IJSER Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2012 Edition

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Compression and Encryption Algorithms for Image Satellite Communication Image[Full-Text] [References]Dr. Emad S. Othman, Dr. Mohammed M. Sakre
Satellite communication systems are now designed according to an outdated shannon information theory where all data is transmitted in meaningless bit streams. The advantages for satellite communication may include: high image compression and unbreakable encryption. So, this paper combines the compression and encryption techniques into two phases, encoding and decoding phase.
Adopting Dcs For Effective Automation of Process Industries[Full-Text] [References]M.Vijay Pravin , J.Jeyanth Babu
Process industries have gone through many changes over the years. Right from the microprocessors, PLC, SCADA the automation is steeply increasing. Many process industries are not properly automated. Hence man power, hazards, investment and maintenance are also high. So in order to avoid all problems automation is very essential. Every process industry must be properly automated with DCS. Here we have come up with a proposal to automate cement mill in a cement industry using DCS with an interlock.
Design & Development of Multi - Zone Conveyor Curing Furnace for FRP Composites[Full-Text] [References]K.S.Madhu, T. Srinath
The present research work confines to having variable temperature zones for influencing curing of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Laminates with a time bound curing cycle, which is not hitherto thought of. All the drawbacks like no control over time, temperature and pressure for curing in the most common manufacturing process i.e., Hand Lay-up were addressed. Optimized matrix content for realizing the controlled curing cycle along with the temperature gradient necessary for enhancing polymerization of the Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Laminate was realized in this work thereby eliminating resin rich and resin starved areas in the cured laminates which have a telling effect on the strength properties.. The multi zone conveyor curing furnace design was done with the main intention of minimizing thermal losses, eliminate insulation losses, maintain ideal temperature gradient and thereby enhance complete curability of the Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Laminate. Also a Proportional Integral Derivative controller was employed to help maintain the set temperature through each stage of furnace within the defined limit. Temperature measurement is facilitated by high quality thermocouples placed above and below the laminate with an intention to study thermal effects on both surface and also the insulation losses close to the specimen duct were determined. The results were very promising with the curing cycle distributed into three specific zones having a variable temperature gradient. Maintenance of the specified zone temperature was realized effectively with the help of the Proportional Integral Derivative controller employed to satisfactory limits as the results indicate.
Relationship between Psychological Stress, Serum Cortisol, Expression of MMP-1 and Chronic Periodontitis in Male Police Personnel[Full-Text] [References]Little Mahendra, Ravi David Austin, Jaideep Mahendra, S. Senthil kumar, A.John William Felix
Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the relatioship between Stress, Serum Cortisol, expression of mmp-1 and Chronic Periodontitis in male police personnel. Methodology: Fifty male police personnel were assigned for the study and grouped into Test (Group 1 and Group 2) and Control depending on their probing pocket depth. Control group (Probing pocket depth = 3 mm, n = 10), Test group 1 (at least four sites with probing pocket depth =4mm and =6 mm, n = 20) and Test group 2 (at least four sites with probing pocket depth > 6 mm, n = 20). The Clinical parameters such as plaque index, Sulcus Bleeding Index, Probing Pocket Depth and Clinical attachment level were recorded. Stress was measured using a stress questionnaire. Blood sample was collected and serum cortisol level was evaluated using ELISA. Expression of MMP-1 was evaluated by RT-PCR. Results: The clinical, psychological and biochemical data were statistically significant with p value<0.001. Conclusion: The present study showed a positive correlation between stress, serum cortisol level, expression of MMP-1 and chronic periodontitis.
The optimum time of etching proved the Sensitivity of the CR-39 detector [Full-Text] [References]Najeba F. Salih, Mohamad S. Jaafar
The ideal detector used in this study is the CR-39 polymer (Italy). A series of chemical etching experiments have been carried out on CR-39 detectors, irradiated with alpha particle. A alpha particle crossing a CR-39 sheet, leaves a trail of broken polymer links along its path (restricted to a microscopic cylindrical region). Experimental data has been analyzed to find out important track etch parameters. Both bulk etch rate and diameter of tracks are found to vary with time of etching and concentration of normality for NaOH, the average values for them are 1.190 µm/h and 1.172 µm/h, and 12.36 µm and 14.81µm, respectively. The critical angle of etching and track registration efficiency have also been determined using experimental data. All parameters depend on properties of incident ion and etching conditions. Results describing the dependence of track etch parameters on etching conditions have been presented. These results are useful in the interpretation of track data.
