Volume 13, Issue 12, December 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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Factors Affecting Online Banking Usage in Kuwait: An Empirical Analysis [PDF] Khaled E. Bekhit, Walid El Leithy,Anfal El-SayyarAbstract
This study aimed to examine factors that affecting the usage of online banking users in Kuwait. Five factors were included in the analysis, namely performance expectancy, social influence, trust, perceived risk as well as demographic variables as moderating variable of the study. The research used a quantitative approach based on primary data collected through the administration of an online structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed using regression analysis and descriptive statistics. Three factors were found to significantly determine online banking usage, namely performance expectancy, social influence, and trust. Whereas, perceived risk and demographics had insignificant effect on the rate of online banking usage. The inferential analysis implied that, understanding the relationship between factors mentioned in the study and usage of online banking services could help banking institutions to modify and offer multiple solutions and services to their customers.
Key words: Online Banking Usage, Performance Expectancy, Social Influence, Trust, Perceived Risk, Kuwait.
Public sector management: power-over or power-with? The case of Estonia [PDF] Lea RoostaluMary Parker Follet (also recognised as a prophet and the mother of modern management) was one of the pioneers of the stakeholder theory and in her view, only power-with is acceptable [1].
This paper examines relations between the Estonian national government and local governments as well as relations between the Estonian national government and ministries (including their administrative units). As there are many related areas between these public sector organisations, our focus was on introducing modern management instruments like activity-based costing and activity-based budgeting.
When solving complex management problems facing society, such as the organisation of relations between the state and local governments or between the state and ministries, the principle of complex systems must be used because these public organisations constitute a complex system [2]. Thus, the general methodological basis of this research was systems approach. Additionally, the case study as a research method for data mining was used.
Varied Fuel Loading Analysis of Improved Biomass Gasifier Stove [PDF] Rohan Raj Varma Amaravathi, Nimmala Venkata Ranga Prasanth, Rithika Madala, Sunil Kumar KasimkotaThe biomass gasifier stove researched and fabricated is based on the principal of gasification. It is a matured technology pathway that uses a controlled process involving oxygen to convert biomass to hydrogen and other products without combustion. This de-vice was initially researched and fabricated by the researchers for the industrial use i.e. 150kg/hr. For the convenience of domestic use, this project is accomplished by the stove which was designed and manufactured by the initial researchers where it can meet the demand approximately 1.5kg/hr. The present work contains the description of the stove along with its materials used when manufactured. It is a forced convection stove where blower fan is utilized to supply Primary Air and Secondary Air using two dif-ferent channeling systems and it consists of two burners but for convenience only one burner is utilized to draw out the results. Wooden Chips, Soya bean husk pellets, sawdust pellets and sawdust briquettes are commonly used biomass fuels and it can be categorized as low density and high density fuels. By utilizing these fuels, efficiency of the biomass stove is found. The working of Biomass gasifier stove is compared in low power mode and at high power mode conditions at different blower fan speeds. The parameters such as thermal efficiency, burning rate, specific fuel consumption, fire power and turn down ratio for both the conditions are compared. Thermal Efficiency of the biomass stove is achieved 47% when high density fuel Sawdust Pellets are used, whereas Mass Burn Rate is as high as 36.4% when low density fuel Sawdust Briquettes are used. From the results comparison, us-ability of the stove is at its best when higher density pellets are used at high blower speed conditions.
Behavior of external beam-column connection under Earthquake loading [PDF] Ahmed Hamed , Aymen Abo Beah , Ahmed GhallabThe beam-column joint is a very critical part of reinforced concrete framed structures. Joints ensure continuity of a structure and transfer forces that are present at the ends of the members. In reinforced concrete structures, failure in a beam often occurs at the beam-column joint, making the joint one of the most critical sections of the structure system. Several factors can affect the joint behavior such as joint geometry, amount and detailing of reinforcement, relative stiff ness between beam and column, concrete strength, loading pattern, and the column acting axial load etc. For better understating the behavior of beam column joints under seismic loading, three different factors; spacing between stirrups inside joint, shape of branches, and axial normal force were analytically studied using a non-linear finite element analysis software program (ABAQUS). Analytical models consist of five specimens of beam column Joints with different spacing between inside joints with the same reinforcement to study the effect of spacing between stirrups inside joint. Also consist of three specimens of beam-column Joints, with different shape of branches with the same reinforcement to study the effect of shape of stirrups. Another three specimens of beam-column Joints, with different axial normal force with the same reinforcement to study the effect of normal force. All models were constructed from normal strength concrete (with f’c= 46.2 MPa) and tested under same test setup conditions under fixed load at the column and monotonic loading at beam end. Parameters such as ultimate load, displacement, energy dissipation capacity and crack behavior of concrete were examined. The results show that all joints exhibited the same failure mode in joint for spacing between stirrups in joint effect. Joints with low spacing between stirrups in joints were higher than the joints with high spacing between stirrups inside joint in dissipation energy and ductility. For shape of branches, the results showed that increasing branches perpendicular to loading plane cause increasing dissipation energy and ductility. For normal force, the results showed that increasing normal force cause increasing ultimate load, dissipation energy and reducing ductility.
