IJSER Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2012 Edition

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Improving the Efficiency of Query Response and Unavailability Issues in a Sensor Network of Mobile Devices[Full-Text] [References]D N Kartheek, G Amarnath, P Venkateswarlu Reddy, S Srujan
Sensors are now-a-days finding wide applicability in many kinds of electronic devices. Mobile phones turn out to be a best way to deploy them to provide wide coverage and keep the network live for an extended period. The limitation for embedding sensor devices in mobile phones, the mobility issue was successfully dealt to an extent in [1] by using virtual sensors. Also, certain areas of interest need not be frequently sampled as the sampled data does not show a significant change. This was used as an advantage to reduce the end-end latencies by minimizing expensive data collection from sensors. It uses the techniques to cache aggregate results of samples and one-pass sampling to utilize cached data. We propose that the end-end latency can be further reduced and the availability of the nodes increased by taking advantage of the virtual sensor layer and employing caching in the same layer. One example can be an air pureness monitoring device embedded in cell phones. The results are computed by simulating an adequate number of samples and would give the efficiency of the technique along with the latency.
Mobility of sink using hexagon architecture in highly data centric Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text] [References]Nitika Vats Doohan, Sanjiv Tokekar, JitendraPatil
Mobility of sensor nodes brings the new challenges in wireless sensor networks. The mobility of sensor nodes in conjunction with harsh environmental conditions has influence on link reliability and energy efficiency. The energy losses are associated with the movements of the nodes and frequent updating of their coordinates which ultimately results in setting up of the final path. Here, we propose an algorithm MSDC (Mobile Sinks Data Centric), which with the help of direction agent (DA) makes the network more efficient. Direction agent (DA) and Data Dissemination Node (DDN) persistently senses the event in local grid and guides the DDNs where to disseminate the data packet. Then DDN will decide the shortest path by which the query and data is to be processed. Simulation results show how our approach can reduces the energy consumption, overhead delays, and to obtain the optimum data route.
Automation of Sheet Bending Machine Using Electro Pneumatic Devices[Full-Text] [References]Vijaylaxmi G.Biradar, Siddharam Patil , R M Lathe
The bending machine is one of the most important machine tool in sheet metal work shop. It is primarily designed for bending. The bend has been made with the help of punch which exerts large force on the work clamped on the die. The bending machine is designed in such a way that, it works automatically. The automation strategy, when implemented is believed to result in reduced cycle time, costs and improved product quality. Other possible advantages are repeatability, increased productivity, reduced labor and integration of business systems. Automation is achieved with the help of Electro pneumatic system.
A Mobile Commerce Architecture Based on Location Based Services and Social Media Monitoring[Full-Text] [References]John Selvadurai
Mobile commerce is one of the fastest growing trends in technology. There are numerous architectures to provide complex mobile commerce solutions. This paper proposes a mobile commerce architecture that provides geographically important solutions. Location based services and Social Media monitoring are two popular emerging technologies. In the process of proposing mobile commerce architecture, this paper combines these two emerging technologies into a complex system. Firstly, this paper examines Location based services in detail. Secondly, the technology of social media monitoring is explained. Finally, the architecture is presented with its functionalities. Also considered in this proposal are the technological challenges for this architecture.
Monitoring and Resource Management in P2P GRID-based Web Services[Full-Text] [References]Djafri Laouni , Mekki Rachida
Grid computing has recently emerged as a response to the growing demand for resources (processing power, storage, etc.) exhibited by scientific applications. However, as grid sizes increase, the need for self-organization and dynamic reconfigurations is becoming more and more important. Since such properties are exhibited by P2P systems, the convergence of grid computing and P2P computing seems natural. However, using P2P systems (usually running on the Internet) on a grid infrastructure (generally available as a federation of SAN-based clusters interconnected by high-bandwidth WANs) may raise the issue of the adequacy of the P2P communication mechanisms. Among the interesting properties of P2P systems is the volatility of peers which causes the need for integration of a service fault tolerance. And service Load balancing, As a solution, we proposed a mechanism of fault tolerance and model of Load balancing adapted to a grid P2P model, named SGRTE (Monitoring and Resource Management, Fault Tolerances and Load Balancing).
Google Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Take the Sleekest Leap In to the Future [Full-Text] [References]Sumit Ghulyani, Swati Kalia, Akhilesh Bhagwani, Swati Sharma
Android Jelly Bean is the finest OS of the series being the legatee to Android 4.0 Ice-Cream Sandwich. It is a gradual development of the platform to the final destination which pledges meliorated performance and enhanced user experience. Novel features have been introduced for users and developers & it provides the most useful and one of the most prominent & fresh APIs for developers. Android 4.1 is also obtainable with an SDK platform for developers, to build apps for Jelly Bean. Android 4.1 is the swiftest and sleekest version of Android yet, credits to Google's Project Butter.
Insilico docking and interaction analysis of bioactive marine compound (sulfated fucose) against the human mutant p53 protein involved in carcinogenesis[Full-Text] [References]D.Preamnath, R.V.Angela Asir, J.Adaline Jebamalar,J.Jannet Vennila M. Patrick Gomez
The p53 family plays a pivotal role in the regulation of many critical cellular functions and biological process in normal cells. The abnormal expression of p53 contributes to carcinogenesis. In an effort to develop potent anticancer drug from marine flora this study aims to evaluate the inhibition effect of sulfated fucose against cancer associated protein by computational molecular docking studies. Docking studies were performed for sulfated fucose, a monomer of a polysaccharide fucoidans with p53 protein involved in cancer by Glide 8.5 module of Schrodinger suite. Molecular docking studies of sulfated fucose with Human p53 protein exhibited binding interactions. The results showed that the selected ligand showed binding energy ranging from134.817 kcal/mol to185.738 kcal/mol.This molecular docking studies could contribute for the further development of p53 mutant inhibitors for the prevention and treatment of cancer. This study concludes that marine natural products with interesting biological properties and structural diversity may serve as valuable lead drug candidates for the treatment of human ailments including cancer of different types in close proximity to future.
Oblivious Image Watermarking Technique for Tamper Detection[Full-Text] [References]Arathi Chitla
In this paper I propose an oblivious watermarking technique for tamper detection in digital images. With comparing correlation values from different portions of the image, the technique enables us to distinguish malicious changes, such as replacing / adding features from non-malicious changes resulting from common image processing operations. This technique can be implemented with small memory and computational requirements, which makes it potentially useful for hardware implementation in digital cameras. This technique works by dividing an image into blocks and watermarking each block with a transparent, robust watermark that sensitively depends on a secret key (camera's ID) and continuously on the image. The watermarking method is a frequency based spread spectrum technique. To achieve a continuous dependency on the image, I am here with proposing a special bit extraction procedure that extracts bits from each block by thresholding projections onto key-dependent random smooth patterns. Those bits are then used for initializing a PRNG and synthesizing the spread spectrum signal.
A Function-based Fuzzy PID (F-FPID) Controller[Full-Text] [References]Yehya Dadam, Eldaw Eldukhri
This paper describes the concept of a function-based fuzzy proportional-integral-derivative (F-FPID) controller. An important feature of the proposed controller is that its structure comprises only four fuzzy rules each with two antecedents and two consequents. It performs proportional-derivative (PD) and integral (I) control actions using fuzzy elements rather than analytically using delay loops as is the case in input-based FPID (I-FPID). To assess its viability, the developed controller was used to control a bench-scale pH process. The experimental results demonstrated satisfactory performance of the proposed controller in maintaining the pH value at prescribed levels
Network Security Vulnerability and Attacks on Wireless Sensor Networks: Survey[Full-Text] [References]K.M.Saravana, Dr. A. Kovalan, G.N.Basavaraj, Rajkumar
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are used in many applications in military, ecological and health-related areas. These applications often include the monitoring of sensitive information such as enemy movement on the battlefield or the location of personnel in a building. The cost constraints, invisible deployments will result in small sized, resource-constrained sensor nodes. While the set of challenges in sensor networks are diverse, we focus on security of Wireless Sensor Network in this paper. We propose some of the security goal for Wireless Sensor Network. Further, security being vital to the acceptance and use of sensor networks for many applications; we have made an in depth threat analysis of Wireless Sensor Network. We also propose some countermeasures against these threats in Wireless Sensor Network.