Mathematical Modelling and High Bandwidth Allocation for Video Teleconference Service Traffic[Full-Text] [References]K.SENBAGAM
The emerging high-speed networks, notably the Video Teleconference Service Traffic (VTST)-based Broadband ISDN, are expected to integrate through statistical multiplexing large numbers of traffic sources having a broad range of burstiness characteristics. A prime instrument for controlling congestion in the network is admission control, which limits calls and guarantees a grade of service determined by delay and loss probability in the multiplexer. We show, for general Semi Markovian traffic sources, that it is possible to assign a notional effective bandwidth to each source which is an explicitly identified, simply computed quantity with provably correct properties in the natural asymptotic regime of small loss probabilities. It is the maximal real eigenvalue of a matrix which is directly obtained from the source characteristics and the admission criterion, and for several sources it is simply additive. We consider both fluid and point process models and obtain parallel results. Numerical results show that the acceptance set for heterogeneous classes of sources is closely approximated and conservatively bounded by the set obtained from the effective bandwidth (EB) approximation. Also, the bandwidth-reducing properties of the Leaky Bucket regulator are exhibited numerically. For a source model of video teleconferencing due to Tabatabai et al. with a large number of states, the EB is easily computed. The equivalent bandwidths is bounded by the peak and mean source rates, and is monotonic and concave with respect to a parameter of the admission criterion. Coupling of state transitions of two related asynchronous sources always increases their EB.
Polytropes In Phase Plane[Full-Text] [References]Sudhanshu Pandey, K.L.Pandey
Polytropes are gaseous spheres in thermodynamic and hydrostatic equilibrium with a certain equation of state that are very useful in realistic stellar modal. In this paper we have demonstrated that the pressure of the stars keeps on increasing from its surface to centre. Approximate analytic solutions to the equilibrium equations have been presented in phase planes such as (Up,Vp), Transformations connecting solutions in this phase plane have been obtained and discussed.
Is Accounting Net Profit Margin a valid measure of CEO Cash Compensation?: A Comparative Analysis on NYSE and TSX/S&P Indexes Companies[Full-Text] [References]Nulla, Yusuf Mohammed, D.Phil. Ph.D. Student, MSc, MBA, B.Comm.
This study investigated the relationship between the CEO Cash Compensation and the Accounting earnings (Net Profit Margin) of the companies in the TSX/S&P and the NYSE indexes from 2005 to 2010. The research question for this study was: among the TSX/S&P and the NYSE companies, is there a relationship between the CEO Cash Compensation and the Accounting earnings (Net Profit Margin)?. Overall, most of the attestations results were found to have the relationship between the CEO Cash Compensation and the Accounting earnings (Net Profit Margin). The correlations among the sub-variables of the CEO Cash Compensation and the Net Profit Margin were found to be consistently positive ranging from weak positive to the Strong positive. The firm group-sized had a positive effect on the relationship between the CEO Salary, the CEO Bonus, and the Net Profit Margin, both in the TSX/S&P and the NYSE companies.
A Review on Security Issues in Distributed Systems[Full-Text] [References]Vijay Prakash, Manuj Darbari
Development of secured and trusted distributed systems is a critical research issues. This paper is a contribution towards the summerization of work carried out in this field as well as identifies new research lines. Several approaches about security aspects in distributed systems have been discussed, like authentication based approaches, development of trust based models, access control based approaches, etc. A summarization of these issues is given in conclusion section. Apart from this, many research lines about secure distributed systems are discussed.
