Volume 14, Issue 1, January 2023 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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ANN Control Strategy for THD Reduction in Microgrid. [PDF] Neethi M, M S ShashikalaMicro-grid system is currently considered as alternate solution to fulfil the shortage of power today. It consists of several small Distributed generations integrated with storage systems to act as single entity. In a dc microgrid PWM inverter with conventional PI controller is incorporated to convert dc-ac. In this paper a microgrid is modelled with renewable energy generations such as Photo Voltaic, Wind Turbine and Fuel cell with Battery Energy Storage systems. A Neural Network control is implemented with ten-layer network to generate the pulses to control the voltage and current harmonics. The model is developed in MATLAB/Simulink and the results are compared with the conventional PI controller and analysis is made that the ANN controller improves the inverter performance.
Evaluation and Selection of Contractors for Petroleum Projects in Egypt Using Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Techniques [PDF] Mohamed Ameer Bahgat Saleh, Ayman NassarSelection of the best-value contractor is pivotal to all industries, especially those involving various stakeholders and costing billions of dollars. The best-value contractor is defined as the one that can achieve the perfect combination of requirements that ensure the successful implementation of the project within a realistic cost and acceptable quality. Although it may incur extra costs, to the owners, due to reworks and
incomplete project scope, the lowest bid method has been adopted for awarding project contracts in the Egyptian market, especially in the
public sec-tor. The oil and gas industry is the lifeblood of industrialized nations; hence, successful delivery of the complete project scope
according to the required standards and technical specifications is extremely crucial. Investigation of the best-value contractor selection approaches within the oil and gas market has been scarcely discussed in the literature. The current study fills this knowledge gap by employing
multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) techniques to provide a decision support tool for contractor selection within the Egyptian oil and gas
sector. The MCDM techniques include the analytical hierarchy process (AHP); the technique of order preferences by similarity to the ideal
solution (TOPSIS); the weighted sum method (WSM); and the weighted product method (WPM). The study has been deployed on two actual
petroleum sector projects in Egypt. The results confirm that the AHP technique provides a significant benefit by considering the individual
preferences of all decision-makers (i.e., bidding committee members when weighting the criteria) mitigating the drawbacks of the existing
methodologies. The results also confirm that MCDM techniques of TOPSIS, WSM, and WPM have captured all the decision-makers’ preferences of bidders where the best-qualified bidder is the one achieving the required combination of requirements to execute the contract.
In conclusion, MCDM techniques provide an advantage over the lowest bid strategy as they provide a valuable tool for decision-makers to
select best-value contractors.
Policy Analysis of BRIN's Talent Management Program for The Performance Target Achievement of Indonesian Science and Technology Human Resources [PDF] Yustina Nita Sulistami, Heru Basuki, Ayurisya Dominata, Andrian Desta Pratama, Wahyu Purnomosidi, DudiThe National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) is an Indonesian government agency responsible for science and technology, has formulated several strategies to achieve strategic targets and performance indicators as stated in the BRIN Strategic Plan 2022-2024, and efforts to realize Indonesia's 2045 vision, especially the pillars of Human Development and Mastery of Science and Technology. There are a number of challenges to implementing this policy, for example the lack of science and technology human resources (Researchers, Engineers, etc) with doctoral qualifications, there are only 10.56%, far from the BRIN target for 2023 of 18% and 20% in 2024. BRIN has developed a strategy to realize this goal, for example recruiting researchers with doctoral qualifications. In addition, BRIN also has 6 (six) programs related to the research mobility strategy. The initial evaluation process has been carried out in 3 (three) programs. In the Independent Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM), Research Assistant (RA), and Research Talent and Innovation (BARISTA) programs there are still various problems, such as the lack of response from researchers in the Research Organization Unit, unclear target number of participants, inefficient administration process, special problems regarding financial aspects and allowances, monitoring and evaluation system constraints, problems related to information technology, output proposal constraints, the BRIN internal research group admitted that they were not familiar with this program, constraints on the comprehensiveness of planning documents (technical instructions, or implementation). These various problems must be fixed immediately, so that the program can run more optimally in the future. Optimization steps need to be carried out on aspects related to program socialization, financial support or appreciation, mechanisms for resolving administrative problems to support the smooth running of the program, improving planning documents, implementation or technical guidelines, clear target participants, improving the quality of monitoring and evaluation systems, improving the quality of information technology the policy evaluation process at the beginning of the program is expected to achieve improvements in the quality and sustainability of the talent management program at BRIN.
ANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTING FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE MADIUN DISTRICT GOVERNMENT [PDF] Nurharibnu Wibisono, Hartirini Warnaningtyas, Mintarti Indartini, Choirum Rindah Istiqaroh, Muhammad ImronStudy this aim for knowing influence decentralization fiscal independence _ financing and efficiency use budget to to performance
finance Regency Madison.
This research is an associative research which aims to determine the relationship between two or more variables. Variable in study this covers
variable free and variable bound Variable free covers decentralization fiscal independence _ financing and efficiency use budget whereas variable
bound is performance finance . Study implemented by the government Regency Madison. data in study this is time series data, namely financial
data government Regency Madiun in 2013 to _ with year 2020.
Data collection techniques with use documentation whereas data analysis using analysis multiple linear regression . Before conducted analysis of
linear regression data first formerly normality test and assumption test were carried out classic.
Findings study show there is influence in a manner significant partial and simultaneous_in a manner simultaneous decentralization fiscal
independence _ financing and efficiency use budget to performance finance Regency Madison.
Correlation of Workplace surveillance with Psychological Health, Productivity, and Privacy of employees. [PDF] Muhammad Haseeb Rehman“Employee monitoring has raised concerns from all areas of society – business organizations, employee interest groups, privacy advocates, civil libertarians, lawyers, professional ethicists, and every combination possible. Each advocate has its own rationale for or against employee monitoring whether it be economic, legal, or ethical.†(Martin & Freeman, 2003). Surveillance plays an important role in managing the scenario of business and employment. No one likes to be under the watchful eye of the company's surveillance, but it is difficult to discuss surveillance without considering all sides of the subject. In the future, there will be more behind-the-desk jobs than field jobs and companies would be surveilling the employees more often (Obudho, 2017). Firms use numerous methods to control employees’ activities to ensure increased productivity, performance, and profitability (Gichuhi, Senaji, & Ngari, 2016). Through employee engagement in the workplace there is assurance that employees are committed to their organizational goals, and values, motivated to add to organizational achievement, and at the same time to improve their individual sense of well-being (Gichuhi, Senaji, & Ngari, 2016). To achieve an optimal workplace surveillance system, companies use different techniques from simple camera monitoring to complex systems consisting of email monitoring, phone call monitoring, screen sharing, etc. Organizations use surveillance to increase efficiency, reduce risks, and maximize profits (Alex Rosenblat, 2014).
The Human Firewall [PDF] Dr. Anirban Ghosh, Ph.D.Hackers / fraudsters frequently use Phishing, Vishing, Smishing and social engineering attacks to gain an access into a target system or network. This type of attack is a marvellous challenge to protect, as the weakness mostly lies within us (humans), not in the technology. A robust security system contains more than just hardware or software; there must always be a “wetware†defence element as well. The “human firewall†is a concept in security awareness that enables a team to fight against hackers in a proactive as well as reactive fashion.
