Volume 4, Issue 4, April 2013 Edition
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Geometrical modeling of a composite folded membrane by a developable membrane with parabolic guidelines of any order[Full-Text ] E.T. Olodo, E.C. Adjovi , S.N. KrivoshapkoThe geometric modeling of a folded composite membrane using method of approximation of a folded composite membrane by a developable surface with parabolic guidelines of any order is an aim of this work. This approach is carried out on a one-way expandable composite membrane with thermosetting polyester matrix reinforced by fiberglass. The geometric model is done in two steps: first one replaces the membrane of reference by a system of developable membranes from which then plane quadrilaterals arranged in a well-defined manner are constructed. This need the establishment of mono parametric equation of the family of the plans and the equation of the cuspidal edge of the developable surface basing on which it is carried out the development of algorithms for the construction of the folded composite membrane and that of the developed of the twisted membrane.
Wood panels from sawdust and wasted plastic materials: Influence of the composition mixture on density and permeability[Full-Text ] E. C. Adjovi, E. T. Olodo, F. Niang, D. Guitard, A. Foudjet, D. P. kamdemThis work presents the feasibility of recycling waste wood sawdust from furniture industries and polystyrene packaging materials as raw materials for the manufacture of wood plastic composite (WPC). This method of developing panels into polymer wood composite allows wood workers from developing countries to compensate the losses occurring during the transformation of wood into such sub-products. The process of valorization of those wastes consists of a mixture of wood particles of various granular composition with a binder made of polystyrene dissolvent in solvent (gasoline). The physical properties such as the density and the permeability have been determined. The obtained results show that the variation of the granular composition of the wood particles and of the dosage in binder influences the aspect, the density and the permeability of the composite.
FPGA Based Braille to Text & Speech For Blind Persons[Full-Text ] Prachi Rajarapollu, Stavan Kodolikar, Dhananjay Laghate, Amarsinh KhavaleBlind people are an integral part of the society. However, their disabilities have made them to have less access to computers, the Internet, and high quality educational software than the people with clear vision. Consequently, they have not been able to improve on their own knowledge, and have significant influence and impact on the economic, commercial, and educational ventures in the society. One way to narrow this widening gap and see a reversal of this trend is to develop a system, within their economic reach, and which will empower them to communicate freely and widely using the Internet or any other information infrastructure. Over time, the Braille system has been used by the visually impaired for communication and contact with the outside world. This paper presents the implementation of Braille to Text/Speech Converter on FPGA Spartan3 kit. The actual Braille language is converted into English language in normal domain. The input is given through braille keypad which consists of different combinations of cells. This input goes to the FPGA Spartan3 Kit. According to the combinations given, FPGA converts the input into corresponding english text through the decoding logic in VHDL language. After decoding, the corresponding alphabet is converted to speech through algorithm. Also it is displayed on the LCD by interfacing the LCD to the Spartan3 kit.
Factors Reducing Call Blocking Probability by Exploiting Erlang B &C Formulas [Full-Text ] Hassan Ali, Hafiz Faiz Rasool, Ashiq HussainResource sharing among the telecom subscribers focuses on different occasions when the incoming request for some particular connection cannot be entertained immediately and this call request either have to wait or has to be rejected by the server. Traffic congestion in the server depends upon the statistical parameters of user behavior which varies with time. Statistical Equilibrium can solve the problem regarding traffic congestion in the server which implies that ''the probability per unit time of a new call request arising is equal to the probability per unit time of an existing call terminating so the average number of successful connections remains more or less constant''. But this is not practical approach, because user behavior regarding telecom traffic is random.This paper illustrates that what happened to new calls which arises at that time when server has fully occupied. What will be the probability for the rejection or acceptance of the new incoming call while hitting the server. When all servers are occupied then the new call will be rejected because no path will be available to it. . The offered traffic and carried traffic are dependent on the design of our system and user behavior is independent of the system design as it is random in nature. The different assumption about the behavior of user produce significant information for both the probability distributions first is the number of occupied server and second is the loss traffic. Our work is to develop a model and to focus on the factors which will reduce the call blocking probability during overload traffic in switching system. This model is based on Erlang Formulas; we obtain call blocking probability for each type of traffic and by showing MATLAB results and mathematical models. We will examine the actual blocking occurs in system and present the new model which reduces the call blocking probability. sharing among the telecom subscribers focuses on different occasions when the incoming request for some particular connection cannot be entertained immediately and this call request either have to wait or have to be rejected by the server. Traffic congestion in the server depends upon the statistical parameters of user behavior which varies with time. Statistical Equilibrium can solve the problem regarding traffic congestion in the server which implies that ''the probability per unit time of a new call request arising is equal to the probability per unit time of an existing call terminating so the average number of successful connections remains more or less constant''.