Effect of combined treatment of Microbial Consortia and Microwave Energy on Germination of Melia dubia seeds[Full-Text] [References]R.Ravi, T.Kalaiselvi and M.Tilak
The germination of Melia dubia is enhanced by exposing the fruits to microwave energy of 2450 MHz. This technique provides a quick and effective method of treatment for the seeds having a hard impermeable seed coat. Physical and chemical seed treatments methods did not improve seed germination. So germination studies were carried out under laboratory conditions to find out the synergetic effect of microbial consortia and microwave treatment on seed germination. Exposing the fruits to microwave energy for 7.5 min followed by seed pelletization with selected microbial consortia recorded the highest germination percentage of 68% over control. This was followed by the treatment exposing seeds to microwave energy for 5 min + microbial consortium (Germination Percentage 52 %) and microwave energy for 10 min + microbial consortium (Germination Percentage 32 %). The control, microwave energy treatment at 2.5min and microwave energy treatment at 20 min had no germination during study period. There is a threshold value for the microwave energy dose, beyond which it may be non effective. The time taken for germination varies between 3 to 6 months normal conditions, but significant differences were noticed with days taken for initial germination. Among the treatments, microwave radiation for 7.5 min + microbial consortium was superior to all other treatments in terms of minimum time taken to initial germination
Adaptive Relay Protocol Based On Relay Node Location[Full-Text] [References]Mudabbir Badar, Nafisa Maqbool
There is several cooperative relay strategies developed and analyzed that exploit fading caused by multipath propagation in wireless networks. The basic working principal of all techniques is to utilize space diversity available through in time transmission from cooperating radios. In this research two cooperative relay amplify and forward (AF) and decode and forward (DF) strategies are analyzed. Location of relay node plays crucial role in cooperative communication. Therefore impact of relay node location on each relaying strategy is observed. The relay node is moved all the way between source and destination node and effects on performance is noticed. Later on keeping those location impacts in mind a new method called as "Adaptive Relay Protocol Based on Relay Node Location" is proposed. This new proposed method will help to mitigate the relay node location impact on overall performance, while relay node is moving (not static) all around. It will also provide ease to maintain a Qos throughout the whole of the transmission.
Open Education Resources: as a facilitating source of knowledge for distance learners[Full-Text] [References]Kaneez Fatima, Nazar Abbas Nazar, Unees Fatima
Information technology brought revolutionary and significant changes in higher education. This is the age of competition and the nations who are familiar with the importance of education leads the other nations. Only those nations of the world are leading nations who focus on higher education and adopt modern trends of communication and the nations who ignore educational needs remain at the rear in progress. Internet and modern technologies are great blessing in recent age; it ceases the distance by making easy access to knowledge. Especially open education resources are greatly helpful and facilitating source of knowledge for learners. Now world knowledge is public property and it is not limited to an individual rather we can use, share and update us with latest knowledge anywhere in the world just in seconds by open education resource movement. Every lover of knowledge can access latest educational material through OERs without any discrimination of race and territory boundaries in less time and no cost. The study was conducted to (i) discuss the nature of open education resources (ii) to highlight the uses of open education resources in distance education. A sample of 129 students of MS leading to PhD and 28 faculty members of education was taken conveniently. A questionnaire was used as a research tool for the collection of data and instrument reliability was checked. Collected data was analyzed by mean score and percentage. Main findings of the study revealed that OERs are easily in access of every student; these are flexible for learners as well as bridge the gap between teacher and the learner. Moreover Open education resources are excellent source of sharing knowledge, enhance the learning of students, teachers and self learners, it generate sense of competition among the learners as well as test the capacity of learning among the learners. Similarly students and teachers can access OERs to search about material related to their research and support professional development.
Guidance Prosthesis for Madibular Repositioning[Full-Text] [References]Dr Anshul Chugh, Dr Poonam Bhisnoi
When surgery includes a segmental mandibulectomy, masticatory function is compromised because of muscular imbalance that results from unilateral muscle removal, altered maxillomandibular relationship, and decreased tooth-to-tooth contacts. Although immediate mandibular reconstruction aims to restore facial symmetry, arch alignment, and stable occlusion, masticatory function often remains compromised.
Lorandite, A thallium sulfosalt[Full-Text] [References]Ramandeep Dhillon
Lorandite, TlAsS2, occurs with orpiment, realgar and pyrite in barite veins of Carlin, Nevada, type gold deposits. The mineral is named after Professor Lorand Eotvos, a prominent Hungarian Physicist. The crystal of lorandite is deep red in color, gives cherry red streak, and the luster is adamantine. The mineral is monoclinic, space group p21 /a, a = 12.28 Å, b = 11.30 Å, c = 6.10 Å, ß = 104°5' (2'). Its structure consists of complex spiral chains of AsS3 pyramids that run parallel to the b-axis. Electron microprobe analyses gives Tl 59.46, As 21.87 and S 18.67, sum 100.0 weight percent. The mineral usually occurs in small subhedral grains up to about 4 mm in length. The cleavage parallel to (100) is perfect, that parallel to (001) good, and that parallel to (101) fair. In reflected light lorandite is grey-white with bluish tint and is strongly anisotropic.
A Case Study on Substation Load and Transmission Line Losses in 220kV Receiving Station[Full-Text] [References]Mallikarjuna G D, Sunita H.S, Nagarathna T
The substation is the heart of the power system. Growing demand of power can be fulfilled by establishing new substations. New substation is located near the load centers as far as possible to minimize the line losses. The substation electrical equipment should be in an efficient working condition to derive reliable and efficient operation, optimum utilization, reduced down time, minimizing revenue loss etc. Investigations of failure of equipments and taking preventive and corrective actions to avoid similar failures in future are the key to improvement. Proper maintenance of substation equipment will ensure long life, trouble- free service and good quality power to the consumers. In this view, this paper gives the details of transmission loss in electrical substation under taken at 220/66KV receiving station, Davanagere.
Hydrothermal synthesis of CuO Nanostructure and Their Characterizations[Full-Text] [References]K.Kannaki, P.S.Ramesh and D. Geetha
The CuO nano particles were synthesized from copper sulfate pentahydrate aqueous solution under the low hydrothermal condition at 80°C.The average crystallite size was calculated from De-Bye Scherrer's equation. SEM/EDS,XRD were used to characterize the structure features of the product. FTIR spectra confirmed the adsorption of ammonia on the surface of the CuO nanoparticles. In addition, UV-visible absorption spectra were employed to estimate the band gap energy of the CuO nanoparticles. This method may be suitable for large scale production of nano CuO particles for practical applications.
An Approach to Noisy Image Skeletonization using Morphological Methods[Full-Text] [References]Dr M Ashok , J SreeDevi and Dr M Rama Bai
This paper presents an approach for removing noise and extracting the skeleton of the given image. Noise should be removed while keep-ing the fine detail of the image intact. A noise removal algorithm which can remove noise while retaining fine image is presented in this paper. The algorithm uses the morphological operators for removal of noise and then extracts the skeleton of the image and reconstructs the fine image. Objective distortion measurements including PSNR and MSE show that our algorithm gives better quality images compared with other methods.
CP-ABE Based Encryption for Secured Cloud Storage Access[Full-Text] [References]B. Raja Sekhar,B. Sunil Kumar, L. Swathi Reddy, V. PoornaChandar
Database outsourcing to cloud storage servers is emerging trend among many firms and users. Cloud server stores the user data at various host Data centers, which are remotely located. Manyorganizations outsource their data management needs to an external service provider to relief the burden of storage management, universal data access with independent geographical locations, and avoidance of capital expenditure on hardware, software, personnel maintenance. While cloud computing makes these advantages more appealing than ever, it also brings new and challenging security threats to the outsourced data. Hence data owner does not have any control to ensure data security in host data centers. To ensure the data security and integrity in cloudstorage, until now, a large number of techniques have been proposed to address this problem, but all of them have their own inherent limitations. In this paper,Ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) is introduced a promising cryptographic solution to this issue. It enables data owners to define their own access policies over user attributes and enforce the policies on the data to be distributed. This effectively eliminates the need to rely on the data storage server for preventing unauthorized data access and integrity. The performance and security analyses indicate that the proposed scheme is efficient to securely manage the data stored in the data storage servers.
Multicast Transmission Key Management Approachon[Full-Text] [References]Anirudha Kumar Pandey, Dr. Sipi Dubey
Multicast networking support is becoming an increasingly important future technology area for both commercial and military distributed and group-based applications. Integrating a multicast security solution involves numerous engineering tradeoffs. Various techniques that have been proposed to support multicast security are discussed and their relative merits are explored.In this paper we are proposing the multicast security based on key management.
