Volume 14, Issue 12, 12 2023 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
Publication for Volume 14, Issue 12, 12 2023 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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Tennis Elbow encompasses lateral, medial and posterior Elbow symptoms. The one commonly encountered is the lateral Tennis Elbow which is known as Lateral Epicondylitis or Classical Tennis Elbow and there is pain and tenderness on the lateral side of the Elbow some well-defined and some vague, that results from repetitive stress. Other varieties encompass Medial Tennis Elbow known as Golfer’s Elbow and Posterior Tennis Elbow around the margins of the Olecranon process. The clinical features comprises of Pain and Swelling in Elbow Joint and Difficulty in gripping objects and lifting them. Sports persons will also have difficulty in extending the elbow.
Recent statistical studies globally attribute 1% to 3 % of adults each year and in India 1-3% with in general population annually and 4-7 cases of Tennis Elbow per 1000 patients in general practice. The highest incidence is found in the age group 30 and older.
The management of Tennis Elbow includes Conservative management which comprises of oral analgesics, steroidal injections, local anaesthetic injections which are useful only in 40% of cases and about 10% may respond to Mill’s Manoeuvre, where as other subjects requires Surgical management. Recent advances includes Autologous blood injections, Arthroscopic release, Counter force bracing, Extracorporeal Shock wave therapy (ESWT), Ultrasound guided percutaneous needle therapy and Rehabilitative exercises in which the efficacy is still under experimentations.
Thus, the present study is aimed at incorporating different combinations of Valuka Sweda which is best procedure in alleviating Pain, Swelling, Stiffness and Restricted movement as it possesses Ushna Guna, Vata-Kaphahara, Shotha-Shulahara and Amahara properties in the management of Tennis elbow.
KEYWORDS: Elbow joint, Tennis Elbow, Valuka Sweda
Linear Polarization to Circular Polarization Conversion Metasurface Antenna for X Band application [PDF] Vishnu D, T A Shahul Hameed, Sheeba OA reconfigurable antenna employing a Complementary Metasurface for polarization adjustments is introduced, with a Slot antenna serving as the primary radiating component. The Complementary Metasurface Structures, derived from the Babinet Principle and the Principle of duality applied to conventional structures, are utilized. A unit cell featuring a zig-zag geometry is employed to construct the meta-surface, contributing to a significant reduction in size. By rotating the Metasurface structure above the radiating element, the antenna achieves Linear Polarization (LP) to Circular Polarization (CP) conversion within the 7GHz to 9GHz frequency range. This conversion holds practical applications in satellite communication, Wi-Fi devices, radar systems, and more.
Evolving Horizons: The Changing Generation of Legacy System [PDF] Nitin RawalAccording to Organising for Digital Delivery, an independent report written by the Digital Economy Council, the UK spends half of its $5.832 billion (£4.7 billion) IT spend on maintaining and managing legacy systems. The systems were eight to 51 years old. According to the report by the Government Accountability Office, each year, the U.S. government spends over $100 billion on information technology. Most of that will be used to operate and maintain existing legacy systems. These systems are costly to maintain and vulnerable from cyber security point of view.
For the need of the time, legacy applications are going for a transformative shift, based on technical advancements, change in business demands and need of digital innovation in industry. This white paper deep dive into the dynamics of the changing generation of legacy applications through user experience and design. As well as explore the impacting factors to evolve the legacy applications and provide insights to make informed decisions for sustainable and viable system. We’ll be exploring the benefit of better design and user experience principle can help the organisations and businesses in this transformative journey and the impact of AI in this process.
Strengthening the security of the DRA model [PDF] Abdellahi Ahmedwith the emergence of quantum computers with very powerful capabilities, the security of the exchange of shared keys between two interlocutors poses a big problem in terms of the rapid development of technologies such as computing power and computing speed. Therefore, the Diffie-Hellmann (DH) algorithm is more vulnerable than ever. No mechanism guarantees the security of the key exchange, so if an intermediary manages to intercept it, it is easy to intercept.
In this regard, several studies have been conducted to improve the security of key exchange between two interlocutors, which has led to interesting results. The modification made on our model Diffie-Hellman-RSA-AES (DRA), which encrypts the information exchanged between two users using the three-encryption algorithms DH, RSA and AES, by using stenographic photos to hide the contents of the p, g and ClesAES values that are sent in an unencrypted state at the level of DRA model to calculate each user's public key.
This work includes a comparative study between the DRA model and all existing solutions, as well as the modification made on this model, with an emphasis on the aspect of reliability in terms of security. This study presents a simulation to demonstrate the effectiveness of the modification made on the DRA model. The obtained results show that our model has a security advantage over the existing solution, so we made these changes to reinforce the security of the DRA model.
Improved Four Wheel Steering System [PDF] Adil Mohammed Kizhakkethil, Mohamed Shihad PilathethThis paper discusses the advantages of four-wheeled steering system in automobiles and proposes a new mechanism that is simple and easy to control. Different variations of steering such as in-phase and out-of-phase steering is simulated and compared with regular two-wheel steering. These variations was found to reduce the turning radius during U-Turns and during
high speed lane change and cornering, there is an increase in stability and reduction in roll of the car. The kinematics of the
steering is briefly explained that uses Ackerman geometry.
