Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2013 Edition
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Modification in P/F ratio technique due to change in assumptions[Full-Text ] Manjul Mayank Pandey, Dr Rupam Tiwari.This paper makes some modifications in P/F ratio technique to estimate total fertility rate (TFR),due to changes in assumptions . William Brass technique of TFR is based on assumptions that the reference period error is independent of age. It means, the reported age pattern of fertility is correct but not upto the level. The reported CEB by the younger women is accurate and fertility has remained constant in the past. P/F ratio method given by William Brass is pioneer and mostly used. But this method assumes no decline in fertility in recent past. But the assumption of no decline in fertility in recent past, is not correct. Due to change in socio-economic condition of women, improvement in educational level and awareness in women, use of contraceptive and development in society, As evidence that fertility decline in India has been taking place. Thus, estimates of TFR by P/F ratio technique requires, some additional adjustment and modifications.
FDI AND ITS DETERMINANTS OF INDIA[Full-Text ] Mrs.Sisili.T, Dr.Elango.D Foreign direct investment (FDI) is recognized to contribute to benefits of economic and social development. Foreign direct investment (FDI) is an integral part of an open and effective international economic system and a major catalyst to development. FDI has become an increasingly more important factor of economic growth. Between 1986- 1989 and in 1995 the rate of FDI grew more rapidly than world trade in goods. Between 1973 and 1995 the value of FDI multiplied by more than 12 times, form $25 billion to $315 billion, while the value of commodity exports multiplied by about eight and a half times, form $575billion to $4900 billion. In many cases the value of FDI flowing into a country exceeds the level of official government aid to that country. In brief, while the value of international trade in goods is still far greater than the value of FDI, FDI plays an important role for economic development. The economic growth of foreign direct investment (FDI) in recent decades has generated three main current of thought which have attempted to explain this phenomenon. First the market imperfections hypothesis Kindle Berger (1969) Hymer (1972), which postulates that FDI is the direct result of an imperfect global market environment. Second, the internalization theory Rugman (1985 & 86), where FDI takes place as multinational replace external markets with more efficient internal ones, and third, the eclectic approach to international production Dunning (1986, 1988) where FDI emerges because of ownership, internalization, and location advantages. Foreign direct investment (FDI) has been one of the fascinating and intriguing topics among researchers in international business. It is one significant form of rapid international expansion to increase ownership of assets, derive location-specific advantages and acquire additional knowledge. In the existing empirical studies, the following model has been used to explain the determinants and its impact of SAARC nations. FDI and competitiveness suggest that the basic determinants of the inflows of FDI's are 3 key variables: Size of the market, Growth of the market and the exchange rate of the country. FDI t = ao +a1 GDP t-1 + a2 ? GDP +a3 (I/GDP) t-1 + a4 XR t + U. This research paper is trying to find the influence of determinants and its influence on FDI of India.
The Research of Qt_Embedded and Embedded Linux Application in the Intelligent Monitoring System Control[Full-Text ] N. SaiJithendra, D.Aruna kumari, Prof K V Murali MohanQt is a cross-platform application framework that is widely used for developing application software with a graphical user interface (GUI). It is currently produced by Nokia's Qt Development Frameworks division, which came into being after Nokia's acquisition of the Norwegian company Trolltech, the original producer of Qt. Qt uses standard C++ but makes extensive use of a special code generator (called the Meta Object Compiler, or moc) together with several macros to enrich the language. Non-GUI features include SQL database access, XML parsing, thread management, network support, and a unified crossplatform API for file handling.
Design and Implementation of pH Control System for Boiler Feedwater using Industrial Automation Techniques[Full-Text ] V.G.Vijaya, A.KumaraswamyAs the plant's boiler represent a large capital investment as well as a crucial portion of overall plant operations,it is essential to improve the life of the boiler.One of the parameter that affects the life of the boiler is the pH imbalance of boiler feedwater.The main objective of the control effort is to maintain the pH at areference trajectory in the presence of severe load changes in the feed water composition.This can be achieved by adding neutralizer of the required quantity.In this paper two artificial intelligent concepts are used for the pH control purpose.The Neural network model is used as an estimator of pH Value and the second one a fuzzy logic controller, used for dosing the optimum quatity of neutralizer.Both the estimator and the controller are built using MATLAB-SIMULINK and the results are analysed.
