IJSER Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2012 Edition

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ICET2012 Conference Papers [on Page 1]
Color Image Enhancement Using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)[Full-Text] [References]Er.Kumar Gaurav, Er.Ajay Kaushik
Image enhancement is aimed to improve image quality by maximizing the information content in the input image. In this article a PSO based hue preserving color image enhancement technique is proposed. The process is as follows. Image enhancement is considered as an optimization problem and particle swarm optimization (PSO) is used to solve it. The quality of the intensity image is improved by a parameterized transformation function, in which parameters are optimized by PSO based on an objective function. The intensity transformation function uses local and global information of the input image and the objective function considers the entropy and edge information to measure the image quality. The enhanced color image is then obtained by scaling, which sometimes leads to gamut problem for few pixels. Rescaling is done to the saturation component to remove the gamut problem. The algorithm is tested on several color images and results are compared with two other popular color image enhancement techniques like hue-preserving color image enhancement without gamut problem (HPCIE) and a genetic algorithm based approach to color image enhancement (GACIE). Visual analysis, detail and background variance of the resultant images are reported. It has been found that the proposed method produces better results compared to other two methods
Self Affine Nature Of Freeform Parametric Bezier Curves For Tool Path Generation[Full-Text] [References]Kali Charan Rath, Amaresh Kumar, A M Tigga
Beziers contribution to computer graphics has covered the road for CAD software. His developments serve as an entry gate into learning about modern computer graphics with new mathematical object known as a spline, or a smooth curve specified in terms of a few points. The importance of spline in design field may be visualized through the design concept of aircraft wings and car body design.
Fabrication of Highly Ordered Alumina Template[Full-Text] [References]Ryan D. Corpuz, Lyn Marie Z. De Juan
Fabrication of ordered alumina template through soft and hard anodization processes using aluminum foil and thin aluminum sheet metal in 0.3M oxalic acid at constant voltage of 40 V for the former and 120 V for the latter and a current density of 5mA/cm2 was done. Morphology characterization through Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) showed that soft anodization using aluminum foil produced smaller pore diameter than hard anodization using aluminum thin sheet.
Geomorphological characteristics on the continental shelf of CÔte d'Ivoire (West Africa)[Full-Text] [References]COULIBALY Aoua S., ADOPO K. Laurent, WANGO Ted-Edgard, MONDE Sylvain
Recent marine surveys (CHALCI 93, CHALCI 94, BATHY 94 & BATHY 95, SEDICOT 96) aim to review the topography of the continental shelf of Cote d'Ivoire. In fact almost 30 years, there have been significant technological advances that should allow a change in our knowledge of the continental shelf. In geological oceanography, the emergence of GPS, digital echo-sounders and acoustic mapping equipment of seabeds has clarified little known aspects of the morphology of the continental shelf. These technics are used during these surveys. It is therefore right that our work will have unique features: (i) the coastline is better positioned using GPS and (ii) significant morphological structures have been identified. Particularly, depressions in seabed of 70 and 100 m off Abidjan and off Tabou. Their origin is in epidiagenetic process and also on structurally controlled bottom currents
Shallow water flow down an inclined open channel: analytical solutions of governing equations [Full-Text] [References]V. Adanhounme and F.P. Codo
In this paper we consider a problem of a fluid flow with free surface in variable turbulent mode in a long inclined open channel, taking into account the Chezy drag. We have obtained a family of exact solutions for the governing equations, i.e. a family of velocity and height fields of water above the channel bed. Moreover, we have estimated the extremum of the water height. These results can be used as essential tools for the planning and management for sustainable use of water resources( the drainage of surface waters or irrigation water of the soil in agriculture and so on).