Identification and assessment of OSH risks in small-capacity quarrying activities of construction materials in Vietnam [PDF] Do Ngoc Hoan, Tran Quang Hieu, Pham Huu NguyenThe quarries of construction materials are widely distributed throughout Vietnam, mainly supplying stone for local construction needs. They have a small capacity, simple mining technology, and always have potential risks of unsafety. The process of proactively identifying the existence and potential of hazards related to occupational safety, determining their characteristics, nature and origin, so that risk control can be assessed by the right measure is very important. The study aims to provide a process to identify potential occupational safety hazards in production activities on construction material quarries, thereby qualitatively and quantitatively assessing the level of occupational safety risks. Through a quantitative assessment method that scores points for the criteria of risk frequency, severity and risk recognition ability, to determine the level of risk, the level of potential risk and assign risk levels to classify and assess risks from which specific control measures can be taken. Research results at small-capacity construction material quarries in Vietnam with high risk of occupational safety and health (OSH), the authors have classified the risk levels in the technological and production stages of the mine. The research results are a reference document to quickly assess the dangerous and harmful levels of OSH hazards at quarries in Vietnam. With this identification process, it is possible to develop algorithms to create loops to help control OSH better and improve safety work efficiency.
Lyric Based Multilingual Music Genre Classification [PDF] K. Jhansi Lakshmi Bai, Kallam Lalithendar Reddy, Boppana Shashank, Gottipati Aditya, V. Hareen SaiLyrics based Multilingual Genre Classification still remains an interesting problem in the field of Music Information Retrieval (MIR). If we humans were to manually classify the genre, then it would be tedious task to classify each song. There often is a debate where a song fits, since boundaries are not clearly defined and genres are overlapping. Different people may think different genres, or even multiple genres to the same song. With the emergence of big data, Due to the overwhelming number of music resources that individuals possess, it is challenging to store and retrieve music data. To address the issue, music classification is developed to help people swiftly discover music genre. Modern methods involve classifying genre using acoustic features as well as feeding lyrics into neural networks. Some of these approaches fail to take into account word order which we think can be really important. This approach investigates the likelihood of identifying the genre of a song from its lyrics. We use Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) for classifying the genres based on the lyrics. Previously LSTM models are used for sentiment analysis, semantic analysis, and text classification. As lyrics are also text data, we would like to check the potential of LSTM in classifying Song lyrics into genres.
INSILICO MODELING OF BLADDER CANCER ASSOCIATED PROTEIN [PDF] zafar sayed , surya chandra rejinthalaAbstract— Bladder cancer is one of several types of cancer arising from the tissues of the urinary bladder . It is a
disease in which cells grow abnormally and have the potential to spread to other parts of the body [1] . It has been
suggested that mutations at BLCAP BC10 is associated with BLCAP (bladder cancer associated protein) over expression
induces S phase arrest and apoptosis in the tissue which cause urothelial carcinoma squamous cell carcinoma and
adenocarcinoma thus we can say Bladder cancer-associated protein, a potential prognostic biomarker in human bladder
cancer. Deletion of GSTM1 gene has a modest increase in risk of bladder cancer. GSTM1 gene product glutathione S-
transferase M1 (GSTM1) participates in the detoxification process of carcinogens such as polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons found in cigarette smoke [2] . More than 60,000 men and 16,000 women are diagnosed with bladder cancer
each year. Smoking can only partially explain this higher incidence in men. One other reason is that the androgen
receptor , which is much more active in men than in women, plays a major part in the development of the cancer. The
present project aims to predict the structure of BLCAP using comparative modeling method using bioinformatics software
Keywords:— urinary bladder , carcinoma , GSTM1 , prognostic , BLCAP , urothelial , glutathione
The development of oil palm plantations of society, including program of Income Generating Activity (IGA) has threatened the food agriculture land and could result in insecurity food, whereas constitution No. 41/2009 mandated that food agriculture land should be protected in a sustainable manner. The article is a study of qualitative assessment through case study approach at PT. Astra Agro Lestari Tbk., Area 1 Borneo.
