IJSER Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2012 Edition

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ICET2012 Conference Papers [on Page 1]
A Gender-based Approach to Pronunciation Accuracy of Advanced EFL Learners[Full-Text] [References]Shahrokh Jahandar, Morteza Khodabandehlou, Gohar Seyedi, Reza Mousavi Dolat Abadi
Several variables that believed to be related to pronunciation accuracy have been investigated. However, very few studies have been carried out in this area of learning foreign languages. Subsequently, this study aims to investigate the impact of gender on pronunciation accuracy of advanced Iranian EFL learners and whether male or female learners will outperform in their performance of the pronunciation accuracy of phonological characteristics in their speech production. The pronunciation accuracy of the learners was assessed through reading aloud, a recorded oral test and learners' speech production. Fifty-three advanced EFL learners- including 21 male and 32 female were chosen randomly from among the junior undergraduate university students studying English in Rodaki Institute of Higher Education in Tonekabon, Iran and participated the study. Finally, the data gathered by the experiment of the study analyzed through SPSS software (version 17), and using Independent Samples t-test. The results revealed that female outperform male subjects in producing accurate consonants, but not vowels, that it is not significantly noticeable to result in complete superiority of female over male subjects.
Industrial Application of PLCs in Bangladesh[Full-Text] [References]Ahmed Ullah Abu Saeed, Md. Al-Mamun and A.H.M. Zadidul Karim
A programmable logic controller (PLC) or programmable controller is a digital computer used for automation of electromechanical processes, such as control of machinery on factory assembly lines, amusement rides, or light fixtures. The versatility and prospect of automation is so important that it could bring radical development in almost every aspect. In Bangladesh different types of industries concerning manufacturing, printing, food, plastics, leisure etc are already using PLCs and others to go. But the main problem lies in the dependency on the foreign consultants and engineers including reasonable amount of cost. In this case our effort on PLC would be a solution. The immediate objective of the thesis is to study and test the applicability of PLC in aspect of Bangladesh. To understand the necessity and application of PLC in industrial automation, a PLC based control system was applied in an automatic bottle filling station using LOGO! 230 RC. In the bottle filling system the PLC gets the sensor feedback and controls the solenoid valve timing as well as control the conveyer belt. It can fill two bottles with max height of 6.7'' and max diameter of 4.7'' in a minute. All the results lead to a conclusion that the potential of PLC in perspective of Bangladesh is very inspiring.
Number of hidden neurons in a recurrent neural networks estimation[Full-Text] [References]Tellez Paola, Ordorica Manuel, DEPFI, UNAM
Genetic algorithms are an alternative for optimizing the performance of recurrent neural networks by searching for the best number of hidden neurons. Genetic algorithms have been used for heuristics, but never to find the best number of hidden neurons in a recurrent neural network. Three architectures of recurrent neural networks were used to measure the performance with spoken Spanish digits. 13 was the number of hidden neurons used for a Jordan network to give the best performance. This number lets to optimize resources in hardware implantation.
Design and Simulation of Robot Vision System Using Simulink[Full-Text] [References]Nagarathna H S, Sushma P S,Ramesh Kumar K R
Vision-based technique is an effective approach for robot navigation in the close region. This paper shows development of video processing algorithm for robot vision system to process the online 2-D videos and images. The configuration and some important characteristics of this robot vision system, which not only complete the work of video capturing but, can also process images and videos using different DSP algorithms in real-time. For this application was used the Matlab's toolbox of Simulink to implement and simulate Video processing algorithms.
