Volume 13, Issue 12, December 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
Publication for Volume 13, Issue 12, December 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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Glimpses of Precision Agriculture Using Hydroponics [PDF] AjuSaigalDue to huge demand on water resources
and subsequently food supply, many new
trends in the farming innovative
methods which include a complex
agricultural production system have
been evolved. The technology
Hydroponics plays very crucial role in
this modern era. Plants will grow under
optimal conditions like nutrient,
temperature, and ph. In this technique
oxygen is influenced into the nutrient
solution, allowing the roots to absorb
nutrients quicker and more easily. This
facilitates stimulating the rapid growth,
preventing algae formation and resulting
high yields. Different kinds of sensors
capture the information in real time and
send to the Blockchain and update the
relevant data that they have captured.
Using the innovative technologies, it
helps the farmers to increase their
agricultural production with minimum
environmental footprint. In this paper
we discuss the process of precision
agriculture using Internet of Things with
the Blockchain concepts and monitoring
the growth of the plants via web
Advancement in Medicinal plants transcriptomic approaches for deciphering bioactive secondary metabolites [PDF] Awais ALi∗, Umar Khitab Khan, Muneeba Aslam, Waseef UllahBackground: Plants have been used for medical purposes for centuries, having cures and treatments for many diseases. They developed in the 19th century, which slowed most of the problems of the modern era. Transcriptome treats diseases to improve crop yield to produce better-designed crops in the breeding program. The Transcriptome classifies organisms based on their transcriptomic approaches, which leads to the development of drugs and medicine.
Main body of the abstract:The review aims to elaborate on all the approaches and gaps in plant transcriptome and NGS to retrieve all possible gaps and medicinal value of the transcriptome approaches in Arabidopsis, Salvia miltiorrhiza, and Artemisia .In addition We will focus on transcriptome technologies and bioinformatics tools to approach medicinal plants, which are used for medical purposes like anti-inflammatory, anticancer, anti-aging, etc., and disease resistance compounds and to improve fruit quality (i.e. fruit shape, sweetness, flavor, and size)
Conclusion: To be concluded This study will point out the potential of genetic, evaluation of transcriptome data to enhance the discovery of the medicinal compound in new organisms,
End user Acceptance a Key to ERP implementation in Higher Education [PDF] Prof. Dr. M.K. GandhiInformation resources of various process of the Academic institutions are integrated using Enterprise Resource Planning software. This paper is going to analyze the essence of End-user acceptance in ERP implementation in the Higher education. The issues cov-ered include the usage of the software by various stakeholders, users and the process owners, extent of deployment, benefits de-rived from implementation. Understanding the expectations of the end-users and creating the features and analytics based on the end-user requirement thus ensure complete acceptance of the end-user
Revitalizing the environs of historical core of thanjavur [PDF] Priyadharshini SThanjavur, one of Tamil Nadu's heritage towns has many significant tourist places in its historic center for heritage lovers. It is rich in art and culture that represents the ancient
ancestral heritage and cultural heritage that percolated into the modern era. The heritage components of historical fort and temples are locally, naturally, regionally significant. The Thanjavur has unique art comprises of the classical Carnatic music, the exquisite paintings, cultural events, religious festivals and exotic cuisines. It is linked to environmental integrity, economic efficiency and resources for present and future generations. Heritage tourism as an outcome of urban renewal in historic areas is an economic development tool designed to attract visitors to an area based on the unique aspects of the locality’s history, landscape and culture. This dissertation aims to incorporate the cultural landscape as an approach to sustainable
restoration of Thanjavur's heritage site and takes a holistic approach to understanding the city's historic district and natural landscape, where historic buildings are situated.
This study comprises of three parts. The first part is related to the basic data of historical place to enhance the image & identity of the historical core of Thanjavur. The study mainly focuses on background study of Thanjavur which is Evolution, Hydrology, Geology & topographical feature of landscape character and components social, cultural and economic setup. And also, identification of issues & problems in the heritage site of Thanjavur.
The second part comprises of the study about Understanding the guidelines of heritage areas and the case studies of conservation & landscape development of historical sites with respect to similar context. This study would help to understand how to approach the historical heritage site and process of issues identification. And also a solution can be given for revitalization with their respective case studies.
Finally, the study culminates in the vast analysis and understanding about the cultural landscape. Based on the case study analysis, a Guidelines and Policy can be provided to revitalizing the historical core of Thanjavur.
Parents' willingness to enroll their children in preventive dental care programs in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. [PDF] Rania Abdulbagi, Shahd A sagaf, Maha Linjawi, Hibah Al-Ahmadi, Roba Derini, Suleiman Fakeera, Maha Linjawi.Abstract—Background: Preventive dental care is intended to reduce the likelihood of development of tooth decay. Parents have an essential role in ensuring that their children receive the suitable preventive dental care, and their decisions affect the well-being of their children. therefore this study aimed to investigate parents' willingness to enroll their children in preventive dental care programs in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Methods: This study is cross-sectional study, was conducted among the parents in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, during November and December, 2022. The study was carried out using self- administered questionnaire consisting of a cover page and four main sections was distributed to parents in Jeddah region online. Results: The study included 113 parents, 69.9% of them were mothers. Only 38.1% knew the meaning of preventive dentistry, 21.2% were have been notified of Preventive Dental Care Programs for Children. 76.1% would like to enroll their child in a preventive dental program. 30% thought that cost of dental care may prevent them from enroll their child in a preventive dental program. Conclusion: parents in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia have a good attitude towards the preventive dental care programs for their children, and they revealed their desire to enroll their children in such programs.