Speech Recognition in Adults with Hearing Loss: Effects of Age, Amplification, and Noise [Full-Text] [References]Goutam Goyal, Dr. K.K. Dhawan, Dr. S.S. Tiwari
This study focused on three factors: age, noise modulation, and linear versus wide-dynamic compression amplification. Three audio metrically matched groups of adults with hearing loss were tested to determine at what age performance declined relative to that expected on the basis of audibility. Recognition fell below predicted scores by greater amounts as age increased. Scores were higher for steady versus amplitude-modulated noise. Scores for WDRC-amplified speech were slightly lower than for linearly amplified speech across all groups and noise conditions. We found no interaction between age and type of noise. The small reduction in scores for amplitude-modulated compared to steady noise and lack of age interaction suggests that the substantial deficit seen with age in multitalker babble for previous studies was due to some effect not elicited here, such as informational masking.
Phonemic Restoration of The Musical Sound With The Ephraim And Malah Noise Suppressor[Full-Text] [References]Goutam Goyal, Dr. K.K. Dhawan, Dr. S.S. Tiwari
Under certain conditions, sounds actually missing from a speech signal can be synthesized by the brain and clearly heard. This illusory phenomenon, known as the phonemic restoration effect, reveals the sophisticated capability of the brain underlying robust speech perception in noisy situations often encountered in daily life. This paper presents a study of the noise suppression technique proposed by Ephraim and Malah. This technique has been used recently for the restoration of degraded audio recordings because it is free of the frequently encountered 'musical noise' artifact. It is demonstrated how this artifact is actually eliminated without bringing distortion to the recorded signal even if the noise is only poorly stationary
Word is the Origin to the Evolution of the World[Full-Text] [References]Aluri Srinivas Rao
Word is the origin to the evolution of the world. Dual-ism is the key Origin to the entire creation, to unlock the great mysteries, which nobody recognized in the word formation as well as world formation. Word formation process is the source to transformation of the eternal world into the fruitful society. "Structuralism fundamental path (word)" -- forgotten by our forefathers.
Order of Stress in a Homogeneous Field[Full-Text] [References]Nour Eddine El Guemri, Shengyuan Yan
In a structure the presence of a geometric discontinuity of order or material reduces significantly its lifetime. Indeed, it is at these areas that the stress field is strongly disturbed and can reach very high critical levels resulting a damage process. The analysis of these unique areas can not only achieve an optimal design of the geometry of structures but also can choose materials for various assemblies. This analysis necessarily involves determining the parameters of the asymptotic uniqueness constraints. These parameters are the stress intensity factor, the tensor and standardized the order of singularity. This last parameter that indicates the severity of the singularity. It is directly connected to the geometric aspect, and incompatible materials present in the structure. This study focuses on the identification and analysis of this important parameter in the reliability of structures made of homogeneous materials.
Is Sexual Compulsivity General Problem of Young People in Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina or It Should Be Linked to Non-Heterosexual Population?[Full-Text] [References]Dzanan Berberovic, Ivan Jerkovic, Nina Brkic
This paper presents the sexual compulsivity prevalence regarding sexual orientation in Serbia and B&H on the university students sample (N=1711; NS=570; NBH=1141) within the age range 19 to 25. Kalichman's Sexual Compulsivity Scale (SCS) consisted of ten items which are scored on Likert's four degrees scale, was used to determine sexual compulsivity. Subjects who scored more than 32 (two standard deviations above the mean score) were classified in the sexual compulsives group. Internal consistency of the scale was good (alpha= .943). In total, 153 sexual compulsives (NS=70; NBH=83) were identified. Within sexual orientation, 91.73% of young people in Serbia (N=510) and 92.71% in B&H (N=1036) were self-identified as heterosexual; 4.3% of young people in Serbia (N=24) and 4.2% in B&H (N=46) as bisexual; 3.4% of young people in Serbia (N=19) and 2.1% in B&H (N=24) as homosexual; while 0.5% of young people in Serbia (N=3) and 1% in B&H (N=11) self-identified as asexual. Hi square test showed statistical significant difference between sexual compulsives and non-sexual compulsives in sexual orientation, ?2 (2, n=1696) =21.779; p= .000; Kramer's V= 0,113. Kruscal-Wallis test revealed statistical significant difference in levels of sexual compulsivity among three diverse sexual orientation groups, c2 [ 2, n=1696] = 14,88; p=0,001.
Ecospatial Study and Validation of Primary Productivity in Delta Mahakam Using Remotely Sensed Data[Full-Text] [References]Zakiyah, U, Hartono, Tandjung, S.D, Gunawan T
Observation on primary productivity and its validation using remotely sensed data has been conducted in Delta Mahakam ecosystem in April 2008. The aims were to observe, analyze and evaluate the environmental variables such as, a-biotic, biotic and socio-cultural variables as well as their relations with primary productivity of this area. Primary productivity used in this research were measured in situ and derived from TERRA and AQUA remotely sensed data. All data were processed using ENVI and ER MAPPER software and analyzed using SeaDAS and IDL. The correlation between variables from both the in situ data and the derived satellites data with primary productivity, also between the in situ primary productivity to the model based primary productivity were analysed using Multiple Regression Analysis using SPSS 16.0.
Holeum in the Century of Gravitation[Full-Text] [References]A. L. Chavda, L. K. Chavda
An exactly solvable effective model of quantum gravity is reviewed here. It is based on the conjecture that Primordial Black Holes may have formed stable gravitational atoms called Holeums in the early universe. A remarkable prediction of this model is that the Cosmic Rays and the very short duration Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) are merely two different components of the Hawking Radiation emitted by two Primordial Black Holes liberated when their parent Holeum suffers an ionizing collision. The model gives a unified treatment of ten cosmological phenomena in terms of Holeums: (1) Dark Matter (2) Cosmic Rays (3) Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (4) The GZK feature in the Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (5) Very short duration GRBs (6) Reality of Hawking Radiation (7) Gravitational Waves (8) Invisibility of Galactic Halos (9) Invisibility of Domain Walls(10) The ultimate fate of the PBHs. Strong indirect observational evidence for Holeums comes from Cosmic Rays and GRBs. The results of the Ice Cube collaboration support the predictions of the Holeum model. LIGO may be able to detect the gravitational waves emitted by the Holeums. A direct detection test of Holeums is suggested.
Wide-band Bipolar Amplifier Circuit Using NPN Transistors 1 MHz - 100 MHz[Full-Text] [References]Vineet Dagolia, ER.Sonika Soni
A wide band bipolar amplifier is a signal amplifier that has the ability to emit more than one output signal. The output is determined by either the positive or negative polarity of the signal upon input to the amplifier circuit. The bipolar amplifier is not only able to emit multiple signals that correspond to the input polarity, but it is also able to add gain to the signal as the input signal is passed through it. This allows for an input signal that results in low noise incurrence, which is a common problem among different amplifier circuits.
Speech enhancement by a Kalman filter based smoother in white and colored noise[Full-Text] [References]Srilakshmi Garaga, O.Sudhakar
Since speech is non-stationary, it is common practice to segment the speech into short overlapped frames and assume the signal to be stationary with in each frame. This is known as quasi stationary assumption. The main idea in this project is to recover the clean speech signal from a sample corrupted with background noise through a telephone conversation. To achieve goal to estimate the speech spectrum using LP method and using SWLP, an improved algorithm .with this method, choosing correctly the parameters can obtain an improved robustness against the background noise. After this, the idea is to use the Kalman filtering as a tool to estimate the future clean samples from the first one in an iterative way.
Coupled investigation: analytic solutions of force, character, and response for the phenomenon in materials science[Full-Text] [References]Mohammad Rangga Yudha Kusumah
This article explains coupled investigation leading to analytic solutions of force, character, and response for the phenomenon by investigating force, character, and, response equation as differential equation. Interaction of elements creates matter in this context. Configuration, bonds, and composition of elements changes create from interaction of matters. Interaction of matters reveals from nature evidence or experiment implementation. A tendency of elements of being stables inspires from response boundary and elements sequences. Configuration, bonds, and composition of elements define matter. Matter as functions of elements and its response boundary creates from material character difference.
Increase Security of Images from Attacks Using Watermarking Technique[Full-Text] [References]Ankita Durge, Prof.Alka Jaiswal
Digital watermarking is used to hide the information inside a signal, which cannot be easily extracted by the third party. Its widely used application is copyright protection of digital information. It is different from the encryption in the sense that it allows the user to access, view and interpret the signal but protect the ownership of the content. One of the current research areas is to protect digital watermark inside the information so that ownership of the information cannot be claimed by third party. With a lot of information available on various search engines, to protect the ownership of information is a crucial area of research. In recent year, several digital watermarking techniques are presented based on discrete cosine transform (DCT), discrete wavelets transform (DWT) and discrete fourier transforms (DFT). In this paper, we proposed an algorithm for digital image watermarking technique based on singular value decomposition; both of the L and U components are explored for watermarking algorithm. This technique refers to the watermark embedding procedure and watermark extracting procedure. Digital image watermarking techniques for copyright protection is robust. The experimental results prove that the quality of the watermarked image is good and that there is strong resistant against many attacks. The image watermarking techniques help to achieve artificial intelligence. Digital image watermarking is the most effective solution in this area and its use to protect the information is increasingly exponentially day by day.