A Review on Quantitative Models in Railway Rescheduling[Full-Text] [References]Zuraida Alwadood, Adibah Shuib, Norlida Abd. Hamid
This paper draws an overview of various quantitative rescheduling models that have been developed in past research in dealing with delay management of passenger railway services. In general, the quantitative models highlighted aimed to reduce or minimize the service delays experienced by passengers when service disruptions occur. In many literatures observed, the delay management problems are formulated as mathematical and non-mathematical models, which are then tested on real-life data of railway companies worldwide. Local search and exact methods which provide near-optimal and optimal solutions, respectively, are adopted as the solution approaches, with a target of producing short computing time and better quality solution. In this sense, this review paper provides a comprehensive analysis for researchers to enhance the existing rescheduling models or perhaps to adopt a new approach in solving the models developed. This review also suggests the need to minimize service delays for passenger trains due to disruptions, in the context of local railway services.
Machinability of Bearing Steels by Face Turning Method[Full-Text] [References]Rajshekhar Lalbondre, R.Manu, Prasad Krishna, Mohankumar.G.C
The present paper is an attempt of an experimental investigation on the machinability of bearing steels by face turning method. The research work findings here provides useful economic machining solution to fulfill the local objectives of knowing, in advance, the machinability of selected bearing steels by a simple, easy and effective face turning method.The face turning method makes use of cylindrical ring shaped steel specimen as test pieces for testing the machinability of the steels. Two similar bearing grade steel material but with slightly different in chemical composition has been undertaken for the purpose of machinability studies by face turning method. The critical number of cutting passes up to flank wear of 0.3mm, tool wear development, surface finish and morphology of the chips were the criteria for checking technical effectivity of the face turning method. The tests are being carried according to the guidelines laid in the international standard ISO 3685:1993E, tool life testing with single point turning tools. The results presented here demonstrate the ability of the face turning method to differentiate the machinability of two bearing steels having a slight change in their chemical compositon
Existence and Uniqueness Solution for System of Nonlinear Fractional Integro-Differential Equation [Full-Text] [References]Azhaar H. Sallo
This article investigates a system of nonlinear fractional integro - differential equations with initial conditions. Some new existence and uniqueness results are obtained by applying Picard approximation method
"Data Points"- A new proposed software cost estimation metric to estimate software cost which contain huge database[Full-Text] [References]Mrs. Shefali Trushit Naik
In current era, many software cost estimation metrics are available, such as SLOC, Function Points, Feature Points and Object Points. There are various metrics available to estimate cost of Management Information System, Embedded System, Object-Oriented Systems, etc. The parameters to calculate function points are based mainly on complexity of logic written, no. of inputs, no. of outputs, no. of files and interfaces used and many more. But somehow, the database which includes tables, constraints, complexity of data types, retrieval method, etc. are not being considered to estimate software cost. In this paper, the new metric based on the previous metrics is presented by considering some additional factors. The metric is given a name "Data Points" which must be considered to count cost of systems with small to huge databases. Thus, Data Points should also be considered along with Function Points to calculate the cost of software. Recently, there are many e-governance projects has been developed, which contains rigorous amount of data. We need powerful software which should have proper database to manage these data. To estimate software cost of these types of projects, the Data Point Count (DPC) should be considered. I have tried to present this new concept in this paper
Evolution and Computer Science[Full-Text] [References]Nikhilesh Kargutkar
This theory explains evolution in terms of computer science. Object Orientation Programming is the concept behind this theory. This theory also explains some unexplained philosophical concepts like soul, reincarnation, astrology, god, moksha etc. on basis of computer science. Human body is a divine computer. Explaining human instance with the help of computer science can explain many unexplained things related to life.
Querying Semi-Structured Data Transforma-tions Using Data Fusion Techniques[Full-Text] [References]V. David Martin, D. Shanmugasundaram
The development of the Internet in recent years has made it possible and useful to access many different information systems anywhere in the world to obtain information. While there is much research on the integration of heterogeneous information systems, most commercial systems stop short of the actual integration of available data. Here the semi-structured data and their transformations to be verified and enhanced by using the fusion techniques.
Analyzing Rotating Data for Machines Rotor with High Speeds Using the Spectral Map Wizard[Full-Text] [References]Hisham A. H. AL-KHAZALI and Mohamad R. ASKARI
Analyzing rotating data requires a tachometer measurement to estimate the machine RPM as a function of time. The accuracy of the RPM versus time function is important for analyzing rotating data. Vibration measurements can be expressed in terms of displacement, velocity, acceleration, and high frequency content (for bearing condition detection). Most data collectors use FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) to convert the data from the time domain to the frequency domain. Vibration data collectors have a built-in PC interface that allows transfer of the measurements to a PC for data management. Analysis software displays spectrum, trend, waterfall plots, and waveform for advanced analysis. To assess a machine, the vibration data is compared with historical profiles from the same machine.
