Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2013 Edition
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Energy Efficient Data Transmission in MANET using Modified AODV Routing Protocol[Full-Text ] Prof.Mukesh Tiwari, Prof.Jaikaran Singh, Hardik TrivediIn this paper we are showing the energy efficient transmission in MANET using routing protocol AODV with some of modification so that in proposed technique there is good results obtain for same that can be shown using some of the characteristics of Ad-hoc network such as PDR, Average Jitter, No of Dropped Data packets, etc.
Ontology-based intelligent multi-agent for diet food recommendation[Full-Text ] K.Prakash, R.SivakumarA healthy diet and lifestyle are the most effective approaches to prevent disease. When a person eats too much or too little on a continual basis, the risk of disease will increase. Therefore, developing healthy and balanced eating habits is essential to disease prevention. This study proposes an intelligent diet food recommendation multi-agent (IDFRMA), including a personal profile agent, a nutrition facts analysis agent, a knowledge analysis agent, a discovery agent, a fuzzy inference agent, and a semantic generation agent for healthy diet planning. The IDFRMA provides a semantic analysis of healthy diet status for people based on the preconstructed ontology by domains experts and results of fuzzy inference. With the generated semantic analysis, people can get healthy information about what they eat and make it easier to eat a balanced and healthy diet. The experimental platform has been constructed to test the performance of the IDFRMA. The results indicate that the IDFRMA can effectively work for healthy diet planning.
Evaluation of Some Physical and Thermal Properties of Thevetia Peruviana (Apocynaceae) Nut as affected by Days of Storage[Full-Text ] Titus Adeyinka Ilori, Abuduganiy Olayinka Raji and Taofik Oyedele Dauda Study on evaluation of some physical and thermal properties of thevetia peruviana kernel (Apocynaceae) as affected by days of storage was conducted using a 100 randomly selected kernel collected from different fields in Ibadan. The average dimension of 3 principal diameters (major, intermediate and minor diameters) and average seed weight were 33.12mm, 17.77mm, 15.36mm and 6.79g respectively. There were no significant differences in the variation of the intermediate diameter, minor diameter, geometric mean diameter and sphericity. Geometric mean diameter and sphericity obtained are 20.81mm and 62.96% respectively while the coefficient of static friction on glass, stainless, mild steel surface, plywood (parallel to grain and perpendicular to grain) varied from 0.20 to 0.43. The dynamic angle of repose varied from 28.62° to 33.13° on these aforementioned surfaces. These properties are useful information in the handling and processing as well as design of processing equipment for the crop currently used as edge shrub in South-Western Nigeria despite its untapped potentials
Pyrimidines from the Philippine Marine Sponge Aaptos suberitoides[Full-Text ] Maria Alma D. Quiao, Mylene M. UyThe pyrimidines thymine and uracil were isolated from the ethyl acetate extract of the marine sponge Aaptos suberitoides collected in Kalangahan, Luga-it, Misamis Oriental, Philippines. The extract showed to be toxic against brine shrimp nauplii at LC50 of 954.99 ppm. It also displayed significant activities towards Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The elucidation of the structures of thymine and uracil were aided by spectroscopic techniques such as Fourier Transform - Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR), Ultraviolet Spectroscopy (UV), ESITOF Mass Spectroscopy (ESITOF-MS), 1-D (1H, 13C) and 2-D (COSY, HMQC, HMBC) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR).
Asymptotic Approach for Rectangular Microstrip Patch antenna with Magnetic Anisotropy and Chiral Substrate[Full-Text ] Patel RajeshThe effect of a chiral bianisotropic substrate on the complex resonant frequency of a rectangular Microstrip resonator has been studied on the basis of the integral equation formulation. The analysis is based on numerical resolution of the integral equation using Galerkin procedure for moment method in the spectral domain. This work aim first to study the effect of the chirality of a bianisotropic substrate upon the resonant frequency and the half power bandwidth, second the effect of a magnetic anisotropy via an asymptotic approach for very weak substrate upon the resonant frequency and the half power bandwidth has been investigated. The obtained results are compared with previously published work [11-9], they were in good agreement.
Experimental study on strength characteristics on M25 concrete with partial replacement of cement with fly ash and coarse aggregate with coconut shell[Full-Text ] R. NagalakshmiAn attempt has been made to examine the suitability of replacing the 20% of fly ash obtained from V.T.P.S; Vijayawada is common for all mixes with cement and simultaneously by replacing 10%, 20% and 30% of coconut shell as coarse aggregate for concrete of grade M25. Examine strength characteristics such as compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength of concrete mix are found for 7 days, 14 days, 28 days, 56 days of curing period and results are analysed and compared with the regular (conventional) mix. Test for grade as per specified procedure of IS codes. The materials are proportioned by their weight. The water cement ratio is obtained by conducting workability tests. The results found were comparable with that of conventional mix.
An Approach to Increase the Accuracy of Aboutness of Web Documents for Search Engines using OGP[Full-Text ] Amit Soni, Deepak Gupta, Ajay DadhichThis paper describes the potential use of the Open Graph Protocol (OGP) developed by the Facebook, to increase the accuracy of "Aboutness" of web documents available on World Wide Web, so that search engines can display highly accurate searches to end-users. This paper emphasis about the subjective analysis, the term "Aboutness", information organization by search engines on the web. This paper concludes in-depth understanding of the OGP and how it can help search engines to give optimized search results. Moreover OGP can help search engines to do better sentimental analysis rather than automated sentimental analysis and also helps to index in a better way. In the end it is argued that how social networking can help understand the author's views towards the article (web document) and the conclusion.
An Efficient Z-Source Inverter based Solar Power Generation System Fed IM Drive[Full-Text ] Sweeka Meshram, Ganga Agnihotri, Sushma GuptaThe increasing importance of fuel saving has been responsible for the revival of interest in alternative source of energy. Thus, the decentralization of power generation and increasing use of non-conventional energy sources has become essential to adopt a low cost generating system for operating in remote areas. With the renewed interest in solar power generation as an alternative energy source, the conventional Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) based Solar Power Generation System has not as much efficiency and reliability. Hence, in this paper, a most recent Z-Source Inverter (ZSI) based Solar Power Generation System for feeding static as well as dynamic load (induction motor drive) is proposed and implemented for remote and rural areas. In this topology, the conventional VSI is replaced by latest ZSI. The Z-Source inverter employs a unique impedance network coupled with inverter circuit. The ZSI have recently been proposed as an alternative power conversion concept as it has both voltage buck and boost capabilities. The developed system can provide ride through capabilities during voltage sags, reduces the line harmonics, improves power factor, increases reliability and extends output voltage range. Compared to conventional Voltage Source inverter (VSI) based Solar Power Generation System, the proposed system needs less PV cells and gives the superior performance. Simulation results are given to compare the behaviour of conventional and proposed topology and also demonstrate the new features of the improved topology.
Red Tacton : A Review[Full-Text ] Reena Antil, Pinki, Mrs. Sonal Beniwal"REDTACTON" gives a whole new meaning to the term "networking".It makes the human body as a communication network. HAN(Human Area Network). Body sensor networks are currently not very intuitive and not very reliable. In the last couple of years body coupled communications has been rediscovered after a period of disinterest.In this paper an overview of recent research into body coupled communications is given. It is a new personal areas network technology which uses weak electric fields on the surface of the human body, as a safe data transmission path, at speeds up to 10 Mbps. RedTacton involves initiating communication with a touch that could result in a wide range of actions in response. It does not rely on electromagnetic or a light wave to transmit data. Technically, it is completely distinct from wireless and infrared. Using a new super-sensitive photonic electric field sensor, it can achieve duplex communication over human body. In this paper we consider about red tacton, its working, principle ,different applications and future development of red tacton.
