Volume 13, Issue 11, November 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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Detection and Ranging) technology.Technology
development has made LiDAR a well-liked sensor
nowadays. Automation,agriculture, archaeology
,marine, and the quantification of various
atmospheric components are all fields where
LiDARs are presently utilised. This seminar
include LiDAR's operation as well as its
types, development, and various applications with
respect to marine field. LiDAR measurements can
be used to create 3D digital representations of the
area in front of the sensor as well as distance
calculations from various objects in space and draw
the 3D digital representation of the area in front of
LiDAR. LiDAR mapping is a well known
technique for quickly generating precise geo-
referenced spatial data about the Earth's
shape and surface features. LiDAR mapping
systems and their underlying technology have
recently progressed, allowing scientists and
mapping professionals to investigate natural and
built environments at sizes never before feasible,
with greater accuracy, precision, and cost
effectively provide the best aspects of the culture of
human civilization.
Utilization of HDPE Waste in Asphalt Concrete Mixture AC-WC with Recycled Aggregate using Fly Ash and Rock Ash as Filler [PDF] Yogie Risdianto., Purwo Mahardi., Diansyah Pratama PutraThe development of all aspects in Indonesia at this time does not rule out the possibility also due to the increasingly rapid development of roads in Indonesia. This development was also accompanied by the need for material, the majority of which came from nature. One type of pavement used in Indonesia is Laston AC-WC. More and more heavy vehicles result in road damage. The solution is to dredge it using a tool called a cold milling machine which results in what is called Reclaimed Asphalt Concrete. The use of RAP can be a solution so that the use of natural resources does not increase. In addition to using RAP as a recycled material, HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) plastic waste is used which has stiff characteristics, this stiffness can improve pavement quality to minimizeruttingat high enough temperatures. In this study, it is reviewed how the effect of adding RAP, HDPE, and fly ash filler will be compared with test objects using filler rock ashInfluence seen in the results of asphalt characteristics through the Marshall test in the form of stability, flow, VIM, VMA, VFB, and MQ. The KAO was obtained using filler of 5%% with details of the marshall test results being Stability 1244.68 Kg, Flow 3.48 mm, VIM 4.98 %, VMA 15.2%, VFB 68%, and MQ 370 Kg/mm. In the specimens using fly ash filler KAO was obtained at 5.5% with details of the results of the Marshall test Stability 1142.19 Kg, Flow 3 mm, VIM 4.8 %, VMA 15.55 %, VFB 69 %, and MQ 359 Kg/mm. The results of adding HDPE with levels of 0%, 1.6%, 1.8%, 2%, 2.2%, and 2.4% obtained optimum plastic content results in the test specimens using filler of 1.8% with the results of the Marshall test, Stability 1282.01 Kg, Flow 3.5 mm , VIM 4.75 %, VMA 15.75 %, VFB 71 %, and MQ 360 Kg/mm. For the specimens using fly ash filler , the optimum plastic content yield was 1.8% with details of the marshall test results namely Stability 1249.55 Kg, Flow 3.75 mm, VIM 4.51 %, VMA 15.3 %, VFB 69.5 %, and MQ 340 Kg/mm. All results have met the General Specification Standards for Highways Division 6.
Legal Power of Girik Land Holders for Girik Holders in the Indonesian Legal System [PDF] Napoleon TampubolonThe Republic of Indonesia as a legal state based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia guarantees legal certainty. Land has a big role in the dynamics of development, one of the efforts made by the state to fulfill the goal of increasing general welfare according to the 1945 Constitution, especially in the field of land is by issuing the Basic Agrarian Law or what is commonly called the BAL. Girik is proof of tax payment, not as proof of ownership of land rights, proof of ownership of land rights according to the BAL is a land certificate. This research is a form of normative research. What is meant by normative type research means that in this research, in addition to researching the contents of the legislation itself, it also finds the truth based on scientific logic from the normative side. Certainty is defined as a clear norm so that it can be used as a guideline or guidance for the community that is subject to this regulation. Girik who wish to have legal certainty must be registered first and become a land certificate. The purpose of land registration being held is to provide guarantees of legal certainty in the land sector.
