Volume 13, Issue 4, April 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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Significance of COVID-19 Pandemic disruptions in shaping a new consumer behavior: A Literature Review and Impacts [PDF] GHASSAN ABDEL KADER - MAYA DAHER–- NISREEN ABI FARRAJ - HAITHAM MAAROUFJanuary 2020 marked a reset to human life because of a COVID-19 virus pandemic that struck the world. Mankind is experiencing a transi-tional phase towards recovery but a new paradigm is redefining every aspect of human behavior. An era of Great Disruptions is the New Normal, where the way we lived, worked, interacted behaved and evolved during a pre- COVID-19 era resembles in nothing the new era of current and post COVID-19.
Response measures imposed by the WHO globally had a dire direct impact on the world’s economy and on the daily life pattern of every consumer around the globe. What started as precautionary and adaptive measures soon escalated to become closing of borders, of schools and universities, social distancing, travel restrictions, extended periods of confinement and lockdowns. Businesses/industries on a global scale suffered dearly the cost of lockdowns, of consumer loss of confidence and diminishing purchase power due to this pandemic.
These disruptions caused a change in the environment conditioning consumer behavior, and new behavioral patterns have emerged. The article digs into earlier academic research that had extensively examined the implications economic crisis or epidemic situations had on consumer behavior, comparing previously established theories to the never seen before crisis of COVID-19 pandemic that has created an irrevocable change to the definition of consumer behavior as we knew it. This article is published in afflilation with Beirut Arab University (g.abdelkader@bau.edu.lb).
La «grande corruption» ou la Kleptocratie au Liban [PDF] GHASSAN ABDEL KADER - MAYA DAHER–- NISREEN ABI FARRAJ - HAITHAM MAAROUFAujourd'hui, la paix fragile dépend de la stabilité de la société - ou de tout autre groupe, d'ailleurs - qui est directement proportionnelle à la mesure dans laquelle les membres de cette société estiment qu'ils sont traités avec justice. Lorsque certains membres de la société se sen-tent soumis à un traitement inégal, les fondations sont jetées pour les troubles sociaux, les troubles et les conflits. La corruption au Liban s'est en effet propagée dans les secteurs public et privé sous de nombreuses formes flagrantes. La corruption constitue une menace majeure pour le développement économique. Elle réduit l'efficacité des secteurs public et privé lorsqu'elle permet aux gens d'assumer des positions de pouvoir par le biais du favoritisme plutôt que de la capacité. Les ressources productives qui chercheraient ordinairement leur rendement le plus élevé peuvent être laissées inutilisées ou utilisées dans des entreprises moins productives. Cet article est publié en affiliation avec l'Université Arabe de Beyrouth (g.abdelkader@bau.edu.lb).
SYNTHESIS AND ANTIMICROBIAL SCREENING OF NOVEL AZETIDINONE S-TRIAZINE DERIVATIVES. [PDF] Manisha SolankiSome new confined and synthesized heterocyclic framework, for example Schiff base, azetidinone derivatives and some related compounds have been synthesized by treatment of the s-triazine derivatives with the different substituted aldehyde to form Schiff base derivatives, then chloro acetyl chloride reacted with the Schiff base to synthesis differently substituted azetidinone derivatives. After the synthesis of desired compounds, they were characterized using spectroscopy methods NMR, IR, Mass. Then the antimicrobial activity performed using (MHA) disc diffusion method.
EFFICIENT HYBRID DUAL AXIS SOLAR TRACKING SYSTEM [PDF] S.KeerthiEnvironmental catastrophe is one of the most important issues facing in growing economies. This issue can only be solved with renewable energy. Solar radiation is one of the most efficient renewable energy sources, and it has the ability to help solve the problem. Renewable solar energy is energy that can be regenerated. As a source of power, it is becoming progressively crucial. Tracking the sun allows humans to spend a lot more time outside. The sun provides enough energy for a solar panel. It generates the maximum energy when the photovoltaic system is aligned with the sun's rays. The sun's passes through the sky is tracked using this system. This system is designed to follow the path of the sun through the sky. Using a Motor driver, the photovoltaic system will change due to the DC motor's control movement. Employing four light-dependent resistors, the solar panel detects daylight based on their orientation (LDRs).