In this research an RPM spectral map plots frequency along the x axis, amplitude along the y axis, and shaft speed in revolutions per minute (RPM) along the z axis. View an RPM spectral map to determine, how vibration changes with machine speed, and which components are related to rotational speed. The experimental technique used thus far is called Modal Testing; the technique has recently been applied to rotating structures.The objective of study, it is envisaged that the approach isn't limited to the condition monitoring and predictive failure but could help the designers to have better understanding of rotor performance at the system design stage.
Real Time Computing Systems[Full-Text] [References]Niharika Anand Sharma, Manu Bansal
The real time computing systems respond to input immediately therefore there are strict timing constraints that have to be met to get the correct output. Real time applications are expected to generate output in response to stimuli within some upper bound. Real time systems change its state in real time even after the controlling processor has stopped its execution. The real time application respond to the stimuli within a particular deadline. Scheduling is deciding how use the processor's time on the computer and to provide efficient service to all users it is an arrangement of performing functions at specified time. The intervals between each function have been defined by the algorithm to avoid any overlapping. The scheduling techniques has been used in order to achieve optimized results in real time. In the paper we analyze various scheduling techniques and observes the various issues on which there is still a need to work.
An Overview Of Active Front Steering System [Full-Text] [References]Er. AMITESH KUMAR, Dr. Dinesh N. Kamble
The kinematic models of planetary gear set and steering gear are established, based on the analysis of the transmission mechanism of angle superposition with Active Front Steering system (AFS). A controller of variable steering ratio for Active Front Steering system is designed, and virtual road tests are made in Car Maker driver- vehicle-road simulation environment. The results of simulation tests validate the controller performance and the advantage of variable steering ratio function, also show that the driving comfort is improved at low speed especially, due to the Active Front Steering system alters the steering ratio according to the driving situation
Improved Efficiency Performance of a Gas Turbine with a Thermoelectric Generator[Full-Text] [References]Onoroh Francis, Ikebudu Kingsley, Abdulqadir Muhammed-thani A.
This research studied how to Improved Efficiency Performance of a Gas Turbine with a Thermoelectric Generator. The systems consist of the thermoelectric generator, its power conditioning unit and the interfaces to the gas turbine engine cooling and exhaust systems. The gas turbine whose operating condition was used for the design of the thermoelectric generator is based at Ughelli Thermal Power Station, Ughelli, Delta state, Nigeria. From the work carried out, the efficiency of the gas turbine increased from 0.342 to 0.44 with the introduction of a thermoelectric generator.
Illuminating of Premature Ventricular Contractions of Heart using Fractal Dimension and Poincaré plot methods[Full-Text] [References]Md Meganur Rhaman, Md Rezwan Islam, Tanzia Afrin Haque
Premature ventricular contractions (PVC) are premature heartbeats originating from the ventricles of the heart. These heart beats occur before the regular heartbeat. PVC in patients with heart diseases (heart attacks, heart failure, diseases of the heart valves) may be associated with increased risks of developing ventricular tachycardia. A technique of nonlinear analysis, the fractal analysis is most mathematical models produce intractable solutions. Fractal is a mathematical analysis for characterizing complex, repeating geometrical patterns at various scale lengths. Due to the self-similarity in the heart's electrical conduction mechanism and self-affine behaviour of heart rate (HR), fractal analysis can be used to analyze HR time series data. Some studies tried to apply the fractal dimension to quantify of cardiac abnormality like PVC. Total of 14 set of ECG recordings, 7 with normal rhythm, 7 of premature ventricular contraction (PVC). Based on FD change, we can identify and classify different abnormalities present in ECG. Presents the uses of Poincaré plot indexes of heart rate variability (HRV) from short term ECG recordings as a screening tool for PVC. A clear reduction of standard deviation (SD) projections in Poincaré plot patterns is observed in the healthy group with a significant difference of SD between healthy and PVC subjects. The results show that Poincaré plot patterns of HRV can be used in identifying PVC. Finally a comparison is shown for FD and Poincaré plot parameters.