Analysis of Conventional Imaging Techniques Used in Grading Diabetic Macular Edema [PDF] Savita Sheelavant, Preethi PatilThe most common and first among other disorders caused due to prolonged and untreated diabetic are retinopathy and maculopathy. These disorders effect the visual ability of human eye. India stands second contributing 30% population being affected by diabetes. This fact motivates towards the study of problem associated in this domain to design and assert the solutions through engineered technology. The present work is towards building a knowledgebase to understand the existing technology used in diagnosis by the ophthalmologist. The work acquaints with the commonly used imaging techniques, their advantages and disadvantages to support the future research to be carried out in right and efficient direction. The retinal diagnosis involves non-invasive procedures. The patients are administered with eye drops to dilate the pupil for better visualization of the internal structure of the eye. The most preferred imaging tools used by ophthalmologist are fundus imaging, fluorescein angiography, and optical coherence tomography. These tools are used for visualization of retinal pathologies such as microaneurysms, exudates (both hard and soft), hemorrhages, neovascularization, retinal thickness among others. Automating the diagnosis process aids the ophthalmologist in accurate and timely diagnosis as India suffers a drastic mismatch in the ratio of ophthalmologist to the population (1: 1,00,000).
Application of Microtremor to Identify Bedrock for Building Foundations (Case Study: Eastern of Diponegoro University, Semarang) [PDF] Rado Puji Wibowo, Dwi P. Sasongko, Sugeng Widada, Gatot YuliyantoIn this paper, we have analyzed and discussed the application of the microtremor method to identify bedrock beneath the soil surface. Measurements of 20 points have been carried out with a spacing of 150 m in the research area to the eastern of Diponegoro University. The result is a difference between the softer layer of soil and the harder soil layer beneath it with a difference in shear wave velocity below the surface. The value of the shear wave velocity in the area ranges from 220-3030 m/s. In the study area there are differences in the depth of bedrock at each measurement point, varying to a depth of 59 m. The wave velocity profile of all measurements can be used as a study of development plans in the area as well as a mitigation study.
Test Lines with Common Topology & Dynamic Allocation [PDF] Tarun BhartiAbstract— In CI/CD we need to always ensure green trunk & faster deliveries, In the DevOps model, testing is done continuously,We need to maintain multiple test topologies for multiple product variants.Apart from trunk we have multiple branches where CI runs in parallel.In Current CI environment we have One To One mapping between test case & test lines,as more and more branches increases in future we need to replicate the same test topology multiple times,which is not cost effective in terms of Setup Maintenance cost Opex,Real Estate Utilization,Power Consumption and Capex involved related to lab inventories.
In this whitepaper we propose the use of common test topology with dynamic allocation of testlines , where any test case can be executed on any testline available in the pool dynamically.Due to dynamic nature of testline allocation it improves the testline utilization & due to common test topology any test scenarios can be tested on any testline , N to One & we have a fallback to test the coverage in other available testline in case of any testline related failures .In this way we will have to maintain lesser number of redundant setups and will also ensure high availability of testlines.
