Volume 13, Issue 11, November 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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Feasibility Study on Offering Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness (BSAB) Program in Sorsogon State University, Castilla Campus [PDF] Susan F. Astillero, PhD., Rochele N. Aragon, Desiree Joy B. Agripa, Rosalie B. GabitoThis study aimed to determine the profile of the participants and identify the strengths and weaknesses on the feasibility of offering the Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness (BSAB) in Sorsogon State University, Castilla campus. Utilizing descriptive method using survey questionnaire, the data were gathered from 772 participants in six feeders’ schools of Castilla campus as well as to different agencies in Sorsogon province. Supplemental informal interview was also conducted to the representative participants and documentary analysis to validate the data gathered. Statistical tools such as mean, rank and percentage were used to determine the quantitative result of the study.
Results revealed that participants agreed that offering the BSAB program has benefits and advantages to the students, to the community and to different agribusiness sectors in the province and beyond. They also agreed that program is highly needed in the economic industries in the country and the world. Student-participants also declared their intentions to enroll in the program due to its offered economic opportunity. As to the management, market demand, financial, and operational aspect of the program, results showed that offering the program is viable.
In conclusion, offering BSAB program is feasible based on the participants’ responses. Faculty complements are also observable following the minimum requirements stated in BSAB CMO 24, 2. 2007. The physical plants and facilities and the laboratories are also available to support and sustain the program. The proposed program is also aligned to the university mandate and to the six years strategic development plan of the university.
Regulation of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Colorectal Cancer [PDF] Sudip DasAbstract: MMPs are produced by a number of numerous cell types. Their main function is to degrade the various components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) of mammalian system. Recent studies showed the significance of MMPs as regulators of extracellular matrix signalling networks. Due to the broad spectrum of their substrate specificity, MMPs contribute to the homeostasis of many tissues and participate in several physiological processes, such as bone remodelling, angiogenesis, immunity and wound healing. MMP activity is tightly regulated at the transcriptional level as well as by the endogenous tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs). Dysregulation of MMP activities leads to pathological situations such as arthritis, inflammation and cancer, thus emphasize MMPs as promising therapeutic targets. Colorectal cancer (CRC) is becoming prevalent in developing countries out of all cancers. The family of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) plays a critical role in the initiation and progression of CRC. MMPs have been detected in CRC patients, and the expression of most of them correlates with a poor prognosis. Moreover, many studies have explored the inhibition of MMPs and targeted therapy for CRC, but there is not enough information about the role of MMPs in the malignancy. In this review, the role of MMPs in colorectal cancer (CRC), its pathogenesis and regulation to combat the CRC has been explored. Many researchers have demonstrated that MMPs and TIMPs are especially important in the process of tumour invasion, progression and the metastasis of colorectal cancer (CRC). It has been proposed that MMPs and TIMPs might play a part not only in tumour invasion and initiation of metastasis but also in carcinogenesis from colorectal cancer. Overexpression of MMPs and TIMPs are associated with increased survival in colorectal cancer, presumably as a result of an inhibitory effect on angiogenesis. Based on the assumption that MMPs were responsible for metastasis, several orally active, low molecular weight inhibitors of MMPs (MMPIs) have been developed. These MMPIs have been effective in controlling cancer progression and have prolonged survival in patients with advanced cancer. MMPIs have not yet been evaluated effectively in patients with colorectal cancer.
Optimization of Isolation Protocol for cell free DNA [PDF] Sajid Ali, Asif Mir, Syed Hussain, Hasan ShujaThe purpose of the study is to optimize cell free DNA extraction method and compare them with the existing protocols, some of the methods are costly and have limitations. This paper is going to overcome the limitations by simplifying the ex-traction methods. To optimize the protocol, we extracted cell free DNA with different methods and compare them with the existing protocols. The results of the study demonstrates that the quantity of cell free DNA by our method were high com-pared to existing protocols, the success of our method over existing protocol are, that the whole process can be performed in room temperature and also the isolation of cell free DNA from the healthy individual.
