Volume 13, Issue 6, June 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
Publication for Volume 13, Issue 6, June 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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Analysis of factors affecting customer's intention to use Momo- E-wallet in Vietnam [PDF] Trinh Thi Phan Lan, Ph.D, Nguyen Trung Kien, Nguyen Thi Phi NgaAbtract:
The objective of the study is to build a research model and determine the factors affecting the intention to use Momo e-wallet. The research used the model of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) with 7 independent variables: "expected effect (PE)", "expected effort (EE)", "social influence (SI)", "facilitation conditions (FC)", "enjoyment motivation (HM)", "perceived value (PV)", "trust (TT)". The result shows that these factors affected the intention to use Momo e-wallets in different levels.
Keywords : model, customers, e-wallet, intention
Design and development of automatic vehicle overload control system [PDF] Dr. Bhagwat Dayal, Gezahegn TibebuAbstract: Traffic accidents are on increase in Ethiopia and it has resulted into unattainable crisis on economic, social also vehicular aspects. From various causes of the accidents, overloading of the vehicle takes the lion allotment. Effects of the overloading of the vehicle encompasses human life will be in drastic danger, unimaginable injuries to the passengers and individual and government economic crisis. Besides service life of the vehicle will decrease and tires are more prone to wear, steering control becomes more difficult and vehicles takes longer to react to braking, decreased safety and driving comfort of the vehicle.
Firmly this bad practice has been seen in passenger and commercial vehicles. This research work focuses on commercial vehicles specifically on truck vehicles, because data shows that more percentage of overloading lay towards heavy vehicles.
This research work presents the overloading control and warning system by using load sensor which detects the weight of the vehicle. In case the weight is exceeding from the prescribed load, the audio and light warning system will activate to warn the driver. Further, the overload command is sent to the fuel system to shutoff the engine. Thus, the vehicle is not allowed to move unless the load comes under prescribed limits. The over load warning will give the tremendous advantage towards safety and reduce the loss of human life and economic crisis.
Finding the deflection of the leaf spring then by using potentiometer converting the deflection value into voltage in ten iteration is conducted. The voltage gap was examined and the first gap is normal load the second gap is warning and the last gap is fuel shutoff stage. Modelling the system in the MATLAB was conducted by setting the governing equations. Here the result show that the output is linear because the governing equations are linear. Thus, it implies the system is effective. In the MATLAB modelling load versus deflection and deflection versus voltage shows how the system works and the result shows it is linear result. Finally, by using protous software the system work has been shown.
Key words: Overloading, control and warning, protous software, voltage gap, fuel shutoff.
Slavery as seen through Copper Sun (2006) by Sharon M. Draper, a toponymic perspective [PDF] Dr Ferdinand KPOHOUECopper Sun (2006) written by Sharon Mills Draper is a historical fiction. It is actually about a young girl named Amari who has been forced to undertake an unpredictable journey to the New World. Amari is a young woman living among her Ewe people in a village located in Ghana in West Africa. She has been kidnapped and sent to African coast where a slave ship is waiting to embark her. On board as prisoner across the sea, Amari is submitted to hardships from the white strangers around her. At the end of the long and hellish travel, Amari is sold to Mr. Percival Derby as a birthday present for son Clay Derby. She should experience an atrocious life with other slaves on Derby’s plantation. At the end, Amari, Polly and Tidbit escape to Fort Mose where they become free.
The objective of this study is to focus the very route followed by Amary from the Gold Coast (Ghana) to Florida where she has become free. Each place has influenced her physically and morally. The theories used are historicism and Marxism. As a matter of fact, Sharon M. Draper has used the character of Amari to pinpoint each aspect of the transatlantic slave trade with a special emphasis on the Ewe tribe experience. The Gold Coast (today’s Ghana) was one of the very important slave provider area. According to David Eltis and David Richardson (1997) “it appears that between 1662 and 1867 over four out of five slaves left Africa from just four regions - the Gold Coast, the Bights of Benin and Biafra, and West-Central Africaâ€. Amari, in Copper Sun, is the symbol of all these people deported to develop the New World.
Key Words: Gold Coast, journey, slave, plantation, escape, freedom.
Seeing the Anatomy of Quantum Gravity through Formula of Everything [PDF] Olusegun SotadeThe prior publication of “The Time Theory of the Universe†reveals the true nature of time as “electromagnetic speed of relativistic scaling†through formula of everything. The formula of everything, dt/dm = Um + 4m depicts relationship between “time and massâ€, “time and energy†and “energy and mass†as inverse. This inverse relationship necessitates the emergence of spontaneous symmetry breaking that connects classical realm to quantum by converting “time-to-energy†phase of classical realm to “energy-to-energy†phase of quantum realm. The time-quantized value of classical mass is entangled to a counterpart in quantum realm. However, the two entangled masses are suspended far apart by measurable and feasible range. Therefore, this publication, “Seeing the Anatomy of Quantum Gravity through Formula of Everything†elucidates the formation of mass of particles at the low-energy state as energy travels inversely via entanglement of time-relativistic scaling. This mass of particles causes the curvature of spacetime at quantum level to emerge quantum gravity. The impact of classical gravity is instantaneously expressed at quantum level and vice versa. Formula of everything illustrates the unification of quantum realm to classical realm as quantum entanglement of time-relativistic scaling to and from classical realm via strong-weak conveying interactions.
SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT IN CRISIS: AGILE PLANNING TO AVOID SYPPLY CHAIN DISASTERS [PDF] Afia Waseem Nooreen , Maryam Khokhar, Sayma Ziaa, Tahir,Islam, Yumei Hou , Wasim IqbalAn outbreak of the deadliest disease is not a new misery for humans residing on Earth.
Many epidemics have constantly challenged people in the past. The substantial negative
consequences of pandemics on the global financial system are similar. The spread of the world's
deadliest virus, COVID-19, killed individuals and badly harmed the economy. The supply chain
is one of the most crucial aspects of our economy.
Determining the possible Noise Input from the amplitude and intensity of each sound wave in Speech Signal [PDF] Nelson Madu, Obikwelu OkonkwoIn this paper, an efficient method of modelling possible noise from amplitude and Intensity of
each sound wave in speech signal is proposed. Here the focus is on speech signals which
manifests as a sound wave form. The principle of determining sound wave intensity using the
wave amplitude was applied. The paper elucidates how beamforming technique was practical
in the evaluation of the Amplitude of the signals and the various noise inputs given the distance
variations. The obtained result shows that noise input increases as the angular distance
increased which is as a result of amplitude increase
The new British's company Law 2006 [PDF] Tariq Abdulaziz Mohamed SadiqThe Companies Act 2006 British companies' law, Act 2006 (the "Act") is considered the large project ever that has been lodged to the British Parliament. The aims behind this are to give a proactive potential business arena contemplated to promote, simultaneously, the modern development in the companies' concepts and affairs.
Effects of Irvingia Grandifolia on the Plasma Concentration of Urea, Creatinine and White Blood Cells Count (Total & Differential) in Normal Rabbits. [PDF] Josephat Ejike Ozor, Kingsley Ikechukwu Izekwe, Paul Chijoke OziokoThe hypoglycemic effects of Irvingia grandifolia is documented. While medicinal plant may have recognizable therapeutic effect, it may also have few toxic side-effects. The use of Irvingia grandifolia has been found to be efficacious in the management of diabetes mellitus but the effect of this herb on plasma urea, creatinine concentrations and white blood cell count has not been characterized so far. The effect was investigated and found out that there is no pronounced effect of the herb on plasma creatinine concentration based on student distribution (t-test) on the treated animals. Also, there is no significant effect of the herb extract on plasma urea concentration, white blood cell count (total and differential) also found from student distribution (t-test) after comparing treated animals with control animals.
Detecting Financial Fraud Using Machine Learning: Winning the War Against Imbalanced Data [PDF] RAJANIPRIYA DANDACredit card fraud events take place frequently and then result in huge financial losses. Criminals can use some technologies such as Trojan or Phishing to steal the information of other people’s credit cards. Therefore, an effective fraud detection method is important since it can identify a fraud in time when a criminal uses a stolen card to consume. One method is to make full use of the historical transaction data including normal transactions and fraud ones to obtain normal/fraud behavior features based on machine learning techniques, and then utilize these features to check if a transaction is fraud or not. The data used in our experiments come from an e-commerce company in Europe. In this project, we divide the data-set into train and test set by making use of the different machine learning algorithms like smote, under sampling, over sampling, both under and over sampling, rose. We have compared the accuracy and performance of these models using confusion matrix and roc curve
Negative Influence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Children’s Learning Outcome in Public Primary Schools in Awka-South Local Government Area of Anambra state, Nigeria. [PDF] Emmanuel C Asiegbu, Florence U Akudo, Innocent C Igbokwe, Hilary O Nwajagu, Mary C EmmasiegbuThis study focused on the negative influence of information and communication technology on child education in Awka South Local Government Area of Anambra state. Four specific purposes and four research questions were posed for the study. The study adopted a descriptive research design. Population of the study consist of 520 school teachers and headmistresses in the 18 public primary schools in Awka South Local Government Area. The study utilized disproportionate stratified sampling technique to select 230 respondents (10 headmistresses and 220 teachers). A 16-itemed structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The instrument was subjected to face and content validation by three (3) experts while a reliability coefficient value of 0.82 was obtained which indicates a high reliability index. 230 copies of the questionnaire were distributed while 212 retrieved, which yielded 92% return rate. The research questions were answered using mean. The decision rule was analyzed with mean score above 2.50 regarded as agreed, while any mean score below 2.50 was regarded as disagreed. The findings of the study showed that computer addiction is one of the most influential negative effects of information and communication technology on child education with the responses exceeding the stated benchmark. The study concluded that information and communication technology usage if not properly supervised, can be detrimental to child education. The study therefore recommended that parents and teachers should supervise their wards usage of information and communication technology devices in order to effectively checkmate its negative effects.
RISKS IN FAST TRACK CONTRUCTION PROJECTS [PDF] SARA SUNNYRisk assessment in fast-track projects is considered a major part of the construction
industry process. The construction risks are related to three basic principles: time, cost and quality.