Effect of innovativeness on the survival of Family Owned Manufacturing companies [PDF] MUHAYIMANA VICTOIRE A PhD CANDIDATEIn the majority of developing nations, family-owned manufacturing enterprises (FOMCs) are the primary forces behind the creation of jobs and the alleviation of poverty. Most global corporations began as family-owned businesses. Family-owned manufacturing enterprises (FOMCs) sector currently accounts for more than 50% of Rwanda's GDP. This is true despite the numerous problems surrounding this important industry, such as inferior performance compared to non-family businesses, a high death rate, particularly after the founder retires, and a shortage of funding, among other things. The goal of the study was to determine the effect of innovativeness on the survival of Rwandan family-owned manufacturing companies. Resource-based view theory and entrepreneurial orientation theory provided the theoretical foundation for this study. The focus of the study was on manufacturing family-owned businesses operating in Kigali City and registered with the Rwanda Standard Board (RSB) . The CEOs, directors, managers, and owned managers of the company were the responders. The quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics including mean, median, statistical deviation, and proportion using IMB software Statistical Packages for Social Scientists (SPSS) version 21.0 and Microsoft Excel. Data was acquired using a questionnaire. The correlational quantitative research design was employed. Content validity and construct validity were done, factor analysis was done using principal components analysis, and the alpha was between .565 and .854 with the thresholds of 0.5 indicating construct validity. Correlation analysis and regression analysis were used in inferential data analysis to evaluate the magnitude and direction of the link between the dependent and independent variables. Multiple regression analysis, along with the common normality testing ,experimental using extreme values, linearity testing ,homoscedasticity testing , reliability testing and multi collinearity testing were used to verify the validity of the hypotheses after fitting regression models
Effect of Video Demonstration Method on Skills in Chemistry Practical [PDF] Mrs. Shubham Rajesh PatilThis study was an experimental research in which a two group post test only design was selected. The study was conducted with 120 pupils studying in F.Y.J.C.(Science Stream)in Palghar District of Maharashtra State. In this study, experimental and control groups were used. Video Demonstration Method was used for the experimental group and Traditional Teaching Method was used for the control group. Conclusion showed that there is a significant difference in the results of experimental and control groups. Video Demonstration Method is more effective than Traditional Teaching Method.
Collaboration Analysis on The 2020-2021 National Research Priority (PRN) Program in Indonesia [PDF] Nurul S Fatmawati, Ari Wijaya, Tusy A Adibroto, Mely MaulidianiThe National Research Priority (PRN) is one of the strategies of the Indonesian government in boosting the economy through collaborative research among the government, universities and industry. This program is one of implementations of the 2017 - 2045 National Research Master Plan (RIRN) policy which contains a research roadmap in Indonesia for various strategic research focus areas. Research collaboration at PRN is expected to strengthen limited research capacity in producing quality output so that it can be utilized efficiently for its users. The study is intended to provide an overview of research collaboration at PRN on research achievements, especially those carried out in 2020 - 2021. This study is descriptive research by utilizing secondary data from Dashboard PRN website system and primary data from 2020 - 2021 PRN survey.
Based on the recapitulation of data collected on the Dashboard PRN, it shows that research collaboration at PRN 2020 - 2021 has been developed with the main output being intellectual property right (scientific paper and patents). Meanwhile, based on the survey results, the percentage of research collaborators is as follows: 52% with domestic industry institutions; 18% with domestic R&D institutions; 15% with universities; and the rest are individual research. Furthermore, the grouping of research product targets expected to be achieved in the collaboration includes: 66% Appropriate Technology Products (TTG); product with the advantage of being more economical/efficient as well as products for import substitution or increasing Domestic Component Level (TKDN) both have the same percentage:13%; and products with novelty or frontliner technology: 8%.
A Review on Effect of Saline water on Adhesive joints of Composites [PDF] (Madhavi Magi, B. V. Hubballi, Kiran Lakkam, Bheemraj R,Dharanish J, E G Mahesh)Fiber reinforced polymers (FRP’s) have been mainly used as a replacement for metals because of their better strength, stiffness, low specific weight, and corrosion resistance. It is used in almost every industry, including automotive, aerospace, and structural engineering. In the present scenario, these FRP’s adhesive joints are widely used because of their ease of fabrication, design flexibility, and uniform stress distribution in joints. Many environmental conditions affect these joints, like temperature, humidity, loading conditions, saline water, UV exposure, etc. Among these, saline water degrades the structural materials and adhesive joints used in its fabrication, leading to failure. In this paper, the effect of these environmental conditions and design parameters on adhesive joints used for FRP structures is studied. Many design parameters, like overlap length, adhesive thickness, and materials used as adhesives, have been reviewed. Research shows that joint behaviour mainly depends on optimal design parameters and environmental factors. The main focus of this article is a review of research on how the environment affects FRP adhesive joints and how they are used in marine and offshore applications.
