IJSER Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2012 Edition

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GCAR2012 Conference Papers [on Page 1]
Fabrication and Characterization of SnO2 Nanomaterial as CO2 Gas Sensor[Full-Text] [References]Faith C. Bancolo, Gil Nonato C. Santos, Reuben V. Quiroga
Tin oxide nanomaterials were fabricated using the Horizontal Vapor Phase Growth (HVPG) Technique. The nanostructures formed were deposited on a silicon substrate to test the sensitivity of the material in a carbon dioxide gas environment operated at room temperature. The growth temperature was the same for all the various dwell times at 1200 °C with a ramp rate of 10°C/minute. The surface topography, morphology and elemental composition of the synthesized SnO2 nanomaterials were investigated using the SEM and EDX. The nanostructures were found to be sensitive to CO2 gas exposure. This indicates that any nanostructures formed in the different dwell times were also found to be receptive in the gas exposure. Though remarkably all the different dwell times used have significantly responded to the CO2 gas, it was noted that the sensor exhibited greatest response at the least dwell time which was grown at 4 hours. The best result sensitivity response has the average value of S = 1.142
Fast, Efficient and Reliable Approach to Spatial Domain Image Steganalysis[Full-Text] [References]Kaustubh Choudhary
Image Steganography is a technique frequently used by Terrorists and Criminal organizations for securely broadcasting, dead-dropping and communicating information over the internet by hiding the secret information in the Images. Steganalysis of Image is quite difficult due to lack of Efficient Algorithms, High rates of False Alarms and above all the High Computation Costs of Analyzing Images. In this paper a Fast, Efficient and Foolproof technique is devised for steganlysing any image which hides information using Spatial Domain Transformation Steganography. The results shown in the paper are obtained using programs written in MATLAB © Image Processing Tool Box.
Numerical simulation of soft-body impact on Shape Memory Alloys (SMA)[Full-Text] [References]Nagraj.R.G, C.S.Venkatesha, Rajeev Jain
Bird impact generally occurs during taking off or landing of flights. It is termed as soft body impact and assumed to be a hydrodynamic body. Shape Memory Alloy is a smart material which gets its original shape by heating. The impact on plastic kinematic materials are analyzed for kinetic energy, internal energy and contact pressure by considering idealized bird model and compared with the Shape Memory Alloy material using LS Dyna finite element software.
Adaptive Cruise Control - Towards a Safer Driving Experience [Full-Text] [References]Rohan Kumar, Rajan Pathak
There is perhaps no better symbol of the 21st century than the automobile. It is the dominant means of transport aspired to throughout the world; indeed, many a politician throughout this century has furthered his or her career by promising constituents a greater economic ability to own an automobile. Furthermore, there are more automobiles on the road than any other motorized vehicle. As of 1986, almost half a billion vehicles were on the road throughout the world; over three-quarters of these were cars. With this comes the responsibility of making safety a primary concern in vehicle technologies. Technologies like Anti lock braking system and Vehicle stability Control System are being used to monitor vehicular safety. Similarly, a new type of speed control, called adaptive cruise control, is being used on some new model vehicles. Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) is an automotive feature that allows a vehicle's cruise control system to adapt the vehicle's speed to the traffic environment. It is basically an extension of conventional cruise control systems. These systems allow you to set a following distance, or time interval, between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead, as well as a maximum speed. In this paper, we present a case study on adaptive cruise control as modelled on the Audi A8.
Seismic Evaluation of Framed Structures[Full-Text] [References]Rachana R Gupta
Building damage by earthquake action is a serious problem. In this paper seismically deficient structures are studied by carrying out the Pushover analysis of framed structures using SAP Software. Building get deformed because of the lateral and seismic forces acting on the structure. Forces increased as per the height of structure : low rise structures have higher resonant frequency and hence lower frequency high rise structures are studied. Study of various earthquake and pushover forces acting, formation of hinges and Performance Point, their implementation evaluating the real strength of the structure and damage assessment. In this paper, comparing the seismic performance of Bare frame and Infill Framed structures to draw the results
A Secure and Lossless Adaptive Image Steganography with Mod-4 LSB Replacement Methods Using Image Contrast[Full-Text] [References]N.Santoshi, B.Lokeswara Rao, B.Lokeswara Rao
An adaptive Steganography scheme is proposed in this paper. The adaptive quantization embedded is introduced and employed by block-wised fashion. We also constructed contrast-correlation distortion metric to optimally choose quantization steps for image blocks to guarantee more data being embedded in busy areas. Deferent form existing methods, our scheme embeds the AQE parameters together with message bits into the cover image by deference expanding algorithm. Simulation experiments show the proposed scheme can provide a good trade-o between the perceptibility and the capacity.
Multi Channel MAC Protocol Optimization for TDMA multimedia to improve efficiency in wireless Adhoc Networks[Full-Text] [References]Swathi Y, Mr.Sundeep Kumar, Mr.Manoj Challa, Dr.Jitendranath Mungara
We use a solution to the scheduling Problem in clustered wireless Adhoc Networks (WAN). The objective is to provide network-wide optimized time division multiple access (TDMA) schedules that can achieve high power efficiency, zero conflict, and reduced end-to-end delay. To achieve this objective, we first build a nonlinear cross-layer optimization model involving the network, medium access control (MAC), and physical layers, which aims at reducing the overall energy consumption. Based on the network-wide flow distribution calculated from the optimization model and transmission power on every link, we then propose a solution for deriving the TDMA schedules, utilizing the slot reuse concept to achieve minimum TDMA frame length. Numerical results reveal that our proposed solution reduces the energy consumption and delay significantly, while simultaneously satisfying a specified reliability objective. SCHEDULING of medium access plays an important role in the performance of wireless Adhoc Networks (WAN)
Control of Interline Unified Power Quality Conditioner for Power Quality Disturbances using Simulink[Full-Text] [References]G.Sravanthi Goud, G.Kumaraswamy, D.M.Vinod Kumar
Proliferation of electronic equipment in commercial and industrial processes has resulted in increasingly sensitive electrical loads to be fed from power distribution system which introduce contamination to voltage and current waveforms at the point of common coupling of industrial loads. The unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) is connected between two different feeders (lines), hence this method of connection of the UPQC is called as Interline UPQC (IUPQC).This paper proposes a new connection for a UPQC to improve the power quality of two feeders in a distribution system. Interline Unified Power Quality Conditioner (IUPQC), specifically aims at the integration of series VSC and Shunt VSC to provide high quality power supply by means of voltage sag/swell compensation, harmonic elimination and power factor correction in a power distribution network, so that improved power quality can be made available at the point of common coupling. The structure, control and capability of the IUPQC are discussed in this paper. The efficiency of the proposed configuration has been verified through simulation using MATLAB/ SIMULINK.
Overloading in Robotic Arm and stress computation with MLP[Full-Text] [References]ER. DAMANBIR SINGH VIRK, DR. V.K. BANGA
In this paper, a method has been proposed to analyze robotic arm overloading. Method used is MLP (multilayer preceptron). As robots are becoming norms of the industry, so some problem arises with their working. This paper gives a brief of hazards associated with robotic arm, with special emphasis laid on overloading in robotic arm. Method used firstly finds out the stress and then trains the system for risk management due to overloading in future use of robotic arm.
Radiation Effects on Unsteady Free Convection Heat and Mass Transfer in a Walters-B Viscoelastic Flow Past an Impulsively started Vertical Plate[Full-Text] [References]U. Rajeswara Rao, V. Ramachandra Prasad, G. Viswanath, B. Vasu
A numerical solution of the unsteady radiative, free convection flow with heat and mass transfer of an incompressible viscoelastic fluid past an impulsively started vertical plate is presented here. The Walters-B liquid model is employed to simulate medical cream manufacturing, chemical engineering, and medical biotechnological applications. This rheological model introduces a supplementary terms into the momentum conservation equation. The dimensionless unsteady, coupled and non-linear partial differential conservation equations for the boundary layer regime are solved by an efficient and accurate finite difference scheme of the Crank -Nicolson type. The velocity ,temperature and concentration fields have been studied for the effect of Prandtl number (Pr), Viscoelasticity parameter (G ), Schmidt number (Sc), Buoyancy ratio parameter (N), Radiation parameter (F). The local skin-friction., Nusselt number and Sherwood number are also presented and analysed graphically. It is also observed that, when the viscoelasticity parameter (G) increases, the velocity increases close to the plate surface. An increase in Schmidt number, observed significantly to decrease both velocity and concentration. The present results are compared with available results in literature and are found to be in good agreement.
A Survey on Power Management Techniques[Full-Text] [References]Padmini G.Kaushik, Sanjay M.Gulhane, Athar Ravish Khan
These Clock-gating and power-gating have proven to be very effective solutions for reducing dynamic and static power, respectively. The two techniques may be coupled in such a way that the clock-gating information can be used to drive the control signal of the power-gating circuitry, thus providing additional leakage minimization conditions w.r.t. those manually inserted by the designer. This conceptual integration, however, poses several challenges when moved to industrial design flows. Although both clock and power-gating are supported by most commercial synthesis tools, their combined implementation requires some flexibility in the back-end tools that is not currently available. This paper presents the survey on integration of clock and power gating schemes for power management
A Study on the Impact of Violent Video-Games playing among Children in Chennai using Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps (NCMs)[Full-Text] [References]A. Victor Devadoss, M. Clement Joe Anand, A. Felix
In this paper we analyzed, the impact of violent video-games playing among children in Chennai and find out its solution using Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps(NCMs), which is the generalization of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps(FCMs) defined by W.B. Vasantha Kandasamy and Florentine Smarandache. This paper has a five section. First section gives the information about development of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Neutrosophic Cognitive Map. Second section gives the preliminaries of FCMs and NCMs. In section three, we give the description of the problem. Final section gives the conclusion based on our study.
Partition and its effect in Mobile Adhoc Network: Performance analysis on Packet dropped & Route error sent[Full-Text] [References]Mukesh Chand, HL Mandoria
In this paper we have shown with the help of performance analysis done on the scenario for fixed and Nodes_leaves and found that when nodes leave from the mobile adhoc network abruptly then the performance decreases. Due to this movement of mobile nodes other nodes in the adhoc network are not aware of their leaving .So other starts sending packet and route there packets to the leaving node which results in route error and packets are dropped at high rate. This paper helps to understand the effect of leaving node(s) abruptly. Further discussion may include the procedure to avoid the leaving of nodes abruptly.
A Comprehensive Study of Wi-Fi Security - Challenges and solutions[Full-Text] [References]Smita Parte, Smriti Pandya
A wireless local area Network (LAN) is being widely recognized as a viable cost effective general purpose solution in providing high speed real time access to information. With a WLAN, users can gain access to shared information without being bound to fixed plug-in-point. WLAN transmit and receive data over the Air (OTA) and thus collectively combine data connectivity with ease of mobility. It is a radio frequency data communication. WLAN provides wireless access to multi location enterprises, small and medium enterprises. It can replace wired LAN or simply be used as extension of wired infrastructure so WLAN continue to gain market momentum. Besides all these advantages WLAN are also facing major problems of security. So security is the aspect where most of the researchers are working.
Improving Connectivity Between Vehicle and Road-Side-Unit[Full-Text] [References]Priyanka Shrivastava, Sayir Ashai, Aditya Jaroli, Sagar Gohil
Vehicular Networks are receiving a lot of attention due to the wide variety of services they can provide. Their applications range from safety and crash avoidance to Internet access and multimedia. Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is an emerging wireless communications technology that is capable of enhancing driving safety and velocity by exchanging real-time transportation information. VANETs are formed spontaneously between moving vehicles on roads. The performance of this type of network is affected by characteristics of road's traffic. Connectivity in VANETs may degrade dramatically in sparse traffic and also high speed highways. Because of fast changing environment the network discontinuity occurs between vehicles & roadside units. A lot of work and research around the globe is being conducted to define the standards for vehicular communications. These include frequency allocation, standards for physical and link layers, routing algorithms, as well as security issues and new applications
Trajectory E-Filter Zero Phase Error Tracking Controller for Non-Minimum Phase XY Table System[Full-Text] [References]Michael Jackson Patrick, Norlela Ishak, Ramli Adnan
Non-minimum phase (NMP) model is a discrete-time model that obtained from small or reducing sampling-time. The feed-forward design of this model using inverse of the system closed-loop transfer function would result an unstable tracking control. This is due to the phase and gain errors that caused by NMP zero. The zero phase error tracking controller (ZPETC), developed by Tomizuka has attracted attention many researchers as an effective and simple remedy to the problem due to NMP zero. Unfortunately, ZPETC cancels only the phase error, as the gain error which cannot be eliminated by ZPETC becomes larger for fast tracking control. This causes undesirable effect on the tracking performance. Fortunately, Haack and Tomizuka have developed a new approach by including additional zeros to reduce the gain error while preserve the zero phase error characteristics. The new approach referred to as an E-Filter ZPETC. Simulation and real-time controls on NMP XY Table system shows that the tracking performance of lemniscates movement is significantly improved.
Experimental Analysis on the use of Mango nuts as Adsorbents for Solid Adsorption Refrigeration[Full-Text] [References]A. Kwaghger, E.I. Kuchaand H.A. Iortyer
The performance analysis (stability of desorption and adsorption equilibrium, refrigeration effect and the COP) were determined using MNAC and compared with CAC at 1.0, 0.8, 0.6 and 0.4g/g initial adsorbate capacity under same experimental conditions and were found comparable with each other. MNAC and CAC both exhibited stable desorption and adsorption equilibrium. The refrigeration effect achieved was only suitable for chilling water from 28 - 20, 28- 19, 28- 19.5 and 28- 20oC for MNAC- methanol and 28- 19, 28- 18, 28- 19 28- 19.50C for CAC- methanol at the studied initial adsorbate capacities, this low performance was linked to vacuum control, low thermal conductivity necessitating low refrigerant desorption quantity with consequent effect on the quantity re- adsorbed at the evaporator that cause cool production. The COPs for MNAC- methanol at the investigated adsorbate capacities were 0.079, 0.044, 0.028 and 0.030. Those for CAC- methanol were 0.074, 0.029, 0.019 and 0.017 respectively, this compared favourably with other works. Mango nuts activated carbon can thus be suitable replacement as activated carbon for adsorption refrigeration application.