Adaptive Fuzzy Model-Based Predictive Control of Nonholonomic Wheeled Mobile Robots Including Actuator Dynamics[Full-Text] [References]Z. Sinaeefar, M. Farrokhi
This paper presents an adaptive nonlinear model-based prediction control (NMPC) for trajectory tracking of wheeled mobile robots (WMRs). Robot dynamics are subject to various uncertainties including parameter variations, unknown nonlinearities of the robot and torque disturbances from the environment. In this paper, a discrete-time fuzzy model in combination with NMPC is described to allow approximation of the unknown dynamics of the robot, including the actuator dynamic. Moreover, by tuning the weighting parameters in the cost function of the NMPC, the tracking error of a given trajectory can be minimized. Finally, the parameters of the fuzzy model may be adjusted on-line by the use of a gradient descent algorithm in consideration of the uncertainties. The simulation results of a WMR example show the effectiveness of the proposed method
Tungsten-Carbide Composite: A Review[Full-Text] [References]Siddharth Choudhary, Shobhit Singhal, Ujjawal Mayank Srivastava, Pratik Jain, Vikrant Yadav
WC alone is very hard and brittle and only when it is used along with a metallic binder like Co, Ti it becomes useful for engineering applications. The composite of cemented carbide formed is known as cermet in which WC is embedded in the matrix of metallic binder (28,29). Given the popularity of WC-Co as a hard and tough material various developments took place which showed that by refining the size of WC particles below 100nm its mechanical, tribological properties could be improved at elevated temperatures.[30,31] The present review paper introduces with various synthesis techniques followed by advanced processing techniques used to produce dense nano composites followed by the latest attempt to develop dense binderless WC based composites.[40-41]
Analysis of Various Attacks in Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Network[Full-Text] [References]Muhammad Danish Qureshi, Hassam Ishtiaq, Arsalan Farhat, Obaid Rehman
Demand of wireless sensor network is increasing for various smart applications and provides unlimited opportunities. But with the increase in usage of WSN it imposes some challenges including limited power resources and security threats which needs to be identified and its mitigation techniques requires further development. In this paper we analyzed different routing protocols including SEER, Direct Diffusion, Tiny OS Beaconing, Geographic routing and Rumor Routing and its various attacks on these routing protocols. Our work also analyzes the design issues of WSN by comparing different design parameters including power usage, scalability, data aggregation, overhead, fault tolerance and quality of service. After analysis of these protocols we present its comparison which shows the important features required for consideration while suggesting routing protocols for WSN. Furthermore, as a result optimum protocol is suggested in term of security and its energy efficiency.
Application of Parallel Genetic Algorithm for Exam Timetabling Problem[Full-Text] [References]Shiburaj Pappu, Kiran T. Talele, Junaid Mandviwala
Exam Timetabling Problems (ETTP) are a complex set of NP-Hard problems, solutions to which by using traditional methods may be impossible or time consuming. We describe an effective solution to solve this problem by using different form of Genetic Algorithms like Steady State Genetic algorithm (SSGA), Simple Genetic Algorithm (SGA) and Generation Genetic Algorithm (GGA) running in parallel in a distributed nature. The main drawback of using any variant of genetic algorithm is its convergence time to obtain optimal solutions. In this paper we propose and implement a parallel system for executing the genetic algorithms to yield optimal solution in less time.
Low power Viterbi decoder for Trellis coded Modulation using T-algorithm[Full-Text] [References]Md.Javeed, B.Sri lakshmi
The viterbi decoder which is low power with the convolutional encoder for the trellis coded modulation is shown in this paper. Convolutional encoding with Viterbi decoding is a good forward error correction technique suitable for channels affected by noise degradation. In this paper it shows the viterbi decoder architecture with convolutional encoder with proposed precomputation T-algorithm which can effectively reduce the power consumption with negligible decrease in the speed. Implementation result is for ¾ convolutional code rate with constraint length 7 used for trellis coded modulation. This architecture reduces the power consumption up to 70% without any performance loss, while the degradation in clock speed is negligible.
Micro-controller Based Infrared Tracking Device In 2D Motion[Full-Text] [References]Mrinmoy Sengupta
The objective of the project is to construct a mobile vehicle that has the capability to track IR signals emitted from a source and propel itself in the direction of that source. It was planned that the vehicle shall be a two wheeled device the rotation of the wheels of which is controlled by the direction from which the IR signals are received. The brain of the entire assembly that shall control and coordinate the rotation of the wheels is a microcontroller chip named AT89S52. The vehicle has an important application as an automatic fire extinguisher with the ability to track the IR emitted from a fire and thereby locate it. As a future modification of this project it is decided that a proper fire extinguishing mechanism shall be installed in the vehicle which shall get triggered at a certain distance from the fire so as to extinguish it.
Power Aware Transport Protocol for Ad hoc Networks[Full-Text] [References]Neha Bagoria, Renu Bagoria
An ad hoc network is a network connection temporary designed for a specific purpose like transferring data from one computer to another which does not required router or a based station. Transport layer is the foundation of the Internet, provides end-to-end control and information transfer. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a transport layer protocol and is planned for a wired network that can handle network congestion successfully. It is end-to-end connection oriented transport layer protocol that gives byte stream based service. Because of the characteristics such as lack of infrastructure, mobility, shared channel and limited bandwidth, TCP implementation leads to poor performance in the ad hoc networks. Therefore several transport layer protocols have been designed and developed exclusively for ad hoc networks.
