IJSER Volume 3, Issue 8, August 2012 Edition

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GCAR2012 Conference Papers [on Page 1]
Displacement Wave Accumulation of the Floating Bridge Subjected to Speedy and Heavy Load[Full-Text] [References]JIANG Zhao-bing, LIU Hua, CHEN Yun-he , CHEN Xu-jun
The stiffness and the propagation velocity of displacement wave of a long floating bridge are much less than those of regular steel or concrete bridge. The effect of the displacement wave accumulation will occur at the floating bridge subjected to fast and heavy moving load when the velocity of the load is faster than that of the propagation of displacement wave. The dynamic equation of the floating bridge is introduced briefly and solved employing the finite element method. The wave phenomenon will be existed at the floating bridge motion and the wave accumulation effect will be occurred when the velocity of the load is much speedy. The wave accumulation effect is appeared at the corresponding model experiment and the result validates the theory and the numerical simulation of the dynamics of the floating bridge. The numerical and the model test both indicate that the wave accumulation effect is more obvious when the load is heavier and the velocity of the load is faster. The load with high-speed will come forth the phenomenon of velocity vibration because of the existing of the wave accumulation. The displacement wave accumulation effect and the vibration of loading velocity will be existed at the civil distributing supporting and flexible super-long bridges (such as the suspension bridge and the cable-stayed bridge) subjected to speedy and heavy loads. So there is significant academic value and widely technical application to study and solve this new wave model
Technopolitic: sophistication and new dichotomies[Full-Text] [References]Francesca Savoldi, Pedro Ferraz de Abreu
In the following paper we observe one of the impacts of the new TICs in the context of the recent riots. In particular, we show a few examples where is possible to realize how Governments are experimenting a process of enabling and sophistication, and how TICs could be considered not only a a medium of democratization, but also a new tools of repression in autocratic contexts. Moreover considering the new cooperation between Internet provider and government agencies, we report new issues which must be studied with the aim to improve the structure of the Internet.
Modeling and Simulation of High-Performance Symmetrical Linear Actuator[Full-Text] [References]Juma Yousuf Alaydi
In this paper the dynamic performance analysis of servovalve controlling symmetrical linear actuator was investigated. Hydraulic actuators are characterized by their ability to impart large forces at high speeds and are used in many industrial motion systems. In this application the good dynamic performance is important thus the analyzed actuator was included in a servo loop comprising a feedback transducer and electronic controller. This research paper may assist the majority of electronic servo-controllers accompanied with analogue based implementations of the well-known PID controller. However, the requirement to implement advanced control strategies has led to an increased interest in the use of digital signal processors (DSPs) in this field. One design approach which merits special consideration is the use of computer simulation software to model the hydraulic plant and electronic servo-controller, and to generate and test embedded code for the target digital signal processors (DSPs), this paper discusses some of the issues involved in controlling linear hydraulic actuators. The analysis of the hydraulic control system presented is supported by experimental data and explains the extremely high level of performance. The results of this paper, being physically structured linear dynamic models of the hydraulic servo-system, which are sufficiently simplified to allow identification of the model parameters from experimental data, as well as experimental validation of the quality of the models.
Seismic Design of Multi-Storey Buildings using Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL)[Full-Text] [References]Vijayabaskar.A, Dr.Sridhar.M, Dr.Rajani.M, Shanthi.V
The recent development of laminated veneer lumber (LVL) as an alternative to solid timber or glue-laminated timber has greatly improved the viability of structural timber for the seismic design of certain types of buildings. The low mass, flexibility of design and rapidity of construction all create the potential for increased use of LVL timber in low-rise multi-storey buildings. Based on recent developments in the seismic design of precast concrete for multi-storey buildings, proposals are made for innovative types of jointed ductile connections in LVL timber buildings, based on post- tensioning techniques to assemble structural members for both frame and wall systems. This contribution gives an overview of an going comprehensive research project involving both numerical and experimental investigations. The extremely satisfactory preliminary results of quasi-static cyclic tests of exterior beam-column joint subassemblies are presented as a confirmation of the expected high seismic performance of the proposed solutions for LVL seismic resisting systems.
Studies on Biodegradability and Mechanical Properties of High Density Polyethylene/Corncob Flour Based Composites[Full-Text] [References]Obasi, Henry .C
In this study, corncob flour obtained from a waste product of corn threshing processing was blended with high density polyethylene via melt extrusion to produce HDPE/Corncob biodegradable composites. Plastics composites filled with corncob flour are materials that offer a credible alternative for using this botanical resource considering the production of low dense materials with some specific properties. The composite sample showed a decrease in tensile strength and elongation at break and an increase in Young's Modulus as the filler content increases. PE graft- maleic anhydride (PE-g-MA) was added as a coupling agent. The presence of PE-g-MA gave rise to better properties for modified corncob flour composite (HDPE/CCF1) than the unmodified corncob flour composite (HDPE/CCF) indicating better dispersion and homogeneity of corncob flour to the PE-g-MA matrix. High water absorption resistance and low biodegradation rate of HDPE/ CCF1 as compared with HDPE/CCF showed the effect of coupling agent on the composite. However, water absorption and weight loss of composites buried in soil indicated that both were biodegradable, even at high levels of corncob flour substitution.
Experimental Study on Palm Kernel Shells as Coarse Aggregates in Concrete[Full-Text] [References]Daniel Yaw Osei, Emmanuel Nana Jackson
This paper reports on experimental investigations on the effects of replacing crushed granite in concrete with palm kernel shells on the strength, density and workability of concrete. Two control mixes of ratios 1:2: 4 were batched by volume and by weight. Palm kernel shells were used to replace the crushed granite aggregate by volume and by weight respectively. The percentage replacement varied from 0% to 100% at intervals of 25%.The compaction factor test was used to assess the workability of the fresh concrete .The compressive strengths and densities of cured concrete cubes of sizes, 150mmx150mmx150mm were evaluated at 7days, 14days, 21days and 28days. Increase in the percentage replacement of granite lowered compressive strength, density and workability. Density on the average decreased at a rate of 7kgm-3 and 11kgm-3 per unit percentage increase in replacement for volume-batched concrete and weight-batched concrete respectively while compressive strength decreased at a rate of 0.11Nmm-2 and 0.22Nmm-2 per unit percentage increase in palm kernel shell content for volume-hatched concrete and weight-batched concrete respectively. There exists the possibility of replacing coarse aggregates with palm kernel shells in the production of structural concrete. The study identified possible cost reduction in replacing granite with palm kernel shells and recommended codification of the use of palm kernel shells as aggregates in concrete.
