Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2013 Edition
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Estimation of diffusion coefficients of Cr 3+ and Ga3+ in MgO at temperatures of the Earth's lower mantle. [Full-Text ] Dr. Dologlou ElizabethHere, we show that the diffusion coefficients of trivalent cations Cr 3+ and Ga 3+ in periclase can be theoretically predicted by means of a thermodynamic model, in a temperature range representative of the Earth's lower mantle conditions. Although severe discrepancies are reported between theoretical and experimental results, due to the complicated behaviour of trivalent ions, our theoretically calculated diffusion coefficients are compatible with recent experimental ones, in a range of values of almost four orders of magnitude.
A Survey on Social Network Sites for Security[Full-Text ] Dr. K. Nirmala, N. ZackariahInternet Social Networks are great places to meet and network with people sharing similar business interests. But MySpace, Second Life and similar Web 2.0 sites can also pose serious security threats to users and their companies. Many businesses view social networking sites as a kind of online cocktail party -- a friendly, comfortable place where one can establish contacts, find buyers or sellers, and raise a personal or corporate profile. But the cocktail party metaphor isn't entirely accurate. In fact, users would be better served if they thought of social network services in the context of a loud glass house; a place with endless visibility and each occupant talking through a highly amplified bullhorn. Since most people access social network sites from the comfort and privacy of their home or office, they can be lulled into a false sense of anonymity. Additionally, the lack of physical contact on social network site can lower users' natural defences, leading individuals into disclosing information they would never think of revealing to a person they just met on a street -- or at a cocktail party's.
Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) of Rock Samples from Blue Nile Gorge, East Gojjam, Ethiopia[Full-Text ] Asres Yihunie Hibstie, A.K.Chaubey, Awoke Taddesse Hailu and Dilbetigle Assefa MamoNeutron activation analysis (NAA) is an analytical technique based on the measurement of radio-nuclides formed directly or indirectly by neutron irradiation of the material of interest. The main objective of this study is to assess elemental availability and concentration in rock samples of the Blue Nile Gorge area between Gohatsion and Dejen towns. The hydrocarbon potential of the Paleozoic sediments is much debated in this Grand Canyon.The authors maintain that the hydrocarbons were frequently remobilized and redistributed into younger sediments. Paleozoic rocks could have produced significant amount of hydrocarbons in areas characterized by strong Mesozoic sedimentary subsidence. The recent developments in activation analysis techniques now offer the prospect of rapid, reliable analyses for many elements in concentrations as small as parts per million or parts per billion. The neutrons obtained from isotopic neutron source of (a, n) type were used in this paper.
Utilization Of Pulverized Fuel Ash As A Cement Replacement For Soil-cement Bricks[Full-Text ] Zakaria Che Muda, Salah F. A. Sharif, Mohammed A. Al-Ademi, Lariyah Bte. Mohd Sidek, Nawfal S. FarhanIn Malaysia, coal is one of the energy resources. The requirements was predicted to be more than 22.5 million tons of coal utilized in 2010, which resulted in a large volumes of coal ash are produced as waste material. The utilization of Pulverized Fuel Ash (PFA) as a cement replacement in concert mixes has found high attention through the last few years. This study is based on laboratory works including determination of the optimum mix design which will lead to optimum compressive strength, water absorption and initial rate of suction of soil-cement bricks enhanced with (PFA).The replacement of some of the Portland cement offers greater potential as a method of reducing environmental impact. The experimental results showed that the Initial Rate of Suction of the bricks increases as the amount of the PFA increases till a certain limit and then start decreasing, that limit is when brick became durable because all the pores inside the brick are filled with PFA hence it will decrease the penetration of the water. According to the results of the 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% PFA the average compressive strength of soil-cement interlocking bricks with mortar fill was around 13.52, 9.42, 9.86 and 7.81 N/mm2 respectively, which illustrates that based on BS 3921 the interlocking brick unit, all can be classified as load bearing bricks class 1. It is found that soil-cement interlocking bricks containing up to 20% PFA is viable to be used as load bearing wall.
