Volume 13, Issue 8, August 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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The purpose of the study to assess the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance of Federal Documents Authentication and Registration Agency. The study made use of both primary and secondary data sources. The required data was collected through the administration of questionnaire and in-depth interview. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, mean and standard deviation were used.
The study indicated extrinsic and intrinsic job satisfaction factors influence the level of employees’ job satisfaction in the Federal Documents Authentication and Registration Agency. The study concludes that job satisfaction and determinants of job satisfaction highly influenced employees performance.
The study recommends the management of FDARA should make improvement on job satisfaction and job satisfaction factors in order to increase employees’ work performance which maintains high level of productiveness in the organization and also design special benefit package strategy to increase the Employees duration in the organization and goal achievement.
Keywords: Employees, Federal Documents Authentication and Registration Agency, Job satisfaction, work performance, and employee performance.
The main purpose of the study was to assess how projects are identified, rated and designed in Non- governmental organizations with specific instance of Ministry of Health Ethiopia. As a key assessment parameter, the study investigates the primary sources of project ideas, the role of key stakeholders, how project Problems are analyzed and Objective developed and the practice of setting project framework (design). The study were a descriptive research design and a qualitative research approach, with semi-structured interviews serving as the primary data source and analysis of existing organization documents as the secondary source of data. The data was gathered using a semi-structured interview technique and Purposive sampling of 77 personnel’s and from15 personnel’s from three departments dedicated for project design were interviewed.. To analyses the data, tabulation and checklist of practice against industry standard is made. The finding of the study showed that 66.30% of Grant funded project ideas are originally emanates from Donors but the feasibility study was practice and also 59.74% of problem analysis was existed and 82.42% of Objectives analysis is practiced. Moreover, 74.03% the organization showed that, have a good practice of engaging Stakeholders in project identification & design for both funding sources. Even more stakeholders do have a significant role to the extent of co leading project design for -funded projects. In other finding, the organization do make a comprehensive problem analysis that comply with the industry standard, in contrast to the highly compromised objective analysis reflected Interms of Organizational/managerial interference. On the other hand, internal challenge like Interdepartmental competition for resource and reactive grant acquisition strategy compromise the process. Absence of exhaustive Government policy & Plan, absence of data for coherent analysis & decision-making and low capacity of local government to be the major one Finally, the study forwards recommendations like the need to have well-crafted fund acquisition strategy, tools and resources and more importantly the need to have a project ideas appraisal framework that is contextualized for Health system strengthening Programme improvement. Hence, these funding aimed at supporting projects and programme through Government organizations like Ministry of Health Ethiopia.
Key words; Project identification, Design, Grant, Stakeholders, Project Development, Project planning;
EFFECT OF CONCENTRATION OF NEEM (Azadirachta indica A.Juss) LEAF AQUEOUS AND DYSDERCUS SPP POPULATION INFESTING ROSELLE (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) IN KEBBI STATE, NIGERIA [PDF] Khadija Zubairu Umar, Prof. A. U. YusufThe study analyzed the efficacy of the Neem leaf extracts at different concentration levels on Dysdercus spp affecting Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) varieties in Aliero and Jega, Kebbi State, Nigeria, the pest complex affecting its production and investigated the effect of Dysdercus spp infestation on yield of Roselle in the study areas. The treatment consisted of three varieties of Roselle Green as V1, Red as V2, deep red as V3 and three concentrations of Neem leaf extract (C1, C2, C3) and control (C0). The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) in a split plot arrangement and replicated