IJSER Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2012 Edition

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An Approach Towards Efficient Op-eration of Boilers[Full-Text] [References]Amit Kumar Jain
Presently the world has enormous advancement in science and technology the topic considered here is just a drop out of an ocean of knowledge. Higher product quality, better reliability, better availability of plants, optimization of cost and efficient working of boilers is the chief concern now a days. Generally the production can be increased by the efficient use of boilers and hence there is a lot of scope to minimize the boiler operation cost. Thus in this paper an attempt is made to understand the way by which boilers can be used efficiently.
Traffic Classification Technique in Computer Networks[Full-Text] [References]S. M. Parvat, Prof. Dr. S. D. Lokhande
Traffic classification enables a variety of applications and topics, including Quality of Service, security, monitoring, and intrusion-detection that are of use to researchers, accountants, network operators and end users. Capitalizing on network traffic that had been previously hand-classified provides with training and testing data-sets. The classification of network traffic can be done using Machine Learning Method, for this the use of simulating tools like NS2 can be used. It requires network protocol headers and the properties of unknown traffic for a successful classification stage.
Adaptable Practices for Curbing XDoS Attacks[Full-Text] [References]A. Karthigeyan, C. Andavar, A.Jaya Ramya
An XDoS attack intends to exhaust the system resources of the server hosting a web service. An XDoS attack is done through SOAP messages. Cyber-criminals use distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS) and XML denial-of-service attacks (XDoS) to extort money from online service providers. This kind of attacks is normally targeted at a particular service provider to exhaust the network and system resources of the provider. This paper proposes a defense system against XDoS attacks by adapting some of the best practices for countering these XDoS attacks. The system is built on Web Services. It can be constructed and reconfigured easily by an attack victim.
Fixed Points In Intuitionistic Fuzzy Metric Spaces For Weakly Compatible Maps[Full-Text] [References]Jitendera Airan, Geeta Modi
In this paper, we prove some fixed point theorems for weakly compatible maps in Intutionistic Fuzzy metric space but without assuming the completeness of the space or continuity of mapping involved.
Reaching Optimum Designs Through Processes Inspired by Principles of Evolution[Full-Text] [References]Anu Taneja Amit Kumar
Genetic Algorithms have recently become a popular artificial technique for solving complex optimization problems and a sophisticated tool for machine learning. This paper provides an introduction to genetic algorithms and brief applicability to problems. There is a focus on GAs used as an optimisation technique. GAs technique is based on natural evolution which provides a robust solution for a given problem. This paper explains how GAs approaches to optimization for a problem with implementation methods.
Power Quality Improvement in Deregulated Power System by Using Active Filters[Full-Text] [References]G.Ravindra, P.Ramesh, Dr.T.Devaraju
This paper introduces the terminology and various issues related to 'power quality'. The interest in power quality is explained in the context of a number of much wider developments in power engineering: deregulation of the electricity industry, increased customer-demands, and the integration of renewable energy sources. After an introduction of the different terminology two power quality disturbances are discussed in detail: voltage dips and harmonic distortion. For each of these two disturbances, a number of other issues are briefly discussed, which are characterization, origin, mitigation, and the need for future research. Shunt, hybrid and series active power filters are described showing their compensation characteristics and principles of operation. Different power circuits topologies and control scheme for each type of active power filter are analyzed.
Strategic Approach of Hybrid Solar-Wind Power for Remote Telecommunication Sites in INDIA[Full-Text] [References]Sthitaprajna Rath, S.M Ali, Md. Nadeem Iqbal
Lack of rural cell phone subscriber in India facing tough challenges in getting stable back up power for cell sites. Grid power availability is very poor and use of Diesel generator is very expensive due to its fuel and transportation cost as well as maintenance. This paper gives the design idea of optimized pv- solar and wind hybrid energy for a GSM/CDMA type mobile base station over non-renewable diesel generator for a particular site in India (odisha). For this hybrid system, the meteorological data of solar insolation, hourly wind speed are taken for odisha in India and the output power for hybrid energy system is finding out by using MAT LAB software. This system is more cost effective and environmental friendly compared to conventional diesel generator as well as it should reduced emission of CO2 and other harmful gases. Practical implementation and result are presented in this paper by using mat lab.