Applied Transformational Strategies of Clark Air Base (CAB) as a Model for Global Property Management- Economic Zone Development (PM-EZD) and Investments [Full-Text ] Fernando de Leon TrinidadThis research study identifies and evaluates the strategies applied in the transformation of Clark Air Base ("CAB") in the Philippines, once the biggest air base outside of the United States (US) into a financially viable and competitive global Property Management -Economic Zone Development ("PM-EZD") in order to derive insights for a template for overseas bases facing closure. Capitalizing on its locational advantages as military base (strategic location, land availability and suitability, infrastructure development), CAB used the strategies of ease of doing business, zone administration and management, competent work force, cost doing business, investment incentives and political stability to further enhance its competitive-ness. Multiple Regression Analysis results showed that competent work force and cost of doing business registered high relationships with investments generated; zone administration and management and ease of doing business, moderate while investment incentives, weak. Sequential Equation Model ("SEM") results point to the effectiveness of ease of doing business (-.000); zone administration (.0007); work force (-.016); Infrastructure Development (-.016) cost of doing business (-.024) and investment incentives (-.0.29).. Confirmatory Factor Analysis showed the following results: Work Force (0.948); Ease of Doing Business (0.94); Zone Administration and management (0. 911); Political Stability (0.861); and Investment Incentives (0.818).
Simulation of Pull-out Torque of Hybrid Stepping Motor [Full-Text ] J. U. Agber and C. O. OnahSeveral models for predicting hybrid stepping motor characteristics have been developed. However most of these are based on linear theory, which do not consider the motor as a toothed structure working under highly saturated conditions. This paper considers the hybrid permanent magnet stepping motor as a non-linear device. It approximates the measured flux-linkage data with analytical function that has continuous derivatives. The electrical and mechanical equations for the motor are derived and used in a computer program to predict the pull-out torque versus speed characteristics. The comparisons of experimental and simulated results show good agreement.
A Functional Curriculum for Engineering Education in Nigerian Universities[Full-Text ] Ugochukwu C. Okonkwo, Nelson O. Ubani, Obiekwe A. UbachukwuThe demand for competent engineering graduates from Nigerian Universities is high and the solution to a large extent depends on the effectiveness of their curriculum. This paper therefore proposes a functional engineering curriculum which is anchored on the key interacting elements of a curriculum. These elements include: what to learn, how to teach it, the means of instruction, the feedback on what has been learnt, the implementers and the learners. In the paper, areas that need review were pointed out and possible suggestions were made. To make it more realistic and implementable, a schematic diagram representing the sequential and practical steps to follow in accomplishing this proposal was formulated. Applying insight from this paper will surely enhance the quality of Nigerian engineering graduates and can possibly trigger off a review of engineering curriculum to suite the present realities in the country.
A successful application of an intelligent hybrid controller for feed drive control of CNC Machine tool [Full-Text ] Ferit Idrizi, Jorgaq KacaniSuccessor effect of error that displays integrator part of PID controller in application of this controller for closed loop control of feed drive mechanism often can cause high overshoots and delays in the Stability of the system. In this paper we have made a detailed study of this effect. Eliminating these overpasses by raising artificially the input of the controller cannot be done without sacrificing the time of stabilization. In terms of work with high speed CNC machines, the length of this time causes the reduction of productivity and precision machines. As a model we have chosen the closed loop system of feed drive control of CNC machines. To keep the rise time limits required without sacrificing my settling, we propose to remove the integral part and replacing its role by a hybrid controller with fuzzy logic. The controller gives fast loop response stability, reducing the steady state error, increasing the rising time and decreasing the settling time.
Estimation of genetic variability and path analysis of grain yield and its components in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)[Full-Text ] Muhammad Adnan Mushtaq, Dr. Muhammad Maqsood Bajwa and Dr. Muhammad SaleemThis study was carried out to investigate variability parameters and path coefficient analysis in twenty elite chickpea genotypes including three standards. The material was also evaluated for means and components of variability and interrelationships (genotypic and phenotypic) for yield and yield components. The experiment was laid out by using randomized complete block design with three replications. Heritability estimates were maximum for days taken to flowering, days taken to maturity, pods per plant, total weight of plant, secondary branches per plant, plant height, 100-grains weight and grain yield per plant while other characters exhibited moderate heritability. Seed yield was positively correlated with all attributes under study. Investigations regarding path coefficient showed that days taken to flowering had maximum direct influence on seed yield per plant followed by total weight of plant, 100-grains weight, primary branches, and plant height. These are important parameters for selecting maximum yielding genotypes in chickpea.
