Volume 15, Issue 6, 06 2024 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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Text Classification using Multinominal Classifier and GUI Interface [PDF] Mrs. Reshma ZopeText classification is a fundamental problem in natural language processing and machine learning. In this project, we explore the implementation of a text classification system using the Multinomial Naive Bayes algorithm and develop a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to allow users to classify text documents into predefined categories. This report provides an overview of the project, including the methodology, implementation details, experimental results, and discussions on the findings.
Text Classification is commonly also known as text tagging and text categorisation. It is the process of classifying the text into several categories they belong to. For instance, Cricket will come under the Sports category, and stuff like that. We have used the Machine Learning Classifier Namely Naïve Bayes classifier. The data set we use for building a Text Classification system is Natural Language Processing with Disaster Tweets. In this work we have used pandas, and numpy libraries, for text pre-processing we have used NLTK, and string libraries for model building using sklearn and elaborately discussed how using all these libraries and datasets an algorithm is proposed to classify text much better. Thus, after getting a clear view of various techniques and tools available an algorithm is devised that can be implemented for building a text classification system.
TREATMENT OF SUGAR MILL WASTEWATER USING ELECTROCHEMICAL COAGULATION [PDF] Madhu Shree K JTreating Argo-based industries waste water has become a challenge because of its characteristics properties such as high chemical oxygen demand (COD), high biological oxygen demand (BOD), residual chlorine and other dissolved solids. In this study a 2D electro-chemical (EC) coagulation technique is used for treating sugar mill waste water taken from MYSUGAR, Mandya. After determining the initial properties of the waste water like pH, colour, COD, sulphates, BOD, total solids etc. An electro-coagulation process was done under constant current, varying voltages and varying number of electrodes. EC process includes Aluminium electrodes with standard dimensions which acts as anode, the experimental setup includes glass container with waste water connected to DC power supply under bipolar electrodes in parallel arrangement with which final electro-chemical reaction gives dischargeable water. Results indicated a reduction of 92% in COD under optimum conditions.
SATELLITE BASED MONITORING Of FLOOD HAZARD VULNERABILITY MAPPING OF NI-GERIA COASTLINE [PDF] Akpata S.B.M., Ode G.O., Oyinbo I.A and Imhomoh O. A.The interest of coastal zone management is to protect coastal zone against vulnerability hazard due to natural disaster on human livelihood in coastal region. Loses recorded among towns, cities, and villages along the coast is pitiable and require urgent attention. The coast, irrespective of being prone to disaster is the economic backbone of this nation Nigeria. The National Marine time, the oil and gas exploration, the inland water ways and recreation activities are all sources of income for the country. To protect the coastal area against hazard, require urgent and timely intervention by geospatial scientists. Several approaches including time series analysis, coastal vulnerability index, coastal factor, and land use, land cover classification were used to calculate the vulnerability of coastal erosion along the Nigeria coastal region using Multicriterial analysis. Land sat time series data set, ASTER, tidal data were downloaded from USGS website and process to generate useful results for analysis using ArcGIS software. Special vulnerability index was calculated to determine area that are prone to disaster along the coastal region. The study produces useful results such as LULC, DEM, slope. Aspect, and coastal vulnerability indicator maps which will definitely help for decision making process.
Development of Bio-grease with blended vegetable oil (Castor and cottonseed) [PDF] Dr. Bhagwat Dayal, Samuel Tadesse, Akale H MeskelAbstract:
The goal of this research is to focus on the formulation of high-performance bio-grease lubricants using non-edible castor oil and cottonseed oil blended in various proportions and the use of additives (C-G) and thickeners (LiOH) to increase tribological properties. At the same time, it makes use of renewable resources and solves environmental concerns about petroleum-based lubricants. The study was carried out and analyzed utilizing the experimental approach. In general, the current study discovered that bio-grease could be made with lithium soap and a blend of castor and cottonseed oil. The thickener proportion and the base oil have a major impact on the lubricating properties of formulated bio-grease.
Keywords: castor oil, cottonseed oil, formulation, bio-grease lubricant, Lithium hydroxide, (LiOH), Carbon graphite (C.G), Tribology.
