Volume 13, Issue 4, April 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
Publication for Volume 13, Issue 4, April 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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Implementation of Cloud Data Integrity,Batch Auditing Verification for Cloud Data Security Using Algebraic Signature [PDF] Mr.D.Jayaprakash ,Mrs S.M.C.Subhashini,Mr.Prakash Kumar and S.UmaThe Rabid development of cloud services, the cloud server processes the huge group of data with specialized connections to distribute data processing among the various servers. Client stores data on cloud server to maintain their data privacy without any security and data lose. The existing security method is called cryptography which taking more time and space to authenticate data auditing processes. The proposed method is called as Algebraic Signature to used low computation performance time and large data space for large data set. It is based on data integrity and auditing method for batch auditing method. This proposed system is used to shows that our scheme can achieve the data confidentiality and data security properties. The result of this process is supporting for data security as well as providing data dynamic operations to the user.
Deployment of a Backbone operator and BGP traffic Engineering [PDF] Yannick Malong, Ebenezer Maka Maka, Samuel EKE, Basile Emmanuel Assiga Ateba, Daria TonyeThis paper study the most appropriate way for an Internet access service provider (FAI) to guarantee each of its customers continuous access to the Internet in any circumstances without having to modify, to redo the Network configurations. The goal of all operator is being able to make profit while winning in notoriety, it should enforce to satisfy its customer base. As a result, the choice of protocols to be implemented is of capital importance. Throughout our study, we have interested in static routing and the Dynamic Ringation Protocol Bagging Gateway Protocol (BGP) in setting up an operator network connected to several Internet Service Provider (ISP). Thus, using the Enterprise Network Simulation Platform (eNSP) and ne work scan Wireshark. We have at first, put in place a network heart Operator connected to nodes of outflows to the internet then, study the behavior of the exchanges between our network heart and the different nodes output to the Internet before and after link removal using the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP). In a second time we analyzed the flux data generated before and after deleting each link. For this purpose, it stems that unlike a static routing that requires manual intervention in a tilting process, the dynamic routing protocol (BGP) has many assets, including its ability to adapt to any changes in the network topology (addition or deletion of one or more equipment(s)), the possibility of manipulating routes of incoming and outgoing traffic from the network through attributes he has. It offers greater control routes in our network with less latitude time than when using a manual process in case of failover.
Predicting The Next Digit in a sequence using LSTM [PDF] Abdullahi Mohamud SaladThe fundamental project is grasping the patterns in the sequence of records and then the use of this sample to analyze the future. Deep Learning has been established to be higher in grasping the patterns in each structured and unstructured data. To apprehend the patterns in a lengthy sequence of data, networks to analyze patterns are needed throughout time. Recurrent Networks is the one commonly used for mastering such data. Recurrent Networks are usually used for discovering such data. It is capable of sensing Long and Short Term dependencies or temporal differences. This proposed method is used to predict the next digit based on the given series of numbers. LSTM Deep learning Model is used to make predictions on the new data. LSTM has the advantage of feed forward neural networks (FFNN) and RNN can produce the patterns from long durations of time.