three times. Roselle varieties variable was assigned to the main plots, while the Neem leaf extract concentration (NLE) variable was assigned in the subplot. NLE was sprayed on the leaves of the Roselle plots when the plant reached stage of 50% flowering. Stands were tagged in each experimental plot, Dysdercus spp was determined 1-day before spraying (1 DBS) using sweep net methods in the evening when the temperature was lowered. The Dysdercus spp collected was placed inside vial containing 70% alcohol. Thereafter, the insects were taken to the laboratory of Crop Science Department, KSUSTA for identification. The same procedure was repeated at 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 days after spraying with Neem leaf extract (NLE). Also, data was collected on fresh and dried calyx, fresh and dried leaf yields per hectare (kg/ha). Data collected was subjected to analysis of variance using SAS software. The treatment means was compared using Duncan Multiple Range Test. The results revealed that, Dysdercus spp, was identified as one of the pest complex affecting Roselle production. Furthermore, results also revealed the efficiency of the Neem leaf extracts at different concentration levels on pest affecting roselle, and showed that NLE at untreated control recorded the highest number of the insect from day 1 to day 7, and was significantly different among the treatment while 1 concentration recorded the least number of Dysdercus spp followed by 2 and 3 concentration respectively. Finally, on the investigation of the effect of Dysdercus spp infestation on yield of Roselle in the study area, and varietal interaction of Neem leaf extract (NLE) on the yield of Roselle plant findings from the field showed that there was no significant difference (P< 0.05) among all the treatments. It was observed that Neem is safe for w
God's Blessings and Forced Guidance to Global Climate Control Strategy through Human's Blunders. [PDF] Malik Muhammad NazeerThe continuous growth of industries and development throughout the world with huge population growth is continuously adding to the intensities and frequencies of Global environment catastrophic contingencies. This all are well known completely in advance to The Creator and He has already created a unique Global Air Conditioner (GAC) to deal with these all, that were to arise in future and has already set it partly in operation. To alert the humanity of its acute vitalities and guide, rather force to its use, He has highly illuminated the emergencies through series of blunders got committed by the human beings resulting into terrible Global heating (GHT) and others climate calamities linked with this issue. He has thus, forced the mankind to search for their root cause and guided to it and its controls too and thus forced it to mobilize the God gifted resources well in advance to cope with the real issue. The Devine forced guidance is elaborated in this work and vitality of its ultimate required human commissioning and mobilizing of this GAC is highlighted.
THE ROLE OF DIODE LASER IN URINARY INCONTINENCE [PDF] Dr Rekha Srivastava,Dr Meenu VaishAim : The aim of our study is to assess efficacy of Non-Invasive Gallium Aluminum Arsenide laser (Diode laser) for female stress urinary incontinence (SUI).
Energy efficiency & sustainable design strategies in Nahargarh fort, Jaipur [PDF] Ar. Manish, Ar. Praveen JangidNow that the current grey ages are forecasting the miserable future, as an outcome of prolonged & dubious exploitation of environment, man is crawling back to history to borrow the past age practices of sustaining in optimum resources. Mechanical manipulation of ill-designed built envelopes is bleeding the resources. Peeping into the past, crops up many sustainable architecture solutions, which are standing dynamic through the centuries. One such example stands on the ridges of Aravalis in Jaipur, Rajasthan- Nahargarh Fort, roaring its smart and sensitive design volumes. Madhavendra Palace, a royal summer palace to the primacy of Jaipur, overlooks the pink city from Nahargarh Fort. This palace exhibits, its proficient design strategies of flushing the zoetic volumes, with daylight and sufficient air changes. Tracing the general concepts of its space designing and keen habits of day lighting and ventilating the spaces, shows that the complex was not only drafted in track with the nature, but also the nature flowing in the royal volumes was at times synthetically pivoted. These editorial intents to showcase few of the ancestral sustainable building design solutions from Nahargarh palace, which could be implemented in today’s world, thus fabricating more efficient awake spaces and retain the natural resources.
