Volume 13, Issue 5, May 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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Fluoride removal from Drinking Water [PDF] Aster WolduThe presence of fluoride in drinking water has a profound effect on teeth and bones. WHO recommended, up to a small level (1–1.5 mg/L) strengthens the enamel. Dental and skeletal fluorosis and bone deformities are observed in people after the excessive intake of fluoride. High fluoride concentrations in groundwater, up to more than 30 mg/L, occur widely, in many parts of the world. Ethiopia is listed on the countries, which is reported repeatedly by the effect of Fluoride on the health of the people. This review is aimed at providing highlighted information on effects on the element on health, the technologies used to eliminate it from drinking water.
Biosensors and its applications in Water Quality Monitoring [PDF] Aster WolduEven if terrestrial life may be carbon-based; but most of its mass is filled with water. Clean water is indispensable to all aspects in maintaining life. Mainly due to human activity, pressure on the water resources of our planet has increased significantly, that lead a demanding action in water management and treatment. Water quality sensors are desired in order to measure the problem and validate the success of corrective actions. This paper highlights recent development of biosensor engaged in controlling water quality parameters. To do this first the basic concept of biosensor, their type and application is discussed. Then biosensors advancement for parameters BOD, E. coli, heavy metal, toxic materials, and EDC are reviewed.
Design & Modal Analysis of Tapered & Swept Aircraft Wings [PDF] Vaibhav Arya, Shruti Dipak Jadhav, Boparai Manmeetkaur Ajmersingh, Mahesh TeletiThe aim of the paper is to focus on various analytical aspects of tapered and swept wings. The wing geometry and its features influence the other parameters of the aircraft components. The main motive of the wing is to maximize the lift and minimize drag force and nose-down pitching moment. Based on the usage and aircraft requirements, a number of wings, the vertical location of the wing, etc. are chosen. The airfoil of the wing also plays a major role in the performance of an aircraft. The airfoil chosen is NACA 2412 for the swept wing and NACA 24A010 for the tapered wing. The tapered wing is a modified version of the rectangular wing, where the chord of the wing changes gradually to obtain maximum lift. Swept-back wings are characterized by a swept-back leading edge of the aircraft wing. Most efficient in reducing drag over transonic range. The comparison between the structural-modal aspects of the two wings is carried out using Ansys Mechanical. The wings were compared on the basis of static structural - modal analysis, and fatigue life analysis. Static stress analysis is done to determine the deformation, stress, and strain in the wing structure. Modal analysis of a structure determines the vibrational effects of the flow over the wing structure. In the conclusion, based on different aerodynamic parameters, the flutter of the two aircraft wings is shown. The structural effects of both the wings are also demonstrated. The analysis results can help obtain flow range which is beneficial to know where the two wings can be used to provide greater efficiency.
Real-Life to Cartoon Image Using Meanshift Based Colour Unification Method [PDF] B SRINISHARecently, realistic image generation using image processing has become a hot topic in machine learning and computer vision. Realistic images can be generated at the pixel level by applying a few image processing operations. Learning to generate colorful cartoon images from normal image is not only an interesting research problem but also a potential application in digital entertainment. In this work, we investigate the real life image-to-Cartoon Image synthesis problem by using Selective Gaussian Filter (SGF) and Mean Shift Cluster operation. The new model is not only capable of generating cartoon images but also allows users to indicate preferred filter levels. Experimental results show that the proposed work performs better than existing image-to-cartoon image methods.
Invoice Processing using Robotic Process Automation (UiPath tool) and Artificial Intelligence [PDF] Aishwarya BhargavaThis paper describes our recent effort to develop an automative, efficient, accurate, and secure application to transform invoice processing in Finance operations. As a prime example of the technology’s potential for driving efficiency, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can be applied to several finance and accounting operations, and invoice processing. RPA bot can automate data input, error reconciliation, and some of the decision-making required by finance staff when processing invoices. At the same time, automation can limit errors in such processes and reduce the need for manual exception handling. Most of the invoices are delivered via emails these days, and with the increase in this digital world, the world of scammers has also increased. The finance world is most prone to scams. So, in the paper we will be introducing a front-line screening of mails before they get downloaded for invoice processing, the screening will be done with the help of Artificial Intelligence.
Planning Strategies for Developing Sethani Ghat [PDF] Ayushi shrivastavaRivers are fascinating places, exhibiting both natural charm and usefulness for a vast array of human activities. At some stage in history, rivers were used as shipping routes, as meals sources and in extra current instances as places to go to and play. Extraordinarily, there has been scant recognition of the position of rivers inside the tourism enterprise. Planned tourism is a prime contributor to towns’ financial system. Tourism region offers a high multiplier in employment technology Tourist cities’ economy may almost be totally based on tourism.