Near Real Time Enhancement Compression Technique for Aerial and Remote Sensing Images[Full-Text] [References]Dr. Emad S. Othman, Dr. Mohammed, M. Sakre
On-board image compression systems aim to increase the amount of data stored in the on-board mass memory and transmitted to the ground station. Theses generally, the best known accepted image compression techinques - such as wavelet based techinque-have some obvious weakness to act as on-board real time practical compression technique due to their large processing units and multistage floating coefficients.
Bi2S3 Nanowires Fabricated via HVPC Growth Technique for Photosensor Application[Full-Text] [References]Bheim M. Llona, Gil Nonato C. Santos, Reuben V. Quiroga
Bi2S3 Nanowires was successfully fabricated using Horizontal Vapor Phase Crystal growth technique for photosensor application. A 35 mg of bismuth sulfide powder with purity rate of 99.9 % was utilized. The growth temperature was varied at 600 °C to 1200 °C with growth time of 4 to 8 hours where the ramp time was set at 60 minutes. The as-prepared products were characterized using an SEM, EDX, and Applied Spectral Imaging. The optimum growth was at 1200 °C deposited on zone 2 on a fused silica tube. The energy band gap was 2.58 eV which has blue spectra. The nanowires demonstrated its functionality as photosensor in a metal-semiconductor-metal planar structure based on the voltage time spectra obtained
Fabrication and Characterization of Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Using Nanostructured TiO2 Photoelectrode [Full-Text] [References]Abel. F. Ole, Gil Nonato C. Santos, Reuben V. Quiroga
Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs) with photoelectrodes synthesized via Horizontal Vapor Phase Crystal (HVPC) Growth Technique were fabricated and characterized in the present study. Nanostructured TiO2 was first synthesized on glass substrates at growth temperatures of 1000 °C, 1100 °C, and 1200 °C with varying substrate distance from the bulk powder. Flourine-doped Tin Oxide (FTO) was used to deposit nanostructured TiO2 for the photoelectrodes of the DSSCs employing the optimum substrate distance identified by SEM analysis. Bixin dye extracted from Annatto was utilized as a low-cost sensitizer and a graphite coated FTO as counter-electrode. All the DSSCs with photoelectrode fabricated by HVPC growth technique achieved a relatively large open-circuit voltage (Voc) of 387 mV, 427 mV, and 412 mV for growth temperature of 1000 °C, 1100 °C, and 1200 °C respectively.
Recognotion of Speaker Useing Mel Cepstral Coefficient & Vector Quantization for Authentication[Full-Text] [References]Priyanka Mishra, Suyash Agrawal
Human Voice is characteristic for an individual. The ability to recognize the speaker by his/her voice can be a valuable biometric tool with enormous commercial as well as academic potential. Commercially, it can be utilized for ensuring secure access to any system. Academically, it can shed light on the speech processing abilities of the brain as well as speech mechanism. In fact, this feature is being used preliminarily along with other biometrics including face and finger print recognition for commercial security products. Speaker recognition is the method of automatically identify who is speaking on the basis of individual information integrated in speech waves. There are two types of speaker recognition systems basically divided into two -classification: speaker identification and speaker verification.
Ordinary Differential Equations: MATLAB/Simulink Solutions[Full-Text] [References]Aliyu B. Kisabo, C. A Osheku, Adetoro M.A Lanre, Aliyu Funmilayo A
Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are used throughout engineering, mathematics, and science to describe how physical quantities change. Hence, effective simulation (or prediction) of such systems is imperative. This paper explores the ability of MATLAB/Simulink to achieve this feat with relative ease-either by writing MATLAB code commands or via Simulink for linear Initial Value Problems (IVPs). Also, solutions to selected examples considered in this paper were approached from the standpoint of a numerical and exact solution for the purpose of comparison. Since no single numerical method of solving a model suffices for all systems, choice of a solver is of utmost important. Thus, experimenting between fixed-step and variable-step solver was also explored. For the selected examples, variable-step solvers out-performed the fixed-step counterpart.
Plotting A Path Through High Voltage Power System Security Using Ict[Full-Text] [References]E. I. IGWEONU, ROBERT Ben Joshua, EGUZO Chimezie V, and OLUWE Musbau Olajide
The electric power sector is undergoing a period of unprecedented changes and the modern management of high voltage complex power systems demands the interoperability of economic, Computer science and electrical/electronic engineering. This synergy has led to the development of a more enhanced system, but has also exposed the system to other challenges. This paper highlights some of the security challenges experienced as a result of this convergence and how ICT can be utilized as a platform to proffer a sustainable solution for a more secure and reliable power infrastructure.
Diesel Engine Analytical Model[Full-Text] [References]Waleed F. Faris, Hesham A. Rakha, Raed M. Kafafy, Moumen Idres, Salah Elmoselhy
Modelling diesel engines is an effective tool to help in developing and assessing intelligent transportation systems and technologies as well as to help in predicting aggregate vehicle fuel consumption and emissions. Although vehicle analytical models are the vehicle modelling type that describes the physical phenomena associated with vehicle operation comprehensively based on the principles of physics with explainable mathematical trends, no analytical model has been developed as yet of diesel powertrains. This research paper presents an analytical model of a four-cylinder supercharged diesel engine as the heart of the diesel powertrain. This model serves to accurately analyze with explainable mathematical trends the performance of the supercharged diesel engine with respect to both of the transient response and steady state response.
Efficient Memory and Low Complexity Image Compression Using DWT with Modified SPIHT Encoder[Full-Text] [References]K.SivaNagiReddy, V.Sidda Reddy, Dr.B.R.Vikram
Due to the large requirement for memory and the high complexity of computation, JPEG2000 cannot be used in many condi-tions especially in the memory constraint equipment. The line-based Wavelet transform was proposed and accepted because lower memory is required without affecting the result of Wavelet transform, In this paper, the improved lifting scheme is introduced to perform Wavelet transform to replace Mallat method that is used in the original line-based wavelet transform. In this a three-adder unit is adopted to realize lifting scheme. It can perform wavelet transform with less computation and reduce memory than Mallat algorithm. The corresponding HS_SPIHT coding is designed here so that the proposed algorithm is more suitable for equipment. We proposed a highly scale image compression scheme based on the Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT) algorithm. The algorithm, called Highly Scalable SPIHT (HS_SPIHT), supports High Compression efficiency, spatial and SNR scalability and provides l bit stream that can be easily adapted to give bandwidth and resolution requirements by a simple transcoder (parse). The HS_SPIHT algorithm adds the spatial scalability feature without sacrificing the SNR embeddedness property as found in the original SPIHT bit stream. Highly scalable image compression scheme based on the SPIHT algorithm the proposed algorithm used, highly scalable SPIHT (HS_SPIHT) Algorithm, adds the spatial scalability feature to the SPIHT algorithm through the introduction of multiple resolution dependent lists and a resolution-dependent sorting pass. SPIHT keeps the import features of the original SPIHT algorithm such as compression efficiency, full SNR Scalability and low complexity.
