IJSER Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2012 Edition

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The Substrates for British Colonization to Enter Iran in the Safavid Era[Full-Text] [References]Dr. Masoud Moradi, Reza Vasegh Abbasi, Amir Shiranzaie Ghale-No
Since the beginning of the sixteenth century AD and after the fall of Constantinople, the context was provided for dominating the countries like Spain, Portugal, France and England on seas and travelling to eastern countries. This domination coincided with the reign of the Tudors in England. One hundred and fifty years after Klavikhou and the rise of Antony English Jenkinson which was thought for making a trading relationship with Iran, many attempts have been made from the European communities to communicate with the Orient, including Iran which their incentive was first to make the movements of tourists easier and Christian missionaries and then to make the commercial routes more secure. Antony Jenkins was among the first who traveled to Iran in 1561 to establish commercial relations and then went to King Tahmasb. Thomas Alkak, Arthur Edwards and Shirley Brothers was among those who continued his way after him which Shirley Brothers was the most successful of them. This study aims to study, in a laboratory method, the beginning of Iran's relation with England in the era of Tahmasb the first and its continuity in the era of King Abbas The First and how English colonization to enter Iran are established.
Harmonic Modeling of Residential and Commercial Loads with Unified Power Quality Conditioner[Full-Text] [References]R.Kameswara Rao, S.S.Tulasiram
In this paper simulation models are developed for various nonlinear loads. The different nonlinear loads like personal computer, fluorescent lamp, uninterruptable power supply, adjustable speed drive and power converter are considered. The proposed models are employed for harmonic analysis of a practical system and to design a Unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) to mitigate harmonics in the distribution system. These loads are considered individually and they are taken as loads to the electrical distribution system and evaluated for Total Harmonic Distortion (THD). The analysis of voltage and current harmonics is performed for these loads individually. These models are used for harmonic analysis of typical domestic and commercial loads. Finally THD of the combined loads is analyzed by using all these loads put together. To minimize these harmonics in supply currents, a three Phase Unified Power Quality Conditioner is used. The dynamic model of the UPQC is developed in the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment and the simulation results demonstrating the power quality improvement in the system are represented by FFT analysis.
Low Cycle Fatigue Failure of Composite Materials/Aluminium Alloys At Different Heat Treatments/Process - A review[Full-Text] [References]Mr. Mazin Mahmood Yahya, Dr. Nilanjan Mallik
Aluminum alloys and composite materials are of great technological importance. One of the essential goals in the fatigue process study is the prediction of the fatigue life of a structure or machine component subjected to a given stress-time history, it is subjected to repeated loading and unloading or alternating stresses, over a long period of time. Several parameters influence fatigue life of a component like grain size, corrosion, frequency of loading, vacuum, average mean stress, ductility, surface finish, microstructure, temperature, alloying element etc.
Effect of variation in the concentration of ammonium molybdate in the parental environmental medium (PEM), on the pH and the photochemical reduction of Mo6+ to Mo4+ in the PEM of the Silicon Molybdenum Jeewanu 1.531211 SMJ8 both before and after exposure[Full-Text] [References]Deepa Srivastava
In the present scenario of several alternative sources of energy, the study of Jeewanu can prove to be an asset. Jeewanu, the autopoeitic eukaryote, and its functional properties have revealed a process of utilization of solar energy and also its conversion to chemical bonds which perhaps nature did a few billion years back to initiate the formation of life on earth. These microstructures have ferredoxin like material in them. They also show nitrogenase like activity. Thus these microstructures can be used to split water and use the hydrogen formed as a source of energy in future.
Performance Analysis of Three Level Inverter for L & LCL Filters Connected To Grid[Full-Text] [References]Mallikarjuna G D, Naik R L, Suresh H. Jangamshetti
Multilevel inverter technology has emerged recently as a very important alternative in the area of high-power medium-voltage energy control. In multi level inverters the most important topologies like diode-clamped inverters (neutral-point clamped), capacitor-clamped (flying capacitor), and cascaded multi cell with separate dc sources. Diode-clamped inverter results in the low frequency voltage ripple in the NP, which is the point between the two dc-link capacitors. This explores the fundamental limitations of the NP voltage balancing problem for different loading conditions of three-level voltage source converters. It also represents that the most relevant control and modulation methods developed for the space-vector modulation technique. Design of L and LCL filter is done for three level diode clamped inverter connected to grid. Three phase VSI are switched by these PWM pulses to improve the output waveforms of the three level diode clamped inverter connected to grid using filters. The procedure for designing an LCL-filter is proposed and verified by simulations. This paper proposed method PWM waveforms are generated by SVPWM technique using MATLAB/SIMULINK and L and LCL filter is designed connected to grid.
A Simulation Based Evaluation of Different Compressors For Fast Multiplication[Full-Text] [References]Nilay Nagdeve, Vishal Moyal, Ms. Archana Fande
In this paper, a comparison between different compressors is presented. A proper compressor selection approach to get minimum XOR delay is also shown. Again Booth's Modified Algorithm can be use for signed multiplication to get reduced partial products after which these compressors or a network of compressors can be used. This paper will help to choose a proper compressor for higher multiplication.