Statistical Modeling of Fiber Reinforced High Performance Concrete [Full-Text] [References]D.Maruthachalam, R.K.Rajalaxmi, B. G. Vishnuram
This paper employed statistical tools to test different properties of Fibre Reinforced High Performance Concrete (FRHPC) using Polyolefin Macro-Monofilament Fibre (PMM fibre).PMM fibre serves to effectively anchor the fibres into concrete thus resisting matrix pullout and enhancing the concrete's performance even after it has developed stress cracks. These fibres are non-corrosive and can be considered, in many applications, as an alternative to both steel fabrics and steel fibres. Generalized coded equations were established with the raw materials used and mix design was conducted using absolute volume method. An experimental work was conducted using different trial mixes. Statistical analysis was done at 95% confidence interval. Test result shows that a simple linear model is adequate to predict the mechanical and durability properties of FRHPC. The terms considered in the models were significant with p-values less than 0.05. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the developed models adequately fit the experimental data with a p-value for the regression less than 0.05. Out of 34 models developed, 31 models recorded co-efficient of determination values (R2) ranges from 0.843 to 0.997 and other three models ranges from 0.792 to 0.812 . This statistical analysis assures reasonable response prediction. Statistical approach has proved to be a useful tool for of Fibre Reinforced High Performance concrete to predict different properties
Dynamic simulation of a reactor to produce 1-Butene by dimerization of ethylene[Full-Text] [References]Anurag Choudhary, Avinash Shetty, Satish Oswal
The aim of this work was to develop dynamic simulation model for reactor which is heartof 1-Buteneproduction. Theliquid phase catalytic dimerization of ethylene in 1-Butene stands as the most selective and economical route to produce polymerization grade 1-Butene.This paper identifies the components of this homogeneous system and discusses, in fair detail, the factors controlling its selectivity to 1-Butene. Other different themes covered include: structure of the active species, kinetics, mechanistic considerations and the principal reaction parameters. This dimerization is achieved thanks to a titanium compound activated by alkyl aluminum (TEAL). BY-Products are mainly hexenes formed either by reaction of 1-Butene with Ethylene or by trimerization of ethylene, and some small amount of polymer formation. The heat of reaction is removed by heat exchanger provided in pump around loop. The catalyst and TEAL is added in pump around loop in optimum ratio to increase selectivity of 1-Butene. The simulation of such a reactor was performed using the simulation program UNISIM, which does not have provision for non-standard reaction kinetic expressions. Owing to this limitation of the software, the bubble reactor had to be described by dividing reactor in five small continuous stirred types of reactor (CSTR) for optimum performance. The simulation model is very flexible and useful for the simulation and operation of this type of reactor.
Circular shape, Dual band proximity feed UWB Antenna[Full-Text] [References]Mr. Amitesh Raikwar, Mr. Abhishek Choubey
This paper presents novel proximity feed, microstrip antenna with dual band operative frequency and having ultra wide bandwidth with center frequency at 3GHz. This Circular shaped microstrip antenna offers a dual band. This paper suggests an alternative approach in enhancing the band width of microstrip antenna for the wireless application operating at a frequency of 3 GHz. A bandwidth enhancement of more than 21% was achieved. The measured results have been compared with the simulated results using software IE3D version-14.0.
Engaging the Environmental Education and Biodiversity Issues in Curriculum in Iran[Full-Text] [References]Hossein Meiboudi, Hasan Karimzadegan
Many people, after learning the value of natural resources and the environment, work diligently to prevent their destruction. We should spread the culture of environmental conservation by using compelling means to educate about environmental problems. Since many members of society are students, we can promote societal awareness by including environmental conservation subjects in textbooks. The present study tries to identify the preference of biodiversity learning concepts at each grade level and then recommends the means to teach them from professionals' points of view. This study is based on applied goals and quantitative aspects of the descriptive method and is of the survey type. Descriptive statistics were used for statistical analysis, which includes frequency, percentage of frequency, valid percentage, aggregate percentage and mean. In addition, deduction statistics were used including binominal test, Friedman test and sign test. Prioritization of all items is based on the number of votes faculty members gave to value of teaching items in each basic variable.