Inter-vehicle Collision Avoidance Using Zigbee Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Umair Ali Khan, Mustafa BasitThis research paper presents a system for vehicles collision avoidance using zigbee sensors. The system developed provides timely safety information for drivers who do not have any idea of happening collision. This system calculates the distance covered by vehicle from the moment brakes are applied till it stops and the time taken by it, at variable speeds. With zigbee sensors it gives the warning to the driver in case of getting in to the proximity of other vehicle and removes any possible chance of the collision. This will help the drivers in maintaining a safe distance from other vehicles moving in front of them and will save them from the collision
Email Spam Zombies Scrutinizer In Email Sending Network Infrastructures[Full-Text ] Sathish Raja S, K.G.S. VenkatesanEmail Spammers are constantly pioneering the techniques to bypass anti-spam filters forcing many organizations to invest in spam email prevention mechanisms and solutions. Traditional email spam filters aims at analyzing the email content to characterize the best features that are commonly included in email spams. However, this is observed that a crafty trick which is designed to avoid content-based filters will be endless owing to social and economic benefits of sending email spams. In view of this particular situation, there has been many research efforts towards doing email spam detection based on the reputation of the senders rather than what is contained in the emails. Motivated by the fact that email spammers are prone to have unusual patterns/behavior and specific patterns of email communication, exploring the email social networks to detect email spams which has received much attention. Existing e-mail spam detecting system aims at analyzing the IP address of e-mail to categorize the features that are commonly found in e-mail spam. To resolve this problem an effective research has been made to create a solution that detects how the system generates that spam e-mails. In this paper a method is proposed that identifies the problem of spam e-mails. We present a procedure to generate the e-mail abstraction using HTML content in e-mail, and our newly devised abstraction can more effectively capture the near-duplicate phenomenon of spams. This can be identified by tracking the performance of machines sending e-mail, tracing the e-mail content. Moreover, we design a complete spam detection system (A Multi-level Collaborative Spam Detection System), which possesses an efficient near-duplicate matching scheme and a progressive update scheme.
A Study of cryogenicprobe design, analysis and Heat transfer [Full-Text ] M.Chandran , P.Senthil kumarCryogenic probe(or) cryoprobe are generally used for the treatment of diseased tissue in cryotherapy or cryosurgery. A new model cryoprobe was designed and simulation of was done with the help of analysis software. The cryogen Lquid nitrogen at a very low temperature was used as the working fluid .Many heat transfer mechanisms occur during cryosurgery Penne s Bioheat equations are used to find the heat transfer .Results show a significant enhancement in the freezing heat transfer. Both ice volume and surface area of heat transfer can be increased using cryobrobes with large diameter and also an increase in hydraulic diameter, there was a delay in the saturation boiling of the working fluid .A new technique called cryonanosurgery is introduced to solve the main problem in cryosurgery. In cryonanosurgery nanoparticle are injected with cryogenic surgery to maximize the freezing and there by minimize the surrounding healthy tissues being frozen. This was done with the help of a tool called cryospray (or) cryojet (or)cryogun with different types of cryoprobes, till ice ball is formed.Nanoparticles are loaded with functional solution and injected into the target tissue. Addition of nanoparticle into biological environment increases the tissue conductivity and significantly increases freezing effects and results in more ice nucleation and also helps to get better image at the edge of tumorwhich are very much needed for the successes cryosurgery.
Beam Port Leakage Problem in the BAEC TRIGA Mark-II Research Reactor and the Corrective Measures Implemented[Full-Text ] A. Zahed Chowdhury, M A Zulquarnain, A Kalam, A Rahman, M A Salam, M A Sarder, M R I Khondoker, M M RahmanThe 3MW TRIGA Mark-II research reactor (RR) of Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC), which has been in operation since 1986. It has four Beam Ports (BPs). Two of the BPs remained plugged with the beam port plugs (mainly a graphite shield plug) for about 23 years. When Beam Port plugs were removed, it was found to be leaking in Radial BP-1 and Leakage of water came to the notice of the reactor operation personnel after a couple of days. The leak developed due to corrosion was found in the aluminum part of the BP which is located inside the reactor pool at a depth of about 8 m. Condensate accumulated in the annular space between the graphite plug and inner wall of the aluminum beam port initiated the corrosion. Finally, water leakage was stopped by installing a split type encirclement clamp (STEC) around the damaged part of the BP by some remote handling mechanisms, designed and fabricated locally. The paper presents in detail the description of the leakage problem, root cause analysis and the remedial measures implemented so as to make the reactor operational again for normal operations.
Energy and Coverage Efficient Static Node Deployment Model for Wireless Sensor Network[Full-Text ] Ragib Shakil Rafi, Md. Mizanur Rahman, Nishat Sultana, Mahmud HossainWSNs are energy constrained, and recent works are being carried out by many engineers and scientists to make the WSNs more energy efficient. Primarily, WSNs can be categorized into two types: random and deterministic. We have concentrated our research interest to design an energy efficient deterministic WSN. In this paper, a Seven Node Hexagonal Deployment (SNHD) scheme is proposed i.e. hexagonal deployment with an additional node at the centre of every hexagon. It has been proved by mathematical analysis and MATLAB simulation that our proposed model is more energy efficient and have higher lifetime compared to Tri-Hexagon-Tiling (THT), Square grid, and LEACH random node deployment. Moreover, by mathematical analysis it has also been shown that SNHD deployment scheme requires less number of nodes to cover any region compared to other methods.