Advanced Approach To Look-up Table Design For Memory Based Realization of FIR Digital Filter[Full-Text] [References]K. Srikarsh Vardhan Reddy
In look-up-table(LUT)-multiplier-based approaches for an efficient memory-based implementation of finite impulse response (FIR) filter is present where the memory elements store all the possible values of products of the filter coefficients. But in this paper, memory locations in look-up table where reduced to 4 from 8 could be also an areaefficient alternative to DA-based design of FIR filter with the same throughput of implementation. We present a modified transposed form FIR filter, where a single segmented memory-core with only one pair of decoders are used to minimize the combinational area. The proposed LUT-based FIR filter is found to involve nearly half the memory-space and (1/N)times the complexity of decoders and input-registers, at the cost of marginal increase in the width of the adders, and additional ~(4N x W) AND-OR-INVERT gates and ~(2N x W) NOR gates.
Web Intelligence Technology and Applications [Full-Text] [References]D.Hari Prashanth
As the rapid growth of internet and web related technologies continue to take over the entire world in almost all the fields of information technology like data mining, information security, e-based applications etc., web intelligence is the particular field of research and development to explore the fundamental roles as well as practical applications of artificial intelligence which is slowly developing throughout the world in order to create next generation of products, services and frameworks based on internet.
Image-Cuebik: System adapting Laplacian Faces to Face Recognition[Full-Text] [References]Vishu Kukkar, Vipin Goyal
We propose a new analysis for recognition of an input image by comparing it with a prepared database. The technique uses the linear projective maps which arise by solving a variational problem that optimally preserves the neighborhood structure of the data set termed as Locality Preserving Projections. By using Locality Preserving Projections (LPP), the face images are mapped into a face subspace for analysis. This approach is quite different from Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) which effectively see only the Euclidean structure of face space while LPP finds an embedding that preserves local information, and obtains a face subspace that best detects the essential face manifold structure.
Spectrophotometric estimation of Fluconazole in pure drug and pharmaceutical formulation [Full-Text] [References]C.M.Bhaskar Reddy
A simple, sensitive, rapid and accurate spectrophotometric method was developed in ultraviolet region for the estimation of Fluconazole in pure drug and pharmaceutical formulation. The drug has an absorption maximum at 260 nm and obeys Beer's Lambert law in the concentration range of 2-10 µg/ml with correlation coefficient of 0.9999 in solvent. Excellent recovery proved that the method was sufficiently accurate. There is no interference from any common pharmaceutical additives and diluents. Results of the analysis were validated by recovery studies according to ICH Q2B guidelines
Slotted Dual Arrowhead Multi-Band Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna[Full-Text] [References]Ishan Budhiraja, Ravinder Kumar, Manoj Kumar Pal
This paper presents design and implementation of dual arrowhead slotted multi-band microstrip patch antenna for mobile (1.9 GHz-IEEE 802.11b/g), WLAN (5.8 GHz-IEEE 802.11a) and other personal wireless applications.The radiating element of the proposed antenna consists of dual arrowhead slot on rectangular patch operating at multi-bands in the range from1.9 to 5.8 GHz..The antenna is probe feeded and it is simulated on IE3D Zeland software.The result of the antenna is analyzed by changing their flair angles (45,60,and 75 degree). The proposed antenna have directivity upto 11.5 dBi,Gain upto 7.5 dB and efficiency upto 80%.The software simulation results shows that the antenna can realize multi- band characters with each band having good impedance bandwidth (VSWR=2) for all the resonant frequencies. The proposed antenna is also tested and verified through VNA network Analyzer and approximately appropriate matching is achieved between the simulated and measured results.
Slotted Octagonal shaped Antenna for Wireless Applications[Full-Text] [References]Vineet Vishnoi , Manoj Kumar Pal ,Dr. Binod Kumar Kanaujia
This paper presents the design and implementation of a multi-band antenna based upon fractal sub-array concept The antenna design has concentric octagonal slots on rectangular patch. It is demonstrated that the proposed antenna can completely covers the entire bandwidth required for various wireless application ranging from .5-to-5.4 Ghz and can serve for GSM/UMTS/Wi-Fi/WLAN type of applications. The antenna is coax probe feeded and is simulated on IE3D Zeland software. Performance parameter evaluated from soft simulation and measured through VNA (Network analyzer) has high degree of accuracy. It has directivity upto 11.25 dBi Gain of about 7 dB and Efficiency upto 62% along-with satisfactory radiation characteristics. The computer simulation results shows that the antenna have good bandwidth (VSWR =2 & S11< -10 dB) at all the multiple resonant frequencies.
A new Closure operator GRW-closure in Topological Spaces[Full-Text] [References]P Rajarubi
In this paper, GRW-interior and GRW-closure are introduced and some of their basic properties are studied .GRW-int(A) and GRW-Cl(A) ( ie clGRW(A) ) are defined and prove that it forms a topology in X.
Assessment of Groundwater Quality Gurh Tehseel, Rewa District, Madhya Pradesh, India[Full-Text] [References]A.K. Tripathi, U.K. Mishra, Ajay Mishra & Parul Dubey
The paper deals with groundwater quality assessment of Gurh Tehseel, District Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, India. Geologically, the area is occupied by sandstone and shale of Rewa Group belonging to Vindhyan Supergroup. The groundwater occurs in semiconfined to confined conditions. Twenty one groundwater samples from the area were collected in pre-monsoon and post-monsoon seasons of 2011 and were subjected to geochemical analysis. The main hydrochemical facies are Ca-Mg-HCO3 and Ca-Mg-SO4-Cl type. The groundwater is hard to very hard in nature. The concentrations of various cations and anions suggest that the groundwater of the area is partially suitable for drinking. The analysis of various parameters like electrical conductivity, sodium percentage, integrated sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and EC, residual sodium carbonate suggest that groundwater of the area is suitable for irrigation.
Analysis of Noise Level Reduction for Plant Machine Monitoring[Full-Text] [References]Vaishali Jain
In this project, study is done on Noise levels. Noise is simply the unwanted and displeasing sound that disrupts the activity or bal-ance of human or animal life. The word noise comes from the Latin word nausea meaning seasickness. There are several sources of noise in the surrounding environment. The Automobile Industries are having several machinery which produces noise. Our study is based on to reduce the noise levels of machines. In this, Noise levels are identified and monitored for several machines and comparison done with its actual acceptable limits. The unacceptable noise limits are smoothened by certain techniques like change in design on equipment, providing silencers, sealing the leakages, preventive maintenance schedule and again noise level is measured for the machines to get the result of acceptable noise. The ill effects of noise coming from machineries can lead to disease like NIHL. So there is a need to control the Noise Level. The study is revealed towards the approach to reduce and control the noise level of shop floor machineries.
The Think-aloud Method in EFL Reading Comprehension[Full-Text] [References]Shahrokh Jahandar,Morteza Khodabandehlou, Gohar Seyedi, Reza Mousavi Dolat Abadi
Think-aloud is a research method in which readers report their thoughts while reading, thereby researchers will be able to achieve a better view of the mental processes in which readers are engaged. Reading in a foreign language needs considerable efforts on the readers' part due to understanding of a text. Think-aloud is a method which helps the teachers to collect unseen processes such as inference or the use of prior knowledge by learner. In the present paper, the researchers have considered a type of verbal report and the way it can be used in foreign language reading comprehension along with strategy training. To this end, 32 subjects were selected randomly from among upper intermediate Iranian EFL male learners in Parsian English Institute in Tonekabon, Iran and divided randomly into two groups. The TOEFL test administered to the students. Finally, the data gathered by the experiment was analyzed through SPSS software, using Samples Independent t-test. The results revealed that there is significant increases in mean score of treatment group, confirming the positive effect of think-aloud method on improving learners' reading comprehension.