Social Networks and Online Communities in Higher Education[Full-Text ] Prasad Enagandula, Dr.A.Ramakrishna PrasadThe main purpose of this paper is to find out place of Social Networking tools in INDIAN higher education. The growth of social networking tools including Face Book, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace and Blogs are raised in almost top Universities, Colleges and a few in INDIA. According to the recent survey conducted by Mashable Social media on March 30, 2012, Online Networking tools are used by top Universities in the world like Harvard University, University of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Michigan, Stanford University and University of California. For example Harvard - which has more than 1.6 million on Face book and 107,000 Twitter users. All these University representatives agree that social networking tool is a great resource to engage with the student community. With this information author wants to integrate online networking tools with advanced technology to accommodate the student needs and to get practice not only in the University/College hours.Author demonstrates, via the example given, how assessment structures and strategies are the most effective focus when attempting to create the pedagogical affordances that might lead to collaborative learning and to improve results better.
RF MEMS Double Beam Lateral Switch Characteristics Analysis Using Neural Network[Full-Text ] S.Suganthi, K.Murugesan and S.RaghavanThis paper presents Artificial Neural Network (ANN) implementation for Mechanical modeling of Radio Frequency Micro Electro Mechanical System (RF MEMS) lateral double beam switch. We propose an efficient approach based on ANN for analyzing the static and dynamic characteristics of RF MEMS lateral switch by calculating its characteristics parameters. ANN model were trained with five learning algorithms and the results from the neural model trained by Levenberg-Marquardt back propagation algorithm are highly agreed with theoretical results. The neural network shows better results with highest correlation coefficient (0.5844) along with lowest root mean square error (0.0539).
CLOUD COMPUTING: THE BASE OF FUTURE OPERATING SYSTEMS[Full-Text ] A. S. M. Abdul KaderHistory says, before 1950 people used some detached programs for different computations. After that, those programs with some new features were packed on a base and the first Operating System emerged. Though with the course of time many things have changed, that base is remained unchanged. So the question, at first, comes is: what is that base? Actually, that base is made of a bunch of things. The limited memory, limited processing power, limited space etc. make that base. Now it's the time to add a prefix: 'un'; so that everything would be unlimited. To keep pace with the fastest world it's the time to change the base and to introduce 'Cloud Computing' as the base of Operating Systems.
Session Initiation Protocol [Full-Text ] Akbar Ali, Nehal Ahmad, Mohd Sharique Akhtar, Aditya SrivastavaThe Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), developed by SIP working group specified by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), peer-to-peer communication protocol to establish, manipulate, and tear down communication sessions at application layer. SIP covers all over the world's organization because of its recent applications, thus allowing the implementation of a number of features using SIP, such as video conferencing, peer-to-peer application, instant messaging and voicemail, online gaming. SIP makes it possible to easily connect the various components of an overall communications system, rapidly deploy applications, reduce costs, and improves customer service and employee productivity by simplifying your organization's communications architecture. The protocol is extensible that means developers can easily write custom applications for SIP to accommodate video and voice streaming, instant messaging and other emerging communications media and features. Using SIP, simple-to-develop and quick to deploy custom applications can be easily integrated into communications sessions. The SIP is a signaling protocol for initiating, managing and terminating sessions across packet networks. SIP sessions involve one or more participants and can use unicast or multicast communication. The SIP is text-encoded and highly extensible. SIP may be extended to accommodate features and services such as call control services, mobility, interoperability with existing telephony systems, and more. SIP is implemented in different wired and wireless networks, which has security issues.
An Acquiring Different Expression of Human Face Using Neural Network and Som[Full-Text ] Mr. EM.Ashok krishna and Dr. K. SubramaniEmotions take part in a vital task in human being to human being dealings. From past few years there is great improvement in interaction between human and computers in all aspects. So there is the need in understanding the emotion of human face for the computer in several applications. This paper shows acquiring all kind of face expression of human face using neural network and Som. Feature extraction from the image is difficult task such as extraction the checks, eyes, eye brows, nose etc., from the human face so an effective thing is need to extract the feature. The back propagation is used to extract the feature from human face. The mapping of high dimensional space into small dimensional number by grouping all similar elements together is said to be SOM. Here we were using two level of clustering algorithm in Som. The two-level stage forceful SOM are producing prototypes are first level and second level stage we are applying clustering to well performed and very fine accurate compared with proposed clustering method and which reduces the error compared with existing one.
CHARACTERIZATION OF COCOA (THEOBROMA COCOA) POD[Full-Text ] Adewole E, Ajiboye B, Ojo B, Ogunmodede O.T and Oso OCocoa pod is a waste product of cocoa seeds and have been found very useful industrially for making black soaps which are highly medicinal for treating various ailment. The oil of the pod was investigated to reveal the various compounds present in the oil, Essential fatty acids and other organic compounds were revealed by the use of Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrophotometer.