Keywords: LSTM, Number series prediction, Deep Learning
Predicting Some Properties of Polythene Modified Asphait Concrete Mixtures from Single Face Compaction Using Newton's Third Law Application [PDF] Ukarioniso Eli Apapa, Enwuso Aleruchi Igwe, Emmanuel Osilemme EkwuloLaboratory techniques whether the Marshal or Hveem design procedure used for characterizing asphalt concrete mixes in order to simulate flexible pavement behaviour and performance usually requires compaction of the asphalt concrete samples on both faces irrespective of traffic category. However, in actual construction of flexible pavements in the field, compaction of the pavement is done only on the face of the pavement above the base/sub-base layer which is in slight contrast with the laboratory procedure. Pavement engineers have long answered the question of this contradiction by the theory of Newton’s Third Law of Motion – “to every action there is an equal and opposite reactionâ€. In order words as compaction in the field is carried out on the top layer above the base layer the reverse side of the pavement offers an equal and opposite reaction force. Therefore, the major aim of the study is to solve the problem of excessive compaction leading to time and energy waste and reduction of wear and tear on the compacting machine which is usually very expensive to buy. On this basis the present study sought to replicate true field conditions in the laboratory by compaction of the asphalt concrete samples on a single face and comparing the results with that of double face compaction which resembles actual field conditions. The laboratory investigation involved characterizing polythene modified asphalt concrete samples submerged in moisture conditions between 1- 5 days with respect to Retained Marshal Strength (RMS), Retained Strength Index (RSI) and Swell Index (SI) of the samples for both single and double face compactions. Furthermore, model equations were obtained having a correlation (R) such that the results from double face compaction can be determined from that of single face compaction for each material property considered as follows: R = 0.888 for RMS and 0.916 for RSI and 0.918 for SI in conclusion the high values of R actually suggest that single face compaction can actually represent true field conditions and also closely simulate results of compaction on both face with a high degree of accuracy.
Mathematical Modeling of the Traffic Stream Following the Safety Measures Included Along G.U. Ake RoadEliozu, Port Harcourt [PDF] Friday, Faith Muekara, Tam- Jones Atuboyedia and Emmanuel Osilemme EkwuloAbstract– Vehicletraffic flow has become a challenge in this modern world of automobiles due to constantly accelerated influx of vehicles on the road network. The challenge of traffic flow has motivated many researchers to model traffic flow at both the macroscopic and microscopic levels. The study investigates the macroscopic model of traffic flow characteristics and its accompanied continuity equation of vehicles on a road segment. The research presents a mathematical model of car traffic flow using the analogy between vehicles in traffic flow and particles in fluid flows which is based on the conservation laws. Using regression analysis the flow density curve was found to be quadratic of the form q = 30.34Ï-0.5441Ï^2 this verifying the Lighthill– Whitham– Richard (LWR) models.
A Review of the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations in the Nigeria Telecommunication Industry [PDF] Abdulsalam Lateef LanreThis paper provides a review of the current state of occupational safety and health in the Nigeria telecommunications industry. Specifically, the study identifies the regulatory gap, i.e., government commitment and involvement as a missing instrument to achieving sustainable occupational safety and health administration in the industry. A sustainable solution to address this gap is proposed. Data for this research were gathered from (1) primary sources - expert knowledge of the authors’ telecommunication industry and (2) secondary sources - findings from research work in the field of study. This study recommends that the government should emphasize more on Occupational Safety and Health integration into telecommunication services and/or operations through sensitization programs. Also, the government should provide clear communication of health and safety requirements in support of the Nigeria Communications Act 2003, No. 19 to enhance the excellent safety culture in the industry. Ultimately, the regulatory body should adopt involvement strategies to support existing efforts made by some companies in the industry.
Prevalence Of Malaria In Pregnancy [PDF] Owusu Emmanuel,Ameyaw Mohammed,Gurpinder SinghMalaria is a mosquito born infectious that affects humans. The infected mosquito bites spread the disease from one person to another which causes serious illness to humans which mostly causes death to most infected people. People who have malaria usually feel very sick with a high fever and shaking chills. To reduce malaria infections, world health programs distribute preventive drugs and insecticide-treated bed nets to protect people from mosquito bites. A partially effective vaccine is being piloted in a few African countries, but there is no vaccine for travelers.
Protective clothing, bed nets and insecticides can protect you while traveling. You also can take preventive medicine before, during and after a trip to a high-risk area. Many malaria parasites have developed resistance to common drugs used to treat the disease . Over the past 10 years, knowledge of the burden, economic costs, and consequences of malaria in pregnancy has improved, and the prevalence of malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum has declined substantially in some geographical areas. Furthermore, studies outside of Africa have increased the evidence base of Plasmodium vivax in pregnancy.