The goal is to create and construct an autonomous solar-tracking mechanism with a low-cost, reliable structure using an embedded design. The performance of a dual-axis sun tracking system utilizing Arduino is examined in this study. The goal of this study is to see if a stationary photovoltaic system is better than a solar tracker. The performance is outstanding. The system is separated into two parts: hardware and software. Four light-dependent components are included in the hardware. LDR resistors are being used to identify the sun's brightest light source. There are two dc motors in this set used to shift the photovoltaic panels to the illumination source location as perceived by the solar panel. The solar tracker system's result has been compared to permanent or static solar panels, the performance of the mobile solar panel was shown to be superior. As a result, the solar tracker has shown to be more useful.
SYNTHESIS, CHARACTERIZATION AND ANTIMICROBIAL EFFICACY OF SOME NOVEL THIAZOLIDINONE-1,3,5-TRIAZINE DERIVATIVES [PDF] Manisha SolankiThe newly synthesised series of Thiazolidinone 1,3,5 triazine by reacting differently substituted aldehydes with triazine to produce Schiff base. Further when reacted with thioglycolic acid to give corresponding Thiazolidinone subsidiaries. These newly synthesised compounds were confirmed by spectroscopy techniques like Mass, NMR, IR etc. After the confirmation of these compounds they were subjected for their anti-microbial activity using disc diffusing method and Mueller Hinton Agar.
Correlation between Carrying Angle and Grip Strength of dominant hand among School going Children (An observational cross sectional study) [PDF] Aqsa Wahid, Qurba Kiran,Nadia Anwer,Abdul Rahman,Hanifa suleman,Arslan saleemBackground:
The elbow joint is basically a hinge joint. The normal carrying angle is elaborated as the longitudinal axis of humerus and longitudinal axis of ulna and is mostly seen in fully extended elbow and fully supinated forearm. This may have an effect on grip strength.
Grip strength is an integrated performance of muscles that can be produced in one muscular contraction. Grip strength is the control of the fingers to hold objects and is an important factor when assessing hand function.Actually, grip strength is a measure of upper extremity and bone strength and determines the functional performance of an individual. Carrying angle and hand grip strengths have a great importance in the upper limb. Hand grip strength has been considered as an upper muscular extremity, shoulder and forearm function indicator.
Objectives: This study was conducted to determine the relationship between carrying angle and hand grip strength among school going children.
Material and Methods: The study was conducted among school going children of Society Public School. This study recruited 30 participants of either sex,and age. A purposive sampling technique was used. Carrying angle and hand grip strength of dominant hand was measured. Carrying angle was measured by universal goniometer and hand grip strength by handheld dynamometer. Independent Samples T Test was used. Correlation of all variables was calculated through SPSS version 20.
Results: Weak correlation exists between carrying angle and hand grip strength of the dominant hand.
Conclusion: The carrying angle indicates weak correlation with. Hand grip strength of dominant hand
Key words: Carrying angle; Goniometer; Hand grip strength; Dominant hand; Hand held dynamometer; Correlation
Design and Fabrication of an Electric Furnace for the Calcination of Kaolinite Clay to Metakaolin [PDF] C N Egwu*, R Babalola, T H Udoh, O O EsioAn electric furnace for direct heating was designed and fabricated for the conversion of kaolin to Metakaolin for zeolite synthesis. The furnace was designed using locally obtained materials and technology. The furnace comprises of stainless steel type 304, control system, heating element, locally made fire bricks (as refractory material), digital temperature controller, contactor, limit switch and thermocouple. The capacity of the furnace was 1.16ft3 with temperature range of 〖 25-1300〗^0C .Production cost when compared with those imported was lower asides their importation/transportation charges. Safety and Operating Procedures were also considered.
Seasonal Variations in the Biochemical Components of Two Species of Hard Corals Pocillopora damicornis and Pocillopora verrucosa in the Red Sea [PDF] Yahya A. M. FloosAbstract
In this study two species of hard coral Pocillopora damicornis and Pocillopora verrucosa were collected from the Ubhur Creek, coastal waters of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia to determine variation in the biochemical components (Protein, Carbohydrate, Lipid and Chlorophyll) between different species of hard coral and seasons that may reflect differences in their feeding strategy. This information is important in the investigation of their metabolic pathways and their mode of feeding. In P. damicornis the protein content was higher in winter than in summer, the same pattern was observed for P. verrucosa. In both species carbohydrate content was lower in summer than in winter. In P. damicornis the lipids content was 4 times higher in summer than in winter, whereas in P. verrucosaat it was approximately 5 times as high in summer compared to winter. In P. damicornis in winter there was lower variation in the chlorophyll "a" than in summer, the same pattern was observed for P. verrucosa. All these finding indicate that P. damicornis and P. verrucosa are predominantly dependant on autotrophic feeding .