Use of Synchronous Motors for improving rpm control and start-up of Axial Compressors[Full-Text ] Vikrant Goyal, Sushank Sharma, Pankhuri AroraThe underlying paper deals with mode of operation of axial flow air compressors. Unlike the conventional axial compressors design that are driven by a motor or a turbine (in case of heavy machinery), the proposed model of the compressor uses synchronous motor arrangement for rotation and initial start-up. Blades will be made of magnetic materials or would be given magnetic coatings so that, blades can react to the induced magnetic field. This new model is expected to perform better and would have better speed control as that of conventional ones. The paper does not deal with any new design or configuration of the blades or blade profile. Magnetic materials and coatings would be discussed in later sections and also better ones based on various properties such as magnetic field strength, tensile strength etc. have been discovered as the fields of further research and development.
Analysis of the Techniques for Reducing PAPR in the OFDM System[Full-Text ] Medha Vijayvargia, Mamta Sood, Varsha RajoriaOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is an efficient method of data transmission for high speed communication. It is a wireless applications. PAPR reduces the system efficiency and hence increases the cost of the radio frequency (RF) power amplifier. In this paper, we analysis PAPR reducing method that include STM, PTS, Hybrid STM-PTS and clipping and differential by using simulation and result comparisons in a table.
Improve WiMAX Network Performance Using Cross-Layer Framework[Full-Text ] B.Kharthika,G.M.VigneswariWiMAX OFDMA downlink subframes have a special 2-D channel time structure. The resource allocations from this structure incur extra control overheads that hurt network performance. Existing solutions try to improve network performance by designing either the scheduler in the MAC layer or the burst allocator in the physical layer, but the efficiency of overhead reduction is limited. In this paper, we point out the necessity of "co-designing"(i.e.) both the scheduler and the burst allocator are combined. For that, we propose a cross-layer framework under the PUSC model. It covers overhead reduction, real-time and non-real-time traffic scheduling, and burst allocation .The framework includes a two-tier priority-based scheduler and a bucket-based burst allocator. By coupling these scheduler and burst allocator, it solves the problem of resource allocation for data traffic. By co-designing the scheduler and burst allocator, the scheduler can well utilize the frame space and, reduce IE overheads with the help of burst allocator. The burst allocator satisfy traffic requirements such as real-time delay constraints ,the burst allocator has to arrange bursts based on the traffic scheduling knowledge from the scheduler. and maintain fairness. Through analysis, the cross-layer framework significantly increases network throughput maintain its long-term fairness, alleviates real-time traffic delays, and enhances frame utilization.
Optimization of Injection Moulding Process using Taguchi and ANOVA[Full-Text ] Rishi Pareek Now a day's demand of plastics product is very high because of their better quality, design and appearance in comparison to other material product. The use of best operating parameters is needed to produce better quality of plastics product. This paper deals with the effects of parameters selection on injection moulding using Taguchi and ANOVA. The objective of this paper is to define suitable parameters in producing plastic product in term of strength. The paper describes the effect of temperature, pressure and cooling time. Plastic material polycarbonate was studied in this paper which commonly used in industries. The operating parameters have to be correct and can produce better product. There is changes occurs in product with change in parameters. Optimum parameter is related to the quality to produce product without defects such as short moulding, flashing and others. Plastic product (Tea Plate) of polycarbonate plastic material is produced with De-Tech85 LNC5 injection moulding machine with different melt temperature, injection pressure, and cooling time. Tensile strength test of each workpiece has done with Tinius Olsen H10K-T UTM. Each plate has shown different strength, surface finish and some differences in other properties. By using Taguchi and ANOVA an optimum value or the best value of melting temperature, injection pressure and cooling time is obtained.
Design Application to Encrypt and Decrypt of Sensitive Columns on Client Side[Full-Text ] Arafat Al-dhaqm, Dr. Majid BakhtiariMost of the corporations these days have suffering from many threats that try to breaches the confidentially and integrity of corporations databases. Insider and outsider attacks are some examples of these threats. Encryption, authentication and authorization are some of mechanisms that the corporations have been implemented, to protect their valuables information. However, the threats still growth day by day owing to the weaknesses and flaws in these mechanisms. This paper proposed an application, which encrypt and decrypt the database column on the client side. It encrypts data in the database column with variable length key. This key is unique for each data item even in same item; the key is not fixing, it based on the length of the plaintext which sent to the database item. The data will sent and saved to the database server as encrypted form. The advantages of this novel notion are: first, nobody can decrypt the data item outside of the application easily, due to the variable length of key. Second, the data will sent to the database in encrypted form, so the man in the middle cannot compromise intercept data easily. Third, the authorized entity on the server database such as DBA cannot tamper the data outside of this application.