A Compact Monopole CPW-Fed Band Notch Square- ring Antenna for UWB Applications[Full-Text] [References]Deepak Kumar, Tejbir Singh, Vikash Gupta, Hema Singh
This paper presents the design of compact CPW-fed band notched UWB square ring antenna. The main objective of this proposed research work is to reduce the size of antenna and avoid interference between UWB and WLAN application at 5.5GHz. The antenna consists of a square-ring metal patch and 50? coplanar waveguide fed. The structure of the antenna is miniaturized by optimizing its square ring profile and the required total size to obtain only 35x31 mm dimension. The antenna is then modified to possess band rejection at the wireless local area network (4.8-6.2 GHz) band by adding two slits within the CPW element. The geometry parameters of antenna are investigated and optimized with HFSS. The result show that the proposed antenna achieves an impedance bandwidth of 3.1-10.6GHz with VSWR<2, except in the band of 4.8 - 6.2 GHz. An omnidirectional radiation pattern and stable gain are observed except notched band.
Copyright and Trademark in Cyberspace[Full-Text] [References]Muragendra B. T.
The ability of computer to share data with other computers with the help of networking has led to a major telecommunication revolution. Networking has led to a concept of cyberspace. With the advent of the Internet, some new problems in the field of intellectual property law have been appeared. Copyright and Trademark are the key issues of intellectual property. Infringement of these rights over the internet is common now a day and these includes Linking and Framing, Uploading of copyright material, Downloading of copyright material, Domain Name disputes like Cyber squatter, Cyber parasite, Cyber twins and Reverse domain name hijacking.
Study of Masonary Infilled R.C. Frame With & Without Opening[Full-Text] [References]Rahul P. Rathi, Dr. P.S. Pajgade
Infilled frame structures are commonly used in buildings. Masonry infilled RC frames are the most common type of structures used for multistoried constructions in the developing countries, even in those located in seismically active regions.Window and door openings are inevitable parts of infill walls for functional reasons. Currently, publications like FEMA-273 and ATC-40 contain provisions for the calculation of stiffness of solid infilled frames mainly by modeling infill as a "diagonal strut." However, such provisions are not provided for infilled frames with openings Present study is an attempt to access the performance of RCC frame with infills pannels. In this paper actual buildings such as college building (G+3) is considered by modeling of frame and Infills. Modelling of infills is done as per actual size of openings with the help of equivalent diagonal strut method for the various model such as bare frame ,infill frame and infill frame with centre and corner opening.
Design of a CPW-fed Compact Dual Band (UWB/Bluetooth) Integrated Antenna with Single Band Notched Features[Full-Text] [References]Jai Kishan, Anvesh Rajput, Tejbir Singh
A compact, low-profile, and planar ultrawideband and (UWB) Bluetooth integrated antenna with dual Band WiMAX/WLAN (3.4/5.5) notch features is presented. The antenna works dual-band operation covering 2.4-2.484 GHz (Bluetooth) and 3.1-10.6 GHz (UWB) frequency band with single Band WLAN (5 to 6 GHz) notch features. It is fed by CPW and built on a FR-4 substrate with height 1 mm and 41*40 mm2 plane area. By cutting C-shaped slot in the patch band-rejected filtering property for WLAN band is achieved. The VSWR, radiation pattern, phase linearity, and group delay properties of the antenna are studied on the basics of simulation. The calculated and simulated results are agreed healthy. The antenna shows satisfactory gain uniformity with stable omnidirectional radiation patterns across the UWB and Bluetooth integrated bands. The average group delay is around 0.2 ns across UWB frequencies
A New Fast Curvelet Transform With Morphological Operations Based Method For Extraction Of Retinal Blood Vessels Using Graphical User Interface [Full-Text] [References]M.Kavitha, Dr.S.Palani
Retinal blood vessels can give information about us abnormality or disease by examining its pathological changes. Retinal image vessel segmentation and their branching pattern are used for automated screening and diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy to assist the ophthalmologists. Vascular pattern is normally not visible in retinal images. Currently, diabetic retinopathy is one of major cause of human vision abnormalities or even blindness. We present a new method that uses fast curvelet transform via wrapping to enhance and sharpen the vascular pattern respectively. Our technique extracts the vessels using curvelet transform followed by sharpening the retinal image and applies morphological operation for their refinement. This technique is tested on publicly available DRIVE database of manually labelled images. Since the curvelet transform is well-suited to handle curve discontinuities, we achieve sensitivity 89.47% and specificity 98.125% demonstrates improved performance of proposed algorithm compared with known techniques.
