Volume 13, Issue 7, July 2022 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication
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Time Table Scheduling Using MATLAB & Graph Theory Techniques [PDF] P.G.P.KUMARATime Table Scheduling Using MATLAB & Graph Theory Techniques
One of the most common academic scheduling issues in any educational system is the time table generation. The presence of vast numbers of students and offered courses makes it difficult to schedule lectures in a limited epoch of time. An appropriate schedule can be designed by utilizing different resources like courses, students and rooms in a way to evade conflicts by fulfilling special types of constraints. The educational institute time table should avoid such conflicts, like no two or more courses for the identical student should be scheduled at the same period of time. There is a much need of an effective and accurate timetable to the performance of any educational institute. Graph theory techniques with MATLAB is one decent approach which can deal with timetable scheduling problem. In this work, a systemic model has been framed by applying graph vertex coloring approach for generating educational timetable with the help of a course matrix generated from given data. Here course credit list and subject combinations have been used as input data. This input data was linked considering the students who follow each subject combination. MATLAB was used to generate the adjacency course matrix from linked data and to plot the particular graph using the course matrix. Welch Powell algorithm can be used to find the chromatic number of the particular graph using MATLAB implementation. Based on the course matrix, the system would detect the colliding subjects and assign the colors to the nodes, which represent the subjects. Two courses are said to collide each other if they are adjacent. Adjacent subjects could not be assigned the same color. Thus, optimal solutions for such problem may be found by determining minimal colorings for the corresponding graph. Also, the time table scheduling problem has been categorized as a NP-hard problem. That means it is unlikely to find a fast algorithm to solve this problem, and to find a solution to such problem we need to consider all the possible solutions, and then choose the best one.
Keywords: adjacency course matrix, Welch Powell algorithm, chromatic number.
Formulation Of Aloe Vera Nano Pseudo Gel for Topical Antibacterial And Anti Inflammatory Therapy: In Vitro And In Vivo Assessment [PDF] Tasbeeha Saeed1 , Muhammad Mubashar2, Anam Wahid5, Faheem Abbas7, Aqib Javed4, Faiza Hameed4, Shumaila Umar4 , Dr.Nouman Bashir6, Abdul Mateen1 , Kainat Fatima5, Inam Ullah44, Farwa Shoukat1, Hira Khalid1, Javeria Ahmed1, Anam Zahra5The current study's objective was to engender an innovative predicated upon Aloe Vera nano-pseudo gel that contained an antibiotic for incremented topical absorption and wound rejuvenating on the epidermal layer of skin. The Aloe Vera extraction underwent GC-MS analysis. DLS swas acclimated to quantify the size of the nano emulsion particles. The results of stability test designated that pseudo nano gel was stable for several days. The findings of the disc diffusion showed that pseudo gel had antibacterial properties against gram-negative pathogenic bacteria like E. coli and S. aureus. Streptozotocin was injected intra peritoneally to cause infection and hyperglycemia in male rats.When compared to control groups, the faux gel-treated group showed a considerable minimization in the time needed for epithelization and wound contraction. Moreover, the quantity of inflammatory cells was minimized in comparison to the negative and positive control groups. Additionally, the treated group with pseudo gel had the greatest collagen synthesis compare to other groups. Current study designated that pseudo nano gel is a good candidate in rejuvenating infected wounds.
Prayer/“prayer†duality real nature and conceptualization: the connection to Covid-19 [PDF] Rodolfo AlvarezThe purpose of this article is reinforcing the understanding of the real nature of prayer/“prayer†duality, justifying its conceptualization, and connecting this concept to Covid-19. Although the relation between prayer and language has been questioned, there is no reason to unrelate these two concepts. Prayer concept explains “a deeper layer†in the cognitive system. Let us remember the concept of prayer related to language, is just a research option. The other alternative is going back to traditional generative grammar from “Syntactic Structures†(Chomsky, 1957) on, as mentioned from the very beginning of this research line.
SPATIAL DATA BASELINE STUDIES OF A SECTION OF SOMBEIRO RIVER; ADJOINING THE DEGEMA HULK JETTY [PDF] SURV. FRANK BIKUME MOKIE SAM, SURV. ITEKENA G. AKPANAHThe study of under water depth of lake and ocean floors and accurate data for production of nautical chart is the main objective of bathymetric survey. This research work was conducted to investigate changes in the topography of a section of the Sombeiro river adjoining the Degema hulk jetty. Data acquisition was done using satellite imagery, tidal observation and reduction, depth sounding with echo sounder and GPS. Initial processing performed on observed bathymetric data includes tidal correction on instantaneous depth and sorting with HYPACK 2008 software. Further processing was done using ArcGIS 10.0 software. The processed depth was analyzed and presented in form of charts and graphs. From the analysis conducted, there is an accreted sediment volume and perhaps could have been influenced by the adjoining tributaries of the sombiero river. For further studies, the need to investigate the stretch of the sombiero river starting from Obuama through Degema to Abonnema is recommended.