Dynamic response of human foot in vertical body position at varied frequencies [PDF] Muhammad Salman, Sidi. O. Benlamhidi, and Jamiu. A. OgundimuHuman bodies are often exposed to vertical vibrations when they are in the workplace or on vehicles. Prolonged exposure may cause undue stress and discomfort in the human body. At the whole-body resonant frequency, there is maximum displacement between the organs and the skeletal structure, and which is the frequency of vibration that should be minimized in the workplace and elsewhere. By testing the response of the human body on a vibrating platform, many researchers found the human whole-body fundamental resonant frequency to be around 5 Hz. However, in recent years, an indirect method has been proposed which appears to increase the resonant frequency about 9 Hz. To explain this discrepancy, experimental work was carried out at KSU. The vertical whole-body resonant frequencies of fully clothed standing humans were measured using a vibrating plate method, which imposed a very low acceleration magnitude at the subjects’ feet. The overall range of resonant frequencies was found to be from 9 to 19 Hz and independent of mass, height, and mass to height ratio.
Gender Mainstreaming in Planning and Implementation of Farm-to-Market Road in Pili, Camarines Sur [PDF] Raquel M. Reapor, PhDThis study determined the status of gender mainstreaming in planning and implementation on the farm-to-market road (FMR) of the six barangays in Pili, Camarines Sur. It utilized qualitative and quantitative data analysis on the research questions. Specifically, it determines the number and percentage of involvement or participation of women and men farmers in the conceptualization and design of FMRs, determines the employment generated by the FMRs, the number, and percentage of farmers who were employed during the construction phase of FMRs, farmers who have access to FMRs and determine the effect of FMRs to the time use and gender roles of female and male farmers.
The results showed that In the involvement or participation of women and men farmers in the conceptualization and design of farm-to-market roads, the data from 276 male respondents, 34 or 12.32% partly participated, 47 or 17.03% fully participated. In contrast, 195, or 70.65%, do not have any participation. Of the 202 female respondents, 25, or 12.44%, partly participated, 40, or 19.90%, fully participated, and 137, or 67.82%, did not participate. The FMR's employees are mixers of cement, gravel, and sand, sand and gravel collector workers, water fetcher, and Road constructor. There are no female workers employed in the jobs generated by the FMRs. The farm-to-market roads accessed by men and women give ease for having public transport services. The farm-to-market roads give a significant time difference or time saved compared to the absence of the farm-to-market roads. The male and female farmers used this difference or time saved for production, Reproduction, and community engagement.
THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A MOBILE WASTE INCINERATOR FOR AGRO COMBUSTIBLE WASTES [PDF] Olakunle O. JosephThis study presents the design and construction of an incinerator used for burning dried agricultural combustible wastes materials and to recover the ashes for domestic and industrial uses. Burning of agro wastes in open air causes fly ash and environmental pollution. Ashes are stressful to collect except when materials are burnt in closed chamber. It became difficult and more expensive to collect wastes around farm at a point. Effective, economical and environmentally friendly waste management method was needed on the farm. These wastes management challenges resulted into design and fabrication of a mobile waste incinerator. The incinerator was fabricated using 2 mm thick sheet metal to fabricate the body and the ash tray. The tray has a handle for pulling it in and out. Other components included angle iron, metal mesh, chimney, metal handle, thick pressure gas cylinder. The mobility of the incinerator was achieved through four trolley tyres at the base. The combustion chamber is made of thick sheet of metal with high refraction properties. The incinerator has a waste charging point at the top. The incinerator fire is supplied by Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) to burn wastes quickly in the combustion chamber and prevent long burning process reducing the releases of flue gas. Subsequently, the flue gas escaped through the chimney welded to the top of the incinerator. The ashes dropped into a collector tray of volume 0.0296 m3 and dimension of 0.62 m x 0.596 m x 0.08 m. The incinerator was designed to treat a bulk waste of volume of 0.455 m3. and dimensioned to be 0.62 m x 0.596 m x 1.23 m. The dimension of the incinerator is 0.62 m x 0.596 m x 1.456 m and a volume of 0.538 m3 including the ash chamber. The design and fabrication of this waste green technology incinerator resulted into an effective method of wastes management in the farm and converted wastes into useful ashes. The efficiency of the mobile incinerator is 72.6%. The mobility concept of the incinerator reduced the stress and cost of transferring wastes to the disposal and burning point. Environmental pollution was reduced as fly ash was prevented by the fiber flue gas filter installed at the top of the chimney.