The Impact of Social Networking Sites on Personal Lives of the People in Pune & Neighborhood[Full-Text] [References]Prof Rakesh Shirase
The growing popularity of social networking sites (SNS) among the Internet users demands an introspection of personal and social behavior of human beings. Today 1.5 billion people across the world have their profiles in social networking sites. Everything looks nice when you create a profile on social networking site, but how you feel when someone starts blackmailing using your personal data. Your boss threatens to fire you for posting comments on SNS. You feel compulsive to check your profile during work hours. SNS becomes a reason for anxiety and addiction. It starts affecting personal relationship with spouse and family members. Such sites make private life and public life of an individual a digital document. How SNS affecting our social behavior and relationships? Are we going towards a prosperous future or a darker world of SNS? This research study tries to explore all these negative impacts of SNS on its users.
Mathematical Time Domain Study of Negative Feedback System Using Limiting Progression [Full-Text] [References]Arindam Bose
Every stable feedback system has certain finite limiting value with respect to time. This paper describes a mathematical analytical study for stable negative feedback system with the help of limiting progressions. Some limiting progressions described in this paper have a finite limiting value which can be predicted previously using the characteristics parameters of the system by analytical method. Some of these parameters are independent and primary properties of the system itself. The final value of the feedback system having transfer function as a limiting progression can be predicted and sometimes be controlled using the parametric solution.
Excel Interface Utilization in Automation of Design Process of Ergonomic Classroom Furniture for Primary School Pupils in Nigeria[Full-Text] [References]N.A. Adewole, B. Isedowo
Usage of ergonomically unsuitable classroom chairs and desks promotes bad posture while bad postures affect students' learning, performance and health. Attention is rarely paid to ergonomic fitness of classroom chair and desk used by primary school pupils in Nigeria up till now. This study investigated classroom furniture status in the Staff School, University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria and developed an automated procedure for designing ergonomically suitable chair cum desk model for the pupils' use. A total of 72 Pupils were randomly selected from primary one to six. Relevant dimensions of pupils and their furniture were collected and used in establishing mismatch. The pupil anthropometry data were incorporated in the design process for the model of classroom chair cum desk in use and the design process automated to encourage production of ergonomically suitable classroom furniture for the pupils in the University of Ibadan Staff School. The Result shows that the classroom furniture items offered to the pupils in the school are ergonomically inadequate despite the assumed awareness of its implication.
Dynamic load in Transmission Cost for Electricity Markets[Full-Text] [References]B.Shabani Dehboneh, J.Nikoukar
One of the most significant discussion in electricity market are transmission cost. It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the load changing's effects ,but in real electricity markets, loads are varying continuously. This paper has been focused on proposes a method that had flexibility on dynamic loads. Also determine the effect of different loads in transmission cost for electricity markets. At the first proposed method tested on 4-bus system then case study based on the IEEE 24-bus system is used to illustrate the load's effects on transmission cost for the participants. Some relevant results are finally shown.
Intelligent Two Axis Solar Tracking System with Mechanical Application[Full-Text] [References]K.S.Madhu, B.R.Wadekar, Finavivya Chiragkumar.V, Gagan.T.M
The present research work tracking solar panel mounts follow the path of the sun during the day to maximize the solar radiation that the solar panels receive. A single axis tracker tracks the sun east to west and a two-axis tracker tracks the daily east to west movement of the sun and the seasonal declination movement of the sun. We must admit that a tracking type of solar panel mount is the most efficient type solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly using photo voltaic (PV) or indirectly using concentrated solar power (CSP). CSP systems use lenses or mirrors and tracking systems to focus a large area of sunlight into a small beam. PV converts light into electric current using the photoelectric effect. Solar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity. Sunlight can be converted directly into electricity using photo voltaic (PV) or indirectly with concentrated solar power (CSP), which normally focuses the sun's energy to boil water which is then used to provide power, and other technologies, such as the sterling engine dishes which use a sterling cycle engine to power a generator. Photo voltaics were initially used to power small and medium-sized applications from the calculator powered by a single solar cell to off-grid homes powered by a photovoltaic array. The only significant problem with solar power is installation cost, although cost has been decreasing due to the learning curve. Developing countries inparticular may not have the funds to build solar power plants, although small solar applications are now replacing other sources in the developing world. Belt conveyor is mechanical device used in Industries and Thermal power plants to transport the materials from one place to other place effectively.