Information Retrieval using Soft Computing: An Overview[Full-Text ] Md. Abu Kausar, Md. Nasar, Sanjeev Kumar SinghInformation retrieval is a broad research area generally in the World Wide Web (WWW). A huge Repository of web pages, images in the World Wide Web causes result which search engines provide, it holds a lot of irrelevant information. Thus, finding the information which user needs has become hard and complicated, so that proper retrieval of information has become more important. Facing with these challenges, using of new techniques such as genetic algorithm, differential evaluation, artificial neural network, ant colony algorithm can be a suitable method to solve these problems. In this paper we will investigate the use of these techniques in information retrieval.
Energy Saving Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Mr. Santosh N. Shelke, Mr. Sandip R. ShindeWireless Sensor Network nodes are battery powered nodes. Main focus of this article is to reduce the energy wastage and increase the lifetime of Wireless Sensor network by balancing the energy level of all nodes in network. Sensor nodes are small, cheap; resource limited devices and sensing the environment and communicating with each other. It consumes energy to transmit, to forward and to receive the data over network. Network lifetime is depends on energy level of nodes, depends on processing power of node, memory and transmitter power. Transmitting speed and receiving speed are differing from node to node. Saving more energy of sensor node by using energy efficient algorithms, the network lifetime will get increased. Survey is based on different techniques, which are to avoid the energy wastage of nodes in network and its success
A Comparative Study of Profit Analysis of Two Reliability Models on a 2-unit PLC System[Full-Text ] Dr. Bhupender Parashar, Dr. Nitin BhardwajA two-unit PLC system is analysed with two different situations resulting in to two models. In first model two identical units are used in hot standby and no priority regarding operation/ repair is set for any of the units. While in the other model two units are used in hot standby on master-slave basis. The slave unit can also fail but generally its failure rate is lower than that of the master unit. Priority is given to the repair of minor fault over the major fault. In other cases of failure, priority for repair is given to the master unit. Also, priority for operation is given to the master unit. For various measures of system effectiveness the expressions are obtained and a comparative study of both the models is done for the profit with respect to various parameters followed by the conclusion.
Mapreduce Performance in Heterogeneous Environments: A Review[Full-Text ] Salma Khalil, Sameh A.Salem, Salwa Nassar and Elsayed M.SaadMapreduce has become an important distributed processing model for large-scale data-intensive application like data mining and web indexing. Hadoop, an open-source implementation of Mapreduce, is widely used for short jobs requiring low response time. Mapreduce and Hadoop do not fundamentally consider heterogeneity of node and workload running in computer clusters. The current Hadoop implementation assumes that computing nodes in the cluster are homogeneous in nature. In this article, we survey some of the approaches that have been designed to improve the Mapreduce performance in heterogeneous environments.
Real time deployment of warning system using WSN[Full-Text ] Lince MathewThe objectives of this paper is to deploy a wireless sensory network using strain gauges and analyze the performance of it, at different conditions and make the communication from those sensors in an optimized way so that sensing can be done in an economical way. As the name suggests, the deployment of a WSN including strain gauge sensors can be done, and the performance analysis is also done to know the behavior of the bridge at various site conditions. This paper is concentrating on different modules, and it deals with a complete sensing mechanism that can send the monitored data to all over the world, so that anyone can access and analyze at any time. The efforts of this study have been chiefly focused upon two aspects; how effi-ciently the bridge behavior can be studied if the sensors are placed wirelessly and how the sensor performance varies with dif-ferent conditions applied to it.
Improving RFID Tag Efficiency by QAM Backscatter Modulation[Full-Text ] T.S. Ajitha, V.BhanumathiTraditional passive UHF RFID tags employ backscatter modulation to communicate data from memory or sensors on the tag to a remotely located reader. When compared with binary amplitude shift keying (ASK) or phase shift keying (PSK) based RFID systems, which transmit 1 bit of data per symbol period, and thus 1 bit per on-chip clock oscillator period, tags employing vector backscatter modulation can transmit more than 1 bit per symbol period. This increases the data rate for a given on-chip symbol clock rate leading to reduced on-chip power consumption and extended read range. The performance of the backscatter uplink involves improvement in spectral efficiency and data rate. The spectral efficiency is determined by the constellation choice used. By increasing the constellation order, spectral efficiency doubles but causes further power loss per bit. Hence a new modulation scheme is proposed to balance the normalized power loss per bit and the increased spectral efficiency. Here, a 16-QAM modulation scheme with forward error control coding is proposed to achieve the desired performance. Device-level simulation and measurements of a sixteen-state quadrature amplitude modulated (16-QAM) modulator are provided for a passive tag operating in the 850-950-MHz band. This modulator transmits QAM at a symbol rate of 200 kHz with a static power dissipation of only 115nW.