The study aims to: (1) assess the implementation of IGA as oil palm agribusiness of society, (2) assess the advantages and weakness of IGA as oil palm agribusiness of society, (3) assess the classification of stakeholders in CSR innovation of oil palm plantation based food agribusiness, and (4) assess the role of stakeholders in innovation of CSR based oil palm food agribusiness.
The results showed: (1) entirely, IGA was the responsibility of the farmers, the corporate facilitated the loan (seed, fertilizer, and pesticide, land clearing), counseling and purchased fresh fruit bunches. Credit paid after the plant produce with a ratio of loan installment and income of the farmers were 30 : 70; (2) the advantages of implementation of IGA particularly in the level of high empowerment of the farmers, because the farmers managed it by themselves, and had an obligation to pay the loan. The weakness of IGA were in the origin work of the farmers, institutional strength, the management of farmers' groups, the farmers had the other occupation, and the involvement of government institution; (3) the farmers as main stakeholders, the corporate as key stakeholder, and the government and college as the supporting stakeholders; (4) in innovation of CSR based food agribusiness, the farmers had a role as regulator and executor, the corporate and government as regulator, motivator and facilitator, while the college as motivator and facilitator. Role as evaluator conducted by the farmers, the corporate, the government, and the college jointly.
Key word: stakeholders, CSR, oil palm, food agribusiness
Performance Investigation of a Three-Bed Adsorption Chiller With and Without Mass Recovery [PDF] Gulshan KhatunIn this paper, the performance of a three-bed (equal bed) adsorption chiller with and without mass recovery has been numerically studied. Silica gel-water is chosen as adsorbent-refrigerant pair. The three-bed adsorption chiller comprises with three adsorber/desorber heat exchanger, one evaporator and one condenser. In the present numerical solution, the heat source temperature variation is taken from 50°C to 65°C along with coolant inlet temperature at 30°C and the chilled water inlet temperature at 14°C. In the present strategy, mass recovery process occurs in all bed. The configuration of beds in the three-bed chiller with mass recovery were taken as uniform in size. The performances in terms of cooling capacity (CC) and coefficient of performance (COP) are compared with those of conventional three-bed without mass recovery scheme. Results show that three-bed with mass recovery scheme provides more CC values than those provided by the three-bed system without mass recovery scheme while it provides better COP values for 65°C heat source temperature.
Evaluation of health, safety and environmental status: A case study [PDF] MD. Aktar HossainA strong health and safety program of any industrial establishment can assure safety and sound health of its employees. The present study is aimed at identifying and comparing the present condition of the health and safety environment in a embroidery, printing and accessories company with the relevant laws. The nature of this study is exclusively a case study. Personal observation and interview schedule were used to conduct the survey. 10% of the total population (i.e. 30) was selected randomly as the sample size which covers workers, concerned departmental executives, supervisors and managers of the garment company. It has been revealed from the present study that the sample organization does not follow all the provisions regarding health, hygiene and safety of workers as per the Bangladesh Labor Act 2006 and Bangladesh Labor Rule 2015.This study found out that the improper eye wash station in the chemical handling area and insufficient number of trained firefighters in the factory; one compressor was found open in the printing section; the factory has exceeded the legal weekly working hour limit of 60 hours, according to Bangladesh Labor Act 2006, section-102 in the month of Aug’17, January’18 and April’18; one day weekly-off according to the Bangladesh Labor Law 2006, section-103 was not adhered to the worker by the factory in the month of January’18, March’18 and April’18; the workers in the rib accessories section and embroidery section were not using ear plug; and the latrines, washrooms, dust beans and spittoons are not clean at all times. Finally, some important recommendations are given to improve the health and safety environment of the sample organization on the basis of findings. Also it has been suggested that the garment organizations, concerned stakeholders and regulatory body (including government of Bangladesh) should be sincere to improve the overall health and safety environment of the garment and such embroidery, printing and accessories industry in Bangladesh.