Wireless communication[Full-Text] [References]Samanvay Gupta
Analyzing the attractive evolution of wireless communication, wireless communications has emerged as one of the largest sectors of the telecommunications, industry, evolving from a niche business in the last decade to one of the most promising areas for growth in the 21st century. This paper includes few key points which came into existence in recent years. This paper presents vision of wireless communication, evolution of mobile communication, it future challenges, advantages and disadvantages, and security analysis
Comparative Analysis and interpretation of various short-range wireless technologies[Full-Text] [References]Mr. Vivek N. Katare
With the development of more powerful sensors compared with traditional data sensors, in this paper the short range wireless sensors and modules like UWB and others are elaborated and analyzed, by which we could interpret the comparative discriminations between various wireless technologies adopted by the industry for the wireless communication. On the basis of this analysis, it is suggested that which wireless technology should be better to use for the industry and home automation networking and data communication purpose.
An Automated 3D Segmented and DWT Enhanced Model for Brain MRI[Full-Text] [References]B. Naresh Kumar, Dr.M.Sailaja
This correspondence deals with the development of an automated 3-D segmentation and DWT enhanced model for Brain MRI. The proposal model of segmentation is a model-based approach for accurate, robust, and automated tissue segmentation of brain MRI data of single as well as multiple magnetic resonance sequences. The main contribution of this study is that we employ an edge-based geodesic active Contour for the segmentation task by integrating both image edge geometry and voxel statistical homogeneity into a novel hybrid geometric-statistical feature to regularize contour convergence and extract complex anatomical structures. We validate the accuracy of the segmentation results on simulated brain MRI scans of single T1-weighted and multiple T1/ T2/PD weighted sequences. When compared to a current state of- the-art region based level-set segmentation formulation, our white matter and gray matter segmentation resulted in significantly higher accuracy levels with a mean improvement in Dice similarity indexes and The proposed resolution enhancement technique uses DWT to decompose the input image into different sub bands. Then, the high-frequency sub band images and the input low-resolution image have been interpolated, followed by combining all these images to generate a new resolution-enhanced image by using inverse DWT. In order to achieve a sharper image, an intermediate stage for estimating the high-frequency sub bands has been proposed. The proposed technique has been tested on brain MRI images. The quantitative (peak signal-to-noise ratio and root mean square error) and visual results show the superiority of the proposed technique over the conventional and state-of-art image resolution enhancement techniques. Thus the development of the project is done using MATLAB simulation for results.
Comparison of Effectiveness Between Conventional Scouring & Bio-Scouring On Cotton Fabrics [Full-Text] [References]A. M. K. Bahrum Prang Rocky
This study attempted to evaluate the eco-friendly bio-scouring and the conventional chemical (mainly NaOH) scouring processes of cotton & comparison between the effectiveness of both types of scouring process on cotton fibres and fabrics in the Textile industries. Less developed countries, like Bangladesh, do not set strict rules and regulations to discharge waste water from textile mills after wet processing fibres, yarns or fabrics which contains large amount of harsh and hazardous chemicals. As a result, environmental pollutions (like water, air pollution) are becoming the worst problem over the country. Common peoples are suffering from water-borne diseases, lack of drinkable water. Animals and plants lives are also destroyed gradually. Here, Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) may be the good solution: which is used to purify waste-water from Hazardous chemicals. But, since textile processing needs lot of water (to produce one kg of textile fabrication approximately 200 liters of water is used) they had to pay lot of money which cuts their profit. In this intricacy, bio-scouring process may be a good substitute for chemical scouring which reduces ETP cost. But we can not ensure it as an only substitute since it does not give desired result in some cases.Still conventional scouring of cotton is the most widespread process for removing the fibres impurities to make the fibre absorbent for textile wet processing in commercial world. Though both have some restriction in the textile sector, they can be properly utilized by evaluating their respective advantages and disadvantages.This study provides a set of experimental results, discussion and comparison between the two processes
Particle Swarm Optimization- Best Feature Selection method for Face Images [Full-Text] [References]Ms. P.V. Shinde, Prof. B.L. Gunjal
Feature selection (FS) is a global optimization problem in machine learning, which reduces the number of features, removes irrelevant, noisy and redundant data, and results in acceptable recognition accuracy. It is the most important step that affects the performance of a pattern recognition system. This paper presents a novel feature selection algorithm based on particle swarm optimization (PSO). PSO is a computational paradigm based on the idea of collaborative behavior inspired by the social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling. The algorithm is applied to coefficients extracted by the discrete wavelet transform (DWT). The proposed PSO-based feature selection algorithm is utilized to search the feature space for the optimal feature subset where features are carefully selected according to a well defined discrimination criterion. Evolution is driven by a fitness function defined in terms of maximizing the class separation (scatter index). The classifier performance and the length of selected feature vector are considered for performance evaluation using the ORL face database. Experimental results show that the PSO-based feature selection algorithm was found to generate excellent recognition results with the minimal set of selected features.
Research paper:-hospital information system in clinical engineering department[Full-Text] [References]Dr. Sudhir Rewar
Medical equipment management is an important issue for safety and cost in modern hospital operation. In addition, the use of an efficient information system effectively promotes the managing performance. The system is web-based, and it integrated clinical engineering and hospital information system (HIS) components. Objective - design a framework for implementation medical equipment management system used for clinical engineering department. Method - we prospectively enrolled 100 staff (technical staff, consultant and clinical engineering department staff) during 2 April 2012 to 15 April2012. Result - The results showed few examples in the error analysis of medical equipment by the maintenance sub-system. There are lacks of proper communication system between CED dept. and other hospital dept (36%), outdated parts (18%), machine location identification (16%). These problem arises because absence of proper complaint system. The hospital information system can be used to improve work quality, to reduce the maintenance cost, and to promote the safety of medical device used in patients and clinical staffs. Conclusion - Through related hospital information application, it efficiently improved the operation management of medical devices immediately and continuously. Through HIS we easily manage medical equipment in different department, different location in hospital. HIS helps CED department to manage complaint system in a proper manner so they quickly done solution for a particular complaint.
Designing and Conducting Experiments for Optimization of satisfactory Cutting conditions in Micro Turning by using Titanium Alloy[Full-Text] [References]S.Selvakumar, R.Ravikumar, K.Raja
Micromachining is the basic technology for the production of miniaturized parts and components, which plays an important role in today's manufacturing technology. Miniaturization of industrial products had been the trend of technological development. Micro-component fabrication requires reliable and repeatable methods with accurate tools. Many common methods of manufacturing miniature components have been established in semi-conductor processing techniques, usually in large batch production. Therefore in this work, an attempt is made to machine Titanium Alloy by micro turning using mechanical micro machine tool. Micro turning is similar to that of conventional turning process but operating at the micron scale of parameters to produce micro components. In this work the cylindrical work piece of Titanium Alloy is planned to micro turned with the cutting speed of (51, 61 and71 m/min), depth of cut (1, 2 and 3µm) and feed (5, 10 and 15 µm/rev) using the Cermet tool. Full factorial experiments were performed by using a programmable multi-purpose micro machine tool (make Mikrotools DT110). For every set of experiments the output parameters such as the Tool wear and the Surface roughness were measured by using the video measuring system and the Surface roughness tester. Signal to Noise ratio and Analysis of variance are to be employed to investigate the performance characteristics in turning of Titanium Alloy using Cermet tool.
Integrating the Different Business Document in Supply Chain Management[Full-Text] [References]S.Vairamuthu, Dr.k.Soorya Prakash
Today the enterprises are increasingly engaged in supply chains. Business document integration is the one of the main problem of supply chain management. Most of the enterprises are still exchanging business document in different formats, such as EDI formats, fixed width files, Mails, CSV files, XML files, and excel file etc. however, few more problems are how to choose the intermediate format. And how to map this intermediate format with different business document then store it in relational database. We used the interface tool to map with different format. And we used XML as intermediate format. And also we designed the model to compose the mail in respective format. Such as EDI, XML, CSV, TEXT, EXCEL to communicate with the respective partner.
Predicting the Quality of Object-Oriented Multidimensional (OOMD) Model of Data Warehouse using Decision Tree Technique[Full-Text] [References]Kunwar Babar Ali, Anjana Gosain
Data warehouse is a powerful tool which makes decision faster and reliable in organizations where 'information' is the main asset of primary concern. It is necessary to assure the quality of the data warehouse information. Information quality depends on multidimensional model's quality of data warehouse. In the last few years' different authors have suggested several metrics to access the quality of multidimensional models of data warehouse. Validation of these metrics with traditional statistic techniques like correlation analysis, univariate and multivariate regression technique etc are not capable to derive reasonable results. The pure amount of data and the problem context of quality prediction, demand sophisticated analysis provided by machine learning techniques. In this work we focus on quality (in terms of understandability) prediction using decision tree learner on the metrics provided by Pittani et al. The main reason for choosing decision tree learners, instead of for example neural nets, was the goal of finding underlying rules which can be easily interpreted by humans. Our result shows that the proposed decision tree based technique is capable to predict the output with considerable accuracy.
Secured Access of Locker using Multimodal Biometrics[Full-Text] [References]T.S. Sasikala, Dr. J.Jeya A Celin
Biometrics refers to the science of automatic recognition of individuals based on some specific physiological and/or behavioural features. Multimodality is the usage of more than one physiological or behavioral characteristic to identify an individual. It involves the fusion of two or more technologies such as fingerprint, facial recognition, iris scanning, hand geometry, signature or speech recognition. The fusion is done by running the two (or more) biometric against two (or more) different algorithms. This paper presents the use of multimodal biometrics in order to identify or to verify a person who want to access control of the locker.
Outstanding Rainfall events of Boreal Fall Monsoon Season of Southern Peninsular India associated with the Intensification of Negative Indian Ocean Dipole[Full-Text] [References]B. V. Charlotte, George G and S. Yesodharan
The study area southern peninsular India lying between 8?N to 13?N latitude and 70? E to 80?E longitudes enjoys both the summer and winter rain fall of Indian monsoon. The stretching of Western Ghats blocking the cross equatorial flow of south west monsoon wind creating rain shadow region of Tamil Nadu to the east coast of the region, the peninsular shape of the area, position of the land in between the dipole, proximity of Walker circulation cell to the east of the study area altogether donate an exclusive variability to the rainfall pattern to southern peninsular India compared to the rest of the country. Any major oscillations taking place in the surrounding sea can imbibe its own impact on the rhythm of rain happening in the area. This study was an attempt to understand the influence of recently found Indian Ocean dipole on boreal fall monsoon of SP. But in the course of analysis it became obvious that Indian Ocean Dipole can affect the course of rain of the area and the intensity of rain can affect the Indian Ocean Dipole vice-versa. In other words Indian Ocean Dipole and boreal fall of SP are found to be complementing each other. Hence the matter of interest of this article is simply confined to the relation between flooding boreal fall monsoon years of southern peninsular India and the subsequent state of Indian Ocean Dipole. A close analysis of various air-sea parameters during all the flooding boreal fall monsoon years of SP for last fifty year per Indian Ocean Dipole make one believe that the strong convection and associated atmospheric circulation during short living excess rainfall events work as a triggering factor for the ocean atmosphere interaction lead to the negative intensification of Indian Ocean Dipole. Another observation is that the interaction with seasonal mean boreal fall monsoon rainfall imposes a biennial tendency in the Indian Ocean Dipole. Cloud cover, surface evaporation and ocean dynamical adjustments are the three vital components of any ocean atmospheric feedback system.
Heat Conduction Problem For An Finite Elliptic Cylinder [Full-Text] [References]S. D. Bagde and N. W. Khobragade
This paper contains a heat conduction problem for an finite elliptical cylinder to determine the temperature distribution with the help of Mathieu transform and Marchi-Fasulo transform techniques
QOS Optimization for Hierarchical Zones Structure Based Multi Cast Routing: A Two Level Congestion Control Approach[Full-Text] [References]K.Swathi, M.Vijaya Lakshmi, Ch.Ganapathy Reddy
Here in this paper a MAC layer level overcrowding detection system has been projected. The planned model aims to distribute an energy efficient mechanism to compute the degree of congestion at victim node with maximal accuracy. This congestion detection apparatus is integrated with a Two-Step Cross Layer Congestion Control Routing Protocol. The proposed model involves controlling of congestion in two steps with effective energy capable blocking detection and optimal consumption of resources. Packet loss in network routing is primarily due to link failure and congestion. Most of the existing congestion control solutions do not have the ability to distinguish between packet loss due to link collapse and packet loss due to congestion. As a result these solutions aim towards action against packet drop due to link malfunction which is an unnecessary effort and may product in loss of resources. The other limit in most of the accessible solution is the utilization of energy and resources to detect blockage state, degree of congestion and alert the source node about blocking in routing path. Here in this paper we suggest cross layered model of congestion recognition an control mechanism that include energy efficient congestion detection, Intra level Congestion Evaluation Algorithm [ICEA] and Intra level Egress Regularization Algorithm [IERA], which is a hierarchical cross layer based blocking detection and control model in short we refer this protocol as CDC-CPF(Congestion Detection and organize with Control Plane Functionality). This paper is supported by the investigational and simulation results show that better store utilization, energy efficiency in congestion detection and congestion control is possible by the proposed protocol.
Sufficient Conditions For Some Classes Of P-valently Meromorphic Functions[Full-Text] [References]Dr. Deepaly Nigam
We introduce two new classes Mp(m,q;??) and Np(m,q;??) of meromorphic p-valent function in the punctured unit disk U = {Z:Z?? and |Z| < 1}. Some theorems involving sufficient conditions for functions belong to these classes are obtained.
Mathematical Approach to Image Steganography and Steganalysis[Full-Text] [References]Kaustubh Choudhary
Image based Steganography is the most preferred tool used by Terrorists and criminal organizations for securely broadcasting, dead-dropping and communicating information over the internet by hiding secret information in the images. Steganalysis is the technique of identifying such images which are although innocent in appearance but are still carrying any secret information. In this paper a mathematical model is designed for representing any such image based steganographic system. This mathematical model of any stego system can be used for determining vulnerabilities in the stego system as well as for steganalysing the stego images using same vulnerabilities. Based on these mathematical foundations three steganographic systems are evaluated for their strengths and vulnerabilities using MATLAB ©Image Processing Tool Box.