Implementation of Energy Efficient Clustering with BNS using Data Cube Aggregation Technique[Full-Text ] Sumit Chaudhary, Neha Singh, Nishant Kumar Rathi, Raju DixitA multidisciplinary research area such as wireless sensor networks (WSN) have been invoked the monitoring of remote physical environment and are used for a wide range of applications. Sensor networks are the key to gathering the information needed by smart envi ronments, whether in buildings, utilities, industrial, home, shipboard, transportation systems automation, or elsewhere ranging from defense personnel to many scientific research, statistical application, disaster area and War Zone. The problem encountered in the recent was of the more battery power consumption as activity increases, need more efficient data aggregation techniques with right decision making capabilities. Therefore, this paper proposed the efficient and effective architecture and mechanism of energy efficient techniques for data aggregation in WSN using principles like global weight calculation of nodes and data aggregation techniques using data cube aggregation
Absorption Studies of Aniline and Esters[Full-Text ] K.Sathi Reddy, D. Shanmukhi Jyothi, D. Linga ReddyUltrasonic velocity (v), density (?), viscosity (?) for binary mixtures of Aniline with Methyl Acetate,Ethyl Acetate,Amyl Acetate have been measured at room temperature of about 300.15K over entire volume component percentage range. The Ultrasonic velocity (v) is measured with ultrasonic Pulse Echo Overlap (PEO) technique at a frequency of 2 MHz. The density (?) measurements have been carried out by 10ml specific gravity bottle. The Viscosity (?) measurements have been carried out by using Cannon-Fenske Viscometer with an accuracy of ±0.3%. Attenuation Coefficient (a) is measured using a cathode ray Oscilloscope (CRO) for a transmitted pulse and nth echo. Relaxation time (t), Absorptivity (A) was computed using measured data of ultrasonic velocity, density, viscosity. Data of ultrasonic velocity (v), attenuation Coefficient (a), density (?) and viscosity (?) are useful in evaluating some useful thermodynamic properties like adiabatic compressibility (ßs), internal pressure (pi), free volume (Vf) which can be utilized as a qualitative guide to predict the extent of complex formation in binary liquid mixtures. In Chemical industry, there exists a continuing need for reliable thermodynamic data of binary mixtures. This is particularly true for systems involved in industrial process with their objectives in mind, an attempt has been made to investigate the variations of ultrasonic velocity (v), attenuation Coefficient (a), density (?) and viscosity (?) in Aniline and Esters as a function of concentration and temperature. These systems have a scope for compellation through hydrogen bonding.
Study of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Products in Bangladesh: Performance and Quality Improvement of a Selected Product[Full-Text ] Moksadur Rahman, Mohammad Nazmul Huda Aslam, Jakia Sultana, Md Abdus SalamSmall and medium Enterprises (SME) plays a vital role in the economic development of country especially in the developing countries like Bangladesh. Keeping this concept an attempt has been made to survey the SME products of Bangladesh, study and improve the qualitative performance of a selected mechanical Engineering related SME product. The most difficult part of the project was the survey portion as related project/ research paper in this field is not relatively available. With almost effort lot of information has been gathered related to different range of SME products and related factors. For study and improvement of qualitative performance of cylinder and piston used in Conchi-4 R170 engine has been selected. On study it is formed that the local product quality effort was made for qualitative improvement but due to time constraint that could not be done. In subsequent projects steps may be taken for qualitative improvement using this analysis.
Effect of Various Operating Parameters on Movement of Particle Contamination in Gas Insulated Substations [Full-Text ] N.Swarna Latha, J. AmarnathMetal encapsulated with compressed SF6 gas insulation has reduced the size of power substations and improved their reliability over con-ventional air insulated substations.Compressed Gas Insulated Substations (GIS) consist basically of a conductor supported on insulators inside an enclosure which is filled with sulfur hexafluoride gas (SF6). The voltages withstand capability of SF6 busduct is strongly dependent on field perturbations such as those caused by conductor surface imperfections and by conducting particle contaminants. The contaminants can be produced by abrasion between components during assembly or operations. The particles can be lifted by the electric field and migrate to the conductor or insulators where they initiate breakdown at voltages significantly below the insulation characteristics of the SF6 gas. In the present work, simulation has been carried out for particle movement by using the equation of particle motion in an electric field. The effect of various parameters like radii and length of particles, co-efficient of restitution, pressure in the busduct, applied voltage and inner conductor radii has been examined and presented. Different metallic contamination viz Cu, Al and Ag have been considered for the above study.
Simulation And Implementation Of Vedic Multiplier Using Vhdl Code[Full-Text ] G.Vaithiyanathan, K.Venkatesan, S.Sivaramakrishnan, S.Siva and S. JayakumarIn a typical processor, Multiplication is one of the basic arithmetic operations and it requires substantially more hardware resources and processing time than addition and subtraction. In fact, 8.72% of all the instruction in typical processing units is multipliers. In computers, a typical central processing unit devotes a considerable amount of processing time in implementing arithmetic operations, particularly multiplication operations .In this project , the comparative study of different multipliers is done for low power requirement and high speed, also gives information of "Urdhva Tiryakbhyam" algorithm of Ancient Indian Vedic Mathematics which is utilized for multiplication to improve the speed, area parameters of multipliers. Vedic Mathematics also suggests one more formulae for multiplication i.e. "Nikhilam Sutra" which can increase the speed of multiplier by reducing the number of iterations. Which increase the speed of the multiplier as well as processor or system.
Experimental Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Reinforced Composites[Full-Text ] Nageshwar Anant, Sanjay JainThis paper investigates how to implementation and testing of an active controlled palletised work holding system for milling operations and how to targets a work holding system for the control of unwanted vibration. As a resulting degraded quality on the machined parts, shorter tool life, and unpleasant noise, hence is to be necessarily damped out. As results unwanted vibrations& noise must be arrested in order to ensure higher accuracy along with productivity. A arises vibrations on a slotted table Horizontal Milling Machine have been damped out using composite structure as a substitute for the base of the job piece. Experiment wise investigations of the Polyvinylchloride(PVC) plates are fixed on to the slotted table below the workpiece specimen milling operation is carried out and the vibration signal is recorded on the screen of the digital phosphorus storage oscilloscope, RMS amplitude, frequency and time period of vibrations are recorded. The experiment is repeated for different sets of PVC plates, it is observed that the vibration amplitude decreases with increase in number of layers of sheets of composites and then increases with increase in number of plates.
Chitosan: A Versatile Biopolymer for Various Medical Applications[Full-Text ] Manoj Kumar PatiChitin is the second most abundant natural polymer next to cellulose. The main sources exploited are two marine crustaceans, shrimp and crabs. Chitosan is a natural based polymer, obtained by alkaline deacetylation of chitin, which presents excellent biological properties such as biodegradability and immunological, antibacterial and wound-healing activity. Chitosan is soluble in acidic aquiousmedia and issued for many applications. This review emphasizes recent papers various derivatives of chitosan and their value added medical applications in fields like pharmacodynamic, pharceutical & bio-pharceutical etc. Its mechanism of action and the parameters affecting the release characteristics of drugs were also discussed.
Application of ant colony optimization for Multicasting in MANET[Full-Text ] Deepender Dhull, Swati KamraThe advent of ubiquitous computing and the proliferation of portable computing devices have raised the importance of mobile and wireless networking. at the same time ,the popularity of group-oriented computing has grown tremendously .However, little has been accomplished to-date in bringing together the technologies for group-oriented communication and mobile networking. In particular, most modern wireless/mobile and ad hoc networks do not provide support for multicast communication. A major challenge lies in adapting multicast communication to environments where mobility is unlimited and outages/failures are frequent. Ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm is a novel population-based meta-heuristic search Algorithm for solving difficult discrete optimization problems, inspired by the foraging behavior of real ant colonies .it has been applied to TSP, QAP, Scheduling and graph coloring etc. In this paper we develop an efficient heuristic ant colony algorithm for multicast routing; this algorithm can find optimal solution quickly and has a good scalability.
Performance Evaluation of Source Initiated Routing Protocols for Wireless Adhoc Network[Full-Text ] Rahul Chaturvedi, Sanjay Kumar DubeyMobile Adhoc network (MANET) is a self configuring and infrastructure less network where each network node act as a host as well as router. It is collection of wireless mobile nodes dynamically forming a temporary network without the administration. Various protocols such as Dynamic Source routing(DSR), Ad Hoc on-Demand Distance Vector(AODV),Destination-Sequenced-Distance Vector(DSDV) ,Interzone Routing Protocol(IERP) and Location Based Routing(LAR1) have been implemented. In this paper an attempt has been made to compare various source initiated routing protocol using Qualnet simulator under two scenarios. In first scenario we keep all the parameters constant and varies number of nodes and in second scenario dependency on pause time such that all the parameters are made constant and pause time is varied. Performance is analysed on the basis of throughput, packet delivery ratio and average end to end delay.
