deaths were reported in the year 2019 due to Fog. Mountain u-turns and hairpin bend crashes are one of the world's largest public health and injury prevention problems. The government data published in the Hindusthan Times4 in the first five months of 2019 about 1,170 people died in road accidents in only three hill states of India, they are Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, and Uttarakhand. Experts blame over-speeding, overcrowding of public transport vehicles, drunk driving, and the absence of adequate road signs as the major factors for the high number of accidents in the hill states.
The main objective of this project is to develop an Arduino-based system that will ensure driver and passengers' safety during heavy dust storms and foggy weather also in mountain u-turns, and hairpin bends. During dust storms or foggy weather, the visibility reduces to 1 or 2 miles or even less. The motivation behind this effort is to design a cost-effective Arduino-based embedded system that makes the driver and passengers' journey safer and more secure. This paper explains the vehicle alerts system during heavy dust storms and foggy weather also in mountain u-turns, and hairpin bends.
KADUNA POLYTECHNIC GRADUATE CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION SYSTEM USING BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY. [PDF] Idris B.,Abubakar M.,Lawal R.L.,Akande H.F.Universities and other educational institutions issue graduation certificates as one of the most important documents for graduates. A certificate is a proof of the qualification of a candidate and can be used to apply for a job or other related issues. Today, it is popular to forge important documents like certificates, identity cards, and passports. It is expensive and time-consuming to check certificates using traditional methods. The purpose of this paper is therefore to suggest a theoretical model that can provide a potential solution for the issuance and validation of educational certificates using blockchain technology. The blockchain technology includes multiple functions including hash, public/private key cryptography, digital signatures, peer-to-peer networks and work proof. The model uses different elements to formulate the block divided into key processes: the issuance of a digitally signed academic certificate and the confirmation of the academic certificate. The proposed model showed that the blockchain technology could leverage Kaduna Polytechnic certificate authentication. It fulfils all the conditions necessary for a modern verification system for certificates. It also addresses the holes and obstacles in the existing methods for checking the validity of educational certificates.
PORTAL INTEGRATED STUDENTS BIOMETRIC BASED VERIFICATION SYSTEM FOR EXAMINATION. [PDF] Idris B.,Abubakar M.,Lawal R.L.,Akande H.F.Any software relies heavily on information. In the academic environment, knowledge is especially necessary and crucial. Students must enrol in classes, take attendance, quizzes, and examinations, and review their grades. Students return to submit some transcript years after graduating from an institution. As a result, it is critical to treat student records in an open and transparent manner. As a result, it's critical to manage students' information in a way that's easy to access, maintain, and secure. The manual technique of compiling and keeping student records is prone to human mistake and is also insecure, leaving it vulnerable to unauthorized personnel. This paper describes the design and development of a biometric student record management system that acts as a conduit between students and the institution, allowing students to check their grades, track their progress, and efficiently record each student's attendance for every lecture they attend using a biometric device. The waterfall methodology was utilized to construct this system since it is a one-dimensional model, which means it is simple to apply and the documentation is completed at the start of the software development process.
How Educational Technology Trends Benefit Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) [PDF] Taha RobaThis study explores various educational technology trends used in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) education by examining peer-reviews published investigations. ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by an unfortunate lack of social skills and ongoing categorized behavior. These characteristics affect people with the socialization of ASD and present barriers to initiating and engaging in social interactions. As a result, more and more children worldwide are diagnosed with ASD. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the latest occurrence estimate is 1 in 59 (Pliasa & Fachantidis, 2019). The purpose of the study also includes the "augmentative and alternative communication" (AAC) systems because these methods provide support for the effectiveness of high-tech "electronic speech generating devices" (SGD) and low -the tech of "picture exchange communication system" (PECS) (Gilroy et al., 2018, p. 6). As a part of technology trends, this paper also analyzes assistive technology (AT) and how it benefits children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Analytical Performance of Marine Vessel Engines with or without Heat Exchanger [PDF] Biebelemo, Jethrow Jonathan Okore, Philip Nwankwo Ajoko, Tolumoye JohnThe proficiency of Gas turbine (GT) in the maritime industry for easy navigation and power supply for on-board vessels cannot be over emphasized. Therefore, studying the performance of GT engines in marine vessels for effective power delivery with or without heat exchanger (HE) is the cardinal focus of this paper. Hence, in order to achieve this objectives, an excel mathematical modelling programme is designed in carrying out the study with a General Electric (GE) marine GT with engine model LM500. The programming tool has the capability of analysing design point (DP) and off design point (ODP) performance of GTs. Established results shows the importance of incorporating HE in GTs for effective performance. A confirmed summary result in the study attests an increase in thermal efficiency from 39.67% to 43.04% with an improved index increment of 8.5% for GTs with HEs over the same engine without HEs. Therefore, the adopted approach for the research is considered as an effective and reliable technology.