Performance Analysis of a Vortex Tube by using Compressed Air[Full-Text] [References]Ratnesh Sahu, Rohit Bhadoria, Deepak Patel
In present, the first and foremost important quality of any research or development is its eco friendly nature, by the virtue of which it fulfills our basic needs without any harm to the nature. Today, environment safety has become an important aspect of the industries and people in common. This paper aims at increase in efficiency of one such eco friendly system named vortex tube used for industrial spot cooling and process cooling needs, such as Spot cooling, Weld cooling, Plastic slitting, Extrusion cooling, Foodstuffs cooling etc. The commonly used cooling systems use the gas and liquids which either deplete the ozone layer or contribute in the global warming in the same as CO2 does. Efforts have been made to include various aspects to get the maximum output in terms of C.O.P. (COEFICIENT OF PERFORMANCE) and knowledge about the vortex tube. The report includes detailed explanation of working and construction of a vortex tube with experimental results for a series of different physical, thermal and mechanical conditions. This paper summarizes analysis of cooling and heating effect, temperature difference and C.O.P. with different working conditions and constructional features. This paper also has the tabulated data with experimental values.
Cryptography based digital image watermarking algorithm to increase security of watermark data[Full-Text] [References]Preeti Gupta
Digital watermarking is one of the proposed solutions for copyright protection of multimedia data. This technique is better than Digital Signatures and other methods because it does not increase overhead. Digital Watermarking describes methods and technologies that hide information, for example a number or text, in digital media, such as images, video or audio. The embedding takes place by manipulating the content of the digital data, which means the information is not embedded in the frame around the data. In this paper cryptography based Blind image watermarking technique presented that can embed more number of watermark bits in the gray scale cover image without affecting the imperceptibility and increase the security of watermarks.
Effect of Chemical Reaction on MHD Free Convection Flow past a Vertical Plate with Variable Temperature and Variable Concentration[Full-Text] [References]Bhaben Ch. Neog, Rudra Kr. Das, Rudra Kt. Deka
Laplace transform method is used to study the effect of magnetic field on transient free convection flow of an electrically conducting fluid over an impulsively started vertical plate with variable temperature and variable concentration. Solutions obtained are presented graphically for different values of physical parameters. It is observed that chemical reaction parameter and magnetic parameter influence the velocity, temperature and concentration profiles significantly.
Design of a low voltage,low drop-out (LDO) voltage cmos regulator[Full-Text] [References]Chaithra T S Ashwini
In this paper a low voltage, low drop-out (LDO) voltage regulator design procedure is proposed and implemented using 0.25 micron CMOS process. It discusses a 3 to 5V, 50mA CMOS low drop-out linear voltage regulator with a single compensation capacitor of 1pF. The experimental results show that the maximum output load current is 50mA and the regulated output voltage is 2.8V.The regulator provides a full load transient response with less than 5mV overshoots and undershoots. The active layout area is 358.28um x 243.30um.
Achieving a Real Multitasking, Multiprocessing and Multithreading by using Monitors[Full-Text] [References]Mr. Manojkumar S. Sonawane , Ms.Mayura V. Gujarathi
Any object or thing in computer has its own "Monitor" So at a time only one task (program, process, or thread) can enter into monitor. So point to discuss is, at the depth or by looking from monitors view Where is the Multitasking (Multiprogramming, Multiprocessing, Multithreading)????? Even though there are DUAL Core Processors. So this paper discusses how we can achieve a real Multitasking, Multiprocessing & Multithreading by creating and maintaining number of monitors.
Solution Set of Linear Simultaneous Inequations[Full-Text] [References]Debasis Roy
Inequations are used in various fields. Graphical method of solution does not provide explicit solution. A method is suggested in respect of Linear Simultaneous Inequations with two variables, extendable to any number of variables, to provide explicit solution in the form of solution set. The method may also be used for optimization.