I envisaged an end result that would examine in this research paper the role of rivers as a tourism resource and that would also identify significant issues.
Importance of Health and Safety at Workplace: Role of Management in implementation of “Safety Management System†at workplace [PDF] Rajat VashistA safe and healthy workplace protects workers from injury and illness, as well as it also lowers injury/illness costs, reduce absenteeism, increase productivity and quality, and raised employee morale. In other words, we can say that safety is good for business. Employers can save a huge amount that can be spent on a safety and health issues indirectly. Workplaces with successful safety and health management systems reduce injury and illness costs 20-40%, according to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).For a small business, one injury can mean financial disaster. Costs to a business include: Production losses, Wages for work not performed, Increased workers' compensation insurance costs, Damage to equipment or machinery, decline in product quality and worker morale. The cost of workplace injuries, illnesses and deaths is much greater than the cost of workers' compensation insurance alone. Insurance is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to these costs.
The cost of injury prevention is far less than the cost of an injury. In Maine each year about 17,000 workers lose time from work because of job-related injury or illness. The National Safety Council estimates the average cost of a lost-time injury to be $33,000 in 2002. That's $561,000,000 wasted each year in Maine alone. At $170 billion a year nationwide, the direct and indirect costs of work injuries and illnesses equal those of cancer, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. These are only financial costs. There's no way to know the value of the quality of life lost to injuries and illnesses.
The Public Procurement Act and Toxic Waste at Ministries, Departments and Agencies: Implication for Net-Zero Ambition [PDF] Mudashiru Yusuf, Elizabeth ShotayoThe 2017 Climate Change Vulnerability Index described Nigeria as very susceptible to climate change impact. As signatory to international climate treaties and protocols, including COP 17-26, Nigeria made commitments to Net-Zero emission benchmark. Nationally Determined Contributions were also adjusted from 45% to 47% to reduce GHG, peg global temperature at 1.5oC comparable to pre-industrial levels and mitigate climate change. Aside from political leaders, Ministries Departments and Agencies (MDAs) were represented at climate conferences but kept implementing 2007 Public Procurement Act (PPA) which approves environment-hostile disposal of e-Waste. This paper advocates for the ongoing review to embrace eco-friendly disposal of WEEE.
EFFECT OF TIME ON THE OCUURENCE OF FUNGI SPECIES ISOLATED FROM A UNIVERSITY FEMALE HOSTEL, EASTERN NIGERIA. [PDF] Ekeleme Jessica Ezinne, Uzodinma Goodness Ihechi and Diamond Magnus Smith-AkorThe Fungal air quality of rooms in female hostels in a University setting in eastern Nigeria was investigated in this study. The aim of the study was to assess fungi in the air and number of fungi spores present in the different levels of the hostels. A total of 36 rooms in 4 levels were investigated in this study and samples were collected twice in a week Exposure was done for 15minutes and 30minutes in duplicates and counts were taken after 3-7 days for fungi estimation. Fungi count had a range of 3-17CFU/m3 for 15 minutes and 6-34 CFU/m3 for 30 minutes. Fungi isolated were Aspergillus flavus (3, 8.3%), Trichophyton sp (27,75.0%) Candida albicans (20,55.5%), Aspergillus niger (14,38.8%), Auerobasidum pullulans (13,36.1%), Mucor sp (18,50%), Penicillium sp (18,50%), Microsporium audonii (6,16.6%), curvularia sp (11,30.5%), Paecilomyces sp (5,13.8%), Aspergillus versicolor (6,16.8%), Epidermophytum sp (6,16.6%), Aspergillus ochraceus (5,13.8%), Rhizopus sp (8,22.2%), Trichoderma sp (3,8.3%) and Yeasts (2,5.5%). Trichopyton sp, Candida albicans, Mucor sp, Penicillium sp and Aspergillus niger were most frequently recorded in rooms at all levels. This study has showed the presence of medically important fungi; therefore, awareness of proper hygienic practices and maintenance of these hostels should be done regularly.
Modelling sample proportion of underfive stunted children in Nigeria [PDF] Olopha Paul OmohMany epidemiological processes are measured as discrete or continuous and are spatially sampled. One of such processes is under-five child stunting where stunting is measured as z-score transformation of the age to height ratio. Stunting is then defined as HAZ<-2SD. Most analysis are carried out assuming a binomial distribution where a logistic model is fitted. However, such binomial data is prone to over-dispersion, which results in an incorrect quantification of the uncertainty when applying the binomial generalized linear model (GLM).Wilson and Hardy, 2002 proposed that the inclusion of a random intercept term using generalized linear mixed model may improve the assessment of uncertainty. In this study however, beta regression with the inclusion of a spatially correlated term within the Bayesian framework was used to analyse the spatial pattern and determinants of under-five stunting in Nigeria.