Modeling and Simulation of Ethyl Acetate Reactive Distillation Column Using Aspen Plus[Full-Text] [References]Sohail Rasool Lone & Syed Akhlaq Ahmad
This work presents the modeling and simulation of ethyl acetate reactive distillation column using Aspen PlusTM simulation software. Reactive distillation is a process where simultaneous chemical reaction and vapour-liquid phase separation take place. This represents an exciting alternative to traditional liquid phase chemical reaction processing. In reactive distillation, separation of products from unconverted reactants allows for greater conversion, because product removal displaces equilibrium and forces the reaction towards completion. The combination of reaction and distillation helps in achieving products of higher purity and higher conversion of reactants as compared to old conventional processes. Both reaction and distillation acting simultaneously offers certain advantages that can't be achieved by conventional processing. The Aspen PlusTM simulator was used and RADFRAC model was used in Aspen PlusTM which is meant for the reactive distillation simulation. Reactive distillation is also important from the economic point of view as it involves chemical reaction and distillation in the same unit and hence it is preffered over the old conventional processes which involve chemical reaction and distillation separately.
Steganography based on Adaptive Embedding of Encrypted Payload in Wavelet domain[Full-Text] [References]H S Manjunatha Reddy, K B Raja
Steganography is the method of hiding the secrete message in a cover object for covert communication. In this paper we propose Steganography based on Adaptive embedding of Encrypted Payload in Wavelet domain (SAEPW). The LWT2 (dB2) is applied on cover image and only XD band is considered for embedding. The XD band is further decomposed into three blocks say XD0, XD1 and XD2. The payload of different sizes and formats are considered and segmented into two blocks namely block1 and block2. The LWT2 (Harr) is applied on payload block2 to generate wavelet sub bands and considering only XA band. The payload block1 pixel values and block2 XA coefficients are scaled down using key1 and key2 to represent each value by only three bits in binary. Key1 and key2 values are embedded in XD0 of cover image. The scaled down values of payload block1 and block2 are embedded into XD1 and XD2 of cover image respectively to generate stego object. The ILWT2 (dB2) is applied on stego object to generate final stego image. At the destination the embedded payload is retrieved from the stego image by adopting reverse process of embedding. It is observed that the values of PSNR and capacity are better in the case of proposed algorithm compared to existing algorithm.
Analysis of Influence of Tooth Depth in Spur Gear Vibration[Full-Text] [References]Ramesh Babu.S and Dr.Srinivasan.K
Gears are one among the most vibrating structure in the machine elements. Gear vibration control is one of the challenging tasks for the maintenance engineers. Modern Gear Design concept introduces several methods for controlling the vibration in gears in the design desk. Gear vibration can be reduced by profile modification is one of the way, specifically in the root of the gear. In this work, the tooth depth is increased to identify the reduction of vibration in a spur gear. A two tooth model has been generated, discretized and analysed by FEA software. The amplitude of vibration of the tooth model has been done under harmonic analysis to identify the displacement and acceleration of the gear tooth due to transmitted (tangential) and radial load. Analysis have been done for the existing tooth model (TOOTH A) and the modified one (TOOTH B). The result shows that the modified tooth has a better control in the displacement and acceleration. Hence an increase in the tooth depth within certain limit ensures the control of magnitude of the vibration.
Evaluation of the Influence of Vertical Irregularities on the Seismic Performance of a 9-storey steel frame[Full-Text] [References]Vijayabaskar.A, Dr.Sridhar.M, Dr.Rajani.M, Shanthi.V
A methodology based on Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) is presented for the evaluation of structures with vertical irregularities. Four types of storey-irregularities are considered: stiffness, strength, combined stiffness and strength, and mass irregularities. Using the well- known 9-storey LA9 steel frame as a base, the objective is to quantify the effect of irregularities, both for individual and for combinations of stories, on its response. In this context a rational methodology for comparing the seismic performance of different structural configurations is proposed by means of IDA. This entails performing nonlinear time history analyses for a suite of ground motion records scaled to several intensity levels and suitably interpolating the results to calculate capacities for a number of limit-states, from elasticity to final global instability. By expressing all limit-state capacities with a common intensity measure, the reference and each modified structure can be naturally compared without needing to have the same period or yield base shear. Using the bootstrap method to construct appropriate confidence intervals, it becomes possible to isolate the effect of irregularities from the record-to- record variability. Thus, the proposed methodology enables a full-range performance evaluation using a highly accurate analysis method that pinpoints the effect of any source of irregularity for each limit-state.
The Bifurcation Behavior of Vertically Irregular Buildings in Low Seismicity Regions[Full-Text] [References]Vijayabaskar.A, Dr.Sridhar.M, Dr.Rajani.M, Shanthi.V
Recent investigations by the authors have shown that existing displacement predictive procedures (including push-over analysis) could grossly underestimate the inelastic storey-drift of a multi-storey building under ultimate conditions if the collapse mechanism bifurcates from one principal displacement shape into two principal displacement shapes following the formation of certain plastic hinges. Such bifurcation behavior has been demonstrated in buildings which have not been designed to fail in a ductile mechanism This behavior is further studied in this paper with the analyses of a number of two-degree-of-freedom models (comprising a "lower" lumped mass and an "upper" lumped mass). A plastic hinge is assumed to form above the lower lumped mass. It has been found that the displacement of the lower lumped mass decreases while the strength reduction factor (defining the yield strength of the plastic hinge) increases. An important feature of the developing procedure of storey drift prediction is the use of the "floor" displacement response spectrum (derived in accordance with the motion of the lower lumped mass) to predict the inelastic drift behavior of the upper lumped mass.
Operation Approaches on -(a , b )-Open( closed) Mappings and generalized -open sets[Full-Text] [References]N.Kalaivani, G.SaiSundaraKrishnani
In this paper the concept of -( , )-open(closed) mappings have been introduced and studied . Further -g -open (closed) sets, - Tb space, - Td space and -Tg space have been introduced and some of their basic properties are studied.
Stress Wave propagation in Electro-Magneto-Elastic plate of arbitrary cross-sections[Full-Text] [References]P. Ponnusamy
Wave propagation in electro-magneto-elastic plate of arbitrary cross-sections is studied using Fourier Expansion Collocation Method. A mathematical model is developed to study the wave propagation in a electro-magneto-elastic plate of arbitrary cross-sections using the three- dimensional theory of elasticity. The frequency equations are obtained from the boundary conditions, since the boundary is irregular in shape; it is difficult to satisfy the boundary conditions along the surface of the plate directly. Hence, the Fourier Expansion Collocation Method is applied along the boundary to satisfy the boundary conditions. The roots of the frequency equations are obtained by using the secant method, applicable for complex roots. The computed non-dimensional frequencies are plotted in the form of dispersion curves and its characteristics are analyzed.