Solar Power Technologies- Feasibility Assessment: Northern parts in Kerala[Full-Text] [References]Dr Valsamma KM
Solar power technology is the buzz word of the today's world. It takes a receptive and competitive ambience to build upon appropriate technologies that will result in proper utilization of solar energy that can be harvested from different fields. Solar occupies the centre stage in among the mature renewable technologies, and has literally taken the energy landscape by storm and thanks to this fact the impact is visible. This paper focuses on a detailed feasibility study of solar radiation resource assessment covering the northern part of Kerala, based on data collected from places as different and diverse as Calicut, pookode, Edakkal, kasaragode, and wayanadu. The objectives of the assessment were: to assess the possibility of implementation of solar energy conversion techniques, to evaluate the challenges of resource limitation and associated economic disadvantages and to assess the efficiency to help design an optimized system with low build cost and specialized materials. The analysis has been carried out based on daily solar irradiance and clearness index obtained from various Meteorological department sources. An overview of four solar power technologies (Parabolic trough collector, Heliostat Field Central Receiver System, Parabolic Dish Collector Technology, & Computed Linear Fresnel Reflector) is given in this study. As a first step, solar irradiance variation and other climatic parameters over various locations have been recorded. So also, the monthly data. The transition of day light hours and seasonal changes were noted. A brief discussion of the primary mechanism of all the four Solar power technologies for concentrating sunlight, comes under the remit of this paper. The proposed technology suitable for the specific part of the state / location is also discussed. The site specific finding shows that CSP application is a promising solution for the problems besetting the energy landscape.
Multiple Service providers sharing Spectrum using Cognitive Radio in Wireless Communication Networks[Full-Text] [References]R. Kaniezhil and Dr. C. Chandrasekar
The current utilization of the spectrum is quite inefficient; consequently, if properly used, there is no shortage of the spectrum that is at present available. Therefore, it is anticipated that more flexible use of spectrum and spectrum sharing between radio systems will be key enablers to facilitate the successful implementation of future systems. Cognitive radio, however, is known as the most intelligent and promising technique in solving the problem of spectrum sharing. In this paper, we consider the technique of spectrum sharing among users of service providers to share the licensed spectrum of licensed service providers. It is shown that the proposed technique reduces the call blocking rate and improves the spectrum utilization.
Copyright Protection of Digital Images Using Robust Watermarking Based on Joint DLT and DWT[Full-Text] [References]Yusuf Perwej , Firoj Parwej , Asif Perwej
Digital watermarking is a new method of protecting multimedia content from unauthorized copying. A digital multimedia technology has offered many facilities in the transmission, reproduction and manipulation of data. However, this advance has also brought the problem such as copyright protection for content providers. Copyright protection of images has become a major concern with the rapid expansion of the Internet, which contains millions of freely available images. Digital watermarking is one of the proposed solutions for copyright protection of multimedia and is becoming a major player not only for use in images but also in the latest technology such as audio, image and video. In this paper robustness of digital image watermarking algorithm based on transforming domain. We are proposing a robust combined Discrete Laguerre Transform (DLT) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) watermark transformation algorithm. Experimental results show that the higher robustness against common signal processing attacks. The combined of DLT and DWT, the proposed system achieves significantly higher robustness of the method against some common image processing operations such as Salt and Pepper noise addition , Gaussian noise addition, Speckle Noise addition, Cropping, JPEG compression.
Area Reduction and Doubling the Speed of FIR Filter using VHDL[Full-Text] [References]K.V.N.M.Brahmanandam, V.Satya Deepthi, P.Durga Bhavani, U.Prathibha, M.Mani Divya
The Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter is a digital filter widely used in Digital Signal Processing applications in various fields like maging, instrumentation, and communications. This work proposes an VHDL generation software for FIR filters. In this paper a near algorithm for constant coefficient FIR filters was used. This algorithm uses general coefficient representation for the sharing of partial products in Multiple Constants Multiplications (MCM). The FIR filter is simulated with the help of Xilinx ISE (Integrated Software Environment). Codes for direct form fixed point FIR filter have been realized. Modules such as multiplier, adder, ram and two's compliment were used. For an N order filter the number of shift register and adders required is N and the number of multipliers required is N+1.These filters can work in real time. The software produces a generic VHDL output, synthesizable to FPGA.
Improving Biometric Identification Through Score Level Face Fingerprint Fusion[Full-Text] [References]Mrs. Smita Kulkarni
Multi-modal biometric fusion is more accurate and reliable compared to recognition using a single biometric modality. However, most exist-ing fusion approaches neglect the influence of the qualities of the biometric samples in information fusion. Our goal is to advance the state-of-the-art in biometric fusion technology by providing a more universal and more accurate solution for personal identification and verification with predictive quality metrics. In this work, we developed score-level multi-modal fusion algorithms based on predictive quality metrics and employed them for the task of face and fingerprint biometric fusion In this paper the performance of sum rule-based score level fusion are examined. Before fusion of sum rule, normalization is done by using any one technique like min-max normalization, z score normalization and tanh estimator's normalization. In this paper min max normalization is used for normalization.
