Volume 13, Issue 6, June 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
Publication for Volume 13, Issue 6, June 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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User based ranking algorithm for web-based distributed version control system [PDF] Jilsa ChandaranaThe field of computer science is emerging which
fundamentally increases the need of programmers. One of the essential tool for a programmer is version control system. The web-bases services such as GitHub provide excellent helping hand to them. A common feature of such applications is search option. When performing a search, the items can be better sorted taking user features into account which lead to an idea of ranking algorithm specially designed for such platforms. It
takes the general structure of database and convert it into graph database to easily define relation between different entities. The paper suggests a simple method for such recommendation and provides a naïve implementation in Cypher query language using Neo4j platform.
Contactless Toll Collection System using RFID Technique [PDF] Dr. B. L. PrakashAutomated toll Collection System is used for collecting tax automatically. In this paper vehicle identification is done with the help of RFID tag. Each vehicle must be provided with an RFID tag. This tag is nothing but unique identification number allocated. In accordance with this number the basic information as about how much amount paid in advance for the toll charges. RFID reader will be correctly placed at toll collection centres. Whenever the vehicle passes the toll collection centre, the tax amount will be subtracted from the prepaid balance and new balance will be updated. As vehicles don’t have to stop in a queue, it guarantees time saving, fuel conservation and also contributing in saving of money. Automatic Toll Collection systems have really helped a lot in reducing the heavy congestion caused in the urbanite cities in present days. It is one of the stress-free methods used to organize the heavy flow of traffic. Even if user don’t have enough balance in his/her account he or she can easily recharge the by using the recharge machine which has been implemented.
An electrochemical study of carbon steel API 5LX-52 exposed in biodiesel [PDF] Vivi A. Fardilah, Yustina M. Pusparizkita, M Tauviqirrahman, AP BayusenoBiodiesel is an alternative fuel consisting of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) and is currently widely used. However, one disadvantage of biodiesel is that it is hygroscopic, making it easy to corrode various materials, especially metals. Carbon steel is a material commonly used as a distribution pipe, both flowline and pipeline. The use of carbon steel in various operating tools often faces significant problems related to corrosion resulting in damage. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate corrosion tests for carbon steel material due to biodiesel exposure. This study investigated the corrosion resistance of carbon steel API 5L X-52 using electrochemical monitoring techniques such as Open Circuit Potential (OCP) and Tafel plot. For the experiment, the carbon steel was exposed to a mixture of biodiesel and 3.5% NaCl solution for 168 hours at 30oC. The electrochemical results indicated that high biodiesel concentration potentially accelerates the corrosion rate of API 5L X-52. Meanwhile, the SEM/EDS images depicted the form of damage as localized corrosion. The corrosion products formed on the metal surface are FeO, Fe2O3, and Fe3O4.
Efficacy of Community Policing and its Funding for Public Security: A study of Imo Vigilante groups in Imo State, Nigeria [PDF] Oko Otuu Obasi, Winifred Nwabuaku Kanu, and Christopher Chijioke UgwuAbstract ¬¬¬¬
Insecurity of lives and property is recognized as a growing global problem with huge humanitarian implications. Not only does the problem bring untold social, economic and psychological hardship on victims and nations, but it also threatens the social stability and socio-economic progress of nations, regions and communities. But beyond this, the problem also costs huge sums of money to tackle; and this explains why many individuals, national governments and international organizations now commit substantial proportions of their earnings or budgets to addressing security problems. Despite these developments, not much research has been carried out to determine how effective community policing has been in curtailing insecurity problems in Nigeria. Very little empirical work has been done especially in the area of this study in the country to determine how successful or otherwise community policing has been, and the extent to which it is funded. Furthermore, understanding the challenges facing community policing towards addressing security problems would be germane, given that such information will be very useful for effective and efficient intervention policy and action. This study was therefore embarked on to fill this gap in knowledge. The study was conducted in 3 major cities across the 3 geo-political zones of Owerri, Orlu and Okigwe. The researchers adopted purposive sampling technique to select 5 communities within the 3 major cities and their adjoining communities, where community policing (Vigilante Groups) were identified. The sample sizes for the study were 209 for community members and 75 for members of vigilante group. This study revealed that community policing in the state required adequate funding as well as the synergy of community vigilante groups and the police in solving security problems in Imo State. It was recommended among others that re-engineering of the community policing system in Imo State, through adequate funding and monitoring, will improve the system and make it more effective.