Studies on Suddenly Expanded Flow at Different Levels of Over Expansion for Area Ratio 3.24[Full-Text] [References]M. Ahmed Ali Baig and Sher Afghan Khan
The experiments are carried out to study the effect of different levels of over expansion on base pressure in a suddenly expanded axi-symmetric duct. Accordingly the experiments are conducted at two different levels of Over Expansions (I.e. Pe/Pa = 0.277 and 0.56). The area ratio of the present study is 3.24. The jet Mach numbers at the entry to the suddenly expanded duct, studied are 2.2 and 2.58. The length-to-diameter ratio of the suddenly expanded duct is varied from 10 to 1. Active control in the form of four micro jets of 1mm orifice diameter located at 900 intervals along a pitch circle diameter of 1.3 times the nozzle exit diameter in the base region are employed. In addition to base pressure, wall pressure field along the duct is also studied. From the present studies it is found that at a high level of over expansion micro jets are not effective. Further, it is found from wall pressure studies that the micro jets do not disturb the flow field in the enlarged duct.
The Quintessential Research World is Progressively Interdisciplinary[Full-Text] [References]Sharadwata Pan, Dominic Agyei and Michael K. Danquah
Today, the inevitability of cross-disciplinary research as the single most important current trend across various research groups worldwide is plausible. Though thought about years ago, the impact has grown exponentially only in recent times and slowly but surely, the entire research community is accepting interdisciplinary research to be the need of the hour to explain complex findings. This technical note looks at the trends and also explains the nature of involvement of multiple research areas with a case study of synthesis of bioactive peptides.
Biosorption characteristics of Lead onto Bentonite Clay, as Low-cost natural biosorbent [Full-Text] [References]D.John Babu, G.Kalyani, H.Joga Rao, Y.Prasanna Kumar, P.King
In this work, the removal of Lead ions from aqueous solutions on to the Bentonite clay has been studied by using batch adsorption techniques. The adsorption equilibrium level was determined as a function of contact time, concentration, adsorbent weight, size of the adsorbent, agitation speed at several initial metal ion concentrations. The removal of Lead from aqueous solutions increased as agitation speed of the solution was increased. The results indicated that the Bentonite clay is a suitable biosorbent for the removal of Lead from wastewaters.
Mode Patterns of Parallel plates &Rectangular wave guides [Full-Text] [References]Mr.K.Chandrashekhar, Dr.Girish V Attimarad
Parallel plate and rectangular waveguide both support Transverse Magnetic (TM) and Transverse Electric (TE) wave propagation and also it is well known that TM and TE modes have characteristic cutoff frequencies. TE/TM Waves of frequencies below the cutoff frequency of a particular mode cannot propagate through the waveguide. Computer simulations were performed to study this phenomenon, for various modes. Simulation study results show that only particular mode at a particular frequency will result in propagation. This study can be considered as a workbench for further designing of waveguides.
Effective measures in Association Rule Mining[Full-Text] [References]Dr.S.P.Victor, J.R.Jeba
Association rule mining is one of the most popular data mining techniques to find associations among items in a set by mining necessary patterns in a large database. However, not all of the generated rules are interesting, and some unapparent rules may be ignored. Efficient discovery of such rules has been a major focus in the data mining research. In this paper, we analyze the measure of support and confidence for mining association rules, from which we find many redundant or unrelated rules besides the interesting ones. We introduce a new proposed framework in order to obtain misleading rules, improving the manageability and quality of the results.
Optimization Of The Low-High-Low Structure In GaN (Wz) SDR Impatt Diode For Enhanced Millimeter Wave Performance[Full-Text] [References]B. Chakrabarti, D. Ghosh, L.P. Mishra, M. Mitra
Extensive simulation experiments have been done on GaN (Wz) based single-low-high-low (SLHL) IMPATT Devices at W-band to study the d.c. and small signal characteristics. In this paper it is well established that the height (doping density of the bump), width, and position of the charge bump are the major decisive parameters in improving the performance of the diode. It has been observed that by varying height and width of the bump the performance of IMPATT can be enhanced. Diode efficiency of 20.23% and power output of 1.21W are achieved by changing the position of the bump. Different values of width of the bump do not affect that much into the performance the diode. The analysis here is extremely useful for further improvement of SLHL structure of IMPATT to achieve better overall response.
Synthesis and Characterization of Fe2O3 Nanomaterials using HVPC Growth Technique for Glucose Sensing Application[Full-Text] [References]Donna Marie B. De Mesa, Gil Nonato C. Santos, Reuben V. Quiroga
This study investigated the capability of the grown Iron Oxide nanoparticles (NPs) for faster glucose detection. Horizontal Vapor Phase Crystal (HVPC) Growth Technique was utilized in the synthesis of Iron Oxide NPs from 99.99% purity Magnetite - Iron Oxide (Sigma- Aldrich) bulk material. Different parameters were varied such as the growth environment (without external magnetic field, with external magnetic field), size of the sealed tube (10cm, 12cm, 14cm), growth temperature (1000 °C, 1100 °C, 1200 °C) and dwell time (8hr, 9 hr, 10 hr). Scanning electron Microscope (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) confirmed that the Iron Oxide nanowires and almost uniform size nanoparticles approximately 50nm in diameter were formed utilizing the optimum parameters such as 1000?C growth temperature, 8 hours dwell time, 12 cm size of sealed tube and the presence of external magnetic field in the growth environment. The application of the external magnetic field enhanced the Superparamagnetic (SPM) property of the grown Iron Oxide NPs above the Curie temperature. The net magnetic moment determined the direction of magnetic force of attraction present in the grown NPs. Particles to particles- chain assembly were observed in which some NPs were interconnected forming nanowires/ agglomerated nanowires in the vapor - solid phase nucleation. The magnetic field also lessened the effect of gravity which aligned the formation along the field. Glucose oxidase (GOx) and chitosan have been immobilized by physical adsorption onto electrode with Iron Oxide NPs. Amperometric - electrochemical circuit setup was used to determine the glucose sensing ability of the modified electrode with iron oxide NPs while varying some factors such as glucose concentration, applied DC potential and electrolyte solution. At a = 0.05, since F(27.52; 54.48) > FC(3.29; 4.49), two- way ANOVA reveals that there was a significant difference between the current responses while varying the electrolytes for different modified electrodes. Among the modified electrodes, G/FeO/CH/GOx and SS/FeO/GOx showed highest sensitivity and longest limit of detection correspondingly. The correlation coefficients (ave. r = 0.74; 0.99) indicates that there was a linear relationship between the response current versus varying concentrations and applied DC potential. Iron Oxide NPs integrated in modified electrode in an amperometric- electrochemical circuit also showed low detection limit (0.008mM), fast response time (<5s), usage repeatability (~20 times) and longest detection limit range of 0.008mM to 32mM. Based on the results, modified electrode with Iron Oxide NPs showed high surface reaction and catalytic activity, large surface-to-volume ratio and strong adsorption ability that are beneficial in the immobilization of glucose oxidase. The Iron Oxide NPs' magnetic property was considered in the modification of the electrode for Amperometric- Electrochemical circuit for glucose sensing application since the magnetic field reinforces the attraction of the particles to the electrode's surface.