APPLYING THE DPSIR MODEL TO EVALUATE GREEN GROWTH IN THE COASTAL AREA OF QUANG NINH PROVINCE AND ITS SURROUNDINGS [PDF] Thu Nhung NguyenThis article applies the DPSIR model to evaluate the effectiveness of economic development towards green growth in the coastal area of Quang Ninh province and its surroundings. The study identifies the driving factors, pressures, current status, impacts, and reactions in the process of green economic development in four regions with distinct economic characteristics: Region I (transportation, mining coal), Area II (coal transportation, hazardous waste treatment), Area III (traffic, marine tourism) and Area IV (Industrial parks, concentrated population). The results show that green growth in this region is still not sustainable, mainly relying on finite resources. Economic activities such as coal mining, transportation, tourism, and industry cause pressure on the environment, such as air, water, soil pollution, waste, and conflicts of interest between sectors. Although local authorities at all levels have implemented solutions to reduce environmental pollution and promote green growth, it is necessary to focus on preserving and developing biodiversity to develop a sustainable green economy in the future and studying and restoring marine waste systems, promoting stricter environmental management and monitoring. Raising public awareness of environmental protection and sustainable development is critical to achieving these goals. The urgency of these actions is underscored by our current challenges, emphasizing the need for immediate and concerted efforts.
MEASURING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ON SERVICE QUALITY IN FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARY ORGANIZATION: THE CASE OF BIDV VIETNAM [PDF] Nhung Doan Thi Hong, Hang Trinh Thi ThuThe study focuses on identifying the factors that affect customer satisfaction regarding the service quality of the banking sector based on a survey database from 252 regular customers at the Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV). The study revealed that there are 6 factors impacting customer satisfaction towards banking services, which include: (1) expectations, (2) price, (3) reliability, (4) tangible means, (5) service capability, and (6) accessibility. The research also proposes several measures to enhance the service quality of commercial banks in Vietnam.
Mechanized Suffocating Location and Security in pool with IoT Server [PDF] POORVIKA H R GOWDAThe existing system is based on
video surveillance using HSV color space
analysis, An innovative technology has been
developed to identify an individual in
distress at a pool and trigger an alert for the
lifeguard in case the individual cannot be
located within the pool. The drawback of
this existing system is that video surveillance
may not be able to detect all instances of
drowning, if the person is not fully
submerged or the water is muddy. The
proposed system consists of three main
sensors, such as a temperature, heart rate
and a respiratory rate sensor, which are used
to detect the body conditions of the swimmer.
If the swimmer's body condition exceeds the
preset ranges, the buzzer sends an alert to the
lifeguard for rescue. An IOT server is used to
store the data of the swimmer. The
experimental results shows that the proposed
system improved in terms of accuracy and
speed compared to existing setup.
A comprehensive study of some groundwater wells in the area extending between the cities of Al-Khums and Souq Al-Khamis [PDF] Khalid M.OmemenThis study was conducted for the purpose of evaluating the quality of groundwater in the area extending between Al-Khums and Souk Al-Khamis by selecting ten wells and analysing their water chemically and physically during the period from May 2022 to May 2023. Results show a large differences in the depths of the wells (6–142 m). It was also found that there was a variation in the amount of total dissolved salts (1443–4790 ppm), and the electrical conductivity ranged between 2650 and 9190 microseconds/cm, which is a logical proportion when compared with the TDS value. As same as the values of pH were 6.63 - 7.40.
Application of Geographic Information Systems to Evaluate Soil Fertility in Thung Ma Hue [PDF] Whadcharee SaetungThung Ma Hue, Case Study: Tan Sum District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. It covers an area of 6 sub-districts, namely Tan Sum, Chik Thoeng, Na Khai, Nong Kung, Samrong and Kham Wa with a total area of 185,685 rai. Most of area is used for rice cultivation 123,203 rai or 66.35% of the total. The application of Geographic Information Systems to assess soil fertility for the purpose of obtaining information soil fertility levels and soil chemistry factors influencing low fertility and to map soil fertility levels in Thung Ma Hue area with a study period of 1 year. The results showed that the Soil Survey Division (1980) assessment method had a low fertility of 89.92 percent and soil chemistry that causes soil fertility to be low is the amount of organic matter, available potassium, cation exchange capacity and base saturation was low, approximately 89.92 percent of the area and available phosphorus was low at 78.26 percent. For the Land Classification Division and FAO Project Staff (1973) assessment methods, the Thung Ma Hue field area had low fertility 78.26 percent and moderately low 11.67 percent. The chemical properties of soil with low fertility were amount of organic matter and base saturation with is low, equal to 89.92 percent. It was found that the available phosphorus in soil and cation exchange capacity were too low about 76.44 and 51.91 percent, respectively.
However, both methods found that the soil fertility level similar and soil chemical properties affecting to low fertility: soil organic matter, available phosphorus, available potassium, cation exchange capacity and base saturation, most of them are low levels and this may be mainly due to soil pH. It can be seen that soil pH in such areas will be very acidic - very strong acid, which cause soil nutrients to be fixed in complex compounds not soluble effect soil nutrients to be low. In addition, farmers in Thung Ma Hue may be have inappropriate soil management, such as the utilization of relatively low amounts of manure, compost and green manure, resulting in soil organic matter content in low which fertility can be reduced.