Classifying Spyware Files Using Data Mining Algorithms and Hexadecimal Representation [Full-Text] [References]P.Divya, Mrs.S.Rajalakshmi
Malicious program is a serious threat for the security components such as confidentiality, integrity and availability. These new malicious executables are created at the rate of thousands every year. There are several types of threat to violate these components; for example Viruses, Worms, Trojan horse and spyware. Spyware represents a serious threat to confidentiality since it may result in loss of control over private data for computer users. Unlike viruses and worms, spyware does not usually self-replicate. It is typically hidden from the user and difficult to detect since it can create significant unwanted CPU activity, disk usage and network traffic. In existing systems, new malicious programs can be detected by automatic signature generation called as F-Sign for automatic extraction of unique signatures from malware files. This is primarily intended for high-speed network traffic. The signature extraction process is based on a comparison with a common function repository. By eliminating functions appearing in the common function repository from the signature candidate list, F-Sign can minimize the risk of false-positive detection errors. To minimize false-positive rates even further, F-Sign proposes intelligent candidate selection using an entropy score to generate signatures. Evaluation of F-Sign was conducted under various conditions. The findings suggest that the existing method can be used for automatically generating signatures that are both specific and sensitive. In this proposed model, data mining techniques like association, classification, and regression are used to generate patterns to check the malicious code and training set of frequent malicious code patterns are used to identify two classes such as legitimate software and malicious code patterns. Bayesian classifier is integrated with SVM which is proven for accurate classification.
Determination of Chemical Compositions, Heating Value and Theoretical Parameters of Composite Agricultural Waste Briquettes[Full-Text] [References]Nicholas Akhaze Musa
In spite of the numerous advantages agricultural waste briquettes, have over loose agricultural waste; there are needs to further improve on the fuel properties and combustion parameters. This improvement was done by briquetting composite agricultural waste in the percentage ratio of 50:50 to form composite ricehusk/groundnut shell, ricehusk/sawdust and groundnut shell/sawdust briquettes. The ultimate analysis and the determination of the heating values of the composite briquettes carried out revealed improvement in the percentage composition of carbon, Hydrogen and the heating value of the composite briquettes. These are strong indications of more effectiveness of the composite agricultural waste briquettes, when used to fire heating devices such as cook stove, boiler, heating and melting furnaces
Solution to PKI Inter- Domain Interoperability Issue[Full-Text] [References]Sarvesh Tanwar, Dr. Prema K.V
PKI is a framework for the management of public keys and certificates that is responsible for issuing, maintaining and revoking of the public key certificates over the internet. A number of serious security issues have already occurred with the rapid deployment of electronic transaction. One approach to guaranteeing security is the public key infrastructure (PKI). PKI provides a structure of trust among its users or principals. However there are serious PKI implementation issues as different countries and different organizations may adopt different security policies and implementations. This raises the question of interoperation between these various implementations. In the paper, we propose a new solution using same algorithm to achieve the digital certificate validation and resolve the general PKI interoperation problem.
Available Transfer Capability Calculations with Contingencies for Andhra Pradesh State Grid [Full-Text] [References]Chava Sunil Kumar, Dr. P. S Subramanyan, Dr. J. Amarnath
Contingency analysis and risk management are important tasks for the safe operation of electrical energy network. Potential harmful disturbances that occur during the steady state operation of a power system are known as contingencies. Contingency analysis is carried out by using repeated load flow solutions for each of a list of potential component failures. In this paper is work is carried out by selecting the contingencies according to the line loading for single transmission line outage and identified the severe most contingency based on transmission line loading. This process has to be executed for all the possible contingencies for tie lines and limiting lines, and repeated every time when the structure changes significantly and Available Transfer Capability (ATC) is calculated between the areas for each contingency. The results are analyzed and discussed on 124-bus real life Indian utility system of Andhra Pradesh State Grid.
Optimization Method for Analysis of Bit Error Rate with BPSK Modulation Technique[Full-Text] [References]Geetu, Malika Singh, Hardeep Singh
In this paper the bit error rate (BER) analysis of binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulated signal detection is performed in presence of additive white Gaussian noise. Through this technique we have analyzed and calculated probability of error with systems operating with the additive white Gaussian noise and by doing so the performance of modulation techniques can be compared with theoretical values.