Optimum Design of a Nearly Zero Ultra-flattened Dispersion with lower Confinement loss Photonic Crystal Fibers for Communication Systems[Full-Text ] Rifat Ahmmed Aoni, Rajib Ahmed, Md. Mahbub Alam, S. M. Abdur RazzakThis paper presents a triangular-lattice photonic crystal fiber for analysis of nearly zero ultra-flattened dispersion like 0.96 - -0.86 ps/nm/km with very low confinement loss less than 10-5 db/km, moderate effective area, lower splice loss & nonlinear coefficient property of photonic crystal fibers. A five-ringed photonic crystal fiber have be designed using Comsol 4.2 with the finite element method and perfectly matched absorbing layers boundary condition is used to inves-tigate the guiding properties.
Electronic Module of Hydraulic Damper Test Bench using ARM Microcontroller Interfacing in LabVIEW[Full-Text ] Hare Ram Jha, Akash Priyadarshi, Anamika KumariThe paper presents the universal electronic module based on System on Chip (SOC) architecture. It is related to the Industrial Control System(ICS) dealing with the software and hardware design of chip along with its implementation in hydraulic damper test benches .It mainly focuses on the use of a 32-bit RISC micro-controller to test the new or repaired pumps or valves with the help of virtual instrument technology software. The paper also contains the proposed results and observations made for test bench in LabVIEW with the help of PID algorithm. Thus, the paper basically emphasizes on the use of different hardware and software components used in chip making and interfacing with a number of required peripherals.
Improve Receive Signal over Ku-Band Satellite Communications Based on Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text ] Vatcharakorn Netharn, Surasee Prahmkaew , Siriwhaddhanah PongpadpinitThis paper is the extension of the previous research work [1] to improve the BER over the regular satellite communication during rain attenuation performed. The fuzzy logic box was added into the system. The fuzzy box will determine the ambiguous signal during the attenuation performed. The fuzzy box use dB state, Voltage and Phase of the signal as the input parameters to determine the ambiguous signal for the correction signal. The varieties sets of input was performed by fuzzy box includes to obtaining the rule based, the simulation performed MATLAB. After june up process on fuzzy box, the two case will test by fuzzy box 1) without attenuation 2) attenuation (clear sky) final we obtain the purpose signal regulate for improving BER.
Factors Yield Emission in Operation of Stationary Gas Turbine in Desert Regions[Full-Text ] Ali Omar MohammedA simple cycle gas turbine is utilized in many different application e.g. in power generation, mechanical drive, aero industry and marine. It is important to taken into account a gas turbine emission, which have a serious impact on the environment. The burning of gas and distillate fuel in an industrial gas turbine results emitted gases such as nitrogen oxide, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbon. The operation of stationery gas turbine engines in a desert area has an influenced by ambient temperature in which reach highest level particularly on summer season. Furthermore compressor degradation in which occur due to penetrate of small particles such as sand, dust and smoke, which stick on compressor blades. The results a reduction in compressor air mass flow and pressure ratio. That leads to an increase of firing temperature, fuel consumption, exhaust temperature and ultimately increase emission rate. In spite of many pursuits from gas turbine manufacturer to mitigate the degree of emission by apply water /steam injection into the combustion chamber. So that always necessitates high quality of demonized water. This paper presented emission gas associated to gas turbine operation in Sahara sites, due to influence of higher ambient pressure, temperature and compressor degradation.
Multiple Watermarking Techniques using Visual Cryptography for Secured Copyright Protection[Full-Text ] Vijaya Kumar. Kurapati, Venu Gopal. K, M.Nagaraju.Copyright Protection has become a need in today's world. To achieve a secure copyright protection we embedded information in images and videos and that image or video is called copyright protected. In this paper, a new robust watermarking technique for copyright protection based on Discrete Wavelet Transform and Singular Value Decomposition is proposed. The high frequency subband of the wavelet decomposed cover image is modified by modifying its singular values. A secret key is generated from the original watermark with the help of visual cryptography to claim the ownership of the image. The ownership of the image can bec claimed by superimposing this secret key on the extracted watermark from the watermark image. The robustness of this technique is tested by applying different attacks and the visual quality of the extracted watermark after applying these attacks is good. Also, the visual quality of the watermarked image is undistinguishable from the original image.