New-build DWT 49999 t Oil/Chemical Tanker: Mapping and Local Monitoring of the Piping System [PDF] Dario Korljan, Liane RoldoThis article presents an overview of the product tanker piping, its materials and problems. The goal of the study is to map, monitor in loco and point out some of the steel alloys used in the pipelines of a vessel that carries oil, kerosene, gasoline or paraffin. The aim of the paper, besides steel alloys, is to point out very dangerous problems that people mostly ignore, and those are step-by-step maintenance and an open circuit scrubber overboard pipe. The solution to the maintenance part would be the proper maintenance, and timely and continuous thickness measuring of the overboard pipe. During the voyage on a 49999-tonne DWT product tanker, pipelines are mapped and monitored in the field. This is done through weekly recordings over a 6-month period by regularly observing and photographing the pipeline system under various sailing and weather conditions. Each week, a surveillance round is carried out across the deck to look for cracks or areas of corrosion. Since the product tanker was built in 2018 and commissioned in 2019, no structural issues have been identified to date. The major problem observed is the overboard pipe of the exhaust gas cleaning system, which is very frequently corroded by sulfuric acid. Sulphur (from fuel combustion in the main engine) enters the scrubber and comes into contact with the seawater used for cooling. As the cooling water goes overboard in open circuit scrubbers, the sulfuric acid damages the steel part (AISI 316) of the exhaust line. When corrosive, hazardous and explosive products are stored, deck lines, materials and connections must be constantly monitored. The investigation took place on a 2019 product tanker. Measuring the thickness (in mm) of steel piping is used to monitor critical parts and systems, such as the exhaust gas cleaning system, which corrodes due to the formation of sulfuric acid. Real-time diagnostics therefore provides precise information that prevents pipes and components from leaking.
Real-Life to Cartoon Image Using Meanshift Based Colour Unification Method [PDF] B SRINISHARecently, realistic image generation using image processing has become a hot topic in machine learning and computer vision. Realistic images can be generated at the pixel level by applying a few image processing operations. Learning to generate colorful cartoon images from normal image is not only an interesting research problem but also a potential application in digital entertainment. In this work, we investigate the real life image-to-Cartoon Image synthesis problem by using Selective Gaussian Filter (SGF) and Mean Shift Cluster operation. The new model is not only capable of generating cartoon images but also allows users to indicate preferred filter levels. Experimental results show that the proposed work performs better than existing image-to-cartoon image methods.
ANALYSIS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT OF SOLID WASTE FROM BREWERY PLANTS IN CAMEROON: THE CASE OF PLANTS IN THE CITY OF DOUALA [PDF] JAKPOU NJIPNANG D. N., ASSAM EBALE M. T., EKOSSO EBOUELE Y., ABENA NDONGO H.In order to comply with Cameroonian environmental legislation and regulations, to ensure and organize the prevention of pollution through preventive and curative actions, to integrate the environment in the training of personnel, the brewery factories of the city of Douala are committed to a logic of sustainable development and decided to have their environmental management system certified according to the ISO 14001 standard. With this in mind, we focused our study on the analysis of the environmental management of solid waste management in breweries in Cameroon. To achieve the set objective, a survey was carried out in all the workshops of the factory through a questionnaire given to the operators and workshop managers to have an idea on the activities and waste produced in each workshop. Then, the analysis of the compliance with Cameroonian regulations in terms of waste management has shown that the company is at more than half of its achievements with a percentage of compliance of 66%, the non-achievements are noted at a rate of 14% and the actions not fully compliant are estimated at 20%. After establishing the flow chart of each activity, the environmental aspects and impacts associated with solid waste management were identified, evaluated and prioritized. The method for evaluating and prioritizing environmental aspects was specified by Société Anonyme des Brasseries du Cameroun. The significant environmental aspects (SEA) are mostly related to the discharge of drums and barrels; used metal parts, which are linked to the lack of traceability. In addition, the mixing of plastics, cardboard and plastic bottles with household waste or the mixing of soiled rags with household waste is mainly due to insufficient staff awareness, insufficient number of garbage cans and/or poorly identified garbage cans. The brewery, beer and soft drink packaging in glass containers have a higher number of ESAs with a percentage of 50% each.