A New Horizon for Efficient Energy Management Using Green Computing[Full-Text] [References]Er. Suman Goyal, Dr. Sugandha Singh
Green computing is used to denote efficient use of resources which minimize the use of power consumption and increases the energy savings proportionally so to save energy consumption in richly-connected networks. Links which are in core network of backbone network is the gape of multiple cables and line cards named as bundles. In general these bundles are used for reducing energy consumption by shutting down cables. To identify shutting down of cables is an NP complete problem. The solution for this problem is several heuristics concentrates on linear optimization technique which reduces energy consumption under realistic traffic loads and bundled links. Energy conservation algorithm is also proposed that switch off some links in an Internet Service Provider IP-based network to reduce system energy consumption
Implementation of Semantic Web in Social Computing: Review[Full-Text] [References]Akanksha Chandola
Semantic Web is an emerging concept in the associated with World Wide Web. There are several challenges in the path of implementation of Semantic Web also known as Web 3.0. As Social Computing is still evolving technology, thus giving meaning to it and managing the huge content of web in systematic form is major issue. In this paper we analysis pros and cons associated with the implementation of Semantic Web in Social computing and give a brief idea about some of the developments in this context
Estimation of Maximum age group for the IT worker affected by diseases due to work pressure[Full-Text] [References]M.Geetha Lakshmi, Mr. A.Rajkumar, Mrs.Jose Parveena
In IT industry, almost all employees use desktop/laptop at their workplace. The average working hours per day on computer in call center and software development were more than 9 hrs and 8.3 hrs respectively. Some of the present study shows that the magnitude of computer related problems were around 93 percentage. It can be concluded seeing the responses that there is a need for constant monitoring and sporadic appraisal of health problems in IT professional to acquire appropriate remedial measures at the primal stage. This paper deals with the proposed solution for continuously monitoring, the gestures of IT people at their workstation by capturing it through web camera. The captured gestures are proceeded by flowing through a series of techniques such as Frame analysis, Foreground Segmentation and Feature extraction. The processed gestures are compared with ideal gesture and alerts will be notified immediately to the users in case of any discrepanicies. These alerts consequences the gesture change of the user to the classic position and paves way in preventing and reducing health hazards
The Modeling of a Hybrid Wind-Microturbine Generation System[Full-Text] [References]G. Ofualagba, S.O. Otuagoma
Anhybrid (wind-microturbine) generation system is presented in this paper. A brief description of the power electronic interface is given, through which the out-put of the each generating unit is passed before they are connected to a common load. Also, a microturbine generation system (MTG) is considered as the backup generator, to meet the energy requirements when wind energy is not sufficient. In the last section of this paper, a hybrid configuration comprising of a WECS and a MTG system interconnected through a power electronics interface is simulated. The power electronic controls presented have the ability to manage the real and reactive power components at prescribed level. The system response under different load conditions and the load management ability of the power electronics are shown through simulations studies carried out in MATLAB/Simulink.