Key words: Community policing, Funding, Public security, Imo State
Contactless Toll Collection System using RFID Technique [PDF] Dr. B. L. PrakashAutomated toll Collection System is used for collecting tax automatically. In this paper vehicle identification is done with the help of RFID tag. Each vehicle must be provided with an RFID tag. This tag is nothing but unique identification number allocated. In accordance with this number the basic information as about how much amount paid in advance for the toll charges. RFID reader will be correctly placed at toll collection centres. Whenever the vehicle passes the toll collection centre, the tax amount will be subtracted from the prepaid balance and new balance will be updated. As vehicles don’t have to stop in a queue, it guarantees time saving, fuel conservation and also contributing in saving of money. Automatic Toll Collection systems have really helped a lot in reducing the heavy congestion caused in the urbanite cities in present days. It is one of the stress-free methods used to organize the heavy flow of traffic. Even if user don’t have enough balance in his/her account he or she can easily recharge the by using the recharge machine which has been implemented.
INHIBITIVE ACTION OF ETHYL ACETATE EXTRACT OF Corynocarpus. laevigatus ON THE CORROSION OF MILD STEEL IN 2 M HCl SOLUTION [PDF] Udorji I. Franklin, Obike A. Ikechukwu, Nwagba J. OnyedikachiThe inhibitive action of leaves extract of Corynocarpus laevigatus on mild steel in 2.0 M HCl solutions was investigated using Gravimetric (weight loss) technique. The results obtained indicate that the extract of Corynocarpus laevigatus functioned as a good inhibitor in Hydrochloric acid solutions. The inhibition efficiency is found to increase with increase in the extract concentration and decrease with increase in temperature with the highest inhibition efficiency being 89.96%. The kinetic considerations confirmed the reaction process to be a first order reaction. The finding from this study is an indication that ethyl acetate extract of CL (Corynocarpus laevigatus) is a good and suitable corrosion inhibitor.
Assessment of Corneal High Order Aberrations by Scheimpflug Placido Topography among Children with Myopia [PDF] Fareeha Ayyub, Nimra Gul, Sohail Ahmad, Bilal Khalid, Zahid SiddiqAbstract: This study aims to evaluate the pattern of High order aberrations among myopia children. A cross-sectional study was conducted at Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital, Rawalpindi from January 2022 to May 2022. A total of 360 eyes were examined and measured Zernike’s coefficients of high order aberrations till 8th order using Scheimpflug Placido Topographer. The patients with myopia of mild, moderate, and high were included in this study. The analysis was done using SPSS version-22. The majority of the patients were male 216 (60%) with a mean age of 13.1±3. 38 years, ranging from 8 to 18 years. Trefoil aberrations and spherical aberrations showed statistically significant (P-value <0.05) mean differences between mild-moderate and high myopia. Third order aberrations were found highest followed by Coma aberrations and fourth-order aberrations. Higher order aberrations increase as the amount of myopia increases.
Expansion Plan with Strategic & Marketing Hurdles [PDF] Ehtisham Naeem, Armaghan Shakil, Sheeza DastgeerThis case study is about the manufacturing based company in Pakistan that started to produce silicone sealants and sells in local market. This Company belongs to the single owner Mr. Aizad Amin Sheikh who was managing and running the business with under his ownership. He has 2 Son who completed their education and wants to join their father business. Therefore Mr. Aizad Amin Sheikh initiate plan and forecast to see a rapid growth in the glass industry and find a gap that no one was providing temperature control glass joint system in their home, building and big plaza that can reduce electricity bill by 25%. They invest in parallel business to purchase the manufacturing plant and start giving market awareness towards this solution through their Silicone sector Customers because silicone is the secondary product for installation of Glass. During this tenure they face hurdles and expansion problem in their business due to strategic level decisions and marketing activities. This case is focus on how this decision was made and what impact happened, also it will help to optimize brainstorming for expansion plans in business and target market strategies.