Performance Analysis Of Wlan By Comparative Study Of Various Attributes Using Opnet Simulator[Full-Text] [References]Manoj Tolani, Rajan Mishra
Analysis of wireless LAN is very important because by using LAN sharing capability of network we share large data at far distances. In this paper we are analyzing various parameters and set their value for optimized performance of network. We are taking various value of data rate, analyze for different segment size and fragmentation threshold. Further we increase no. of nodes and analyze the network for same parameters. At the end we compare the simulation results and get final conclusion. We are analyzing these all performance for OLSR routing protocol which is used for WLAN.
Geometrical GPS Optimization for Bandwidth Consumption and Resource Usage in MIPv6 Wireless LAN[Full-Text] [References]Amirhossein Moravej, Rosli Salleh
Among the most significant challenges regarding next-generation wireless systems is seamless handover for users when travelling between networks with time sensitive applications such as VoIP and video conferencing. Various protocols and improvements have been proposed by IETF and other researchers to efficiently support mobility and to minimize packet loss caused by handover latency. Recently, scientists have discovered that handover latency can be drastically reduced and handover made seamless by utilizing GPS information which is able to provide pre-configuration information needed by a mobile node before departing from the home network. When using the proposed GPS models which noticeably decrease the amount of packet loss, another problem presents, that is bandwidth consumption and resources used by the mobile node to calculate required information. In this paper, a new GPS model called Geometrical GPS Optimization (GGE) is proposed. It reduces total bandwidth consumption to 68% and enhances resource consumption by network entities like MN and AP by up to 25%, specifically when MN is on the verge of performing handover
A Comparison Of With And Without Ac-dc Multipulse Converter For Vector Control Pwm Csi Im Drive[Full-Text] [References]NAGABABU THOTA, VENKATA NAGA SAI LOHIMA SINGAMSETTI
This paper presents the comparison of with and without ac-dc multipulse converter for vector control of induction motor drives. The proposed ac-dc multipulse converter is based on the star connected zigzag autotransformer, designed for producing 15-phase shifted ac voltages for effective harmonic reduction. The proposed multipulse ac-dc converter is suitable for retrofit applications, where, presently a six-pulse IGBT bridge rectifier is being used. The multipulse ac-dc converter for vector control induction motor drive the THD is low and near unity power factor compared to the normal 6-pulse converter. The effect of load variation on various power quality indices is also presented. The proposed ac-dc converter is found suitable for applications with large load variation and where harmonic reduction is stringent.
Summability Factors Of Infinite Series(III)[Full-Text] [References]ARADHANA DUTT JAUHARI
A theorem concerning some new absolute summability method is proved. Many other results some known and unknown are derived.
Design and Development of High Frequency Multitasking Inverter[Full-Text] [References]M.G. Wani, Dr. V.N.Gohokar
It is well known fact that the power crisis faced in recent times is the major issue today. This situation leads to frequent load shedding and power failure. Needless to say that this has boosted the requirement of uninterrupted power supply requirement. Major chunk of the re-quirement is met using storage batteries and DC to AC Converters[4]. Presently 50Hz/230V power generation is met using transformer (magnetic core based on metals and metal alloys). However they are heavy in weight, bulky in Volume and gives rise to weighty boxes and overall much higher volume. Additionally metal transformer has inherent loss factor of about 10%.To overcome these problems high frequency ferrite based transformer less systems are used.High-voltage high-frequency pulse power supply has been investigated for a long time and is largely industrialized at the fields of semiconductor manufacturing, packing, PCB and LCD panel manufacturing [1-5].The variable frequency inverters are used in wide applications especially three phase induction motor drive traction and it is popular in many high powers industrial applications such as speed and torque control. [1].
Deterministic Study on the optimum performance of counter flow Cooling Tower[Full-Text] [References]Adel Alyan Fahmy and Loula A. Shouman
In the current theoretical study, a parametric analysis of counter flow cooling tower is presented by optimizing the thermo-hydraulic-performance. Simple mathematical formula is correlated for estimating the optimum performance of counter flow cooling towers at different operating conditions. Based on the number of the transfer unit (NTU) and the effectiveness. The effect of the wet bulb temperature on the performance of cooling tower is studied. It is induced that there are different optimal (L/G) values for the best performance of counter flow cooling towers for each mean water temperature. It is found that the wet bulb has a great influence on NTU and effectiveness.