The first part of the research is targeted in creating a safer connected world by protecting our customers, ourselves, and the future from all possible form of Cybercrime to be one step closer to be the best-connected Company across the globe. By deploying a simple 18-month plan to build and deploy the Human Firewall, With the Sponsorship of Kevin Brown - Director of BT Security to start off with the feasibility check of the research with the team. Through this research currently we are deploying the brilliant Human Firewall for our internal customers and Our People. Through our internal workplace group, we did a trial with our brilliant community members who shared their opinion and some great feedback which helped us a lot. This research shows the importance and usefulness of Human awareness to build and deploy the strongest Human Firewall across BT. The benefit is not only limited to design and manage employee behaviour but also it has a huge impact on the personal front of all the employees to spread awareness across all their loved ones, friends, and family members to stay safe from all these cyber-attacks.
Factors Affecting Inflation Rate – Evidence from Pakistan by ARDL Approach [PDF] Tanveer Ahmad ShahidThe economy of Pakistan is suffering from many economic problems and in this regard inflation is also one. So, it is an attempt to capture the actual determinants of inflation by taking supply of money, population growth rate, imports of agricultural inputs, government expenditures and exports as an independent variable and consumer price index as proxy variables for inflation. These independent variables are significantly at the back of this problem and this study proposed how government can control the high price level to maintain the high living standard for the common people. We can say that it is an attempt to see how these independent variables are determining the inflation in the economy of Pakistan.
Key words: inflation, supply of money, population growth, exports, imports
JEL Code: G2, R23, Q41, F1
EFFECTIVENESS OF AUGMENTED REALITY CONTENT ON VISUAL THINKING IN MATHEMATICS AMONG SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS [PDF] Mariya George, Sajna JaleelThis research aimed to identify the effectiveness of Augmented Reality Content on Visual Thinking in Mathematics among Secondary School Students. To accomplish the research objective, the experimental method with a non-equivalent group design was adopted and it included an experimental group and control group with the pre-test and post-test of both groups.The research was implemented on a random sample of 68 students and the research tools included the Visual Thinking Test, Lesson Transcripts based on Augmented Reality Content and Lesson Transcripts based on Activity-Oriented Method. The tools were pre-test and post-tested to 68 ninth standard students. The results concluded that the experiemental group surpassed the control group in Visual Thinking. Based on the results, the researcher recommended the involvement of Augmented Reality Content in Mathematics instruction at different levels of education.
Trash to treasure, The Journey of Chandigarh Chair [PDF] Shubham JainThe design history of Chandigarh is linked to Le Corbusier and his cousin Pierre Jeanneret due to the urban planning of the city of Chandigarh. In addition to buildings, Jeanneret also designed furniture, both independently and in collaboration with Le Corbusier. In this paper, one of the well-known pieces by Pierre Jeanneret is considered and researched using a system of selecting and comparing pieces by different designers from the same era. Pierre Jeanneret experimented with minimalist design, including a wood-and-cane chair, which became famous across the world and still exists almost 70 years after its origin. The author talks about the origin, design history, and journey of the Chandigarh Chair. Based on the research, an overall conclusion is given to the existence of the Chandigarh Chair in the 21st century and how the chair designed for government workers of Chandigarh found its way to the households of well-known celebrities across the world.
ARCHITECTURE AMIDST SMOG : IN INDIA [PDF] DAYA SARA DANIELThe study and analysis of ARCHITECTURE AMIDST SMOG: IN INDIA. In this study, We can see how smog impacts human life and activities, as well as the significance of design in reduction of smog . This study mainly uses the Qualitative method. Different solutions to smog like algal bioreactors, facade, dynamic responsive systems, etc are investigated and compared using various parameters. For this dissertation, types of smog and characteristics of PM 2.5 and PM 10 particles are studied. The role of architecture i.e Spatialization and Visualization were studied which gave a broader idea on the connection between architecture and human beings. The Indian scenario of smog was studied and the function of smog towers and its effectiveness were studied and analyzed. Each solution's effectiveness was examined through different case studies and suggestions for improvements were made. Varied solutions have different features and qualities that allow them to operate at various levels. The study's findings reveal various strategic options available to India, as well as where these options can be implemented.Smog towers alone will not be sufficient to eliminate smog. The government should enact more laws and take more initiatives. Other solutions can be integrated into smog towers or solutions can be modified to improve their performance. In India, more climate-based solutions are required.