may be a macro fungus with a particular plant organ , which may be either epigeous or hypogeous and
enormous enough to be seen with eye and to be picked by hand. Environmental factors like species of
mushrooms, morphological a part of plant organ , developmental stages and age of mycelium,
biochemical composition, and interval between the fructifications affect mineral accumulation in
macro fungi . Due to their exposure to UV rays or sunlight, mushrooms are a natural, non-animal
source of vitamin D2 that’s capable of accelerating blood levels of this vitamin as effectively as a
supplement. Mushroom polysaccharides are a sort of bioactive macromolecular which isolated from
fruiting bodies, mycelia or fermentation broths of edible or medicinal fungus. Recently, mushroom
polysaccharides have attracted tons of attention for regulating gut microbiota via reducing the amount
of pathogens and stimulating the expansion of beneficial microorganisms, thus creating new
possibilities for his or her use in nutraceutical and functional foods industries. This review article thus
encapsulates the isolation,structural characterization techniques and the purification methodologies of
the pertinent mushroom polysaccharides along with the degradation of mushroom polysaccharides in
intestine and focuses on the impacts of mushroom polysaccharides on the human gut microbiota
community and short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) productivity, and thereby the occuring beneficial
effects of mushroom polysaccharides to host by targeting gut microbiota.
Keywords: Mushroom, prebiotic, probiotic, gut microbiota, therapeutic/immunological benefit
THE NEXUS BETWEEN THE ADVENT OF COVID-19 AND THE INCREASING RATE OF FINANCIAL CRIMES IN KENYA: AN EMPIRICAL REVIEW [PDF] Caroline Ayuma OkeloFinancial crimes are as old as human civilization and mankind dealings in finances; the main distinction over time is the level of organization and sophistication. Financial crimes have ceased being crimes in isolation and now exist as combined financial crimes or even in concurrence with non-financial crimes. The advent of COVID-19 in 2020 saw a drastic decrease in physical interactions; all Nations pooled their resources and commitment towards dealing with and mitigating against the effects of this novel virus. With this divided attention, organized crimes managed to thrive, re-inventing themselves to unimaginable levels; effortlessly easing themselves into existing Organizational frameworks by taking advantage of the existing pandemonium. Presently, as most services migrate to the online platform, the Organized crime Enterprise is reaping big as endless possibilities for deception and exploitation are legitimately unfolding. Countries with less sophisticated internal controls and not so strong prudential regulations find themselves in a quagmire; that even with clear indications of the existence of financial crimes, they are clearly inept of dealing with the vice; disarrayed by the drastic rate at which such crimes are transforming, while others due to moral hazard abandon their responsibility to the Citizenry, settling for the ‘advantages’ that subsequently, directly or indirectly accrue to them.
Effect of Soil Quality on rice (Oryza sativa) cultivation in selected lowland areas of Kebbi State, Nigeria [PDF] Augie, M.A. and Adegbite, M.A.Rice is one of the most important staple foods consumed in almost every household in Nigeria. With Nigeria’s ever growing population and the need to increase food production, it has become necessary to focus attention on the medium necessary to increase rice production. This study was conducted to assess soil quality of lowland areas in Kebbi State where rice is majorly cultivated. Soil samples were analyzed following the standard procedures. Result obtained was observed to be sandy loam in texture, organic C (0.25gkg-1) was observed to be low and that might be due to poor vegetation and excessive grazing in the area. The obtained values for other parameters were total nitrogen (0.08gkg-1), available phosphorus (0.62mgkg-1), potassium (0.27cmol(+)kg-1), Calcium (0.59cmol(+)kg-1 ) and Magnesium ( 0.77 cmol(+)kg-1 ). Based on the inherent concentrations of these elements, high quantities of these elements would be required to achieve. Based on the concentrations of pH(6.3), EC (0.15(μS/cm) and ESP 2.31%, the soil is free from salinity and sodicity problems and could therefore be used for the production of rice under good management practices.