Improving the Image Quality in Adverse Atmospheric Conditions by Using Partially Overlapped Sub-Block Histogram Equalization[Full-Text ] Debasmita Hazra Nekhil Baid Harshita PalAdverse atmospheric conditions such as fog, haze, rain modulate the information carried form a certain point in any scene to the observer such that the colour of landscape and the image contrast are eventually degraded. The resulting image has vague and covered features, thereby hampering the proper functioning of outdoor vision and transport systems. Using region growth method, the sky region is removed and then POSHE is applied on the remaining part of the image. Any blocking effect that might be caused, is removed by using BERF (blocking-effect reduction filter), thereby improving the image quality. This paper also demonstrates that image enhanced by POSHE algorithm has better clarity and definition than enhanced by Histogram Equalization.
Power Demand of Transformers In Commercial Nerve Centres In Nigeria - Benin City As A Case Study[Full-Text ] G. I. Ighalo & B. OmatahundeSince independence, Nigeria has never known constant power supply and smooth distribution of power. Power demand is of paramount interest to the electrical engineer concerned with the generation, transmission, and economic implications of electric energy. This situation is so due to the technical and economic implications of electric energy production/consumption. Benin City as one of the load infested areas in Nigeria could provide a solution to the problem of stabilizing power supply in Nigeria if carefully studied. This study reveals that the power demand in Benin City has been on the increase. This is an eye opener to the PHCN (Power Holding Company of Nigeria), which must take appropriate measures necessary to accommodate this increasing power demand. The study further reveals that the Brewery factory in Guinness injection substation has the highest load density with a value of 102.0 VA/m2 this is due to the running of motors for 24/7 hours. The lowest load density is that from the Dam feeder in Ikpoba Dam., with a value of 0.3VA/m2.
Privacy Manager For Data Sharing In The Cloud[Full-Text ] SHAHNA FATHIMA S , S M NANDHAGOPALCLOUD computing presents a new way to supplement the current consumption and delivery model for IT services based on the Internet, by providing for dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources as a service over the Internet. Cloud Information Accountability (CIA) framework, based on the notion of information accountability. Unlike privacy protection technologies which are built on the hide-it-or-lose-it perspective, information accountability focuses on keeping the data usage transparent and track able. Our proposed CIA framework provides end-to-end accountability in a highly distributed fashion. One of the main innovative features of the CIA framework lies in its ability of maintaining lightweight and powerful accountability that combines aspects of access control, usage control and authentication. By means of the CIA, data owners can track not only whether or not the service-level agreements are being honored, but also enforce access and usage control rules as needed. Associated with the accountability feature, we also develop two distinct modes for auditing: push mode and pull mode. The push mode refers to logs being periodically sent to the data owner or stakeholder while the pull mode refers to an alternative approach whereby the user (or another authorized party) can retrieve the logs as needed.
Effect of Lime on Engineering Characteristics of Sand[Full-Text ] Pooja Khurana, R.K.Yadav, A.K.SinghaiThe main aim of the study is to analyze the change in engineering properties of sand with the addition of lime. Permeability, Compaction and Shear strength are the properties which are analyzed in this study. Falling head permeameter test was conducted to assess the permeability characteristics of sand mixed with 6%, 10%, 15% and 20% of lime by weight of sand. Test results indicate that the permeability of sand has reduced after the addition of lime from 10-3cm/sec to 10-5cm/sec. Change in compaction characteristics has also been observed; there is slight increment in values of OMC from 8.3% to 12.82%. Direct shear tests were also conducted to assess the shear strength parameters. For the mixtures with lime content varying from 0 to 20%, the corresponding angle of internal friction reduces from 38° to 35° degrees and increase in cohesion intercept from 0.01 kg/cm2 to 0.03 kg/cm2.
Influence of Blast Furnace Slag on the Consistency Limits of the Black Cotton Soil[Full-Text ] Noorina Tarannum, R.K. Yadav.Constructions on the expansive soils are being reported with problems worldwide by practising engineers. In India, black cotton soil is the main expansive type of soil, due to its extensive presence throughout the stretch of the country. The soil produces damaging effects over the structure constructed over it due to the voluminous variations with the moisture content. The problematic properties of the Black cotton soil are to be dealt within order to decrease the detrimental effect on the civil engineering structure for prolonged life. Many experiments are done to improve the engineering properties of the soil. This paper presents the variation in the index properties of the black cotton soil due the addition of Blast furnace slag. The Blast furnace slag is an industrial waste product obtained during steel manufacturing. It has been observed that the plasticity characteristics of BC soil improves cosiderably on addition of BFS.
Effect of Filler Parameter on Morphology of Graphite Filled Epoxy Composites[Full-Text ] Subita Bhagat and Pardeep Kumar VermaGeneral purpose epoxy resin (araldite{LY-554}) was used as matrix reinforced with graphite as filler in varying weight fractions to form composites to study their morphological response using X-Ray Diffractrometer. Graphite filler fraction was varied as 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8% by weight of total composite system. The amount of catalyst i.e., (Aliphatic amine {HY-951}) 1% as constant of the total weight of resin. The study revealed that the properties of the composites mainly depended on dispersion condition of filler particles, particle size and aggregate structure.