Secure Access of RFID System[Full-Text] [References]Salim G Shaikh and Shankar D Nawale
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a wireless technology; it considered the way to replace the barcode, RFID used for the purposes of automatic identification and tracking of object attach with tag. Since the barcode is data read with line of sight and limits the utility for item-level of logistic and supply chain application in the future. While implementing the RFID in various applications we have to consider security and privacy risk in RFID adoption. Until now, many researches on the RFID's security and privacy were proposed. In this paper, we describe security model of the tag and Reader by using the Reader ID and Tag ID and surveys the literature of hash-based access control scheme and propose an effective scheme to enhance the security and privacy about the passive RFID tag
Secure Trust Based Dynamic Source Routing in MANETs[Full-Text] [References]Yogendra Kumar Jain, Nikesh Kumar Sharma
Secure routing is an important issue in MANETs. A particularly devastating attack in wireless networks is the black hole attack. The performance of ad hoc networks depends on cooperation and trust among distributed nodes. To enhance security in ad hoc networks, it is important to evaluate trustworthiness of other nodes without centralized authorities. As a result, an efficient algorithm to detect black hole attack is important. In this paper, to improve the quality a modified design of trust based dynamic source routing protocol is proposed. Each node would evaluate its own trusted parameters about neighbors through evaluation of experience, knowledge and recommendations. This protocol discovers multiple loop-free paths which are evaluated by hop count and trust. This judgment provides a flexible and feasible approach to choose a shortest path in all trusted path. The proposed protocol reduces the packet loss due to malicious nodes to a considerable extent thereby enhancing the performance. We also compare the simulation results of with and without the proposed secure trust based model. The simulation results demonstrate that the PDR for STBDSR falls from 92% to 80%.
Analysis of the Spalart-Allmaras and k-ω standard models for the simulation of the flow over a National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) 4412 airfoil[Full-Text] [References]Amit Kumar Saraf; Manvijay Singh;Ajay Kumar
The purpose of this work is to develop a procedure to numerically model airflow over airfoils using Gambit and FLUENT. The analysis of the two dimensional subsonic flow over a National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) 4412 airfoil at various angles of attack and operating at a velocity of 50 m/s is presented. The flow was obtained by solving the steady-state governing equations of continuity and momentum conservation combined with one of two turbulence models [Spalart-Allmaras, k-? standard] aiming to the validation of these models through the comparison of the predictions and the free field experimental measurements for the selected airfoil. The aim of the work was to show the behavior of the airfoil at these conditions and to establish a verified solution method. Calculations were done for constant air velocity altering only the angle of attack for every turbulence model tested. This work highlighted two areas in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) that require further investigation: transition point prediction and turbulence modeling. In this work calculations shows that the turbulence models used in commercial CFD codes does not give yet accurate results at high angles of attack.
Analysis Of Reconstructed Images Using Compressive Sensing[Full-Text] [References]Ms.Ambily Joseph, Ms.Jaini Sara Babu, Dr. K.P Soman
Traditionally image reconstruction is done by performing Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). But recently there has been growing interest in using compressive sensing (CS) to perform image reconstruction.In compressive sensing, the main property of signal-Sparsity is explored for reconstruction purposes.In this paper, for image reconstruction, various optimization techniques like L1 optimization, Total Variation (TV) Minimization and Split-Bregman Optimization is used. Among these, the Split-Bregman reconstruction algorithm shows good performances. This is proved by the analysis of reconstructed images using the quality measures such as Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Normalised Absolute Error (NAE).
The Study of CEO Compensation System in American Health Companies: An Analysis between CEO Compensation, Firm Size, Accounting Performance, and Corporate Governance[Full-Text] [References]Nulla, Yusuf Mohammed, D.Phil. Ph.D. Student, MSc, MBA, B.Comm
This study investigated the CEO Compensation system of the American Health sector. It attested the relationship between the CEO Compensation, the Firm Size, the Accounting Firm Performance, and the Corporate Governance from the period 2005 to the period 2010. The research question for this study was: is there a relationship between the CEO Cash Compensation, the Firm Size, the Accounting Firm Performance, and the Corporate Governance in the American Health Companies?. It was found that, there was a relationship between the CEO Salary, the CEO Bonus, the CEO Total Compensation, the Firm Size, the Accounting Firm Performance, and the Corporate Governance in the American Health Companies.
Development Of Flexible Low Dielectric Constant Polyimide Films Based On Iso-propylidene, Aryl-ether Linked Dianhydride/Diamine[Full-Text] [References]M. Dhakshnamoorthy, S. Vikram and R. Vasanthakumari
The effect of iso-propylidene and aryl ether linked dianhydride and diamine monomers such as 4,4'-(4,4'-isopropylidine diphenoxy) bis (phthalic anhydride) (IDPA), 4,4' oxydianiline (ODA) and 4,4'-(4,4'-isopropylidine diphenyl-1,1'-diyldioxy) dianiline (IDDA) on dielectric properties of two polyimides (PI) namely PI-1 (IDPA-ODA) and PI-2 (IDPA-IDDA) synthesized by a conventional two-stage method was studied. The poly amic acids(PAA) obtained in the first stage were thermally treated at 100 - 300 °C in the second stage to obtain the polyimide films by solution casting. The inherent viscosity of PAAs was around 1.0 dL/g and the PIs obtained, exhibited good solubility in polar aprotic solvents such as N-methyl pyrrolidone, N, N-Dimethyl acetamide, N, N-Dimethyl formamide, etc. due to flexible backbones. The PIs showed 10 % degradation temperature of 530 and 541°C in TGA analysis and wide angle X-ray diffraction profiles confirm that the PI films were amorphous in nature. The viscoelastic behavior and glass transition temperature (Tg) of PI films were determined by dynamic mechanical analyser and the values were 216.7 and 238.8 °C. The films showed high tensile strength, modulus and optical transparency upto 88 % and the dielectric constants were measured at various frequencies and temperature levels and the polyimide film derived from IDPA and IDDA monomers showed dielectric constant value as low as 2.25 at 5 MHz, 100 °C.
Image Compression Hybrid using DCT , DWT , Huffman[Full-Text] [References]Harjeetpal Singh , Sakshi Rana
Image compression literally means reducing the size of graphics file, without compromising on its quality. Depending on whether the reconstructed image has to be exactly same as the original or some unidentified loss may be incurred, two techniques for compression exist. Image compression is an essential technology in multimedia and digital communication fields. Ideally, an image compression technique removes redundant and/or irrelevant information, and efficiently encodes what remains. Practically, it is often necessary to throw away both on redundant information and relevant information to achieve the required compression. in either case, the trick is finding methods that allow important information to be efficiently extracted and represented. Most of the existing image coding algorithm is based on the correlation between adjacent pixels and therefore the compression ratio is not high. Fractal coding is a potential image compression method, which is based on the ground breaking work of Barnsley and was developed to a usable state by Jacquin.Its essence is that correlation not only exists in adjacent pixels within a local region, but also in different regions and local regions with global regions. The fractal-based schemes exploit the self-similarities that are inherent in many real world images for the purpose of encoding an image as a collection of transformations. Here in this hybrid model we are going to proposed a Nobel technique which is the combination of several compression techniques. This paper presents DWT and DCT implementation because these are the lossy techniques and in the last we introduce Huffman decoding technique which is lossless. At the last we implement lossless technique so our PSNR and MSE will go better than the old algorithms and due to DWT and DCT we will get good level of compression.
Super-resolution Image Reconstruction Using High Performance Computing [Full-Text] [References]K.Mathew, Dr. S.Shibu
Super-resolution (SR) restoration aims to solve the problem: given a set of observed image(s), estimate an image at a higher resolution than is present in any of the individual images. In this paper we address the area of Super-Resolution (SR) imaging suggesting parallel computation in process of super resolution image reconstruction. This involvement outlines a method for extrapolating a signal beyond a limited number of known samples. The known signal samples are approximated by a set of basis functions, which are defined over an area covering known as well as unknown, samples. Minimizing a proper inaccuracy criterion and successively selecting the most dominant basis functions can obtain a non band-limited signal extrapolation. Extrapolation can fruitfully be used for finding a high resolution image using a low resolution image(s) and can defeat the inherent resolution constraint of the imaging system and perk up the performance of most digital image processing applications. This has driven the research area of super resolution imaging to develop more multifaceted algorithms that increase the resolution of images with enhanced conformity. One approach that can be used to increase the execution pace of these complex algorithms is to implement the algorithms on a parallel supercomputer. In this paper we concentrate on the parallel implementation of the SR algorithm on the MasPar MP-1, a massively parallel SIMD computer We present a parallel algorithm, which addresses this problem, and present consequences which illustrate real-time performance on 1024 x 1024 images.
Water Management in Existing Residential Building in Egypt (Grey-Water System)[Full-Text] [References]Mohamed Abdel-All Ibrahim, Ali Fouad Bakr, Abdel-Aziz Farouk Abdel-Aziz
Throughout history much of the world has witnessed ever-greater demands for reliable, high-quality and inexpensive water supplies for domestic consumption, agriculture and industry. In recent decades there have also been increasing demands for hydrological regimes that support healthy and diverse ecosystems, provide for water-based recreational activities, reduce if not prevent floods and droughts, and in some cases, provide for the production of hydropower and ensure water levels adequate for ship navigation. Water managers are challenged to meet these multiple and often conflicting demands. At the same time, public stakeholder interest groups have shown an increasing desire to take part in the water resources development and management decision making process. Added to all these management challenges are the uncertainties of natural water supplies and demands due to changes in our climate, changes in people's standards of living, changes in watershed land uses and changes in technology.
Trends and Challenges in EMG Based Control Scheme of Exoskeleton Robots- A Review[Full-Text] [References]Ram Murat Singh, S. chatterji, and Amod Kumar
In the present review article the application of robotics in the medical field has been explored. Exoskeleton robots are being used in rehabilitation, extending the strength of humans and substituting for lost limbs. Present focus of research is in the area of active powered exoskeleton robots especially surface electromyogram (sEMG) controlled ones. We restrict our discussion to sEMG based control scheme only as EMG signals provide rich motor control information from which the user's intention can be detected, thereby making EMG the most suited approach for designing exoskeleton robots. Usually exoskeleton robots are worn by patients with disabilities; hence their control should be as efficient as possible so as to closely mimic natural human motion. This consideration makes the implementation of sEMG exoskeleton robots very challenging. We review the various sEMG based control schemes which are presently employed in designing exoskeleton robots and discuss the challenges faced in these schemes.
A novel approach for Query Recommendation Via query logs[Full-Text] [References]Rachna Chaudhary, Nikita Taneja
Query recommendation is an essential part of modern search engines. Recently, search engines become more critical for finding information over the World Wide Web where web content growing fast, the user's satisfaction of search engine results is decreased. Query Logs are important information repositories, which record user activities on the search results. The mining of these logs can improve the performance of search engines .The technology for enabling query recommendations is query-log mining, which is used to leverage information concerning how people make the use of search engines, and how they rephrase their queries while they looking for information. The proposed system based on learning from query logs predicts user information needs. To carry out the required task, the approach first mines the query logs. Meanwhile, query similarity between the pair wise queries is to be calculated which is based on query contents and their clicked URLs to perform query clustering. Most favored queries are discovered within every query cluster. The proposed result optimization system also presents a query recommendation scheme towards better information retrieval to enhance the search engine efficiency and effectiveness to a large scale.
A JELS Probabilistic Inventory Model for One Vendor Multi Customers Situation with Random Demands having Weibull Distribution [Full-Text] [References]Ms. Sraboni Mandal, Dr. Danish Ali Khan
We consider a one-vendor multi-buyer integrated inventory model. The vendor seeks to minimize his total annual cost subject to the maximum costs which buyers are prepared to incur. In order to implement this model, the vendor only needs to know buyer's annual demand and previous order frequency, which can be inferred from buyer's past ordering behavior. We find the optimal solution for the one-vendor one-buyer case, and present a model using Weibulls Distribution for the one-vendor multi-buyer case. The effective ways for a compromise between the vender and multiple customers at a common lot size with certain amount of price adjustments are determined and the methodology is explained through a numerical example
Pulse Width Modulation Implementation using FPGA and CPLD ICs [Full-Text] [References]Jakirhusen I. Tamboli, Prof. Satyawan R. Jagtap, Amol R. Sutar
Pulse width modulation (PWM) has been widely used in power converter control. Most high power level converters operate at switching frequencies in excess of 1 MHz at high power levels can be achieved using the planar transformer technology. PWM control is the most powerful technique that offers a simple method for controlling of analog systems with processors digital output. The resulting PWM frequency depends on the target FPGA or CPLD device speed and duty cycle resolution requirements. The contribution of this paper is the development of high frequency PWM generator architecture for power converter control using FPGA and CPLD ICs.
Vibration Sensors Glimpse of Its Development Trend and Their Aspects[Full-Text] [References]Himanshu Chaurasiya
In recent trends, Sensors are devices which monitor a parameter of a system, hopefully without disturbing that parameter. Vibration measurement has become an important method in mechanical structural product's research, design, produce, apply and maintenance. Vibration sensor is more and more important as key devices. Nowadays, with the development of computer technology, electronic technology and manufacturing process, a variety of vibration sensors have come forth in succession.
Determination of Elemental Composition of Total Suspended Particles Along Some Motor Ways in Sokoto, Nigeria[Full-Text] [References]D.I. Malami, A.I. Tsafe, N. Tijjani, A. Matholo, I.J. Dioha, A.I. Eleri, A.M. Lawal And N.I.Soba
Heavy metals pollutant and total suspended particles in urban street dust has become a growing concern in recent years. In Nigeria, Street dust is one of the major way through which Heavy metals may find their way into soils and subsequently living tissues of plants and animals. In monitoring urban pollution, there is need to consider the materials that cause the occurrence of pollutants. Chemical and biological indicators are of interest when they provide information on the concentration of suspended particles and accumulation in the ecosystem. A range of metals and chemical compounds found in the suspended particles in the environment are harmful. Pollutants can attack specific sites or organs of the body and disease can develop as a consequence to such exposure. Using X - rays fluorescence spectroscopy, cationic concentrations of total suspended particles (Tsp) along some major high ways in Sokoto metropolis were analyzed. The results revealed a mean concentration of 365µgK/m3, 1446.6µgCa/m3, 440µgTi/m3, 52µgFe/m3, 44.3µgCu/m3, 440µgTi/m3, 430µgZn/m3, 74.0µgGa/m3, 16.3µgAs/m3, 18.0µgPb/m3, 79.0µgRb/m3, 5.75µgSr/m3, 64.0µTh/m3, 90.0µgY/m3, 42.6µgU/m3 and 10.5µgZr/m3.