Impact of Text Messages on Academic Writing at Higher Secondary and Tertiary Level in Bangladeshi Context [PDF] Sayra Afrose UrmiThis paper deals with the impact of text messages on academic writing at higher secondary and tertiary level in Bangladeshi context. The main objective of this paper is to explore how this growing text messaging culture (informal) creates influences on students writing skill (formal); how much students are relying on abbreviations, omitting of vowels and grammatical parts, punctuation marks, auto-correction. The paper conducted quantitative research where data has been collected through questionaries' to mark the impact of text messages on students’ writing. The findings showed that though a large number of students do not use text languages on their academic writing; still texting has a bit effect on writing. Some of the students’ academic writing get affected by their texting manner which is an alarming condition for them. However, the impact of text is not strongly evident and the number is not huge; yet, as a portion of the survey revealed that they sometimes or frequently use abbreviations, remove vowels, skip grammatical rules- in their academic writing. Hence, this marks the growing impact of text messages which needs to be avoided and should be careful while writing academic papers.
The ability of dentists and dental assistants to deal with medical emergencies in dental clinics in Najran, Saudi Arabia [PDF] Ali Alyami, Saidan Alajma, Hussain AlHatailah, Mohammed Alsyhab, Alhassan Alismail, Mohammed AlalharethAbstract
To investigate the ability of dentists and dental assistants to manage the medical emergencies in dental clinics in the Najran region, Saudi Arabia.
A cross-sectional study was carried out using a questionnaire that was distributed online to 87 dentists and dental assistants working in private dental clinics in the Najran region, Saudi Arabia in November and December 2022. The questionnaire gathered information regarding the prevalence of medical emergencies, knowledge of the about the deal with emergency cases, and the availability of emergency equipment and drugs.
78.2% experienced an emergency in the dental clinic. 25.3% of emergencies situations were diabetic problem (hypoglycemia/ hypoglycemia). 86.2% have undergone emergency medical training and/or basic life support training, 83.9% thought that they can handle any emergency situation. 66.7% are able to do CPR. The participants had insufficient level of knowledge regarding the management of emergency medical situations. The required equipment and drugs in emergency cases are available in most dental clinics in Najran region, Saudi Arabia.
There is a high prevalence of medical emergencies in dental clinics in Najran region, Saudi Arabia. There is a deficiency of knowledge regarding the management of emergency medical situations among dentists and dental assistants. The required equipment and drugs in emergency cases are available in most dental clinics.
DIGITAL PIRACY AND IPR THEFT CONCERNING INDIA [PDF] ANVIT SINGH, SHWETA SINGHDigital piracy is the act of duplicating, utilising, or disseminating information goods in digital formats and/or using digital technologies without the owner's consent. Although the focus is on the economic analysis, we also give a quick overview of the legal environment and its recent development. It is crucial to begin by comprehending the justification for these restrictions since digital piracy involves breaking intellectual property laws. This enables us to characterise digital piracy more precisely. The economic analysis of piracy may then be discussed. We begin with a fundamental analysis that shows why digital piracy is likely to reduce the revenues of the companies that make digital goods.
Digital piracy, sometimes referred to as the theft of digital intellectual property, is examined in this paper. The ramifications of piracy from a commercial standpoint are discussed after discussing the origins, ethics, and reactions to it. The conversion funnel model, a representation of the e-commerce customer process, is used to illuminate digital piracy. The situation of independent, individual publishers of digital material receives particular attention.
Fruit based agroforestry systems - potential means for sustaining carbon sequestration, improving soil health and diet of community in red and lateritic zone of West Bengal, India [PDF] Pinakesh Das, Pratap Kumar Dhara, Subhabrata PandaFruit-based agroforestry systems (AFS) can assure food security towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and improvement in carbon sequestration, soil qualities of low-fertile degraded land. Those were revealed through observations on farmers’ practices, literature reviews and results from different agroforestry arrangements of mango with gamhar and eucalyptus; and sweet orange with gamhar for two years (2017-18 to 2018-19) of alley cropping with pigeon pea, green gram, cowpea and toria in ongoing AF experiments at Regional Research Station (Red & Lateritic Zone), Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Jhargram, West Bengal, India. Total carbon stock as well as potential food energy production were higher in AFS than either in sole silvi tree, fruit tree or plots under alley crops, because of better performances of all tree and crop components in AFS. Mango with eucalyptus-based AFS gave higher carbon stock (62.33 t ha-1 yr-1) including improvement in degraded acidic soil pH (6.20%), SOC (11.86%), available N (9.09%), available P (13.97%), available K (11.64%) contents in soil. In that way, fruit-based agroforestry systems can be used as a viable alternative land use to improve soil health, diet and livelihood security even of resource-poor farm families throughout the year, especially during their impoverished needy times in a year.