Cracking strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete shallow beams under impact actions[Full-Text ] James H Haido, Ismaeel H. MusaThe relationship between impact resistance of steel fiber reinforced concrete wide beams and the length of steel fiber used have been investigated in present endeavor. Two fiber sizes have been adopted in current experiments namely 2 cm and 4 cm with two shapes which are hooked ends and corrugated. The impact resistance of concrete wide beams has been measured in terms of number of blows required to make first crack, first diagonal crack and collapse of the beams. Finite element analysis has been implemented for the beams by using tetrahedral and hexahedral elements in ANSYS Workbench 14. Regression analysis was employed to find reasonable relationships for impact capacity and ductility of the wide beams in terms of long fiber contents. It was concluded that the long fibers improved the ductility and impact resistance of wide beam by a percentage of 45.66% more than that in case of using short fibers. Present finite element simulation proved the validity of using the tetrahedral elements with RHT nonlinear model in ANSYS for the case of steel fiber reinforced concrete shallow beams.
Flyback with Half Wave Rectifier for Single Stage Power Factor Correction [Full-Text ] K.Umamaheswari, V.VenkatachalamThe flyback converter type single-stage converter and a half wave rectifier with time-multiplexing control (TMC) for power factor correction is proposed. It has the advantage of better magnetic core utilization and better performance for high power applications. The major portion of the input is transferred to the load through ac-dc conversion. And the part of the input power is delivered to the auxiliary output through the flyback conversion and stored in the capacitor. The voltage ripple of the main output can also be reduced. With TMC the power processes can be achieved by single transformer to reduce the cost and the size of the converter. The simulation result of the proposed converter presents, simplicity, high power factor with low cost and size.
Ethanol Synthesis Using Yeast Anchored on Calcium Alginate and Clay Support[Full-Text ] Lilian Amen Osawemwenze, Gideon Majiyebo AdogboGlucose fermentation was investigated using yeast (saccharomyces cerevisiae) as free cells immobilized on calcium alginate and clay supports to compare their ethanol yields. The substrate concentrations of 312, 260, 208, 156 and 104g/L were fed into batch and fedbatch fermenters on both supports. Immobilization of yeast cells using clay support gave higher ethanol product yield in both batch and fedbatch contact processes compared to the calcium alginate support. The fedbatch process gave higher ethanol yield and efficiency compared to the batch process as a result of substrate inhibition and catabolite repression in the batch process. At substrate concentration of 208g/L, the ethanol yield appeared to be independent of the feed contacting pattern for both supports.
Detecting Dormant And Malicious Transmission Nodes In Fault Tolerent Cloud Computing Environment[Full-Text ] J.UDAYA KUMAR, V.HARIPRIYA, K.VEMBOU, S.SELVASEKARAN, VajraNaga Vikas.TAs the increase in the computing resources exceeds the computing performance the distributed system or develop and used to overcome these disadvantages. It is necessary to overcome the fault situation occurring during the access of multiple resources in cloud computing environment. These distributed systems always follow a certain agreement protocol to recover from unwanted deadlock situation. Dual agreement protocol achieves this, by transferring minimum number of messages among all the nodes. The dormant or faulty transmission node is always problem in the dual agreement protocol. In this project, we propose a modified fault tolerance algorithm to detect dormant and to locate malicious transmission in the distributed systems. In a cloud-computing environment, the connected topology is not very significant. Therefore, previous protocols for the agreement problem are not suitable for a cloud-computing environment. To enhance fault-tolerance, the agreement problem in a cloud-computing environment is revisited in this study. The proposed protocol is called the Dual Agreement Protocol of Cloud-Computing (DAPCC). DAPCC achieves agreement on a common value among all nodes in a minimal number of message exchange rounds, and can tolerate a maximal number of allowable faulty components in a cloud-computing environment.
Solving Ccomplexity of Structural Clones by using Clone Mining Tool[Full-Text ] Mr.S.B.Wakurdekar, Mrs.Y.C.KulkarniCode clones are similar program structures recurring in variant forms in software system(s). Several techniques have been proposed to detect similar code fragments in software, so-called simple clones. Identification and subsequent unification of simple clones is beneficial in software maintenance. Even further gains can be obtained by elevating the level of code clone analysis. We observed that recurring patterns of simple clones often indicate the presence of interesting higher-level similarities that we call structural clones. Structural clones show a bigger picture of similarity situation than simple clones alone. Being logical groups of simple clones, structural clones alleviate the problem of huge number of clones typically reported by simple clone detection tools, a problem that is often dealt with post detection visualization techniques. Detection of structural clones can help in understanding the design of the system for better maintenance and in reengineering for reuse, among other uses. In this paper, we propose a technique to detect some useful types of structural clones. The novelty of our approach includes the formulation of the structural clone concept and the application of data mining techniques to detect these higher-level similarities. We describe a tool called Clone Miner that implements our proposed technique. We assess the usefulness and scalability of the proposed techniques via several case studies. We discuss various usage scenarios to demonstrate in what ways the knowledge of structural clones adds value to the analysis based on simple clones alone.