Keywords: Bathymetric survey, Spatial data, Sombeiro river, Shoreline, Topographical changes.
Indus Valley Civilization- Attempt to decipher the symbols [PDF] Tuneer BagchiThere have been a lot of speculation regarding the deciphering of the symbols found in Indus valley Civilization. This paper is an attempt to find out the possible interpretation of the symbols though there can be other ways of interpreting them. This paper also describes the possible meanings of the symbols of the Indus Valley Civilization.
Data Mining Water Table [PDF] Debmalya RayPreservation of groundwater is very important for the development of agro-based countries. The majority of irrigation is dependent on it. There are several sources of groundwater systems including water pumps and bore-well that utilize groundwater to mitigate the immediate requirement. These sources are named as “water-pointsâ€.
It is of vital importance to collect data about the water points from a particular region and also its operating conditions. Water infrastructure plays an important role in the development of agriculture and irrigation systems in various geographical regions.
The data for this paper is taken from “Taarifa waterpoints dashboard, which aggregates data from the Tanzania Ministry of Water†(Cited: Caskey, Brandon, Jacob Gable, and William Lewis. "Predicting Functionality of Tanzanian Waterpoints." Proceedings of Student Research and Creative Inquiry Day 6 )
Our focus is to do a comparative study of various machine learning techniques to find out the best model suitable to determine the status of the operating water points and willingness to help in building the best water infrastructure.
water table, classification problem, machine learning, water infrastructure, feature engineering, bagging and boosting algorithm.
Stepwells: Understanding their growing impact on Contemporary Arts and practices in India [PDF] Tejaswi Mehta‘Heritage is, after all, about interpreting history for the future and re-reading our past through our contemporary values’. (https://globalheritagefund.org/2018/04/24/placemaking-heart-heritage-conservation/) This statement ties in with the current views that the arts community has today. There is a growing interest in the heritage sector, for both its tangible and intangible concepts in the contemporary arts. There are quite a few tangible and intangible heritage that have been cultivated and adapted into the arts and one of which is the stepwell. Stepwells were primarily built for the utilitarian purpose of collecting and harvesting rainwater. They were structures that served to provide water to arid regions in India, primarily Gujarat and Rajasthan. With time their religious popularity increased and hence their architectural features became aesthetically elaborate and spiritual. This paper will address their genesis and influence on arts and consequently on their current status as ‘more than just a religious totem’.
Evaluating Instructional Materials in Purposive Communication for Flexible Blended Learning: A Basis for Enhancement [PDF] Christian Lawrence N. Reyes, Francis August RamosThis study sought to examine and evaluate the existing instructional tools used in Purposive Communication, a general education course under the CMO number 20, series 2013, in the current situation where the use of materials digitally are grounded with the aspiration to catch students’ attention and build rapport since classes are authorized through online means. A well-planned, tailored fit, and critically crafted IM will be instrumental to carry out effective delivery of instruction, more so, a research-based developed IM will highly contribute to learners’ advancement since it follows the systematic and scientific measures of preparation and development. This study used standardized research instrument to get students perspective on the materials used during their classes as end receivers in the teaching-learning process. The results indicated students’ perspective on the acceptability, reliability, and validity of IMs and used as basis for the development and enhancement of instructional materials contributing for both students and teachers. Also, this study will come up with relevant suggestions on how materials in the teaching of Purposive Communication for the context of flexible-blended learning follow the standards and well-versed for the needs of the learners during such situations.
Human Activity Recognition from Videos with Deep learning Models and Binary Motion Images [PDF] Muhammed A.Application of AI and ML in our world is plying a significant role and its demand is surprisingly increasing due to their capability of assisting people’s day to day activities. Recognizing human activities could be used for different applications like: human-computer interaction, intelligence surveillance system, elderly care, physician’s assistance for critical medical procedure etc. We have proposed a human activity recognition from video, it is a system that can detect and recognize activities using binary motion images generated from the video. It takes small computational cost unlike most of proposed systems so far. We have obtained a promising accuracy result from our proposed system. In our proposed model we have obtained 74.6% recognition accuracy.
Length of Industry Immersion as a Measure of Knowledge and Skills of the Faculty: Basis for Hospitality Management Training Plan [PDF] BIENVENIDO R MANABATThis study sought to measure the acquired knowledge and skills of faculty based on the length of their immersion which would be a basis for a training plan. This research made use of a qualitative descriptive method that was given to eight faculty members who have undergone training and immersion in a hotel in Manila. An online questionnaire that was validated by three experts was given, followed by a series of interviews for two months. The gathered data were analyzed using frequency and percentage.