A 28 GHz Rectangular Micro strip Patch Antenna for 5G Applications [PDF] Abhik BhattacharyyaIn this paper, a 28GHz micro strip patch
antenna (MSPA) design and performance analysis for
fifth-generation (5G) communication systems is
presented. The antenna is designed using FR4
substrate material with thickness of 0.244 mm, and
and analyzed using HFSS (High frequency structure
simulator) simulator. The simulated results show that,
the beam-gain of 7.587 dBi, directivity of 7.509 dBi,
the radiation efficiency of 98.214 %, and bandwidth of
1.046 GHz, compared to other similar designs suffers
from losses are gained from the antenna significantly
better bandwidth, beam-gain, return loss, and radiation
efficiency. Therefore, the proposed antenna gives a
highly competitive performance as related to other
works, and also, it is a potential candidate antenna type
for 5G communication systems.
Spectral Splitting Optimization for Highly Efficient Hybrid Photovoltaic devices by using Na3AlF6, Y2O3 and TiO2 beam splitter [PDF] Imran Ahmad, Saif ur Rehman, Muhammad Noman Khan, Muhammad Nasim, Muhammad Faheem Raza, Akabir AliSpectral splitting optimization for efficient hybrid solar energy cell is studied by materials which are Na3AlF6, Y2O3, and TiO2. The Essential Macleod software is used to design this beamsplitter. Multilayer coating design consist of Na3AlF6 as low index material, Y2O3 as middle index material and TiO2 as high index material. The wavelength range of design is from 400nm to 2000nm with reference wavelength 700nm having incident angle 45 degree. Design consists of 56 alternating layers based on formula [LMHM]^14. Optimac refinement techniques is used to improve the design. It is concluded in the result that a good beam splitter is designed which transmits about 80% light in the spectrum range from 400nm to 975nm and reflect 77% light in the infrared region from 1000nm to 2000nm. The transmitted light is used for the solar cell and reflected light is used for thermoelectric generator.
Capturing CO2, CO, and HC: A Development of Filtering Device for Vehicle Exhaust with Monitoring and Notification Alert System [PDF] Brayn Biazon, Karren Baac, Timothy Del Rosario, Ashton Kraven Desiongco, Fritz Nathan Diaz, Justin Varick PacerWith the constant rise of vehicle owners over the past years, car pollution, with its exhaust gas emissions, contribute tremendously towards air pollution and global warming. This experimental study was conducted filter the amount of carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), and hydrocarbons(HC) through the use of highly porous adsorbents (activated carbon and zeolites) via a constructed filtering device with a monitoring and notification alert system for vehicle exhaust. The filtering device that is attached to a car’s exhaust muffler served as an enclosure for the filtering membranes which contained both the activated carbon and zeolites. The inlet of the device is
attached to the muffler where the exhaust gasses enter, gets filtered through, and exits through the outlet where the gas sensors are located. Based on the result, with the filtering device, CO, CO2, and HC measured an average of 2560 ppm, 74633.33 ppm, and 125.33 ppm vol, respectively. These results imply that the constructed filtering device can filter the exhaust car emissions by almost 50% and can provide accurate monitoring system. It is highly recommended to continue the project into a large-scale production to further promote the intentions of the innovation of the device such as conducting further study about its fabrication and design.
Optimization of the quality of speech output in signal processing using enhanced technique [PDF] Obikwelu R Okonkwo, Nelson O MaduThe fluctuations in air pressure through which speech is transmitted, are regularly corrupted by a variety of sounds from other sources in both enclosed and open environments, including the humming of air conditioners, computer machines, reverberation of the fan, the bustling noises of a crowded street, car ground noise, the ambient rushing of wind in an open ï¬eld or the speech babbles of other individuals at a social gathering. Signal processing algorithms struggle to process speech in the presence of even modest background noise in order to optimize the quality of such speech output. This work describes a study of techniques for optimizing speech quality via noise attenuation that entails the use of microphone arrays based on combination of beamforming and multi-filtering technique. This technique allowed distortionless signal components within a specified angle range of incidence from the desired direction and attenuated the interference signals outside this range. Consequently, the result indicated that the output speech quality improved as processed Speech Signal.