Estimation of Gross Alpha Activity in Soil and Plant Samples in Udaipur, Rajasthan[Full-Text] [References]Dr.Brijesh Pathak, Dr.N.C.Aery
The concentration of the Naturally Occurring Radioactive material (Norm) of soil and plant samples collected from nearby villages to udaipur and their host communities was measured by determining the gross alpha activity concentration. Determination of the gross alpha radioactivity of soil, field soil and plant samples were obtained by using Alpha Counting System, Nucleonix, Hyderabad. Background measurement test was done to determine the background radioactivity. A number of soil, plant and water samples were collected (between November 2002 to November, 2005) in the environs of radioactive deposits at the two sites. Gross alpha activity were estimated. The gross alpha activity for soil and plant samples are in the range of 175-2260 and 48-477 Bq kg-1, respectively on dry weight basis. In plant samples, maximum gross alpha activity (477Bq kg-1) was observed in Coriandrum sativum. In soil samples, maximum gross alpha activity (821 Bq kg-1) was observed in sample no. US VI-6S (Jatropha curcus) and minimum (303 Bq kg-1) in Diospyros cordifolia at US VI-2S site. The mean alpha activityconcentration for the control soil sample was 22.78.0±1.02Bqkg-1which is low compared with the observed alpha activity values in community's soil, field soil and plant samples respectively. The result indicates an elevation of Norm content due to mineral exploration and production in the area. This could be detrimental to health of individuals exposed to these radiations.
Ontology Based Data Integration In Federated Databases And Its' Issues[Full-Text] [References]J.Sharmila, Dr.Subramani
In this paper, we discuss the use of ontologies for data integration. We consider two different settings depending on the system architecture: central and peer-to-peer data integration. Within those settings, we discuss five different cases studies that illustrate the use of ontology in metadata representation, in global conceptualization, in high-level querying, in declarative mediation, and in mapping support. Each case study is described in detail and accompanied by examples.
Web Information Integration Using Schema Matching[Full-Text] [References]J.SHARMILA, Dr. A.SUBRAMANI
The Web is based on a browsing paradigm that makes it difficult to retrieve and integrate data from multiple sites. Today, the only way to do this is to build specialized applications, which are time-consuming to develop and difficult to maintain. We have addressed this problem by creating the technology and tools for rapidly constructing information agents that extract, query, and integrate data from web sources. Our approach is based on a uniform representation that makes it simple and efficient to integrate multiple sources. Instead of building specialized algorithms for handling web sources, we have developed methods for mapping web sources into this uniform representation. This approach builds on work from knowledge representation, databases, machine learning and automated planning.
Twin Cylinder Optional Engine Mechanism (Advanced Technology) [Full-Text] [References]M.P.Singh, Prof. Y.S.Shishodia
In general, lower capacity engine gives us more mileage and a higher capacity engine gives a comparatively less mileage. Consequently, lower volume engines supply lesser power as compared to their higher volume counterparts.
A Neuroplasticity (Brain Plasticity) Approach to Use in Artificial Neural Network[Full-Text] [References]Yusuf Perwej , Firoj Parwej
You may have heard that the Brain is plastic. As you know the brain is not made of plastic, Brain Plasticity also called Neuroplasticity. Brain plasticity is a physical process. Gray matter can actually shrink or thicken neural connections can be forged and refined or weakened and severed. Brain Plasticity refers to the brain's ability to change throughout life. The brain has the amazing ability to reor-ganize itself by forming new connections among brain cells (neurons). For a long time, it was believed that as we aged, the connec-tions in the brain became fixed. Research has shown that in fact the brain never stops changing through learning. Plasticity is the capacity of the brain to change with learning. Changes associated with learning occur mostly at the level of the connections among neurons. New connections can form and the internal structure of the existing synapses can change but also partially its internal topology, according to either the received external stimuli and the pre existent connection. We have found this idea can be applied also to the simple Artificial Neural Network. In this paper we have proposed a new method is presented to adapt dynamically the topology of an Artificial Neural Network using only the information on learning set. And also in this paper we have proposed algorithm has been tested on result relative to the Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) problem
An NoC Architecture with GA based Technique[Full-Text] [References]Alamuri Khadar Basha, Patnala Madhu kumar
In olden days, the communication between different IP cores in System-on-Chip (SoC) was point-to-point communication. Due to this point-to-point communication the interconnection wires between IP cores were more in number. To overcome these disadvantages a new SoC paradigm introduced. i.e. Network-on-Chip (NoC). Network-on-chip (NoC) architecture is regarded as a solution for future on-chip interconnects. However, the performance advantages of conventional NoC architectures are limited by the long latency and high power consumption due to multi-hop long distance communication among processing elements. To solve these limitations, we employed GA Technique on-chip communication as express links for transferring data so that transfer latency can be reduced. Network-on-chip (NoC) is an approach to design communication subsystem between IP cores in a System-on-Chip (SoC). This paper presents a genetic algorithm-based automated design technique that synthesizes an application specific NoC topology and routes the communication traces on the interconnection network. Genetic Algorithm based technique operates on the system-level floorplan of the system-on-chip (SoC) and accounts for the power consumption in the physical links and the routers. The design technique solves a multi-objective problem of minimizing the power consumption and the router resource.
