Volume 13, Issue 6, June 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
Publication for Volume 13, Issue 6, June 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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Dynamic Analysis of Non-Circular Journal Bearings operating with Nano Fluids [PDF] Duddela Siva Nanda ReddyThe purpose of this article is to provide design guidelines for Non-Circular Journal Bearings that use nano lubricants (Non-Newtonian Fluids). The effects of eccentricity ratio on pressure distribution in non-Newtonian fluids are examined. Next, rotational speeds with different angular Coordinates are used to conduct a numerical analysis of journal bearings. A finite-difference technique iterative approach that fulfills the necessary design parameters is employed to solve the Reynolds equation numerically. Different aspect ratios (L/D) and eccentricity ratios have been investigated. Increasing (L/D) led to a rise in maximal pressure, as per the results.
The Impact of Chinese Loans in Africa [PDF] Gallous AtabongwoungChina has recently emerged as a major lender in more than 32 African countries including Angola ($21.5 billion in 2017), Ethiopia ($13.7 billion), Kenya ($9.8 billion), Republic of Congo ($7.42 billion), Cameroon ($5.57 billion) and Zambia reaching $11.2 billion in 2019. Some scholars argue that Chinese loans have created debt trap in Africa, and China is leveraging on debt trap to strategically penetrate Africa’s political landscape. Other scholars contend the debt trap narrative creates nuance regarding the decision-making power of African governments. Notwithstanding, debt Africa owes China is persistently on the rise with an annual infrastructure financing deficit of more than $93 billion. According to SAIS-CARI researchers, Chinese financiers have so far committed more than $153 billion to African public sector borrowers between 2000 and 2019. This is likely going to continue to drive debt in the continent. Research historically have shown that soaring debt has the ability to compromise the sovereignty of African states, owing to the complexity of corruption and frequent political instability in the continent. This article therefore seeks to interrogate the impact of Chinese loans to Africa through a review of secondary data. The article provides a different lens (negative impact) of Chinese loans in Africa in the 21st century.
Key words: China, Africa, loans, debt trap, lender, infrastructure, sovereignty
Experimental Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Agave Americana Leaf Fiber Reinforced Composites with TiO2 [PDF] Prof.Santosh Malipatil, Prof.Santosh Kannur, Saish Motar, Sharvari KulkarniIn the growing environmental problems, the waste disposal and the dwindling of limited amounts of exhaustible resources have stimulated the use of green materials compatible with the environment to reduce environmental impacts. Therefore, there is a need to use natural resources in the design of products we have extracted Americana leaf fiber mixed with epoxy as hardner and nano particle as Titanium dioxide. Natural fibres found to be a good alternative since they are abundantly available and there are a number of possibilities to use all the components of fibre-yielding crop; one such fibre-yielding plant is Agave Americana. The fibres yielded by the leaves. The plant's "zero-waste" use would allow its production and processing to become a viable and sustainable enterprise. In comparison to other leaf fibres, Agave Americana fibres have a low density, high tenacity, biodegradability, low cast per unit volume, high strength, specific stiffness, easy availability, and high moisture absorption. These fibres are biodegradable and lengthy. As a result, we can consider this fibre as a long-term production and technical resource.
Menopausal and Postmenopausal Women’s Relation Between Salivary Flow Rate and Masticatory Performance Using Complete Denture [PDF] Chynthia Purba, Ismet Danial Nasution, Veronica AngeliaLoss of teeth causes a person not having a good masticatory function. Masticatory function can be objectively assessed by mastica-tory performance. One of the factors that affect masticatory performance is saliva. The decreased levels of hormone estrogen affect the flow of salivary secretions, thereby reducing the flow rate of women's saliva. The purpose of this study was to determine the mean salivary flow rate and masticatory performance with the relationship between menopausal and postmenopausal women of complete denture wearers at RSGM USU. The type of study is descriptive analytic using a cross-sectional study design. This study took data on the salivary flow rate by chewing gum and the masticatory performance data on the sieving method by chewing al-monds was calculated based on the Kapur and Soman index. The number of samples was 22 samples, then the results of the collec-tion and weighing were analyzed using the Pearson correlation test. The results showed that complete denture wearers for menopau-sal women had a higher mean salivary flow rate (1.15 ml/minute) than postmenopausal women (0.85 ml/minute), the mean value of mastication performance for menopausal women was higher (54.86%) than postmenopausal women (18.78%), and there is a rela-tionship between the salivary flow rate of menopausal and postmenopausal women on the masticatory performance of complete denture wearers with p value = 0.0001 (p < 0.05). This shows that the higher the salivary flow rate, the better the masticatory per-formance, on the contrary, the lower the salivary flow rate, the worse the masticatory performance.