Similarity based Query Optimization on Map Reduce using Euler Angle Oriented Approach[Full-Text] [References]Dileep Kumar Kadali, R.N.V.Jagan Mohan and Y. Vamsidhar
In recent years, large data sets are used not only for internet application but also used on normal applications. A beneficial research results in the area of similarity-based data retrieval techniques, a favorable approach. As a result, the inclusion of similarity-based retrieval techniques of image data into DBMS is currently an active research issue. In query information system the query-by-example is a method which allows the user to provide an image as a query and to search for similar images based on one-to-one or all comparisons of features of the query in large image database. While studying of this paper, we described Euler's angle oriented recognition on Map Reduce algorithm. In this algorithm, the data made into two clusters namely, Clock wise and Anti-clock wise rotations. The image is extracted using an angle oriented DCT that invokes certain normalization techniques. Furthermore, face matching is compared to the technique of similarity based query optimization operation using Tanimatto distance. It is observed from the results that use of reliable optimization technique gives a recognition rate is high.
DC-DC Converter Using Silicon Carbide Schottky Diode[Full-Text] [References]Y.S. Ravikumar
Silicon carbide (SiC) is the perfect cross between silicon and diamond. The crystal lattice of SiC is identical to silicon and diamond, but, exactly half the lattice sites are occupied by silicon atoms and half by carbon atoms. Like-diamond SiC has electronic properties superior to silicon, but, unlike diamond it is also manufacturable. The thermal leakage current (dark current) in SiC is sixteen orders-of magnitude lower as well. As temperature increases, the leakage current increases, but, the temperature where the leakage current would disrupt circuit operation is over 1000 °C in SiC, compared to about 250 °C in silicon. The SiC electronic revolution began in the early 1990's when single-crystal wafers became commercially available for the first time. During the intervening years, many different electronic devices have been demonstrated in SiC, with performance often exceeding the theoretical limits of silicon. These include pin diodes, MOS field-effect transistors (MOSFETs), metal-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MESFETs), and bipolar transistors (BJTs), as well as specialized devices such as CCD imagers, Schottky diodes, static induction transistors (SITS) and impact-ionization- avalanche-transit-time (MATT) microwave oscillators. These early digital logic gates and linear elements are based on n-channel MOS technology, but, quickly followed by more sophisticated CMOS integrated circuits.
Electric energy rating acquired by solar energy in Albania territory[Full-Text] [References]Anuela Prifti
Introduction of the amount of solar radiation and other forms of its appearance, serves directly to the calculation of energy obtained from photovoltaic system (PV). Rating of this energy, includes the monthly average daily production (in kwh Ed+Em), together with the daily average amount of total radiation (kwh/m2) over fixed and 2-axis system. Among the phenomena characteristic of the daily, monthly, seasonal and annual progress of solar radiation and photovoltaic electricity is almost complete bond between them, indicating both the approximate values of the change in their time. From the calculations made to 22 survey stations, indicate that the average daily production of electricity derived from photovoltaic system in the whole country, is 3.5kwh at a fixed plan and 4.6kwh in 2-axis system.
The effect of probabilities of arrivals with time in a bank[Full-Text] [References]Kasturi Nirmala, Dr.Shahnaz Bathul
This paper deals with queueing theory and analysis of probability curves of pure birth model. Starting with historical back grounds and important concepts of queueing theory, we obtained a relation to find time "t" where we get highest probability for arrivals which follow Poission probability distribution.
The CEO Compensation System of New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Technology Companies: An Emperical Study between CEO Compensation, Firm Size, Firm Performance, and CEO Power[Full-Text] [References]Nulla, Yusuf Mohammed
This study investigated the CEO Compensation system of the NYSE Technology companies. It attested the relationship between the CEO Compensation, the Firm Size, the Accounting Performance, and the Corporate Governance. The research question for this study was - is there a relationship between the CEO Cash Compensation, the Firm Size, the Accounting Performance, and the Corporate Governance?. It was found that, there was a relationship between the CEO Salary, the Total CEO Compensation, the Firm Size, the Accounting Performance, and the Corporate Governance. It was found that there was no relationship between the CEO Bonus, the Firm Size, and the Firm Performance.
Design of a Novel Aperture Coupled feeding Technique for a Printed Microstrip Dipole [Full-Text] [References]Krishnendu Chattopadhyay, Santanu Das and Sekhar Ranjan Bhadra Chaudhuri
A detailed study of a novel aperture coupled feed design for a printed microstrip dipole has been presented in this paper. The concept exhibits improvement from the point of view of variation in coupling level with change of width of dipole for a fixed size of aperture. The antenna is also flexible in respect of selection of substrate material in feed and radiating structure. A variation in bandwidth from 12 to 20MHz with a peak gain variation of 4 to 5 dBi for fixed length and standard width is observed for the proposed antenna. The details of simulation results are presented and discussed.
Carbon poll and sequestration scenario of Sunaulo Ghaympe Danda Community Forest, Kathmandu[Full-Text] [References]Pabitra Dahal
Sequestration activities can help prevent global climate change by enhancing carbon storage in trees and soils, preserving existing tree and soil carbon, and by reducing Green House Gases emissions. Human activity is causing climate change a real threat to humans, wild life and other forms of life as well., The removal of atmospheric CO2 through sequestration is a primary mitigation measures that has received primary attention globally. Present study was carried out to estimate carbon sequestration rate for eight years (2004-2011). by using standard methods. The study result revealed biomass organic carbon as 23.5ton /ha, 25.95ton /ha, 27.24ton /ha and 28 ton /ha for the respective years 2004, 2007, 2009 and 2011. Similarly, the average yearly carbon sequestration rates starting form 2004 to 2011 was 0.65 ton /ha/yr.
Investigations and Analysis of Tribological Properties for Engineering Materials[Full-Text] [References]M. Ateeb Razvi, Dr. Ashesh Tiwari
Literature data and original research in the field of the technology and tribology for the properties of various engineering materials are investigated. Tribology is defined as the science and technology of Interacting surfaces in relative motion and of associated subjects and practice. It was coined after the Greek word "tribos" which means "rubbing". Tribology is an interdisciplinary field ranging from fundamental research to industrial applications. In order to analyze the nature of the engineering materials experiments were conducted with the help of Pin-on-Disc friction and wear Apparatus. The behaviour like friction and wear are discussed with the load parameter. The comaparative analysis is also completed in between the materials seaparated by heat treatment.