Seepage Characteristics and Geotechnical Properties of Flyash Mixed with Bentonite [Full-Text] [References]J. Alam, M. A. Khan, M. M. Alam and A. Ahmad
Flyash is a naturally cementitious coal combustion by-product. It is extracted by the precipitators in the smokestacks of coal-burning power plants to reduce pollution. Flyash is cohesion less material and having very low compressive and shear strength however its strength can be increased by adding low cost cohesive materials such as lime and clayey soil. Among cohesive materials, bentonite is a clay mineral which acts as a stabiliser for flyash. Around 112 million tones of fly ash get accumulated every year at the thermal power stations in India. Some of the problems associated with Fly ash are large area of land required for disposal and toxicity associated with heavy metal leached to groundwater. Even though there are many ways of utilization, geotechnical engineering applications offer scope for its use in large scale. Detailed testing regarding geotechnical utilization was carried out on fly ash from the Harduaganj Thermal Power Station situated near Aligarh in U.P. The chemical composition and physical properties of the fly ash were determined. In the present study seepage and geotechnical properties of flyash mixed with bentonite are studied to enable its use in various engineering appli-cations.
The Removal and Equilibrium studies of Cadmium by Natural Clay as adsorbent[Full-Text] [References]K.Mariadas, G.Kalyani, H.Joga Rao, Y.Prasanna Kumar, P.King
The scarcity of water is increasing day by day from the last few decades and scientists are not only concentrating on rising the groundwater levels but also on reducing the environmental pollution from industrial wastewaters that contain heavy metal ions. The effluents from mining, ore processing, metal processing, metal polishing, cleaning, acid rain, sludge disposal, fly ash from incinerators, the processing of radioactive materials, metal plating, or the manufacture of electrical equipment, paints, alloys, batteries, pesticides or preservatives. Several technologies and methods have been devised for treating wastewater streams in recent years. The removal of Cadmium ions from aqueous solutions on to the Bentonite clay has been studied by using batch adsorption techniques. The equilibrium adsorption isotherms of Langmuir, Freundlich, were obtained for the quantitative description of the cadmium uptake. The effect of pH, agitation time, metal ion concentration, adsorbent dose on biosorption equilibrium was studied demonstrating the importance of this parameter for an accurate evaluation of the biosorption process. The results indicated that the Bentonite clay is a suitable adsorbent for the removal of Cadmium from wastewaters.
Half Mean Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm[Full-Text] [References]Narinder Singh, Sharandeep Singh, S.B. Singh and Shelly Arora
This paper introduces a Half Mean Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (HMPSO) and discusses the results of experimentally comparing the performances of SPSO. This is done by replacing one term of original velocity update equation by one new terms based on the linear combination of pbest and gbest. Its performance is compared with the standard PSO (SPSO) by testing it on a 29 benchmark test problems (15 Scalable and 13 Non-Scalable Problems). Based on the numerical and graphical analyses of results it is shown that the HMPSO outperforms the SPSO (Standard Particle Swarm Optimization), in terms of efficiency, reliability, accuracy and stability.
Hybrid MetaHeuristic Feature Extraction Technique for Solving Timetabling Problem[Full-Text] [References]Olabiyisi Stephen O., Fagbola Temitayo M., Omidiora Elijah O. and Oyeleye Akin C
In this paper, a hybrid algorithm that combines extracted features of two well known metaheuristics, Simulated Annealing (SA) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) is proposed. In the proposed algorithm, useful features of each metaheuristic are exploited to obtain better solutions for the automatic generation of examination timetable. A performance evaluation of the proposed algorithm was carried out. The computational results illustrate the ability of the hybrid algorithm to provide good quality solutions to the examination problem instances within reasonable computation time.
Cell Phone Operated Robotic Car[Full-Text] [References]Awab Fakih, Jovita Serrao
Conventionally, wireless-controlled robots use RF circuits, which have the drawbacks of limited working range, limited frequency range and limited control. Use of a mobile phone for robotic control can overcome these limitations. It provides the advantages of robust control, working range as large as the coverage area of the service provider, no interference with other controllers and up to twelve controls. Although the appearance and capabilities of robots vary vastly, all robots share the features of a mechanical, movable structure under some form of control. The control of robot involves three distinct phase namely perception, processing and action. Generally, the preceptors are sensors mounted on the robot, processing is done by the on-board microcontroller or processor, and the task (action) is performed using motors or with some other actuators.
Laboratory Study of Effect Of 1.0mm-Sawdust With Various Types of Viscosifier Additives On Properties of Oil-Based Drilling Mud [Full-Text] [References]Adebayo, Thomas Ayotunde, Aria Osiwi, Nwafor-orizu Ezejanu N.
Laboratory application of sawdust in oil-based mud was carried out. 1.0mm sawdust sample was used as follow up to earlier experiments. Various viscosifier; bentonite, kaolin and starch were added to the mud samples. Results obtained gave good results for improvement in the density, initial and final gel strength and viscosities of the mud. This proved that sawdust associated with the viscosifier is a good gel and viscosity additives in oil-based mud. The result obtained for the cake formation was not encouraging at 50oC and it was only at 70oC and with the addition of combined kaolin and starch addition that an acceptable mud cake thickness was obtained. Other than this, it is either the mud cake formed is unstable or it is too thick in which either way will result into hole problem during well drilling
Management, Labour Control, And Workers Productivity: A Theoretical Analysis Of Labour Conditions In Nigeria[Full-Text] [References]Dr. Musa H. Bwala, Peace O. Irefin
This paper examines the labour conditions in Nigeria by reviewing the conventional theories of labour productivity, like the scientific management of Frederick Taylor, the human relation approach and the various need and motivational theories. It also to observes the alienation of the Nigerian worker from his own product and his fellow worker. The study recommended among other things that production and distribution of goods and services should be controlled by labour. The government should steer clear of influencing labour union organization.
A Kalman-Filter-Based Method for Real-Time Visual Tracking of a Moving Object Using Pan and Tilt Platform[Full-Text] [References]B.Torkaman, M.Farrokhi
The problem of real time estimating position and orientation of a moving object is an important issue for vision-based control of pan and tilt. This paper presents a vision-based navigation strategy for a pan and tilt platform and a mounted video camera as a visual sensor. For detection of objects, a suitable image processing algorithm is used. Moreover, estimation of the object position is performed using the Kalman filter as an estimator. The proposed method is implemented experimentally to a laboratory-size pan and tilt platform. Experimental results show good target tracking by the proposed method in real-time.
Economical Comparison of Surfactant and Water Flooding for Enhanced Oil Recovery[Full-Text] [References]Morteza Chahardahcherik, Mohammad Amin Gholamzadeh
Although waterflooding is an effective process, surfactant flooding is used to recover oil from reservoirs by wettability alteration and interfacial tension reduction. Surfactants have been identified which can lower the IFT between oil and aqueous phase. The reduction of IFT leads to mobilization of the oil by buoyancy forces. In all the enhanced oil recovery processes, flow of displacing and displaced fluid in a petroleum reservoir is affected by the wettability of the reservoir rock. Economical effectiveness is a main challenge in feasibility of any EOR method. In this study, we investigate the economical efficiency of both surfactant and water flooding by algorithm genetic optimization. One of the important optimization variables is well placement. Determining of the location of new wells is a complicated problem which depends on reservoir and fluid properties. Various methods have been suggested for this problem. Among these, direct optimization, although accurate, is impossible due to the number of simulation required.
Comparison of Image Quality Assessment: PSNR, HVS, SSIM, UIQI[Full-Text] [References]Yusra A. Y. Al-Najjar, Dr. Der Chen Soong
Measuring the quality of the image is a complicated and hard process since humans opinion is affected by physical and psychological parameters. Many techniques are proposed for measuring the quality of the image but none of it is considered to be perfect for measuring the quality. Image quality assessment plays an important role in the field of image processing. Many studies have been done on image quality measurements based on different techniques such as pixel-difference, correlation, edge detection, neural networks (NN), region of interest(ROI), human visual system (HVS). The good IQM must be accurate and consistent in predicting the quality. Most IQ metrics are related to the difference between two images (the original and the distorted image).
Energy and Economic Analyses of Energy Sourcing Pattern in a Nigerian Brewery[Full-Text] [References]Adedeji, W. O, Badmus, I
This paper assesses energy sourcing efficiency of a Lagos based brewery. Five - year data (2004-2008) on direct electricity and diesel fuel consumption has been collected and analysed. Partial reliance of the company on diesel powered generators for its electricity has been found to adversely affect its power sourcing efficiency. Quantity of electricity sourced from these generators is inversely proportional to the overall electrical energy efficiency and directly proportional to the energy unit costs in monetary terms. Cogeneration is recommended to enable a shift away from adverse effect of diesel generators and also improve process steam boiler energy efficiencies.
Recent DDoS Incidents and Their Impact[Full-Text] [References]Daljeet Kaur, Monika Sachdeva , Krishan Kumar
In the present era Internet has changed the way of traditional essential services such as banking, transportation, power, health, and defence being operated. These operations are being replaced by cheaper, more efficient Internet-based applications. The explosive growth of the Internet and its increasingly critical role in supporting electronic commerce, transportation, and communications, have brought an equally explosive growth in attacks on Internet infrastructure and services. Some of the most difficult attacks to defend against are the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, in which an overwhelming flood of network packets is generated from many different sources, with the intent of preventing legitimate use of services. Denial-of-service attacks occur almost every day, and the frequency and the volume of these attacks are increasing day by day. In this paper, an overview on DDoS problem, major factors causing DDoS attacks are demonstrated and finally detail of most recent DDoS incidents on online organizations are outlined.
Elegant Solutions Personal Finance Intelligence[Full-Text] [References]Besim Ismaili
Medical doctors always say that the best medicine is the preventive and we as humans work very little on this direction. The subject of this research is not Medicine, but not less important, is Economy. Financial crisis happened before, is happening now and will happen in future if we do not create a preventive plan. One of the solutions that aim to be part of a "preventive medicine" for financial crises is produced in the data laboratories of ELA (ELegant Analytics) and its name is PFI.
Efficient Dynamic Resource Allocation Using Nephele in a Cloud Environment[Full-Text] [References]V.Praveenkumar, Dr.S.Sujatha, R.Chinnasamy
Today, Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) cloud providers have incorporated parallel data processing framework in their clouds for performing Many-task computing (MTC) applications. Parallel data processing framework reduces time and cost in processing the substantial amount of users' data. Nephele is a dynamic resource allocating parallel data processing framework, which is designed for dynamic and heterogeneous cluster environments. The existing framework does not support to monitor resource overload or under utilization, during job execution, efficiently. In this paper, we have proposed a framework based on Nephele, which aims to manage the resources automatically, while executing the job. Based on this framework, we have performed extended evaluations of Map Reduce-inspired data processing task, on an IaaS cloud system and compared the results with Nephele framework.
Pocket Wizard: A System for mobile control of Desktop PC and its Applications using Bluetooth enabled Cell Phone[Full-Text] [References]Jyoti Mishra, Meer Shizan Ali, Divya Gautam
There are various limited options available to the users when they are not connected to the internet to access their workstations. Most of the options available are tedious,expensive and unsecure.Hence there was a need for a easy to use secure application that will be able to connect the users while being offline from their cellphones and access their data regardless of their location anywhere in the world. The proposed system is based primarily on Bluetooth and Java technology and in order to achieve the idea of accesing workstation with personal mobile phone as a remote interface.;development strategies for this innovation includes two phases: Java based application platform-designed and developed for smart phones and PDAs and utilising the hardware present inside cellphone to manage and interconnect between all inside accessories based on monitoring and controlling mechanisms by Bluetooth media. This study involved design a new application that enables users to connect to their workstations remotely by the use of Bluetooth technology present in cell phones while being secure and user friendly.Once this application is installed, computer users are successfully able to connect with their workstations and control it via their Cell phones.
Application of Lean in a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Segment- A Case Study of Electronics and Electrical Manufacturing Industry in India[Full-Text] [References]M.Yogesh, Dr.G.ChandraMohan, Rajesh Arrakal
Manufacturing organizations have adopted the concept of lean manufacturing in order to improve the quality of their products and reduce their wastes. This is done by ensuring that products are assessed or evaluated at each and every stage hence costs are reduced. In this study two methods of data collection were used, questionnaires and interviews. The responses in both methods indicated that most of the respondents were in the electrical production and quality assurance department. Continuous improvement program was indicated as the main driving force for the implementation of lean manufacturing. Preventive maintenance was the highly rated in the level of adoption. Lack of effective senior management was indicated as the main barrier of lean manufacturing implementation in the company.
Rainfall analysis and design flood estimation for Upper Krishna River Basin Catchment in India[Full-Text] [References]B.K.Sathe, M.V.Khir, R.N. Sankhua
Design flood estimates have been carried out for Upper Krishna basin catchment employing flood frequency analysis methods for planning and or infrastructure design. This method consists of fitting a theoretical extreme-value probability distribution to the maximum annual flow rate data collected at a stream flow gauging station, thus enabling the hydrologist to estimate, via extrapolation, the flow rate or peak discharge corresponding to a given design return period. Seven gauging sites were analyzed with a view to predicting the floods of different return periods. Flood frequency analysis is carried out by Gumble's distribution. Detail rainfall analysis also done with river cross sections. High flood levels are mark on the river cross sections which helps for design of hydraulic structures like bridges, culverts etc. The results of the investigation are analyzed and discussed and useful conclusions are drawn.
Effect of blast furnace slag powder on compressive strength of concrete[Full-Text] [References]Atul Dubey, Dr. R. Chandak, Prof. R.K.Yadav
The Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) is one of the main ingredients used for the production of concrete. Unfortunately, production of cement involves emission of large amounts of carbon-dioxide gas into the atmosphere, a major contributor for green house effect and the global warming, hence it is inevitable either to search for another material or partially replace it by some other material. The search for any such material, which can be used as an alternative or as a supplementary for cement should lead to global sustainable development and lowest possible environmental impact. Concrete property can be maintained with advanced mineral admixtures such as blast furnace slag powder as partial replacement of cement 5 to 30%. Compressive strength of blast furnace slag concrete with different dosage of slag was studied as a partial replacement of cement. From the experimental investigations, it has been observed that, the optimum replacement of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Powder to cement without changing much the compressive strength is 15%.
A Proposed Model for Service Discovery with Security in Wireless Adhoc Network[Full-Text] [References]Noor Mohd, Quamar Danish
Service discovery technologies are exploited to enable services to advertise their existence in a dynamic way, and can be discovered, configured and used by other devices with a minimum of manual efforts. Automatic service discovery will play essential role in future network scenarios. Especially, the development Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs).Due to the deployment of tiny operating system and small memory, individual node is not able to perform all of the computation assigned to it, but the computation can be achieved by the concept of distributed system. Application of such kind atmosphere is needed in the area of oceanography, transaction management and getting the information of disastrous environment or geographical information of a place where a person cannot reach. We have provided a Dynamic Service Model with Security in MANET (DSM-SMT). Which provides high degree of security with dynamic service deployment, a special type of node is used for transaction recovery and provides the log of services for QoS information, which is not included in the previous model and also there is no concept of security in previous models.