Chemically Coated Quartz Crystal Sensors for Fragrance Recognition[Full-Text] [References]Muhammad Rivai, Totok Mujiono, Tasripan
Detection and identification of fragrances or odorous compounds that can readily evaporate at room temperature, has gained considerable attention. An array of quartz crystal sensors coated with different chemical materials was employed in the present study to detect the fragrances. Due to the differing vapor-chemical material partitioning coefficients, the sensor array produces a fingerprint of normalized frequency shifts for each fragrance. Principle Component Analysis method was used to visualize the classification of each fragrance in two-dimensional space. Back propagation neural network was used to distinguish the species of fragrances implemented in the personal computer. All-digital interface was implemented on the Field Programmable Gate Array. The results showed that the sensor array could produce a specific response pattern for each fragrance and the neural network can be taught to recognize seven fragrances of perfume and four fragrances of tea leafs
Detection And Prevention Tool (DPTS) For SQL Injection Attacks [Full-Text] [References]ASHWINI PADALE, DEVATA ANEKAR, A. N. BHUTE
Web application are accessed over the internet by using web-browser .Now a days many software systems has developed to include web-based component. Web based application are developed for comfort of people which can be easily made available via internet. Web application are vulnerable to different types of attacks. One of the well known attacks is sql-injection. SQL injection attacks are becoming serious threat to the integrity and security of web database systems. These types of attacks gives attackers unrestricted access of database. we propose a new, highly automated approach for protecting existing Web applications against SQL injection. Our approached is based on positive tainting and syntax aware evaluation. Our paper describes DPTS (SQl-Injection detector and preventer), a tool that implements our technique. This tool is used to detection and prevention of many SQL-Injection attacks.
Aggregation Of Interrelated Datasets For Efficent Mining[Full-Text] [References]R.Renugadevi, Mr.R.Karthik
In datamining, aggregation is handled in the Trio system for uncertain and probabilistic data. Because "exact" aggregation in uncertain databases can produce exponentially sized results, we provide three alternatives: a low bound on the aggregate value, a high bound on the value, and the expected value. These variants return a single result instead of a set of possibleresults, and they are generally efficient to compute for both full-table and grouped aggregation queries. We provide formal definitionsand semantics and a description of our open sourceimplementation for single-table aggregation queries. We study the performance and scalability of our algorithms through experiments over a large synthetic data set. We also provide some preliminary results onaggregations over joins.
Split Dominating Set of an Interval Graph Using an Algorithm[Full-Text] [References]Dr. A. Sudhakaraiah, V. Rama Latha, E.Gnana Deepika
We study the problem of computing minimum dominating sets of n intervals on lines. Interval graphs are rich in combinatorial structures and have found applications in several disciplines such as traffic control, ecology, biology, computer sciences and particularly useful in cyclic scheduling and computers storage allocation problems etc. In this paper we discussed the notions new algorithms for split domination in graphs using (minimum dominating set) MDS algorithm. We get many bounds and split domination number.
Operationalisation of Activity Theory in the Information Technology Shared Services environment[Full-Text] [References]Dr. Neil McBride and Isaack okwaro
The focus of this research paper is on the nature of interaction and mediation that occurs between various users of information technology projects and the technology itself in a community environment. In this report a community refers to a work envioernment. This paper examines how Cultural Historic Activity theory (CHAT) can be applied in seeking to understand the dynamism that exist when people are made to work together in a collaborative way by sharing certain resources.