Semantic Tool for Analysing Unstructured Data[Full-Text] [References]Harish Jadhao, Dr. Jagannath Aghav, Anil Vegiraju
A massive amount of information spread across the web poses a major challenge in identifying relevant information. Existing tools lack analysis and visualization capabilities and traditional result displays long list of documents instead of providing concrete answers. Thus, developing tool that enables better data analysis and visualization is a major challenge. In this paper, we propose an interactive component that extracts pertinent information from unstructured data and presents to the user through an innovative graph mechanism, namely the spring graph. We make use of newly emerging semantic and NLP technologies for extracting and representing structured data from unstructured data. This paper details the steps to transform textual resources into domain concept maps, and offers integrated, robust and flexible presentation layer to user. This helps user to visualize domain concept using dynamic and interactive network graph that allows visually explore ideas and information.
4G MobileTechnologies[Full-Text] [References]P.TEJASWINI, K.MANJUNATH, A MAHENDRAN
With the rapid development of communication networks, it is expected that fourth generation mobile systems will be launched within decades. Fourth generation (4G) mobile systems focus on seamlessly integrating the existing wireless technologies including GSM, wireless LAN, and Bluetooth. This contrasts with third generation (3G), which merely focuses on developing new standards and hardware. 4G systems will support comprehensive and personalized services providing stable system performance and quality service. This paper gives the details about the need for mobile communication and its development in various generations. In addition, the details about the working of 4G mobile communication were given. Finally, it narrates how 4G mobile communication will bring a new level of connectivity and convenience in communication
Still Image Recognition Of License Plate System[Full-Text] [References]N.Kanagaraj, G.Baskaran, A.Ramachandran, S.Saravanan
This project will focus on the design of algorithms used for extracting the license plate from a single image, isolating the characters of the plate and identifying the plate region. This section presents a method for extracting license plates based on the Hough transform. The algorithms were developed using a set of training images, and tested on images taken under varying conditions. License plate recognition (LPR) algorithms in images are generally composed of the following three processing steps: 1) extraction of a license plate region; 2) segmentation of the plate region characters; and 3) recognition of each character. This task is quite challenging due to the diversity of plate formats and the non uniform outdoor illumination conditions during image acquisition. In this paper present morphological operation and various filters in license plates. LPR is the hot research topic in Intelligent Transportation Systems. A license plate is an important phase of vehicle license plate recognition in intelligent transport system. In our proposed system generally composed three morphological operation and three various filters. The proposed algorithm consists of some morphological operations are Dilation, Closing and Threshold. In this next stage various filters are Sobel filter, Smoothing filter, Laplace filter. In this various filter help to comparing license plates.
Logistic regression in feature selection in data mining[Full-Text] [References]J.Padmavathi
Predictive data mining in clinical medicine deals with learning models to predict patients' health. The models can be devoted to support clinicians in diagnostic, therapeutic, or monitoring tasks. Data mining methods are usually applied in clinical contexts to analyze retrospective data, thus giving healthcare professionals the opportunity to exploit large amounts of data routinely collected during their day-by-day activity. Moreover, clinicians can nowadays take advantage of data mining techniques to deal with the huge amount of research results obtained by molecular medicine, such as genetic or genomic signatures, which may allow transition from population-based to personalized medicine. This paper aims at throwing light on the oldest feature extraction method, namely, the Logistic Regression (LR). LR is useful for situations in which we want to predict the presence or absence of a characteristic or outcome based on values of a set of predictor variables. LR was used in heart attack classification in coronary Heart Disease (CHD). LR is used in Binary classification.
Protection of DIP using Object Oriented Modeling of DIPRMS in E-Commerce - An Indian Perspective[Full-Text] [References]Sanjay Banerjee, Sunil Karforma
Copyright is used to protect the rights of the consumers and the creators of the Intellectual Property (IP). The ease of creation, modification, distribution, compatibility and above all, a large market opportunity drive the creator and the consumer to move towards digitization to create and use their IP in digital form called Digital Intellectual Property (DIP). In India the existing copyright law to protect IP is also applicable on DIP. But the same is not enough to protect the DIP in E-commerce environment and such weakness of the legal framework to accommodate the revolutionary technological changes cause a great economic loss. This discourages the creator of the DIP. The Digital Rights Management (DRM) system offers a new technological device that can be deployed in order to protect the creators from the DIP infringements caused by different kinds of attacks in the Internet during electronic transactions. Hence, this tool may also be used as a supplement to the copyright law in India particularly in E-commerce environment.
Wireless Home Automation System Using ZigBee[Full-Text] [References]Y.Usha Devi
Home Automation industry is growing rapidly; this is fuelled by provide supporting systems for the elderly and the disabled, especially those who live alone. Coupled with this, the world population is confirmed to be getting older. Home automation systems must comply with the household standards and convenience of usage. This paper details the overall design of a wireless home automation system (WHAS) which has been built and implemented. The automation centres on recognition of voice commands and uses low-power RF ZigBee wireless communication modules which are relatively cheap. The home automation system is intended to control all lights and electrical appliances in a home or office using voice commands. The system has been tested and verified. The verification tests included voice recognition response test, indoor ZigBee communication test. The tests involved a mix of 10 male and female subjects with different Indian languages. 7 different voice commands were sent by each person. Thus the test involved sending a total of 70 commands and 80.05% of these commands were recognised correctly.
Variation in Concentrations of Glucose, Oxygen and Lactic Acid with the Growth of Tumor[Full-Text] [References]Sushma Nema, V.P.Saxena
Two important nutrients required for growth of tumor cell are oxygen and glucose whose concentrations are mutually dependant in the tumor region. It is found by biology that the consumption of glucose increases with the absence of oxygen because of glycolysis process.
Analysis of power Quality in power Supplies[Full-Text] [References]Dr. RAKESH SAXENA, Mr. R.S.MANDLOI, SONALI BAROD
Power Supplies are extensively used in various electrical and electronic applications. It requires AC to DC rectification and filtering action, having advantages of high efficiency and power density. The main problem associated with these types of power supplies are injection of harmonic current in supply, which adversely affect the performance of system and more importantly causes poor power factor. Research in improved power quality utility interface has gained importance due to stringent power quality regulation and strict limits on total harmonic distortion (THD) of supply current, regulated by standards V, 2 IEC 61000-3-2 and IEEE 519-1992. In this paper, the power quality of Power Supplies is analyzed by simulate it and measuring the Total Harmonic Distortion and Power Factor. Analysis of various power supplies has been carried out using MATLAB SIMULINK environment [12].