Correcting Color Changes In Underwater Images Using Napc Algorithm[Full-Text ] K.PRABHAKARAN In this paper, I propose a No black pixel constraints algorithm. This algorithm to remove the haze and light scattering from underwater images. Light scattering is caused by light incident of object reflected and deflected multiple times by particles present in water before reaching the camera. This the reason for turn lower visibility and color deviation of the image captured by camera. Color change caused by light travelling in the water for different wavelength. This paper propose a novel systematic approach to enhance the underwater images by NBPC algorithm.NBPC algorithm to calculate PSNR and MSE.NBPC algorithm output more efficient compare to (WCID)Wavelength compensation and image dehazing approach.
Generation and Transmission of Electrical Power through Solar Power Satellite (SPS)[Full-Text ] Mr. Gaurav Tanwar, Asstt. Prof. Mohd. Ilyas, Mr. Raj Kumar SinghIn this paper a new technique is discussed to generate and transmit electrical power using solar power. The solar energy can be converted into electrical energy by using solar cells. Solar energy is available in large amount continuously in free space which can be utilized by solar power satellite (SPS) to convert it into electrical form. This electrical power can be transmitted to the earth using microwave technology which can be received by using rectifying antenna placed on the ground. Rectenna must have a diameter of about 2-3 Km range.
Data Mining Techniques For CRM[Full-Text ] R.Senkamalavalli, Dr.T.BhuvaneswariThe way in which companies interact with their customers has changed dramatically over the past few years. A customer's containing business is no longer guaranteed. As a result, companies have found that they need to understand their customers better, and to quickly respond to their wants and needs. In addition, the time frame in which these responses need to be made ahas been shrinking. It is no longer possible to wait until the signs of customer dissatisfaction are obvious before action must be taken. To succeed, companies must be proactive and anticipate what a customer desires. In this paper we are going to discuss the Data Mining techniques used in Customer Relationship Management.
Performance enhancement of EZ-Source inverter using induction motor[Full-Text ] N.Gurusakthi, R.SivaprasadSince the Z-Source element has fewer complexes they are used mainly for buck-boost energy conversion with the help of passive elements. The further advancement in the Z-Source is the Embedded EZ-Source inverter that can produce the same gain as Z-Source inverter. The input to the Embedded EZ-Source inverter is been obtained from solar cell .Therein the ripples which we obtain from the output voltage of solar cell is filtered using Z-Filter. Pure DC is given to the three-phase inverter, followed by the conversion to balanced AC. The output of the Embedded EZ Source inverter is used to control the harmonics present in the load. The entire process is analysed with the help of MATLAB-SIMULINK
A Study on Upcoming Trends in Elderly Home Monitoring System[Full-Text ] N.Beaulah, Prof.AL.KumarappanWireless-sensor-networks add extra advantage combined with the advancements in MEMS technology. These are nowadays widely used in the bio-medical applications. WSN based home monitoring system for elderly activity behaviour. By regular monitoring we can determine the wellness of elderly. The system can also be used to monitor physiological parameters, such as temperature and heart rate, of a human subject. Using MEMS sensors to detect falls and to measure different vital signs, the person is wirelessly monitored within his own house; this gives privacy to the elderly people. The captured signals are then wirelessly transmitted to an access point located within the patients' home. This connectivity is based on wireless data transmission at 2.4-GHz frequency. The access point is also a small box attached to the Internet through a home asynchronous digital subscriber line router. Afterwards, the data are sent to the hospital via the Internet in real time for analysis and/or storage. Programmed system will minimize the number of false messages to be sent to care provider and supports inhabitant through suitable prompts and action to be performed when there is irregular behaviour in the daily activity.
Al Huda International Transforming Lives of Urban Women in Pakistan[Full-Text ] Juhi Naveed, Anwaar MohyuddinThis paper is an attempt to understand and discover the factors behind enhancing style of looking for Islamic details by the urban women and the element that Al Huda is suffering from, in exercising these females. The situation of Al Huda is described because it is one of the most well-known spiritual companies offering the needs of the urban women. Examining the situation of Al Huda, the analysis speaks about the effect of Islamic details acquired by these females on their lifestyles. The purpose for doing this analysis is to evaluate the ever enhancing popularity of spiritual academic companies, other than the traditional madrasas, which provides an exciting and awesome group sciences and anthropological subjects. The outcomes from the analysis expose that females are drawn towards getting Islamic details due to broad variety of factors such as the newest globally and nationwide events; lack of Islamic knowledge; individual attention to comprehend Islam more thoroughly; and incident of a way of lifestyle enhancing event. This research was conducted in Al Huda H-11/4 Islamabad, Pakistan. Qualitative anthropological techniques were used to collect empirical data.