Positive Operator Method to Establish Principle of Exchange of Stabilities in Thermal Convection of a Viscoelastic Fluid[Full-Text] [References]Joginder S. Dhiman and Pushap Lata
The theoretical treatments of convective stability problems usually invoked the so-called principle of exchange of stabilities (PES), which is demonstrated physically as convection occurring initially as a stationary convection. Weinberger [1969] used a method of a positive operator, a generalization of a positive matrix operator, to establish the PES, wherein, the resolvent of the linearized stability operator is analyzed, which is a composition of certain integral operators. Motivated by method of positive operator of Weinberger, we aim to extend this analysis of Herron[2000] to establish the PES to more general convective problems from the domain of non-Newtonian fluid. In the present paper, the problem of heated from below with variable gravity is analyzed by the method of positive and it is established that PES is valid for this general problem, when the gravity is a nonnegative throughout the fluid layer and the elastic number of the medium is less than the ratio of permeability to porosity.
A study of Creativity Support tool (Rita) for Computational Literature: Unique Opportunities for Computer Aided Language Learning[Full-Text] [References]Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) is a form of computer-based learning which carries two important features: bidirectional learning and individualized learning. It is not a method. CALL materials are tools for learning. The focus of CALL is learning, and not teaching. CALL materials are used in teaching to facilitate the language learning process. It is a student-centered learning material, which promotes self-paced learning.
Numerical Simulation of Radon Transport and Indoor Air Conditions Effects[Full-Text] [References]Keramatollah Akbari, Jafar Mahmoudi
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a powerful tool for predicting and visualizing radon content and indoor air quality and is cost effective in comparison with other methods such as full scale laboratory and gas trace techniques. The intention of this article is to use CFD to simulate indoor radon distribution and ventilation effects. In this study a mechanically balanced ventilation system and a continuous radon monitor (CRM) were used to measure the indoor ventilation rate and radon levels. In a numerical approach the FLUENT CFD package was used to simulate radon entry into the building and effects on indoor air conditions.
Evanescent Wave Fiber Optic Biosensor for Salmonella Detection in Food[Full-Text] [References]Salmonella enterica is a major food-borne pathogen of world-wide concern. Sensitive and rapid detection methods to assess product safety before retail distribution are highly desirable. Since Salmonella is most commonly associated with poultry products, an evanescent wave fiber-optic assay was developed to detect Salmonella in shell egg and chicken breast and data were compared with a time-resolved fluorescence (TRF) assay. Anti-Salmonella polyclonal antibody was immobilized onto the surface of an optical fiber using biotin-avidin interactions to capture Salmonella. Alexa Fluor 647-conjugated antibody (MAb 2F-11) was used as the reporter. Detection occurred when an evanescent wave from a laser (635 nm) excited the Alexa Fluor and the fluorescence was measured by a laser-spectrofluorometer at 710 nm. The biosensor was specific for Salmonella and the limit of detection was established to be 103 cfu/mL in pure culture and 104 cfu/mL with egg and chicken breast samples when spiked with 102 cfu/mL after 2-6 h of enrichment. The results indicate that the performance of the fiber-optic sensor is comparable to TRF, and can be completed in less than 8 h, providing an alternative to the current detection methods.
Implementation Of Embedded Fuzzy System For Induction Motor V/F Speed Control[Full-Text] [References]Arunapriya.P
This paper presents a compact embedded fuzzy system for three-phase induction motor scalar speed control. The control strategy consists of keeping constant the voltage frequency ratio of the induction motor supply source. The control strategy taking the reference speed varies from 500rpm to 1000rpm. The response of the fuzzy controller is taken with varying load and speed. And also the fuzzy control system is built in a PIC Microcontroller, which uses speed error and speed error variation to change both fundamental voltage amplitude and frequency of a sinusoidal pulse-width modulation inverter. The controller performance in relation to reference and load torque variations is evaluated by experimental results.
Design Of Dc-dc Converter With Maximum Power Point Tracker Using Pulse Generating (555 Timer) Circuit For Photovoltaic Module[Full-Text] [References]AINAH PRIYE KENNETH
Due to the decline in power of photovoltaic module as a result of changes in irradiation which affect the photovoltaic module performance, the design and implementation of DC-DC boost converter operating in continuous conduction mode with a Maximum power point tracker using a Microcontroller connecting a 555 timer circuit to generate Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal to established a constant output voltage was proposed. The system is a close loop system and continuously measure samples of current and voltage from output of photovoltaic module and reference voltage at the load (lead base light, 24V) to obtain instantaneous power. Base on this, the 555 timer circuit (pulse generator) constantly takes in DC voltage through a current source to control the duty cycle of the DC-DC boost converter. Pspice software was used to simulate DC-DC boost converter and compare simulation results with the practical operation of the design system.