Design of M channel Perfect Reconstruction CMFB filter bank for image compression[Full-Text] [References]ANAMIKA JAIN , ADITYA GOEL
This paper proposes an optimization method for the design of M channel perfect reconstruction cosine modulated filter (CMFB) bank. The design problem is formulated as a combination of stopband energy, passband energy, coding gain and the least square error of the overall transfer function of the filter bank. The objective function is minimized with the dc leakage free condition, as the dc leakage free condition is essential in image coding application for smooth image. The proposed method is simple, and has high design efficiency in both time and memory requirement. The performance of this algorithm is evaluated in both subjective and objective quality terms. Two design examples are included to illustrate the proposed method.
Statistical Charecterstics of Pc4 Frequiencies at Low Latitudes in India[Full-Text] [References]I. A. Ansari, K. A. Nafees
The quasi-sinusoidal variations in the Earth's magnetic field in the frequency range 6.7 - 22.2 mHz are designated as Pc4 magnetic pulsations. Using an array of three fluxgate magnetometers, established and operated by the Indian Institute of Geomagnetism (IIG) Navi Mumbai, these pulsations were recorded simultaneously at very low latitudes in India. The data recording stations were situated at Pondicherry (2.5° N), Nagpur (11.72° N), and Hanley (23.38° N) covering a geomagnetic latitudinal range of about 21°. Digital dynamic spectra for north-south (X), east-west (Y) and vertical (Z) components of the recorded data were constructed for each day for one year duration (01 January, 2005 to 31, December, 2005). The X- and Y-components of these dynamic spectra were investigated for undertaking the statistical study of the diurnal and seasonal variations of Pc4 events at all the three stations. The behavior of the analyzed data for the whole year exhibited coincident peaks in the frequencies occurring during the time interval 04 hr - 05 hr UT (09:30 hr - 10:30 hr IST). In addition the frequency variation showed 'U-type' pattern for the duration 00 hr - 10 hr UT (05:30 hr - 15:30 hr IST) and 'Inverted U-type' pattern during 12 hr - 24 hr UT (17:30 hr - 05:30 hr IST) time interval. The seasonal variations in the average frequencies were detected to be higher in local summer than in local winter. In general the average frequency tended to decrease slightly throughout the day in local winter at Hanley and Pondicherry.
Analysis Of Mobility Models Framework For Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks[Full-Text] [References]A.Manikandan and Dr. C. Suresh Gnana Dhas
Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks focusing attention from both research and industries. It is a generic mobility model providing an accurate, realistic vehicular mobility description at both macroscopic and microscopic levels. Today, mostly above this model only consider a limited macro-mobility, involving restricted vehicles movements, while little or no attention is paid to micro-mobility and its interaction with the macro-mobility counterpart. In this paper, we provide an overview and comparison of a large range of mobility models proposed for VANETs. We also initiate a capable of realistic vehicular mobility model and compare its weight on the performances of AODV and OLSR
Hybrid Power Generation[Full-Text] [References]Vidhan srivastava, Pankaj pal
Fast depletion of fossil fuels and serious pollution hazards occuring due their burning have forced us to look for the nonconventional power generation systems .Solar/wind/biomass power generating system which are based on non-conventional and renewable sources are being widely used in many parts of the world. Though these power generating systems besides being eco-friendly posses few other positive aspects , they have some or the other drawbacks, like Solar panels are too much costly and the production cost of power by using them is generally higher than the conventional process, it also not available in the night/in cloudy days, similarly Wind turbines can't operate in high or low wind speeds, Biomass plant collapses in low temperature and a geothermal power plant produces less power if the temperature of geothermal brine is low (say<120 degree celsius). In this technical paper we have designed a methodology of completely eliminating the above mentioned drawbacks by combining all four power generating systems into one single hybrid.
OCR For Handwritten Marathi Script[Full-Text] [References]Mrs.Vinaya. S. Tapkir, Mrs.Sushma.D.Shelke
Optical Character Recognition which is the original method of character recognition many times gives poor recognition rate due to error in character segmentation. Segmentation is an important task of any OCR system. It separates the image text documents into lines, words and characters. The accuracy of OCR system mainly depends on the segmentation algorithm being used. Segmentation of Handwritten Devanagari text is difficult when compared with Printed Devanagari or Printed English or any other Printed document its structural complexity and increased character set. It contains vowels, consonants. Some of the characters may overlap together. The profile based methods can only segment non-overlapping lines and characters. This paper addresses the segmentation of Handwritten Devanagari text document, the most popular script of Indian sub-continent into lines, words and characters. The proposed algorithm is based on projection profiles. Experimental results it is observed that 100% line segmentation and about 98% character segmentation accuracy can be achieved with overlapping lines, words and characters.
Pocket Wizard: A System for mobile control of Desktop PC and its Applications using Bluetooth enabled Cell Phone[Full-Text] [References]Jyoti Mishra, Meer Shizan Ali, Divya Gautam
There are various limited options available to the users when they are not connected to the internet to access their workstations. Most of the options available are tedious,expensive and unsecure.Hence there was a need for a easy to use secure application that will be able to connect the users while being offline from their cellphones and access their data regardless of their location anywhere in the world. The proposed system is based primarily on Bluetooth and Java technology and in order to achieve the idea of accesing workstation with personal mobile phone as a remote interface.;development strategies for this innovation includes two phases: Java based application platform-designed and developed for smart phones and PDAs and utilising the hardware present inside cellphone to manage and interconnect between all inside accessories based on monitoring and controlling mechanisms by Bluetooth media. This study involved design a new application that enables users to connect to their workstations remotely by the use of Bluetooth technology present in cell phones while being secure and user friendly.Once this application is installed, computer users are successfully able to connect with their workstations and control it via their Cell phones.
Client side customization of Product Lifecycle Management[Full-Text] [References]Borul Sawan S, Mule Jaykumar Yoga
This paper proposes a novel methodology of PLM system. According to industry need created new application in Teamcenter to capture the product information beyond product development according to various attributes of items which is fundamental objects used to manage the information in Teamcenter. The novel methods systematically search the database according to attributes of items and represent the result in graphical view. The administrator easily analyzes the data which save the time of data collection from cross functional teams. The output of these results is taken into reporting file format i.e. Excel sheet which is used to transfer the information to reporting tools. A case study is conducted of industry which manufactures different types of products to verify the feasibility of our method.