Sonographic Evaluation of Fetal Presentation in Pregnant Women in Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria [PDF] Dr Anthony A. Obiozor, Dr Ndukwu Nnamdi CAbnormal presentation of fetus causes a lot of concern for pregnant women and their obstetrician because this can go a long way in determining the outcome of delivery. Imaging method using ultrasound is superior to clinical evaluation in accessing presentation of fetus during pregnancy. Ultrasonography is a relatively safe, inexpensive and reproducible imaging modality for assessing fetal presentation. There are few reports on fetal presentation in Nigerian Medical Literature. This study is aimed at determining the commonest type of fetal presentation and to allow for appropriate counseling of antenatal women. Aim: To sonographically determine the statistics of fetal presentation in pregnant women on their routine antenatal visit in Umuahia Abia state. Materials and Methods: This is a prospective study of 100 apparently healthy pregnant women between the ages of 20 years and 42 years on their routine antenatal check. Consent was obtained from the patients prior to the study. Exclusive criteria include subjects with uterine fibroids, caesarean section, twin gestation and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) patients. Subjects were scanned transabdominally in supine position using a digital real time ultrasound system with 3.5 MHz convex transducer to determine the commonest type of fetal presentation. Fetal presentation was correlated with gestational age, weight of the fetus, gender and placental localization. Result: A total of 100 women on their routine antenatal visits were scanned and they were between the age of 20yrs and 42yrs, with mean age of 28.60±4.95 that are in their 2nd and 3rd trimesters .The gender distribution of the fetus were 55 males and 45 females. The fetal presentation was cephalic 70%, oblique-cephalic 3%, breech 17% , transverse lie 7% and unstable lie 3% . This revealed that among fetuses in umuahia, there are more cephalic presentation than breech, transverse and others, thereby predisposing more pregnant women to normal deliveries table ii .The study showed positive correlation of fetal presentation with gestational age and amniotic fluid index but not with maternal age, fetal gender and fetal weight. Conclusion: This study has shown the statistics of fetal presentation in pregnant women on their routine antenatal visit in Umuahia with cephalic presentation being the commonest 70% , oblique-cephalic 3%, breech presentation 17%, transverse lie 7% and unstable lie 3%.
Key words: Fetal presentation; umuahia; ultrasound
Evaluating the Causes and Effects of Change Order in Assosa Zone Building Construction Projects [PDF] Yabebal Kefyalew AbejeChanges in building construction projects are very common and likely to occur from various sources at any stage of the project. This study evaluates the causes and effects of change orders in public building construction projects in Assosa zone, Benshangul-Gumuz, Ethiopia. Tasks included conducting a field survey by a questionnaire. In order to obtain reliable source from construction parties’ players such as clients, consultants and contractors in the industry, a survey questionnaire was conducted. Using previous accomplish literature works in this study, twenty-one factors responsible for causes and twelve factors responsible for the effect of change orders were taken. The most five causes of change orders were owner’s additional works, error and omissions in design, change of plans by owner, change in design and owner financial difficulties. Whereas, the most five effect of change orders were increase in project cost, delay completion schedule, rework and demolition, increase in overhead expenses and dispute between owner and contractor.