An Automatic Intelligent Framework for a Phishing Detection System Based on Machine Learning with URLs Features [PDF] Dr. Tarek Hasan Al Mahmud1, Khandaker Takdir Ahmed2, Md. Jashim Uddin3, Mustakim Musully Pias4, Md. Abu Jubaer Rupok5Phishing is an illegal act by which the phisher attempts to entice people to provide the actual information like as user IDs, bank account details, and passwords. The volume of this type of cyber-attack become increasing exposed to persons and organizations worldwide and is usually triggered by emails, instant messages, or phone calls. Though phishing has been detected using machine learning techniques, a stronger cyber defense would require more efficient methods. Several deep learning algorithms have also been employed for phishing de-tection as a result of the quick growth of deep learning techniques. In this paper, we present a comparative analysis between several Ma-chine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) approaches to detection of phishing sites. We used a UCI Phishing website dataset obtained phishing websites where have 4,898 phishing websites and 6,157 legitimate websites. We train five popular machine learning classifier and subsequently reducing our execution time as well as improving the efficiency and performance of ML classifier, we do feature selection and train again. Additionally, we train 1D Convolutional Neural Networks (1D-CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) as deep leaning models and also do same feature selection for DL models. We also retrain our deep learning models and compare the accuracy and exe-cution times before and after feature selection. As a result, a thorough investigation of the effectiveness of ML and DL algorithms with and without feature selection has been conducted. The results demonstrate that, without changing historical accuracy, selecting a set of pertinent features can speed up execution. According to our tests, when we train the whole dataset without feature selection, the one-dimensional CNN model achieves 96.75% accuracy and performs better than LSTM and other conventional ML models in identifying phishing websites. Despite the fact that the situation after feature selection is entirely different from the one before, we still get the great-est accuracy for K-NN of roughly 94.34% accuracy with 94.94 %.
A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM WITH HIGH RELIABILITY AND LOW LATENCY FOR THE INTERNET OF THINGS: ISSUES, FOUNDATIONS, AND TECHNOLOGIES. [PDF] Priyabrata MohapatraThe Internet of Things (IoT) has seen substantial technological and application development. By 2020, it is predicted that wireless IoT networks will connect more than 25 billion devices. The whole communication protocol stack for wireless IoT networks has to be reconsidered directly in the research, researchers examine numerous HRLL wireless IoT network application scenarios, underlying performance constraints, and possible future technologies. Researchers also get across the network structure that has been adjusted to reduce latency. Many IoT applications, such as industrial automation, vehicle-to-everything (V2X) networks, smart grids, and remote surgery, will demand strict transmission latency and reliability requirements in addition to ubiquitous connectivity, which may not be provided by current systems. Because they need low-latency, high-reliability links to maintain stability, high-performance internet of things control systems with tens to hundreds of sensors and actuators use wired connections between all of their parts. However, the wires lead to many reliability issues that switching to wireless links would solve. So, they are made for either high-throughput or low power communication between a pair or a limited number of terminals, current or proposed wireless system can provide the latency and dependability required by the control algorithms. It is proposed to employ low-rate coding, semi-fixed resource allocation, and reliable broadcasting to achieve low-latency operation in a wireless system. The sixth-generation (6G) system, a new wireless communication paradigm with full AI support, is anticipated to be put into use between 2027 and 2030. Beyond 5G, some essential concerns that need to be solved include larger systems capacity, faster data rate, lower latency, higher security, and enhanced quality of service (QoS) compared to the 5G system. The number of wireless gadgets will exceed the number of people in the near future, and most of these devices will communicate with each other rather than with humans.
A Robust Fault Detection Scheme Using Wavelet Analysis for High Voltage Transmission [PDF] Sazzed Mahamud Khan, Abu Hena Md. ShatilThe transmission lines repeatedly face an aggregation of shunt-faults and its impact in the real-time system increases the vulnerability, damage in load, and line restoration cost. Fault detection in power transmission lines have become significantly crucial due to a rapid increase in number and length. Any kind of interruption or tripping in transmission lines can result in a massive failure over a large area, which necessitates the need of effective protection. The diagnosis of faults helps in detecting and classifying transients that eventually make the protection of transmission lines convenient. In this paper, we propose a Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) based technique for the detection and classification of transmission line faults. The results indicate that the proposed approach is capable of accurately classifying and detecting faults in transmission line with high precision.