Efficient Memory And Low Complexity Image Compression Using Dwt With Modified Spiht Encoder[Full-Text] [References]K.SivaNagiReddy, V.Sidda Reddy, Dr.B.R.Vikram
Due to the large requirement for memory and the high complexity of computation, JPEG2000 cannot be used in many conditions especially in the memory constraint equipment. The line-based Wavelet transform was proposed and accepted because lower memory is required without affecting the result of Wavelet transform, In this paper, the improved lifting scheme is introduced to perform Wavelet transform to replace Mallat method that is used in the original line-based wavelet transform. In this a three-adder unit is adopted to realize lifting scheme. It can perform wavelet transform with less computation and reduce memory than Mallat algorithm. The corresponding HS_SPIHT coding is designed here so that the proposed algorithm is more suitable for equipment. We proposed a highly scale image compression scheme based on the Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT) algorithm. The algorithm, called Highly Scalable SPIHT (HS_SPIHT), supports High Compression efficiency, spatial and SNR scalability and provides l bit stream that can be easily adapted to give bandwidth and resolution requirements by a simple transcoder (parse). The HS_SPIHT algorithm adds the spatial scalability feature without sacrificing the SNR embeddedness property as found in the original SPIHT bit stream. Highly scalable image compression scheme based on the SPIHT algorithm the proposed algorithm used, highly scalable SPIHT (HS_SPIHT) Algorithm, adds the spatial scalability feature to the SPIHT algorithm through the introduction of multiple resolution dependent lists and a resolution-dependent sorting pass. SPIHT keeps the import features of the original SPIHT algorithm such as compression efficiency, full SNR Scalability and low complexity.
Knowledge & impact about health insurance among students at Symbiosis International University-A pilot study[Full-Text] [References]Dr. Alaka O.Chandak, Dr.Rajiv C. Yeravdekar, Maj. Gen. Dr. V. W. Tilak
Medical insurance for students in India is not mandatory at most of the universities. Students without health insurance are unlikely to access health care; which impacts the health of student community. "On campus health care Centre", has been proactive to implement Health Insurance Scheme for Students' studying at Symbiosis International University (SIU). The descriptive cross sectional comparative study is designed to investigate knowledge of 696 randomly selected students of study group (N= 8992) & 130 students of control group (N=1882). A significant association was found in control group regarding awareness of health Insurance (P < 0.01).A sample of 34 (N= 424) hospitalized insured students of SIU interviewed to study impact. This study brings out positive impact and a significant difference between the health insurance knowledge. It is essential to create awareness and educate students as a first step about health insurance to achieve positive health.
Economical Comparison of Surfactant and Water Flooding for Enhanced Oil Recovery[Full-Text] [References]Morteza Chahardahcherik, Mohammad Amin Gholamzadeh
Although waterflooding is an effective process, surfactant flooding is used to recover oil from reservoirs by wettability alteration and interfacial tension reduction. Surfactants have been identified which can lower the IFT between oil and aqueous phase. The reduction of IFT leads to mobilization of the oil by buoyancy forces. In all the enhanced oil recovery processes, flow of displacing and displaced fluid in a petroleum reservoir is affected by the wettability of the reservoir rock. Economical effectiveness is a main challenge in feasibility of any EOR method. In this study, we investigate the economical efficiency of both surfactant and water flooding by algorithm genetic optimization. One of the important optimization variables is well placement. Determining of the location of new wells is a complicated problem which depends on reservoir and fluid properties. Various methods have been suggested for this problem. Among these, direct optimization, although accurate, is impossible due to the number of simulation required.
Congestion Control using Adaptive Buffer Flow Managements in WSN[Full-Text] [References]Kiran Babu T. S, Manoj Challa, Sundeep Kumar K, Prof.M.Jitendranath
Congestion in wireless sensor networks usually occurs when the traffic is heavy, so performance of the networks depends to a great extent on how well internet works. The WSNs consists of unbelievable network load and it leads to energy wastage and packet loss. This paper presents a survey of various congestion control proposals that preserve the original Node -to-Node idea of TCP by neither sender nor receiver relies on any explicit notification from the network and buffer flow management determines how to drop or buffer the arriving packet when congestion occurs. This paper focus on a many problems, starting with the basic problem of eliminating the phenomenon of congestion collapse, and include the problems of effectively using the available network resources in different types of environments. Many other techniques have the ability to measure the loss rate, delay and bottleneck buffer size, and level of congestion in wireless sensor networks.
Solar Space Power Generation[Full-Text] [References]Gursimran Singh Sethi, Dhruv Mathur
This paper gives guidelines illustrating the various components of the Solar Space Power Generation Program and to provide a description of a fundamental system that will help to power the cities on tomorrow removing the dependence on non-renewable sources of energy. Included is the structure for using the sun's energy and transmission of up to 185.88GW per day back to the Earth at a preliminary cost of $1.577 billion. The literature also describes the economic implications of the launch, collection and transmission of the solar power program.
Study of Multi-agent Testing Techniques and Future Research Direction[Full-Text] [References]Mohammad Mottahir Alam, Asif Irshad Khan, Noor-ul-Qayyum and Abdullah Maresh Ali
Multi Agents System (MAS) is seen as the necessary software paradigm for realizing massive open distributed systems, testing the MAS evolves challenging task, there are several reasons for the MAS testing to be challenging. In this paper we mainly reported state of art Multiagent based testing techniques and its challenges and listed, some future research direction for testing Multi Agents System (MAS) are also highlighted in this paper.
Size Reduction of plus shape fractal antenna[Full-Text] [References]Jagadeesha.S, Vani R.M, P.V. Hunagund
In this paper a concept of probe feed multiband plus shape fractal antenna is presented. Fractal antenna are characterized by space filling and self-similarity properties which results in size reduction and having characteristic of generation of multiband due to self-similarity. Plus shaped antenna has been designed on a substrate of dielectric constant er=4.4 and thickness 1.6mm. The proposed antenna is characterized by a compact size and it is probe feed fractal patch of order 1/3.Design antenna gives good size reduction of about 33.8%. This antenna having ability to generate multiband frequency over the range from 1- 4Ghz .The prototype antenna is simulated using the method of moments based commercial software (IE3D) and it is found that simulated results are in good agreement with experimental results.
KDSODTEX: A Novel Technique to Extract Second Order Decision Table Using KDRuleEx[Full-Text] [References]Kamal Kumar Sethi, Durgesh Kumar Mishra, Bharat Mishra
Decision tree and decision tables are well known representational model for classification technique. Decision table is widely used due to its comprehensibility and expainability. KDRuleEx algorithm extracts accurate and comprehensible single order decision table. Many times decision tables may be lengthy due to duplication of most of the feature values. This lengthy decision table can be reduced by allowing non atomic values in decision table. A decision table having non atomic feature values is called second order decision table. An equivalent and more comprehensible second order decision table can be extracted by applying certain transformation rules on the single order decision table. In this paper, a novel algorithm KDSODTEX, for extracting second order decision table with the use of KDRuleEx has been proposed. The experiment and result shows that extracted table is more comprehensible and equivalent.