Handy Annotations within Oracle 10g[Full-Text ] Mrs.Dhanamma Jagli, Ms.Priyanka Gaikwad, Ms.Shubhangi Gunjal, Mr.Chaitanya BilawareThis paper describes practical observations during the Database system Lab. Oracle 10g DBMS is used in the data base system lab and performed SQL queries based many concepts like Data Definition Language Commands (DDL), Data Modification Language Commands ((DML), Views, Integrity Constraints, Aggregate functions, Joins and Abstract type . While performing practical during the lab session, many problems occurred, in order to solve them many text books and websites referred but couldn't obtain expected help from them. Even though by spending much time in the database labs with Oracle 10g, tried in numerous ways, as a final point expected output is achieved. This paper describes annotations which were experimentally proved in the Database lab.
Whether a Soyuz Spacecraft really needs a parachute or is there an alternative?[Full-Text ] Pratham M AlagThis paper presents an alternative to the parachute braking system in use presently in the Soyuz Capsule Reentry Module. Possibilities including the addition of a heat resistant nose cone as well as propellants and rocket engines have been discussed. A model hydro-rocket was used to conduct all experiments observed. The approximate force required to bring the module to a halt is found and balanced. The parachute while effective is not fail-safe and thus the addition of a rocket engine is found to be not only perfectly stable, but also essential for increased safety as well as additional braking force necessary to reduce acceleration of the module from the time it enters the earth's atmosphere to its final landing moment.
Interrelationship between Electric and magnetic field components of EM radiation Induced due to applied stress of tangential or radial nature on the purview of observant OLR, MMC and TEC data in monitoring seismicity[Full-Text ] Umesh Prasad VermaThe variant nature of Electric and Magnetic component of Induced EM radiation due to progressing Stress in the mantle (Up- Lr Interface) 1[17, 25] shows interesting pattern under some rule (?) With the progress of applied stress in a particular amount and direction typifying radial or tangential in nature induces the amount and direction of EM radiation from mesosphere to ionospheric height2[8].With the investigation of observations on TEC(total Electron Count) MMC(Multiple Magnetic Components) and OLR(Outgoing Long Wave Radiation) data over world map for continuously two months directly connected with the, IPS( Australian) and, IRS (Indian satellite) have established compensating and mutual relationships in proportionate manner with the progressing stress. Facts enshaped are: (1) either of Electric or Magnetic components increases with the increasing stress in a particular direction and are inversely proportion in general3 [14, 18, and 24]. (2)In some cases it(either of them) is directly varying with the varying stress amount and thus OLR value.(3) Decrease in the amount of any component is compensated in the associated component's value lying in the plane at 900 .Specific condition of simultaneous rise in the components value of TEC , MMC.and OLR indicates of approaching critical moment for the seismicity over an area viz; Indonesia(8.2Mw) on 11-04-12, Chile (6.8Mw) on 24-04-12 and Tonga6.4Mw on 4th of May"12 as per our expectations. Findings of investigation flash the idea for estimation and expectation of seismicity with deterrent focal depth, and magnitude of energy and thus add in prediction of an event.
Secreted Expression of Major Envelope Glycoproteins of a Vaccine Strain of MDV-3 in Kluyveromyces lactis[Full-Text ] Smitha Sudhakar & Dr. A.Jayakumaran NairMarek's disease virus, a gamma herpes virus is the causative agent of Marek's disease affecting poultry industry. Vaccination strategies against the disease have resulted in tremendous evolutionary pressure which forced the virus to emerge into new pathotypes. Herpes virus of Turkey's, a serotype -3 virus of the Marek's family has been the most commonly used vaccine world-wide. In this research three hypothetically immunogenic envelope glycoproteins, viz. gC, gD and gI of HVT (FC126) were identified, amplified, analysed and expressed in pKLAC yeast expression system for the first time.The identity and specificity of the recombinant glycoproteins were tested and confirmed with an aim to analyse the immunological potential of these glycoproteins in field animals
Distributed Algorithm for Energy Efficient Multicasting in Wireless Adhoc Networks[Full-Text ] Abhishek Pandey, Rakesh Singh, Abhishek SrivastavaOn wireless computer networks, ad-hoc mode is a method for wireless devices to directly communicate with each other. Operating in ad-hoc mode allows all wireless devices within range of each other to discover and communicate in peer-to-peer fashion without involving central access points(including those built in to broadband wireless routers). An ad-hoc network tends to feature a small group of devices all in very close proximity to each other. Performance suffers as the number of devices grows, and a large ad-hoc network quickly becomes difficult to manage. Nevertheless, as electronic devices are getting smaller, cheaper, and more powerful, the mobile market is rapidly growing and, as a consequence, the need of seamlessly internetworking people and devices becomes mandatory. The problem area is availability of limited energy at nodes of a wireless ad hoc network (WANET) has an impact on the design of multicast protocols. For example, the set of network links and their capacities in WANETs are not pre-determined but depends on factors such as distance between nodes, transmission power, hardware implementation and environmental noise. This survey paper presents an overview of issues related to energy efficiency in distributed network and any further possibilities of improvement.
Survey on Distributed Algorithm for Energy Efficient Multicasting in Wireless Adhoc Networks[Full-Text ] Abhishek Pandey, Abhishek Srivastava, Rakesh SinghOn wireless computer networks, ad-hoc mode is a method for wireless devices to directly communicate with each other. Operating in ad-hoc mode allows all wireless devices within range of each other to discover and communicate in peer-to-peer fashion without involving central access points (including those built in to broadband wireless routers). An ad-hoc network tends to feature a small group of devices all in very close proximity to each other. Performance suffers as the number of devices grows, and a large ad-hoc network quickly becomes difficult to manage. Nevertheless, as electronic devices are getting smaller, cheaper, and more powerful, the mobile market is rapidly growing and, as a consequence, the need of seamlessly internetworking people and devices becomes mandatory. The problem area is availability of limited energy at nodes of a wireless ad hoc network (WANET) has an impact on the design of multicast protocols. For example, the set of network links and their capacities in WANETs are not pre-determined but depends on factors such as distance between nodes, transmission power, hardware implementation and environmental noise. This survey paper presents an overview of issues related to energy efficiency in distributed network and any further possibilities of improvement
Survey of municipal solid waste in Jimeta-Yola, Northeastern Nigeria[Full-Text ] Zaynab Ahmad Belel and Hijab MahmoudThis paper examined municipal solid waste from the perspective of household waste management system. Questionnaires were randomly distributed to households in eight wards in Jimeta-yola (Yola north local government area). The quantity and composition of waste generated was determined. The average waste generation per household was found to be 0.65kg/capita/day. The composition shows that 67.6% was made up of biodegradable material while 32.4% were recyclable materials. Lack of adequate waste collection system and proximity to dumpsites was attributed to causing dumping by residents in drains/gutters. Open burning is the major method of treatment. Finally the paper suggested sustainable environmental education program by the government to the populace and also the private sector. All should be encouraged to participate fully in the waste management system.
Design and Simulation of DLL with Double Edge Synchronization in 0.13µm CMOS Technology[Full-Text ] Saman Mohammadi Mohaghegh, Reza Sabbaghi-NadooshanThis paper describes a wide-range, low-power and low-jitter delay-locked loop (DLL) with double edge synchronization which is mainly used in clock alignment process. Double edge synchronization method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Using two PFDs, two CPs and two loop filters in double edge DLLs increases the jitter and power consumption. In order to overcome these challenges, in this article proper blocks were used for the proposed DLL circuit. Therefore, the results of the most important items of proposed double edge DLL are as well as the results of the single edge DLLs in most articles. All the simulation results are based on 0.13µm CMOS technology with 1.2v supply voltage. The HSPICE simulation results show that the proposed DLL circuit generates clock signals ranging from 750MHZ to 1GHZ. The maximum power consumption of the DLL circuit at 1GHZ is 3.1mW. The maximum and minimum of rms jitters are 17.5 and 2.5ps and the maximum and minimum of peak-to-peak jitters are 125.3 and 19.7ps, respectively. The locking time of proposed DLL is less than
Induction Machine Modeling and its Study of Variation in Torque for Variable Parameters During free Acceleration Period[Full-Text ] Siraj Ahmed T., Dr.S. Sao and Dr.K. S. R. AnjaneyuluInduction machine(IM) is one of the most common form of electromechanical drive used in industrial, commercial and domestic applications & operate at essentially constant speed.IM have more advantages than DC motors. There are two types of instantaneous electromagnetic torque-controlled AC drives used for high performance applications such as vector control and direct torque control (DTC). DTC is a relatively novel IM control method, conventional DTC technique has some drawbacks such as large torque ripple due to the change of motor parameters. DTC method is sensitive to temperature variations, which lead to stator resistance changes. The flux estimated from the stator circuit variables, is highly dependent on the stator resistance of the Induction Motor. As In this paper the change in stator resistance which is due to change in with respective time and then the change in performance of motor torque has been studied during free acceleration characteristic of various reference frames. The simulation has been carried out using MATLAB/SIMULINK package.