Optimized Deployment of 5G Network in Pakistan [PDF] Syeda Shafaq KarimPakistan has a rapidly growing mobile industry, with approximately 188 million cellular subscribers in the country, and near 107 million 3G/4G subscribers. Cellular Mobile operators are playing their part in innovating ideas and technologies to deliver the quality services. Although mobile broadband (3G and above) coverage has increased since launch in 2014. Due to massive growth in mobile broadband users, mobile data networks are facing network congestion and spectrum capacity issues that will become the primary cause of service degrading issues. Hence, the design of 5G network in term of network infrastructure enhancement in the existing digital mobile network, utilizing new spectrum band can improve the quality of service by minimizing the congestion issues. This approach of network infrastructure enhancement and new 5G spectrum bands introduction in the country can enhance the telecom consumer experience of high speed mobile broadband services.
Foul Waste Management in Tertiary Institutions: A case study of Bells University Male Bronze Hostel [PDF] Abideen Dare Abass, Muhammad Mahmood, Luqman Zaidu, Muhammad Shuaibu Yahya, Jaji Amina Abdulatif, Ezeifeoma Chiebuka Stanley, Agbaje-Sisu Usman AdedejiABSTRACT
The high frequency of tertiary foul waste disposal is concerning since it has an impact on people's environments all around the world. This holds for the majority of tertiary schools that lack adequate and effective environmental protection laws and agencies. Science and technology are major drivers of rapid industrial modernization, urban expansion, and population growth, which hurts waste management in most academic institutions. The risks of environmental waste are more likely to be present in tertiary institutions, where the environment is more likely to deteriorate and harm residents. This study critically examined management of foul waste in the Male Bronze Hostel of the Bells University of Technology, Ota. The study adopted a descriptive methodology intended to look into the issues with handling and disposing of foul waste at Bells University Male Bronze Hostel. This study has recognized the current obstacles to the efficient management of foul waste in the Male Bronze Hostel and has also observed that the soak-away provided is either inadequate to the demands of the hostel or is not maintained regularly as foul waste can be seen overflowing. The study provides a measure to address these challenges with the following recommendations. It is vitally necessary to increase the number of employees supporting the university sanitation unit. As an alternative to the soak-away method of foul waste disposal, a bio-digester can be installed as a sustainable replacement, which is far more efficient than the former and will require little periodic maintenance. Students can also be sensitized on how to properly dispose of their solid waste so as not to clog the drainage systems and thereby reducing water stagnation. It is necessary to regularly inspect and maintain the services put in place for foul waste management.
Keywords: Foul waste, Waste Management, Waste Disposal, Sustainable Environment, Sanitation.
Mechanical properties of geopolymer concrete and portland cement concrete [PDF] Karim Mohsen, Khalid Morsy, Ihab Fawzy, Ibrahim A. YousifPortland cement is used as the primary binding agent in the creation of concrete, which is thought to be one of the main factors contributing to global warming. Given that the cement industry is proven to be responsible for around 8% of the world's CO2 emissions, a number of solutions have been put out to lessen the environmental impact of the production of concrete. Alkali-activated concrete has received a lot of interest recently as a potential replacement for Portland cement. It is a new, ecologically friendly inorganic binder created by activating alumino-silicate source material with an alkaline solution. Although a thorough evaluation of the mechanical characteristics of geopolymer concrete is necessary for the right design of concrete structural components, there are few test results available in the literature. The behavior of both Portland cement concrete and geopolymer in compression and flexure has been investigated during the course of this study. The obtained mechanical results showed that geopolymer concrete had higher compressive strength and lower flexural strength than Portland cement concrete at the same binder content.