FORMATION OF PLANT BATTERY FROM XEROPHYTES[Full-Text ] R.V.K. CharanPlants have got abundant bio-energy in form of electricity which is conserved mostly in their stem as food, and out of their different families the xerophytes' have got the maximum energy due to their high conservation of food owing to adeptness of dry condition. The conserved bio-electrical power is produced actually across their eukaryotic cells due to formation of infinite primary cells according to the Nerst theory of Electrode potential. Now, since the nature has cascaded the cells in different fashion i.e. against the Ohm's law of electricity it is not possible to get the whole power additively directly in natural fashion The present study is to harness the total conserved bio-electrical power in form of a simple Plant battery to operate low power electrical instruments. This is a step forward towards a new bio-source of non-conventional energy.
THE DAY-TO-DAY CRIME FORECASTING ANALYSIS OF USING SPATIAL-TEMPORAL CLUSTERING SIMULATION [Full-Text ] Dr. M. VijayaKumar, Dr. S. Karthick and N.PrakashThe use of GIS to grasp spatial and temporal patterns of crime offenses has become additional prevalent in recent years; GIS makes possible to optimize effectiveness within the reduction of crime and to extend the security of residents. Vital method offered through GIS is that the identification of crime hotspots, or crime locations with a high crime rate. The identification of crime hotspots in time might even time might even be awfully important; make possible in higher understanding of crime pattern build a criminal offence reduction display and conceding the strategic deployment of resources naturally and places after they will make the best distinction. Spatial-Temporal crime analysis plays a fundamental role in lots of security related crime forecasting applications. This research carried out to inquire into and calculate the efficiency of connecting spatial and temporal crime factors for repeated events in particular high density crime area. To exhibit the application of crime forecasting, this approach can be a practical analysis alternative in forecasting security informatics. In this paper used Tamil Nadu areas in India as a case study.
GSM Enabled Embedded System for Energy Measurement & Billing[Full-Text ] Mrs. S.H. Shete Mr. V.A. KulkarniBefore the advent of electronic Measuring system the procedure for measurement of electrical parameters was more tedious & time consuming. The man power required was more. The customer is supposed to pay first for mistakes done by the service providers & latter on struggle for the correct bill. The aim of the paper is to develop a measuring instrument that enhances the measurement of electrical parameter as well as send these parameters to service providers using GSM technology. The energy meter system can be incorporated with embedded microcontroller with GSM port to transmit the read data. This data can be then fed and integrated into existing energy management system located at power companies & organizations. GSM based energy meter is used for measuring & calculating energy. The results of this evaluation indicate that this meter is a realistic approach of the Energy measurement. It has high degree of accuracy and is also applicable for gas flow, water flow etc.
EFFECT OF DRYING AND BLANCHING PARAMETERS ON DRYING RATE OF 'POUNDO' YAM [Full-Text ] Shuaeeb Niyi Oyewole, Joshua Olanrewaju OlaoyeThis study was carried out to determine the effects of drying and blanching parameters on drying rate of 'poundo' yam. The 'poundo' yam was produced from white yam (Dioscorea rotundata) using an electrically powered experimental dryer. The product was dried to an average moisture content of 12 % w.b. The moisture loss and the drying rate were determined. The drying rate was subjected to statistical analysis using 3 x 3 x 3 factorial design to study the effects of drying temperatures (55 oC, 60 oC and 65 oC), blanching temperatures (80 oC, 90 oC and 100 oC), and blanching durations (10 minutes, 20 minutes and 30 minutes) on drying rate. It was observed that the drying temperature, blanching temperature, blanching duration and interaction between the three factors had significant effect on the drying rate at 5 % level of confidence. It is therefore established that increase in drying temperature irrespective of pre-treatment methods leads to decrease in drying time.