Social Networks' Interaction and Social Web Services[Full-Text ] Mrs. Sumathi, Dr. Ashok KumarAt present the discovery techniques are registry-based and rely on syntactic and sometimes semantic descriptions of Web services' interfaces. Registries have several drawbacks: for instance, syntactic discovery returns results with low precision. Web services are treated as independent elements in these registries and present registries don't record services' past interactions. To address these issues, this paper embrace social networks to record past interactions and to develop that refer to here as social Web services. This requires first building and maintaining Web services' social networks and then using them to find, for example, highly collaborative peers. Service engineers often struggle to locate the relevant Web services needed to satisfy users' requests. In this paper it is also described that how service engineers can capitalize on Web services' interactions-namely, collaboration, substitution, and competition-to build social web service application for service discovery.
Development and Analysis of Speech Emotion Corpus Using Prosodic Features for Cross Linguistics[Full-Text ] Syed Abbas Ali, Sitwat Zehra, Mohsin Khan and Faisal WahabIn daily life communication, spoken language not only carries linguistic information but also conveys nonlinguistic information such as the speaker's emotions, gender, social status and age, etc. This paper introduces the Emotion-Pak corpus, a multilingual emotional speech database consisting of emotional sentences elicited in provincial languages of Pakistan: Urdu, Sindhi, Balochi, Punjabi and Pashto for observing the speech emotions present in acoustic signals.The proposed database is recorded from people (naive speakers)having different linguistics, ages, gender, education level and cultural backgrounds from different regions of Pakistan and cross linguistics compared with the Berlin database of emotional speech (EMO-DB)(actor speakers)in order to study whether emotions are gender and language dependent or independent using prosodic features. The statistical analysis of Emotion-Pak corpus shows that emotions with short duration and strong intensity (Anger and Happiness) or longer duration and weak intensity (Sadness and Comfort) have similar acoustic features. The subjective listening tests used for evaluating the quality of speech emotions in proposed emotions corpus. The subjective listening test results found quite similar with the results obtained from prosodic analysis of Emotion-Pak speech corpus.
Motion simulation in Hip simulator: A comparative study for oval wear track using MATLAB Software and Eulerian mathematical model[Full-Text ] Jyotsna A. Kulkarni, Anant Kulkarni, D.M.Kulkarni Mrinmay KulkarniMulti-directional Motor Planning forms a crucial part in today's biomedical and robotics applications. In context to biomedical applications, the concept of multi-directional motor planning is utilized to realize Hip Joint Motion Simulation. It is only in the case of Multi-Directional Motion that the wear produced during Hip Joint Motion can be approximated to the real wear produced in the human body, and that the whole object of designing Hip Joint Simulators is to assess the wear rates produced in the motion which has significant impact on the human body and its functioning. In context of robotics applications, multi-directional motor planning is crucial in obtaining a we functioning robotic arm / robotic hip joint, so that the robot designed has good functionality. Once the models have been studied, to obtain multi-directional motor planning, it is needed to plot Lissajous Patterns in 3 dimensions. These patterns are the slide tracks generated by the head of the hip joint on the cup and vice versa. In this project, various contemporary Hip Joint Motion Simulators will be studied. The ones which show closest real life motion and real life wear rate will be chosen, their mathematical models will be implemented in MATLAB and their motion thereby simulated and plotted. Once done so, the Lissajous Patterns associated with the slide tracks will be studied and the same be plotted in MATLAB. Research till date says that wear tracks-(similar to Lissajous patterns) can be represented by mathematical modeling such as the Euler Model. Using these formulae, researchers designed multi-directional motor in hip simulators (an instrument) and it is proven that same wear tracks can be reproduced. Most of the research papers state this fact but none show simulated results using MATLAB.
Hardware realization of 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform for DSP applications[Full-Text ] Aditya Mandloi, RajnikantThis work presents an efficient VLSI architecture of a high speed, low power 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform. The proposed architecture reduces the hardware complexity and memory accesses. Our designs were realized using HAAR wavelet transform in VHDL language and MATLAB for optimizing the throughput and area requirements. The system is modeled and synthesized using Xilinx Virtex-II Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) device. The simulation results obtained through Mentor graphics Model-Sim software version 6.3.The system computing rate is up to 280 M samples/s, memory uses only 22 kilo byte for 8*8 image size and Maximum combinational path delay is 44.155ns.In this way, the developed design requests less memory area and provide very high-speed processing.
A review on characteristic features of MIH Standard and few MIH based Vertical Handoff algorithms[Full-Text ] Payaswini P, Dr. Manjaiah D.HIn the 4G - Network system, heterogeneous access technologies will be intergraded, and user will be allowed to roam across heterogeneous network. The devices are capable with several integrated wired and wireless interfaces. In such heterogeneous networks, vertical handover (VHO) is a critical challenge to achieve always best connectivity (ABC) services. In order to address this issue IEEE has proposed a new standard: 802.21 Media Independent Handover (MIH). The goal of the IEEE 802.21 standard is to develop a specification that provides link layer intelligence and other related network information to upper layers to optimize handovers between heterogeneous media. It provides the necessary functionality by exchanging network information that helps Mobile Nodes to connect to the best network among available network. The core entity of the standard is the Media Independent Handover Function (MIHF) which provides abstract services to higher layers through a uni?ed interface. The MIH framework cannot be a standalone solution for executing handovers, and needs to be used with a higher layer mobility protocol. In this paper a study on architectural details of MIH and survey on few vertical handoff algorithm based MIH are discussed.
Effective Fish Smoking Kiln for Developing Country[Full-Text ] Olayemi Foline Folorunsho, Raji Abdulganiyu Olayinka, Oyelese, O. A, Oyewole Shuaeeb Niyi, Omodara Michael AyodeleAn effective fish smoking kiln powered with sawdust (to generate the smoke) and charcoal which provides the heat for drying incorporated with three axial fans powered by 15 volt D.C. battery was developed. The kiln was constructed of local materials for cost effectiveness and ease of reproducibility by local farmers. It was evaluated using catfish. The kiln was able to attain the remcommended drying conditions of 70 0C for 3 hours. The heat distributions within the drying chamber were fairly uniform which led to uniform drying of the fish. The kiln was able to reduce a total weight of fresh catfish of 19.284 kg to 5.076 kg after 9 hours 30 minutes with an operating cost of N 550. The provision of the chimney and the close operation of the kiln eliminate smoke inhaling, and burns usually experienced by the operator. The kiln also prevents soot deposition or charring of the smoked fish during smoking. The proximate analysis of the smoke-dried catfish was conducted and the results proved the suitability and effectiveness of the smoking kiln for use among fish handlers and processors in developing countries due to good nutritional quality recorded.
Separately Excited DC Motor Speed Control Using Four Quadrant Chopper[Full-Text ] Rishabh Abhinav, Jaya Masand, Piyush Vidyarthi, Gunja Kumari, Neha GuptaThe speed of separately excited DC motor can be controlled from below and up to rated speed using chopper as a converter. The chopper firing circuit receives signal from controller and then chopper gives variable voltage to the armature of the motor for achieving desired speed. There are two control loops, one for controlling current and another for speed. The controller used is Proportional-Integral type which removes the delay and provides fast control. Modeling of separately excited DC motor is done. The complete layout of DC drive mechanism is obtained. The designing of current and speed controller is carried out. The optimization of speed controller is done usingmodulus hugging approach, in order to get stable and fast control of DC motor. After obtaining the complete model of DC drive system, the model is simulated using MATLAB(SIMULINK).The simulation of DC motor drive is done and analyzed under varying speed and varying load torque conditions like rated speed and load torque, half the rated load torque and speed, step speed and load torque and stair case load torque and speed.
CM-Based Blind Equalization for Time-Varying MIMO-FIR Channels with Single Pulsation [Full-Text ] G.RekhaThe constant modulus (CM) property of source signal can be mostly utilized to equalize the single- input multiple-output and finite impulse response (FIR) channels. In existing, the channels are blindly equalized and the equalization methods are based on higher order statistics that estimates all non-zero channel pulsation under time-invariance assumption. However, the assumption cannot be satisfied time varying multiple input multiple output (MIMO) applications ex. Mobile communication. In this paper, the proposed algorithm which extends the CM criterion to blind equalization using complex exponential basic expansion model (CE-BEM) and the channel is assumed as time varying MIMO-FIR. The method only employ the Second order statistics (SOS) and finally, it estimates only one pulsation. In this way, the system increases the SNR of the transmitted symbols and yield most beneficial result in time-varying channels. The fast convergence is also achieved through zero forcing equalization.