A Highly Secure Integrated Biometrics Authentication Using Finger-Palmprint Fusion[Full-Text ] Ephin M, N. A. VasanthiBiometric authentication is the verification and identification of a person uniquely based on physical characteristics such as finger print, palm print, retina, iris, face etcetera or behavioral characteristics such as signature, gait, typing patterns, voice etcetera. Existing single modal biometric system has more error rate and provides less security than the combined one. To reduce the error rate and overcome the security flaw, multimodal biometric systems are used. Finger print is the most widely used technique and easy to use[3]. Palm print is more secure than finger print as it has more features like principal lines, wrinkles, texture, indents and marks compared to finger print and not available in public like photographs from which fake face or iris can be created. This paper presents a highly secure low cost biometric authentication scheme which makes use of both finger print and palm print features by fusing them for high level authentication. From the result it is concluded that the proposed scheme is highly secure, more economic, and user friendly. More over it has less error rate and high accuracy and offers better authentication.
Properties of Aerated (Foamed) Concrete Blocks[Full-Text ] Prakash T M, Naresh kumar B G, Karisiddappa, Raghunath SAerated concrete block is a type of masonry unit manufactured by precast technique. Aerated concrete is produced by the mixing of Portland cement, sand, water and air voids are entrapped in the mortar of mix by means of suitable aerating agent. In this experimental study the feasibility of using aerated concrete block as an alternative to the conventional masonry units has been investigated. The preliminary studies focused on estimating physical and elastic properties of Aerated concrete block units. These included Initial rate of absorption, density test, water absorption test etc. The compressive strength, stess-strain characteristics and the flexural strength of the units were obtained. There is scanty information on the physical and elastic properties of Aerated concrete blocks. The present investigation has endeavored to study all such properties. Having obtained the results, it would now be interesting and useful to compare the results with that of conventional masonry units.
Hardware Design of 2 Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform By using VLSI[Full-Text ] Mr.Husain .K.Bhaldar, Prof.V.K.BairagiDiscrete Wavelet Transform brings their own strong benefits to that environment a local outlook, a multiscaled outlook, cooperation between scales, and a time-scale analysis. DWT performs multi-resolution analysis which enables to have a scale-invariant interpretation of image. Because of superior energy compaction and correspondence with human visual system, two-dimensional DWT (2DDWT) has been proven to be a key operation in image processing. To optimize speed and memory requirement, we propose novel VLSI architecture for 2D DWT using Conditional Carry Adder [3].This work discusses architecture, working and implementation of multiplier less 1D DWT and 2D DWT in detail using 5/3 & 9/7 filter. Performance results of 1D and 2D DWT using Xilinx are presented.
A Survey on FPGA based MLP Realization for On-chip Learning[Full-Text ] K. Packia Lakshmi, Dr. M. SubadraThe objective of this work is to review the development steps of implementation of MLP neural network in FPGA device, during the recent years. Each development to implement the neural architecture and activation function effectively were studied to take the work one step forward to implement a cost effective, compact and effective on-chip trained neural network. Finally the off-chip trained MLP for XOR problem is implemented on different hardware platform to show the importance of hardware platform selection for on-chip training.
Studies on heavy metals contamination in Vrishabhavathi river water and ground water of the surrounding river[Full-Text ] Jayadev, E.T. PuttaihThe aim of this study is to assess the physicochemical parameters, extent of heavy metal content in Vrishabhavathi river water and its surrounding ground water. The perennial source of drinking water stream, today carrying large quantity of industrial, agricultural and domestic effluents (treated and untreated) from the western parts of Bangalore city. This polluted water used in agriculture due to easy availability in periurban areas causes various environmental issues in food chain contamination by heavy metals because of their potential accumulation and bioaccumulation by food chain in human health problems. Water samples of both Vrishabhavathi river and its surrounding ground water collected at selected sites are subjected to comprehensive physic chemical parameters and toxic heavy metal analysis using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The results reveals that Vrishabhavathi river water is not potable for drinking when compared to the BIS standards. It is not suitable to use directly for irrigation also in the upper stream. The concentration of Heavy metals is higher in summer and minima during rainy season. The concentration decreases in the downstream of the river. Heavy metals Pb, Cr, Ni, Mn and Fe concentration is above permissible limit. Even though some of the pollutants level is below permissible limit, regular monitoring of pollutants in polluted water is essential to prevent excessive build up of these pollutants in soil and food chain where this polluted water is used in irrigation of land.