Fundamental of Statistics [PDF] Poulino F. D. AjangABSTRACT
The book will give learners an overview of the statistical stepwise approach to understand ideally identify critical points for statistical taught and actions starting from definitions, scope of the statistics whereby applying thus role within the statistical systems to improve the understanding of the student.
The fundamental of statistics deals with simple introduction to statistics, starting with definition of statistics, data presentation, and measures of central tendency, variation, and statistical concepts in general, and fields of an application in other sciences and limitations of statistics, followed by various issues as regression, correlation, and moments. It is a continuation of introduction to statistics, is concerned with simple or elegant mathematical idealizations – the world is full of unpredictability, uncertainty, randomness. In the modern world, computers, and information technology to become widely to everybody, the importance of statistics is very well recognized by all the disciplines. Statistics has originated as a science of statehood and found applications slowly and steadily in Agriculture, Economics, Commerce, Biology, Medicine, Industry, Planning, education and so on.
Keywords: the statistical knowledge is widely used in many fields of live, whereby biostatistics become more interesting for biological factors, computerizing more knowledge by analytical test our life.
Corresponding author: poulino.fashoda2008@gmail.com
Improving the Diffie-Hellman-RSA-AES model [PDF] Abdellahi AhmedWith the emergence of quantum computers with very powerful capabilities, the security of the exchange of shared keys between two interlocutors poses a big problem in terms of the rapid development of technologies such as computing power and computing speed. Therefore, the Diffie-Hellmann (DH) algorithm is more vulnerable than ever. No mechanism guarantees the security of the key exchange, so if an intermediary manages to intercept it, it is easy to intercept.
In this regard, several studies have been conducted to improve the security of key exchange between two interlocutors, which has led to interesting results. The modification made on our model Diffie-Hellman-RSA-AES (DRA), which encrypts the information exchanged between two users using the three-encryption algorithms DH, RSA and AES, by using stenographic photos to hide the contents of the p, g and ClesAES values that are sent in an unencrypted state at the level of DRA model to calculate each user's public key.
This work includes a comparative study between the DRA model and all existing solutions, as well as the modification made on this model, with an emphasis on the aspect of reliability in terms of security. This study presents a simulation to demonstrate the effectiveness of the modification made on the DRA model. The obtained results show that our model has a security advantage over the existing solution, so we made these changes to reinforce the security of the DRA model.
Network Monitoring based Home Automation [PDF] Stuti Chauhan, Prashant Kumar SrivastavaThe proposed system will consist of basically three parts Networking Monitoring for controlling the lights, LAN connectivity for the smart lock and a mobile application for accessing the automation system.
The user will use only the mobile application to operate and control the devices.
Mobile application helps the user to access all the IoT devices, entering the credentials to login and putting the fingerprint to access the appliance which he wants to operate, hence providing a double secure system.
After logging in to the application, two options will be displayed, one for the lights and another for the door.
As the user selects the option targeting the devices, that particular device starts functioning, hence giving user the freedom to operate it.
The door lock can be controlled by a single tap to lock and unlock it.
And the lights will automatically turn off if the network usage is zero, once the user starts the system from the app.
The user can also turn off the network monitoring system if he does not want it to function at some time. The architecture is drawn keeping in mind the working and functioning of the hardware components when connected together to perform both the tasks in the automation system.
Tomato Leaf Disease Detection Using Deep Learning Ensemble Approach [PDF] Nazmun Nahar, Md Hasan Imam, Ronok Bhowmik, Md Auhidur Rahman, Irfanul HaqueTomato leaf disease is a natural phenomenon that is considered a major hindrance to qualityful and desirable tomato production. Early disease detection is challenging, but accurate diagnosis can significantly reduce economic losses. This work proposes an improved deep learning ensemble approach combining MobileNet and DenseNet models for tomato leaf disease diagnosis. Unlike the convolutional neural network (CNN) approach, the proposed ensemble approach improves accuracy and individual limitations of predictions. The model utilized the tomato leaf disease dataset available on Kaggle, and a total of 16,031 RGB images of tomato leaf disease for the experiment purposes. From the experimental work, it was found that the proposed method ensured the highest accuracy of 98.21% which is 2.37% higher than DenseNet and 0.62% higher than MobileNet. The Precision, recall, and F1-scores were 0.933, 0.875 and 0.906. The method proposed in this paper can be used to other plants, and hopefully, we will extend our experiments to find more improvements in prediction accuracy.
An Overview on Control Approaches for Hypersonic Vehicles [PDF] Abu Yusuf MahmudunnabiHypersonic flight is flight through the ecosystem underneath about 90 km at speeds above Mach 5, a speed where dissociation of air begins to end up sizeable and excessive heat masses exist. With the functionality of high velocity flying, a more reliable and cost green way to get admission to area is provided through hypersonic flight vehicles. controller design, as key generation to make hypersonic flight feasible and efficient, has numerous challenges stemming from massive flight envelope with severe variety of operation conditions, robust interactions between elastic airframe, the propulsion machine and the structural dynamics. This paper briefly introduced several studied hypersonic flight control.