The next study assessment of soil fertility used in rice cultivation should be using the Land Classification Division and FAO Project Staff (1973) method, because it is a more accurate than the Soil Survey Division (1980) method and saves time, non-expensive costs and this method using only 4 factors of soil chemistry will be analyzed compared to Soil Survey Division (1980) method which requires to be analyzed for 5 factors, etc. In addition, the method of Land Classification Division and FAO Project Staff (1973) is also needed to continuously monitor changes soil fertility in Thung Ma Hue so will have to choose an appropriate assessment method in order to obtain information for decision-making in planning for sustainable soil improvement in rice-growing areas.
A STATISTICAL ANALYSIS ON REPORTED CASES OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES (A CASE STUDY OF FEDERAL MEDICAL CENTER, OWERRI) [PDF] Ugah Tobias Ejiofo, Uchenna Charity Onwuamaeze, Nkem, Charlotte Kelechi, Eze Chinonso Michael, Nnaemeka Martin Eze, Comfort Njideka Ekene-Okafor.This study investigated the relationship between demographic factors and cardiovascular diseases using Categorical Analysis of Variance (CATANOVA). A total of 838 patients diagnosed with six cardiovascular diseases between 2015 and 2019 were analyzed. The results showed a significant association between gender and cardiovascular diseases, while age and marital status were found to be unrelated. The study provides insights into the epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases in the Nigerian population, highlighting the need for targeted interventions and further research.
Detection of Outlying Subsets Using Bounded Index Plot Approach Emmanuel Ikechukwu Mba, [PDF] Emmanuel Ikechukwu Mba, Onyekaozuru Ezinne Florence, Tobias Ejiofor Ugah, Onwuamaeze Charity Uchenna, Ifeoma Christy Mba, Comfort Njideka Ekene-OkafoDetection of outlying observations in linear regression is a thrilling statistical problem. However, it poses additional problems if a pair or even a triplet of individual observations exist as outlying observations. In this paper, we propose a straightforward technique for detecting outlying subsets in the response variable of a linear regression model. The procedure identifies outlying subsets via a bounded index plot of the elements of a diagnostic matrix T. The matrix T is normalized to have diagnostic statistics, each known to be F distributed with 1 and n−p−1 degrees of freedom on the main diagonal while the off-diagonal elements are useful diagnostic quantities. The proposed procedure identifies individually outlying observations using a bounded scattergram of the diagonal components and identifies outlying subsets using a bounded scattergram of the off-diagonal components of T. The advantage of the proposed procedure is that it utilizes efficiently well the elements of T by detecting outlying subsets that would be missed if we only search the diagonal elements of T. Illustrative examples show that the procedure performs successfully well in all the data sets in which it has been subjected to.
Energy Efficient Cooperative Quality of Service (QoS) Aware Routing Protocol for Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks [PDF] Fazal IlahiNetwork Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) is a promising technology for delivering quality healthcare to its users. Low power devices attached to the body have limited battery life. Nowadays the world is moving towards an era of wireless technologies for making the life of elderly people living alone in the houses easier. The latest innovative technologies improve and facilitates the daily life of human beings especially ambient assisted living. Internet [1] of Medical Things (IoMT) revolutionized the quality of life of people living in cities as well as in the far flung areas. Under the domain of IoT and WBAN integration, which leads towards a new emerging domain in technological Health care named as IoMT. The Main focus of this Research study is to improve the Quality of Service (QoS) in the Health care data transmission. Major problems in health care data transmission. It is desirable to have energy efficient routing protocol in WBAN that maintains the required reliability value for sending data from a given node to the sink Node. In this proposed research, the researcher intends to propose two routing protocols named as Improved Quality of service Aware Routing protocol for WBAN (IM-QRP) and Energy Aware Cluster based Routing protocol for Flying Ad hoc Networks (EA-CBRP-FAN). The performance of the proposed protocols will be compared with the existing routing protocols named as QPRD [1], CO-LAEEBA [2], E-HARP [3] and EEBSR [4]. IM-QRP will primarily concentrate on the enhancement of the fundamental metrics, including Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), Path Loss Ratio, and Residual Energy of the Sensor Nodes. The Mat Lab Simulation tool will be used to create the IM-QRP results. The Simulation results will be compared with existing routing protocol. From the simulation results the researcher will try to observe the performance of IM-QRP Routing with existing ones in order to assess which performs better. Improving simulation results will be based on numerical percentage values. Better residual energy of the Sensor Nodes, reduction in path loss ratio, improvement in packet transmission (link reliability) towards the Sink nodes and improvement in SNR will be the aim.