Bandwidth Enhancement of Hexagonal Microstrip Patch Antenna by Ground Defect Technique[Full-Text] [References]P.K. Gupta, Amit yadav, Sumer Singh
The Design of hexagonal patch is presented with single coaxial feed namely simple hexagonal patch, hexagonal patch with one triangular slot in ground for circular polarization. The circular polarization of two antennas are obtained with 1.31% axial ratio(AR) for simple hexagonal patch, 4.43% axial ratio hexagonal patch with slotted ground hexagonal patch antenna. The impedance band widths of these antennas are achieved as 1.85% for simple patch, 5.21% for slot ground patch. The feed location is optimized for the best impedance match to a 50O coaxial feed line. The average gain and radiation efficiency of antenna are also evaluated. Simulated results are verified experimentally
Theoretical and Experimental Performance and Emission Analysis of Vegetable Oil Ester Operated CI Engine for Various Injection Timing[Full-Text] [References]S.Sundarapandian, G.Devaradjane
A theoretical model was developed to evaluate the performance characteristics and combustion parameters of vegetable oil esters like Jatropha, Mahua and Neem for the various injection timing and they are compared to diesel fuel. The predicted results of these fuels were compared with experimental result and also compared with the result of diesel fuel for the validity of the theoretical model. From the predicted results, it was found that the heat release and work done were reduced by about 4% for Jatropha, 6% for Mahua and 8% for Neem oil esters when compared to diesel. However, slight increase was observed for specific fuel consumption. The experimental work was carried out in a single cylinder computerized diesel engine test rig, which develops 5.2 kW at 1500 rpm and loaded by eddy current dynamometer at various injection timing. The harmful pollutants such as HC, CO, NOX and smoke were reduced in the vegetable oil esters than those of diesel fuel. The predicted values of performance and emission for all fuel more or less equal to the experimental values. From the investigation it was concluded that the performance of vegetable oil esters such as Jatropha, Mahua, and Neem are much better. Thus the developed model was highly capable for simulation work with bio-diesel as a suitable alternative fuel for diesel
Optical Wireless Communication: A Future Perspective For Next Generation Wireless Systems[Full-Text] [References]Shuchita Chaudhary
The next generation wireless communication systems need to be of higher standards, so as to support various Broadband wireless services- such as, Video conferencing, mobile videophones, high-speed Internet access etc. The existing wireless systems can hardly provide transmission capacity of the order of few Mbps. In recent years, interest in optical wireless (OW) promising complementary technology for RF technology has gained new momentum fueled by significant deployments in solid state lighting technology. This paper aims at reviewing and summarizing recent advancements in OW communication, with the main focus on perspective of optical wireless system for next generation wireless networks.
Acute Multidimensional Poverty: A New Index for Punjab[Full-Text] [References]Shaista Ashraf, Muhammad Usman
The paper presents a new measure Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) for the province of Punjab. The measure was proposed by Alkire and Foster (2007, 2009) for 104 developing countries. In this paper, MPI is estimated by SPSS and MS-Excel using Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2007-08 (MICS) data set for the population of Punjab. It integrated many aspects of poverty related to the MDGs into a single measure. MPI also examines the most common deprivations related to different districts of Punjab. On the evidence of this MPI Rankings we divide these indices in three bands i-e low poverty, medium and extreme poverty. Individually the performances of each district with respect to each dimension may not depict such trends as was shown on the. The significant variations in each dimension of MPI can occurr according to chronological changes. In supplementary investigations on the best equivalent asset measures that could be assembled from several datasets would have been useful in the future outlook.
Design of Turbo Decoder for Logmap and Sova Algorithms Using Iterative Decoding [Full-Text] [References]Kulbir Kaur, Ruchi Singla
A Design of Turbo encoder and decoder have been presented using iterative decoding algorithms using MAP and SOVA. The effect of puncturing in turbo codes have been shown using variable code rates. The role of the turbo code puncturer is identical to that of its convolutional code counterpart to periodically delete selected bits to reduce coding overhead. Parallel concatenated convolutional codes are generated at the transmitter end and decoded iteratively at the receiver end considering various factors such as reliability value of AWGN Channel and standard deviation of channel due to various fading effects. The variation in probability of bit error has been shown as graph with respect to Eb/N0 ratio. Bit error rate have been computed at every iteration loop. The turbo encoder is employed to increase the free distance of the turbo code, hence improving its error-correction performance
CRT: Crosslayered Routing Topology for Congestion Control in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks[Full-Text] [References]V. V. Appaji, Dr. Sreedhar
All nodes in a Mobile Ad hoc Network are having mobility and dynamically tied in a subjective approach. Due moving directions caused by mobility, the frequent link failure happens, which consequences in packet losses. The protocol used in transmission handling in general fails to identify the root cause of the packet dropping hence assumes that these packet losses are due to congestion only. This wrong assumption need packet retransmissions till packet arrive successfully at the receiver. The protocols used in mobile ad-hoc networks are based on the layered architecture. The layered approach is extremely rigid and strict since each layer of the architecture is only concerned about the layers immediately above it or below it. Current wireless protocols rely on significant interactions between various layers of the network stack. In this context we propose a cross-layer routing topology in short CRT to improve the congestion detection and handling strategy. The CRT is Mac, application and physical layer centric in particular. The goal is to improve transmission performance by distinguishing between packet loss due to link failure and arbitrary loss of packets. Hence in our proposed cross layer routing topology the strength of the communication signal between hop level nodes is used to determine link failure. The objective of the CRT is to distinguish between packet loss due to link failure and arbitrary loss of packets and ensure QOS at the application layer. The experiment results emerged as an evidence for better resource utilization in congestion controlling by our proposed protocol.
Enhancement in lossless video sequnces compression using adaptive pixel based prediction method[Full-Text] [References]Saraswati Jadhav, Kishori Deganokar
We investigate lossless compression schemes for video sequences of adaptive pixel based prediction method.The proposed technique exploits spatial, temporal correlation and spectral redundancy in backward adaptive method. The proposed coder gives the relational between the operational domain (Wavelet or Spatial) and amount of temporal, spatial redundancy in video sequences.No need to send motion vector as side information like block motion compensation method. It sends very low side information like operational domain and search range.Due to less side information; encoder increases the compression efficiency.This algorithm use simple lossless arithmetic entropy coding. It also shows relation between the size of search window and compression ratio.The experimental result shows the improvement in compression efficiency.
Smart Borders[Full-Text] [References]Manmeet Kaur
Securing the Indian border and transportation is one of the critical issues of our country. To create "smart borders" it is required to utilize the information from multiple agencies like police record management system, vehicle registration agencies, driving license agencies, passport authorities, border check post so that the border management agencies have a software tool that will provide accurate and relevant information related to every vehicle crossing the border and this will also save the time of border check post agents as well as people who are waiting to cross the Indian border. In this paper concept of Apriori algorithm has been used to identify the criminal/illegal vehicles that crosses the border frequently an at last pattern analysis has been performed to identify that what pattern is followed by vehicles crossing the border.
Performance Evaluation and Comparison of TCP variants for Optimizing TCP Performance[Full-Text] [References]Prof.J.VijiPriya, Dr.S.Suppiah
Wireless networks are growing rapidly. TCP is the most widely-used protocol on Internet and so optimizing TCP performance is very important for fast efficient data transfer. The different existing TCP variants and solutions they have not been analyzed together to identify the bottlenecks in wireless networks. TCP has a major problem in its congestion control algorithm which does not allow the flow to achieve the full available bandwidth on fast long-distance links. This problem has been studied in this paper using a new high speed congestion control TCP protocol based on the Newton Raphson algorithm. In this paper we have analyzed six TCP congestion control algorithms and compared their performance behavior of Reno, Westwood, Veno, Vegas, Illinois and proposed Newton Raphson congestion control algorithms with suitable metrics. This study shows that the proposed algorithm performs better compared with the other methods of application.
Transition from Critical Path to Critical Chain: A Case Research Analysis[Full-Text] [References]Srijit Sarkar
The purpose of this paper is two-fold: first of all, it provides a comprehensive overview of the problems associated with the traditional Critical Path Method of project management, and how Critical Chain Project Management has contributed towards mitigating those problems. This is accomplished by reviewing the research carried out by eminent scholars in prior publications. Secondly, the case research methodology is applied to a private construction project initiative. The case research analysis presented in this paper deals with the scheduling processes of both CPM and CCPM, and aims to shed light on the incongruence between the two procedures. The case research analysis has been prepared with the help of MS Project - a project management software that uses Gantt Charts to apprise the data and related complications. First of all, research is conducted on the construction project using the traditional Critical Path Method of project management. Next, using the same data, research is carried out with the Critical Chain Project Management Technique. The results are compared and positive conclusions can be drawn regarding CCPM technique's efficacy. The research findings, albeit provisional, substantiate the claim that CCPM has indeed provided a more efficient and reliable method of project management. However, this study, does not delve deep into the significant role of buffers in CCPM.