Spectral cleaning in MST Radar Data using the Modified Cepstrum[Full-Text] [References]M.Venkatanarayana, Dr T.Jayachandra Prasad
The concept of cepstrum thresholding (CT) is applied to estimate smoothed nonparametric spectrum. The CT method is tested for various simulated signals such as broad, narrow band and two-tone sinusoidal signals to estimate spectrum. The CT method works well in detection of peaks to a maximum signal to noise ratio (SNR) of -20dB. To improve SNR, the CT technique needs to be modified. The modified cepstrum (MC) approach is developed and implemented, to validate, it has been applied to MST radar data. It is found that proposed method works well in variance reduction even at higher altitudes and results are compared with the normal CT method and the periodogram.
Seismic Evaluation of Framed Structures[Full-Text] [References]Rachana R Gupta
Building damage by earthquake action is a serious problem. In this paper seismically deficient structures are studied by carrying out the Pushover analysis of framed structures using SAP Software. Building get deformed because of the lateral and seismic forces acting on the structure. Forces increased as per the height of structure : low rise structures have higher resonant frequency and hence lower frequency high rise structures are studied. Study of various earthquake and pushover forces acting, formation of hinges and Performance Point, their implementation evaluating the real strength of the structure and damage assessment. In this paper, comparing the seismic performance of Bare frame and Infill Framed structures to draw the results.
An Overview & Comparision between Inactive Finger Stamping V/S Activiation Finger Stamping Technique[Full-Text] [References]Nitin Tiwari, Rajdeep Solanki, Gajaraj Pandya
Now a days there are increasing the use of networking in large scale, the virus, virus and safety related also major significant issue. The O/S of a remote host on the Internet is feasible using tools by ability to remotely know, with high accuracy and wide classification of method. Developing this methods are perhaps not yet fully understood; however, it is look as enough of a threat that creating to use rules are presently being, analyze, deploy, prevent or spoof OS Finger stamping. For the usage of Finger stamping is only known once the data is grouped and analyze by the call of analysis, In so doing, the authors use real qualitative data to help distinct, commonly known as statistics. Only avail unfailing qualitative data analysis tool is promoted after all the data have been coded, the codes are grouped by similarity. Under unique implementation counter measures by technique which goes back remote system O/S Finger stamping, The soaking the vendor exclusive weakness avail unfailing in the O/S and the different techniques by older Finger stamping techniques were busy consisted of fooling and hiding from the hackers, like banner hiding, change of default setting in common services and resist etc. This lead to accuracy of prediction and easy agreement of the system to Finger stamping tools the attackers easy unfailing to launch further attacks once they know the O/S running on the remote system, The hackers begin to use of weakness, default and protective behavior of the network transport protocols used through the remote system to attach itself to Internet and Intranet. By RFC's and the norms of protocols kept in mind the level of safety from common virus, but did not have the concern unique when up Opposed the Finger stamping. So the basic safety from Finger stamping can be access by employing a defensive safety framework. The ease of friction ridge skin means that no two finger or palm prints are ever in reality alike in each detail; even two impressions recorded instant after each other from the same hand. The steps that should be taken are: know safety level, default behavior of protocol are understand, normal technique of Finger stamping analyzed.
Core Banking Solutions in Urban Cooperative Banks- Issues and Challenges[Full-Text] [References]B.Muniraja Sekhar, Dr. B.Sudhir
Currently, there are about 1872 urban co-operative banks in India, which form 14% of the banking sector. While the focus has always been on private and public sector banks who are riding the technology wave to emerge as front runners in the global banking arena, cooperative banks, have been laggards when it comes to technology adoption. The drivers of performance for UCBs, as for any organisation, includes indicators such as increased employee satisfaction, increased customer satisfaction, financial stability, lower average time to resolution, and innovations in information and communications technology (ICT). Co-operative banks can play a significant role in rural financial inclusion if they ably take advantage of the technology in place. Besides enabling faster services, their decision to bring technology into play will open up possibilities of providing new cost-effective banking products and services to the farming community in particular. It is envisaged that post implementation of CBS including Financial Inclusion, Cooperative banks will also implement internet banking, phone banking, ATM network etc. According to industry watchers, technology deployments like CBS are a big challenge in cooperative banks. Factors such as high costs of implementation and maintenance coupled with lack of regional language software support for CBS are deterrents. Then, there is the issue of customization. Most solutions available in the market cater to the needs of traditional banks and cooperatives need rather specific levels of customization. Indian customers find it hard to use technologies like ATM and prefer to do transactions over the counter. Manpower constraints exist in this sector. Cooperative banks cannot afford to have IT staff to man IT infrastructure in the way that larger banks can. Finally, there are basic issues like power and rugged terrain that make it difficult to run a CBS or anything else 24x7.
Biomedical Signal Monitoring[Full-Text] [References]N Sravan Kumar, M. Hari Krishna
There is a critical need for more cost efficient solutions for supervision/monitoring patients during and after surgery, as well as when the patient is at home. Advanced sensors combined with wireless communication will give reduced costs, improved monitoring, and better life quality for the patient. This project developed, implemented and tested a first version of a biomedical sensor network for the future wireless hospital and home care. The sensor network comprised four different sensors, and was tested in a hospital environment.
Cloud Computing and E - Governance[Full-Text] [References]Shahid Naseem
E- Governance offers a large opportunity for serving the citizens in better way. ICT promises lots of advantage in governance process but at the same time requires efforts for changing process, building infrastructures, capacity enhancement etc. The increasing generalization of technology access by citizen and organizations brings expectations and demands on government. At the same time, governments are also proactive in this domain and are planning new ways of interacting, improving services, optimizing processes and revitalizing democracy by spending amount on IT. In this paper, we analyze cloud computing and examines its application in the context of e-government. Existing e-government practices face many challenges, from development to implementation. We propose cloud computing as an ideal solution to these challenges. Cloud computing is the future generation of computing. It entrusts services with a user's data, software and computation over a network. It is a very new concept in the field of computing software, hardware and network. Cloud computing relies on sharing of resources to achieve coherence and economies of scale similar to a utility (like the electricity grid) over a network (typically the Internet).The worldwide revolution in internet is changing our lives in terms of the way we work, learn and interact. These changes naturally should reflect the way government functions in terms of the organization of the government, its relationship with its citizens, institutions and business and cooperation with other governments.
Neural Network Intrusion Detection Architecture for Distributed System[Full-Text] [References]ShahidNaseem
Attacks on network infrastructure presently are main threats against network and information security. With the rapid expansion of computer networks, security has become a crucial issue for distributed systems. Unauthorized activities in networks, intrusion detection (ID) as a component of defense-in-depth is very necessary because traditional firewall techniques cannot provide complete protection against intrusion. Introduction detection is the problem of identifying unauthorized use, misuse, and abuse of computer systems by both system insiders and external. Intrusion Detection Systems combine distributed monitoring and data reduction through individual host and LAN monitors with centralized data analysis to monitor a network of computers. IDS's in distributed systems are based on the belief that an intruder's behavior will be noticeably different from that of a legitimate user.A main problem considered in this paper is the network-user identification problem, which is concerned with tracking a user moving across the network, possibly with a new user-id on each computer. The increased connectivity of computer systems gives greater access to outsiders and makes it easier for intruders to avoid detection. This paper proposes a new way of applying neural networks to detect intrusions i.e. "Neural Network Intrusion Detection Architecture that will use for intrusion detection.Neural network intrusion detection architecture can be used to identify each user much like detectives to place people at crime scenes.
Pulse Compression Techniques of Phase Coded Waveforms in Radar[Full-Text] [References]Mohammed Umar Shaik, V.Venkata Rao
Matched filtering of biphase coded radar signals create unwanted side lobes which may mask some of the desired information. This paper presents a new approach for pulse compression using recurrent neural network (RNN). The 13-bit and 35-bit barker codes are used as input signal codes to RNN. The pulse radar detection system is simulated using RNN. The results of the simulation are compared with the results obtained from the simulation of pulse radar detection using Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) network. The number of input layer neurons is same as the length of the signal code and three hidden neurons are taken in the present systems. The Simulation results show that RNN yields better signal-to-side lobe ratio (SSR) and doppler shift performance than neural network (NN) and some traditional algorithms like auto correlation function (ACF) algorithm. It is also observed that RNN based system converges faster as compared to the MLP based system. Hence the proposed RNN provides an efficient means for pulse radar detection.
The Right to Decide[Full-Text] [References]Amy Wellings
Responding to the long debated controversy over Physician Assisted Suicide (PAS), benefits that can result from such legalization, and rights that have the ability to cause such legalization if brought to governments' attention, are discussed.
The role of Yogasanas and Pranayama in relation to achievements of general society profile people[Full-Text] [References]Jaysing S. Patil , Sunil.D.Chavan
Now a day's we see highly competitive world, it is very essential to possess a disciplined and stable mind for optimum achievement, Every men and women tries get and claims for the outstanding living life. To get this cool and calm mind in such a running life there is no alternation without Yogasanas and Pranayama. We have to do Yogasanas and Pranayama daily then only we all will be fit to live soundly and Longley without any calamities. We all know that general society people are very much rationalistic in their life. The aim of study is to investigate the effect of the achievement and Yogasanas and Pranayama in relation to well fledge society people. Her gender may be considered by the region of society. Achievement we all know that it acts both the ways i.e. it is a boon also and curse too. The study was conducted over a sample of 100 society people from rural and urban area of walwa taluka living in deferent society class. Sharma's general anxiety scale for these male and female students was used to measure achievements aggregate score of the selected above said male and female students are taken to show their level of achievement. The result reported or recorded show the significant relationship between achievement of general society people significant difference between achievement and general society people was observed during calculation. I have taken 100 female for the study.
Digital Watermarking Using DWT-SVD[Full-Text] [References]P.Tejaswini, K.Manjunath, A Mahendran
This project proposes the embedding is done by modifying the specific bits of the singular values of the transformed host image with the bits of the watermark image's singular values. First, the DWT-SVD transform is applied to each sub-band of the transformed image and the singular values of each sub-band and the singular values of the watermark image are converted to semi-binary arrays. Finally, the bits of the singular values of the watermark image are inserted into the selected bits of the singular values of decomposed host image's sub-bands. The experimental results show that the proposed method is more robust against different geometric and non geometric attacks and the watermarked image looks visually identical to the original one. Resizing of the geometric and non geometric attacks to the image.
QOS Optimization for Hierarchical Zones Structure Based Multi Cast Routing: A Two Level Congestion Control Approach[Full-Text] [References]K.Swathi, M.Vijaya Lakshmi, Ch.Ganapathy Reddy
Here in this paper a MAC layer level overcrowding detection system has been projected. The planned model aims to distribute an energy efficient mechanism to compute the degree of congestion at victim node with maximal accuracy. This congestion detection apparatus is integrated with a Two-Step Cross Layer Congestion Control Routing Protocol. The proposed model involves controlling of congestion in two steps with effective energy capable blocking detection and optimal consumption of resources. Packet loss in network routing is primarily due to link failure and congestion. Most of the existing congestion control solutions do not have the ability to distinguish between packet loss due to link collapse and packet loss due to congestion. As a result these solutions aim towards action against packet drop due to link malfunction which is an unnecessary effort and may product in loss of resources. The other limit in most of the accessible solution is the utilization of energy and resources to detect blockage state, degree of congestion and alert the source node about blocking in routing path. Here in this paper we suggest cross layered model of congestion recognition an control mechanism that include energy efficient congestion detection, Intra level Congestion Evaluation Algorithm [ICEA] and Intra level Egress Regularization Algorithm [IERA], which is a hierarchical cross layer based blocking detection and control model in short we refer this protocol as CDC-CPF(Congestion Detection and organize with Control Plane Functionality). This paper is supported by the investigational and simulation results show that better store utilization, energy efficiency in congestion detection and congestion control is possible by the proposed protocol.
Comparative Analysis of k-means and Enhanced K-means clustering algorithm for data mining[Full-Text] [References]Neha Aggarwal,Kirti Aggarwal, Kanika gupta
K-Means Clustering is an immensely popular clustering algorithm for data mining which partitions data into different clusters on the basis of similarity between the data points and aims at maximizing the intra-class similarity and minimizing the inter-class similarity. This Algorithm suffers from the limitation of being time consuming and producing different results with different centroids chosen randomly. The first limitation is solved using the Enhanced K-Means algorithm. This paper shows the comparison of Basic K-Means and Enhanced K-Means algorithm which shows that Enhanced K- Means is more efficient than Basic K-Means Algorithm.
Design and Firing Control of Grid Connected Inverter[Full-Text] [References]Ram Prasad Tiwari, Ambrish Kumar Upadhyay and Durgesh kumar
In grid interactive mode, inverter supplies the local loads and if the generated energy higher than the demand the excess energy is export to the grid. So battery groups are unneeded. On the other hand, control of the grid interactive inverter is more complex than the stand alone one. In this work, we have proposed a voltage controlled grid interactive inverters to control the export of power to the grid. We have used a conventional PI control strategies in grid interactive inverter applications. Acceptable performance will tried to achieve by using a PI controller designed to work around a determined operating point; thus giving a cost effective power solution to the society.
Searching the Most Authoritative & Obscure Sources from the Web[Full-Text] [References]Bharat Bhushan , Narender Kumar
This paper discusses the ways to rank the website using authoritative and obscurity parameters. Website ranking algorithm is leveraging parameters with primary focus on Authoritativeness and relevancy. Additionally, obscurity parameters like Subscriber Counts from Google Reader, Authority Count from Technorati are analyzed to rank a source which is less visible or not too popular or related to a non-famous Zone. This tool viz. source rank tool will be an asset to help the industries working under data extraction using web to rank the sources as per their business needs e.g. a source with low page rank (PR) can be ranked as high if a person who writes the article is an expert in his domain.
How TCSC Controller Benefit AC Transmission Line for Voltage Stability[Full-Text] [References]Shobhna patley, Bhupesh Kumar Poosam
This paper provides a summary of one of the three planned presentations on the topic of "ASSESSMENT OF VOLTAGE STABILITY USING TCSC CONTROLLER". This paper is on Part I of the session and focuses on a summary of the issues and benefits of applying TCSC controllers to AC power systems. The overall process for system studies and analysis associated with TCSC installation projects and the need for FACTS controller models is also discussed. Finally, an introduction to the basic circuits of TCSC controllers is provided with a focus on its system performance characteristics. This paper is designed to be accompanied by the presentation material.