Ethnopharmacological study of medicinal recipes sold in three communes of Abidjan (Ivory Coast) [PDF] Aka Ayebe Edwige1, Yao Konan3, Yenon Achie Aurelie, Koffi David1, Rita Bouagnon1……………. Mireille Dosso1Djaman Joseph1,2Abstract: In order to identify the phytomedicines sold in the form of drinks in three communes of Abidjan (Ivory Coast), an ethnopharmacological study was carried out. It was carried out through an ethnomedicinal survey followed by an inventory of the medicinal plants mentioned. The survey made it possible to inventory 67 medicinal plant recipes used in the treatment of numerous pathologies and symptoms in the 12 sampling points chosen in the three communes of the District of Abidjan. The products were listed according to their frequency of use and the number of diseases treated. Thus, Attoté, Anti malu, La joie, Cola bitters, Franko bitters, Waraba, Aloès substrat, Awurade kassa, Royal goji are often cited with frequencies ranging from 50 to 100%. Pathologies and symptoms were also grouped into categories. The category of gastroenterological ailments is the one for which the populations solicit phytomedicines a lot. It appears that the products identified are used in the treatment of several ailments. A total of 99 ailments are treated by the 67 products identified. Haemorrhoids are the most common condition treated by phytomedicines. The number of phytomedicines used against haemorrhoids is 32, and 27 against sexual dysfunctions, 20 against low back pain and malaria. Furthermore, these results can be considered as a source of information for scientific research in the field of phytochemistry and pharmacology.
Sustainable Indicators for Eco-Industrial Parks [PDF] Aster WolduEIP is a cluster of industrial system that aims at conserving the utilization of natural and economical resource, to reduce waste generation and improve the quality of works as well as local communities’ life. To do so; the clustered businesses work together, with each other and with local community to effectively share resources (materials, water energy), infrastructure, and the local habitat. In turn; these relationships foster the implementation of Industrial Symbiosis (IS), which seeks to transform wastes, by-products or products of a firm into inputs for another one taking advantage of their own connections. However, the connectivity also propagates failures. The holistic planning and development of these clusters from the three pillars of sustainability (economic, environmental, and social) considerations and the sustainability assessment of these clusters is highly complex. For monitoring and controlling the development and progress of an EIP, an indicator system must be set up to standardize and assess the EIP (sustainability) performance.
This paper aims to review the main EIP indicators with respect to economic, social and environmental aspects of the parks.
A Technical report on design process and implementation of a LabVIEW based GUI with associated electronics for operating and monitoring vacuum components and sensors of a synchrotron beam line [PDF] AVIJIT DASThis document reports on technical developments of hardware and software for data acquisition from different sensors, measuring gauges, remote operation of several pneumatic high vacuum components and vacuum gate valves of a Grazing Incidence X-ray Scattering (GIXS) beamline at Indus2 synchrotron radiation source in India. Techniques of implementing the software-hardware integration between LabVIEW graphical programme based user interface (GUI) and custom-made electronic actuating circuit prepared in-house are discussed in detail. An indirect method of reading the output current from twelve sensors at a time without using RS-485 communication system is one of the worth mentioning aspect of this developmental work. The design concepts utilized here are interesting in challenging and critical situation of instrumentation even though the techniques adopted may appear conventional at first glance.
THE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF ALLIANCE POLITICS: ITALY CONTRIBUTIONS TO NATO SPACE CENTRE MISSION [PDF] Stevanus ReinaldoItaly has been developing space development since the era of the Cold War in which space-race competition among countries was so intense, and back then Italy became the third country that did successful satellite launch to outer space and brought a good reputation. As a member of NATO, Italy has become an important member of NATO due to its contribution to security cooperation. With NATO announcing the existence of NATO Space Centre mission and space as one main domain for NATO, the opportunities for Italy’s contribution to NATO Alliance politics are possible, due to the same common goals and interests in space sector technologies for a long time. This journal study will analyze how Italy’s space sector advantages will be beneficial for this program, and the explanation on how it will increase the Alliance politics of Italy as a member of NATO and can be related to their space program mission.