Hybrid Collage CAPTCHA[Full-Text ] Divya Shanker, Prashant Gupta, Aditya JaiswalAuthentication is indeed at the heart of any secure system. CAPTCHAs, a class of HIPs tests, are a program that tells whether user is a human or a computer. CAPTCHAs currently in use have been broken. Thus, there is a need to employ stronger CAPTCHAs to keep these breaking attacks at bay while retaining ease of implementation on websites and ease of use for humans. One of the CAPTCHA methods is Collage CAPTCHA. It is a method for distinction between human and computer programs through recognition and finding a picture of an object among some objects. In this project we improve the resistance of Collage CAPTCHA method by an improved method called Hybrid Collage CAPTCHA. In this method we display images on left and right side of the screen. On left side screen we have a image. On right side screen we have the corresponding images along with different names in distorted form. Now the computer program asks user to choose the picture with correct name. If the user select correctly, then user is allowed to enter the name of the image in the given text box. If entered name is correct, then we guess that user is human.
Improved Aerodynamic Characteristics of Aerofoil Shaped Fuselage than that of the Conventional Cylindrical Shaped Fuselage[Full-Text ] G.M. Jahangir Alam , Dr. Md. Mamun and Dr. A. K. M. Sadrul IslamThis paper is written to explain the aerodynamic characteristics of an Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV) having "Aerofoil Shaped Fuselage" received numerically. This paper also compares that numerical result with that of the "Conventional Cylindrical Shaped Fuselage". The proposed Aerofoil Shaped Fuselage is found to provide netter aerodynamic characteristics than that of the conventional cylindrical shaped fuselage. The aerofoil shaped fuselage could be used for designing the future UAV to use many military and civil applications. NACA 4416 cambered aerofoil with chord length of 100 mm has been used for this research purpose for all type of configuration design. The aerodynamic characteristics of Aerofoil Shaped Fuselage as well as Cylindrical Shaped Fuselage have been carried out at two different velocities (20 m/sec & 40 m/sec respectively) with different angle of attacks from -3o to 18o with 3o degree steps. The designs of both the models as well as numerical values have been obtained with the help of CFD software. The stalling angle for both the design is found at about 15o degree angle of attack for all the configurations. Finally some conclusions have been drawn on the basis of the computational result for both the designs.
Oral Lesions :Topical Medications, A Clinico-Pharmacological Study[Full-Text ] Dr. Anil K. Sahni M.S., F.I.C.S., Advanced D.H.AClinical Scenario During Last (25) Years, Is Overwhelmed With Gradual Statistically Considerable, Increased Evidence Of Clinical Entities Like Nicotine Stomatitis, Oral Mucositis Of Varying Aetiopathogenesis, Oral Mucosal Frictional Hyperkeratosis, Oral Lichen Planus, Candidiasis And Other Recently More Common Infective, Inflammatory, Nutritional, Metabolic, Auto-Immune, Post-Radiation, Chemotherapy Diseases Oral Affections, Besides Established Oral Pre-Malignant lesions (OPL I & II) and Oral Carcinoma, WHO Classification Categorized Diseases, In 1970s & 1980s Onwards
Environmental issues of Lake Bosomtwe impact crater in Ghana (West Africa) and its impact on ecotourism potential[Full-Text ] Desmond Ofosu Anim, Yiping Li, Akosua Korantema Agadzi, Philip Nti NkrumahLake Bosomtwe is the largest natural lake in West Africa and is an important resource supporting about 22 local communities in Ghana. The lake attracts a lot of tourist nationally and internationally and has significant ecotourism potential. However, the declining environmental quality a decade ago has potential negative effects on ecotourism. Thus, the study provided an overview of the adverse environmental situation of the lake and its natural ecological environment and its effect on ecotourism potential development. It also identified key facilitating pollutants and sources that need further rigorous research, control and proper management to safeguard the fragile lake's ecological environment. The research provides a baseline for improving the ecotourism benefits of this lake to support the socioeconomic development of the country. Undoubtedly, it is established that developing ecotourism in the Lake Bosomtwe basin depends a lot on the lake.
Seismic Performance Evaluation of Multistoried RC framed buildings with Shear wall[Full-Text ] Shaik Kamal Mohammed Azam, Vinod HosurThe dual structural system consisting of special moment resisting frame (SMRF) and concrete shear wall has better seismic performance due to improved lateral stiffness and lateral strength. A well designed system of shear walls in a building frame improves its seismic performance significantly. The configurations of RC moment resisting framed building structure with different arrangements of shear walls are considered for evaluation of seismic performance, so as to arrive at the suitable arrangement of shear wall in the structural framing system for better seismic resistance. A comparison of structural behaviour in terms of strength, stiffness and damping characteristics is done by arranging shear walls at different locations/configurations in the structural framing system. The elastic (response spectrum analysis) as well as in-elastic (nonlinear static pushover analysis) analyses are carried out for the evaluation of seismic performance. The results of the study indicate that the provision of shear walls symmetrically in the outermost moment resisting frames of the building and preferably interconnected in mutually perpendicular directions forming a core will lead to better seismic performance.
A New Texture Segmentation Approach for Medial Images[Full-Text ] Saka.Kezia, Dr.I.Shanti Prabha, Dr.V.Vijaya KumarThe problem of segmentation is to partition an image into a set of non-overlapping regions covering the entire image. Image segmentation has found its application directly or indirectly in tasks such as object detection, object tracking and recognition, content-based image retrieval and medical image analysis. The proposed paper presents a novel approach for image segmentation problems, based on simple morphological operations. The proposed technique divides the original image segmentation problem into seven simple steps. The proposed technique takes care of noise factors, interior segments and rotationally invariant features while segmenting the image. The present approach is tested on Brodatz and Vistex textures which resulted a fine and precise segmentation.
CFD Analysis of Convective Flow in a Solar Domestic Hot Water Storage Tank[Full-Text ] Mr. Mainak BhaumikTwo dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of heat and fluid flow is carried out in a solar domestic hot water (SDHW) storage tank. Commercial software ICEM (Integrated Computer-aided Engineering and Manufacturing) is used for modelling and meshing and FLUENT 6.3 for analysis. A positional change of hot water inlet geometry which is horizontally from the vertical downward position of hot water inlet into the tank. The heat growth and movement and flow disturbance of water layer in the tank is the main study of the CFD research.
Development of Particulate Reinforced MMC to Improve Tribological Properties for Bush Bearing[Full-Text ] M.Dhanabalakrishnan, P.Sangaravadivel, N.Babu, R.ShenbagarajBabbitt metal is the popular bearing material used for many bush bearing applications. In this study, Babbitt/ bronze particulate reinforced composite is developed with different compositions in the range of 1-5% of reinforcement by stir casting technique. In that the tribological properties is investigated for various compositions and compared with the pure Babbitt metal. The friction and wear characteristics in this MMC were determined under dry sliding conditions by pin-on-disk test rig. Loads in dry sliding conditions are applied in the range of 15N-25N. The wear natures in the surface of the composites are observed by SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope). The results show that the higher volume fraction of reinforcement exhibits better resistance to abrasive wear. It is identified that the hardness also considerably increased with the increase in reinforcement volume. The newly developed composite exhibits better results in wear rate and hardness with stabilized COF (Coefficient of Friction) compare to pure Babbitt metal.
Rock Fall Protection Measures of High Cuts in Chalky Limestone, Northern Border of the Pyra-mids Plateau, Egypt[Full-Text ] S. AbdeltawabThe northern border of the Pyramids Plateau is an attractive location for new touristic resorts and developing settlements. This area suffers from extensive extension cracks that have resulted from uncontrolled blasting in limestone quarrying. The old quarrying activities resulted in unstable high rock cuts which impose safety risks during the construction activities in this area.
B* - Continuous Maps and Pasting Lemma in Topological Spaces[Full-Text ] P.G.Palanimani, R. ParimelazhaganIn this paper, the authors introduce a new class of maps called B* continuous maps and B* irresolute maps in topological spaces and study some of its basic properties and relations among them.