The study suggests that the optimization of the protocol overcome many crucial areas like, keeping cell free DNA in low temperature, high cost, time consuming methods
ML Based Movie Recommendation System [PDF] Peteti Harsha,Sidharth K,Mohammed Fazil KIn this fast-paced world, we all need entertainment to keep our spirits up and our energy levels up. We regain our confidence in work as a result of entertainment, and we may work more enthusiastically as a result. We might rejuvenate ourselves by listening to music or watching movies of our choice.We may use movie recommendation systems to find good movies to watch online.which are more dependable, because finding favoured movies will take an increasing amount of time It can't be afforded to be squandered.To improve the quality of a movie in this document a hybrid approach combining content-based filtering and recommendation system Support Vector Machine as a classifier and a genetic algorithm are used in collaborative filtering.The recommended technique has been described, and comparison results have been displayed.
Performance and Analysis for the Vibration Reduction of Steering Wheel Assembly of Agricultural Tractor [PDF] Limesh V. MahajanOne of the most important aspects of agricultural tractor operator comfort is the absence of steering wheel vibration. Tractor vibration control concerns are being investigated as part of this project's management remit. When trying to pin down the root of a problem, the planning and study of the controlling system is crucial. The steering vibration of a Power trac 439 DS was studied. To reduce tremors, the tuned mass damper idea is used. Testing is performed on a variety of damping materials to see which is most effective in reducing vibration, and the outcomes are dissected in MATLAB Simulink utilizing a two-level of-opportunity model that is exposed to an essential feeling.
Isolating the tractor's steering box from the wheel improves the vehicle's ride quality and makes the driver more comfortable by decreasing hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS). A damper may be used to lessen the amount of vibration felt by the driver at the agricultural tractor's steering wheel.
Index Terms—Steering Wheel, Vibration, Frequency, Damper
Analysis of The Effect Of Current Ratio, Debt To Equity Ratio, Total Assets Turnover and Return on Equity on Bond Ratings on Banking Subsector Companies Listed on The Indonesia Stock Exchange for The 2016-2020 Period [PDF] Randi AlfianThe purpose of this research is to look into the relationship between bond ratings and the current ratio, debt to equity ratio, total asset turnover, and return on equity. Secondary data for a 5-year observation period is used in the research. Purposive sampling was used, with all banking corporations listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and ranked by PT. Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia that met the criteria serving as a sample. Ordinal logistic regression with cross section data was used as the analytical method in this study. The findings revealed that the current ratio, total asset turnover, and return on equity all had an impact on bond ratings, whereas the debt to equity ratio had no impact
mars mission within 1 month [PDF] Felix3 idea's may help to reach mars within 1 month
1. Use atmospheric oxygen instead of oxidizer.
2. Fix retrorockets in upper stages of rocket and take the upper stage of rocket to outer space by accelerating the rocket using retrorocket and earth gravity. Then fire the upper stage of rocket. It will give full speed of rocket without gravity, payload and atmospheric resistance.
3. The travelling distance will reduce when speed increases.We can launch the rocket when earth goes close to mars.
Design and Development of Multifaceted Intravenous Therapy Monitoring System [PDF] Abdul NurudeenThe design in this context is the implementation of a transceiver incorporated with an embedded system, used in monitoring the level of liquid, blood in the drip bags. Once the liquid in the drip bag has gone below the expected value, the system will automatically notify the control room by reporting its operational services and which wards to be attended to, through wireless medium. Other extension system services were included, where computer was interfaced with the system, using computer virtual imaging to access the intravenous system
MEASURING THE IMPACTS OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY ON LEARNING IN NIGERIAN TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS [PDF] OLAWALE O.A, AKINTUNDE M. O., RASHEED, S.L. ADESIYAN, A. A. AND OJO, T.O.This study focuses on the evaluation of the impacts of Information and Communication Technology on students learning in tertiary institutions, Oduduwa University, Ipetumodu, Osun State was used as a study institution. The data used in the study was collected using questionnaire. In all 120 questionnaires were administered out of which 110 were retrieved. The factors considered are the availability, accessibility and user-ability of Information and Communication Technology resources of the Institution. Statistical Packages for Social scientist was used to analyse the data collected. All results obtained were tested at 5%ï¡ï€½ level of significance. The results show that the ICT support on ground resources in the University is adequate because of the available number of computers, the tutors and computer laboratories are highly accessible at all time. Furthermore, the study reveals that the students were well orientated on the usefulness of ICT. In conclusion, it is important to provide more computers and accessories for the institution. ICT access should be improved upon more than the level of Microsoft Office Packages
Anomalous Appearance Of The World At High Velocities: A Mathematical Approach [PDF] Mohd. SaleemAccording to “ Special Theory of Relativity â€, Time and space appear different to observers in relative
motion. When an object is in motion it’s length gets contracted, this contraction is known as â€Lorentz
Contractionâ€. “ Lorentz Contraction †occurs in the direction of motion of the observer and no contraction occurs in the direction other than that of motion of the observer. But, is it the only contraction?