ONLINE BASED MEDICINE INQUIRY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM [PDF] HRIDOY KHAN, RIFAT KHAN, ABDUL SALAK JEWEL, IVY HOSSAIN NIVAOnline Based Medicine Inquiry Management System is a location-wise web application by which users can find their desired medicine from the nearest pharmacy by searching online
with their own PC or Smartphone. A pharmacist will be consistently updating our
online inventory management software through their own PC. It will show which
medicines are available in the pharmacy on our web application. In this Project, we
tried to develop a computerized and web-based online medicine inquiry management
system. Our primary intention is to allow this application to be used between
pharmacists and customers. This system is designed to overcome challenges related to
the management of medicines and at the same time to find the required medicine.
By using this system, a user or customer can find updates on the required medicines
in the pharmacy online as well as the description of the medicines. On the other
hand, the pharmacist can also be aware of the updates of the medicines that are
available in the pharmacy
Harmonics Reduction Using Shunt Active Filter in Balanced Sinusoidal Source Voltage [PDF] Prof.Pankaj.C.PatelVoltage, current and frequency are physical characteristic that define the power quality of the system. If any disturbance in physical characteristics of that results in damage, upset or failures of end use equipment. These are higher switching frequency and the non linearity in the properties of the power electronics being mostly responsible for the power quality problem. So the development of active filter to solve this problem to improve power quality among this which shunt active power filter used to compensate the harmonics and reactive power. A shunt active power filter with instantaneous active and reactive power theory (P-Q theory) has been proposed for its performance and ability to compensate the harmonics and reactive power. It has been investigated through simulation that under three phase, three wire system with balanced sinusoidal source voltage. Shunt active filter is able to mitigate the total THD specified by power quality standard. Matlab/simulink is used as a simulation tool for analyzing.
Digital Skills Acquisition And Girls’ Interest: An Initiative To Bridge Digital Gender Divide [PDF] Moradeyo Oluwatomilola M., Olaniyan Abolade S. and Idowu Mayowa O.Digital skills sweep is known to have much more participation and practice from the male gender, it is not that female gender groups are not interested but the percentage in Nigeria is known to be minimal compared to other developed countries. This study examines the extent to which digital skills has influenced girls and women between the ages of thirteen and forty and it also explores the extent of their interest in digital world by exploring what they use their digital devices for. Ten schools (both senior secondary schools and higher institutions) were selected within Ido Local Government and Ibadan North Local Government area in Oyo State. Data were collected, coded and analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The study reveals that 87% of the girl respondents and 94% of the lady respondents use their devices for social media activities only while 2.2 % of the girls and 14.8% of ladies use their device for digital marketing. The findings confirm that 5% of girls and 27% of ladies has interest in web development while none of the girl respondents, that is 0% of the girls and 72.8% of the ladies haunt for jobs on their devices. The study further confirms that 0.9%, 6.8%, 3.0% and 24% of the girl respondents uses their devices for research purpose, designing, shopping and making friends while the ladies responded with 13%, 13.8%, 42.2%, and 56.8% for each purpose respectively. The result further shows that certain reasons such as good jobs 24% of girls and 92% ladies, change in career 0.8% of girls and 14% of ladies, digital evolution 2.2% of girls and 16.3% of ladies, side hustle 12% of girls and 74.9% of ladies and global relevance 11.8% of girls and 28.7 of ladies has forced the female gender (respondents) to learn digital skills. It was concluded that girls underestimate the need and importance of digital skills but rather they engage more in social frivolities with their digital devices.
Keywords: Digital, Digital Skills, Digital Devices, Descriptive Statistics, Girls, Gender Divide.