Authentication of DSS and Secrecy[Full-Text] [References]Shafiqul Abidin, Dr. Kumar Balwant Singh
The Diffie-Hellman key algorithm was the first proposed public key algorithm by which two parties can communicate with each other without having any prior knowledge of each other over an insecure communication channel. This algorithm was first published by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman in 1976. It is helpful in a variety of authenticated protocols. Further, it is also found suitable in transport layers. After his investigation this protocol was integrated to digital signature algorithm. In this paper we are presenting the verification of digital signature standard with the help of Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol by using two randomly selected integers. We also tried to show that the use of protocol can provide the secrecy and freshness of key due to continuous selection of random numbers.
Safety Culture of Nigerian Construction Workers - A Case Study of Yola[Full-Text] [References]Zaynab Ahmad Belel, Hijab Mahmud
This paper assesses the safety culture of the construction industry workforce in Yola, Nigeria. The study was conducted using a questionnaire survey of the construction workers opinions regarding safety practices on construction sites. Construction workers' attitude toward s safety is influenced by their perception of risk, safety rules and procedures. Lack of training of workers was ranked the most severe factor that hinders workers' safety on site. Reduce accident cost was ranked the most important benefit of safety on site while Poor understanding of the risks associated with the work was ranked second and these could all be attributed to the poor safety culture in the Industry.
Handling Mobile Handover In Spatially Distributed Workgroups With Digital Interactive Maps [Full-Text] [References] N.Palanisamy, Dr.V.Murali Bhaskaran
With the growing trends of mobile enabled applications, people in a workgroup tend to work collaboratively even though they are spatially distributed. To enable collaborative working in a spatially distributed environment on the fly, this paper proposes a handover methodology to operate the functions in collaborative environment efficiently. The workgroup people can access the services in the spatially distributed environment to perform their work tasks while they are moving, at this stage they may be moving through different networks. Moving from network to other network is performed by hand shake procedure and it is initiated by the mobile node, according to speed and signal strength the mobile node takes the decision of moving to other network or stay in home network. Unlike other handover methodologies in distributed environment, the decision here is on the hands of mobile nodes.
Shortest Path Routing Algorithm for Ficonn in Load Balanced Data Center Networks[Full-Text] [References]K Udaya Bhanu, K Chandra Shekar
This paper explores a Ficonn interconnection structure for load balanced data center servers using bi-ports. The tree-based structures are increasingly difficult to meet the design goals of data centers because of a single-point failure spot for its sub tree branch. And using excessive switches does not fundamentally solve the problem, but results even higher cost. So we are going for a new structure to interconnect a large number of servers which contain dual Ethernet ports, in which one is used for network connections and another for the backup purposes. If we make that both the ports are used for network connections then we can build an effective inter connection structure for the data center networks. We call such a network structure called as Ficonn. In addition, in this paper, we are using A* algorithm to find the shortest path and boost up the routing of packets transmitted between the commodity servers. And we have also proposed the deployment of Ficonn.
Molecular and electronic structure of 1-Naphtol : Ab initio molecular orbital and density functional study[Full-Text] [References]G.Raja, K.Saravanan and S.Sivakumar
The molecular vibrations of 1-Naphtol were investigated in polycrystalline sample, at room temperature, by FT- IR and FT-Raman spectroscopy. In parallel, ab initio and various density functional (DFT) methods were used to determine the geometrical, energetic and vibrational characteristics of 1-Naphtol . On the basis of B3LYP/6-31G* and B3LYP/6-311+G** methods and basis set combinations, a normal mode analysis was performed to assign the various fundamental frequencies according to the total energy distribution (TED). The vibrational spectra were interpreted, with the aid of normal coordinate analysis based on a scaled quantum mechanical force field. The Infrared and Raman spectra were also predicted from the calculated intensities. Comparison of simulated spectra with the experimental spectra provides important information about the ability of the computational method to describe the vibrational modes. Simulation of Infrared and Raman spectra, utilizing the results of these calculations led to excellent overall agreement with observed spectral patterns. The investigation is performed using quantum chemical calculations conducted by means of the Gaussian 98W and Guassview set of programs. Further, density functional theory (DFT) combined with quantum chemical calculations to determine the first-order hyperpolarizability.
Prolonged Occupational Exposure to Stressful Stimuli(Heat) as a Cause of raised Atherogenic Index in Thermal Power Station Workers[Full-Text] [References]Dr.JAGDISH C. HUNDEKARI
The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between occupational exposure to stressful stimuli ( heat ) and indicators of hypertension and CHD in workers of the Thermal power station Two Hundred male workers were selected out of whom 100 workers were exposed to heat emitted by boiler in boiler section for 8 hrs daily and 6 days in a week for estimation of lipid profile. The control group consists of office workers and staff who were not exposed to extreme heat. Depending on age, they were divided into four groups. Estimation of lipid profile was carried out by enzymatic method between cases and controls to observe the effect of heat stress on serum lipoproteins like HDL,LDL-C, VLDL-C and LDL/HDL ratio (Atherogenic index). It was observed that there is highly significant increase in serum level of the LDL-C, VLDL-C and non significant changes in HDL-C. ATherogenic index is significantly higher in workers exposed to heat .This suggests that greater is the risk of hypertension and coronary heart disease (CHD) in these workers as compared to controls.
Comparison of Modified PTS and SLM Techniques for PAPR Reduction in MIMO OFDM Systems[Full-Text] [References]Shatabdi Nandi, Dr. V. Sailaja
Communication is one of the important aspects of life. With the advancement in age and its growing demands, there has been rapid growth in the field of communications. Signals, which were initially sent in the analog domain, are being sent more and more in the digital domain these days. For better transmission, even single - carrier waves are being replaced by multi - carriers. Multi - carrier systems like CDMA and OFDM are now - a - days being implemented commonly. In the OFDM system, orthogonally placed sub - carriers are used to carry the data from the transmitter end to the receiver end. Presence of guard band in this system deals with the problem of ISI and noise is minimized by larger number of sub - carriers. But the large Peak - to - Average Power Ratio of these signal have some undesirable effects on the system.
Survey on Intrusion Detection and Prevention System: A MANET Perspective [Full-Text] [References]Abhishek Kundu, Tamal Kumar Kundu, I Mukhopadhyay
These Recent computer systems are affected by viruses and malware. There are many techniques via which networks can be secured like encryption, firewalls, DMZ etc. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a type of system which detects attacks and notifies the same. Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) detects the attack and then prevents the system from further attacks. In recent times we have merge these two types of systems and rechristened it as Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDPS) the new system will simultaneously detect and prevent malicious activities. In recent years, the security issues on MANET have also become one more vulnerable area other than wired network. This paper presents a brief idea on the attacks and subsequently their respective preventive actions. Artificial Neural Networks is one type of architecture which can be used to design the hardware circuit for the same.
Optimal 3-Stage Schedule for specially Structured Flow Shop Problem to Minimize the Rental Cost including Transportation and Job Weightage[Full-Text] [References]Deepak Gupta Shashi Bala Payal Singla, Sameer Sharma
This article describe the development of a new heuristic algorithm which guarantees an optimal solution for specially structured flow shop problem with n-job, 3-machine , to minimize the rental cost under specified rental policy in which processing times , weightage of jobs ,transportation times are being consider. Further the processing times are not merely random but bear a well defined relationship to one another. Many heuristic approaches have already been discussed in literature to minimize the makespan. But it is not necessary that minimization of makespan always lead to minimize the rental cost of machines. Objective of this work is to minimize the rental cost of machines under a specified rental policy. A numerical illustration is followed to support the algorithm.
Detection and Prevention of Malicious Activities on RDBMS Relational Database Management Systems [Full-Text] [References]Arafat Mohammed Rashad Al-dhaqm, Md.Asri Nagdi Associate Prof. DR
Insider attacks formed the biggest threaten against database management systems. There are many mechanisms have been developed to detect and prevent the insider attacks called Detection of Malicious Activities in Database Systems DEMIDS. The DEMIDS consider as one of the last defenses mechanism of the database security system. There are many mechanisms that have been developed to detect and prevent the misuse activities like delete, and update data on the database systems. These mechanisms utilize auditing and profiling methods to detect and prevent the malicious activities. However these mechanisms still have problems to detect the misuse activities such as limit to detect the malicious data on authorized commands. This study will address these problems by propose a mechanism that utilizes dependency relationship among items to detect and prevent the malicious data by calculate a number of relations among data items. If the number of relations among items is not allowed any modification or deletion then the mechanism will detect activity as malicious activity. The evaluation parameters such as detect, false positive and false negative rate use to evaluate the accuracy of proposed mechanism.