Formulation of Hair Colors From Nature[Full-Text] [References]Monal Gargote
Loss of hair colour is due to reasons such as environmental factors, genetic influence, etc. Though the permanent synthetic hair dyes are available in different colour ranges ,they have side effects of producing mainly hypersensitive reactions, cancer and many life threatening diseases .In the present investigation various combination of natural products which yield colour like pomegranate, herda , baheda ,amla were used to make hair dye which coloured the hair black.
Inter Layer Communication in Wireless Sensor Network[Full-Text] [References]Ramesh M.Badiger., S.V.Niranjana Murthy
In the last few years, the Internet throughput, usage and reliability have increased almost exponentially. The introduction of broadband wireless mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) and cellular networks together with increased computational power have opened the door for a new breed of applications to be created, namely real-time multimedia applications. Delivering real-time multimedia traffic over a complex network like the Internet is a particularly challenging task since these applications have strict quality-of-service (QoS) requirements on bandwidth, delay, and delay jitter. Traditional IP-based best effort service will not be able to meet these stringent requirements. The time-varying nature of wireless channels and resource constrained wireless devices make the problem even more difficult. To improve perceived media quality by end users over wireless Internet, QoS supports can be addressed in different layers, including application layer, transport layer and link layer. Cross layer design is a well-known approach to achieve this adaptation. In cross-layer design, the challenges from the physical wireless medium and the QoS-demands from the applications are taken into account so that the rate, power, and coding at the physical layer can adapted to meet the requirements of the applications given the current channel and network conditions. A number of propositions for cross-layer designs exist in the literature. In this paper, an extensive review has been made on these cross-layer architectures that combine the application-layer, transport layer and the link layer controls.
Suitability Of Calotropis Gigantea Extract As A Cleaning Agent For Dairy Storage Unit[Full-Text] [References]H.Akshayan , Rita Narayanan, , G.SenthilKumar
Calotropis gigantea is a milkweed that is commonly available in parts of India, Srilanka, & Bangladesh. The latex of Calotropis gigantea contains the cardiac glycosides which belong to the alcohol soluble portion. The leaves of the milkweed Calotropis gigantea were used for the study. An alcoholic extract was prepared with 70% ethanol (v/v) and was centrifuged and freeze dried. The freeze dried product was diluted in phosphate buffer saline and partially purified extract was obtained through sephadex-G-100 chromatography. The protein content was analyzed by Biuret's method. The efficacy of the leaf extract was tested on samples from a dairy can and the results were recorded. It is concluded from the study that the leaf extract of Calotropis gigantea is suitable as a cleansing agent for dairy storage units.
Fusion of Iris & Fingerprint Biometric for Security Purpose[Full-Text] [References]P.U.Lahane, Prof. S.R.Ganorkar
Basic aim of a biometric system is automatically discriminate between subjects as well as protect data. It also protects resources access from unauthorized users. We develop a biometric identification system that represents a valid alternative to conventional approaches. In biometric system physical or behavioral traits are used. A multimodal biometric identification system aims to fuse two or more physical or behavioral traits. Multimodal biometric system is used in order to improve the accuracy. Multimodal biometric identification system based on iris & fingerprint trait is proposed. Typically in a multimodal biometric system each biometric trait processes its information independently. The processed information is combined using an appropriate fusion scheme. Successively, the comparison of data base template and the input data is done with the help of Euclidean-distance matching algorithm. If the templates are matched we can allow the person to access the system. We are going to check FAR & FRR with different threshold level. Multimodal biometric system provides optimal False Acceptance Rate (FAR) & False Rejection Rate (FRR), thus improving system accuracy & reliability.
Relationship of Mental Skills and Anxiety between Successful and Unsuccessful team of men Cricket at Delhi Intercollegiate level[Full-Text] [References]Gurpreet Makker, Dr. Ashok Kr. Singh, Dr. Taraknath Pramanik
In the field of competitive sport, training of athletes is incomplete without psychological training of the competition. Psychological readiness plays a decisive role as to determine whether or not an athlete or not an athlete in competition and in training responds to their optimum potentials, keeping in mind the research scholar selected to Study the Relationship between mental skills and level of Anxiety between the Successful and Unsuccessful team of men Cricket at Delhi Inter College. 16 players of the college team who represented in Delhi inter college and got the 1st, 2nd position and the last two positions were taken as the subjects of the study i.e. 16 x 4 = 64. The teams who got the1st and 2nd position in Cricket Delhi inter college were considered as the successful team and the last two teams were considered as the unsuccessful one. The variables selected for the study were Mental Skills and Anxiety. The 2 questionnaire selected for the purpose of the study were Mental Skill questionnaire by Russell Associates and Sports Competitive Anxiety test (SCAT),, which were administered to the top two teams and the bottom two teams. The data was collected on the basis of the manual. The statistical techniques employed were descriptive statistics, Independent't' test and Pearson product moment correlation. The results revealed that mental skill score for successful team has a mean value of 73.25 and standard deviation of 14.62 whereas mental skill score for unsuccessful team has a mean value of 59.74 and standard deviated of 17.60. Anxiety for successful team has a mean value of 19.59 and standard deviation of 3.72, whereas anxiety for unsuccessful team has a mean value of 16.12 and standard deviation of 3.59. Also there was a significant relationship between Anxiety and Mental Skills of successful teams with correlation values of 0.392 and significant of 0.027, whereas a negative correlation was found in the unsuccessful teams with correlation value of 0.390 and significance value of 0.027. And finally, a significant difference was found between mental skill level of successful and unsuccessful teams with obtained't'- value of 3.317 against the required value of 2.04 and also within the anxiety level of successful players and the unsuccessful players a significant difference was found between mean value of the selected group. Where the obtained't' value was found to be 3.794 against the required value of 2.04 required to be significant, It was concluded that a significant relationship was found on mental skill and anxiety scores within the successful teams of men Cricket team at Delhi inter college, negative correlation between unsuccessful teams and a significant difference was found between the anxiety and mental skills of successful and unsuccessful teams, the significant relationship shows that optimum level of anxiety with attained mental skills contribute to the successfulness of the cricket team, and the significant differences in the anxiety levels and mental skills shows that successful and un successful teams differ in their level of anxiety and the mental skills.
Counter Strike: Prompt Gaming Time on Android and iPhone[Full-Text] [References]Himanshu Srivastava, Tanupriya Choudhury, Vasudha Vashisht
Mobile phones are becoming exotic for mankind and did their respective job with ably, it also abridge form of laptop and palmtop also. We always extol games, since our childhood. Nowadays, mobile phones are indispensable for everyone, it amuse as well as the medium for communication. In this paper, we target to counter strike, stimulating gaming; and make it compatible to iPhone (and android phones). With the introduction of Apple's iOS and Google's Android operating systems, the sales of smart-phones have exploded. These smart-phones have become powerful devices that are basically miniature versions of personal computers. However, the growing popularity and sophistication of smart-phones have also increased concerns about the privacy of users who operate these devices. These concerns have been exacerbated by the fact that it has become increasingly easy for users to install and execute third-party applications. In this paper, we study the privacy threats that applications, written for Apple's iOS, pose to users. To this end, we present that allow us to analyze programs for possible leaks of sensitive information from a mobile device to third parties. This experiment show that, with the exception of a few bad apples, most applications respect personal identifiable information stored on user's devices. This is even true for applications that are hosted on an unofficial repository (Cydia[17]) and that only run on jail-broken phones The proposed system will enlighten of jailbreak of iPhone and make its APTickets (are the new type of SHSH blobs) protocol compatible to Telnet Protocol so the file transfer would be easy without any forbidden rule provided by apple corporation, Address space layout randomization (ASLR) which involves randomly arranging the positions of key data areas, usually including the base of the executable and position of libraries, heap, and stack, in a process's address space. This includes some changes in iphone and one more thing the portable counter-strike which is powered by unity technology being run by installous[18] on the iPhone, and in android it is quite simple in this manner, because it doesn't require any jail breaking techniques but should be compatible to run the game. In this proposed system, we firstly go through all the tactics of jail breaking regarding to the iphone and then move on the android, it's quite artlessness regarding to the android phone comparatively to the iPhone to run counter strike. The proposed system is favorable to both, either by jail-breaking through reverse engineering or by installous[18] software, in this paper, It will demonstrate both the tactics reverse engineering as well as installous[18], inclusively.
Rough Intuitionistic Fuzzy Ideals in a Ring[Full-Text] [References]G. Senthil Kumar, V. Selvan
In this paper basic notion of rough intuitionistic fuzzy set in rings are given and some of its basic properties are discussed. We introduce the notion of rough intuitionistic fuzzy ideal (prime ideal) in a ring and we discuss the relationship between upper (lower) rough prime ideal and upper (lower) approximations of their homomorphic images.
Modelling of Speech Recognition using ANN and UI for Controlling Wheelchairs Indoor[Full-Text] [References]Md. Ibrahim chowdhury, Amer Khoulani and Oluwafemi Samuel
Paralyzed people need to control their electrical wheelchair. One of the most suitable means is by voice. So we aimed to combine Neural Networks, and Utterance Isolating techniques in speech recognition algorithm to make the control of wheelchair by voice command which is reliable, and secure. First the silence is deducted, and the pure word will then be filtered, and processed. So certain features Cepstral Coefficients will be extracted, and sent as input to the neural network which will compare them with the stored ones and give the recognized output.
Wi-fi Robot For Video Monitoring & Surveillance System [Full-Text] [References]Pavan.C, Dr. B. Sivakumar
In present days any engineering application invariable uses microcontrollers. The world wide trend is use of micro controllers. A robot is a machine designed to execute one or more tasks repeatedly, with speed and precision. There are as many different types of robots as there are tasks for them to perform. A robot can be controlled by a human operator, sometimes from a great distance. In such type of applications wireless communication is more important. The nature of many of these challenging work environments requires the robotic systems to work fully autonomously in achieving human supplied goals. One approach to designing these autonomous systems is to develop a cost effective robotic system that can accomplish particular goals more reliably in a given environment. This paper presents the Designing the robot with sensory device, Wi-Fi controlling, programming the system to recognize and to track the robot using GPS
Cell Resizing Based Interference Reduction and Delay Avoid Rate Scheduling for WCDMA [Full-Text] [References]N.Mohan, Dr. T. Ravichandran
In WCDMA, the interference is produced by different factors such as thermal noise, intra cell traffic, traffic in adjacent cells and external traffic. In addition, the increase in number of users in a cell consequently increases the total interference in the network. Hence, the interference must be controlled to improve the throughput of the network. In this paper, we propose an Interference Revocation Technique in WCDMA using Cell Resizing approach. Our technique classifies the access points into three types as normal, saturated and cooperative based on its signal to noise ratio (SNR). The saturated cell triggers the process of cell resizing. This process balances the number of users in each cell and thereby cancels the interference completely. We prove the efficiency of our technique through simulation results. And we proposed Delay Avoid Rate Scheduling Algorithm to allocate the optimum rate for each traffic queue. By simulation experiments, we have shown that the proposed algorithms achieve reduced call blocking probability, optimum rate with reduced delay.
Water Management in Existing Residential Building in Egypt (Grey-Water System)[Full-Text] [References]Mohamed Abdel-All Ibrahim, Ali Fouad Bakr, Abdel-Aziz Farouk Abdel-Aziz
Throughout history much of the world has witnessed ever-greater demands for reliable, high-quality and inexpensive water supplies for domestic consumption, agriculture and industry. In recent decades there have also been increasing demands for hydrological regimes that support healthy and diverse ecosystems, provide for water-based recreational activities, reduce if not prevent floods and droughts, and in some cases, provide for the production of hydropower and ensure water levels adequate for ship navigation. Water managers are challenged to meet these multiple and often conflicting demands. At the same time, public stakeholder interest groups have shown an increasing desire to take part in the water resources development and management decision making process. Added to all these management challenges are the uncertainties of natural water supplies and demands due to changes in our climate, changes in people's standards of living, changes in watershed land uses and changes in technology.
Clustering Based Prioritization of Test Suites in Software Testing[Full-Text] [References]Arvind Kumar Upadhyay and Dr. A. K. Misra
Software Testing challenges the development process at all stages of software development and it is no surprise that a bulk of development cost is spent on testing. Testing is fundamental to software quality and is ultimate review of specification, design and coding. Human fallibilities are enormous and errors may begin to occur at the very inception of ideas. The focus of Test case design is on a set of techniques that meet overall testing objectives. New test cases are a necessity in this ever evolving scenario of software development. Many a times the size of a test suite may become so large that it becomes necessary to apply some control mechanism on these numbers of test cases. Prioritization is a technique that can facilitate increased chances of early fault detection and is helpful in reducing test suite size. In our attempt we adopt a new technique CBP (clustering based prioritization) to effectively control test suite size.
Impact of Variation of the Number of Elements of Adaptive Antenna Systems on the Direction of Arrival Estimation of Radio Signals[Full-Text] [References]Nsionu Ifeanyi I
The degree of sensitivity of an adaptive antenna array to signals arriving at its terminals can be varied by deliberately changing the number of array elements and processing of the outputs of the individual elements. The combination of the array elements and signal processing act as filter in space. In this paper, we shall present the results of simulation as we investigate the impact on signal direction of arrival (DOA) estimation of the number of array elements. The technique used is the subspace-based and eigen-analysis method of Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) which is an efficient algorithm for real time optimization of signal/interference relation in mobile wireless communication.
Performance Analysis Of Downlink Power Control In Wcdma System[Full-Text] [References]Dr. M. Mahbubur Rahman, Md. Khairul Islam, Tarek Hassan-Al-Mahmud, A. R. Mahmud
WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access) plays the best competitive role in the present world. The demand for high speed mobile wireless communication is rapidly growing. WCDMA is a promising technique for achieving the high data capacity and spectral efficiency requirements for wireless communication system of the near future. Power control is important aspects of WCDMA system. The main sources of errors in the received powers arise from inaccurate SIR estimation, signaling errors and delays in the power control loop. The performance is analyzed by plotting the graphs of BER against the signal to noise ratio SNR. This project is also concerned with how well WCDMA performs when signal is transmitted over an Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel or both AWGN channel and Rayleigh fading channels. The result of the simulation is shown by plotting the Bit Error Rate (BER) versus Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), which provides the estimation about the system performance.