Identification of Ezrin as a Colonic Substrate for Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase Sigma[Full-Text] [References]Howard Feng, Ryan Murchie
Protein tyrosine phosphatase sigma (PTPs) is a transmembrane receptor-type protein tyrosine phosphatase. This enzyme contains several extracellular domains, a hydrophobic transmembrane stretch, and two intracellular phosphatase domains, D1 and D2, of which the D1 domain is catalytically active. PTPs is encoded by the protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor S (Ptprs) gene. Previous research using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis demonstrated PTPs�s association with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Ptprs-knockout mice spontaneously exhibit symptoms similar to human IBD. Although the genetic association of PTPRS and IBD has been identified, the role of PTPs in the development of IBD is unknown. As the first step in understanding the role of PTPs in IBD, it was critical to identify colonic PTPs substrates. A list of putative substrates was previously generated using a phospho-tyrosine screen on PTPs-knockout mouse colon tissue and served as a guide for experimentation. In this research, a substrate trapping assay was performed, revealing that the cytoskeletal linker protein, ezrin, was able to bind to the D1 domain of PTPs in vitro. Furthermore, a phosphatase activity assay and an in vitro dephosphorylation assay confirmed the catalytically active D1 domain can directly dephosphorylate ezrin in vitro. These results strongly suggest that ezrin is a colonic substrate for PTPs. Ezrin plays an essential role in organizing proteins at the apical membrane and prior studies have indicated ezrin is related to epithelial barrier defence, which could be associated with IBD. Characterization of colonic PTPs substrates will greatly aid in understanding connections between PTPs and IBD.
A Survey on Predictive Data mining Approaches for Medical Informatics [Full-Text] [References]Dr. S.Appavu Alias Balamurugan,S.Sasikala, Dr.S.Geetha
Among various data mining techniques, classification analysis is widely adopted for supporting medical diagnostic decisions. Medical diagnosis is considered as a classification problem: a record represents a given patient's case, predictor features are all patients' data and the class label is the diagnosis. Subsequently, the built classification model is essential and used to predict appropriate classes for novel and uncategorized cases. Medical data often contain irrelevant features and noise. Feature selection is frequently adopted to identify and remove the irrelevant and redundant information as much as possible. The selection of appropriate subset of the available features can yield a compact and easily interpretable representation of the target concept, model the target task adequately, and improve the classification accuracy especially in medical region .The Medical diagnosis is a complex and dynamic system with noisy, non stationary and chaotic data series. The aim of this paper is to explain the potential day by day research contributions of data mining to solve the complex problem of Medical diagnosis prediction. This study paper synthesizes five significant works and explains how data mining is gaining popularity in medical field.
Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food Processing [Full-Text] [References]Mrs. Ketaki S. Pathak, Ms. Pooja S. Mauskar, Mrs. Pratima Bhalekar
This briefing paper discusses the state of the art of nanotechnology R&D and products in food and nutrition. After a short explanation of what nanotechnology is, present and expected future applications of nanotechnology in agriculture and food are discussed. The paper then follows a description of how nanotechnology can be used in agriculture and food packaging and discusses of applications of nanotechnology in food. At the last some conclusions are derived from the research.
Electromagnetic Coupling Reduction between Millimeter Microstrip Antennas using High Impedance Surface[Full-Text] [References]Cuong Tran Manh
Recently, a widely use of High Impedance Surface (HIS) structures in several applications such as in radar and telecommunication systems have been described in the literature. An interesting characteristic of the High Impedance Surface (HIS) is that it can be used to reduce the mutual coupling between microstrip antennas. In this paper, firstly the band-gap features of three types of high impedance surface structure have been studied by using CST Microwave Studio. Secondly, those HIS structures are integrated into an antennas array system to improve the low mutual coupling. The investigation included both E and H coupling direction, and antenna system is analyzed using HFSS. A significant value of -12 dB mutual coupling reduction is reached at resonant frequency.
The Macroeconomic Determinants of Investment: Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh [Full-Text] [References]Md. Zobayer Bin Amir , Tabassum Zaman , Mohammad Afshar Ali
Economic wisdom of investment of economics enumerates that there has been a causal nexus between investment and other macroeconomic variables. This study draws on national accounts data to analyze movements in investment in Bangladesh from 1981- 2010 against GDP at constant price, Lending Interest Rate, Inflation and Foreign Exchange Rate. To check whether the series are integrated or not, the study relies on Augmented Dickey Fuller tests and Phillips- Perron test. This paper uses Engle-Granger tests and Johansen- Juselius test to check whether the series are cointegrated or not. It finds that there is a long-term relationship between them. To strengthen the study further, bivariate as well as multivariate analysis of the cointegration test has been applied. This paper also draws upon Error Correction Mechanism which states that there exists a stable relationship in Bangladesh in the short-run as well as in the long run.