Simulation analysis of various P-I-D controller algorithms and their impact on design of Anti Lock Brake[Full-Text ] Dileep Kumar Bhoi, Devesh Singh Patel, Premananda SahooProportional Integral Derivative (P-I-D) is one of the oldest and most widely used control strategies in industries. Designing and tuning this controller is relatively easy and despite being very old strategy, is still in use in various industries for process control, automotive and aerospace systems. Several P-I-D tuning methodologies and empirical formulas evolved such as Ziegler-Nichols algorithm, Chien-Hrones-Reswick formula, Cohen-Coon formula etc. In this paper we are not discussing on the tuning aspect of PID controller but on the basic design configurations of various P-I-D and their impact on design of Antilock Brake (ABS) as a case study .There are three basic design approaches for a PID controller: Ideal, Parallel and Series. These three configurations are separately studied by using them as an Antilock Brake Controller and their impact on stopping distance and stopping time is analyzed.
Types of Malware and its Analysis[Full-Text ] Samanvay GuptaThe paper explores the still-growing threat of website malware, specifically how hackers compromise websites and how users become infected. The consequences of malware attacks-including Google blacklisting-are also explored with an introduction describing the evolution, history & various types of malware. Types of malware described include Virus, Worms, Trojans, Adware, Spyware, Backdoors and Rootkits that can disastrously affect a Microsoft Windows operating system.
IMPROVISING TRADITIONAL METHODS AND DEVELOPING NEW INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNIQUES FOR EFFECTIVE LEARNING OF PHYSICS[Full-Text ] Dr Meena LaadPhysics is the study of matter, energy and their interactions. It inspires young people and expands the frontiers of our knowledge about Nature. Physics generates fundamental knowledge needed for the future technological developments and improves quality of life by providing the basic understanding necessary for developing new instrumentation and techniques. But decreasing trend in the number of physics students at University level is a matter of concern in many countries around the world. The reason could be the general lack of understanding of the subject, it's inherent difficulty and reliance on mathematics which tends to discourage a student from studying physics. Teaching and learning physics are challenging tasks. While traditional methods have led to frequently disappointing results, new and innovative methods of teaching physics can be adopted to develop an interest among the students in learning physics. The aim of this article is to develop innovative practices in physics teaching, to motivate the students to learn physics and to improve the quality of physics teaching.
Wireless electricity : Dream of a wireless world[Full-Text ] Kundan KumarIt is simply impossible to imagine the world without electricity. And all of us know that the transmission of electricity is being done with the help of wires. The aim of this paper is to introduce a new system of transmitting the power without wires which is called wireless electricity or witricity, a term coined by Dave Gerding in 2005. Imagine juicing up of your laptop, cellphone and other electronic gadgets without plugging them into an electrical socket finally freeing us from that ubiquitous power wire. Some of these devices might not even require their bulky batteries to operate. That's a luxury that could be provided by witricity, a concept that has been bandied for decades but is creeping closer to become viable. Witricity is based upon coupled resonant objects to transfer electrical energy between objects without wires. The system consists of a witricity transmitter(power source) and devices which act as receivers(electrical loads). Using self-resonant coils consisting of an inductor along with a capacitor with it's own resonant frequency, in a strongly coupled regime, efficient non-radiative power transfer over distances upto eight times the radius of the coils can be achieved. This paper originally describes the idea of transmitting power without wires using resonant inductive coupling and also the variation of efficiency of power transmission with the increase in number of receiver coils.
PWM Soft Switched DC-DC Converter with Coupled Inductor[Full-Text ] R.Kavin, B.Jayamanikandan, R.Rameshkumar, S.SudarsanIn this paper, pulse width modulation soft switched DC-DC converter without high voltage & current stress is described. This converter does not require any extra switch to achieve soft switching, which considerably simplifies the control circuit. In this proposed converter, the switch is turned on under zero-current and is turned-off at almost zero-voltage condition. In this converter , it is desirable to control the output voltage by pulse width modulation because of its simplicity and constant frequency. The circuit is simulated using PSPICE and the output voltage is obtained as 100V for 50V input.
Effective Implementation of Problem Management in ITIL Service Management[Full-Text ] Kannamani. RThis Research paper is going to talk about the fundamentals and various factors about the Problem management Vs change Management under ITIL Based service delivery management like the Problem tickets are triggered from multiple incidents or from major incident. So in order to fix the defined problem we need to append the infrastructure/technology with the help of Change Management Process. But in real scenario what is happening is different.