Design of a Prepaid Power Meter with Communication facility based on GSM Network[Full-Text ] Rohit Nargotra, Ritula Thakur, Dr. S. Chatterji, Ankur MahajanPrepaid power meter is a new concept in the measurement of electricity consumption on periodic basis. This method of measurement and data collection discards the conventional method of taking the meter reading manually. Though the prepaid energy meter displays the number of electrical units consumed by the user at the load centre but on the other side, there is an urgent need to develop a system which will transmit the units consumed by the individual user to the power development department (PDD).This paper reports the design of a prepaid power meter which will be able to communicate based on GSM network; for the transparency between the user and the PDD. The GSM Automatic Power Meter Reading System (GAPMR) consists of an energy meter connected with the compatible microcontroller, a display device and compatible software to capture, transmit and maintain the record of the electricity consumption data of a particular user.
Analyses on the Effects of Crosstalk in a Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) System Considering a WDM Based Optical Cross Connect (OXC)[Full-Text ] Syed Enam Reza, Nasib Ahsan, Sazzad Ferdous, Ripan Kumar Dhar, Muhammad Jakaria RahimiDense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) is usually used on fiber optic backbones and long distance data transmission. The crosstalk contribution due to inter-band crosstalk is significant for ultra dense WDM system, causes much higher noise, and degrades the network performance severely. This paper presents the results of a crosstalk analysis of dense wavelength division multiplexed (DWDM) cross-connect (OXC) topology. A set of parameters have been studied along with the simulation and results to observe the effect of crosstalk.
Multicasting in MANET's Through Scalable Mobility-Aware Virtual Tree based Geographic routing protocol [Full-Text ] B. V. V. S. Prasad, M.C.A., M.Tech., (Ph.D), Dr.G.Manoj Someswar, B.Tech., M.S.(USA), M.C.A., Ph.D.Mobile ad-hoc networks became a popular subject for research in recent years, and various studies have been made to increase the performance of ad hoc networks and support more advanced mobile computing and applications. Multicasting is an useful operation that facilitates group communications in MANETs. The key problems of the existed mobile computing applications are multicast group membership management, zone construction and ef?cient forwarding of packets to all the group members over the dynamic network topology for a large group size or network size. To overcome the above problems in this paper we proposed a new Scalable Virtual structures based Geographic Multicasting (SVGM) protocol. A perfect two-tier virtual zone system and GPS information is used to maintain the multicast group membership management and virtual tree like efficient paths are used to forward the multicast data packets to all the group members in a MANET. Our simulation results demonstrate that SVGM has high packet delivery ratio, low control overhead and multicast group joining delay under all test scenarios, and is scalable to both group size and network size.
Maintenance Effectiveness by Technical Audit[Full-Text ] Prof. S. B. SrivastavaIt is quite common to listen about the failure of equipment, power, services, transport, communications, etc. Most of the time it is being announced that due to mechanical failure (Yantric Garbari ke Karan) particular type of facility is disturbed / delayed / not available / failed etc. because most of the peoples are knowing only the mechanical failure. In most of the industries, equipment stoppage hours and reasons for the stoppages are recorded. Reasons of equipment/facilities stoppage may relate with mechanical failure, electrical failure, instrumental failure, any other miscellaneous type of failures etc. In some industries, failure frequency of similar nature (repetitive) or all the failures are recorded where ever, in some industries, the availability of plant and equipment is recorded. If the plant availability norms start to decrease, then only the analysis of the stoppage hours is being done and question on reliability of maintenance starts.
Parametric Investigation and Classification of Quadratic Equation[Full-Text ] Salau, T.A.O, Ajide, O.O.This study investigated the papramters space of simple and familiar quadratic equation often encounter in science based disciplines and in particular engineering. The aim is strange images creation to excite and launch novices to quest for gen-eral understanding of fractal taking parallel clue from Julia and Mandelbrot sets creation using the iterative mechanisms of complex quadratic mapping. Preliminary computation of a Julia and Mandelbrot sets was performed on a square complex plane using coarse step size .Using normalization technique, the three parameters space of a general quadratic equation was reduced to two parameters space. Thereafter, several parameters combination drawn from within the range of two square parameters window specification was tested according to root values outcome using the popular 'Almighty formula'. The root values out-comes were classified into three distinct groups: complex roots, equal real roots and different real roots. Curve fitting,ratio and graphical analyses were performed on each group based on content and as applicable.The preliminary results of a Julia and Mandelbrot sets are acceptable to within the tolerance of coarse step size.The reduced two dimension parameters space was partioned by parabolic curve into two sub-blocks in favour of complex roots and different real roots outcomes.The sub-block in favour of different real roots dominate consistently over studied cases.The ratios of different real roots to complex roots gravi-tate respectively to 5.71 and 1.40 for longer and smaller windows with decreasing step size.The graphical analyses reveal strange fractal like images for cases investigated.The founding's of this study can be utilized to gently and safely launch both High School and College students to the world of fractal science,as the images generated are exciting and amazing.
Chaos Diagram of Harmonically Excited Vibration Absorber Control Duffing's Oscillator[Full-Text ] Salau T.A.O, Ajide O.OThis study utilised positive Lyapunov exponents' criteria to develop chaos diagram on the parameters space of 4-dimensional harmonically excited vibration absorber control Duffing's Oscillator. Relevant simulations were effected by choice combination of constant step Runge-Kutta methods and Grahm Schmidt Orthogonal rules. Simulations of 4-dimensional hyper-chaotic models of modified Lorenz and Rosler were used for validation purposes. Lyapunov's spectrums were obtained at (197*301) mesh points of parameters space (µ,aa).Lyapunov's spectrum of modified Lorenz system by constant time step (NRK1) fourth order Runge-Kutta method (0.4208, 0.1650, -0.0807, -26.4603) compare correspondingly well with (0.4254, 0.1286, 0.0000, -26.5493) reported by Yuxia et al. Similarly, Lyapunov's spectrum of modified Rosler system by constant time step (NRK1) fourth order Runge-Kutta method (0.1424, 0.0051, -0.0041, -24.0831) compare correspondingly and qualitatively with (0.1287, 0.0149, -0.0056, -22.8617) reported by Marco (1996). The sum of Lyapunov exponents (-22.7237, -31.3107, -27.8797) in Rosler compare correspondingly and qualitatively with variation matrix measure-AVERT (-24.0181, -30.9462, -28.1991) respectively for fourth, fifth and modified fifth order Runge-Kutta methods. The chaos diagram results suggested preferentially higher mass ratio for effective chaos control of Duffing's Oscillator main mass. The parameters space in the region of relative lower mass ratio suffered irregular boundaries. The practical applications of this chaos diagram plot include, by instance, walking in the parameters-space of vibration absorber control Duffing's Oscillator along suitable engineering paths.
BER for Uniformly Quantized and Non-Uniform Quantized Synchronous CDMA Signals in AWGN Channels with MMSE Multiuser Receiver[Full-Text ] Priya Rajput, Pragati Karan, Bhupendra singhThis research work analyzed the performance of minimum mean-square error (MMSE) multiuser receiver for both uniformly quantized and unquantized synchronous code division multiple access (CDMA) signals in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels. This project is mainly based on the representation of uniform quantizer by gain plus additive noise model. Based on this model, we derived the weight vector and the output signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) of the MMSE receiver. The effects of quantization on the MMSE receiver performance is characterized in a single parameter named "equivalent noise variance". The optimal quantizer step size which maximizes the MMSE receiver output SNR is also determined.
A Review Study of Organic Photovoltaic Cell[Full-Text ] Azmira Jannat, Muhammad Foyazur Rahman, M. Saddam Hossain khanThis paper studies that photo voltaic (PV) electricity is one of the best options for sustainable future energy requirements of the world. Organic photovoltaic (OPV) cells are promising prospects for widespread renewable energy due to their low cost, light weight, and mechanical flexibility. However, currently the best power conversion efficiency of OPV cell is around 8.3% which is very low. In this article, the basic design, the recent developments in organic materials, processing technique and operation of organic photovoltaic cells as well as crucial feature of their performance are reviewed. To achieve significantly higher efficiency future development that need to be addressed are discussed to this article.
Implementation of Radiated emission and Radiated susceptibility of pressure sensor.[Full-Text ] Dola Sanjay.S, Dr S Varadarajan, B. kalyan kumarThe measurement of emi/emc of equipments and devices has become a prime importance in the field of Communication due to the radio frequency interference. Radiations are classified as radiated, conducted emissions and radiated, conducted susceptibility. In this paper we would like to give prime importance to measure the radiated emission and radiated susceptibility of pressure sensor, an simple measuring mathematical model with some ideal assumptions, electric fields and magnetic fields are measured, for different Frequencies and for different currents. The radiations due to differential-mode current and due to common-mode currents of pressure sensor are measured. The analysis are implemented using MATLAB.