Restricted hoping routing protocol[Full-Text] [References]Titu kumar, Rohit kumar jha, Dr.(Prof.) Sitanshu mohan ray
Wireless networks are an emerging new technology that will allow users to access information and services electronically, regardless of their geographic position and MANET is a specialization of it. It's is the acronym for Mobile Ad Hoc Network. These networks are made for special purpose and thus resource constraint, easy deployability, fast network functioning and of course security are the major threats of them. In this paper we have discussed a new approach for routing of the data packets. We have substantially decreased the amount of network activity that each node has to make in order to route a data packet. We have furnished algorithms to implement this protocol and exemplified them with a case study. And lastly we have discussed how this protocol is better than the other pre-existing protocols. We can take this paper to its next level, namely "Cognitive Radio" for its futuristic research.
Alternative Fuels, such as Vegetable oil, Adaptibility using Microemulsion Blend of Diesel and Water alongwith Stabilization by a Surfactant located at o/w Interface[Full-Text] [References]Sanket Kumar Saxena, Harish Chandra Joshi, V.K. Chhibber
Vegetable oil based fuels such as mustard sal,palm,soy,castor seed oil based are more ecofriendly and biodegradable in comparison to the mineral oil based such as petrol & diesel due to the low toxic constituents.So their blend with microemulsion along with good surfactants will provide us a sharp edge over the old and conventional fuels.Microemulsions are generally found in two forms (1).o/w emulsion (2).w/o emulsion.It is observed that the cetane number of this system remains stabilized (45-55) and also the knocking property as well, through the tests ASTM D976 and ASTM 4737.
A Novel Web-Based Teaching System for Autistic Children in Rural Area using MANET[Full-Text] [References]V. Balaji, Dr. V. Khanaa
The most challenging and stressful issue faced by schools and parents in efforts to provide appropriate education for autistic children .The purpose of this research work was to contribute to the knowledge and implementation of best practices for children with autism and normal children in rural area using manet. Autism is development disability that affects the normal functioning of brain. It means that children with autism think differently because brains work differently. They may have different talking, learning or playing ability. Many software systems are good enough for a class for normal children, but the autistic fail to understand the teaching methodology. Hence the autistic children face various challenges in combining with normal children in the same class. We implement the novel web based teaching system which takes care of the field of interest and taste among the autistic children of a class and helps the teacher to teach in a class in a effective way to understand the concept for normal and autistic children in rural area using manet .Every village as well as rural area will be connected to mobile access point. This will bridge the gap between people of rural area and education system and will be able to provide e-learning. Finally we evaluate the children with the special interface to analyze the performance of the autistic children.
A Hybrid Active Filter For Harmonic Reduction Of Single Phase System By Voltage Injection At Line Side [Full-Text] [References]Karthikrajan.S
This proposal describes a hybrid active filter intended for eliminating the line-side harmonic currents of a single-phase 8-pulse diode rectifier used as the front end of a medium-voltage high-power motor drive without regenerative braking. In Existing methods the 18-pulse and 24-pulse diode rectifier along with Multiwinding phase-shift transformer and PWM inverter is used and it may results in voltage imbalances that produce bad effect on cancelling harmonic currents at line side and cost will be more. In this method the hybrid active filter is characterized by series connection of a single tuned LC filter and an active filter. This circuit configuration brings low cost, small size, and light weight to the hybrid filter. The LC filter is tuned to the 11th-harmonic frequency, and the active filter is based on a three-level neutral point-clamped pulse width modulation converter (NPCPWM) with a dc capacitor voltage as low as 28 V. The controller continuously checks the line distortions with help of potential transformer connected to the line and injects the harmonics to the line from the active filter and the 1st, 5th, 7th, 11th or 13th harmonics are reduced. The efficiency of the front end motor drive will increase and the results in lower cost and smaller size than the former system
To Study Effectiveness of Teaching Operating System Using TWA model[Full-Text] [References]Harsha Patil, Dr. Ramchandra Tiwari
In this Paper researcher study the effectiveness of a systematic model for teaching with analogies which can be implemented by an exemplary teacher and that students do derive conceptual benefit from instruction using the TWA(Teaching with analogies) based instructional material.. The study also has exposed new horizons and has begun to point the way for future studies of analogical learning. The changes made to the traditional teaching method were successful in improving the learning environment. TWA based instructional material made it easier to demonstrate the relevance and inherently interesting qualities of the course material. The students were more engaged in the learning process. TWA based instructional material work as pedagogical resources that will enable students to become subject familiar with the field, and to build a sound foundation for knowledge representation.