Comparative Studies on the Prevalence of Bacterial Population and Physicochemical Analysis in Raw and Pasteurised Milk with special reference to Honey as a Natural Preservative[Full-Text] [References]V.Karthikeyan, S.Ramya, Reshma.V.K
In this research, fifteen raw milk samples from different areas and ten pasteurized milk samples of various brands were collected and compared based on microbiological tests and physicochemical analysis. The milk samples were plated on nutrient agar medium and the isolates were then cultured on different media (EMB Agar, McConkey Agar, Skim Milk Agar). These cultured bacterias were then subjected to confirmative tests. The bacterias isolated were Escheritia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus cereus. The milk samples were further subjected to physico-chemical analysis in which Fat content, Clearance Lactometric Reading, Solid Non Fat and Acidity were calculated. The quality of the milk samples were then analysed by Methylene Blue Reduction Test and Clot on Boiling Test.The isolated bacterias were also tested for their proteolytic and lipolytic property and were also subjected to catalase tset. Further the effect of honey as a natural preservative of milk was also analysed by studying the dilution of honey at which the maximum zone of inhibition was observed
Multi-parameter Analysis And Modeling Of Surface Roughness In Electro Discharge Machining Of Aisi D2 Steel[Full-Text] [References]B B PATEL, K B RATHOD
Whereas the efficiency of traditional cutting processes is limited by the mechanical properties of the processed material and the complexity of the workpiece geometry, electrical discharge machining (EDM) being a thermal erosion process, is subject to no such constraints. Surface roughness (Ra) is a significant upshot in the manufacturing process and it materializes a major part in the manufacturing system. It depends on different machining parameters and its prediction and control is a query to the researchers. This paper highlights the development of a comprehensive mathematical model for correlating the interactive and higher order influences of various electrical discharge machining parameters through response surface methodology (RSM), utilizing relevant experimental data as obtained through experimentation of surface roughness. The adequacies of the above proposed model have been tested through the analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Concealed Weapon Detection Using Image Processing[Full-Text] [References]Bhavna Khajone, Prof. V. K. Shandilya
We have recently witnessed the series of bomb blasts in Mumbai which killed and left many injured, left the world in shell shock and the Indians in terror. This situation is not limited to India but it can happen anywhere and anytime in the world. Here we show you the technology which predicts the suicide bombers and explosion of weapons through,
Comparative Study of AODV, DSDV and DSR Routing Protocols in Vehicular Network Using EstiNet Simulator[Full-Text] [References]Monika, Sanjay Batish and Amardeep Dhiman
Vehicular Ad hoc Network can ease our life by making driving safe in near future. To make it successful efficient routing protocols need to be used for communication among vehicles. This communication can be direct within vehicles and can be through road side units (RSUs). In this paper we are exploiting the AODV, DSR and DSDV routing protocols by comparing their performances with respect to throughput and number of packets dropped during communication. We are using IEEE 802.11p as a standard protocol for Vehicular Ad hoc Network with 5.9 GHz band.
Verification and Validation of Comments in Personal Learning Network(s)[Full-Text] [References]Puneet Joshi, Sheetal Sharma, Meer Shizan Ali, Divya Gautam
Internet plays a vital role in information sharing. One can type in any word and fetch the data instantly. PLN targets the intellectual geeks and facilitates them by providing all the associated information together on one platform. PLN is a platform where one can upload, share and download videos. One can also upload text documents, images, etc. The user maintains his own profile by logging-in. They can start their own discussions by asking questions and can comment on the resources can be shared and downloaded, also their comments and reviews will be verified and validated. All resources are available at one common place thus saving users time. It is always a matter of concern for developers to decide on what technology will prove the most efficient for implementing the project. To justify the concept, this project is made in two different technologies namely J2EE with third parties as Struts, Hibernate and Java Script and the other as the basic J2EE technology.
Economic and Reliability Analysis of a Centrifuge System with Rest period, Neglected Faults and Stoppage on Minor Faults[Full-Text] [References]Rajeev Kumar and Pooja Bhatia
The paper deals with a model developed for a single centrifuge system working in Thermal Power Plant, Panipat (Haryana) India, which has alternate periods of operation and rest. The system may have minor, neglected and major faults. It is assumed that the occurrence of a minor fault leads to degradation of the system whereas occurrence of a major fault leads to failure of the system. The neglected faults that are in the system are generally neglected for repair during operation of the system until the system goes to rest or complete failure and the system has to be stopped on occurrence of minor fault for repair. Various measures of system effectiveness are obtained regarding the reliability and cost analysis of the system is carried out and the conclusions on the basis of the graphical studies are given.
A technique for Carrier frequency offset estimation in OFDM- based systems for Frequency-Selective Fading Channels[Full-Text] [References]Navid daryasafar
This paper discusses the effects of frequency offset on the performance of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) digital communications. The main problem with frequency offset is that it introduces interference among the multiplicity of carriers in the OFDM signal. The aim of this survey is to investigate Carrier frequency offset estimation method in based OFDM systems. According to this, using maximum likelihood estimation algorithm (MLE), the carrier frequency offset (CFO) can be estimated. A maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) algorithm is derived and its performance computed and compared with simulation results.
Modified Method Of Document Text Extraction From Document Images Using Haar DWT[Full-Text] [References]Navjot Kaur
This paper extends the technique used for Document Text Extraction from Images using 2-D Haar Wavelet. The discrete wavelet transform is a very useful tool for signal analysis and image processing, especially in multi-resolution representation. It can decompose signal into different components in the frequency domain. Two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform (2-D DWT) decomposes an input image into four sub-bands, one average component (LL) and three detail components (LH, HL, HH). The multi-resolution of 2-D DWT has been employed to detect edges of an original image. We select an appropriate threshold value and preliminarily remove the non-text edges in the detail component sub-bands. Then we use the logical AND operator to further removes the non-text regions. Another idea of removing the large size area in the image is merged with this idea to eliminate the non-text region from Document Images.