Keywords: Change order; causes; effects; importance index; prevalence index; building construction projects
Effect of Calcium Chloride Pretreatment and Packaging Materials on Shelf Life and Quality of Avocado (Persia americana M.) [PDF] Jemal HajiABSTRACT
An experiment was conducted at Hawassa University food science laboratory in 2012 at ambient temperature to assess the effect of packaging material and calcium chloride pre-treatment on post harvest shelf life and quality of avocado (Persia americana M.) at ambient temperature (24±2oC) and relative humidity of 69.7%) during storage. The treatment included factorial combinations of four packaging materials. high density polyethylene (HDP), low density polyethylene (LDP), paper bag (PB) and control, and calcium chloride concentration of (0%, 2%, 4%, 5% and 6% W/V using CRD with three replications. Weight loss, firmness, marketability, dry matter content, decay, Total Soluble Solids (TSS), pH, Titratable Acidity (TA), of avocado were studied at an interval of 3 days (0, 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th and 15th day). The result showed that avocado fruits packed in HDP, LDP and paper bag having 6% CaCl2 had significant effect (p<0.05) on overall quality and postharvest shelf life except decay, pH and dry matter content. Also, results showed that 6%CaCl2 treated fruit packed in HD polyethylene, LD polyethylene and paper bag had minimum weight loss (1.46 %), firmness, marketability, decay, lower TSS (7.24%), lower pH (4.88%), and higher retention of TA (0.23%) at ambient temperature during storage. On the other hand the control fruit had highest values of loss of firmness, marketability, dry matter content, and weight as well as decay loss, TSS, pH, and lowest TA (0.19%) respectively during storage. The 6%CaCl2 treated fruit and packed in HD polyethylene, LD polyethylene and paper bag had minimum weight loss, firmness, marketability, decay, and slower increase of TSS, pH, and higher retention of acidity respectively of fruit during the storage period. These study indicated that avocado fruit treated with 6%CaCl2 had played a significant role on quality and post harvest shelf life of avocado by delaying the ripening process and with a minimum quality loss during 15 days of storage as compared to the control avocado fruits that had greater compositional changes with maximum quality loss and shorter postharvest life during storage at ambient temperature.
Keywords: Postharvest life, Packaging, calcium chloride weight loss, firmness.
Cyber Threats to Education Technological Services: a Case Study [PDF] João Moreira, Hugo BarbosaInformation Technology systems in education have been part of the day-to-day of many schools and academic communities for many years. Thanks to the Internet and these systems, all operations in schools have become more efficient, making this sector more dependent on them. But with the transi-tion of these systems to the education sector, the threats posed to other institutions and businesses, have propagated to the learning institutions. Schools face Cyber Threats, so it’s crucial to explore the impact that the lack of knowledge about some of the basic concepts of Cyber Security can pose to Educational Technology Systems. The main thing is knowing what we’re fighting, so it’s key to identify what danger the threats pose to schools’ sensitive data, and provide an overview of Cyber Security essentials, aiming to prevent attacks or mitigate the damage that Cyber Threats can cause. Throughout the last few years, awareness has been raised to the importance of Cyber Security, especially during the Pandemic. This paper seeks to find how much the academic communities in Portugal know about the Cyber Security vital concepts, resorting to a survey conducted in schools throughout the country, with the intent to investigate the knowledge that common users have seized throughout the years.
Error in F=ma [PDF] FelixAcceleration is inversely proportional to mass according to Newtons Law:F=ma
It is correct when we throw object upward. But when object coming downwards acceleration is directly proportional to mass of object. If the mass of object is more then the acceleration of object will increase.
Thanks & Regards,
Selecting optimum frequency using dynamic positioning parameter in Underwater WSN [PDF] N.Haritha,Y.JayalakshmiUnderwater transmission has turned out an outstanding investigation field for underwater navigation, in-depth ocean research, and automatic submarine vehicles control Acoustic communication is a highly flexible and broadly used method underwater because of the below (signal minimization) noise in the water. The operation of the undersea acoustic communication (UWAC) framework is challenged due to aspects such as limited available bandwidth, time-intersections medium conditions, long-term delay delays, Doppler spreads, salt and various pressure conditions. Significant use of Under-Water Wireless Sensor Networks' (UWSN) underwater military surveillance and underwater research. With the current innovation, the framework of sensory networks was reborn in a new era of global business monitoring. This development of projects paved the way for the disclosure of new open-air facts within the realm of marine life, deep sea areas and ice sheet exploration. This function provides an in-depth package transfer strategy to improve coverage and communication between visual senses under the hidden ocean. The scientific model is used to show the changing changes in the ocean. The channel model has been developed considering all the underwater channel structures. AUVs go on associated to a cluster-based network and an efficient cluster-based route protocol (CBRP) is used to transmit 3-D AUVs. By selecting the correct routing frequency transmission, the entire network life time is extended with minimal route delays. The CBRP method is used to limit channel damage due to its potential against excessive transmission power and recycling. The simulation results of the proposed algorithm show better connectivity and integration between surveillance AUVs and local connectivity.
Enteral and parenteral nutrition [PDF] Fatma El-Zahraa S. EL-MohamadyThe aim of this research was to establish guidelines that will promote safe and effective use of enteral and parenteral nutrition. Our goal is to enhance the nutritional status of our patients and so drive improved clinical outcomes. These guidelines include initiation, follow-up, monitoring and modification of enteral and parenteral nutrition.