Key words: coral reef , feeding , zooxanthellae, biochemical component
Project LIGTAS: Learning is Guided through Alternative Solution on Checking Attendance and Answer Sheets [PDF] Mary Ann G Valentino and Julius Yves BattungThe main concern of this study was to assess Project LIGTAS in public secondary schools. The study utilized a quantitative research design. Data was gathered using a standardized innovation questionnaire answered by 10 teachers, 90 parents/guardians, and 101 SHS students. The data were statistically analyzed using descriptive measures such as mean and percentage. The findings revealed that the teachers utilized an attendance monitoring system and zip grade is a very great extent. As a whole, it may be gleaned that Project LIGTAS was integrated into checking attendance using an attendance monitoring system and checking of answer sheets using zip grade to a great extent as shown by the total mean value of 3.95.
ANALISIS IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN ONE DAY SERVICE PADA KANTOR PERTANAHAN [PDF] Rizky Wahyudhi, S.HThe general aim in this research is to analyze the implementation of One Day Service policy at Land Office of Sorong City. This research is descriptive design by taking the object at Land Office of Sorong City through interview, documentation and observation. Those data are analyzed by using Miles and Huberman theory such as reduction, display, verification and conclusion. Based on the result that One Day Service program in Land Office of Sorong City has been advantages for people serviced. By improving the service by year to year, One Day Service has been accordance with the resource of implementation such as employee and staff. Moreover, One Day Service is in accordance between public and implemented of organization. It means that it has been synchronized among public serviced. The researcher suggested that the Land Office of Sorong City should do socialization about One Day Service program to the people in Sorong City for increasing the facilitate especially internet connection.
DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) BASED ANTI-DROWNING DEVICE. [PDF] C. Etus, O. K. Akinde*, F. C. Owums, I. Mgbemena, and O. P. OdeyinkaThis study focused on the development of an IoT-based anti-drowning device to reduce the loss of lives to drowning. Drowning has contributed significantly to unforeseen death worldwide because it accounts for about twenty – three thousand (23,000) deaths yearly and ranks as the third topmost cause of unplanned death globally. Agile methodology was adopted for this work. The design and its implementation created a wristband transmitter strap and lifeguard alert modules with a pulse reader, a GPS tracker, Arduino Nano and Pro Mini, and a red liquid substance to locate a drowning person precisely. The device schematic was simulated on Proteus software and coded using Arduino IDE. The components were coupled and tested, and the results showed that abnormal heartbeats between 0-60 and above 120 triggered an alert for assistance. The system needs a stable internet connection for its operations and is deployed to immediate monitoring, real-time tracking, and quick location of victims.
The Major Novelty of Vaccine AZEE CRA 01, [PDF] Dr. Zelalem, Kiros Bitsue MD, Ph.D. ImmunologistThe ACE-2 is a trans membrane metallo-carboxy-peptidase, plays a significant role in the entry of the SARS-CoV-2 particle to the human lung epithelial cells
The spike glycoprotein (S1) interacts with host cell epithelial angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2) receptors.
The nano-luciferase-based assay shows that the virus’s 1 protein has a strong binding affinity with the ACE-2 receptors (2).
Reports illustrate the S-protein antigenic epitope of SARS-CoV-2 binds with the TLR4/ MD-2 complex by strong molecular bonding interactions (4).
The pool of miRNA based studies shows that TMPRSS2 acts as promising regulators for the SARS-CoV-2 entry checkpoint (8).
Recent report stated that the AT1R phosphorylates JAK2 in the lung cells, which activates STAT-3 transduction to the nucleus (12).