Pure Embryonal Carcinoma Testis With Inguinal Lymph Node Metastasis- Rare Finding[Full-Text] [References]Dr Ashima chugh, Dr Deepti Aggarwal, Dr Harsh Patel
Germ cell tumors of the testis are the most common cancer in young men between the ages of 15 and 35 years. The most common his-topathological types are seminoma with incidence of 30 - 60%; pure embryonal carcinoma 3 - 4%, although it include 40% of nonseminoma; 5-10% teratoma and 1% pure choriocarcinoma. We present a case of 22 year old male who came to our hospital with complaints of inguinal lymphadenopathy. Surgeons found the enlarged lymph nodes. Fine needle aspiration was done on the lymph node and sent for cytological diagnosis. The cytology report gave a diagnosis of embryonal carcinoma. The criteria for diagnosis includes presence of cellular smears exhibiting primitive pleomorphic disperse cells. Alfa fetoprotein and beta- hcG was raised. Biopsy confirmed the diagnosis and early treatment was given to the patient.
Development and Performance Evaluation of a Low Head Hydro Turbine for Rural Electric Power Generation [Full-Text] [References]B. N. Nwankwojike, S. K. Ogbansiegbe, O. F. Oti, I. F. Onuoha
A micro hydro turbine used for harnessing hydropower potentials of low head water bodies in rural areas was developed from locally soured materials and evaluated at Anya River in Umudike. Its major components include the base, strut, rotor (runner assembly) and its scroll casing. The performance evaluation result indicates the optimal power output of the turbine as 4.30kW at 80.34% efficiency, 0.42m3/s discharge rate and runner shaft speed of 60rpm. The micro turbine was developed at a cost of two hundred and thirty thousand, six hundred and forty naira (N230,640.00) only.
Rotating biological contactors : A critical review[Full-Text] [References]Prashant A. Kadu, Dr. Y. R. M. Rao
The rotating biological contactor process offers the specific advantages of a biofilm system in treatment of wastewater for removal of soluble organic substances and nitrogen compounds. It is a unique adaptation of the moving-medium biofilm system which facilitates easy and effective oxygen transfer. Media in the form of several large flat or corrugated discs with biofilm attached to the surface is mounted on a common shaft partially submerged in the wastewater and rotated through contoured tanks in which wastewater flows on a continuous basis. The compactness of the system and its economical operation makes it a viable option specially suited for decentralized wastewater treatment technologies. The process optimization and adaptability under different environmental conditions and influent characteristics remain challenging tasks for the efficient use of this technology
Specification of UNL Deconverter for Bangla Language[Full-Text] [References]Aloke Kumar Saha, Muhammad F. Mridha, Manoj Banik and Jugal Krishna Das
At present the WWW represents a powerful tool for communication and information interchange. With simple mechanism, it is possible to access innumerable documents about a huge variety of topics, from any place around the world. However, despite the abundance of information, languages very often cause severe problems. When most of the web pages today are written in few most common languages like English, French, Chinese and Spanish etc, it becomes difficult for a person with insufficient knowledge of these languages to access and use this tool of Communication and information. This has prompted the need to devise means of automatically converting the information from one natural language to another natural language, called Machine Translation (MT). In this paper we will discusses the interlingua approach to machine translation. Here Universal Networking Language (UNL) has been used as the intermediate representation. Here, we have specified a language independent deconverter for the Bangla language it takes as input a UNL (Universal Networking language) expression. The system takes a set of UNL expression as input and with the help of language independent algorithm and language dependent data generates corresponding Bangla sentence.
A Survey Analysis for lossy image compression using Discrete cosine Transform.[Full-Text] [References]Papiya Chakraborty
Image compression is used to minimize the amount of memory needed to represent an image. It often require a large number of data i.e number of bits to represent them if the image needs to be transmitted over internet or stored. In this survey analysis I discuss about the method which segments the image into a number of block size and encodes them depending on characteristics of the each blocks. JPEG image compression standard use DCT (DISCRETE COSINE TRANSFORM). The discrete cosine transform is a fast transform. It is a widely used and robust method for image compression. In this article I provide an overview of lossy JPEG image compression one of the most common method of compressing continuous tone grayscale or color still images and discuss in detail on this method using Matlab for encoding and decoding purpose.
A needs to assay Proinsulin in all suspected cases of Insulinoma: A case report[Full-Text] [References]Ali U, Seth A, Busta, A
Insulinomas are rare pancreatic islet cell tumors, with an incidence of 4 cases per 1 million person-years (1). Most insulinomas are benign and small solitary tumors (2) whereas multiple insulinomas is usually associated with MEN1. Malignancy is rare with the liver and regional lymph nodes being the most common sites of metastasis (3). Diagnosis of Insulinoma is based on the clinical, biochemical and radiological evaluation. Most patients present with characteristic symptoms such as hypoglycemia, weakness, blurred vision, diplopia, palpitations, and loss of consciousness or seizures (4). Biochemically, the fasting plasma levels of insulin, C-peptide, and, to a lesser degree, proinsulin are elevated. Imaging techniques are then used to localize the tumor, most frequently transabdominal or endoscopic ultrasound (5), CT (6), MRI (7), or somatostatin receptor scintigraphy (8). Medical treatments of insulinomas include diazoxide (9) and octreotide (10). Resection of insulinoma is curative in 93 to 100% of benign cases (11) but metastasis reduces survival rates by 60% (12). Hepatic artery embolization, radioembolization, radiofrequency ablation, hepatic resection and finally liver transplantation can be tried in hepatic metastasis. Here we present a rare case of a proinsulin secreting neuroendocrine tumor with metastasis to the liver.
Research Paper on Drip Irrigation Management using wireless sensors[Full-Text] [References]Er.Sukhjit Singh, Er.Neha Sharma
In this paper we are giving brief outline of improving Throughput and Average end to end delay of information gathered from the agriculture field for Precision Agriculture. This algorithm provides the Throughput of 180 bits/seconds. Besides delivery of water level information packets/signals to base station as it also computes a threshold as well as does calculates values based on transmission range. This over all computational mechanism helps us to build a robust mechanism for delivery of information to base station thus reducing the packet loss. A WSN is a system consisting of radio frequency (RF) transceivers, sensors, microcontrollers and power sources. Recent advances in wireless sensor networking technology have led to the development of low cost, low power, multifunctional sensor nodes. Sensor nodes enable environment sensing together with data processing. sensors are able to network with other sensor systems and exchange data with external users. Sensor networks are used for a variety of applications, including wireless data acquisition, environmental monitoring, irrigation management, safety management, and in many other areas
Sulphur Nanoparticle Synthesis from H2S gas based on Degradation of Iron Chelate Process[Full-Text] [References]Deepali M. Pawar
Oxidative absorption of hydrogen sulfide into a solution of ferric chelate is studied in stirred cell glass reactor. The experiments are performed to investigate degradation of chelates viz NTA, EDTA and DTPA at 313 K temperature, pH 6, Iron concentration 10000 ppm and Fe-Chelate molar ratio 1:2. Oxidative absorption of hydrogen sulfide into a solution of Fe-NTA was found better. Therefore, further experiments with 10%, 50% and 100% concentrations of hydrogen sulfide are performed. It is observed that this process is applicable for removal of low to high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide. Effect of antioxidant using sodium thiosulphate is also studied in order to minimize degradation of NTA. The kinetic parameters are studied and it is observed that the reaction appeared to be first order in ferric chelate and Rate constant values for 100%, 50% and 10% and 5% hydrogen sulfide concentration are 0.035 hr-1, 0.013 hr-1 and 0.019 hr-1 respectively
State-of-the-Art of Storage and Handling issues related to High Pressure Gaseous Hydrogen to make use in Internal Combustion Engines[Full-Text] [References]P.S. Ranjit and Mukesh Saxena
The purpose of this paper shall be to provide fundamental safe guards for installation, storage, piping, health related issues in use and handling of compressed gaseous hydrogen. And mainly focusing on stationary, portable infrastructural application under different National and International standards like, Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) New Delhi, India, Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization (PESO), Nagpur, India, Central institute of Mining and Fuels Research (CMRI), Dhanbad, India, International Electro technical Commission (IEC) Switzerland, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Massachusetts, USA, International Organization for Standardization(ISO), Switzerland. Further, also considered the supply of the gaseous hydrogen to an internal combustion engine.
Analysis of Variation in Solar Panel Parameter with respect to Solar Isolisation and temperature[Full-Text] [References]Anandkumar G. Acharya, Sarfaraz Nawaz, Brijesh M. Patel
As convetional sources of energy are rapidly depleting and the cost of energy is rising, photovoltaic energy becomes a promising alternative source. Among its advantages are that it is: 1) abundant; 2) pollution free; 3) distributed throughout the earth; and 4) recyclable. The main drawbacks are that the initial installation cost is considerably high nd the energy conversion efficiency is relatively low. To overcome these problems, the following two essential ways can be used: 1) increase the efficiency of conversion for the solar array and 2) maximize the output power from the solar array. With the development of technology, the cost of the solar arrays is expected to decrease continuously in the future, making them attractive for residential and industrial applications.