Cryptography Algorithms and approaches used for data security[Full-Text] [References]Gaurav Sharma, Ajay Kakkar
In separate used systems, the computers are exposed to the other users. To keep the data secured from different users various encryption algorithms are entered. As computer systems become more pervasive and complex, security is increasingly important. Cryptographic algorithms and protocols constitute the central component of systems that protect network transmissions and store data. Encryption is the translation of data to a secret code. Apart from its uses in Military and Government to facilitate secret communication, Encryption is used in protecting many kinds of civilian systems such as Internet e-commerce, Mobile networks, automatic teller machine transactions, copy protection (especially protection against reverse Engineering and Software piracy), and many more. The Encrypted data can only be deciphered if one has the password or the Key. The Encryption algorithm is a set of well defined steps to transform data from a readable format to an encoded format using the Key. This set of well defined steps is also called cipher.
Development and Validation of UV- Spectrophotometric Method for the determination of Doxazosin Mesylate in pharmaceutical Formulations[Full-Text] [References]N.V.S. NAIDU,T.NIRANJAN, K. BABUNAIDU P. SUGUNA
A simple, sensitive, selective rapid economical spectrophotometric method was developed for the determination of post synaptic a-1 Adrino receptor antagonist Doxazosin mesylate in pure form and pharmaceutical formulations based on the oxidation of Fe3+ion in presence of drug and followed by orange red colored complex formation with 2.2- Bipyridine reagent at Ph 4 which are extractable at 520nm. Beer's law is obeyed in the concentration range 5-30 µg /ml. The developed method was applied directly and easily for the analysis of the Pharmaceutical formulations. R.S.D was found to be 0.4254 and Recovery 99.77% respectively. The method was completely validated and proven to be rugged. The interferences of the other ingredients and excipients were not observed. The repeatability and the performance of the proved method were established by point and internal hypothesis and through recovery studies.
Control of Solid-State Lamps Using a Multiphase Pulse width Modulation Technique and AC side Power Factor Correction[Full-Text] [References]B. Jyothi, Dr. P. Linga Reddy
This paper describes a multiphase pulse width modulation (MPWM) technique used for controlling the luminance of a solid-state lamp (SSL). In conventional pulse width modulation (PWM) and pulse code modulation techniques, the average HBLED string current is controlled by simultaneously varying the "ON" time duration of each current regulator circuit, resulting in large current transients and pulsating light output. The proposed MPWM technique operates by uniformly time-shifting the individual ON/OFF control signal pulses, thus avoiding large current transients. When compared to conventional PWM dimming, MPWM dimming reduces the risk of visible flicker and lowers the magnitude of audible noise. The reduced magnitude of output current transients results in lower electromagnetic interference and enables optimization of the size of passive components. In this paper, the operation of the MPWM technique is explained in detail. Finally a flyback converter topology with input side power factor correction topology is proposed and simulation results are presented
Re-Engineering Concept on Enhancing the Thermal Efficiency of Thermal Power Station Boiler[Full-Text] [References]Prof. S.Renganathan, M.E
This paper deals with the Re-engineering concept on enhancing the Thermal efficiency of Thermal power station boiler. The Thermal power plants generate 80% of the total electricity produced in the world. For producing power in power station, boiler is the main unit. After a continuous usage period, the original boiler efficiency will decrease considerably after a period of 20 years. Then re-engineering works will help to increase its life and efficiency to the original status by the expense of small amount (1/6th of new boiler cost) of the huge investment for purchase of new boiler. The existing boiler status was studied for failure rate, operational history, performance, remnant life determination, evaluation of re-engineering, pollution control and C & I updates. Replica structure details, hardness, case history, investigation, dimensional measurement, micro examinations, R&D of water chemistry laboratory, NDT of Boiler pressure parts were studied in detail. After the study's conclusion was taken to change SH tubes, W.W.tubes, ECO coils and main steam lines