A Multi objective Optimization Based on Cultural Algorithm for Economic Dispatch with Environmental Constraints [Full-Text] [References]Bidishna Bhattacharya, Dr.Kamal Mandal, Dr.Niladri Chakraborty
A knowledge based cultural is used to solve the problem of Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch (CEED) in this paper. Due to the alarming rate of rising pollutants in atmosphere, there arises the necessity to reduce the amount of pollutants released into the atmosphere from the power generation plants. This paper introduces an efficient evolutionary programming based approach of cultural algorithm to solve economic emission load dispatch which belongs to multiobjective constrained optimization problem. The proposed method can efficiently search and actively explore solutions, and it may be employed to handle the equality and inequality constraints of the combined economic and emission problem. The salient features make the proposed cultural algorithm attractive in large-scale highly constrained nonlinear and complex systems. The efficacy and viability of the proposed method is tested with three generator, six generator and fourteen generator system considering transmission losses, ramp rate limits, prohibited operating zone and valve point effect. The solutions obtained are quite encouraging and useful in the economic emission environment.
Simulation of a material undergoing equal channel angular extrusion process using finite element analysis[Full-Text] [References]S. T. Adedokun, T. A. Fashanu and M. Horace
MARC; a very useful finite element analysis software is used in an ECAE (Equal channel angular extrusion) process applied to a material. The MARC was used to simulate the ECAE process and also for calculating the strain conditions.
Characteristics of Commercially Pure Aluminum 1020 Deformed By Equal Channel Angular Extrusion Through Routes A And C[Full-Text] [References]S. T. Adedokun, T. A. Fashanu and S. Oyebanji
Large uniform plastic strain has been effectively introduced in bulk materials using Equal Channel Angular Extrusion (ECAE) process. This work uses a 90o ECAE die to deform commercially pure aluminum 1050 at room temperature through routes A and C. Scanning Electron Microscope-Electron Back Scattered Diffractometer (SEM-EBSD) and shear tests were used to characterize the microstructural development and mechanical properties of the alloy respectively
Current Trends in Antenna Designing for Body Centric Wireless Communication[Full-Text] [References]Sajjad Hussain
This research paper focus on the latest research going on an important research topic of antenna designing for body centric wireless communication. Spotlight is on design specifications of antennas, antenna frequency bands, material used in antenna designing, performance analysis and future design challenges involved in designing of antennas for body centric wireless communication.
Study of Masonary Infilled R.C. Frame With & Without Opening[Full-Text] [References]Rahul P. Rathi, Dr. P.S. Pajgade
Infilled frame structures are commonly used in buildings. Masonry infilled RC frames are the most common type of structures used for multistoried constructions in the developing countries, even in those located in seismically active regions. Window and door openings are inevitable parts of infill walls for functional reasons. Currently, publications like FEMA-273 and ATC-40 contain provisions for the calculation of stiffness of solid infilled frames mainly by modeling infill as a "diagonal strut". However, such provisions are not provided for infilled frames with openings Present study is an attempt to access the performance of RCC frame with infills panels. In this paper actual building such as college building (G+3) is considered by modeling of frame and Infills. Modelling of infills is done as per actual size of openings with the help of equivalent diagonal strut method for the various model such as bare frame, infill frame and infill frame with centre and corner opening.
An Efficient and Simplest Algorithm for Intelligent Comments Generation of the Input Code that is in High Level Language[Full-Text] [References]Syed Hussain Abid, Huma Ayub Vine
Coding and development is the core phase in software development life cycle (SDLC) of software engineering (SE). This phase involves transformation of hypothetical logic into concrete logical program by using any programming language. Every student of technical education has to do specific programming at some level of his pedagogical or technical career due to the transferal of every related activity on computer framework. Getting started with coding is a bit challenging due to the use of high level languages such as C++. It is even harder if you have to understand and alter the code of someone else .We propose a system that will generate comments on a pre-written code and will provide an ease to the beginners and high techs in understanding that pre-written code if the one has to alter a pre-written code. This system will be a great help for those who want to study coding by visualizing exemplary codes as our system will generate a report in human understandable language
Dynamic Heuristic Approach of An Acceptance Test Data Generation With Behaviour Driven For Selenium Test[Full-Text] [References]Vivek K. Shah, Prof. M. B. Chaudhari
Automated acceptance testing is a quite recent addition to testing in Dynamic Heuristic Approach holding great promise of improving communication and collaboration. This paper summarizes existing literature and also presents a case study from industry on the use of automated acceptance testing with Easyb. The aim of this paper is to establish one of Selenium's stated goals is to become the de facto open-source tools Groovy and easyb. In particular interest to the Dynamic community is that it offers the possibility of test-first design of web applications, Pass/Fail result for customer acceptance tests, and an automated regression test bed for the web tier. The process of risk analysis with this tools are continuous and applies to many different levels, at once identifying system-level vulnerabilities, assigning probability and impact, and determining reasonable mitigation strategies. By considering the resulting ranked risks, business stakeholders can determine how to manage particular risks and what the most cost-effective controls might bethat were determine effectiveness of acceptance tests.