Analysing Performance Of AODV In MANET : A SURVEY[Full-Text] [References]Neerja Khatri, Arvind Kumar
This paper is a survey of evaluating performance of AODV protocol in MANET with different network parameters using network simulator. Our basic goal is to present vast information related to AODV protocol and modifications done to it to improve its performance. In addition, in evaluating performance of AODV protocol in mobile ad-hoc network , mobility models play a vital role. We also present a brief overview of mobility models in evaluating performance of AODV. Lastly,we illustrate about network simulator that is used in analyzing performance of AODV
Decoy Black-Hole Attack[Full-Text] [References]SabeehaMehtab,Aruna B. Dulloo
Mobile ad hoc networks are being widely deployed currently since they provide some features, which are difficult or impossible to be achieved by conventional networks. The application area ranges from the battlefield (sensor nodes in hostile territory) to general transportation that provide useful infrastructure during disaster recovery. Due to the great importance of MANET, security in ad hoc networks is a hot research area and already significant research is done in this field. The use of wireless links in an ad hoc network generates the possibility of link attacks from passive eavesdropping to active impersonation, message replay and message distortion. The Black hole attack is an active insider attack, where a malicious node uses the routing protocol to advertise as having the shortest path to nodes whose packets it wants to intercept. Wide research has been done in this area that motivated us to take this as challenge to integrate a better security solution into the existing AODV routing protocol.We have proposed a DAODV (Decoy Black-Hole AODV) algorithm uses a virtual and nonexistent address as a sender node to misguide and identify Black-Hole nodes. This algorithm works in proactive as well as reactive manner of defense architecture in MANET
Embedded System Design for "e- Stacapult"[Full-Text] [References]Niranjan N. Parandkar
Industrial control systems consist of number of variable parameters like temperature, pressure, flow etc. The parameters themselves are variable and so the output of the system also varies within certain limits decided by tolerance of the parameters. While learning multivariable control system, it is difficult to imagine these concepts i.e. the effect of variation in governing parameters on the output of the system. A tool has been developed called "e-Stacapult", demonstrating the importance of controlling parameters on output. The tool is based on Statapult equipment based on the principle of Catapult developed by Archimedes in early BC. It consists of a small ball thrown by a lever supported by an elastic band. This distance of the throw depends on the tensioning force (stretching) of the band, which depends on the stretched length of the band, which depends on the support positions. The time for which the stretching force is applied is also important. The observations are taken by changing the input parameters like stretched length, support positions and time of stretching. The output i.e. the distance of throw is measured which also depends on the weight of the ball.The data is processed by a suitable program correlating various parameters with output, so that a set of parameter to give particular output can be manipulated and verified.
Analysis and Design of steel framed buildings with and without Steel Plate Shear Walls[Full-Text] [References]Ms Deepika C. Hiwrale , Prof. P.S. Pajgade
The present paper describes the analysis and design of high-rise steel building frame with and without Steel plate shear wall (SPSW). For present work equivalent static analysis is carried out for steel moment resisting building frame having (G+6) storey situated in zone III. Modelling will be done by using strip modelling. The analysis of steel plate shear wall and the building are carried out using Software STAAD PRO V8i SELECT series II. The main parameters consider in this paper to compare the seismic performance of buildings are bending moment, shear force, deflection and axial force. The models are analyze by equivalent static analysis as per IS 1893:2002 and design will be carried out by using IS 800-2007
Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna using EBG and Circular Array for X Band Application [Full-Text] [References]Rahul Shrivas, Sunil Kumar Singh
Since the inception of Microstrip Patch antenna constant efforts are being made to modify the overall performance of this class of antenna field. Although the Microstrip antenna has some of shortcoming till this date such as low gain, narrow operating bandwidth, poor radiation efficiency, yet it has been one the most suitable candidate for modern wireless communication technology. This paper presents a design of a single band Microstrip circular patch antenna. The antenna of a single patch is designed for the operation at 8.4 GHz ISM (industrial, scientific, and medical) band. In addition, with the aid of a circular array and Superstrate, the antenna can be designed to operate in x band (8.4 GHZ) used for the spacecraft-to-ground communication link. The return loss, input impedance, and the VSWR are calculated. Under the condition that the return loss to be less than -10dB, the return loss and bandwidth at 8.4 GHz is -49.01dB and 2.62% respectively. The analysis and design of the antenna is carried out using the numerical package based on the Finite Element Method (FEM). The obtained results are compared with the available published data and Good agreements are found.