Persistent Software Attributes And Architecture For Distributed Application[Full-Text] [References]Ravi Uyyala, RaghuRamBattini,Kundan Kumar Mishra
Software quality attributes are a collection of closely related behaviors. These attributes can increase software application or system's value and gives product differentiation when added properly. Persistent software attributes similar to quality-of-service guarantees: they both require that specified functional properties remain unchanged during operational use. The main difference between them is that quality-of-services requirements focus on immediate operational properties, such as processing capacity and latency, where as persistent software attributes focus on the resilience of long-term software engineering properties such as scalability, reliability, adaptability, and maintainability. Software architects will select off-the-shelf components on the basis of the specific persistent properties they can contribute to large systems, not just on functionality. To reduce the system development and maintenance cost, it is requested to make the system modular using off-the-shelf components. The growth of the Internet has led to explosions in volumes of e-mail traffic and in number of the users of e-mail service. At the same time, large-scale e-mail service providers have appeared. We used the internal structure of a typical Internet mail system for single server to our email system. We designed and implemented email system and achieved all the design objectives like scalability, availability, and extensibility.
DCT Based Modified SLM Technique for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Transmission[Full-Text] [References]Mr.Jobin Raj, Mr.M.Malleswaran
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a promising multicarrier technique used in wireless transmission with high data rate and high bandwidth efficiency. One of the major drawbacks of OFDM transmission is high Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR).In this paper, a DCT based modified selective mapping technique is proposed to reduce the PAPR of the transmitted signal. This method combines Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) with modified Selective Level Mapping (SLM), a variant of SLM that make use of the standard array of linear block codes. The proposed method can be realized in two ways- scheme 1 and 2. In scheme1 DCT is used before the IFFT block in Modified SLM and in scheme 2 DCT is used after the Modified SLM block. Simulation results shows that Scheme 1 is having better reduction performance than the scheme 2 and all the other methodologies discussed and realized in the paper
A Study of the Efficiency of a WSP during a Dry Season; The Case of Mikililand Estate, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia[Full-Text] [References]Metadel Adane Mesfine; Mekibib David Dawit
A detailed analysis of the efficiency of Mikililand Estate Waste Stabilization Pond (WSP) in Addis Ababa was conducted during a dry season. Composite samples were taken across the pond from both influent and effluent for 6 sampling periods based on retention time intervals. The study revealed strong raw wastewater characteristics and high mean flow rate (1421.45 m3/d), short retention time (13.20 days), high volumetric (525.24 g BOD5/m3/d) and surface loading rates (997.46 kg BOD5/ha/d). Overall mean removal efficiencies were; 71.28% BOD5, 58.82% TSS, 34.48% NH4+-N, 46.87% PO43-, and 62.70% FC and these parameters had significantly different removal efficiencies (P < 0.05) across each sub-pond. BOD5, FC and PO43- removal efficiencies have correlation with retention time (R = 0.500, 0.083, 0.390, respectively). Mean removal efficiency of anaerobic, facultative and maturation ponds for BOD5 were 37.18%, 43.44% and 19.17%, whereas FC removal efficiency was 7.07%, 18.23%, and 50.91%, respectively. Lack of monitoring and maintenance activities was observed. Treated effluent discharge to Little Akaki River did not meet Ethiopian permissible discharge limit standards excluding pH, temperature and NH4+-N. Reuse of effluents for unrestricted irrigation would not comply with WHO total coliform guidelines and other standards such as Oman for FC, BOD5, TSS, NH4+-N and NO3--N. There was low removal efficiency across each sub-pond and overall pond of Mikililand Estate WSP. Hence, connecting parallel ponds and regular monitoring are recommended to increase the removal efficiency.