Impact of Intellectual Property Rights On Indigenous Knowledge: Indian Context[Full-Text ] Muragendra B. T. It is estimated that there are more than 370 million indigenous people spread across 70 countries worldwide. Practicing unique traditions, they retain social, cultural, economic and political characteristics that are distinct from those of the dominant societies in which they live In recent years, globalization and advances in the creation of new information technology and biotechnology have resulted in new forms of Intellectual Property (IP) laws. Intellectual property created by the application of human mind.. Because of IP Laws Indigenous peoples have become victims of biopiracy when they are subjected to unauthorized use of their natural resources, of their traditional knowledge on these biological resources, of unequal share of benefits between them and a patent holder. Biopiracy may be defined as "the appropriation of the knowledge and genetic resources of farming and indigenous communities by individuals or institutions seeking exclusive monopoly control (usually patents or plant breeders' rights) over these resources and knowledge." Thus there is a need to protect traditional knowledge of indigenous people which can be done by Protecting TK as a trade Secret, Creating a worldwide extensive database of existing Traditional knowledge, evolving a Sui Generis System for traditional knowledge and nevertheless by an active role of Judiciary.
How To Combine Engines To Achieve High Speed, Hypersonic Speed, Speed of Light And Even Higher -applications[Full-Text ] Nowadays researchers are discovering distant stars and even habitable planets and others are struggling to see if they can breach the speed of light when accelerating particles. The problem is, how to go there or say that particles are they going to take us there? Also, people wonder if there may be any way we can move faster than ever. Considering all these issues, I'd like to propose my Idea to how we can accelerate objects to any speed we want using available and simple technologies.
Domain of Relativistic Mechanics[Full-Text ] Pradeep KoshyIt is astonishing to note that ,Special Relativity Theory Equations are incongruous beyond half the speed of light, by mere Number Theory considerations ,specifically 'time dilation' and 'length contraction' equations. Nevertheless, there is an exception to this theory,for particles of masses less than 1kg, or time intervals between events which are less than 1s or length contraction less than 300000km ,where it could be absolutely accurate as Einstein predicted and therefore it implies,these could change upto only 13.3%.
Improvement of mechanical properties of FCC & HCP structured materials processed by Equal Channel Angular Pressing[Full-Text ] Muralidhar Avvari, Narendranath S, Shivananda Nayaka HEqual channel angular pressing (ECAP) is a simple technique used to refine the grains to nanometer size of materials. In the current work is to study the evaluation of microstructure in order to improve mechanical properties of pure aluminum (Al) and AZ31 alloy through ECAP up to two passes. The average grain diameter was significantly reduced to 5µm for aluminum at room temperature and for AZ31 alloy is reduced to 2.8µm at 360 °C. The mechanical properties of these materials were significantly improved with decreasing the grain size diameter as increasing the number of passes. In addition, percentage elongation of aluminum was decreased but in AZ31 alloy it was increased around 7.3% after two passes. The hardness of Al and AZ31 alloy has been found to be increased as 10.6% and 41.2% respectively by increasing number of passes.
Comparing the Methods Used to Detect the Signs[Full-Text ] Sina Layazali, Yaser Ahangari Nanehkaran, Sajjad Bagheri Baba AhmadiToday in the world of technology many applications have been introduced to detect the particular objects from captured images for different goals. One of these programs that need contribution of software and hardware together, is road sign detection that has ability to recognize the road signs automatically in traffic scene images. In this article our main goal is to compare methods that are used in this field such as neural network or other classification techniques which have being improved and to present the advantages and disadvantages of the methods. This comparing comprises the three following steps: road sign detection, classification and GUI. GUI performs as a bond between users and the algorithm, which can detect the signs. In fact GUI makes a proper situation for user to work with the system. Moreover, the actual imaging processing comprises color space transforming and color thresholding that is used to determine the presentation of the road signs unerringly.
Effect of Smokes of Thermal Power Stations on Terrestrial Plants.[Full-Text ] DR. L.P. DALAL. The experiment was conducted to know the effect of smokes of thermal power stations on terrestrial vegetation to adjacent area of KTPS, of Nagpur District(M.S). It was reported that in Azadirachta indica and Dalbergia sissoo, the stomatal index (SI), stomatal frequency (SF) touched the minimum up to the site III. The concentration of total chlorophyll was lowest upto site III and recovered thereafter. Carotenoid content also exhibited a similar trend. The total chlorophyll content was severely affected by air pollutants. But the only genus Prosopis juliflora does not exhibit and prominent effect on stomatal index, stomtatal frequency, total chlorophyll and carotenoid concentration. The results of heavy metal contents indicated a significantly different heavy metal uptake pattern. The plant species P. juliflora showed a significantly higher Fe uptake than that of observed with other two species. The estimated inter plant heavy metal uptake variation between selected plant species was significantly (ANOVA, P < 0.05) different. The results obtained during this study showed that P juliflora was higher metal uptake capacity indicating its possible use as a biomarker for early detection of heavy metal pollution due to various industrial activities.