Analysis of drift due to wind loads and earthquake loads on tall structures by programming language C[Full-Text] [References]Abdur Rahman, Saiada Fuadi Fancy, Shamim Ara Bobby
Recently there has been a considerable increase in the number of tall buildings, both residential and commercial, and the modern trend is towards taller and more slender structures. Thus the effects of lateral loads like winds loads, earthquake forces are attaining increasing importance and almost every designer is faced with the problem of providing adequate strength and stability against lateral loads. For this reason in recent years wind and earthquake loading have become determining factors in high-rise building design. This lateral loads are mainly responsible for drift. So the design of tall structures must take into consideration of the drift. Although there are no specific requirements in the effects of drift, it is an important issue which may significantly impact the buildings structural behavior and economy. This paper aims to analyze the drift for lateral loads and comparison on drift for earthquake and wind loads on tall structures. To analyze the drift, we used programming with C (version C++ 4.5). Mainly we analyzed three types of high rise structures such as rigid frame , couple shear wall and wall frame structures. Strength, serviceability and stability in tall structures have to include in design criteria. Strength is satisfied by limit stresses, while serviceability is satisfied by drift limits in the range of H/500 to H/1000.On the other hand stability is satisfied by sufficient factor of safety against buckling and P-Delta effects.
A Survey on Infrastructure Platform Issues in Cloud Computing[Full-Text] [References]Er. Kamna Agarwal, Dr. Sugandha Singh
Cloud computing providers have setup several data centers at different geographical locations over the Internet in order to optimally serve needs of their customers around the world. However, existing systems do not support mechanisms and policies for dynamically coordinating load distribution among different Cloud-based data centers in order to determine optimal location for hosting application services to achieve reasonable QoS levels. Main focus in this is on creation of federated Cloud computing environment that facilitates just-in-time, opportunistic, and scalable provision of application Main focus in this is on creation of federated Cloud computing environment (InterCloud) that facilitates just-in-time, opportunistic, and scalable provision of application services, consistently achieve QoS targets under variable workload, resources and network conditions. consistently achieve Quality of service targets under variable workload, resources and network conditions. The Cloud computing providers are unable to predict geographic distribution of users consuming their services, hence the load coordination is required. The overall goal of this work is to create a stable computing environment to support dynamic expansion and contraction of resources to handle abrupt variations in service demands
On Effectiveness of Various Browsers in Phishing Detection: An analysis[Full-Text] [References]Madhuresh Mishra, Gaurav, Anurag Jain
Phishing is a method of obtaining confidential information of victim using fraudulent websites that appear to be legitimate. It is affecting all the major sectors of industry day by day with a lot of misuse of user credentials. Seeing a lot of ill effects of phishing attacks various browsers has started using different anti-phishing strategies as one of their security shield. In this paper we have analyzed comparative effectiveness of various browsers like Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox, internet explorer and opera, in detection of phishing attacks.
SVM classification of high resolution urban satellites Images using Haralick features[Full-Text] [References]Aissam Bekkari, Soufiane Idbraim, Azeddine Elhassouny, Driss Mammass, Mostafa El yassa and Danielle Ducrot
The classification of remotely sensed images knows a large progress taking into consideration the availability of images with different resolutions as well as the abundance of classification's algorithms. SVMs (Support Vector Machines) are a group of supervised classification algorithms that have been recently used in the remote sensing field, a number of works have shown promising results by the fusion of spatial and spectral information using SVM. For this purpose, we propose a methodology allowing to combine these two information. The SVM classification was conducted using a combination of multi-spectral features and Haralick texture features as data source. We have used homogeneity, contrast, correlation, entropy and local homogeneity, which were the best texture features to improve the classification algorithm. The result will be compared with both a standard SVM classifier and a SVM classifier with a Graph Cuts approach that introduces spatial domain information applied as a post-classification. The proposed approach was tested on common scenes of urban imagery. Results showed that SVMs, especially with the use of Haralick texture features, outperform the SVM classifier with post-processing in term of the global accuracy. The experimental results indicate a mean accuracy value of 94.045 % which is very promising.
Improving the F5 Steganography Method through Shrinkage Mapping[Full-Text] [References]Ali Akbar hashemi , Navid daryasafar
There are a lot of methods for embedding hidden information in JPEG format but no method have been presented so far with a high capacity and same accuracy. The loss of JPEG compression and the effects of such compression on the images have prevented the location area from being easily used for embedding and most of the methods apply the DCT coefficients of JPEG algorithm for this aspect. This paper illustrates the shrinkage phenomenon which happens during F5 embedding process. It also shows all of the effects of shrinkage on F5 algorithm and presents a new F5 model based on the original method in order to reduce the shrinkage rate. The suggested method controlled the shrinkage rate by making a shrinkage map. Afterward, a comparison would be performed between the suggested method and the common F5me. Of course, considering the main factors of steganography such as embedding capacity and image quality, it indicates how the suggested method provides more capacity for embedding and preserves the image quality.