According to Ackermann et al., (2014, p. 291), “Construction projects take an important role in the
economy of the country where the projects can be recognized as the most possible uncertainty and
risks". Despite the possibility of engineering complexity and issues in the construction project,
continuous pressure can be obtained to manage the time duration of the project at the time when the
meeting can be held with regulatory obligations and other emergency conditions. These risks and
uncertainties may affect the work of the workers, the quality of the materials and details, the delay in the
delivery of critical materials to the site, the project budget and the control of the project ' s costs
or objectives. Owing to the complexity of the procurement process, this item focuses on the risks
associated with the complexity of the procurement process for construction materials. In this paper, the
fast-track construction project process has been considered by substituting the traditional process which
may incur several losses and risks due to distinct levels of overlapping. This paper introduces the risks
that arise during the fast-track project construction with the conceptual analysis and collection of
relevant data sources.
CORONAVIRUS VACCINE PROVENENCE USING BLOCKCHAIN AND INTERNET OF THINGS [PDF] Gagana S, Neeraj Rugvedi A N, Mahalakshmi N k, Raju K PAs a result of its continual structural development, the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) has looked to be an immense challenge. As we begin to combat the worldwide pandemic with the rapid roll-out of covid-19 vaccine vials, the overwhelming demand and global enforcement of the vaccination campaign are critical, but the success of the campaign is largely dependent on the availability of a sustainable and efficient supply chain. This study aims to contribute a solution that utilises cutting-edge technologies such as Blockchain and IoT to enable vaccination vial provenance. This study also suggests using RFID cards as verified vaccination certificates that record immunisation status in a private and secure manner. Finally, the goal of this work is to provide a contact tracking approach that uses the mobile user's geolocation to identify potential Covid-19 affected individuals.
Agent-Based Simulation Modeling of Corrupt Practices through a Sub Divisional Hospital Governed by the state in an Underdeveloped Country - A Comprehensive Event-Based Illustration [PDF] Dr.Yashpal MomiaAbstract According to the Global Corruption Barometer published by Transparency International, India boasts the highest bribery rate in Asia. Nearly 50% of people who paid bribes in India were urged to do so, and 32% of those who used personal connections, according to a report released on the eve of International Anti-Corruption Day on December 9. Effective grievance methods have significantly reduced the arbitrariness and corruption described in Transparency International's report and helped make people more access to basic services and qualifications. In 2018 alone, 18 people were killed in exposing corruption, based on information under RTI Act. Despite this, the government has failed to frame rules and operationalise the Whistle-Blowers Protection law enacted in 2014 to provide a statutory framework for concealing the identity of whistleblowers and protecting them against victimisation. The law establishes a mechanism to receive and enquire into complaints against public servants relating to offences under the Prevention of Corruption Act. This law provides a mechanism for receiving and investigating complaints against government officials related to crimes under the Anti-Corruption Act. A corruption agent was incorporated in the Sub Divisional Hospital Kalka for the victimization of whistleblowers through unlawful proceedings. Agent-based System Dynamic Simulation modelling of Corrupt practice in Sub Divisional Hospital Kalka District Panchkula regulated through state Government Haryana in an underdeveloped country India is formulated with the sequel of events captured and evidence submitted to the state government under Indian Evidence Act for initiating criminal proceeding by implementing the guidelines through Center Vigilance Commission (CVC). A dynamic general equilibrium corrupt practices model perceives corruption as a dangerous profession with negative long-term consequences. Individual corruption levels result in a societal level of corruption, which affects the risk and return of corruption at the individual level. It demonstrates, using simulations in a multi-generational setting with heterogeneous agents, that societies have locally stable equilibrium levels of corruption that are determined by a small number of socio-economic factors. It demonstrates that under certain conditions, corruption can escalate to the point where it stifles all economic activity.
Index Terms— Corruption, Regulatory Governance, Legal framework, Convictions, Embezzlements, Approval, Transparency, Statutory Compliance
Innovation and Development Adopting evolving Multinational Business Models to spur African Entrepreneurship and Creativity from a Nigerian Perspective [PDF] Uche U. OtehFor decades emerging economies struggle to find a solution to close the entrepreneurial and innovative gaps that exist internally. Academic literature explores and argues that constant investments from government and outside influence will enhance economic wellbeing. However, there may be other more effective means of closing the even so widening gap between advanced and emerging economies. This piece uses a pragmatic approach to understanding how adopting evolving Multinational Business Models can drive African entrepreneurship and creativity from the perspective of Nigeria. Examining academic literature and comparative analysis of the Global Innovation Index (GII) and the Global Entrepreneurial Index (GEI) provides a reasonable premise to expand research into the topic. The theoretical discussion provides a coherent process that could give rise to a methodology for closing the knowledge and skill gap between emerging and advanced economies through adopting and exploiting knowledge transfer techniques from fundamental aspects of the Multinational Corporation framework.
Keywords— Entrepreneurship, Global Entrepreneurial Index, innovation Global Innovation Index, knowledge transfer Multinational Corporations