Implementation of DNA algorithm for secure voice communication[Full-Text] [References]Akanksha Agrawal, Akansha Bhopale, Jaya Sharma, Meer Shizan Ali, Divya Gautam
Secure voice communication is vulnerable nowadays. Received data on the other side becomes unfathomable and evasive ,as the algorithms involved in keeping data covert seems to be inefficient and data is prone to attacks. Hence the need for voice data protection is on the rise. DNA algorithm which has been described in this research includes the enigmatic way of ciphering the received converted voice commands that has been converted into text form. We propose a secure and computationally feasible encryption/decryption algorithm based on DNA components. This algorithm includes the four major DNA components which are serving the purpose of translating the received voice commands from the text form to an uncanny form, thus providing the secure voice communication by preventing eavesdropping and pilfering of data in a punctilious way. The main scope of this paper is to propose an algorithm to protect voice messages and making it secure using recent DNA algorithm
Solar Thermal Electricity Generating System[Full-Text] [References]Sambeet Mishra,Pratyasha Tripathy
A Solar Thermal Electricity generating system also known as Solar Thermal Power plant is an emerging renewable energy technology, where we generate the thermal energy by concentrating and converting the direct solar radiation at medium/high temperature (300°C - 800°C). The resulting thermal energy is then used in a thermodynamic cycle to produce electricity, by running a heat engine, which turns a generator to make electricity. Solar thermal power is currently paving the way for the most cost-effective solar technology on a large scale and is heading to establish a cleaner, pollution free and secured future. Photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal technologies are two main ways of generating energy from the sun, which is considered the inexhaustible source of energy.
Positive Operator Method to Establish Principle of Exchange of Stabilities in Thermal Convection of a Viscoelastic Fluid[Full-Text] [References]Joginder S. Dhiman and Pushap Lata
The theoretical treatments of convective stability problems usually invoked the so-called principle of exchange of stabilities (PES), which is demonstrated physically as convection occurring initially as a stationary convection. Weinberger [1969] used a method of a positive operator, a generalization of a positive matrix operator, to establish the PES, wherein, the resolvent of the linearized stability operator is analyzed, which is a composition of certain integral operators. Motivated by method of positive operator of Weinberger, we aim to extend this analysis of Herron[2000] to establish the PES to more general convective problems from the domain of non-Newtonian fluid. In the present paper, the problem of heated from below with variable gravity is analyzed by the method of positive and it is established that PES is valid for this general problem, when the gravity is a nonnegative throughout the fluid layer and the elastic number of the medium is less than the ratio of permeability to porosity
Modeling Urban Growth in Indian Situation - A Case Study of Bhubaneswar City [Full-Text] [References]A.C.Pathy, D.Mishra, Dr.G.K.Panda
Increasing Urbanization and Industrialization is resulting in accelerating the growth of existing urban centers and causing faster rate of spatial Sprawl. Because of Sprawl of Urban centers, the increase of Population in hazardous areas and large-scale land conversion are matters growing concern. In particular urbanization in developing countries has produced large concentration of urban squatters and irregular developments which are settled in marginal locations and hazardous areas, exposed to periodic and seasonal flooding, prone to health hazards and other related problems. Bhubaneswar city is also experiencing similar problems, because the sites with their physical shortcomings (narrow valleys, low-lying areas and stream banks etc.) have been urbanized. The present study deals with Bhubaneswar, the capital city of Orissa which was planned in the year 1954 to shift the then capital of Orissa from Cuttack to Bhubaneswar. From the year 1954, the process of spatial growth of Bhubaneswar city was slow but gradually the city has emerged as one of the fastest growing city of the country.. In this study attempts has been made to develop a methodology focusing on monitoring of urban growth based on remotely sensed data and GIS. The study also attempts to highlight the pattern of rapid expansion and nature of growth of Bhubaneswar.