Activity Based Cost Management: An Effective Tool for Quality Performance Measurement in Manufacturing Industries [Full-Text ] Sailaja A, P C Basak, K G ViswanadhanAll industries world wide are facing intense competitions due to globalization and they are forced to adopt more flexible, integrated and highly automated methods for production in order to increase their productivity at reduced costs and with maximum customer satisfactionhe bottom of this column. This objective is to be achieved without any sacrifice in Quality, since the customer in this era is highly knowledgeable and ever demanding. Sustaining competitiveness is possible only when the processes and their associated costs are closely monitored, measured and analyzed for continual improvement. Cost of Quality (COQ) measurement and analysis is one of the most powerful management tools for ascertaining the performance of a firm. Different COQ models are there in practice worldwide. Since most of these COQ measurement methods are activity \ process oriented, the traditional accounting system is not fully supportive of an accurate cost calculation under these methods. Activity Based Costing is the alternative for overcoming the drawbacks of traditional cost accounting system. COQ approaches, integrated to ABC can be utilized as an effective tool for measurement of quality costs. This paper presents an application of Activity Based Cost Management of Cost of Quality in a manufacturing industry and compares the results with the traditional P-A-F model. The results highlight the weak points of traditional Cost of Quality model.
Topic - A Non-Newtonian mathematical Model on the two phase renal diastolic blood flow in renal arteries with special reference to Kidney Infection (UTI).[Full-Text ] Neelam Bajpai, V. Upadhyay, A.K. Agrawal, P.N. PandeyIn this paper ,we have presented a model of two phased blood flow in renal arterioles remote from the heart and proximate to the Kidney keeping in view the nature of renal blood circulation in human body ..The viscosity increases in the arterioles due to formation of roulex along axis by red blood cells, as we know the arterioles are remote from heart and proximate to the kidney. P.N. Pandey and V. Upadhyay have considered the blood flow has two phased , one of which is that of red blood cells and other is Plasma .They have also applied the Herschel Bulkley non-Newtonian Model in bio-fluid mechanical set-up . We have applied the Campbell-Pitcher two phase model in biofluid mechanical setup which is realistic in so for as the blood flow is considered to be two phased homogenous mixture of blood cells and plasma .We have collected a clinical data in case of Kidney Infection (UTI) for Hematocrit v/s Blood Pressure. The overall presentation is in tensorial form and solution technique adapted is analytical as well as numerical. The role of Hematocrit is explicit in the determination of blood pressure in case of renal disease-Kidney Infection (UTI).The graphical presentation for particular parametric value is much closed to the clinical observation.
Interactive Learning in Education Using Augmented Reality[Full-Text ] D.Abhishekh, B.Ramakantha Reddy, R.Raja Kumar, G.RajeswarappaIn this paper we describe the use of advance technologies in field of education. Augmented reality is such technology which opens a new interactive way of teaching style. It is a technology which adds virtual objects in real world and these objects interacts with real environment. It combines virtual world and real world in 3-dimensional. Recent trends in these technologies enables it use in field of education. Here the tough concepts in engineering and other fields can be explained using these technologies by creating virtual object of the subject and made an interactive presentation of its working using animations. These paper mainly focus on creating augmented reality enabled text books for learning touch concepts in an attention-grabbing way.
Comparison & Performance Analysis of different Digital Video Watermarking Techniques[Full-Text ] Prof. N. R. Bamane, Dr. Mrs. S. B. PatilPast few years have witnessed rapid growth in Digital video watermarking. Security and copyright protection are becoming important issues in multimedia applications and services. Watermarking techniques have been proposed for these purposes in which the copyright information is embedded into multimedia data in order to protect the ownership. In this paper we first performed a survey on available video watermarking techniques, feasibility study on watermarking techniques meeting the requirements. And we have suggested the transform domain method for digital video watermarking for embedding invisible watermarks behind the video. It is used for copyright protection as well as proof of ownership. then we perform a comparative analysis based on robustness and computational complexity of different watermarking algorithms.
Enhancing Bregmanised NLTV Image Denoising using Savitzky Golay filter and SVD[Full-Text ] Aswathy Menon, Poornima Rajan, Deepthi.T.V.N, Roshni Das, Sachin Kumar S, K.P.SomanThe existence of noise in digital images hinders the visual effect. To improve the visual quality a well performing denoising technique is a necessity. This paper focuses on image denoising method using Nonlocal Total Variation scheme. Nonlocal Total Variation based denoising technique helps in preserving the edges at the cost of computational load.To reduce the computational load and to speed up the process Split Bregman Optimization technique is employed to the NLTV model. To enhance this denoising Savitzky Golay filter and SVD is incorporated before applying NLTV denoising.The experimental results shows an improvement in the denoising strength which was observed using the standard quality assessment techniques such as SNR, MSE, and PSNR.
A Mathematical Model on the two phase renal diastolic blood flow in arterioles with special reference to Diabetes.[Full-Text ] Harish chandra, V. Upadhyay, P.N. PandeyIn the present paper we have formulated the renal blood flow in arterioles. Keeping in view the nature of renal circulatory system in human body. The viscosity increases in the arterioles due to formation of Rolex along axis by red blood cells, as we know the arterioles are remote from heart and proximate to the kidney. P.N. Pandey and V. Upadhyay have considered the blood flow has two phased , one of which is that of red blood cells and other is Plasma .They have also applied the Herschel Bulkley non-Newtonian Model in bio-fluid mechanical set-up .We have collected a clinical data in case of Diabetes for Hematocrit v/s Blood Pressure. The graphical presentation for particular parametric value is much closed to the clinical observation. The overall presentation is in tensorial form and solution technique adapted is analytical as well as numerical. The role of Hematocrit is explicit in the determination of blood pressure in case of renal disease-Diabetes.
Enhanced Position Updation In Manet Using Self Adaption[Full-Text ] Reshma P.R , S.BharathiGeographic routing has been widely hailed as the most promising approach to generally scalable wireless routing. It has been a big challenge to develop a routing protocol that can meet different application needs and optimize routing paths according to the topology changes in mobile ad hoc networks. However, there is a lack of holistic design for geographic routing to be more efficient and robust in a dynamic environment. Inaccurate local and destination position information can lead to inefficient geographic forwarding and even routing failure. The use of proactive fixed-interval beaconing to distribute local positions introduces high overhead when there is no traffic and cannot capture the topology changes under high mobility. In this work, two self-adaptive on-demand geographic routing schemes are proposed which build efficient paths based on the need of user applications and adapt to various scenarios to provide efficient and reliable routing. On-demand routing mechanism in both protocols reduces control overhead compared to the proactive schemes which are normally adopted in current geographic routing protocols. The route optimization scheme adapts the routing path according to both topology changes and actual data traffic requirements. The simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed routing protocols are more robust and outperform the existing geographic routing protocol and conventional on-demand routing protocols under various conditions including different mobilities, node densities and traffic loads. Specifically, the proposed protocols could reduce the packet delivery latency up to 80 percent as compared to GPSR at high mobility. Both routing protocols could achieve about 98 percent delivery ratios, avoid incurring unnecessary control overhead, have very low forwarding overhead and transmission delay in all test scenarios.
Object Monitoring By Prediction And Localisation Of Nodes By Using Ant Colony Optimization In Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] S.Niranchana, E.DineshWireless sensor network (WSN) consists of tiny sensor nodes with sensing, computation and wireless communication capabilities. Now days, it is finding wide applicability and increasing deployment, as it enables reliable monitoring and analysis of environment. The design of routing protocols for WSN is influenced by many challenging factors like fault tolerance, energy efficiency, scalability, latency, power consumption and network topology. Mobile Sensor Networks (MSN) is networks composed of a large number of wireless devices having sensing, processing, communication, and movement capabilities. In WSN, the coverage of the large area can be improved by the moving the sensor nodes.Coverage in a wireless sensor network can be thought of as how well the wireless sensor network is able to monitor a particular field of interest. In this paper the problem of object monitoring in Mobile Sensor Networks can be identified. The proposed system consists of estimating the position of nodes and then the estimated positions are used to predict the location of nodes. Once the object is determined, the mobile node moves to cover the particular object. If the Target cannot be defined then the set of new nodes are located and each node is assigned a position to minimize the total travelled distance. The estimation and prediction of nodes are done by Interval Theory and the Relocation of Nodes is done by using Ant Colony Optimization.ACO is the Localization of Sensor Nodes which Tracks the Targets. In this proposed paper the simulation results are compared to object monitoring methods considered for networks with static nodes.