Impact Resistance Of Oil Palm Shells Lightweight Concrete Slab With Bamboo Fibers [Full-Text ] Zakaria Che Muda, Salah F. A. Sharif, Lariyah Bte. Mohd Sideka, Nawfal S. FarhanOil palm shells (OPS) has been used as an aggregate in concrete mixture, replacing the normal sense aggregate in many countries, since long time, and it is still an important aggregate in terms of quantity used. In Malaysia, the development of using oil palm shell as lightweight aggregate in construction industry, especially in structural application started about 30 years ago. Today; concrete is one of the most versatile construction materials. Many researchers found that OPS light weight concrete performances need to be enhanced especially when used for structural applications. In this research work an efforts were taken place to enhance OPS concrete performances by using bamboo fibers. Compressive strength, impact energy absorption and crack resistance were investigated for different mix design of bamboo fiber content and good results were gained. The compressive strength decreased marginally the percentage of bamboo fiber of 2% by cement weight. The impact energy absorption for 1% bamboo fiber increase about 1.9 times for service (first) crack and 1.5 times for the ultimate (failure) crack as compared to the service (first) crack and ultimate (failure) crack of the control sample with no bamboo fiber respectively. However, the impact energy absorption for 2% bamboo fiber increase considerably about 2.3 times for service (first) crack) and 1.8 times for the ultimate (failure) crack as compared to the service (first) crack and ultimate (failure) crack of the control sample with no bamboo fiber respectively. As such the 2% percentage of bamboo fiber has better performance than 1% percentage of bamboo fiber in term of impact energy absorption and crack resistance especially under service (first) crack condition. The difference in bamboo fiber length has only marginal effect on the impact energy absorption or surface crack resistance for service (first) crack and ultimate crack condition. The results show that oil palm shell light-weight concrete with bamboo fibers indicate a potential future of this material to be used as an impact resistance composite structures.
Cooperative provable data retention for integrity authentication in multi-cloud Storage[Full-Text ] Krishna Kumar Singh, Rajkumar Gaura, Sudhir Kumar SinghProvable data retention (PDR) is a technique which certain the integrity of data in storage outsourcing. In this paper we propose an efficient PDR protocol that prevent attacker in gaining information from multiple cloud storage node. Our technique is for distributed cloud storage and support the scalability of services and data migration. This technique Cooperative store and maintain the client's data on multi cloud storage. To insure the security of our technique we use zero-knowledge proof system, which satisfies zero-knowledge properties, knowledge soundness and completeness. We present a Cooperative PDR (CPDR) protocol based on hash index hierarchy and homomorphic authentication response. In order to optimize the performance of our technique we use a novel technique for selecting optimal parameter values to reduce the storage overhead and computation costs of client for service providers. Our experiment shows that our solution reflects less communication and computation costs in comparison to non-cooperative approaches.
A Review - Local Failure On Concrete Target Due To Projectile Impact[Full-Text ] Zakaria Che Muda, Kong Sih Ying, Salah F. A. Sharif, Lariyah Bte. Mohd Sideka,Nawfal S. FarhanExtensive work has been carried out to investigate the effects of the impact of rigid projectiles on concrete targets. Many of this research investigation have concluded with presenting empirical formulae that correlate - to the best possible extent - some of the variables of the phenomena with the results of the experimental work. This paper presents a review on the validity and limitations of empirical formulae adopted in the design of nuclear structures in USA and UK to predict a local impact effects in concrete targets struck by hard projectiles. These formulae are used to determine the penetration depth, scabbing thickness and perforation thickness of the concrete target. Failure mechanisms are classified based primarily on experimental evidence. An energy approach and numerical modeling with finite element for investigating the penetration of concrete by rigid missiles and the associated phenomena are also presented. Criticisms are made on the validity and limitations of the empirical formulae. The future trend of the analysis and design of concrete penetration by hard missiles impact are predicted.