Analysis of X-ray Images of Coal Using Image Processing [Full-Text] [References]Prof. N. A. Charniya, Prof. Ms. N. V. Innani
Coal is highly heterogeneous in nature , & for this reason several analytical techniques are needed for its characterization so as to accurately predict its behavior during conversion processes such as combustion , gasification, or liquification. Conventional analysis are unable to describe adequately the impact of coal quality on conversion efficienes and plant performances.There are various methods available for the analysis of coal like petrographic analysis, analysis using chemical methods , differential thermal analysis , X-ray fluorescence analysis, neural network based analysis and so on. The methods available are generally used for analysis of ash contents and mineral contents in coal. In this paper, a new approach to analyze the coal using Image processing technique is discussed
Data Security in Cloud Computing for Biomatric Application[Full-Text] [References]Prof . D. M Dakhane, Mr. Amit A. Arokar
In just the past few years, the amount of biometric data records-typically fingerprints, increasingly rapidly-has expanded wildly as a variety of agencies are called upon to use the latest identification and verification technologies to better target people who, for example, are trying to enter illegally.In many ways, the idea is an exploratory one. It's an attempt to both quantify the scope of the biometric database size explosion and to examine whether cloud computing-a still evolving technology that promises to be limitless in the amounts of data it can analyze and to distribute data rapidly to anyone, anywhere-can tame the biometric overload.With that in hand, we will create a test database, seeded with hundreds of records of biometric data, and run it on a cloud computing platform to document expected gains from implementing cloud computing solutions. "Cloud computing may be the only way to handle vast, unstable query loads-differentiated data in any number of formats and with any number of relationships," Data Security is considered as major aspect in cloud environment while using an application. This Data security can be implemented with respect to user authentication and authorization using cryptography system.
Construction of an Eco-Friendly Building using Green Building Approach[Full-Text] [References]Ashish Kumar Parashar, Rinku Parashar
Raipur is the capital of the newly formed state of Chhattisgarh, the environment of Raipur city is very warm. Owing to the increasing population needs, the construction activity is at its boom, resulting in an increase in concrete structures and consequently decrease in green areas. The climate of the city is quiet warm during the months of summer with temperature reaching up to 48°C so proper care should be taken to avoid getting any kind of heat related ailment. Also the phenomenon of global warming or climate change has led to many environmental issues including higher atmospheric temperatures, intensive precipitation, and increased greenhouse gaseous emission resulting in increased indoor discomfort condition. Researchers worldwide collectively agreed that one way of reducing the impact of global warming is by implementing "Green Roof Technology" which integrates vegetation, growing medium and water proofing membrane on top of the roof surface. However, none of them have ever studied as to how much the green roof could contribute to lessen the environmental problems. Therefore, this study investigates the effect of green plantation on inclined roof to the indoor temperature on any building in Chhattisgarh climate. The present work emphasizes on use of the Rat trap bond wall technique with insulated cavity wall and room with inclined roof approach having green cover for a residential building. The cavity in wall was filled with wooden powder as insulating material and the outer surface of the wall protected from temperature and rainfall with tile covering. Observations were recorded in two conditions i.e., room with green roof and room with bare roof. The experiment showed a promising result where by the average indoor temperature dropped between 0.6°C to 2.7°C as recorded during the observation for bare roof, while average indoor surface temperatures dropped between 4.8°C to 6.9°C with green roof during daytime.
Modeling, Simulation, Analysis and Optimisation of a Power System Network- Case Study[Full-Text] [References]Vivek Raveendran, Sumit Tomar
This paper deals with modeling, simulation and optimization of an existing power system network using actual data. For this purpose, Kerala state power sytem (India) has been considered and a single line diagram is modeled using Electrical Transient Analyser Programme (ETAP) software. All the physical and electrical parameters of the power system including height of towers, spacing between transmission lines, resistance and reactance values of transmission lines, transformer and generator ratings etc. are collected and coded to obtain the exact model of power system network. Then load flow study is conducted using ETAP and simulation results are studied. From the results of simulation, the buses with low voltage profiles are identified and possible solutions for improving the voltages are studied and their effectiveness is checked using the software.