To Detect Intrusions in Multitier Web Applications by using Double Guard Approach[Full-Text ] K.Karthika, K.SripriyadeviInternet services and applications have become an inextricable part of daily life, enabling communication and the Management of personal information from anywhere. To accommodate this increase in application and data complexity, web services have moved to a multitiered design wherein the webserver runs the application front-end logic and data are outsourced to a database or file server. In this paper, we present Double Guard, an IDS system that models the network behavior of user sessions across both the front-end webserver and the back-end database. By monitoring both web and subsequent database requests, we are able to ferret out attacks that independent IDS would not be able to identify. Furthermore, we quantify the limitations of any multitier IDS in terms of training sessions and functionality coverage. We implemented DoubleGuard using an Apache webserver with MySQL and lightweight virtualization. We then collected and processed real-world traffic over a 15-day period of system deployment in both dynamic and static web applications. Finally, using DoubleGuard, we were able to expose a wide range of attacks with 100 percent accuracy while maintaining 0 percent false positives for static web services and 0.6 percent false positives for dynamic web services.
An Electronic Payment Model For Small And Medium Enterprsises In Zimbabwe[Full-Text ] Tatenda Kavu, Taurayi Rupere, Benny M Nyambo, Gilford T HapanyengwiElectronic payment systems are proliferating in banking, retail in government and everywhere money needs to be exchanged. Electronic payment systems are the everyday technology under use, they are the relevant systems which go hand in hand with technology and they are also high in demand. All these issues enlighten a need to design and implement an electronic payment system that addresses the specific requirements for the Zimbabwean market. An effective and universal electronic payment system in Zimbabwe can solve some problems which are currently encountered in e-commerce, thus we designed a light weight electronic payment model, universal and offering better integration to banks, all merchants and Small and Medium Enterprises. It is comprised of attributes which any electronic payment system is expected to have. It has its own security features especially the offline authentication method and other security aspects which are currently in use by banks. The integrated architectural view of the model makes it a possible solution to some current problems. This model creates a pathway for an ideal full implementation of an electronic payment system. We compared our model with the existing electronic payment systems in Zimbabwe. We realized that our model compares fairly with the existing models.
Assessment of Domestic Solid Waste Generation in PortHarcourt by Separator- Receptacle Technology[Full-Text ] A. J. Akor , M.J. Ayotamuno , L.I. Aman , S.O. Enokela A manually operated domestic waste separator-receptacle designed and constructed in the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, River State University of Science and Technology PortHarcourt, Nigeria. The receptacle was administered to sixty (60) households at three (3) income/ population densities' zones in PortHarcourt in attempt to access the magnitude and quality of garbage/recyclables generated per household of six persons per day. The receptacle was found to have 24% average volume tolerance for three day collection interval without overspill. Analysis of the waste collected by this technology indicated 51.54% of garbage per household/day that can be composed for energy and manure, 48.46% of recyclable consisting of 11.45%, 12.34%, 9.47% and 15.40% for plastic, paper, glass and metal respectively. Cost involvement is low when compared with the scavenger or centralized sort plant. The centralized sort plant requires special equipment and additional man power to handle the pick-up of recyclables from the heterogeneous waste stream The source separation techniques of receptacle-separator produces high quality recyclable materials recovery. The waste stream is also homogeneous and small in volume that creates no difficulty in separation with less facility-level of recyclable removal. Decomposition of waste that causes unpleasant ordour and fly invasion are aborted. The technology appears to be economically viable because of the homogeneous nature of recyclable by source separation thereby creating opportunity for establishment of recycling industries.
A Business Process Reengineering and e-Governance Model -KAVERI of Karnataka[Full-Text ] Dr. Ch. RadhakumariKAVERI is a model of the business reengineering process introduced to reorient the department of Registration & Stamps towards 100% automation in the registration process and speedy delivery of registered documents to the citizens of Karnataka. During the first phase of its implementation 202 sub-registries across the State have been computerized on the principle of Public-Private Participation on a BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) basis. Connecting KAVERI to Bhoomi, inter-connectivity, revenue reconciliation, issue of encumbrance certificates through electronic media, registration anywhere; are some of the proposed innovations to be implemented during the second phase of the project's implementation.
Assessment of Ambient air Quality in the surrounding area of an upcoming airport in India[Full-Text ] Arun Kumar Mishra, Dr. Prabhat SrivastavaThis paper mainly deals with the measurements of air quality by observing the concentrations of pollutants in the atmosphere namely suspended particulate matter, NOx, SO2 and CO at ten different locations around the Navi Mumbai international airport. The location for the study have been selected on the basis of land use pattern. Air monitoring was carried out at all the locations at a frequency of twice a week for 24 hours and the results were analyzed. From the study it is found that air quality in the surrounding area of the airport is mix in nature.
FACTS (A Revolution for Improvement of Power System Stability) [Full-Text ] Saurabh Kumar BajpaiIn this paper we discuss about the facts role for improvement of power system stability. A power system is a combination of generation, transmission and distribution and covers a wide area with number of connections. In such large area no of interruptions occurs which effect the efficiency as well as stability of electrical energy.
Intelligent Transportation System[Full-Text ] Mamta BachaniThe research paper is about the system known as Intelligent Transportation System-A Road for Tomorrow which is the solution of increased pollution, congestion and road accidents.
A Case Study Of Amul Co-operative In India In Relation To Organizational Design And Operational Efficiency[Full-Text ] Dr. Ruchira Prasad, Dr. Rupali SatsangiOrganizational Structure can improve the working condition of an organization and a poor structure can ruin all the possibilities of openness, dynamism and decision-making. Organizational effectiveness on the other hand, is the extent to which an organization, given certain resources and means, achieves its objectives without placing undue strain on its members. Another important role is played by the technology. More an organization is able to adapt itself to the changing technology the better will be its efficiencies.
A new proposed Cache Memory cell using Josephson resistive DCI logic gate[Full-Text ] Kurapati SrinivasA new Cache memory cell has been proposed using the DCI logic gate. The principle and operation of the cell has been given. The current equation at each stage of the memory cell has been deduced. The dynamic response of the cell has been obtained by computer-simulation. The performance of our Cache memory cell has been compared with that of the IBM Cache memory cell. The cycle and access time of the proposed cell are 250ps and 210ps respectively, compared to earlier Cache memory cycle and access times, 1000ps and 650ps, respectively. Our Cache memory cycle time and access time can be further reduced since it is based on the DCI logic, which does not have much restriction on its size.
Dynamic Simulations Of Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (Squid) Memory Cell[Full-Text ] Kurapati SrinivasA thorough investigation has been made to obtain SQUID device parameters and properties, and the optimization of the latter for the application of memory cells. The SQUID memory cells have been designed theoretically using the optimized techniques. Our concept of turn-on delay has been applied for critically ascertaining the switching speed of the logic gates and memory cells. The dynamic response of the memory cells have been obtained by computer-simulation. This paper helps scientists and researchers in giving complete understanding of SQUID memory cells before they are fabricated experimentally.
Analysis Of Ber In Interoperability Of Wi-fi (802.11a) And Wimax (802.16) Using Channel Coding[Full-Text ] Engr.Syed Humair AliThis paper studies the inter-operability performance analysis of two wireless standards WiMAX (802.16-2004) and Wi-Fi (802.11a). Extensive simulations are performed in Matlab in order to plot bit error rate (BER) against the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The basic aim of this thesis is to analyze the performance when interoperability is considered between WiMAX and Wi- Fi and to study how various channel coding schemes could be feasible in this respect. Analysis has been done by starting considering individual standards 802.11a as well as for 802.16 and then the whole system is considered. Theoretical and simulated curves are plotted for BER vs. SNR. Channel coding (Convolutional codes (for Wi-Fi) and for WiMAX (concatenated Reed Solomon-Convolutional coding (RS-CC) coding) has been applied so as to minimize the BER and to improve the system performance. Moreover, since the channel coding adds redundancy of bits for improvement of BER there is a need of more bandwidth in this regard. However, there are cases in which limited bandwidth is available so in this regard puncturing of the Convolutional codes is done and the performance can be analyzed by looking at both the simulation curves, one having 'Code Rate=1/2' and the other with 'Code Rate=2/3.'