Analysis for an Efficient "Wireless Power Transmission"[Full-Text] [References]Rakesh Kumar Kumawat
We cannot imagine the world without electric power. Generally the power is transmitted through wires. Imagine a future in which wireless power transfer is feasible. In this paper, we present the concept of transmitting power without using wires i.e., transmitting power as microwaves from one place to another in order to reduce the transmission and distribution losses. This concept is known as Microwave Power transmission (MPT). We also discussed the technological developments in Wireless Power Transmission (WPT). The advantages & biological impacts of WPT are also presented. This paper includes the techniques of transmitting power without using wires with an efficiency of about 95%.
Performance of Smart Antennas with FPGA Signal Processors over 3G Antennas[Full-Text] [References]B.Bhuvaneswari
Demands for increased capacity and better quality of service are driving the development of new wireless technologies such as "smart" antenna arrays. The FPGAs operate as powerful digital signal processing devices, which can meet the requirements of adaptive antenna arrays. The smart antenna systems are efficient than the existing 3G antenna systems as they can track the location of a mobile user and also increase channel capacity through spatial diversity. FPGAs offer greater flexibility for performing functions such as acquisition control, digital down-conversion, demodulation and matched filtering. This paper discuses in creating beam-forming smart antennas using FPGA's as well as the ways in which smart antennas will overcome the performance of 3G antennas.
Awareness of Scientific Journals Amongst Students and Common Readers[Full-Text] [References]Wafia Masih, Dinabandhu Mahal, Reecha Singh
Science is important for the development of the society. Society is constantly being updated with the knowledge of science and broadening its reach. Communicating science and finding large number of scientists to talk to the common people and students are still on a low profile. The eagerness and hunger for more news on science and technology update continues. To understand the importance of popularization of scientific discoveries amongst the students community has been surveyed by the researcher. In this paper an effort has been made to discuss the student's reaction towards communication of science by researchers, importance for communicating science and the need to present it in simple prose. The statistics, interest and willingness to learn from scientific discoveries is summarized in this paper.
Modified Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm In Medical Images[Full-Text] [References]V.Anuratha, V. Sindhu
Image segmentation is a common area of image processing. The research work done in this paper is based on image segmentation using improved fuzzy c-mean (FCM)algorithm. The improved fuzzy c-mean algorithm is composed by modifying the distance measurement ofthe original fuzzy c-mean algorithm. The originalEuclidean distance in the fuzzy c-mean algorithm isreplaced by correlation distance.As a result the new improved fuzzy c-means algorithm is obtained. The acquired algorithm is more robust when associated with core fuzzy c- mean algorithm. The exploration done on the real MR images exhibits that the proposed algorithm has enhanced performance.
Modified Pointwise Shape-Adaptive DCT for High Quality Deblocking of Compressed Color Images [Full-Text] [References]C.S.Rawat, Rohan K. Shambharkar, Dr. Sukadev Meher
Blocking artifact is one of the most annoying artifacts in image compression coding. In order to improve the quality of the reconstructed image several deblocking algorithms have been proposed. A high-quality modified image deblocking algorithm based on the shape-adaptive DCT (SA-DCT) is shown. The SA-DCT is a low-complexity transform which can be computed on a support of arbitrary shape. This transform has been adopted by the MPEG-4 standard and it is found implemented in modern video hardware. This approach has been used for the deblocking of block-DCT compressed images. In this paper we see modified pointwise SA-DCT method based on adaptive DCT threshold coefficient instead of constant DCT threshold coefficient used by the original pointwise SA-DCT method. Extensive simulation experiments attest the advanced performance of the proposed filtering method. The visual quality of the estimates is high, with sharp detail preservation, clean edges. Blocking artifacts are suppressed while salient image features are preserved. A structural constraint in luminance-chrominance space is shown to enable an accurate filtering of color images. Simulation experiments show the quality of the final estimate of our modified approach is better than the original method. The SA-DCT filtering used for the chrominance channels allows to faithfully reconstruct the missing structural information of the chrominances, thus correcting color-bleeding artifacts.
Graph Cuts Based Phase Unwrapping [Full-Text] [References]Rajiv Tawde, C.S. Rawat
Phase unwrapping has always been a major concern in the field of image processing .In this paper,images having wrapped phase are unwrapped using the graph cut method . The case of eight neighbouring pixel pairs has been considered .Considering more neighbouring pixel pairs helps to get good unwrapped output because every step of unwrapping uses the adjoining pixels as its reference.The unwrapping of the wrapped image is done to make the data available for numerous applications.
A Zigbee Based Wireless Datalogging System[Full-Text] [References]Arun Kumar
This paper is designed using embedded technology. Typically, an embedded system is housed on a single microprocessor or microcontroller board with the programs stored in it. Microcontroller is more preferred to microprocessor as it contains all the features of a computer including central processor, in-built clock circuitry, ROM, RAM, input and output ports with special features viz. serial communication, analogue-to-digital conversion etc . This work is about developing a prototype of microcontroller based data logger which can be used in both wireless and wired technology. The wireless technology we used is a new, advanced and improved technology named Zigbee, which is an IEEE802.15.4 standard.. Here in place of 1 sensor could be used 8sensors at the 8 channel of ADC0809. Zigbee is far better than compared to any other wireless technology available like Bluetooth, wifi. Zigbee is designed to consume very low power which is cost-effective and provides a wide range like 100m. In this paper peer to peer-communication topology is established. But star or mesh topology can be used; and in mesh topology by increasing the number of routers the range can be increased (>100m). Therefore it can be used in home automation, industrial automation, and light link, health care and in many other fields.
Phyto-chemical Therapy for Inhibition of Fish Pathogenic Bacteria in Sea-food and Aquaculture[Full-Text] [References]Gargi N. Patil
In aquaculture and seafood sector, bacterial infections are major economic and biological threat to aquatic animals and humans. About 80% of the seafood consumed in the U.S. is imported from approximately 62 countries and over 40% is aquacultured seafood which often contains traces of banned and hazardous antibacterial chemical drugs. This study creates a basic foundation to design a safe and natural drug against bacteria of seafood and aquaculture which will be alternative to commonly practiced hazardous chemical drugs. Extracts of Aegle marmelos, Ocimum sanctum and Azadirachta indica plants posses potential antibacterial activity against Aeromonas hydrophila, Bacillus cereus and Escherichia coli, equivalent to the hazardous and banned chemical drug API Furan-2. Digital High PerformanceThin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) Fingerprints of effective extracts were generated, which recorded number of phytoconstituents. They can be referred for bio-autography and drug formulation.
Comparative Experimental Investigation For Reducing High Speed Steel Tool Wear Rate By Cryogenic Process [Full-Text] [References]Archit Shrivastava
The main objective of this research is to find the optimum working condition to reduce tool wear rate in HSS drill bit. Cryogenic treatment on HSS drill bit has shown changes in its properties like increased hardness; increase in wear resistance which results in increase in tool life. During drilling operation tool wear depends on many factors but we have concentrated on 3 major factors which we can change i.e. drilling speed, feed rate and tool condition. We have compared untreated HSS drill bit with Cryogenic Treated HSS drill bit using taguchi's analysis. Taguchi analysis gives us the optimum working condition for HSS drill bit which shows that cryogenic Treated tool is better than non treated tool.
Evaluation of Data Encryption Algorithms[Full-Text] [References]Neha Ramdeo
This paper tries to present a comparison between the most common and used algorithms in the data encryption field. The two main characteristics that identify and differentiate one encryption algorithm from another are its ability to secure the protected data against attacks and its speed and efficiency in doing so. This paper provides a performance comparison between four of the most common encryption algorithms: DES, 3DES, Blowfish and AES. The comparison has been conducted by running several encryption settings to process different sizes of data blocks to evaluate the algorithm's encryption/decryption speed. Simulation has been conducted using C# language.
The Fibonacci & golden ratio[Full-Text] [References]Nitesh Kumar Chaudhary
A Fibonacci number ,a infinite set of number following many of natural phenomena some of them is known to us and some of them is steel known to us. These amazing number was firstly considered by "Leonard Fibonacci". The infinite set of series is as such 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,... Each term is the sum of the two immediately preceding terms,that is ,if fn represents the nth term in the sequence. Then fn=(fn-1)+(fn-2) And the golden ratio is the ratio of the (n+1)th term to the nth term that is approximately 1.61803...