Overparenting's Consequences in Bangladeshi Society Child's Intelligence, Growth, and Creativity [PDF] Md. Majidul Haque BhuiyanThe research paper is about parental guidance and the proper rearing method of a child to make them more creative. In the perspective of Bangladesh, children are less creative and only follow the rules and regulations of an institution. Moreover, children rearing methods are less to be followed by parents in Bangladesh. Some parents may not know about the types of parenting styles and the different characteristics of children. Furthermore, there is social deviance workforce in Bangladesh that triggers parents to be anxious about their children most of the time.
Besides, class differentiation between families and children's rearing process differs by limiting knowledge and other opportunities. The job opportunities also precipitate the parents' expectancy over their children to be a better someone in the future, causing them to become stressed if they cannot achieve success according to their parents' aspirations. There is extreme competition in the primary level school as the government forcefully imposes the new examination system on children aged 8 to 15. This also increased the dropout rate, although the question method solely judges the creativity level.
This research paper aims to recognize the need for parenting style and the types of children and establish proper guidance of parenting style to build a better tomorrow.
COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF SIX EVAPOTRANSPIRATION MODELS FOR UMUAHIA LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, ABIA STATE [PDF] Tom-Cyprian, N.,1 Edet, J. A. 2, Usoh, G.3, Venatius, K.4 and Elijah, C. U.2Penman-Monteith (PM), Priestly Taylor (PT), Blaney-Morin Nigeria (BMN), Jensen-Haise (JH), Hargreaves-Samani (HS) and Thornthwaite (TH) models were used to estimate Reference Evapotranspiration (RET) for Umuahia, in South-Eastern Nigeria from 1997to 2017. The Penman-Monteithmodel was chosen as a standard for evaluating the other five empirical models. Good correlation was found between the RET values, estimated by each of the five radiation and temperature based models and the Penman-Monteith model, although there were some discrepancies. The mean annual RET estimated by the Penman-Monteith model as the standard tool for Umuahia was found to be 1041.0mm. While the mean annual RET estimated by other five models were found to be 579.3mm, 1487.7mm, 513.7mm, 1543.3mm and 1367.7mm, respectively. Conversely, the weather parameters influencing this station were found to be high due to the flatness of the terrain. In addition, from the statistical regression analysis, Priestly Taylor (PT) had the highest T-scores and lowest Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), in the ranking the Thornthwaite, Blaney-Morin and Hargreaves-Samani predicted best among the five models in the station. Good correlation was found by the temperature based models when evaluated RET with data for Umuahia Station. The Penman-Monteith estimates was used to develop correction factors for the three models that predicted best in the station for their potential use in the areawithout sensitive error. This was done in order to achieve accurate and reliable evapotranspiration estimate.
Conduction and scattering mechanisms of the wurtzite In2Se3 crystals [PDF] Jazi Abdullah Mohammed Abdulwahed1,*, S. A. Hussein2, Khaled Ebnalwaled 3,4, A. Salem2 1Physics department, Umm Al-Qura University, College in Qunfudah – Female – KSA 2 Solid State Lab., Physics Department, Faculty of Science, South Valley University, QIn2Se3 crystals were prepared using modified Bridgman technique. The findings showed that the dominant conductive mechanisms are the thermionic emission and Mott variable range hopping. From the mobility measurements the scattering mechanisms are due to localized potentials and phonon scattering in the low and high temperature regions respectively. The findings of structural analysis at room temperature showed that the grown crystal match α-phase structure. The dependence of Hall effect, electrical conductivity, Hall mobility and charge carriers concentration on temperatures revealed the presence of α - to β - phase transition at about 467 K. Structural, localized states and transport parameters were calculated for the prepared crystals. The crystals obtained have greater mobility of the charge carrier, thermoelectric power, and power factor than other reported results.