A Survey on Pervasive Computing[Full-Text] [References]Er. Manita Gorai, Er. Kamna Agarwal
This paper discusses the emerging field of pervasive computing which implements the information and communication technologies of daily life. It aims to make life simple by using various tools, which easily manages the information. It focuses on any one any where, at all time concept. It first examines the relationship of this field to its predecessors which are distributed system and mobile computing. Its main focuses on effective use of smart spaces, invisibility, localized scalability, and uneven conditioning. Next, it demonstrates different hypothetical pervasive scenarios which are used to identify the key capability missing from today's system
Efficient and Scalable Multicasting over Mobile Ad Hoc Networks[Full-Text] [References]Ms. Deepali R. Gadbail, Prof. S. S. Dhande
Group communications are important in Mobile ad hoc Networks (MANET).A mobile ad hoc network (MANET), is a dynamic self-configurable wireless network, which has no fixed infrastructure or central administration. Multicast is an efficient method for implementing group communications. By the development of new network technologies, multicasting has become one of the important networking services. Designing multicast routing protocol is a big challenge due to difficulty in achieving group membership management, packet forwarding and maintenance of multicast structure over the dynamic network topology. In order to implement group communication, Efficient Geographic Multicasting Protocol (EGMP) came into existence. EGMP uses a hierarchical structure to implement scalable and efficient group membership management. And a network-range zone-based bi-directional tree is constructed to achieve a more efficient multicast delivery. The position information is used to guide the hierarchical structure building, multicast tree construction and multicast packet forwarding, which efficiently reduces the overhead for route searching and tree structure maintenance. EGMP has high packet delivery ratio, low control overhead and multicast group joining delay under all test scenarios, and is scalable to both group size and network size
Fuzzy Logic Approach for Boiler Temperature & Water Level Control [Full-Text] [References]Anabik Shome, Dr. S.Denis Ashok
Boiler is the main component in generating steam in thermal power generation units and its control is very important in many applications. In present situation conventional PID control is being used for this purpose. These conventional controllers in power plants are not very stable when there are fluctuations and, in particular, there is an emergency occurring. Continuous processes in power plant and power station are complex systems characterized by nonlinearity, uncertainty and load disturbances. The conventional controllers do not work accurately in a system having nonlinearity in it. So, an intelligent control using fuzzy logic is developed to meet the nonlinearity of the system for accurate control of the boiler steam temperature and water level.
Improved spectral utilization in multi-hop relay networks using frequency reuse for 4G networks[Full-Text] [References]M.Gopu, Dr. Ritesh Khanna
This paper presents a method to improve the spectral utilization in Multi-hop Relay (MMR) networks. Co-channel interference is considered as a parameter to analyze the performance of MMR (IEEE 802.16j) based relay networks. Frequency reuse technique is a way to improve the spectral utilization. Since the same frequency band is used by Relay stations and Base Station, co-channel interference within a cell becomes a major problem. This degrades the uniform Quality of Service (QoS) within the cell. As an effective way to analyze the co-channel interference, signals are retransmitted again by the transmitting stations. From the simulation results it is observed that when the number of mobile stations is increased, signal to interference ratio (SIR) is improved.
Security Problems And Possible Security Approaches In Cloud Computing[Full-Text] [References]R. Balasubramanian, Dr.M.Aramuthan
In this paper we are going to discuss about the security issues of cloud computing which includes storage security, data security and network security. The major security challenge with clouds is that the owner of the data may not have control of where the data is placed. This is because if one wants to exploit the benefits of using cloud computing, one must also utilize the resource allocation and scheduling provided by clouds. Therefore there is need to safeguard the data in the midst of un-trusted processes. The emerging cloud computing model attempts to address the explosive growth of web-connected devices, and handle massive amounts of data.
Data Leakage and Detection of Guilty Agent[Full-Text] [References]Rupesh Mishra, D.K. Chitre
Organizations apply data or information security only in terms of protecting their network from intruders (e.g. hackers) but with growing amount of sensitive data and rapid growth in the sizes of organizations (e.g. due to globalization), rise in number of data points (machines and servers) and easier modes of communication, sometime accidental or even deliberate leakage of data from within the organization has become a painful reality. This has lead to growing awareness about sensitive data security in general and about outbound content management in particular.
Estimation of Wastes Generated from Obsolete Personal Computers in India[Full-Text] [References]Pamela Chawla, Neelu Jain
The objective of this paper is to characterize future trends in obsolete computer generation in India in the next fifteen years using logistic model based approach. The amount of various toxic and non-toxic components generated from these computers as well as precious metals recoverable from the obsolete computers by 2025 is also estimated. In this model, the historical sales data and an assumed first lifespan distribution of desktop and laptop computers are used to estimate future computer penetration rate and subsequently obsolete PCs to be generated in India. The estimation carried out in this study will serve as a guideline for government & planning bodies to setup collection, recycling and disposal facilities for the different types of toxic and non-toxic waste generated from obsolete computers in the next 15 years. This would also help regulatory authorities in formulating policies to mitigate impacts of informal recycling.
Design for Disassembly Approaches on Product Development[Full-Text] [References]Jaykumar Yoga Mule
In today's challenging global market & changing fashion trends and rapidly advancing product development technology has led to the shortening of life-spans for many of today's product and organization must innovate to survive business innovation must occur in all dimensions to improve product, process, and organization for competitiveness and business performance. Organization searching a way of constantly re-styled, re-engineered and re-marketed to meet our todays growing market demands for enabling more of the product to be recycled economically. Design for Disassembly is a technique design the product to be disassembled for easier maintenance, enhance serviceability and configurations that allow for cost-effective separation and recovery of reusable components and materials at the end of life product and other related process such as product reuse, remanufacture and recycling . Disassembly process has become an important strategic issue in order to reduce the environmental impact and increase the value of end-of-life products .In this paper discuss an overview of a detailed Design for disassembly approaches on product development process may use as an effective tool for product development and recovery of the increasing flow of disposal products and material. The main objective of this research is to support the current and future development in the field of disassembly and reuse of disposal products and material designer should products are designed to be taken apart, so that they can be used in later generations of products.