Vitamin D (25OHD2) and Calcium status in Critically Ill Elderly patients and its association with clinicodemographic profile and clinical outcome [PDF] Dr. Abhishek Shukla, Dr. Amita Shukla, Ms. Pankhuri MisraABSTRACT
Aim: To assess the serum vitamin D and calcium status in elderly critically ill patients and to study its correlates and clinical impact.
Method: A retrospective record review of 267 elderly (>60 years) non-COVID ICU admissions was done. Demographic and clinical profile of the patients was noted. Vitamin D insufficiency, deficiency and severe deficiency was defined as serum vitamin D levels 20-29.9, 10-19.9 and <10 ng/ml respectively. Hypocalcemia was defined as S. calcium levels <8 mg/dl. History of daily milk intake, weekly sun exposure and vitamin D supplementation during last six months was obtained. Chi-square, ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient were used to analyze the data.
Results: Prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency, deficiency and severe deficiency was 18.4%, 57.3% and 24.3% respectively. Prevalence of hypocalcemia was 40.8%. Lower vitamin D levels were significantly associated with lower mean BMI, lower mean serum calcium levels and longer duration of ICU stay. There was a significant positive correlation between vitamin D levels and serum calcium levels. Failure to ensure daily intake of milk and get >2 hours weekly exposure to the Sun was significantly associated with vitamin D deficiency and severe deficiency. Intake of vitamin D supplementation during last six months had a protective effect against vitamin D deficiency and severe deficiency.
Conclusion: Vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency was widespread in elderly critically ill patients and was correlated with serum calcium levels.
Key words: Critically ill, Elderly patients, hypocalcemia, vitamin D deficiency, ICU outcome.
Experimental Study of Hydrogen Production Using Electrolysis Process Powered by Wind and Solar Energy [PDF] Faisal Rahman, M.S.K. Tony Suryo Utomo, Berkah Fajar T.K.One of the alternative energy storage media that is predicted to be the energy of the future as an effort to shift the energy production from conventional energy to renewable energy is hydrogen, due to its adequate energy content with high heating value (HHV) of 141 MJ/kg and several other properties that make it suitable for use as an energy storage medium. 95% of hydrogen gas production is currently dominated by fossil-based process. In this research, experiment will be carried out to produce hydrogen gas based on renewable energy using wind turbine and solar panels. The goal of combining these two energy sources is to complement each other's intermittent nature of each energy source. This experiment uses alkaline water electrolysis process with 30 wt% NaOH solution as the electrolyte and 316 L stainless steel as the electrode material used in the electrolyzer. The main objective of this study is to determine the overall system efficiency, electrolysis efficiency and the availability of wind energy and solar energy in the region. Semarang, Indonesia.