Object Oriented Modelling of Secured E-Assessment System [Full-Text] [References]Nikhilesh Barik , Dr. Sunil Karforma
Now day's different multinational and national companies are using E-assessment system for recruiting UG and PG students. Main advantages of this approach are immediate result and feedback, any time students can start their examination during the tenure of availability of question from the server, etc. E-assessment system is an important component of e-learning system, which basically runs over Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The success of E-assessment system is dependent on level of security imposed in the system. Different security services like one time authentication, verification, presence of supervisor are not sufficient to ensure the security of E-assessment system. In this paper we explore a suitable Object Oriented Model to authenticate a student as examinee where authentication is achieved by RSA Digital Signature during sending e-question papers and submission e-answer papers. Proposed model may be used for all kind of E-assessment so that learners will be motivated for online examination .
To control the fluctuated wind power by power stabilization using DSP Control[Full-Text] [References]Bhupesh Kumar Poosam, Mr. Hemant Amhia
In wind power plant, output of the power is directly based on the speed of air velocity which is not constant at any time because of wind speed changed in any time period. the paper is represent the control of output power of wind generator using power stabilization and DSP control.
Quantitative Evaluation of Carbohydrate Levels in Green Leafy Vegetables for Home Use by Uv-Visible Spectrophotometer[Full-Text] [References]Kavya.Mannem, Ch.madhu, V.S.Asha, V.Prateesh Kumar
A rapid method was developed for the quantitative estimation of carbohydrates present in the different natural green leafy vegetables by UV-VISIBLE SPECTROPHOTOM ETER. The sample extract of the spinach, Chinese spinach, amaranthus, sorrel leaves, curry leaves, fenugreek leaves, drumstick leaves, mint, coriander, lettuce were subjected by using anthrone as reagent for the quantitative estimation of the carbohydrate. These samples absorbance was read in uv-visible spectropho tometer at the wavelength of 750nm. The recommendation for the general population is that carbohydrate should supply 50 to 55 percent of total calories, and 130 grams per day (520 calories per day) for male and female adults and for athletes is between 55 and 65 percent of totalcalories.
Optimization of Process Parameters for Extraction of Kokum (Garcinia Indica) Fruit Pulp using Response Surface Methodology (RSM)[Full-Text] [References]Pritam G. Bafna
A response surface methodology (RSM) was used for the determination of optimum water temperature and soaking time to produce an acceptable smooth kokum pulp. Kokum pulp was extracted using water extraction method at different temperature (13-33°C) and time (10-50 min.) The effects of the extraction conditions on pulp recovery and HCA (Hydroxy citric acid) content were studying by employing a Central Composite Rotatable Design (CCRD). The coefficient of determination R for pulp recovery and HCA content were 0.94 and 0.86 respectively. Analysis of variable (ANOVA) performed on the experimental values showed that temperature and soaking time were the most important factors that affected characteristics of the kokum pulp as it exerted highly significant influence (p < 0.05) on all the dependant variables. An increase in soaking time and water temperature used for extraction of pulp resulted increase in pulp recovery and HCA content of the kokum pulp but to a certain level. Based on surface and contour plots optimum conditions for formation of smooth kokum pulp were 24.97°C temperature of water and soaking time of 30.42 min.
Improving the Solution Quality of Quadratic Assignment Problems using Harmony Improvised Consultant Guided Search Technique[Full-Text] [References]Mrs T Amudha, Dr B L Shivakumar
Nature- Inspired metaheuristics is a kind of heuristics that imitate the problem solving behavior from nature. This field is much closely related to the domain of Artificial Intelligence. Optimized utilization of resources is the need of the hour in any manufacturing system. A properly planned schedule and assignment is often required to facilitate optimization. In this paper, one of the significant types of optimization problems, the quadratic assignment problem was considered for study. Benchmark problem instances from OR library were chosen and solved by implementing Consultant guided search heuristic and a proposed heuristic, Harmony improvised Consultant guided search. Computational comparison of these techniques on various benchmark instances had clearly shown the effectiveness of the proposed hybrid technique in solving complex combinatorial optimization problems and the improvement in optimal solutions.
A comparative study of surface roughness in Multi tool turning with single tool turning through factorial design of experiments[Full-Text] [References]Manish Kumar Yadav and P.K.Sinha, Gopal P. Sinha
The present paper shot to focus primary on embryonic a few criterion on the basis of which a range of control parameters can be selected in order to attain the desired level of the surface finish on the material for development of techniques using factorial design of experiments for acquiring appropriate surface finish by multi tool machining. Throughout real machining process there are different factors which unfavorably impinge on the finish and therefore, the proper methological concern of these factors appear to be most crucial for achieve the appropriate and preferred level of surface finish. The present paper will attempt to a comparative study of surface roughness in Multi tool turning with single tool turning through factorial design of experiments on AISI-1018.
Interoperability in eDiscovery Process: the critical challenges and the implemented solution based on the proposed XML schema[Full-Text] [References]Mohammad R. Karim
Digital forensics is a very important area that carries special sensibility in analyzing and studying digital evidence not only in cyber crime cases, but also in house or localized digital crimes. eDiscovery makes it necessary to identify the evidence which is in the form of metadata. To discover and analyze the metadata in a proper manner for a litigation process in different environments, interoperability is one of the central problems. In order to attain interoperability, there is a standard termed as EDRM XML v1.1. However, this standard needs further modifications and enhancements to ensure real interoperability in an arbitrary eDiscovery process. A novel XML schema is proposed along with the necessary changes from the current EDRM XML v1.1. The assessment and the evaluation of the system demonstrated that XSD can ensure interoperability in eDiscovery process indeed.
Performance Evaluation of WiMAX and Spectral Efficiency Gains Solutions[Full-Text] [References]Akshata Gandhi, B.T. Jadhav
No doubt wireless network is an amazing wireless technology which has totally changes means of communication. There is no business, industry, project which can be progressed without needs of wireless networks. Now a wireless network has become significant option of any business because of its salient features like speed, security, mobility. In this paper first we provided an overview of WiMAX technology in day to day work. The associated implementation challenges faced by WiMAX infrastructure developers are performance, cost, flexibility, etc. We investigate some performance measure parameters of WiMAX system with Spectral Efficiency Gains solutions. By deploying WiMAX spectral efficiency gain solutions, service providers gain a significant advantage; both in the performance of their network and their ability to cost effectively deliver high value services and applications.
An Analysis of Vertical Splitting Algorithms in Telecom Databases[Full-Text] [References]Vinay Verma, Ruchika Bhaskar
Distribution design includes making decisions on the allocation and fragmentation of data across the locations of a computer network. Vertical splitting is the process of subdividing the attributes of a relation to generate fragments. In this paper, we propose an analysis for vertical splitting algorithm using prototype approach. This approach starts from the attribute affinity matrix and generates initial clusters based on the affinity values between attributes (Cluster Affinity Matrix). Then, it uses the database according to optimal splitting solution to produce final groups that will represent the fragments. Then we use allocate these fragments in centralized distributed environment and find the analyzed result that shows improvement in the query response time.
Controlled Visual Search Engine with Data Integration and Exploration[Full-Text] [References]K.BalaRaju, K.Raju, K.Vidya
In the previous years there have been lot of changes made in various online social networking services and developing the dramatic popularity of these networking services, in which millions of members publicly articulate mutual "friendship" relations. Guided by ethnographic research of these online communities, we have designed and implemented a visualization system for playful end-user exploration and navigation of large-scale online social networks. Our design builds upon familiar node-link network layouts to contribute techniques for exploring connectivity in large graph structures, supporting visual search and analysis for making people understand easily by automatically identifying and visualizing community structures. Both public installation and controlled studies of the system provide evidence of the system's usability, capacity for facilitating discovery, and potential for fun and engaged social activity.
A New Approach for Selecting a Constraint in Linear Programming Problems to Identify the Redundant Constraints [Full-Text] [References]Dr. S.Paulraj, Mrs. P.Sumathi
Linear programming (LP) is one of the most important techniques used in modeling and solving practical optimisation prob-lems that arise in industry, commerce and management. It is well known that, for largest LP problems, only a relatively small percentage of constraints are binding at the optimal solution. In fact, large LP problems almost contain a significant number of redundant constraints and variables. Therefore it is worthwhile to devote some efforts in presolving for considerable reduction in the size of the problem. This paper presents a new approach for selecting a constraint in linear programming problems to identify the redundant constraints. The algorithm is coded by using a computer programming language C. The computational results are presented and analyzed in this paper.
Isolation and characterization of a solvent tolerant alkaliphilic marine bacteria[Full-Text] [References]Roselin Alex, and Sarita G. Bhat
Organic solvents are extremely toxic to microbial cells even at very low concentration of 0.1% (v/v). They disrupt the bacterial cell membrane, affecting the functional and structural integrity of the cells. However some microorganisms are known to tolerate highly toxic chemicals and hold potential for application in industrial production of toxic chemicals. Majority of the reported solvent tolerant bacteria are Gram negative. Here we report the isolation of a Gram positive bacterium capable of tolerating various organic solvents. The bacteria was identified as Lysinibacillus fusiformis and it showed tolerance to both aromatic and aliphatic solvents with maximum tolerance for acetone, benzene and octane and minimum tolerance towards dichloromethane. Bacteria showed maximum growth at 45 0 C, pH 10.0 and tolerated up to 800mM of NaCl.
Corner Detection Enhancement Using Steerable Filters [Full-Text] [References]Mahesh, Dr.M.V.Subramanyam
This paper proposes a new invariant corner detection algorithm using steerable filters and Harris corner detection. The steerable filters have better orientation selectivity and multi-orientation image decomposition that provide a useful front-end for image-processing and computer vision applications. Corners are important features in a computer vision for object recognition, stereo matching, motion tracking and image registration. These corners are referred as control points or interest points for image registration. In this paper, we examine Harris, SUSAN and propose corner detectors, and compare their performance in terms of consistency.
Issues and Challenges in Scrum Implementation[Full-Text] [References]Akif, R., H. Majeed
The aim of this research paper is to bring the challenges and issues in Scrum implementation to light and proposing solutions for these. For this, a survey is conducted in two companies named Digital Prodigy Limited (DPL) and Bentley Systems Pakistan. Participants include experienced and inexperienced scrum personals from both companies. The analysis of the survey results exposed several issues that affect scrum implementation directly or indirectly and resulting in violation of Scrum rules. Quality items pileup, module integration issues, code quality, disruption in team work, mature vs. immature scrum, sprint duration, lack of Scrum training, release process, backlog management, no technical practices, multiple teams, metrics, risk management, documentation and over idealistic are some examples of these issues. During this study, it has been observed that proper training of Scrum can eliminate half of the issues such as, disruption in team work, immature Scrum, sprint duration and backlog management. At the end, suggestions to address these issues are also provided.
Corporate Sector and the Right to Information: A Jurisprudential Analysis [Full-Text] [References]Dr. D. P. Verma, Mr. Raj Kumar
The importance of corporate governance lies in its contribution both to business prosperity and to accountability. In India the latter has preoccupied much public debate over the past few years. Public companies are now among the most accountable organisations in society. They publish trading results and audited accounts; and they are required to disclose much information about their operations, relationships, remuneration and governance arrangements. In recent years, corporate governance has received increased attention because of high-profile scandals involving abuse of corporate power and, in some cases, alleged criminal activity by corporate officers.
The Flow of Talented People between US and Asia[Full-Text] [References]Luwei Xie
This paper discusses the flow of talented people between US and Asia and how it affects the US economy and evaluation mechanism. Brain drain is a term used to describe the movement of highly skilled and educated migrants from one country to another, typically from a less developed to a more developed country that offers greater employment opportunities, higher wages, and/or greater political stability. When skilled workers migrate from developing economies, a phenomenon known as brain drain, they do so for professional opportunities and economic reasons. They are drawn to the United States by many factors: top-quality universities, dynamic companies, an open, merit-based economic system, the social environment, and the standard of living.
Training RBF Neural Network by hybrid Adaptive Modified Particle Swarm Optimization - Tabu Search algorithm for Function Approximation[Full-Text] [References]Mohammad Alipour Varmazabadi, Ali Solyemani Aiouri
This days interests in metaheuristic optimization algorithms have been grown and this algorithms have been used in many fields . Because of this , many algorithms have born or mixed up together in order to get into better results . In this paper a new hybrid AMPSO-TS ( Adaptive Modified Particle Swarm Optimization - Tabu Search ) method is presented for training RBF (Radial Basis Function ) neural network that used to function approximation . This AMPSO-TS method uses the search ability of Tabu Search algorithm to optimize the Adaptive Modified Particle Swarm Optimization to result in more accurate . This hybrid method is used for learning RBF neural network and uses it for function approximation . Both PSO and TS method use the strategy of best solution of neighborhood in every iteration to get into best result , but every one of them has issues . By use of advantages of this methods we proposed the new method that uses TS to optimize the constants of PSO . numerical result show that the proposed method has improved results contrast to the simple PSO and gradient descent method to learn the RBF neural Network .
Phonon study of Gallium Antimonide (GaSb) using a theoretical approach of van der Waals three-body force shell model (VTSM)[Full-Text] [References]K.K.Mishra, K.S.Upadhyaya
A theoretical approach of van der Waals three body force shell model has been used for the calculation of mechanical, elastic and anharmonic properties of zinc blende gallium antimonides (GaSb).The agreement between results for elastic constants, pressure derivative of SOEC, Cauchy discrepancy and the available experimental data is excellent. We also report Phonon dispersion curve, two-phonon IR/Raman spectra, Debye temperature variation and anharmonic elastic properties. It is concluded that VTSM is adequately capable of describing the complete crystal dynamic sdudy of zinc-blende structure crystals satisfying well.
Prospects of Wind Energy in the Coastal Region of Bangladesh[Full-Text] [References]Nazia Farha, Md.Nur-Us-Safa,B.D Rahamatullah,Md.Sekendar Ali
In the case of the emerging energy problem in Bangladesh, wind energy holds good prospects. The wind speeds of the coastal regions of Bangladesh have been considered in this paper. The data and calculation for 650 MW of power indicates the prospective source of wind energy is available in coastal regions of Bangladesh. Proper types of wind turbines may be use for the purpose of extracting wind energy from the coastal regions of Bangladesh.