Development of A Model For The Estimation of Water Treatment Cost: A Data Mining Approach [Full-Text ] ABDULLAHI MOHAMMED EVUTIA model based on data mining approach for the estimation of water treatment cost is presented. The model was developed using multivariable regression method based on the industrial data collected from Kaduna North water treatment plant for a period of one year. Comparison of the result from the simulation of the model and observed data shows a good prediction with a correlation coefficient of 0.9921.
Measures for reducing transmission and distribution losses of Pakistan[Full-Text ] M.A. Khan, S. Badshah, I.U. Haq, F. HussainElectricity is the backbone of economic stature of every country in current era. Many different ways have been devised to produce electricity and this exploration is still not seeing its end. But efficient Transmission and Distribution (T&D) of power is always a headache for supply companies especially in countries like Pakistan where short fall of electric power is already being faced. This paper shows percentage T&D losses by various electric supply companies of Pakistan, comparison of overall T&D losses of Pakistan with various countries of South Asia, Middle East, Europe, Africa etc and reasons for such high T&D losses. Short and long term measures for reducing these T&D losses of Pakistan.
Application of Box Behnken design to optimize the parameters for turning Inconel 718 using coated carbide tools[Full-Text ] M Manohar, Jomy Joseph, T Selvaraj, D SivakumarThis paper discusses the use of Box Behnken design approach to plan the experiments for turning Inconel 718 alloy with an overall objective of optimizing the process to yield higher metal removal, better surface quality and lower cutting forces. Response Surface methodology (RSM) has been adopted to express the output parameters (response functions) that are decided by the input process parameters. RSM also quantifies the relationship between the variable input parameters and the corresponding output parameters. RSM designs allow us to estimate interaction and even the quadratic effects, and hence, give us an idea of the shape of the response surface we are investigating. Box-Behnken design is having the maximum efficiency for an experiment involving three factors and three levels; further, the number of experiments conducted for this is much lesser compared to a central composite design. The proposed Box-Behnken design requires 15 runs of experiment for data collection and modeling the response surface. Design expert software was used to design the experiment and randomize the runs. Regression model was developed and its adequacy was statistically verified with ANOVA to predict the values of output parameters at nearly all conditions. Further the model was validated by performing experiments, taking three sets of random input values to ensure repeatability. The output parameters measured through experiments (actual values) are in good match with the predicted values using the model. Using 'Design-expert' software, 2D surface plots and 3D contour plots were generated for the RSM evolved. Such plots explicitely give an idea of the dominating process variable over others and the order of dominance; further the plots exhibit the trend of variables' interaction in the process.
Moving object tracking based on position vectors[Full-Text ] V.Purandhar Reddy, Y.B.Dawood, K.M.Yaagna Theja, C.Munesh, M.V.L.Sraavani, K.Thirumala ReddyIn this paper, a novel algorithm for moving object tracking based on position vectors has proposed. The position vector of an object in first frame of a video has been extracted based on selection of ROI. Region of Interest (ROI) is a cropped image in a first frame. In this algorithm, object motion has shown in nine different directions based on the position vector in the first frame. We extract nine position vectors for nine different directions. With these position vectors second frame is cropped into nine blocks. We exploit block matching of the first frame with nine blocks of the next frame in a simple feature space. The matched block is considered as tracked block and its position vector is a reference location for the next successive frame. We describe algorithm in detail to perform simulation experiments of object tracking which verifies the tracking algorithm efficiency.
Study of Interference Between The Ondo State Radio/Television Coorporation (Osrc) Akure, And Independent Television (ITV) Benin City[Full-Text ] G. I. Ighalo; & A. OsaigbovoThis study aims at analyzing the pattern of interference that exists between the two neighbouring radio and television stations - the ITV Benin and the OSRC Akure. In this regard the poor television signal reception at Akure, Okitipupa, Owo all in Ondo state and Ewu, Ogua, Izakagbo all in Edo State are noted. Data collected through measurement and calculations (using the inverse square law model) verify the existence of interference due to adjacent channel signal propagation between the OSRC and ITV respectively.
Work-Power-Time Theorem[Full-Text ] Rupesh Kumar ChoudharyWork-Energy Theorem used to understand relation between work and energy. In this paper work-power-time theorem derived mathematically which explains relationship between work, power and time. Other than that power-time (PT), work-time (WT) and work-power (WP) equations are derived. It is useful to understand how they are related to each other and what will happen if any of them is constant.
A Study on the Testing of VLSI Systems Using Reduced Power Consumption Methods[Full-Text ] Debasmita HazraThis paper deals with the low power methods available for the testing of VLSI Systems. The problems faced have been analyzed and the solutions available are discussed. Since extra power consumption can result in severe hazards, it becomes vital that methods which are power efficient and also safe are devised. The lower power testing methods allow non- destructive testing of VLSI system.