Investigate the Self-efficacy and Attitudes of Teachers towards e-learning in Saudi Arabia[Full-Text] [References]Bassfar Zaid, Rozinah Jamaludin, Merza Abas
With the emergence of computer technology in the field of education, creating and sustaining change in universities learning style can only be accomplished if those universities successfully move from one point of equilibrium to another. This movement can be facilitated by changing teachers' attitudes towards e-learning tools. Therefore, this paper intends to investigate the teachers' attitudes and self-efficacy towards using e-learning for teaching undergraduate students in Saudi Universities. This research used a survey method design. The target population for this study consisted of 30 lecturers selected from different universities in Saudi Arabia. The result revealed that there is no significant difference in the teacher candidates' attitudes and self-efficacy toward e-learning differ by gender and age group.
Probe Feed Microstrip Patch Antenna Computer Aided Design Methology [Full-Text] [References]N.T. Markad, Dr. R.D. Kanphade, Dr. D. G. Wakade
Antenna is a means for radiating or receiving or transmitting energy an antenna is used in an advanced wireless system is usually required to optimize the radiation energy in same direction and suppress it in others.
Optimizing the Concept of Autonomy for Language Learning Purposes in the Digital Libraries: A Context Model for Language Learning[Full-Text] [References]Hussam Eddin Alfitouri Elgatait & Wan Mohd Fauzy
The online learning, digital library, and other service programs consist of set of exercises that usually designed to train and improve the learners' attention, working memory, processing speed and executive function. Most of these services are composed of five discrete exercises which support the training operation for the trainer during the training design assessment, training participants, speeded n-back memory task for shapes and numbers, navigate through a maze of monsters qualitative, and feedback. Current researches indicate the lacking to adapt or find the causes of the modernization of the educational process for the language learning services in the digital libraries in terms of teachers and learners. Thus, this paper was established to model a context model for language learning by putting in consideration the concept of autonomy for learning in the digital learning libraries.
Data Hiding Technique using Steganography and Dynamic Video Generation[Full-Text] [References]Abhishek Mangudkar, Prachi Kshirsagar, Vidya Kawatikwar, Umesh Jadhav
Since the dawn of technology, communication has always been in need of novel techniques of data security. Improving the security of data is necessary on a customary basis and with this need we propose our algorithm which is an advanced approach to Steganography. This approach will make sure that the transfer of data becomes more secure against security breaches providing privacy and safe communication environment
A Long Endurance Policy (LEP): An Improved Swap Aware Garbage Collection For NAND Flash Memory Used As A Swap Space In Electronic Devices[Full-Text] [References]Arushi Agarwal , Surabhi Maddhesiya, Priya Singh and Rajendra Kumar Dwivedi
Flash memory has more capacity and less weight. It makes it more suitable for electronic media. Electronics such as tablet PC and smart phones use NAND flash memory as a secondary storage because it has many attractive features such as small size, fast access speeds, and light weight. However, it has shown limited success in its battle against the hard disk, due to intrinsic weak points of: erase-before-rewrite and limited program/erase cycles. Electronics with NAND flash memory uses a "swapping mechanism" to extend a limited main memory space. However, if the electronic devices use flash memory as swap space, it should perform garbage collection, which is a time consuming operation. Therefore, in order to manage swap space efficiently along with minimizing the weak points, this work presents a novel policy that improves the lifetime and provides efficient garbage collection for those devices. The proposed policy has three features important in NAND flash memory based swap systems: (1) long endurance of flash memory, (2) quick garbage collection time, and (3) low energy consumption.