Biased random algorithm for load balancing in Wireless Sensor Networks (BRALB)[Full-Text] [References]Barra Touray & Princy Johnson
A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of large number of small, inexpensive nodes that depend on their sensors, transmission and routing capabilities to collect and disseminate critical data. The WSNs can be used for various application areas (e.g., Structural monitoring, agriculture, environment monitoring, Machine health monitoring, military, and health). For each application area there are different technical issues and remedies. Routing algorithm is a very important component in WSNs. Most of the time, the nodes in a WSN run on battery with limited power. Hence the need for an energy efficient routing algorithm is becoming a critical issue for WSNs. In this paper a Biased Random Algorithm for Load Balancing (BRALB) in Wireless Sensor Networks for environment monitoring is proposed. It is based on energy biased random walk. It does not require any global information. It uses probability theory to acquire all the information it needs to route packets based on energy resources in each node. It is shown in this paper by using both statistical method and simulation that BRALB uses the same energy as the shortest path first (spf) routing in cases where the message to be sent is comparatively small in size, with the inquiry message among the neighbors. It is also shown to balance the load (i.e. the packets to be sent) among the neighboring nodes. So, the major advantage of the proposed algorithm over the shortest path first routing is that BRALB does not result in network partitioning as the spf due to repeated use of routes in the network.
Choice of Efficient Molecular Biology Techniques for Bacterial Cell Surface Display[Full-Text] [References]Sharadwata Pan and Michael K. Danquah
For in vitro assessment of proteins, cell surface display is a novel technique. Using flow cytometry and / or iterative selection procedures like biopanning, libraries of heterologous polypeptides can de displayed and monitored on the surface of bacterial and yeast cells. However, this is not possible without the choice of efficient strains, reagents etc. and some high-throughput molecular biology techniques. In this short technical note, we discuss the use and reliability of some highly efficient vectors, reagents and techniques that may enhance the expression of metal binding proteins on the surface of Gram-negative bacterial cells. The apt choices of these will facililate the surface display approach as a tool for fundamental and applied research in frontier areas like Bioremediation, Vaccinology and Biotechnology.
Review of recent Studies in Al matrix composites[Full-Text] [References]R. S. Rana, Rajesh Purohit, and S.Das
In the past few years, materials R&D has shifted from monolithic to composite materials, adjusting to the global need for reduced weight, low cost, quality, and high performance in structural materials Driving force for the utilization of AMCs in areas of aerospace and automotive industries include performance, economic and environmental benefits. The key benefits of AMCs in Transportation sector are lower fuel consumption, less noise and lower airborne emissions. Various processing techniques for the fabrication of Aluminum matrix composites, testing of their mechanical properties are available. Several processing techniques like ultrasonic assisted casting, , powder metallurgy, high energy ball milling, friction stir casting are recently being used for the production of Aluminum matrix nano composites. During these processing techniques, grain growth takes place due to agglomeration of the reinforcing particles, which changes the microstructures. To control the grain size and agglomeration of nano particles during the processing and retaining the improved microstructure is a challenging task. Further research in this area is still awaited to control the microstructures under various processing conditions This paper reviews recent studies on the processing, microstructure, and mechanical properties of Aluminum-matrix composites.
Comparative Study of AODV, DSDV and DSR Routing Protocols in Vehicular Network Using EstiNet Simulator[Full-Text] [References]Monika, Sanjay Batish, Arvind Kakria, Amardeep Singh
Vehicular Ad hoc Network can ease our life by making driving safe in near future. To make it successful efficient routing protocols need to be used for communication among vehicles. This communication can be direct within vehicles and can be through road side units (RSUs). In this paper we are exploiting the AODV, DSR and DSDV routing protocols by comparing their performances with respect to throughput and number of packets dropped during communication. We are using IEEE 802.11p as a standard protocol for Vehicular Ad hoc Network with 5.9 GHz band.
TPM implementation to invigorate manufacturing performance: an Indian industrial rubric[Full-Text] [References]Murugadoss K Panneerselvam
The intent of the study is to appraise the challenges faced by Indian manufacturing industries to implement Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). The scheme of this research is to critically analyse the factors influencing TPM implementation in Indian manufacturing organisations, and to formulate comprehensive strategy for overcoming impediments to successful TPM implementation. The analysis focuses on systematic identification of barriers encountered by Indian manufacturing industries in their attempt to implement TPM practices and devises success factors towards amplifying manufacturing performance in Indian industries through optimal strategic TPM initiatives to confront exponential global challenges. The paper divulges that TPM implementation is by no means an easy task, which is heavily hampered by behavioural, organisational, cultural, technological, departmental, operational and financial obstacles.