The results showed that during the immersion, most of the faculty gained enough experience, knowledge, and skills in the corresponding departments they were deployed but they said that the training was not enough due to the time allotted to them which was only
A Review on Pharmacological and Phytochemistry of Leaves of Moringa Oleifera [PDF] Megha Yadav* Amrita MishraMoringa oleifera, native to India, grows in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world commonly known as ‘drum stick tree’ or ‘horse radish tree’. Moringa can with stand both sever roughtandmildfrostconditionsandhencewidelycultivatedacrosstheworld.Withitshighnutritivevalues,everypartofthetreeissuitableforeithernutritionalorcommercialpurposes.The leavesarerichinminerals,vitaminsandotheressentialphytochemicals.Extractsfromtheleavesareusedtotreatmalnutrition,augmentbreastmilkinlactatingmothers.Itisusedaspotential antioxidant,anticancer,anti-inflammatory,antidiabeticandantimicrobialagent.M.oleiferaseed,anaturalcoagulantisextensivelyusedinwatertreatment.Thescientificeffortofthisresearch providesinsightsontheuseofmoringaasacurefordiabetesandcancerandfortificationofmoringaincommercialproducts.Thisreviewprovidesanupdateddataontheuseofmoringaacross disciplinesforitsmedicinalvalueanddealswithcultivation,nutrition,commercialandprominentpharmacologicalpropertiesofthis“MiracleTreeâ€.
KEYWORDS: Moringa oleifera, miracle tree, Nutritional value, medicinal properties.
Design of Millimeter Wave Substrate Integrated Waveguide Band Pass Filter [PDF] Sharad Yadav,Manisha Yadav,Ramapati Mishra: This paper presents a substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) and SIW band pass filter. The proposed filter is designed by making the cavities in the SIW. Initially, a substrate integrated waveguide is designed and simulated and the propagation constant is investigated. Then a substrate integrated waveguide cavity band pass filter is proposed and simulated. The various parameters of the filters, such as reflection and transmission loss, are also analyzed. The proposed filters show the band pass filter characteristics in the K frequency band applications that are useful for future millimeter wave applications.
A Review of the Use of Six Thinking Hats in Creativity and Problem Solving [PDF] Harsh Vardhan RaiThis paper looks at the use of Six Thinking Hats in the Problem-Solving domain. It first introduces Six Thinking Hats; how it works and how to use it. Following that two papers are reviewed that use this technique. The first paper, Charles Kivunja (2015), looks at the use of this technique in the context of achieving success in the 21st century economy. The second paper, Sreeramana Aithal (2017), looks at another use of this technique in the context of six different approaches to analyze a given problem and how can one reach an ideal solution. Following these papers an experiment undertaken by the author is detailed, explaining the context in which it was used, how it was used, what results were achieved, and some reflections on the process.
Index Terms— Problem Solving, Creativity, Six Thinking Hats, Innovation.
Change of Entropy and Equilibrium Condition [PDF] Subhash Chandra BeraThe Clausius inequality relation of entropy change and Boltzmann expression of entropy are used to derive three statistical distributions, partition function as well as Helmholtz energy, Gibbs energy and chemical potential as equilibrium properties of the system. The chemical potential of all particles of the system are equal irrespective of their occupied energy level. The derivation of statistical distributions avoids the calculus of variation and Lagrange undetermined multipliers which are unavoidable to derive partition function and three statistical distributions using the statistical thermodynamics.
Prediction of cyber attacks using data science techniques [PDF] J.B Saraswathi, L.KarthikaCyber-attacks end to destroy or virulently manipulate a computing terrain or structure, as well as disrupt data integrity or crack all information. This poses a threat to the organization, maybe performing in data loss. The data from device detectors is collected as big data, which has a wealth of information that can be utilized for targeted assaults. Although being methodologies, models, and algorithms have given the foundation for cyber-attack prognostications, new models and algorithms grounded on data representations other than task-specific ways are needed. Its on-linear information processing armature, on the other hand, can be customized to learn indispensable data representations of network business in order to classify different types of network attacks. In this study, we treat cyber-attack vaticination as a bracket issue, in which networking sectors must use machine literacy approaches to read the type of network assault from a given dataset. The supervised machine learning fashion( SMLT) is used to assay a dataset in order to capture multiple pieces of information, similar as variable identification, uni-variate analysis, bi-variate andmulti-variate analysis, missing value treatments, and so on. A comparison of machine literacy algorithms was conducted to estimate which algorithm is the stylish accurate at prognosticating the types of cyber-attacks. DOS Attack, R2L Attack, U2R Attack, and inquiry Attack are the four types of attacks we classify. The findings reveal that the suggested machine literacy algorithm fashion has the stylish delicacy with entropy computation, perfection, recall, F1 Score, perceptivity, particularity, and entropy.