Effects of Asphaltene content of Nigerian Waxy crude oil on Performance of Chemical additives as wax deposition inhibitors [PDF] Olusegun Akinyemi, Prince EkanemThe amount of asphaltene in the crude oil affects its propensity to deposit paraffin wax. The purpose of this study is to determine how the amount of asphaltene in crude oil affects the effectiveness of wax deposition inhibitors (chemical additives) in Nigerian waxy crude. The waxy crude oil samples obtained from the Niger Delta area of Nigeria were analysed using standard methods; ASTM D97 for pour point determination and cold finger test for wax deposition tendency. The wax deposition inhibitors considered were xylene and castor seed oil. The findings of the cold finger test demonstrated that chemical additions significantly decreased the wax deposition tendencies of the crude oil samples. Increasing droplets of xylene and castor seed oil were added to crude oil samples with varied amounts of asphaltene concentration (0.0 ml - 0.15 ml each). According to the results, the specific gravity and pour points of the combination in sample A, which contains 3.4 percent asphaltene, decreased with increasing amounts of the chemical additives. The similar occurrence, albeit less consistently, was seen in sample B with a 5.2 percent asphaltene concentration, suggesting that higher asphaltene content might lessen the negative effects of the wax deposition inhibitors (chemical additives) in the crude oil sample. It could be concluded from the results obtained that content of asphaltene in crude oil has moderate effects on the paraffin inhibition efficiency of the wax inhibitors and minor effects on their performance as pour depressants.
UTILIZATION OF IT RESOURCES IN THE DELIVERY OF ACADEMIC RELATED SERVICES OF LAGUNA UNIVERSITY [PDF] Reynalen C. JustoUtilization refers to the extent and status of use. It is very important to examine the information resources and services of different institutions. This study evaluated the extent of use of Information Technology resources in Laguna University (LU) in terms of hardware, software, network, database, and peopleware, focusing on the areas of admission and enrollment, classroom management, and research. LU is located at Laguna Sports Complex Village, Brgy. Bubukal, Sta. Cruz, Laguna. LU is utilizing the Laguna University Information System (iLUIS) for admission and enrollment. They also use the e-Rizal tablet which is very appropriate for class discussions in their classroom management. And, the Record Management System is a plan for strengthening research and exposed faculty members and students in creating a research.
The IT resources were assessed through Conner’s Conceptual Model for Research-Utilization Evaluation, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Enterprise Architecture Model for the views of stakeholders, namely, the administrator, faculty member, administrative staff, and students. The researcher distributed survey questionnaires and conducted initial interviews among stakeholders, which became the bases of information.
The results on the areas of admission and enrollment, classroom management and research proved that majority of the respondents agreed that LU maximizes the extent of utilization of IT resources together with response of stakeholders according to their range. Still, the researcher proposed an IT infrastructure model to LU for the dissemination of all the information to the different areas and stakeholders. Through this study, Hardware LU maximizes on the different resources they have but there are certain situations that they are available but no supplies to maximize the use of resources. In Software the three computer laboratories has an installed operating system and can be used for class purposes. Software availability was still depending on the budget of the Provincial Capitol as well as the Network, Database.
The Internet was available in conducting research in LU. There was lack of network facility in conducting a research. There were Network resources available but there were less communications among stakeholders in-charge. There was a minimal database for LU in conducting a research. The list of researches can be found in the Research Development Center. The database for admission and enrollment provide and handle records of students that was facilitated by the administrative in-charge. Some of the faculty members can access the system. The researcher determined the extent of utilization sufficient to the development and implementation of IT infrastructure model.
The respondents asked assistance from the provincial personnel to use them maximally. Internet is the very important on IT resources available in LU. But some respondents could not or rarely use IT resources because they did not know how to use them among other reasons.
The effect of adiponectin and adiponectin receptor regulation and expression in several cancers and limits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis as potential therapeutics on cancer, and metabolic disorders (Part four) [PDF] Dr. Zelalem Kiros BitsueAdiponectin is a white and brown adipose tissue hormone, also known as gelatin-binding protein-28 (GBP28), AdipoQ, adipocyte complement-related protein (ACRP30), or apM1. Many cancer cell lines express adiponectin receptors, and adiponectin in vitro limits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis. Recent in vitro studies demonstrate the antiangiogenic and tumor growth-limiting properties of adiponectin. Studies in both animals and humans have investigated adiponectin and adiponectin receptor regulation and expression in several cancers. Current evidence supports a role of adiponectin as a novel risk factor and potential diagnostic and prognostic biomarker in cancer. In addition, either adiponectin per se or medications that increase adiponectin levels or up-regulate signaling pathways downstream of adiponectin may prove to be useful anticancer agents. In this article, I discuss direct mechanisms of action, In vitro studies, Animal studies, and indirect mechanisms of action, Insulin-sensitizing effects and Anti-inflammatory effects