Solar tracking system to make solar panels more efficient [PDF] Majid Khadum Abdul HemzaIn this research, we studied the characteristics and advantages of the
solar tracker with an electric motor depending on the Sun's daily movement
from east to west. Measurements were taken for current and voltage, and then
the electrical power was produced according to Ohms Law. These
measurements were made for different daylight hours, from sunrise to sunset.
The power obtained from solar panels based on solar trackers has been
compared to constant panels to demonstrate the importance of using solar
trackers with solar panels due to the large energy generated by this highly
stable system.
Impacts of Agricultural Activities on the Quality of Water in Ogane-Aji River, Anyigba, Kogi State, Nigeria. [PDF] Oguche Joyce Ugbojo-Ide, Okpanachi Victor Ugbede, Onoja Andrew Omachoko, Egbeja Tsobaza Idris, Igbineweka Mercy Oritsegbubemi and Enebeli Blessing Ngozi,Water is an essential commodity, both to sustain life and for the global economy. However, global water quality has drastically reduced due to different human activities and stochastic events in the past two centuries. This study was conducted to examine the impact of agricultural activities on the water quality of Ogane-Aji River. Ten water samples were collected along the length of the river at different points or locations and analyzed for various physico-chemical parameters present, using standard analytical procedures. The result obtained in mean were EC:(15.19 μS cm−1), pH:( 5.71), TDS:( 7.60 mg/l), HCO3:(0.11 mg/l), NO3:(100.79 mg/l), K:(0.34 mg/l), SO4:(10.75 mg/l), PO4:(0.08 mg/l), CO2:(15.00 mg/l), COD:( 41.65 mg/l) and BOD:( 1.18 mg/l). Wide variations were only observed in values for the nitrate content (100.78), with S2 (21.98 mg/l) and S9 (249.33 mg/l) having the lowest and highest values respectively. The result reveals that most of the parameters analyzed were within their permissible limit except nitrate (NO3) and COD which exceeded their permissible limits of 50-100mg/l and 10mg/l respectively. At the same time, the pH of the river (5.71) was slightly acidic compared to the WHO range of (6.5 – 8.5). It is recommended that further research should be carried out to determine the heavy metal content of the river in order to quantify the full extent of the water quality and excess use of fertilizers and other agrochemicals along the river edge should be regulated.
Li-Fi Enabled Patient Monitoring System based on Embedded Low Power Module [PDF] vivek sanganiAn Efficient and Smart Patients’ monitoring
system is one of the key necessity in the Covid-19 era. The
proposed patients’ monitoring is based on the Li-Fi technology
platform. Biomedical sensor like ECG, heart-rate and
temperature sensors are used to take the body samples of the
patients. The low power embedded modules along with
transmitter and receiver drivers are used to process the data.
The Transmitter and receiver drivers are used to convert
optical data into equivalent serial frames and vice-versa. Low
power module at receiver also enclosed with the where any
patient can call up on the doctor in the emergency by raising
the signal through push button. The doctor will get the
notification in form of buzzer and Led.
Design and Analysis of 28 GHz Circularly Polarized Micro Strip Patch Antenna for 5 G Applications [PDF] Umesh Chandra,Om Mishra,Manisha Yadav: In this article, a right hand circularly micro strip patch antenna is proposed for 5G applications. The square patch are designed and simulated. The size of the square patch is 3 mm x 3 mm x 0.508 mm. The impedance matching is done by using the quarter wave transformer. First, an antenna is designed with a resonating frequency of 28 GHz, and then a rectangular slot of dimension 0.8 mm x 0.16 mm. The various parameters, such as return loss, gain, radiation pattern, axial ratio etc., are investigated. It is found that the slotted patch antenna has a return loss of -32 dB with a band width of more than 1.8 GHz at a resonating frequency of 28 GHz. The axial ratio is 1.05 at the resonating frequency. The impedance matching is done by quarter wave transformer. The simulation of the proposed antenna is done by using HFSS tool.
Are Micro Houses a Good Solution to the current Affordable Housing Crisis. [PDF] Nkandu NkanduThis article is devoted to the study of Micro Housing units and weather they are a good solution to the current affordable housing crisis. Having a look at Hong Kong.
This study evaluates the market performance and market acceptance of small and micro units from multiple perspectives including design strategies.
This paper introduces and presents multiset function from a very unique and different way. It is build on the studies from previous research works. Some of the basic principles and properties of functions are studied in multiset context such as injection, surjection, bijection, identity, and constant functions. The composition of functions is studied. Similarity and dominance relations are also studied among others.
The effects of board structures on sustainability initiatives in Tunisian companies [PDF] zied bouazizOur study consists in studying the impact of the characteristics of the board of directors on the financial performance of Tunisian companies listed on the stock exchange in a context of sustainable development following the adoption of the SDG16 relating to governance.
The sample of our study includes 48 companies listed on the stock exchange over the 4-year period 2016-2019. We used linear regression to assess the financial performance measured by the ROA.