How to Have Your Monitors Consume Less Power[Full-Text] [References]Sumit Tomar & Vivek Raveendran
This Technical paper is a minute yet effective attempt to prove that how a large amount of energy can be saved by just being aware of the current computer technologies. We have suggested methods which if followed can save a lot of our energy. At present this saving may appear negligible but if implemented on the national level, we are sure that these methods can bring about significant changes. We have discussed and statically shown how much power consumed by various type of display devices used with computers depends upon what they are displaying. Thus not only the type of display device but what is being displayed decides as to how much power will be consumed. So even without changing the display device we can decrease the power consumption by following some very simple steps. We have used the test case of a college to show how these small can produce some significant effects.
Progressive deformation of elliptical markers at the hinge zone of similar fold[Full-Text] [References]Tapos Kumar Goswami
Partitioning of the progressive deformation that takes place during the development of a similar fold gives some momentary, infinitesimal episodes of compressional and extensional regime. An initial heterogeneous strain field may be superimposed by a homogeneous deformation and this may be followed by a rotatory shear strain. Episodic or incremental strain may change the neutral points to ellipse and these ellipses may be transposed later by heterogeneous strains. Neutral points or reciprocal strain ellipses are auxiliary circles that may be formed even when one of the axes of the ellipse does not change its lengths. Infinitesimal strains together constitute the finite strain ellipses. In an ideal situation the angular displacement of the minor axis of the ellipse helps us to determine the coordinates of the initial reference frame. Familiar geometrical relationships are applied to describe the episodic differential stress fields on an elliptical marker at the hinge zone of a similar fold during progressive deformation.
Multimodal Biometric System for Identification of a Person[Full-Text] [References]Trupti Pawshere
A biometric identification system is an automatic pattern recognition system that recognizes a person by determining the authenticity of a specific physiological and/or behavioural characteristic (biometric) possessed by that person. Unimodal biometric systems often face significant limitations due to sensitivity to noise, intraclass variability, data quality, nonuniversality, and other factors. To improve the performance of individual matchers in such situations may not prove to be highly effective. Multibiometrics systems seek to alleviate some of these problems by providing multiple pieces of evidence of the same identity. These systems help achieve an increase in performance that may not be possible using a single-biometric indicator. An effective fusion scheme that combines information presented by multiple domain experts based on the rank-level fusion integration method. The developed multimodal biometric system possesses a number of unique qualities, starting from utilizing principal component analysis and Fisher's linear discriminant methods for individual matchers (face, ear, and signature) identity authentication and utilizing the novel rank-level fusion method in order to consolidate the results obtained from different bio- metric matchers. The ranks of individual matchers are combined using the highest rank, Borda count, and logistic regression approaches. The results indicate that fusion of individual modalities can improve the overall performance of the biometric system, even in the presence of low quality data. Moreover better performance can be obtained by using ICP algorithm for ear database.
Role of Information Technology in Fertilizer Marketing[Full-Text] [References]M.K Kaleem,Wakgari Dibaba
Fertilizer marketing is a part of the agricultural development process that is used to ensure that the right products are available to the farmer at the right time and at the optimum price, consistent with the provision of a reliable service. Today, Information Technology has become one of the most necessary parts of a marketer's armory. There is little in marketing that does not incorporate information technology. Customers become fluid in the way they interact and contact with companies; companies in turn require being fluid in their approach. For long time, Information Technology application in fertilizer marketing was limited to aspects of sales accounting, customer ledger, invoice covering and control of outstanding. However, with the increased application of information technology in all areas, fertilizer marketing has become totally IT based. This essay discusses in detail the need for using information technology in fertilizer marketing, its need and role that information technology plays in marketing fertilizers at present and their future scope in increasing their efficiency and effectiveness.
Design of Steel Frame Industrial Building Compared With Reinforced Cement Concrete Industrial Building[Full-Text] [References]Prof. Dr. P. S. Pajgade, Ms. S. D. Ambadkar
Design of structural members with maximum efficiency & minimum cost is always a challenge to the Architects & Engineers. The most important & frequently encountered combination of construction materials is that of steel & concrete with application in multistory building.