In this article, I discuss the Pathogenesis Mechanisms of SARS-COV-2, Normal Activation of Immune system, The Novelty of Vaccine AZEE CRA 01, The Major Novelty of Vaccine AZEE CRA 01, Mechanisms of Action of Vaccine AZEE CRA O1 and The Challenges on development
Saving Pattern and Investment Preference of Employees with Special Reference to Lucknow City [PDF] Deergh Narayan SharmaDeveloping countries like India are faced with the daunting task of finding sufficient funds for their development efforts. Most of these countries find it difficult to get out of the dangerous circle of low income, low savings, low investment, low employment etc. to achieve high growth rates. From the beginning of the planning, much emphasis was placed on investment as a key factor in economic growth and rising national income. In order to produce as per the intended target, the investment is considered to be the most important determinant and the investment must be funded by the appropriate amount of savings. Investment is a sacrifice of a certain present value of an uncertain future reward. Investing is always interesting, challenging and rewarding. Usually where there is a high risk, the return rate is guaranteed. Risk and reward go hand in hand.
The main features of the investment are capital security, monetization, revenue stability, awareness and simple transfer capability. There are various ways to invest such as stocks, banks, companies, gold and silver, wealth, life insurance, postal savings and more. All investors invest a lot of their money in the above-mentioned strategies depending on their risk profile.
The financial situation of the people in terms of money in today’s world is that everyone wants to enjoy the benefits of money because they have earned it through hard work and effort. That is a good thing but spending all your money is not the wise thing to do. Saving money helps people over time. There can be uncertainty about the future that prevents people from saving for the future. What happens if you lose your job tomorrow? Or the car breaks down, or the pipes leak into your walls? If someone saves his future there is uncertainty that people can face and the stress will be less. Apart from savings in savings and / or investments, people can open up to other risks as well. There are many ways in which people can save money by managing further growth. With this you make a list of items that show the need and buy things accordingly and do not buy extra items that exceed the population and stop going to the malls and supermarkets that reduce costs and improve savings. Fence extension. Third, reduce the expansion of electricity. Electricity can save lots if one stays alert and turns off lights and fans and other electronic devices immediately after use. Likewise with the phone you can save by buying an inexpensive model and talk less on the phone. Therefore, your savings not only benefit you but also help conserve the environment by preventing wastage and contributing to the country’s economic growth.
Quantum Dream :A connection between you and your mirror universe [PDF] Dr.Maher Ali RushoABSTRACT :
The many-worlds interpretation offers a fundamental explanation to the seemingly bizarre quantum theory; however, it lacks empirical significance. In this work I put forward the concepts of “nousor†and “counterpartâ€, and the notion of self structure scheme, by which I argue that the existence of other parallel worlds could be revealed by dream, and those counterparts in different worlds can exchange information through the special nousor to ensure the oneness of counterparts. Many worlds and all lives there follow the rules of correspondence, convergence, limitation, as well as love and hate. Based on the proposed theory, I analyze not only déjà vu phenomenon, but also actual dreams and sleepwalking, to assist us to understand the concept of self. A large database of humanity’s dreams should be constructed for helping predict disruptions both individually and environmentally.
THE MODERATING EFFECT OF COMPETENCY QUALIFICATION ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TEACHING COMPETENCE OF TEACHERS AND CAREER READINESS OF TVL STUDENTS [PDF] CIPRIANO C. HERBAS JR.This paper aims to determine the moderating effect of competency qualification on the relationship between the teaching competence of TVL teachers and career readiness of TVL students in the different public secondary schools in Davao City Schools Division for the School Year 2020-2021. Employing quantitative, non-experimental research design and correlational technique, the study surveyed 334 selected Grade 12 TVL students using stratified random sampling. Data were collected through an adapted questionnaire through an online survey using Google e-form and were analyzed using the mean, Pearson’s r, and path analysis. Results showed that levels of teaching competence, career readiness, and competency qualification of TVL students are at a very high level. Moreover, the Pearson correlation coefficient showed that teaching competence, career readiness, and competency qualification are significantly associated with each other both at an aggregate and individual level. Further, competency qualification does not significantly moderate the relationship between the teaching competence of TVL teachers and the career readiness of Grade 12 TVL students. Thus, the researcher recommends that teaching practice and adherence of teachers be sustained and even strengthened so that the institution will continue to enjoy its continuous favorable effect towards the stakeholders and community.