Thus, my aim is: to prove the existence of a spatial contraction other than Lorentz Contraction and devise mathematical and philosophical understanding of it. After doing derivations using results of Special
Relativity(like Lorentz Contraction etc.), we have achieved the result that, when an observer is moving
with constant velocity with respect to the space around it, the space ahead of him appears to be curving
or warping in and the space behind him appears to be curving or warping away. We also derived the
equations of Apparent path, whose one of the corollary is the perspective of photon, which says that the
world appears to be stopped to a photon. In short, We have concluded that there exists a contraction
and an unexpected expansion of space as viewed by a person in constant motion.
Our result and equations can be used in many areas of high motion imaging. For instance, it can be
used to increase the accuracy of â€Radar targeting of fighter jetsâ€.
Education in Emergencies: Concepts and Practice [PDF] Abdikadir Issa FarahThis paper researches principles and standards set for implementation of Education in Emergencies together with case studies and experience related to exercises that took place at different contexts in emergencies. The paper will present how practices are fitting into the prerequisite systems developed for implementation of Education in Emergencies.
Automatic Access Control System using Deep Learning for Covid-19 [PDF] HARI KUMAR K , JOTHI SWAROOPAN N MCovid-19 pandemic has led to a change in lifestyle of everyone around the world. As a part of those changes wearing a mask has been a very important strategy to suppress transmission and save lives. Detection of people who are not wearing mask and screening the temperature of people before entering a particular place is considered to be crucial when done manually. This system assist in preliminary screening of people entering offices, schools, malls.,etc by measuring surface temperatures and detecting the presence of face masks. The proposed system also counts the number of people that come in or out of your door thus maintaining the maximum occupancy threshold value. The proposed system allows to monitor the people without having any physical contact with them. The temperature detection of people entering a particular place is achieved by using a temperature sensor with Arduino. Various libraries of python such as opensource computer vision library, keras and tensor flow are used for face mask detection. In Deep learning ,convolution neural network are used to train the models. The occupant counter limit is achieved by counter principle using bi-directional infrared sensor with arduino.
Study of shears in an artery affected by a stenosis or an aneurysm with the presence of two or three Isotropic invariants by using string rule approach [PDF] Jérémie Gaston Sambou, Edouard DioufIn this research work we have proposed to study shears that can be observed in
an artery affected by stenosis or aneurysm. A kinematic of transformation of
those deseases was given and some tensors and isotropic invariants was calcu-
lated. we used the string rule to determine equations of shear derivative with
an application on a compressible and isotropic model. In the one hand with
the absence of one isotropic invariant, the exitential conditions and solutions of
shear was given: five solutions were found where two are complex which are pure
imaginaries and three are reals. In the other hand the generalization of the study
mean with the presence of the three isotropic invariants gives only two complex
solutions, existential condition is also given. The numerical simulation of real
shear solutions shows difference between them and allowed us to find that there
are two real solutions which better describes the shear in a stenosis or aneurysm
Design and assessment of Local Real-World Drive Cycles for Electric Vehicles [PDF] Essam Alam, Ibrahim Ahmed, , Kareem Hussein and Khaled AbdelwahedRecently much research has been conducted, especially in Europe and the US, aiming to identify typical driving patterns on different road types. The main reason has then been to assess in which way, and to what degree, vehicle energy consumption is affected by different driving patterns and situations. to identify typical levels of speed, acceleration, and road grade attributed to different road types, such as; crowded driving roads (sub-city), urban driving roads (city), Rural and High-Way driving Roads (high-speed motorway driving), to design real-world drive cycles in Egypt and assess it with the comparison of real-world drive cycles such as United States (US) and Europe (EU) Drive cycles. typical driving distances, Speed, and acceleration will be investigated since the range is an important design factor for a BEV. it has been found that the acceleration parameters for the designed real-world drive cycle have significant change by comparing with the other cycles, for the distance and the speed are varying for all cycles.