Volume 13, Issue 8, August 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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India-Africa Developmental Partnership: Experiences, Challenges and Way forward [PDF] Judith Anne LalIndia’s engagement with Africa is highlighted under the ethos of South – South Cooperation. And this cooperation is mainly based on ideas of equality, shared history, partnership and capacity building. Therefore, the experience of development and empowerment needs to be felt on both sides by the African and Indian peoples. The question remains is there in real terms South-South cooperation in process or is it just rhetoric reinforced at summits or bilateral platforms. This paper attempts to analyse the importance of such engagements and their relevance to enhance the goal of development and empowerment for peoples of African countries and India.
SPATIAL EVOLUTION AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES OF AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES ON THE NORTH FACE OF MOUNT NLONAKO (MOUNGO, CAMEROON) [PDF] EKOSSO EBOUELE Yolande1, NJIONJI TANKEU Ariane2, JAKPOU NJIPNANG Doris Nadine1, EPANE NSAKO Dejeannot1, WIRSIY Destain YUNGSI1, KONGNSO WIYLAHNYUY Edith1 , NYEMBE ETAME Ghislain1In recent years, agricultural development has intensified on the faces due to the availability of favourable land for agricultural practices. The objective of the present work is to analyse the spatial evolution of agricultural activities and their socio-economic impact on the north faces of Mount Nlonako. Using a methodology based on literature reviews, this study relies on direct observations, key informant interviews, questionnaires administered to hundreds of farmers, and geo-spatial data. The results of this study revealed that during the period from 2016 to 2022, crop land has increased to 834 ha, followed by built-up areas of 11 ha, while forests have decreased by -1200 ha; this is due to the arrival of internally displaced persons from the crisis regions of the North West and South West. Income from agricultural activities contributes to the economic and social improvement of producers. However, agricultural activities are facing many difficulties on the area.
ASSESSMENT OF NATURAL VENTILATION ON HUMAN COMFORT; A CASE STUDY OF BELLS UNIVERSITY ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STUDIO (GLASSHOUSE), OTA. [PDF] Abass Abideen Dare, Akanbi Marvellous Oluwadamilola, Timothy Onyema Uchenna, Hassan Ademola Sultan, Orji Victor Chukwuemezue, Otegbade Onaopemipo Oluwagbemiga, Benedict Louis Benyah, Ugwoke JasmineNatural ventilation can provide building occupants with thermal comfort and a healthy indoor environment. The time students spend in a studio environment affects the school's internal environmental quality (IEQ), which affects student health, attitudes and performance. The study also assesses the glass house's current natural ventilation (M.Sc. Studios) in a view to recommend additional natural ventilation options. The study utilizes both quantitative (questionnaires) and direct observation. The questionnaires were distributed among the primary users of the space which includes MSc students and lecturers. After data analysis, the efficacy matrix was created as an average of all respondents. It was discovered that natural air had a substantial impact on the Master's students. Findings revealed that with optimal ventilation, you can reduce the concentration of pollutants inside and improve the air quality (IAQ) inside the building as they are more likely to become fatigued or lose focus when working in a hot studio. In this study, we examined ways to make Glass House a conducive learning space for both current and prospective students. Design studios must adhere to strict construction standards to ensure students have a conducive learning environment. The study therefore recommends more shrubs, understory trees; canopy trees and ground cover are to be planted around the building to provide some coolness to the building also Photochromic glazing, which changes transparency depending on the intensity of the light and thermochroic glazing that becomes darker when it is hot could be introduced.
Face recognition for a mobile application attendance system for the MID day-meal programme [PDF] Rasika SatputeThe facial recognition mobile application attendance system for the government's MID-MEAL programme is presented in this paper. Identity enrollment and data storage are used to gather personal information for the purpose of producing reports and monitoring the process. The suggested project is an intelligent Android application to track the government of India-funded Mid-Day Meal Scheme. The Area In-charge can use this application to maintain tabs on the quantity and calibre of meals provided as part of the Scheme. The application's School In-Charge portal is used to register students and is in charge of recording attendance when meals are served to studentsTwo login options are in-charge and a server are included in the main module. Most biometric systems require the user or analyst to do some action, such as spending money on the scanner to configure the biometric or the hand geometry detection. Compared to other biometric methods, the facial recognition method has a number of advantages on the outside since it can be used without intentional action since the face image can be taken by the camera from a distance
DeskAss - An Intelligent Desktop Assistant for Windows Application Users [PDF] Adewale Abdulrasaq SHOMOPE, Jerry Abayomi SARUMIUser experience, the very concept overseen by Human Computer Interface field of Computer Science has become the most critical aspect of any system design, be it hardware or software or the combination of the two. Windows, Linux, Apple, Android, Blackberry, etc. are various famous and commonly used Operating Systems across the globe today.
Today, Microsoft’s Cortana, Apple’s Siri, and Google Assistant by Google are competing in the process of delivering virtual assistant services for desktop and/or mobile users. As much awesome as the features of these systems are, there are limitations, the most significant one being their uselessness when there is no internet connectivity. This project aims to bring these features to Windows operating system users while enabling the users to as well enjoy the system even when there is no internet connection.