Shallow Geohazard Prediction and Assessment in Niger Delta, Nigeria [PDF] N. B. Osuamkpe, O. I. Horsfall, I. Tamunobereton-ariAbstract— The application of a conventional 3D seismic data to detect shallow geohazards has been conducted successfully. For any hydrocarbon development, understanding the integrity of the surface and near-surface is important in the decision process of well pad placement and pipeline routing. The project area lies in the Cawthorne Channel oil field, an onshore field in the Coastal Swamp Depositional Belt of the Niger Delta, Nigeria. The methodology is based on the integration of seismic interpretation techniques and seismic attribute analysis. By detailed interpretation and analysis of the 3D seismic, the study provided an insight into the structural architecture of the field through horizon and fault interpretation. Two major horizons were mapped based on the clarity and uniqueness of their features characterized by low to high or variable amplitude reflections with moderate to good continuity namely; Horizons 1 and 2 respectively. Seismic volume reveals the presence faults marked as fault 1-17. Apart from the major faults (faults 1, 4, 7, 8 etc.) seen on the section, there are other minor faults (faults 15, 16, 14, 13, 12, 11, 5, 6 etc.), formed by post depositional process. The presence of these faults in the study area is an indication that there is a possibility of hydrocarbon accumulation which is definitely a lead to shallow geohazards. The principal geohazards identified using seismic amplitude anomalies includes bright spot, enhanced reflection, acoustic masking, shallow fault and gas chimneys at shallow depths. Use of the 3D seismic has demonstrated to be effective in the detection of high-risk areas due to shallow geohazards.
Index Terms— Geohazard, gas chimneys, bright spot, enhanced reflection and Seismic Attribute.
Applications of Google Earth Pro and ArcGIS to estimate the Rainwater Harvesting Potential [PDF] Vijay Kumar, Khaleeque U Zaman, Imran KhanRainwater harvesting is the best method to face the future water shortage in Peshawar because of the water scarcity crisis in many places of Peshawar, KPK province in Pakistan. The rainwater storage system can help to alleviate water scarcity. Rainwater collecting has become a practicable and sustainable solution for lowering potable water usage during the dry season and perhaps mitigating the negative impacts of floods after heavy rains. In our study the techniques of Google Earth Pro and the Geographic Information System (GIS) were used to determine the rainwater harvesting potential of three stadiums in Peshawar city. The average annual runoff and daily discharge from Arbab Niaz Stadium, Peshawar Gymkhana Stadium and Tehmas Khan Football Stadium is calculated with the help of using ‘‘Google Earth Pro’’ and ‘‘ArcGIS 10.8’’. Required size for storage tank is also calculated on the basis of daily discharge from catchment surface of three stadiums. The average annual rainfall in Peshawar city is 403.9 mm according to Pakistan Meteorological Department. Peshawar is the most suitable city for the practice of rainwater harvesting. The estimated average annual quantity of runoff from study area comes out to be 1956769 liters for year 2021.
RTOS Health monitoring system with blood oxygen saturation analytics. [PDF] Mr.Chiranjeevi M.RThis project presents an implementation of low power consumption, real-time remote bio-signals monitoring system based on the internet of thing technology wearable, portable wearable, portable,This implementation provides an improved step-in remote health monitoring field. Numbers of people, who require health care increase year by year and the conventional bio-signals monitoring systems require patients' attendance in person inside hospitals. This might cause an inefficient situation to take care of the patients during this pandemic, especially those who have critical and unstable health conditions. Therefore, internet technology along with modern electronic devices could offer promising solutions in this field. Based on that, this project utilizes a mobile application and web dashboard as IoT platforms to monitor remotely the live ECG signal, heart rate, SPO2, Blood pressure and the body temperature of patients. The signals are measured and processed by using a high-speed microcontroller. The main contribution of this paper is sending an electrocardiogram (ECG signal) to a smart mobile phone to be watched by a doctor. This assists in heart diseases diagnosing before the worst case can happen. Finally, the obtained results of this project are illustrated on both smartphone and web dashboard as well.