Practical Perspective on Wavelength Assignment Strategies in Optical Networks: A Survey[Full-Text] [References]M. Arunachalam , C.R.D.Ajay Kumar , J.S.Arunbabu
In optical network, it is necessary to determine the route and assign a wavelength that will be used on all links along the route. This paper focuses the specific problem of wavelength assignment. Our experimental study deals with analysis of wavelength assignment strategies in optical networks. Simulation results show that first fit and random fit wavelength assignment strategies are the most practical, as these are simple to implement
Document Clustering by using Semantics[Full-Text] [References]Mr. Sumit D. Mahalle, Dr. Ketan Shah
Previous methods of clustering mainly uses matching key words of text, However it does not capture the meaning behind the words which is bad side of traditional method to mine the text. The paper is based on Semantic based approach for document clustering which is mainly based on semantic notations of text in documents. In the Semantic document clustering we can parse the web documents into two way, first is syntactically and second is semantically. Syntactical parsing can ignore the less important data from documents so that we can have proper data to pass into next step. Then in next step i.e. Semantic parsing can apply on the parsed syntactic data which give can cluster the documents properly and give the needed response to user at the time of data mining which is not accurately in traditional methods.Basically we are taking n number of IEEE papers from IEEE.org website as a dataset of web documents. Then we applied Semantic Clustering Algorithm, In first step of Syntactic parser gives the proper data in the text file format by removing an useless data from web documents of each IEEE paper. Then in next step these text files will be pass into semantic clustering, here we will get the membership value of each text file. So finally we will get clusters of text files which can be calculated by comparing its membership values with each other. "Document Clustering by using semantics" is a technique which is directly work on textual part of web documents in our database, there are very few technique present which are based on textual data clustering. As searching space is small after clustering with semantic approach, we need very less time to search through billions of web pages or documents in fraction of seconds or less.All the experimental values are the result of two words "data" and "mining" from documents which go through semantic clustering.
Blocking of Mischievous Users in Anonymizing Networks using Nymble System[Full-Text] [References]Srikanth Chintala, I.L. Narsimha Rao
There are some networks called "Anonym zing networks" which allow users to gain access to internet services without revealing their identity (IP-addresses) to the servers. Networks such as "Tor (The Onion Router)","Crowds" and "I2P" gained popularity in the years 2002-2007, but the success of such networks however has been limited by users employing this anonymity for abusive purposes such as defacing popular websites such as "Wikipedia". Website Administrators blocks entire network which is connected to the abusive system to get rid of the abuser. Hence, well-behaved users also get blocked due to this action .To address this problem, we present a Nymble system in which servers can "blacklist" mischievous users without affecting good users and also maintaining anonymity across the network
Superior Reference Selection Based Positioning System for Wireless Sensor Network[Full-Text] [References]Manish Chand Sahu, Prof. Rekha Pandit, Prof. Sunil Phulre
Positioning is emerging as one of the more important tasks in wireless sensor network, as it has been observed` and shown that accurate location information can greatly improve the performance of other WSN tasks such as routing, energy conservation, or maintaining network. The cost and limited energy resources associated with common, low cost sensor nodes prohibits them from carrying relatively expensive and power-hungry location-sensing devices such as GPS. We address these challenges in the context of applications where the accurate location estimation of the sensor nodes is essential. In this paper we have proposed an efficient positioning system for wireless sensor network which locates the position of the node without GPS with the help of other nodes who knows their position in global coordinates. Proposed method minimizes the communication by reducing the communication overhead by using only productive message communication. Main contribution of the work is the perfect selection of the reference nodes who participate in calculation of coordinates. The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated by simulating it using NS2. Proposed method along with the previous method is simulated. Many experiments were performed with different topologies and random deployment of the nodes. Simulations with our approach have shown significant reductions to the required processing and communication overhead.