Hydrochemical characteristic and evaluation of groundwater quality in Wadi As Sab'an, western Saudi Arabia[Full-Text ] Masoud E. Al-AhmadiAn attempt has been made for the first time in this area to appreciate the hydrochemical investigation of groundwater and also to determine the suitability of water for drinking and irrigation purposes. So, to achive this objective a total of 41 water samples were collected from hand dug wells located along Wadi As Sab'an area and its tributary. Physical and chemical groundwater parameters were determined such as Electrical conductivity(EC) , PH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), major ions (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, Cl-, HCO3- , SO42- and NO3-). The abundance of the major ions is as follows: Na+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > and Cl- > SO42- > HCO3- > NO3-. Groundwater in the study area is generally hard, fresh to brackish and alkaline in nature. The dominant hydrochemical facieses of groundwater are mixed Ca-Mg-Cl and mixed Ca-Cl types in addition to the alkaline earth (Ca2++ Mg2+) exceeds alkalis (Na+ + K+) and strong acid (Cl-+SO42-) exceeds weak acid (HCO3- +CO3-).On the other hand some parameters were calculated in this study such as Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR), Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC), Percent of sodium % and Permeability Index (PI) which were used to determine the suitability of groundwater for drinking and irrigation uses.
Seismic Performance Of Soft Storey Composite Column[Full-Text ] Miss Desai Pallavi T, Prof. Mrs. A. Rajan "Soft storey" mechanism is the most frequent failure mode of reinforced concrete (R.C.) structures. The present work focused on an effect of soft storey. Severe structural damage suffered by several modern buildings during recent earthquakes illustrates the importance of avoiding sudden changes in lateral stiffness and ductility. Effective stiffness assumption in the modeling of reinforced concrete (RC) frame members is important for seismic design because it directly affects the building periods and dynamic response, particularly deflection and internal force distribution. The soft storey effect will not only increase the total seismic horizontal load, which will induce huge moments in the columns, but also could increase the axial force in some columns. This situation will create very serious problems for columns.
A New Class Of Gracefull Trees[Full-Text ] A. SOLAIRAJU and N. ABDUL ALIThe gracefulness of Tp-tree of size (5n, 5n-1) is obtained
Predictive algorithm to detect uphill or downhill road ahead of vehicle and simulation analysis of impact on fuel economy and drivability[Full-Text ] Dileep Kumar Bhoi, Premananda Sahoo, Devesh Singh PatelWe present an analysis of impact of road slope or gradient on a vehicle's fuel consumption and driving comfort. From classical mechanics and vehicle dynamics it is known that while driving on a relatively flat surface, when a vehicle encounters an uphill, there is an increase in resistance to driving torque generated by engine and if driving conditions are unchanged such as no gear change done or gas pedal not pressed by driver, the engine RPM (rotation per minute) will come down.
Theoretical Investigation Of Transition Metal-incorporated Porphyrin-induced Carbon Nanotubes: A Potential Hydrogen Storage Material[Full-Text ] Michael MananghayaThe systemic study of the chemical functionalization of (10,0) SWCNT doped with porphyrin-like nitrogen defects (4ND-CNxNT) with 10 different transition metals (TMs-Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, and Zn) defined as TM/4ND-CNXNT was done with the aid of spin-unrestricted density functional theory (DFT). The composite material TM/4ND-CNXNT shows very strong binding to hydrogen molecule and can act as a media for storing hydrogen. The electronic properties are also reported.
Ensemble-Based Approach towards Concept Adapting Algorithms[Full-Text ] Prof. Dipti D. Patil, Jyoti G. Mudkanna, Dr. Vijay M. WadhaiMost existing data mining classifiers cannot detect and classify the evolving class instances in real-time data stream mining problems. Unless and until the classification models are trained with the labeled instances of the evolving classes, classifiers are unable to discover new classes in real time. Different from data in traditional static databases, data streams typically arrive continuously in high speed with huge amount and changing data distribution. This raises new issues that need to be considered when developing classification techniques for data stream. This paper discusses those issues and challenges. The mining method of data streams needs to adapt to their changing data distribution; otherwise, it will cause the concept drifting problem. The paper describes features and analytical study of various ensemble-based concept adapting real time data stream mining algorithms those can play major role in making the real-time prediction.