An Improved Watershed Image Segmentation Technique using MATLAB [Full-Text] [References]Anju Bala
Watershed Transformation in mathematical morphology is a powerful tool for image segmentation. Watershed transformation based segmentation is generally marker controlled segmentation. This paper purposes a novel method of image segmentation that includes image enhancement and noise removal techniques with the Prewitt's edge detection operator. The proposed method is evaluated and compared to existing method. The results show that the proposed method could effectively reduce the over segmentation effect and achieve more accurate segmentation results compared to existing method.
Enhanced Public Key Encryption Algorithm for Security of Network[Full-Text] [References]Vishal Garg, Rishu
Network security has become more important to personal computer users, organizations, and the military. With the advent of the internet, security became a major concern and the history of security allows a better understanding of the emergence of security technology. The internet structure itself allowed for many security threats to occur. When the architecture of the internet is modified it can reduce the possible attacks that can be sent across the network. Knowing the attack methods, allows for the appropriate security to emerge. By means of firewalls and encryption mechanisms many businesses secure themselves from the internet. The businesses create an "intranet" to remain connected to the internet but secured from possible threats. Data integrity is quite a issue in security and to maintain that integrity we tends to improve as to provides the better encryption processes for security. In our proposed work we will make encryption harder with enhanced public key encryption protocol for security and will discuss the applications for proposed work. We will enhance the hardness in security by improving the Diffie-Hellman encryption algorithm by making changes or adding some more security codes in current algorithm.
Study of Latest Emerging Trends on Cyber Security and its challenges to Society[Full-Text] [References]Ravi Sharma
Cyber Security plays an important role in the development of information technology as well as Internet services. Our attention is usually drawn on "Cyber Security" when we hear about "Cyber Crimes". Our first thought on "National Cyber Security" therefore starts on how good is our infrastructure for handling "Cyber Crimes" [1]. This paper focus on cyber security emerging trends while adopting new technologies such as mobile computing, cloud computing, e-commerce, and social networking. The paper also describes the challenges due to lack of coordination between Security agencies and the Critical IT Infrastructure.
Appraisal and mapping of soil resources of selected blocks (Hooghly district) in the Bengal basin region of India using GIS and Remote Sensing[Full-Text] [References]Aditi Sarkar, Banasree Kar, Madhurima Das, Pabitra Banik
The call of the day is to propagate subsistence agricultural development thereby ensuring adequate food supply for the present without compromising the necessities of future generation. To enable this process, the optimum knowledge about the existing land resources i.e., soil resources is essential. This would require the knowledge of soil productivity of the area which reflects the ability of soil to produce crop under a physically defined set of management practices. Along with this information the existing landuse pattern of the area too would give an overview of the farming practices of the region. This is eventually extracted with the help of Remote Sensing. Therefore to assess the soil productivity, its physical, chemical properties along with the climatic conditions too have to be considered. Geographic Information System directs the users to collect, manage, analyse and retrieve these spatially referenced data that have been collected from various sources. In the present study an attempt has been undertaken to assess the soil resources for a few administrative blocks of Hooghly district which is a typical region belonging to the Bengal basin of India and to establish how the assessment could be accomplished by applying the latest technologies like GIS and Remote Sensing in managing and mapping soil resources.
External Advertisements (Billboard Advertisements and its Impact on Sugar-free consumers in Abdoun Area) [Full-Text] [References]Prof. Osama ZA. Shihabi
Each marketing process mainly aims at achieving short- term and long-term organizational goals as the main key objectives of marketing are to inform, persuade and remind consumers, in the short-term, increasing sales volume, and the number of consumers who buy organization's products or use its services, will contribute in achieving long-term goals such as; sustainability, the continuation of an organization, maximizing the wealth of owners, increase organization market share, and implantation of the organizations name, products awareness, and products/services preferenace among consumer's minds.
Detection of K-Complex in Sleep EEG Signal using Support Vector Machine[Full-Text] [References]Prof. V.V.Shete, Sachin Elgandelwar, Sapna Sonar, Ashwini Charantimath.Dr.V.D.Mytri.