Advancements and Applications of Ant Colony Optimization: A Critical Review[Full-Text] [References]Jitender Kaushal
Ant colony optimization (ACO) is a technique for optimization that was introduced in the early 1990's. The inspiring source of ant colony optimization is the foraging behavior of real ant colonies. This behavior is exploited in artificial ant colonies for the search of approximate solutions to discrete and continuous optimization problems and to important problems in telecommunications, such as routing and load balancing. This paper presents a comprehensive review on some of the advancements occurring in the domain of ant colony optimization and provides a possible classification based on the developments that took place. The merits of the advanced ACO algorithms as well as their applications are also discussed
Seismic Performance Evaluation of Torsionally Asymmetric Buildings[Full-Text] [References]Dr. B.G. Naresh Kumar and Avinash Gornale
In present scenario, most of the buildings are often constructed with irregularities such as soft storey, torsional irregularity, unsymmetrical layout of in-fill walls, vertical and plan irregularity, etc. Past earthquake studies shows that the most of the RC buildings having such irregularities were severely damaged under the seismic ground motion. This paper presents an overview of performance of the torsionally balanced and unbalanced buildings also called as symmetric and asymmetric buildings subjecting to pushover analysis. The buildings have un-symmetric distribution of stiffness in storeys. In this the study the effect of eccentricity between centre of mass (CM) and centre of story stiffness (CR) and the effect of stiffness of in-fill walls on the performance of the building is presented. The performance of the buildings is assessed as per the procedure prescribed in ATC-40 and FEMA 273.
Study of "MHILIBHRD-V" Architecture of databases[Full-Text] [References]Prof. S.R. Thakare, Dr. C.A. Dhawale, Prof. A.B. Gadicha
In this Paper explain, Various Architecture Supported to Database System for Improve the Performance.
I/O Efficient Algorithm for Graph Pattern Matching Problem[Full-Text] [References]Pushpi Rani, Abhishek Srivastava
This paper presents an I/O efficient algorithm for graph pattern matching problem. It is based on decision tree approach proposed by B. T. Messmer and H. Bunke. In that paper, if the time needed for preprocessing is neglected, the computational complexity of their approach is only polynomial in the number of input graph vertices. However, the decision tree is of exponential size. It's not practical for the graphs with large size. In the new algorithm, we increases the preprocessing time as well as space complexity, it can remarkably reduces the number of I/Os and keeps the same time complexity. The algorithm is improved here to reduce its I/O complexity and to achieve a better performance on large graphs
Using Histogram-based Consistency Measures with Improved GVC for Photorealistic 2D to 3D Reconstruction[Full-Text] [References]Dr. Kalpana Yadav, Ms Ankita, Megha Pahwa, Niharika Sachdeva, Shruti Choudhary
The improved GVC Algorithm proposed aims at high quality of 2-D to 3-D reconstruction by incorporating additional check of edge detection and usage of Histogram- based consistency as a photo consistency measure. The improved GVC algorithm comprises of two-stage consistency check, where at the first stage the multi modal histogram consistency check is applied on each uncarved voxel to determine its color consistency. At the next stage, all the voxels that were declared inconsistent after the first stage are tested for edges and features. If matches are found between the sets of pixels of images on which voxels project to (also called as footprints), the voxel is declared consistent, and else it is carved. The final output is reconstructed 3-D object/scene that resembles the original image. The histogram consistency measure is suited for lambertian surfaces, i.e. the surfaces that reflect light equally are all directions. Histograms are well suited for characterising multi modal distributions of color and hence are applicable to footprints of voxel with multiple clusters of color. Due to this reason, this consistency test yields better reconstruction results than obtained from tests based on means and variances.
Media Access Control Spoofing Techniques and its Counter Measures[Full-Text] [References]Mrs. Hatkar Archana A, Ms. Varade Gauri A, Mr. Hatkar Arvind P
The IEEE 802.3 MAC protocol is the standard for LAN Ethernet card in computer architecture. MAC addresses used for authorization by intrusion detection systems, can be spoofed to grant access to intruders on a wireless network. MAC spoofing is a means of changing the information in the headers of a packet to forge the source MAC address. By spoofing an address, the attacker can get packets through a firewall. A user may legitimately spoof the MAC address in order to reacquire connectivity after hardware failure. However, MAC address spoofing recently poses a serious security threat. In the past, several schemes have been proposed to leverage this problem. These previous methods incur high deployment costs in employing countermeasure protocols. This paper discusses different MAC spoofing techniques and its counter measures. We also emphasize on MAC spoofing techniques in Windows and Linux, spoof detection and its effectiveness.