DeskAss – the final system of this project provides eminent control over all applications and software installed on the computer and automates all the required tasks through voice on a single go. It takes the client contribution to type of voice or content and procedure it and returns the yield in different structures like activity to be performed or the query item is directed to the end client. What's more, this proposed framework can change the method for associations between the end client and the work area. The framework is being planned so that every one of the administrations given by the desktop is open by the end client on the client's voice directions.
Variations d’infestations à Taenia solium et à Hymenolepis diminuta en fonction des localtés des groupements d’Irhambi- Katana et de Bugorhe, territoire de Kabare, Sud-Kivu à l’Est de la R.D.Congo. [PDF] Masunga Mampasi B.1, Nabugobe, P.2., BISUSA, A. 1, Flores Giron, L1., Rubabura, J.A.K.1, Baderhekuguma X1., Masunga, C.L1., Elois CINYABUGUMA et Baluku, B 1.Une étude sur les variations de la prévelence de Tænia solium et Hymenolepis diminuta a été appreciée dans les ménages de 11 localités des groupements d’Irhambi –Katana et de Bugorhe.
Ainsi, les examens parasitologiques d’un échantillon des 2.147 selles humaines obtenues de 849 ménages des 2 groupements concernés ont couvert les localités rurales de Kahungu, Kabushwa, Mabingu, Kabamba, Mulangala, Kabulungu, Chegera, Kankule, Buloli et Matete et, 460 selles de 115 ménages de 4 villages de Lwiro-Centre pour une période de 2005 à 2014. Les résultats obtenus montrent les variations suivantes : pour les localités rurales, 493 cas de
Tænia solium ont été diagnostiqués (22,96 %) et 221 ménages (26,03 %) parasités, en plus, 157 cas de Hymenolepis diminuta ont été décelés (7,31%) et 55 ménages (6,48 %) parasités ; en ce qui concerne les villages de Lwiro-Centre, 10 cas des Taenia solium ont été diagnostiqués (2,17 %) et 9 ménages (7,83 %) parasités, en plus, 300 cas de Hymenolepis diminuta, ont été décelés (65,22 %) et 89 ménages (77,39 %) parasités de ce dernier Tænia.
En perspective, il est important d’entrevoir les études sur la prévalence de Tænia dans les ménages des autres localités de la région pour mieux cerner la problématique de l’épidémiologie de Tænia dans Kabare nord, pourquoi pas dans le Sud-Kivu en général.
Mots clés : Variations, Tænia, Hymenolepis, Kabare.
Egg Donor to Improve Klanceng Bee Cultivation in the Rembang PLTU Conservation Area [PDF] Nuril Anwar, Aryasti Wuri, Qorik Catur Witya Putra, Muhadjar Effendi Adi Perdana, Uslah HidayatiPLTU Rembang (steam coal power plant) consistently carries out reforestation programs in conservation areas as indicated by an increase in tree planting and reforestation in 2022 by 5% compared to the previous year. Along with the consistency of the reforestation program, there were honey bee insects that were found to have colonized. Honey bees are attracted to the nectar and pollen produced by plants. With the presence of these bees, it is increased to be cultivated in conservation areas. Because the benefits that can be obtained from the development of the bee business, especially Trigona Sp. Among other things, it can increase business income from the results of beekeeping in the form of honey, propolis pollen and bee colonies. Bee products support the fulfillment of community nutrition and support efforts to conserve natural resources which play an important role in helping pollinate plants. The type of bee that has the potential to be cultivated is the trigona sp. Although the production of honey is not as much as the Apis sp family, the production of raw propolis (propolis material) is quite a lot. Trigona sp is known to be friendly to humans because it does not have a sting (stingless bee) and is also easy to adapt to new environments. However, there are several obstacles in beekeeping either to increase the breeding of the colony or to maintain the colony. Honey production depends on many factors including the availability of feed and the health of the bee colony. Lack of monitoring in bee care causes less alertness in making efforts to repair and restore bee colonies. Initially, only the bee feed was prepared and harvested every month. However, during harvesting, it is not uncommon to find bee colonies in unhealthy conditions, although many other colonies also produce honey. With the egg donor technique, workers can maintain an 8% bee colony in the conservation area of PLTU Rembang.
E-COMMERCE PRESENT SCENARIO [PDF] CHHANDA MITRAE-commerce has become widely accessible to both urban & rural areas . Foreign companies are investing huge some of money into Indian companies. Experienced international players are taking interest in in Indian companies.