The K-complex is a transient EEG waveform that contributes to the assessment of sleep stages. Due to the non stationary and non linear behaviour of the brain signals, it is very difficult to study the characteristics of these transients manually.The main difficulty of the automated K-complex detection problem has been the lack of specific characterization and the close similar at to other EEG waves. We present a detection approach based on feature extraction and Support Vector machine (SVM) that provides good agreement with visual K-complex recognition. In this case, Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is used for the denoising purpose.The performance of this method is considerably efficient & is a hardware independent solution for the biomedical signal processing field.
Thermo-Economic Analysis of a Desalination Device from the Second law of Thermodynamics' Point of View and Parameter Investigation[Full-Text] [References]Kashi.A, Aghanajafi. C
In this paper, exergy will be explained, and the MED desalination system will be introduced. Then, the simultaneous production cycle will be investigated, and it's analysis from thermodynamic and exergy points of views will be presented. Finally, it's products will be considered. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of some parameters such as entering pressure of the desalination system and the number of heat recovery systems on our desired parameters. Additionally, this system will be optimized economically in a way that both thermodynamic and economic cases are considered.
Independent Domination in Line Graphs[Full-Text] [References]M. H. Muddebihal and D. Basavarajappa
For any graph , the line graph is the intersection graph. Thus the vertices of are the edges of , with two vertices of adjacent whenever the corresponding edges of are. A dominating set is called independent dominating set of , if is also independent. The independent domination number of denoted by , equals is an independent dominating set of . A domatic partition of is a partition of , all of whose classes are dominating sets in . The maximum number of classes of a domatic partition of is called the domatic number of and denoted by . In this paper many bounds on were obtained in terms of elements of , but not in terms of elements of . Further we develop its relationship with other different domination parameters. Also we introduce the concept of domatic number in .
A Simple Cloud Detection Algorithm Using NOAA-AVHRR Satellite Data[Full-Text] [References]Radha Rani Ghosh, M. Shahjahan Ali, Ashrafunnahar Hena and H. Rahman
The detection of clouds and analysis of cloud frequency play an important role in operational weather prediction as well as in eco-climatological studies. In the present study, a threshold technique for cloud detection in Bangladesh and its surrounding areas has been developed based on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (NOAA - AVHRR) satellite time-series data. The method consists of three tests. The first test is based on channel-1 reflectance of AVHRR images. The second test is based on channel-4 temperature of the same images. And the third test is based on both channel-1 and channel-4 data. Cloud detection is performed using the first and second test and the third test is used to detect cloud shadow. The algorithm has been applied to the NOAA-17 day-time imagery for prominent seasons of Bangladesh and its adjoining areas. Performance of the method has been evaluated visually. It is observed that the efficiency of the method in detecting cloudy pixels is sufficiently higher and can be used for operational use.
Experimental Study Report on Use of Fly Ash In Ready Mixed Concrete[Full-Text] [References]Mr. Amol P. Titarmare, Prof. Shri R.S.Deotale, Mr. Sanjay B Bachale
Ready Mixed Concrete is defined as the concrete delivered in plastic condition and requiring no further treatment before being placed in position in which it is to set and harden. Instead of being batched and mixed on site, concrete is delivered for placing from central batching plant. Ever since the term high-performance concrete was introduced into the industry, it had widely used in large scale concrete construction that demands high strength, high flowability, and high durability.
Studies on Suddenly Expanded Flow at Different Levels of Over Expansion for Area Ratio 3.24[Full-Text] [References]Maughal Ahmed Ali Baig and Sher Afghan Khan
The experiments are carried out to study the effect of different levels of over expansion on base pressure in a suddenly expanded axi-symmetric duct. Accordingly the experiments are conducted at two different levels of Over Expansions (I.e. Pe/Pa = 0.277 and 0.56). The area ratio of the present study is 3.24. The jet Mach numbers at the entry to the suddenly expanded duct, studied are 2.2 and 2.58. The length-to-diameter ratio of the suddenly expanded duct is varied from 10 to 1. Active control in the form of four micro jets of 1mm orifice diameter located at 900 intervals along a pitch circle diameter of 1.3 times the nozzle exit diameter in the base region are employed. In addition to base pressure, wall pressure field along the duct is also studied. From the present studies it is found that at a high level of over expansion micro jets are not effective. Further, it is found from wall pressure studies that the micro jets do not disturb the flow field in the enlarged duct.