SG-Interior and SG-Closure in Topological spaces[Full-Text] [References]S.SEKAR and K.MARIAPPA
In this paper, we introduce sginterior, sg-closure and some of its basic properties.
The Non-divergence Newton-Based Load Flow Method in Ill Conditioned system[Full-Text] [References]A.Shahriari, H. Mokhlis, A. H. A. Bakar, M. Karimi, M. M. Aman
This paper implements the Optimal Multiplier Load Flow Method (OMLFM) in polar coordinate form to calculate low voltage solution and maximum loading point of system in ill conditioned system. OMLFM modifies the direction of state variables (buses voltage and phase) by using optimal multiplier in order to the convergence of load flow equations in ill conditioned system. The privilege of OMLFM emerges in keeping dimension of load flow jacobian matrix constant. While another method such as continuation and homotopy methods change the framework of jacobian matrix based on predictor and corrector steps in term of increasing load demand. Actually, the calculation process of SSSM is based on standard Newton Raphson load flow method. The validation of OMLFM for maximum loading point as ill-conditioned system is shown by testing IEEE 57 bus test system. Furthermore, the 13 bus radial transmission system is tested to with verify OMLFM for ill conditioned system includes high R/X ratio lines and the weak interconnection.
Heat and Mass Transfer in MHD Boundary Layer Flow Past an Inclined Plate with Viscous Dissipation in Porous Medium[Full-Text] [References]P. K. Singh
In the present paper, the problem of a steady two dimensional hydromagnetic convective flow of a viscous, incompressible electrically conducting fluid past an inclined plate in porous medium has been studied. The convective flow starts under the simultaneous action of the buoyancy forces caused by the variations in density due to temperature and species con-centration differences. The effects of viscous dissipation have been taken into account and the partial differential equations governing the boundary layer flow are converted into a system of ordinary differential equations by using suitable similarity transformations. These equations are solved numerically and effects of various parameters on the flow fields are investigated and presented graphically.
Patient's Satisfaction and Quality of Hospital Care in Surgery Wards[Full-Text] [References]Anna Rosiek, Krzysztof Leksowski
The goal of this paper is to evaluate what factors - both subjective and objective - influence the satisfaction with hospitalization of patients undergoing laparoscopy as a method to cure cholelithiasis. Materials and Methods: The research was conducted on six health care units in Poland. These units were divided into two groups: Group I: 3 hospitals with the number of beds above 400, and Group II: 3 hospitals with the number of beds below 400. The research included 180 patients: 30 from each hospital. The research was conducted using the Servqual method and a questionnaire with questions relating to five areas characteristic of medical service: A) Material Area, B) Reliability Area, C) Reaction in Answer to Patients' Expectations, D) Competence, E) Empathy. The research results were analyzed statistically.
Cyber Crimes under Indian IT Laws[Full-Text] [References]Shashirekha Malgi
Internet, though offers great benefit to society, also present opportunities for crime using new and highly sophisticated technology tools. Cyber crime is emerging as a serious threat. Worldwide governments, police departments and intelligence units have started to react. Initiatives to curb cross border cyber threats are taking shape. Indian police has initiated special cyber cells across the country and have started educating the personnel.
Improving BER using turbo codes in OFDM systems[Full-Text] [References]Inderjeet Kaur, Dr. Y.K.Mathur
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) has been successfully applied to a wide variety of digital communication applications over the past several years. OFDM is a suitable candidate for high data rate transmission with forward error correction (FEC) methods over wireless channels. OFDM is a suitable candidate for high data rate transmission with forward error correction (FEC) methods over wireless channels.In this paper, the system throughput of a working OFDM system has been enhanced by adding turbo coding. The use of turbo coding and power allocation in OFDM is useful to the desired performance at higher data rates. Simulation is done over additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and impulsive noise (which is produced in broadband transmission) channels.
Dynamic Simulation of Reactor to Produce 1-Butene by Dimerization of Ethylene[Full-Text] [References]Anurag Choudhary, Avinash Shetty, Satish Oswal
The aim of this work was to develop dynamic simulation model for reactor which is heart of 1-Butene production. The liquid phase catalytic dimerization of ethylene in 1-Butene stands as the most selective and economical route to produce polymerization grade 1-Butene. This paper identifies the components of this homogeneous system and discusses, in fair detail, the factors controlling its selectivity to 1-Butene. Other different themes covered include: structure of the active species, kinetics, mechanistic considerations and the principal reaction parameters. This dimerization is achieved thanks to a titanium compound activated by alkyl aluminum (TEAL). BY-Products are mainly hexenes formed either by reaction of 1-Butene with Ethylene or by trimerization of ethylene, and some small amount of polymer formation. The heat of reaction is removed by heat exchanger provided in pump around loop. The catalyst and TEAL is added in pump around loop in optimum ratio to increase selectivity of 1-Butene. The simulation of such a reactor was performed using the simulation program UNISIM, which does not have provision for non-standard reaction kinetic expressions. Owing to this limitation of the software, the bubble reactor had to be described by dividing reactor in five small continuous stirred types of reactor (CSTR) for optimum performance. The simulation model is very flexible and useful for the simulation and operation of this type of reactor.