A Deep Learning Model for Detecting Anomalies in the Banking Sector Using A Feed-Forward Neural Network [PDF] Ogochukwu Okechukwu, Chinedum MbonuThe evolution of anomalies in the banking sector has resulted in the execution of several criminal activities in cyberspace. Since several users go online to access the services offered by government and financial establishments, there has been a considerable growth in malicious website attacks over the past few years. In other to solve this problem, this paper presents a Deep-Learning model for detecting anomalies (e-banking phishing, and fraudulent transactions) on two datasets. The datasets were segmented into X_train and y_train, X_test and y_test which holds 60% data for training and 40% testing data. The system model was trained by using the Feed Forward Neural Network, which had a precision of approximately 97% on the phishing dataset and 99% on the fraudulent dataset. The trained model was exported to the web using flask, which is a suitable python framework for web applications so that users can check for malicious websites and legitimate website URLs. The work can be extended further by training other models and employing different machine learning algorithms to determine the algorithm with the optimum accuracy result.
Smart Cities Mission: Promises & Performance: The Environmental Sustainability of Smart Cities in India [PDF] Aritro De, Aman Raj, Dakshil Rana, Pratyush Anand, Sumit Kumar Sharma, Vithika Seth, Prabhjot Singh SuggaSmart cities are becoming the ideal solution for urban settlements to address the issues and challenges of the future. India also adopted various missions and agendas to be a part of this sustainable journey. The Smart Cities Mission, adopted in light of this development, is one of the largest missions concerning urban development. The mission has been ongoing for the past six years in the country, but the citizens are likely unaware of its progress.The study examines the disparity between 'on-paper and 'on-ground reality' in four of the one hundred Smart Cities proposed by the mission. The mission aims to achieve the state of maturity under three pillars; Liveability, economic-ability, and sustainability. The government has provided different frameworks to assess these three pillars. The research examined the environmental component, which represents responses to the 2015 Paris Agreement and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Goal 11-Sustainable Cities and Communities). The research examined the government initiatives and their progress by using the Climate Smart Cities Assessment Framework and respective government websites that track the success of this component for the government. These findings are then validated through citizen surveys to bridge the gap between the mission's promises and performance.
Physico-chemical characterization, fatty acids composition and microbial analysis of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima) seed oil harvested in Bangladesh [PDF] Md. Rashedul Azim, Mohammad Zubairul Alalm, Md. Moazzam Hossain, Kazal Baran Nath and Mohammad Helal UddinVegetable oils are an abundant source of fatty acids and other bioactive substances that have a variety of positive effects on human health. The seed oil of Pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima), was extracted using solvent extraction method and then characterized with regard to various physical and chemical parameters because vegetable oils have grown in importance due to their positive impacts on human health. It was observed that the pumpkin seed contained 40.87% oil. Fatty acid compositions of the oil sample were investigated by Gas-Liquid Chromatography (GLC). Pumpkin seed oil was found to contain Capric acid (18.28%), Undecanoic acid (17.15%), Stearic acid (29.81%) and Oleic acid (34.75%). The microbial activity of the oil sample was evaluated (seven bacteria were used for bacterial activity; seven fungi were used for fungal activity). The de-oiled cake of Pumpkin seed was studied quantitatively for the determination of percentage of ash, moisture, protein and minerals (N, P, Na, K, Ca and Fe) content. Consequently, it concludes with several significant findings in terms of industrial, pharmacological, and nutritional components.
Assessments of construction project managers’ competence and its impact on project success. The case of Bahir Dar city public building construction projects [PDF] Chekol MenberuMost building construction projects in Ethiopia have a problem to complete with the scheduled time frame, estimated budget, expected quality, etc. Those problems are a combination of technical and human skill factors. Thus, the purpose of this research is to assess the competence of construction project managers and its impacts on project success in the case of Bahir Dar city public building construction projects. The study covers only Grade -1 general and building contractors. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the research population. Both primary and secondary data are collected to achieve the intended research objectives.