Action Research on Improving Third Year Regular Information Technology Students' Academic Achievement in Multimedia System Course [PDF] Aschale Ambissa BidikaAbstract
Education is the vital requirement of every individual to go further in life and the only means by which one can get success and reach the top of the destination and builds a strong nation. It is the key element for individuals to bring behavioral issues, good economic status, social interest and political aspect change in a given state. In Ethiopia, group learning strategy is implemented as a means of instruction in all levels of education from upper primary schools to colleges and universities since 2010. In higher education, improving the academic achievement performance of students need more attention by the concerned institution elites. Due to this fact, evaluating students by their academic achievement performance is considered as a key element. The objective of the study is to investigate an action research to improve third year regular information technology department students’ academic achievement in multimedia system course. Both primary and secondary data sources were used to collected qualitative and quantitative types of data.Primary data sources are collected through questionnaries, and observations. A total of fourty-two students from department of Information Technology were taken for this research and fourty-two questionnaires were distributed to the students. To achive the desired goal,we have used the students skill gaps,like communication, active learning, course delivering style, time management, assessment, cooperative learning, problem solving, creativity thinking, self managing and feedback to assist learning skills to know the knowledge they have on the skills in cooperative learning style. The descriptive study results clearly indicated that the average scores of students had increased from 7.60 and 9.75 as pre-test and post-test in the distributed questions.
Keywords: Action Research, Academic performance, mean score ,standard deviation, pre-test,post -test,students, multimedia system
DETERMINATION OF EROSIVITY INDICES FOR UYO MUNICIPAL AND ITS ENVIRONS USING THE FOURNIER’S METHOD [PDF] Tom-Cyprian, N1, Edet, J. A.2, Orji, C. U.2 and Akubue, C. O.2This paper is designed to determine erosivity indices for Uyo Municipal area and its environs in Akwa Ibom State, using Fournier’s method and to create a database of rainfall amount in all existing rainfall gauging stations in Uyo Municipal and its environs. Climatic data were collected from the Federal Ministry of Aviation, Uyo Meterological Department. The data collected were the monthly rainfall data, monthly relative humidity data and monthly temperature data for twenty years from 2000-2019. The monthly rainfall data were added up to get the annual rainfall amount for these years, also it was done for relative humidity and temperature. The results gotten were presented in form of tables and figures and inference were drawn based on the results. The rainfall erosivity indices were determined using the Fournier’s method for the period of twenty years and it was noted that the rainfall erosivity indices vary from year to another year depending on the intensity and the amount of rainfall received in that year. The average rainfall erosivity indices were determined after adding all the yearly erosivity indices and divided by the total number of years worked, which gave 329.16mm.
maintenance cost concerns, lack of technical literacy and skills, unstable electricity, security
issues, changing role of employees, etc. in relation to IT‟s use in managing supply chain
operations. From the findings of the study it was discovered that the impact of IT in supply
chain management which has been observed in various aspects such as increased
transparency of supply operations, efficiency, cost reductions, real time information access,
products tracking, communication, coordination, relationship among internal and external
supply chain participants. It also has improved the processes of transactions across the
various functions and it is integrated in such a way that information flows along the various
functions between procurement and planning; logistics and warehouse. The various
technologies used have reduced costs of operations in the supply chain and a lot of savings
have been achieved. It is also noted that lead time for orders have reduced. There have been
improved customer services where both internal and external customers are happy due to
quality of service delivery and faster response from the supply chain.
The results from the primary analysis revealed some positive impacts of the use of IT in
planning, logistics tracking and product delivery in the supply chain of SMEs. Based on the
findings, some recommendations are made that companies especially in the SME sector
should implement IT in their supply chain operations to improve efficiencies, effectiveness
and flexibility as indicated in the diagrams.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of the use of Information Technology
(IT) in the Supply Chain on Cost and Quality of Services provided to Customers – A Case
Study Orange Liberia. The methodology for this study followed a qualitative study design.
The primary data were drawn from qualitative technique, a survey questionnaires method and
an interview method from different operating heads in the supply chain departments. The
secondary research was done through relevant existing literature review to obtain secondary
data to develop theoretical understanding of the study topic and objectives. The secondary
data obtained have supported the findings of the primary data to a great extent.
Keywords: Supply Chain Management, Information Technology, Customers
Satisfaction, quality of services, and cost reduction.
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF ERROR FUNCTION DISTRIBUTION UNDER BAYESIAN APPROACH [PDF] Tania Sarwar, M.phil. Muhammad Tahir Masood, Ph.D., P.E. (Texas)This review aims to establish if personality traits influence a viewer’s choice of television shows. The focus of this study is on linking personality type as a factor that affects the viewing pattern and choices of a person along with, which personality trait under the big five model affects this choice/pattern positively and negatively. For this review, the term Media/content choice and preferences will be used interchangeably with TV show choice and preferences. The existing literature and material on media choices validates the possible positive/negative effect of each personality trait on the viewing pattern. However, this study points out that, to fully understand the magnitude and intensity of this effect socio-demographic variables have to be considered and analyzed along with psychological variables as well. This approach to media choice will help us understand the role of media psychology better and establish its significance in the media industry.