Impact of Education on Juvenile Delinquency [PDF] Mayankita Singh, Manan Sangal, Manav Shah, Meghna Mohan, Mehak PantChildren are our country's future, and it is everyone's responsibility to ensure that they live in a safe environment. However, in a developing country like India, the rate of juvenile crime has increased dramatically over the last decade. Today, juvenile crime is like a disease in our society. Children who are not properly guided and who have a negative influence are turning to a criminal path to lead their lives. This adolescent attitude is the result of a variety of factors. This paper discusses all aspects of youth crime in India, as well as the efforts taken by the justice system and the government to combat juvenile crime in India.
Pornification of Adverts in Pakistan: A Cultural Shift [PDF] Saba AfzalPorn is discussed as a genre in this paper. Porn is changing cultural practices and the course of thoughts in the current generation. In fact, the point of inquiry considered how pornography has influenced the (contemporary) ways of seeing, thinking, and functioning. This research is addressing a transition that has occurred due to the consumption of online pornography and analysed Pakistani electronic visual media culture, which has been reported in recent years, most notably in advertising for incorporating foreign sexual ideas and practices for the creation of their content using sexual codes. An argument is raised that previously consumed doses of hard-core pornography are making people less sensitive to sexual material in adverts or otherwise they do not see it as objectionable. Thus, this paper used western research as a standard to examine Pakistani visual culture. As humans, we desire sex, and when individuals began to encounter sexual content through mass media, their minds began to evolve in this manner, and as a result, new cultural behaviours began to emerge. As such the human brain is continually forming neural connections with this type of exhibitionism of sex and sexuality all over mass media and desensitization has become an important reference that is developing in the brains of the current generation. On the other hand, on-screen portrayal or description of sexual content is rapidly replacing advertising inventiveness. So as eroticism has been blended and sensuality become a practice in visual media culture to target consumer boredom or sexual fantasies. This research examined the links between technical advancement, representational shift, and the visibility of porn in a culture. The middle and upper-middle classes of this South Asian region embrace and applaud these ideologies as a sign of progress and modernity. This is the argument for the prevalent porn ideology as the sole idea circulating and absorbed from west to east in contemporary times; metaphorically, a monoculture is being cultivated. This finding led to an expression, the age of porn. And it is stated in this paper that, erotic imagery is a sign of the over-sexualization of a culture. Examining storylines or narratives, punch lines, gestures, expressions, characters' roles or makeovers and camera movements led to the analysis of pornification in adverts. Furthermore, pornography is discussed as it could not be a norm in anyways, it is just the opposite of nature. Which gives a half-knowledge of sexuality as a performance and a lacking of experiential qualities.
Intention entrepreneuriale des enseignants d’universités de Bukavu au Sud-Kivu en RD Congo [PDF] Jonathan BYATERANA MUSHENGEZI, Elois CINYABUGUMA Lwahamire, Lucien MUDUNGA, Alain NTAMUTUDU, Xavier BADERHEKUGUMA NACIBINGU, Landry CIZUNGU NTABOBAThe field of business undertaking takes all socio-economic layers to the extent that it is involved in the problem solving of people’s hardships due to joblessness in all nations in which the state leaders find themselves unable to provide suitable jobs for everybody. As for its importance; the researchers need to be wide in their investigation especially they have to focus much on the stage which should precede the creation of any enterprise namely “the business undertaking intentionâ€.
This framework has been devoted to the entrepreneurial intention of university teachers who are considered as a highly placed scientific group of people training the students how to create private enterprises at the end of their studies. The research particularly tackled the rate of intention of those university teachers, not only to see how well or bad they substantiate the practice of the theory which they teach to leaners, but also the effects of that business undertaking intention. As results, it has been discovered that the rate of that intention goes to a high level (68%). Self confidence and friends’ support were the determinants thanks to which the effects were highlighted in this article.