A Survey Of Efficient And Scalable Multicasting Over Mobile Ad-hoc Networks[Full-Text ] N. Kumar, Dr. C. Suresh Gnana DhassMulticast is an efficient method for implementing group communication that is important in MANET. This project proposes a novel Efficient Geographic Multicast Protocol (EGMP). EGMP uses a virtual-zone-based structure to implement scalable and efficient group membership management to an efficient and scalable packet processing framework for continuous information transmission. A dynamic environment communication model is introduced as a general mechanism for quickly and efficiently learning about changes occurring in the environment in a fault tolerant manner. For purposes of scalability, multiple dynamic environment servers store user, device, and, for each geographic region, context information. In order to efficiently disseminate information from these components to applications, a dynamic collection of multicast groups is employed. A network wide zone-based bidirectional tree is constructed to achieve more efficient membership management and multicast delivery. The position information is used to guide the zone structure building, multicast tree construction, and multicast packet forwarding, which efficiently reduces the over head for route searching and tree structure maintenance. EGMP has high packet delivery ratio, and low control overhead and multicast group joining delay under all test scenarios, and is scalable to both group size and network size. Several strategies have been proposed to further improve the efficiency of the protocol.
Improving Efficiency Of Ontology Mapping In Semantic Web Using Cut Arc Algorithm[Full-Text ] S.Raja Ranganathan, Dr.M.Marrikkannan, Dr.S.KarthikThe World Wide Web (WWW) is a huge collection of information this allows the people to share information from the repositories of databases which are available globally. From day to day the information which is available inside database is growing rapidly also the number of user interaction with World Wide Web also increased. The search engines play a major role to extract these information to the user, there are many search engines available today but retrieving the most optimized result is a difficult task, however to overcome the problems in search engines for retrieving the optimized results for user queries, Semantic search technology plays a vital role. The main purpose of the Semantic Web is driving the evolution of the current Web by enabling users to find, share, and combine information more easily. In this paper we briefly review about new semantic architecture and propose a new sub graph algorithm for relation based semantic web technology this helps to improve the efficiency and consistency of semantic web.
Estimation of genetic variability and path analysis of grain yield and its components in chickpea[Full-Text ] Muhammd Adnan Mushtaq and Dr. Muhammad SaleemThis study was carried out to investigate variability parameters and path coefficient analysis in twenty elite chickpea genotypes including four standards. The material was also evaluated for means and components of variability and interrelationships (genotypic and phenotypic) for yield and yield components. The experiment was laid out by using randomized complete block design with three replications. Heritability estimates were maximum for days taken to flowering, days taken to maturity, pods per plant, total weight of plant, secondary branches per plant, plant height, 100-grains weight and grain yield per plant while other characters exhibited moderate heritability. Seed yield was positively correlated with all attributes under study. Investigations regarding path coefficient showed that days taken to flowering had maximum direct influence on seed yield per plant followed by total weight of plant, 100-grains weight, primary branches, and plant height. These are important parameters for selecting maximum yielding genotypes in chickpea.
Akshaya a Grass root level IT Project in Kerala - a Unique Experiment with Broadband[Full-Text ] Dr. Ch. Radhakumari, Ph. DRecognizing the potential of broadband services in enhancing the quality of life of citizens, the government of Kerala has taken a big leap by leveraging Broadband application for taking IT to the grass roots. An integrated project "Akshaya" has been conceived by the State for 'bridging the digital divide'. The study is undertaken to analyse the impact of broadband deployment in two districts, based on the information gathered from the heads of the districts and the trainees of the project, through questionnaires. The Study identifies the initiatives made by the districts, defines the associated features and improvements that occurred both internally and externally. The study also brings to focus the critical success factors which created the necessary environment for successful implementation of the project
A Review For Characterization Of Silica Fume And Its Effect On Concrete With Pozzolonic Portland Cement[Full-Text ] Ajay Verma, Dr Rajeev Chandak, R.k.YadavConcrete is a most widely used building material which is a mixture of Cement, Sand, Coarse aggregate and water. Nowadays high strength and high performance concrete are widely used in many civil engineering works. Mineral admixtures (fly ash, silica fume and slags) are usually added to concrete in larger amounts to enhance the properties of concrete. Silica fume is much fined separated silica obtained as a by-product in industry Micro silica or Silica fume is very fine non crystalline material. Silica fume is produced in electric arc furnace as a by product of the production of elemental silicons or alloys containing silicon . It is used as an admixture in the concrete mix and it has significant effects on the properties of the resulting material. To study effect of silica fume on strength is the main objective of this work. Yhis paper deals with the influence of strength with addition of silica fume as an admixture to the concrete in various proportion 5%,10%,15%, and 20%by weight of cement. Concrete containing microsilica showed considerable increase in strength.