Cavity Distribution in a Multi-strained AA5083 Product[Full-Text ] Samuel T. AdedokunCavitation in superplastically formed aluminum alloy 5083 (AA5083) material has been found to be dependent on factors such as tensile strain, stress, strain rate and temperature. In this work, the cavity size distribution in a multi-strained item produced through biaxial superplastic forming process is presented using Image Pro Plus analysis of the metallographs. It was generally found that there is an increase in the average number of cavity per unit area from the less-strained to the more strained regions of the product. Also, there is a significant textural homogeneity across the material as indicated in the inverse pole figures obtained through x-ray pole figure scan.
A Methodology for Validation of OCL Constraints Using Coloured Petri Nets[Full-Text ] Aakanksha SharaffUnified Modelling Language is the standard language for modelling the software architecture of a large scale application system. It makes a blueprint for the construction of software design. The different UML diagrams such as use case diagrams, activity diagrams, class diagrams, state chart diagrams, sequence diagrams, collaboration diagrams etc. prove to be quite helpful in System Analysis and Design. The most important diagram i.e., UML class diagram addresses the static structure of the system. It defines the attributes and behavior (operations) of the class. UML class diagram provides the structural behavior of the system but at the same time precision and details are also required for proper System Analysis and Design. In order to achieve this precision and detail, constraints have to be described. These constraints are invariants which are described by Object Constraint Language (OCL). OCL is a formal modelling language which is used with UML class diagram to model a system with a high abstraction level. These UML model associated with OCL needs to be verified to check whether it meets the user requirement or not. So, Coloured Petri Net (CPN) is used for model checking. CPN checks the dynamic behavior of the application. This paper develops a transformation approach to achieve precision and detail while modelling the behavior of the system. In order to describe this process, an example of Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) is illustrated.
Design of High Speed Vedic Square by using Vedic Multiplication Techniques[Full-Text ] G.Ganesh Kumar, C. Venkata Sudhakar, M.Naresh BabuDigital signal processors (DSPs) are very important in various engineering disciplines. Faster additions and multiplications are of extreme importance in DSP for convolution, discrete Fourier transforms, digital filters,etc. As in all the arithmetic operations, it is the squaring which is most important in finding the transforms or the inverse transforms in signal processing. The squaring operation occupies most of the computing time, therefore it is necessary to concentrate on the improvement of speed with which. Urdhava Triyakbhyam algorithm of ancient Indian Vedic Mathematics is utilized to improve its efficiency. This is a highly modular design in which smaller blocks can be used to build higher blocks. Vedic square is designed by using Verilog HDL coding and compared the performance with the modified Wallace tree in terms of time delay and area occupied on the Xilinx Spartan xc3s500e-5fg320.
Congestion-Free Elevator Control Using Microcontroller[Full-Text ] Poorvi Behre, Viveka Nema, Bhupendra BadoniyaThis work introduces a new solution of elevator controlling system which is based on microcontrollers. The purpose of this work is to design an effective elevator control system, which can be reprogrammed in a fashion to minimize the congestion on a particular lane by directing the lift on a particular floor using time management scheme. Present scope of the project is to provide an automatic congestion control and hence found its importance in various fields of applications. By the use of such design complexity of the system has been simplified. Control software was developed in C programming language, whereby the new system capacities could be demonstrated.
Quantum Physics[Full-Text ] Mr. Amir AnsariWhile researching quantum physics, I realized that I had just finished a book that was based on quantum theory. At the time, I didn't quite realize that quantum theory and quantum physics were interrelated. Niels Bohr once said, anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it. He believed this because quantum physics makes the common laws of classical physics false on small scales.First, quantum physics is the physics of the incredibly small. It tries to explain the behavior of even smaller particles such as protons, neutrons, electrons, and even the particles that make up those particles. Would you believe that the model of an atom taught to us in chemistry is about 70 years out of date? In fact, an atom isn't just a nucleus with electrons looping around it. Instead of having a fixed place for the electrons to be, quantum physics gives us a statistical probability of the electron s location at any one moment.
Proposal of Ultra-Wide Band Pass Filter by using DGS[Full-Text ] M. Jamal Azmi, Poonam BajpaiIn this paper, the reduced size of micro-strip line ultra-wideband band-pass filter is anticipated, this is based on periodic defected ground structure arrangement and micro-strip which is stub loaded. Cascading a high pass filter which has short circuited stubs and a Low pass filter which has non uniform DGS array these together are used to form an ultra-wideband band-pass filter. With ultra wide band-width of 8GHz the BPF worked from 3 to 20GHz .A sharp roll-off frequency and stop rejection of -30dB is detected. Lastly, the filter is made-up and measured. The EM-simulated and calculated results are proposed and outstanding arrangement among them is found.