Tresia Kristiana1, Infa Mingga Wati2 and Tania Serezova Agusta3
Program Study of Government Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Kristen University Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, E-mail: tresiakristiana@yahoo.co.id
Aquaculture Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries, Kristen University Palangka Raya,
Central Kalimantan
Telaga Village, Kamipang District, Katingan Regency, Central Kalimantan Province, is an area that flows through the Katingan River. The Katingan River is one of the buffer rivers for the Sebangau National Park zone. This river has abundant Freshwater Resources with various types of freshwater fish. This study aims to identify and analyze; 1) Fishing gear and equipment used, 2) Type of fish caught 3) selling price of caught fish and income level of fishermen community. The method used is a qualitative research method, the data is obtained by interviewing the fishermen community in Telaga Village. The qualitative data that has been obtained in this study will then be analyzed in a qualitative descriptive manner to describe the level of fishermen's income. The results of the study of fishing gear that are often used by fishing communities are: Rengge (Gill Net), Tempirai (Fish Trap), Selambau (Seine Net), Bubu (Portable Trap), Pangilar, Banjur. The facilities used as transportation for fishing activities by the community are boats and getek boats. Types of fish caught consist of: Haruan (Channa striatus), Kakapar (Belontia hasselti), Papuyuh (Anabas testudneus), Sepat Siam (Trichogaster pectoralis), Catfish (Clarias batrachus), Biawan (Helostoma temmincki), Tauman (Ophiocephalus micropeltes CV), Lais (Cryptopterus spp), Baung (Macrones mestirus), Karandang (Channa pleroptalmus), Seluang (Rasbora sp). the average catch ranges from 10 kg to 50 kg per day, with the type of fish and the size of the fish obtained. The average selling price of fish per kg is IDR 30,000. Fishermen's income is between Rp. 300,000, - up to Rp. 1,500,000, - depending on the fishing gear used and the number of tools owned by fishermen in Telaga Village, Kamipang District, Katingan Regency, Central Kalimantan Province.
Keywords: Income, Fishermen
DETERMINANTS OF ADVERSE NEONATAL BIRTH OUTCOMES AMONG MOTHERS WHO GAVE BIRTH AT HOSPITALS IN JIMMA ZONE, ETHIOPIA: FACILITY BASED UNMATCHED CASE-CONTROL STUDY. [PDF] LELISA WAKJIRA REGASSABackground: Ethiopia's magnitude of perinatal mortality was among the highest in Sub-Saharan Africa. Hence, the achievement of reducing perinatal and neonatal death is strongly influenced by the number of adverse birth outcomes. Therefore identifying those problems is a priority area to give policy insight and recommendations. The study aimed to determine the factors associated with adverse birth outcomes.
Methods: Unmatched case control study was conducted on 127 cases and 381 controls with a total of 518 samples by proportional allocation; from June 1-30/2022. Data was collected through face-to-face interviews and using data extraction sheets from delivery, Voluntary Counseling and Testing, and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit registration book. Both cases and controls were selected by convenience as it is a homogeneous population Binary and Multivariable logistic regression analysis was performed at a significant level of p-value ≤ 0.25 and 0.05 respectively. Findings: In this study, 381 controls and 127 cases were involved with a response rate of 98.06%. In multivariable analysis, Multigravida [AOR=3.769, 95% CI (2.295, 6.188)], Residence [AOR=1.921, 95% CI (1.156, 3.190)], Female Genital Mutilation [AOR=2.88, 95% CI (1.569, 5.285)], Being male baby [AOR=3.935, 95% CI (2.388,6.483)], Presence of preexisting medical condition [AOR=1.737, 95% CI (1.005,3.003)], Drinking alcohol [AOR=2.28, 95% CI (1.175,4.426)], Not Attending Focused Antenatal Care [AOR=1.963, 95% CI (1.190,3.238)] and Being delivered by Caesarean Delivery [AOR=0.124, 95% CI (0.059,0.259)] were significantly associated with adverse birth outcome.
Conclusion Rural residence, multigravida, being a male baby, female genital mutilation, presence of the preexisting medical condition, drinking alcohol, not attending complete antenatal care, and delivery by cesarean delivery were factors that had associations with adverse birth outcomes. Therefore, providing appropriate information on the above-mentioned factors is very important.
Keywords: adverse birth outcome; factors; Jimma zone.
A Review on Green Synthesis of Palladium Nanoparticles and their Applications [PDF] Shagufta Bi, Rashi SrivastavaAbstract: The palladium nanoparticles are synthesized from plants, microbes, enzymes, and biochemicals, the consideration of different scientists because of their simple, cost-effective, sustainable, and environmentally friendly fabrication. They are broadly investigated for their physicochemical properties. Plants are including in the method that turns ions to nanoparticles because plants and their parts have different types of primary and secondary metabolites. Different types of factors like the concentration of plant extract, temperature, pH, incubation time, and metal salts increase the rate of size, shape, and stability of palladium nanoparticles. Palladium nanoparticles are extensively employ in medicine, drug carrier delivery, cancer treatment, and sensors, and received wide interest as a result of their different size-dependent catalytic concert. Usually, palladium nanoparticles are synthesized by different types of methods involving complicated equipment and hazardous chemicals, in physical and chemical procedures. The current fabrications of palladium nanoparticles employs different plants, and their effective consumption, and latent application like pharmaceuticals, catalysts, medicine, medical diagnostics, and biosensors.
Eco-Friendly Nanocomposite and properties of manganese Nanoparticles using UV-Vis and IR Fourier spectrum [PDF] Shraddha Pandey, Sudhakar SinghEco-Friendly Nanocomposite and properties of manganese Nanoparticles using UV-Vis and IR Fourier spectrum