Automatic Generation Control of an Interconnected Hydro-Thermal System Using Fuzzy Logic and Conventional Controller[Full-Text] [References]Ashis Tripathy, A.K.Mohanty, Shubhendu Kumar Sarangi
This paper deals with Automatic Generation Control (AGC) of interconnected two area Hydro-Thermal System using conventional integral and fuzzy logic controllers. The hydro area is considered with an electric governor and thermal area .is considered with reheat turbine. Effects of different number of triangular membership functions and inputs for fuzzy logic controller on dynamic responses have been explored. 1% step load perturbation has been considered occurring either in individual area or occurring simultaneously in all the areas. In this thesis, fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic are highly reflected by applying to the system. Consequently, improved results are also obtained. However, as fuzzy logic is human being dependent rule base, misinterpretation can corrupt the result. Hence by focusing on its proper methodology it is possible to acquire a low expenditure of time and effort as an optimal result
Performance Efficiency of Dmmmsu Colleges and Institutes : A Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Study[Full-Text] [References]Milagros R. Baldemor
This study determined the performance of the 16 colleges and institutes of the Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University, La Union, vis-à-vis their efficiency along the following performance indicators: Program Requirements, Instruction (Faculty and Students), Research, Extension and Others (Annual Budget) from 2006-2008. The study made use of documentary analysis. It utilized the descriptive evaluative research design and considered several entities for evaluation using a non-parametric approach and non-statistical method called Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in Decision Making Units (DMUs). It further employed the Input Oriented Multi - Stage DEA Constant Returns-to-Scale (CRS) Model. The means of the data for the three years, 2006-2008, was taken. The "best practice" in the frontier is the basis to calculate the adjustments necessary for inefficient colleges/ institutes. There is no single college or institute in the entire university which could serve as a model in efficiency in all the performance indicators considered but there are best practices from the "efficient" DMUs which could be adapted by the "weak efficient" and "inefficient" DMUs.
Emergency Panic Button[Full-Text] [References]Priyanka Shinde,Pranita Taware,Snehal Thorat,Tejashree Waghmare, Prof.Archana Kadam
Google's Android platform for mobile devices has quickly developed into a serious open source alternative. We explored the Android Operating System (OS) and software development environment and evaluated several of its capabilities by constructing a working application. This application collected speed and location information from the Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver, used the Google Maps Application Programming Interface (API) to determine the location of nearby hospitals, and gives message to hospitals and relatives, if a person need a help. The platform proved capable of supporting a melding of different services, and we believe such smartphones have broad applicability to public safety problems.
Optimal Transformer Tap Settings and TCSC Size for Trans-mission Congestion Management through PSO Algorithm in a Deregulated Power Market[Full-Text] [References]R.Ramachandran, M.Arun, S.Sakthivel
Power transmission congestion is a critical challenge in the deregulated energy market. Transmission congestion management is very much necessary for realising all the desired power transactions and to avoid line outages due to heavy power flow. In this paper, a cost free congestion method by reactive power loss/line flow minimization based approach is presented. The real power settings correspond to minimum fuel cost and it is not changed only the line flows are adjusted for relieving line over loads. Transformer tap settings and location and size of two thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) are considered as control variables for congestion relief. Optimal values of control parameters are obtained by implementing the simple and easy to realise swarm intelligence of particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO). The proposed work is validated by testing it in the medium sized IEEE 30 bus test system and the results obtained are really encouraging.
Modeling the Electric Organ Discharge of Malapterurus Electricus Catfish[Full-Text] [References]Hangnilo R., Adanhounme V
This paper reports the results of modeling the electric organ discharge, (EOD) of Malapterurus electricus an ever strongly electric catfish of the sweet waters in Africa. The model will enable to design the equivalent electric scheme of the Malapterurus electricus catfish in order to allow implementations based on the electric behavior of the catfish. Malapterurus electricus EOD magnitude is sometimes over 350 V. It's a true source of energy worthy of interest. Comparing Malapterurus electricus EOD to the electric discharge of the given model points out an encouraging similarity. The model is beforehand electromechanical one. Its survey has allowed designing an equivalent electric scheme capable to deliver some electric discharge in the way of Malapterurus electricus catfish. Hence electric catfish applications become more accessible.
The need for collaborative planning to accommodate the influx of diversity into fast growing regional Towns of Ethiopia: The case of Arba Minch, Southern Ethiopia[Full-Text] [References]Engida Esayas Dube
Unlike many other towns of Ethiopia; Arba Minch was fortunate to have land use plans right from its establishment in the early 1960s. However, its implementation in accommodating land needs of the diverse groups was limited. This was due to the capacity constraints, vague institutional and legal frameworks, and top-down planning exercises with less regard for the wider community of the town. In effect, informal land transactions, expansion of squatters on topographically unsuitable parts of the town, illegal occupation of land, land speculation and land use conflicts appeared to have been the major problems of land management in the town. As Arba Minch has opportunities and challenges in the years to come, these all call the need for all inclusive, dialogic planning with critical but respectful exchange of ideas to produce ideally consensual outcomes.
Solar Space Power Generation[Full-Text] [References]Gursimran Singh Sethi, Dhruv Mathur
This paper gives guidelines illustrating the various components of the Solar Space Power Generation Program and to provide a description of a fundamental system that will help to power the cities on tomorrow removing the dependence on non-renewable sources of energy. Included is the structure for using the sun's energy and transmission of up to 185.88GW per day back to the Earth at a preliminary cost of $1.577 billion. The literature also describes the economic implications of the launch, collection and transmission of the solar power program.
Biologically Essential Drug Material Crystallization and Characterization [Full-Text] [References]Bhavani K, Sankaranarayanan K and Jerome Das S
An essential drug material of Paracetamol was crystallized in orthophosphoric acid using water as a solvent. Good quality of transparent crystals was crystallized within three weeks by slow evaporation method. The as grown drug crystals was characterized by Single X - Ray diffraction, FTIR, UV studies to know its cell parameters, functional groups present and the transparency. The dielectric and thermal analysis was also carried out to the grown bio material crystal.
Simulation and Performance Investigation of Unified Power Quality Conditioner Using Hysteresis Current Control Method[Full-Text] [References]Vikash Anand, Dr.S.K.Srivastava
The simulation study of hysteresis controlled three phase unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) to improve power quality by compensating harmonics and reactive power required by a non-linear load is presented. UPQC consists of back to back connected Series And Shunt Active Filters, and is modeled with reference to a synchronously rotating d-q-o reference axes. The shunt active power filter compensates the source current harmonics and also it maintains the dc link voltage unchanged in steady state, while the series active power filter compensates the load voltage harmonics. This paper has proposed auto tuned UPQC maintains the THD well within the IEEE-519 standards. The results are found to be quite satisfactory to mitigate harmonics distortion, reactive power compensation and power factor improvement.
Component Consistency during Design: A Rule based Evaluation Technique[Full-Text] [References]N.Rajasekhar Reddy, K.Praveena
The automated detection of faulty modules contained by software systems might lead to reduced development expenses and additional reliable software. In this effort design and development metrics has been used as features to predict defects in given software module using SVM classifier. A rigorous progression of pre-processing steps were applied to the data preceding to categorization, including the complementary of in cooperation classes (faulty or otherwise) and the elimination of a large numeral of repeating instances. The Support Vector Machine in this trial yields a standard accuracy that miles ahead over existing defect prediction models on previously unseen data
Implementation of Deming's Philosophy in a Construction Company: OPCO Limited - Wales Experience[Full-Text] [References]Yadam Sai Hrushikesh Reddy
This paper describes how a Wales based construction company improves its operations, achieves quality standards and manages the overall business improvement through the implementation of Deming's philosophy. The paper describes, initially how the principles are applied within the organization successfully (Deming's 14 points are 14 visions of the firm), how they helped in managing business processes and change, it also illustrates that there was room for development in the background due to lack of continuous improvement.
A Simple Real-Time People Counter with Device Management System Using Digital Logic Design[Full-Text] [References]Sani Md. Ismail, Shaikh Mohammad Fahim, Mahmood Reaz
In this paper, we have developed a simple but totally real time people counter along with an automated device management system controlled by a digital circuit for ensuring proper power consumption. We have assumed a certain scenario by considering a particular space with predefined room capability , where not only the people's entrance in that room is controlled by a counter and sensor system but also the room's several electronic devices are controlled by a digital block circuit according to the number of people present in that room.
Evaluation of security risk associated with different network layers[Full-Text] [References]Arshad Ali, Dr. Mohd. Rizwan Beg, Shish Ahmad, Azhar Ali
Managing the security of enterprise information systems has become a critical issue in the era of Internet economy. As any other process, security cannot be managed, if it cannot be measured. The need for metrics is important for assessing the current security status, to develop operational best practices and also for guiding future security research. In this paper we evaluated the different security attacks on the different OSI layers with the help of some operational metrics. In this paper we proposed a model for evaluating the security risk and calculated the high and low probability of risk on each and every layer.
Image Compression Using Multithresholding Technique to Enhance Huffman Technique[Full-Text] [References]Prabhjot Kaur, Sarbdeep Singh
Image compression means reducing the size of graphics file, text, without degrading its quality. Two techniques are exist for compression to find out, whether the reconstructed image has to be exactly same as the original or some unidentified loss or changes may be incurred. First is lossy technique (in this some of data may be lost). Second is lossless technique (in this technique the reconstructed image is exactly same as the original) Image compression is an essential technology in multimedia and digital communication fields. Ideally, an image compression technique removes redundancy, and efficiently encodes what remains .The Process to remove the redundancy is called compression. Most of the existing image coding algorithm is based on the correlation between adjacent pixels and therefore the compression ratio is not high. Fractal coding is a potential image compression method, which is based on the ground breaking work of Barnsley and was developed to a usable state by Jacquin. The fractal-based schemes exploit the self-similarities that are inherent in many real world images for the purpose of encoding an image as a collection of transformations. Here in this hybrid model we are going to propose a Nobel technique which is the combination of multithresholding technique and huffman techniques. This paper presents Huffman compression technique which is lossless technique. To enhance the huffman technique we are using multithresholding technique which is lossy technique. We implement lossless technique so our PSNR and MSE will be better than the old algorithms and due to multithresholding we will get good level of compression.
Design a video deblurring using probalististic multipoint [Full-Text] [References]Harsimranjeet Kaur , Nidhi Syal
Video captured by cameras contain significant camera shake or fast moving object, causing many frames of video to be blurry. Video deblurring means remove the blur from the video. Removing blur from all the video frame and achieve the required level of smoothness,is the video deblurring. This paper presents the high motion video deblurring with probalististic multipoint method. High motion video deblurring removing the blur from video in which frame change rapidly and the method for this are probalististic multipoint method.
Rotational Diffusion of Coumarin Dye Molecules in polar and non-polar solvents [Full-Text] [References]Renuka. C.G, Nadaf. Y. F and U. S. Raikar
Rotational dynamics of two structurally similar coumarins; coumarin 7 and coumarin 30 has been studied using a steady state fluorescence depolarization technique and time correlated single photon counting method as a function of temperature in ethanol and n-decane solvents. Experimentally measured reorientation times of these coumarins are identical in a given solvents at a particular temperature. The present study has been undertaken to examine the role of friction experienced by the polar solutes in a polar solvents. Molecular shape and size are similar but the friction experienced by these probes in ethanol and n-decanol solvents were varies. However, it was observed that coumarin 30, coumarin 7 rotates faster in alcohol than alkane and the observed results are discussed in the last section.
Direct Torque Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor[Full-Text] [References]Nitin Kelkar, V.A.Joshi
Due to the features such as high efficiency and high power density Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM) are becoming attractive. In high performance servo applications a rapid and accurate torque control is desired preferably without the use of motion state sensor. The use of PMSM combined with Direct Torque Control (DTC) scheme offers many opportunities to achieve this. This paper describes theoretical aspects of Direct Torque Control for PMSM drives. It is mathematically proven that the increase in electromagnetic torque in a PMSM is proportional to the increase in the angle between stator and rotor flux linkages and therefore fast torque response can be obtained by adjusting the rotating speed of stator flux linkages as fast as possible. It is also shown that zero voltage vectors should not be used and stator flux linkages should be kept moving with respect to rotor flux linkages all the time.
Mechanical Properties of Concrete Compo-sites with Replacement of Class C Fly Ash and Silicafume[Full-Text] [References]K. Sivalingam, Dr S Jayanthi, Dr K Jagadeesan and Dr S Samson
The results of experimental investigations on the study of concrete with partial replacement of cement are presented in this paper. The concrete grade of M30 has been selected and designed as per Indian Standard method. The specimens based on control mix have been cast without fly ash and silica fume. Cement was replaced by 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 60% of fly ash by the weight. 20 % of silica fume was added to all those mixes and further replacement of cement was tried. Necessary tests were carried out in fresh and hardened concrete. Workability was found from slump test. Tests for compressive strength were carried out on specimens at the age of 1, 7, 14, 28, 56 and 90 days. The split tensile strength and bond strength tests were also carried out at the age of 28 days. The test results were compared with the results of specimen prepared after control mix. The results showed that the strength development of fly ash concrete was less in early ages and increased at higher ages when compared with control specimens. From this study it was concluded that 50% replacement of cement by fly ash contribute reasonable strength along with 20% of silica fume.
Physical Space And Its Dimensions[Full-Text] [References]Mr. Debasis Roy
An attempt is made to study the multidimensional aspects of space. These are discussed in the light of Classical Mechanics, Theory of Relativity, Kaluza - Klein Theory, String Theory, M - theory and Quantum Mechanics. Some related mathematical perspectives have also been highlighted. Topological Fibre space is also taken into consideration. Finally, conclusions have been arrived at in respect of emergence of dimensions, revealing of higher dimensions and convertibility of dimensions. It is anticipated that the approach may enlighten the multidimensional aspects of space at base.
Optimized Power Mac Protocol In Ad-hoc Network's[Full-Text] [References]Rahul Mukherjee
A MANET is a collection of wireless nodes that can dynamically form a network to exchange information without using any pre-existing fixed network infrastructure. Some of the technical challenges MANET poses are also presented, based on which the paper points out some of the key research issues for ad hoc networking technology that are expected to promote the development and accelerate the commercial applications of the MANET technology.
A critical Study on Digital to Analog Conversion and vice versa and introduction to Fuzzy circuit interface[Full-Text] [References]Sabyasachi Chakraborty
In this paper first the traditional digital to analog conversion is discussed with circuit analysis. The concepts like propagation delay, inertial delay, step size are discussed. In the later part, the fuzzy logic circuit interface between digital to analog convertor is examined with the help of the latest paper on fuzzy interface. It is shown that the digital to analog conversion process is better carried out if represented by fuzzy logic interface between digital to analog interface. A new approach to mixed-signal circuit interfacing based on fuzzy logic models is presented. Due to their continuous rather than discrete character, fuzzy logic models offer a significant improvement compared with the classical D-A interface models. Fuzzy logic D-A interfaces can represent the boundary between the digital and analogue worlds accurately without a significant loss of computational efficiency. The potential of mixed-signal interfacing based on fuzzy logic is demonstrated by an example of spike propagation from the digital to analogue world. A model of inertial propagation delay and non-linear DC gain suitable for fuzzy logic gates is also suggested.