Automatic Face Mask Detection and Recognition Using Deep Learning [PDF] Fida Hussain DahriThe fast advancement of computer vision allows for human-computer interaction and has a broad range of applications. Since the first instance of COVID-19 was discovered, the worldwide battle against the pandemic has started. People's everyday actions, in addition to different research and conclusions by medical and healthcare professionals, have become critical in fighting the pandemic. In China, the government has adopted active and effective isolation and closure measures, as well as active public collaboration, such as making it unnecessary to remain inside and wear masks. China, the nation where the pandemic initially broke out, has now established itself as the world's model for epidemic prevention. Of course, people wearing masks deliberately isn't enough. Wearing masks in public areas still requires supervision. Real-world applications utilizing deep learning use deep learning as a critical component. Object detection is extremely important. currently, deep learning detection models and algorithms are using object recognition as their objective, which has achieved tremendous success in finding the object from an image. As this is the era of the COVID-19 virus, people frequently wear masks to cover themselves to minimize the transmission of the coronavirus. Because some portions of the face are concealed, this makes face identification is a very challenging job. In certain cases, traditional facial recognition technology is still inadequate, so it is very urgent to improve the recognition efficiency of the existing face recognition technology on masked faces, as masks are part of life from now for the next two to three years. This study proposes that, in this process, manual inspection be replaced with a deep learning method, and that YOLOV5, the most powerful objection detection algorithm currently available, be used to better apply it in the real world. For this study, First, we use the YOLO V5 to detect face masks. Using Face Net’s trained model, we looked at the images to determine whether the subjects were wearing masks or not. Two separate medical face mask datasets have been brought together in one dataset for research purposes. Mean IoU has been utilized to determine the best number of anchor boxes, hence improving the object detection process. The results showed that the Adam optimizer got an average of 81% accuracy. Finally, a related conclusion is offered in the research as a comparison study. The new detector outperformed related work in terms of accuracy and precision.
The robots engage in activities such as scrambling, rolling, soaring and climbing. These robots have an impact on libraries and the larger information (and social) environment in which we all live. Libraries have recently begun to provide access to robots and robot-related science technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education programs. Westport (Conn.) Library, for example, offers training for its two programmable humanoid small humanoid robots (NAO) robots, and the Chicago Public Library lends small, mobile Finch robots. The University of Rhode Island Libraries’ AI Lab hosts weekly “robot hoursâ€, during which students learn to control and program robots. Some aspects of library work are more likely than others to benefit from robots. According to Kim (2017), libraries can use humanoid robots to greet visitors and provide directions. Libby, a robot at the University of Pretoria Libraries in South Africa, already performs such tasks. Prior research has suggested the value of and the need to provide consistent research on Artificial intelligence. However, there is a lack of good instructors that are tailored to the academic libraries and library and information science disciplines. Interviewees identified the impacts of AI-powered robotics on search resource discovery, scholarly publishing, and on learning. Challenges included libraries being left outside the focus of development, ethical concerns, the intelligibility of decisions, and data quality. Some threat to jobs was perceived. A number of potential roles for academic libraries were identified such as data acquisition and curation, AI and robotic tool acquisition, and infrastructure building aiding user navigation and data literacy. Originality/value (mandatory) This is one of the first papers to examine current expectations around the impact of AI on academic libraries. The authors propose the paradigm of the intelligent library to capture the potential impact of AI on robots of Indo – African libraries. Tella (2020) noted that AI in humanoid robots is already available in libraries in both developed and developing countries, which is no longer news.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Impact of Robotic System (IRS) Academic Library (AC)
Impact of protein on milk quality and quantity [PDF] Vedant GhorpadeMilk is a liquid secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals to nourish their young for a period beginning immediately after birth. The milk of domesticated animals is also an important food source for humans, either as a fresh fluid or processed into a number of dairy products such as butter and cheese. Milk is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, particularly calcium. It has an important role in bone health. Nutritionists recommend that people have milk and other dairy products, such as yoghurt and cheese, every day as part of a balanced diet.
This study focuses mainly on the importance of protein in the diets of the cattle, mainly in the Indian dairy market.
Synthesis and Biological Activities Of Mixed Ligands Metal Imidazole carboxylates [PDF] Sumera Shabbir, Dr. syeda Robina GilaniCopper and Nickle metal complex with ligands as imidazole and benzoic acid derivatives are synthesised .For synthesis of complexes slow evaporation method is used that result in shiny crystals as a product complexes.These newly synthesised complexes of Cu and Ni are studied by FTIR spectroscopy and Uv analysis.After that biological activity of these complexes is checked and they are proven with having anti bacterial property.Therefore,these newly synthesised complexes can be used for anti bacterial purposes.