Keywords: Business undertaking, Teacher, University, Democratic Republic of Congo
Implementation of Model 3P in Online Project- Based Learning to Assist Students’ Problem Solving Skills for Biology Subjects [PDF] Ehqa Dhabita Mohd Nasir1 , Denis Andrew1Problem solving is the way by which solutions are developed to remove an obstacle from achieving an ultimate goal. However, students' 21st century skill-focused problem-solving skills are more than just the ability to solve specific problems. Successful problem solving requires a person to be able to express opinions, argue based on evidence and be able to apply biological knowledge to real-life problems. This requires the activation of a project-based learning strategy through the application of the 4C elements, namely communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity. This concept paper provides a framework that enables the construction of strategies and meaning that will be done through modeling, guidance and strategy application of 4C elements in project-based learning. Project-based learning (PBL) is an educational model that prioritizes projects in teaching and learning which is also an instructional method that allows students to build skills and gain knowledge through projects, cooperative learning and 'hands on' techniques. Through project implementation, students can build knowledge and skills through the inquiry process. The integration of project-based learning may encourage students who are unable to solve a problem by learning the strategies proposed in the phase that has been set.
Impacts of Salinity on Mineral Accumulations in Vegetables Grown in the South-Central Coastal Region of Bangladesh for Nutritional Security. [PDF] A.K.M. Faruk-E-Azam, Md. Najmus Sakib Khan, Abdullah Al Zabir, Mridhul SahaWater and soil salinity is gradually increasing due to climate change and limits the production and quality of crops. Mineral contents of vegetable are one of the vital requirements for human nutrition and food security. The uptake and accumulation of minerals in vegetables are influenced by different degrees of soil salinity. Considering these factors, a research work was conducted in the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Patuakhali Science and Technology University to find out the impacts of salinity on mineral contents and their quality. The vegetables papaya (Carica papaya), brinjal (Solanum melongena), radish (Raphanus sativus), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), yard long bean (Vigna unguiculata) and knol khol (Brassica oleracea) were collected along with saline and non-saline soils from Sonakata of Barguna and Kadamtala of Patuakhali, respectively in the south-central coastal region of Bangladesh. Soil and vegetable were analyzed for P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Mn, Zn and B. Soil pH, EC and Na were also analyzed. Results indicated that pH and EC of the soils were 7.2-7.9 and 1.19-7.9 dSm-1, respectively. The saline soil contained comparatively higher amounts of Ca, Mg, Na, K, S, Mn and Zn and lower amounts of P, Cu and B. The accumulation of Ca, Mg, K, S, Mn and Zn were increased but P, Cu and B were decreased for almost all the vegetables in saline soil. Comparatively higher amount of Ca (24048.0 mgKg-1), Mg (16336.3 mgKg-1) were accumulated in papaya, K (117.0 mgKg-1), S (1380.0 mgKg-1) and Zn (40.0 mgKg-1) were accumulated in radish, Cu (18.0 mgKg-1) in knollkhol, Mn (60.0 mgKg-1) in tomato grown in saline soil of Sonakata at 7.9 dSm-1 EC level. Soil salinity decreases the yield of vegetables whereas it increased some mineral constituents. The vegetables could tolerate moderate soil salinity (soil EC up to 7.9) and might be recommended to grow in the saline soils of Bangladesh.
Fundamental Principles and Mechanical Design Analyses of Oil and Gas Piping Systems: An Overview [PDF] Sylvanus Onyenkachi Isaac, Cissan Adanma SylvanusThis study presents the fundamental principles and mechanical design analyses of oil and gas piping systems with the objective of investigating the basis for hydrostatic and pneumatic pressure integrity tests of the systems. Piping systems investigated are the pipes, pipe components (like pipe flanges and pipe bends) and pressure vessels. They constitute the static equipment for the transportation, transmission, production, processing and storage of hydrocarbon gases and liquids, and the associated fluid systems. They also provide means for process monitoring and control; as well as guide against environmental pollution, and ensure the safety of personnel and other equipment in the facility within which they are installed and operated. The study utilized the secondary data available in the accessed related literature and presented the formulations accordingly.