A CRM Based Cryptography Service for Ensuring Security in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] K.V.S.Prasad, M.Babu RaoCloud Computing is more than a technology. It is more than a platform. It is more than just a hosting provider. It is more than just an application hosted as a service. It is more than providing storage services on the Internet. It is a combination of all the above. Cloud computing allows consumers and businesses to use applications without installation and access their personal files at any computer with internet access. This technology allows for much more efficient computing by centralizing storage, memory, processing and bandwidth. A simple example of cloud computing is Yahoo email, Gmail, or Hotmail etc. You don't need software or a server to use them. All a consumer would need is just an internet connection and you can start sending emails, The server and email management software is all on the cloud ( internet) and is totally managed by the cloud service provider Yahoo , Google etc. But in data privacy protection and data retrieval control is one of the most challenging research work in cloud computing, because of users can store their confidential data in storage cloud which is provided by the service provider. Service provider must provides the authentication for valid user otherwise the security must reduce and the cloud computing system may collapse. It's service provider's responsibility that saves the end users data with security. For these issues regarding security and privacy this paper implies some efficient ways to overcome the limitations and drawbacks of cloud computing. This Paper mainly focus on the core concept of secured cloud storage i.e. it suggests separating the encryption and decryption process from storage process for achieving more security measures. This paper introduces a user interface model i.e. Customer Relationship Management (CRM). The CRM is actually a connecting application which connects user to any system. So we purposefully uses CRM for user interface. A CRM service is described in this paper as an example to proposed business model and usability for end user. This service consists of three cloud systems, which are an encryption, and decryption system, a storage system, and a CRM application system. One service provider operates the encryption and decryption system while other providers operate the storage Even for security and data integrity we supposed to implement the One Time Password Authentication (OTP) including email updates and application systems, according to the core concept of the proposed computing model.
Energy and the Nigerian economy[Full-Text ] Maryam A. Bulama (Mrs).The ongoing reform in the energy sector followed the radical transformation witnessed by other sectors, such as financial services, aviation and security services which commenced in the late 2000s. The energy sector is critical to the sustenance of the political and economic system of Nigeria and for the realization of the country's economic growth ambitions. While attaining the goal of one of the 20 nations by the year 2020 may be overly ambitious given the pace of the economic growth in the last 5 years, the potential to grow significantly is huge if the benefits of a successfully reformed energy sector provide the springboard.
Enhancement of Power System Voltage Stability Using SVC and TCSC[Full-Text ] Deepa ChoudharyVoltage stability analysis is essential for a secure power system operation. A lot of works have been developed for this analysis method to improve voltage stability. This paper investigates the enhancement of voltage stability using base case and FACTS devices. The objective of this paper is to enhance voltage stability based on static analysis. The continuation power flow methods are proposed in case of the increasing loading of contingency. The WSCC 9 bus system is simulated to test the increasing load ability. The advantage of this simulated method is to develop a simple, fast and convenient procedure which can be applied effectively to enhance the voltage stability.
Effective Implementation of Denoising and Age Estimation with the Help of Facial Features[Full-Text ] Sreeji C, Vineetha G R, Gopu DarsanAge estimation is a technology has applications in Human-Computer interaction. Age estimation has applications in various fields like internet security for minors, age specific shopping etc. Input image is taken through webcam and it is pre-processed to reduce the noise in the image. Then feature extraction is performed on this image using SIFT algorithm. The extracted features are compared with the trained images. Training is performed with the help of back propagation algorithm. Support vector regression is used to convert the resulting vector of feature extraction into a number reprsenting age.
What Is Life?[Full-Text ] Mr.Mukesh Raju BangarWhat is life? This question comes in everyone's mind in their life. I searched answers; I found it, at origin level of life."Life is valency of an atom". Valency is the combining power of atoms or groups measured by number of electrons the atom or group will receive, give up, or share in forming a compound. Due to this power a chemical chain reaction is started. This chemical chain reaction results in an autonomous system to complete their octate or duplet for stability. This autonomous system represents our life. Our role in life is to continue this autonomous system as we have a mind, thinking power. It is to maintain a harmonious relationship with plants and animals i.e. to save the earth. But we are becoming more selfish animals as we polluted the earth rather than saving it. It may take millions of years to recover, but even after its recovery; there may not be life on earth anymore.